public function loadViewState() { $this->viewState = mrequest($this->id); if ($this->viewState) { $s = base64_decode($this->viewState); $this->variables = unserialize($s); } }
public function addControl($control) { $control->addEvent("click", "dojo.publish('{$this->getName()}ChangeValue',[manager.byId('{$control->getId()}').get('value')]);", false); $control->setName($this->name); parent::addControl($control); $value = $this->value ?: mrequest($this->name) ?: $this->default; $control->setChecked($control->getValue() == $value); }
public function getControlsFromOptions($options) { $name = $this->name; $controls = array(); if (!$options) { $options = array(); } if (!is_array($options)) { $options = array($options); } $n = count($options); for ($i = 0; $i < $n; $i++) { // we will accept an array of MCheckBox ... if ($options[$i] instanceof MCheckBox) { $controls[] = clone $options[$i]; } else { // we will accept an array of MOption ... if ($options[$i] instanceof MOption) { $oName = $name . '_' . $options[$i]->name; $oLabel = $options[$i]->label; $oValue = $options[$i]->value; $oChecked = $options[$i]->checked || $oValue == mrequest($oName); } elseif (is_array($options[$i])) { $oName = $name . '_' . $i; $oLabel = $options[$i][0]; $oValue = $options[$i][1]; $oChecked = $oValue == mrequest($oName); } else { $oName = $name . '_' . $i; $oLabel = $oValue = $options[$i]; $oChecked = $oValue == mrequest($oName); } $option = new MCheckBox($oName, $oValue, $oLabel, $oChecked, $oLabel); if ($options[$i] instanceof MOption) { $option->attrs = $options[$i]->attrs; } $controls[] = $option; } } return $controls; }
/** * Compatibility * @param <type> $data */ public function eventHandler($data = NULL) { $eventTarget = mrequest('__EVENTTARGET') ?: mrequest('event'); if ($eventTarget) { if (method_exists($this, $eventTarget)) { $this->{$eventTarget}($data); } else { $eventTarget .= '_click'; if (method_exists($this, $eventTarget)) { $this->{$eventTarget}($data); } } } }
public function request($vars, $component_name = '', $from = 'ALL') { $value = ''; if ($vars != '') { $value = mrequest($vars, $from); if (!isset($value)) { if (!$component_name) { $value = $this->state->get($vars); } else { $value = $this->state->get($vars, $component_name); } } } return $value; }
public function invokeHandler($m, $handler) { global $context, $module, $action, $item, $session, $page, $auth, $perms, $navbar, $theme, $history, $self, $url; if ($handler == '') { return false; } //$this->data = $data; $this->action = $handler; $app = Manager::getApp(); if ($m == '' || $m == $app) { $module = $app; $path = Manager::getAppPath() . '/controllers/'; } else { $module = $m; $path = Manager::getModulePath($module, 'controllers/'); } //mdump("Handler:invokeHandler: [$module][$handler]"); $context = Manager::getContext(); $action = $context->getAction(); $self = $context->getAction(); $item = mrequest('item'); $session = Manager::getSession(); $navbar = new MNavigationBar(); //$view = Manager::getView($module, 'handler', $action); $page = $this->theme; $url = Manager::getCurrentURL(); $auth = Manager::getAuth(); $perms = Manager::getPerms(); $theme = $this->theme; $file = $path . $handler . '.inc.php'; //mdump('Handler:invokeHandler: file : ' . $file); if ($return = file_exists($file)) { include $file; } return $return; }
/** * Inicialização do Framework. * Método chamado para inicializar os atributos da classe Manager e registrar os AutoloadPaths. * @param string $configFile Arquivo de configuração do Maestro * @param string $basePath Diretório onde o Maestro está instalado * @param string $app Aplicação a ser executada. */ public static function init() { $debug = self::getConf('maestro.debug.enabled'); if ($debug) { $mode = self::getConf('maestro.options.mode') == 'DEV' ? Tracy\Debugger::DEVELOPMENT : Tracy\Debugger::PRODUCTION; Tracy\Debugger::enable($mode, self::$maestroPath . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'log'); Tracy\Debugger::$logSeverity = self::getConf('maestro.debug.severity'); Tracy\Debugger::$strictMode = self::getConf('maestro.debug.strictMode'); Tracy\Debugger::$maxDepth = self::getConf('maestro.debug.maxDepth'); // default: 3 Tracy\Debugger::$maxLen = self::getConf('maestro.debug.maxLen'); // default: 150 } error_reporting(self::getConf('maestro.debug.severity')); // Maestro 1.0 compatibility // self::addAutoloadClass('mlogin', self::$classPath . '/Security/MLoginMaestro1.php'); // Session self::$session = new MSession(); self::$session->init($_REQUEST['sid'] === '0' ? 0 : mrequest('sid')); self::$baseURL = self::$request->getBaseURL(false); Manager::logMessage('[RESET_LOG_MESSAGES]'); /* if (self::$java = ($_SERVER["SERVER_SOFTWARE"] == "JavaBridge")) { require_once (self::$home . "/java/"); self::$javaContext = java_context(); self::$javaServletContext = java_context()->getServletContext(); } * */ self::getLogin(); self::$msg = new MMessages(self::getSession()->lang ?: self::getOptions('language')); self::$msg->loadMessages(); self::$mode = self::getOptions("mode"); date_default_timezone_set(self::getOptions("timezone")); setlocale(LC_ALL, self::getOptions("locale")); //self::$mad = self::getConf('maestro.mad.module'); self::$app = self::getConf(''); register_shutdown_function("shutdown"); }
public function generateData() { if ($this->query instanceof RetrieveCriteria) { $this->query = $this->query->asQuery(); } $this->orderBy = mrequest('orderby'); $this->rowCount = $this->query->count(); if ($this->ordered = isset($this->orderBy)) { $this->query->msql->setOrderBy($this->orderBy); $this->state->set('orderby', $this->orderBy, $this->name); } if ($this->pageLength) { $this->navigator = new MGridNavigator($this->pageLength, $this->rowCount, $this->getURL(), $this); $this->navigator->setGridParameters($this->pageLength, $this->rowCount, $this->getURL(), $this); $this->firstIndex = $this->navigator->idxFirst; // $this->data = $this->query->getPage($this->navigator->getPageNumber()); $range = new MRange($this->pageNumber, $this->pageLength, $this->rowCount); ////mdump($range); $this->query->setRange($range); $this->data = $this->query->getResult(); } else { $this->data = $this->query->getResult(); $this->navigator = null; } }
/** * Inicialização básica do Framework. * Inicializa "variáveis globais", sessão, log e FrontController. */ public static function initialize() { if (self::$instance->java = $_SERVER["SERVER_SOFTWARE"] == "JavaBridge") { require_once self::$instance->home . "/java/"; self::$instance->javaContext = java_context(); self::$instance->javaServletContext = java_context()->getServletContext(); } self::$instance->getObject('login'); self::$instance->session = new MSession(); self::$instance->session->init(mrequest('sid')); self::$msg = new MMessages(self::$instance->getOptions('language')); self::$msg->loadMessages(); self::$instance->mode = self::$instance->getOptions("mode"); date_default_timezone_set(self::$instance->getOptions("timezone")); setlocale(LC_ALL, self::$instance->getOptions("locale")); self::$instance->setLog('manager'); self::$instance->mad = self::$instance->conf['mad']['module']; self::$instance->controller = MFrontController::getInstance(); }
function addActionSelect($idSelect = '') { if ($idSelect != '') { $id = $this->name . '_SELECT'; $this->idSelect = $idSelect ?: $id . '_CHECKED'; $selecteds = mrequest($this->idSelect) ?: Manager::getData()->{$this->idSelect}; $this->selecteds = explode(':', $selecteds); $this->select = new MGridActionSelect($this, $id); $this->addColumn($this->select); } }
public function __construct() { parent::__construct('page' . uniqid()); $this->scripts = new MScripts($this->name); $this->fileUpload = mrequest('__ISFILEUPLOAD') == 'yes'; $this->content = new MBaseControl(); $template = mrequest('__TEMPLATE') ?: (Manager::getConf('theme.template') ?: 'index'); $this->setTemplateName($template); $this->setTemplate(); $this->styleSheetCode = ''; $this->renderType = "page"; $this->renderId = $this->name; ob_start(); }
function mrequest($vars, $from = 'ALL', $order = '') { if (is_array($vars)) { foreach ($vars as $v) { $values[$v] = mrequest($v, $from); } return $values; } else { $value = NULL; // Seek in all scope? if ($from == 'ALL') { // search in REQUEST if (is_null($value)) { $value = isset($_REQUEST[$vars]) ? $_REQUEST[$vars] : NULL; } if (is_null($value)) { // Not found in REQUEST? try GET or POST // Order? Default is use the same order as defined in php.ini ("EGPCS") if (!isset($order)) { $order = ini_get('variables_order'); } if (strpos($order, 'G') < strpos($order, 'P')) { $value = isset($_GET[$vars]) ? $_GET[$vars] : NULL; // If not found, search in post if (is_null($value)) { $value = isset($_POST[$vars]) ? $_POST[$vars] : NULL; } } else { $value = isset($_POST[$vars]) ? $_POST[$vars] : NULL; // If not found, search in get if (is_null($value)) { $value = isset($_GET[$vars]) ? $_GET[$vars] : NULL; } } } // If we still didn't have the value // let's try in the global scope if (is_null($value) && strpos($vars, '[') === false) { $value = isset($_GLOBALS[$vars]) ? $_GLOBALS[$vars] : NULL; } // If we still didn't has the value // let's try in the session scope if (is_null($value)) { if ($vars) { $value = isset($_SESSION[$vars]) ? $_SESSION[$vars] : NULL; } } } else { if ($from == 'GET') { $value = isset($_GET[$vars]) ? $_GET[$vars] : NULL; } elseif ($from == 'POST') { $value = isset($_POST[$vars]) ? $_POST[$vars] : NULL; } elseif ($from == 'SESSION') { $value = isset($_SESSION[$vars]) ? $_SESSION[$vars] : NULL; } elseif ($from == 'REQUEST') { $value = isset($_REQUEST[$vars]) ? $_REQUEST[$vars] : NULL; } } return $value; } }
/** * Compatibility: obtem um valor do request */ public static function getFormValue($field) { return mrequest($field); }