예제 #1
* Chmods files and directories recursively to given permissions
* @param path The starting file or directory (no trailing slash)
* @param filemode Integer value to chmod files. NULL = dont chmod files.
* @param dirmode Integer value to chmod directories. NULL = dont chmod directories.
* @return TRUE=all succeeded FALSE=one or more chmods failed
function mosChmodRecursive($path, $filemode = NULL, $dirmode = NULL)
    $ret = TRUE;
    if (is_dir($path)) {
        $dh = opendir($path);
        while ($file = readdir($dh)) {
            if ($file != '.' && $file != '..') {
                $fullpath = $path . '/' . $file;
                if (is_dir($fullpath)) {
                    if (!mosChmodRecursive($fullpath, $filemode, $dirmode)) {
                        $ret = FALSE;
                } else {
                    if (isset($filemode)) {
                        if (!@chmod($fullpath, $filemode)) {
                            $ret = FALSE;
                // if
            // if
        // while
        if (isset($dirmode)) {
            if (!@chmod($path, $dirmode)) {
                $ret = FALSE;
    } else {
        if (isset($filemode)) {
            $ret = @chmod($path, $filemode);
    // if
    return $ret;
예제 #2
function saveconfig($task)
    global $database, $mosConfig_absolute_path;
    $row = new mosConfig();
    if (!$row->bind($_POST)) {
        mosRedirect("index2.php", $row->getError());
    $editor = intval(mosGetParam($_POST, 'editor', 0));
    if ($editor > 0) {
        $query = "UPDATE #__mambots" . "\n SET published = 0" . "\n WHERE published >= 0 AND folder='editors'";
        $database->query() or die($database->getErrorMsg());
        $query = "UPDATE #__mambots" . "\n SET published = 1" . "\n WHERE id = {$editor}";
        $database->query() or die($database->getErrorMsg());
    $language =& new mamboLanguage($row->config_locale);
    $row->config_lang = $language->get('lang');
    $config = "<?php \n";
    $config .= $row->getVarText();
    //$config .= "setlocale (LC_TIME, \$mosConfig_locale);\n";
    $config .= '?>';
    $fname = '../configuration.php';
    $enable_write = mosGetParam($_POST, 'enable_write', 0);
    $oldperms = fileperms($fname);
    if ($enable_write) {
        @chmod($fname, $oldperms | 0222);
    if ($fp = fopen($fname, 'w')) {
        fputs($fp, $config, strlen($config));
        if ($enable_write) {
            @chmod($fname, $oldperms);
        } else {
            if (mosGetParam($_POST, 'disable_write', 0)) {
                @chmod($fname, $oldperms & 0777555);
        // if
        $msg = T_('The Configuration Details have been updated');
        // apply file and directory permissions if requested by user
        $applyFilePerms = mosGetParam($_POST, 'applyFilePerms', 0) && $row->config_fileperms != '';
        $applyDirPerms = mosGetParam($_POST, 'applyDirPerms', 0) && $row->config_dirperms != '';
        if ($applyFilePerms || $applyDirPerms) {
            $mosrootfiles = array('administrator', 'cache', 'components', 'editor', 'help', 'images', 'includes', 'parameters', 'installation', 'language', 'mambots', 'media', 'modules', 'templates', 'CHANGELOG', 'configuration.php', 'htaccess.txt', 'index.php', 'index2.php', 'index3.php', 'INSTALL', 'LICENSE', 'mainbody.php', 'offline.php', 'page404.php', 'pathway.php', 'README', 'robots.txt');
            $filemode = NULL;
            if ($applyFilePerms) {
                $filemode = octdec($row->config_fileperms);
            $dirmode = NULL;
            if ($applyDirPerms) {
                $dirmode = octdec($row->config_dirperms);
            foreach ($mosrootfiles as $file) {
                mosChmodRecursive($mosConfig_absolute_path . '/' . $file, $filemode, $dirmode);
        // if
        switch ($task) {
            case 'apply':
                mosRedirect('index2.php?option=com_config&hidemainmenu=1', $msg);
            case 'save':
                mosRedirect('index2.php', $msg);
    } else {
        if ($enable_write) {
            @chmod($fname, $oldperms);
        mosRedirect('index2.php', T_('An Error Has Occurred! Unable to open config file to write!'));
예제 #3
    // chmod files and directories if desired
    $chmod_report = "Permissões de Diretórios e Arquivos não alteradas.";
    if ($filePerms != '' || $dirPerms != '') {
        $mosrootfiles = array('administrator', 'cache', 'components', 'images', 'language', 'mambots', 'media', 'modules', 'templates', 'configuration.php');
        $filemode = NULL;
        if ($filePerms != '') {
            $filemode = octdec($filePerms);
        $dirmode = NULL;
        if ($dirPerms != '') {
            $dirmode = octdec($dirPerms);
        $chmodOk = TRUE;
        foreach ($mosrootfiles as $file) {
            if (!mosChmodRecursive($absolutePath . '/' . $file, $filemode, $dirmode)) {
                $chmodOk = FALSE;
        if ($chmodOk) {
            $chmod_report = 'Permissões de Diretórios e Arquivos alteradas com sucesso.';
        } else {
            $chmod_report = 'As Permissões dos Diretórios não puderam ser alteradas.<br />' . 'Por favor, altere manualmente as permissões de arquivos (CHOMOD 0644), diretórios gerais (CHOMOD 0755) e diretórios de media e cache do Joomla! (CHOMOD 0766) ou instale o componente joomlaXplorer.';
    // if chmod wanted
} else {
	<form action="install3.php" method="post" name="stepBack3" id="stepBack3">
	  <input type="hidden" name="DBhostname" value="<?php 
    echo $DBhostname;
예제 #4
 * Save the configuration
function saveconfig($task)
    global $database, $mosConfig_absolute_path, $mosConfig_password, $mosConfig_session_type;
    $row = new mosConfig();
    if (!$row->bind($_POST)) {
        mosRedirect('index2.php', $row->getError());
    // if Session Authentication Type changed, delete all old Frontend sessions only - which used old Authentication Type
    if ($mosConfig_session_type != $row->config_session_type) {
        $past = time();
        $query = "DELETE FROM #__session" . "\n WHERE time < " . $database->Quote($past) . "\n AND (" . "\n ( guest = 1 AND userid = 0 ) OR ( guest = 0 AND gid > 0 )" . "\n )";
    $server_time = date('O') / 100;
    $offset = $_POST['config_offset_user'] - $server_time;
    $row->config_offset = $offset;
    //override any possible database password change
    $row->config_password = $mosConfig_password;
    // handling of special characters
    $row->config_sitename = htmlspecialchars($row->config_sitename, ENT_QUOTES);
    // handling of quotes (double and single) and amp characters
    // htmlspecialchars not used to preserve ability to insert other html characters
    $row->config_offline_message = ampReplace($row->config_offline_message);
    $row->config_offline_message = str_replace('"', '&quot;', $row->config_offline_message);
    $row->config_offline_message = str_replace("'", '&#039;', $row->config_offline_message);
    // handling of quotes (double and single) and amp characters
    // htmlspecialchars not used to preserve ability to insert other html characters
    $row->config_error_message = ampReplace($row->config_error_message);
    $row->config_error_message = str_replace('"', '&quot;', $row->config_error_message);
    $row->config_error_message = str_replace("'", '&#039;', $row->config_error_message);
    $config = "<?php \n";
    $RGEmulation = intval(mosGetParam($_POST, 'rgemulation', 0));
    $config .= "if(!defined('RG_EMULATION')) { define( 'RG_EMULATION', {$RGEmulation} ); }\n";
    $config .= $row->getVarText();
    $config .= "setlocale (LC_TIME, \$mosConfig_locale);\n";
    $config .= '?>';
    $fname = $mosConfig_absolute_path . '/configuration.php';
    $enable_write = intval(mosGetParam($_POST, 'enable_write', 0));
    $oldperms = fileperms($fname);
    if ($enable_write) {
        @chmod($fname, $oldperms | 0222);
    if ($fp = fopen($fname, 'w')) {
        fputs($fp, $config, strlen($config));
        if ($enable_write) {
            @chmod($fname, $oldperms);
        } else {
            if (mosGetParam($_POST, 'disable_write', 0)) {
                @chmod($fname, $oldperms & 0777555);
        // if
        $msg = 'Configuração atualizada com sucesso';
        // apply file and directory permissions if requested by user
        $applyFilePerms = mosGetParam($_POST, 'applyFilePerms', 0) && $row->config_fileperms != '';
        $applyDirPerms = mosGetParam($_POST, 'applyDirPerms', 0) && $row->config_dirperms != '';
        if ($applyFilePerms || $applyDirPerms) {
            $mosrootfiles = array('administrator', 'cache', 'components', 'images', 'language', 'mambots', 'media', 'modules', 'templates', 'configuration.php');
            $filemode = NULL;
            if ($applyFilePerms) {
                $filemode = octdec($row->config_fileperms);
            $dirmode = NULL;
            if ($applyDirPerms) {
                $dirmode = octdec($row->config_dirperms);
            foreach ($mosrootfiles as $file) {
                mosChmodRecursive($mosConfig_absolute_path . '/' . $file, $filemode, $dirmode);
        // if
        switch ($task) {
            case 'apply':
                mosRedirect('index2.php?option=com_config&hidemainmenu=1', $msg);
            case 'save':
                mosRedirect('index2.php', $msg);
    } else {
        if ($enable_write) {
            @chmod($fname, $oldperms);
        mosRedirect('index2.php', 'Ocorreu um Erro! Não foi possível abrir o arquivo de configuração em modo de escrita!');
예제 #5
function changeFCKChmod($path_root = '')
    //set core plugin permissons
    // Try to recover from bad chmod settings
    if (!defined('JFCK_BASE')) {
        define('JFCK_BASE', $path_root . 'mambots/editors/fckeditor/editor');
    //file manager plugin
    $dir = JFCK_BASE . '/filemanager';
    $perms = fileperms($path_root . 'index.php');
    $default_fperms = '0644';
    $default_dperms = '0755';
    if (!stristr(PHP_OS, 'WIN') && file_exists($dir . '/connectors/php/connector.php') && canChmodFCK($dir . '/connectors/php/connector.php') && decoct($perms & 0777) != decoct(fileperms($dir) & 0777)) {
        $oldumask = umask(0);
        if (decoct($perms & 0777) == 755) {
            @chmod(JFCK_BASE, 0755);
            @chmod($dir, 0755);
            mosChmodRecursive($dir, 0644, 0755);
        } else {
            $default_fperms = '0666';
            $default_dperms = '0777';
            @chmod(JFCK_BASE, 0777);
            @chmod($dir, 0777);
            mosChmodRecursive($dir, 0666, 0777);
        // About plugin
        $dir = JFCK_BASE . '/dialog';
        @chmod($dir, octdec($default_dperms));
        @chmod($dir . '/about.php', octdec($default_dperms));
        //JLink plugin
        $dir = JFCK_BASE . '/plugins';
        @chmod($dir, octdec($default_dperms));
        @chmod($dir . '/jlink', octdec($default_dperms));
        @chmod($dir . '/jlink/suggest.php', octdec($default_fperms));
        @chmod($dir . '/jlink/suggest.class.php', octdec($default_fperms));
        //SpellCheck plugin
        $dir = JFCK_BASE . '/plugins/pspellcheck';
        @chmod($dir, octdec($default_dperms));
        @chmod($dir . '/spellcheck', octdec($default_dperms));
        @chmod($dir . '/spellcheck/spellchecker.php', octdec($default_fperms));
예제 #6
* Chmods files and directories recursively to mos global permissions. Available from 1.0.0 up.
* @param path The starting file or directory (no trailing slash)
* @param filemode Integer value to chmod files. NULL = dont chmod files.
* @param dirmode Integer value to chmod directories. NULL = dont chmod directories.
* @return TRUE=all succeeded FALSE=one or more chmods failed
function mosChmod($path)
    global $mosConfig_fileperms, $mosConfig_dirperms;
    $filemode = NULL;
    if ($mosConfig_fileperms != '') {
        $filemode = octdec($mosConfig_fileperms);
    $dirmode = NULL;
    if ($mosConfig_dirperms != '') {
        $dirmode = octdec($mosConfig_dirperms);
    if (isset($filemode) || isset($dirmode)) {
        return mosChmodRecursive($path, $filemode, $dirmode);
    return TRUE;