function call_2did ($agi, &$RateEngine, $listdestination) { $card_number = $this -> username; // username of the caller $nbused = $this -> nbused; $res = 0; $connection_charge = $listdestination[0][8]; $selling_rate = $listdestination[0][9]; if ($connection_charge == 0 && $selling_rate == 0) { $call_did_free = true; $this -> debug( INFO, $agi, __FILE__, __LINE__, "[A2Billing] DID call free "); } else { $call_did_free = false; $this -> debug( INFO, $agi, __FILE__, __LINE__, "[A2Billing] DID call not free: (connection charge:".$connection_charge."|selling_rate:".$selling_rate ); } if (($listdestination[0][2]==0) || ($listdestination[0][2]==2)) { $doibill = 1; } else { $doibill = 0; } if (!$call_did_free) { if ($this->typepaid == 0) { if ($this->credit < $this->agiconfig['min_credit_2call']) { $time2call = 0; } else { $credit_without_charge = $this->credit - abs($connection_charge); if ($credit_without_charge>0 && $selling_rate!=0 ) { $time2call = intval($credit_without_charge / abs($selling_rate))*60; } else { $time2call = $this->agiconfig['max_call_call_2_did']; } } } else { if ($this->credit <= -$this->creditlimit) { $time2call =0; } else { $credit_without_charge = $this->credit + abs($this->creditlimit) - abs($connection_charge); if ($credit_without_charge>0 && $selling_rate!=0 ) { $time2call = intval($credit_without_charge / abs($selling_rate))*60; } else { $time2call = $this->agiconfig['max_call_call_2_did']; } } } } else { $time2call =$this->agiconfig['max_call_call_2_did']; } $this->timeout = $time2call; $callcount = 0; $accountcode = $this->accountcode; $username = $this->username; $useralias = $this->useralias; $set_inuse = $this->set_inuse; $my_id_card = $this->id_card; foreach ($listdestination as $inst_listdestination) { $callcount++; $this -> debug( INFO, $agi, __FILE__, __LINE__, "[A2Billing] DID call friend: FOLLOWME=$callcount (cardnumber:".$inst_listdestination[6]."|destination:".$inst_listdestination[4]."|tariff:".$inst_listdestination[3].")\n"); $this->agiconfig['cid_enable'] = 0; $this->accountcode= $this->username = $new_username = $inst_listdestination[6]; $this->tariff = $inst_listdestination[3]; $this->destination = $inst_listdestination[10]; // $new_username = $inst_listdestination[6]; $this->useralias = $inst_listdestination[7]; $this->id_card = $inst_listdestination[28]; $this->time_out = $inst_listdestination[30]; $this->id_did = $inst_listdestination[0]; // CHECK IF DESTINATION IS SET if (strlen($inst_listdestination[4])==0) continue; if ($inst_listdestination[29]) { if (array_search($agi -> channel_status('',true), array(AST_STATE_UP, AST_STATE_DOWN)) === false) $this -> let_stream_listening($agi, true); $agi -> evaluate("STREAM FILE $inst_listdestination[29] \"#\" 0"); } // IF call on did is not free calculate time to call // IF VOIP CALL if ($inst_listdestination[5]==1) { // RUN MIXMONITOR TO RECORD CALL if ($this->monitor == 1 || $this->agiconfig['record_call'] == 1) { $this->dl_short = MONITOR_PATH . "/" . $this->username . "/" . date('Y') . "/" . date('n') . "/" . date('j') . "/"; $command_mixmonitor = "MixMonitor ". $this->dl_short ."{$this->uniqueid}.{$this->agiconfig['monitor_formatfile']}|b"; $command_mixmonitor = $this -> format_parameters ($command_mixmonitor); $myres = $agi->exec($command_mixmonitor); $this -> debug( INFO, $agi, __FILE__, __LINE__, $command_mixmonitor); } $max_long = 36000000; //Maximum 10 hours $dialstr = $inst_listdestination[4]; if ($call_did_free) { $this -> fct_say_time_2_call($agi,$time2call,0); $dialparams = $this->agiconfig['dialcommand_param_call_2did']; } else { $this -> debug( INFO, $agi, __FILE__, __LINE__, "TIME TO CALL : $time2call"); $this -> fct_say_time_2_call($agi,$time2call,$selling_rate); $dialparams = $this->agiconfig['dialcommand_param']; } if (stripos($dialstr,"QUEUE ") !== 0) { $dialparams = str_replace("%timeout%", min($time2call * 1000, $max_long), $dialparams); $dialstr .= str_replace("%timeoutsec%", min($time2call, $max_long), $dialparams); } if ($call_did_free) $this -> debug( DEBUG, $agi, __FILE__, __LINE__, "[A2Billing] DID call friend: Dialing '$dialstr' Friend.\n"); if ($agi -> channel_status('',true) == AST_STATE_DOWN) break; $myres = $this -> run_dial($agi, $dialstr); $this -> debug( INFO, $agi, __FILE__, __LINE__, "DIAL $dialstr"); $answeredtime = $agi->get_variable("ANSWEREDTIME", true); if ($answeredtime == "") $answeredtime = $agi->get_variable("CDR(billsec)",true); if (stripos($dialstr,'QUEUE ') === 0) { if ($answeredtime>1356000000) { $answeredtime = time() - $answeredtime; $dialstatus = 'ANSWER'; } else { $answeredtime = 0; $dialstatus = $this -> get_dialstatus_from_queuestatus($agi); } } else $dialstatus = $agi->get_variable("DIALSTATUS", true); if ($this->monitor == 1 || $this -> agiconfig['record_call'] == 1) { $myres = $agi->exec($this -> format_parameters ("StopMixMonitor")); $this -> debug( INFO, $agi, __FILE__, __LINE__, "EXEC StopMixMonitor (".$this->uniqueid.")"); } $this -> debug( INFO, $agi, __FILE__, __LINE__, "[".$inst_listdestination[4]." Friend][followme=$callcount]:[ANSWEREDTIME=".$answeredtime."-DIALSTATUS=".$dialstatus."]"); //# Ooh, something actually happend! if ($dialstatus == "BUSY") { $answeredtime = 0; if ($this->agiconfig['busy_timeout'] > 0) $res_busy = $agi->exec("Busy ".$this->agiconfig['busy_timeout']); if (array_search($agi -> channel_status('',true), array(AST_STATE_UP, AST_STATE_DOWN)) === false) $this -> let_stream_listening($agi); $agi-> stream_file('prepaid-isbusy', '#'); if (count($listdestination)>$callcount) continue; } elseif ($dialstatus == "NOANSWER") { $answeredtime = 0; if (array_search($agi -> channel_status('',true), array(AST_STATE_UP, AST_STATE_DOWN)) === false) $this -> let_stream_listening($agi); $agi-> stream_file('prepaid-noanswer', '#'); if (count($listdestination) > $callcount) continue; } elseif ($dialstatus == "CANCEL") { // Call cancelled, no need to follow-me // return 1; $answeredtime = 0; } elseif ($dialstatus == "ANSWER") { $this -> debug( DEBUG, $agi, __FILE__, __LINE__, "[A2Billing] DID call friend: dialstatus : $dialstatus, answered time is ".$answeredtime." \n"); } elseif (($dialstatus == "CHANUNAVAIL") || ($dialstatus == "CONGESTION")) { $answeredtime = 0; if (count($listdestination)>$callcount) continue; } else { if (array_search($agi -> channel_status('',true), array(AST_STATE_UP, AST_STATE_DOWN)) === false) $this -> let_stream_listening($agi); $agi-> stream_file('prepaid-callfollowme', '#'); if (count($listdestination)>$callcount) continue; } $this -> debug( INFO, $agi, __FILE__, __LINE__, "[DID CALL - LOG CC_CALL: FOLLOWME=$callcount - (answeredtime=$answeredtime :: dialstatus=$dialstatus :: call_did_free=$call_did_free)]"); if (strlen($this -> dialstatus_rev_list[$dialstatus])>0) { $terminatecauseid = $this -> dialstatus_rev_list[$dialstatus]; } else { $terminatecauseid = 0; } if ($answeredtime == 0) $inst_listdestination[10] = $this -> realdestination; elseif (strpos($dialstr,'&') || strpos($dialstr,'@') || stripos($dialstr,'QUEUE ') === 0) { $dialedpeernumber = $agi -> get_variable('QUEUEDNID',true); if (!$dialedpeernumber) $dialedpeernumber = $agi -> get_variable('DIALEDPEERNUMBER',true); $inst_listdestination[10] = preg_replace("|\D|", "", $dialedpeernumber); $this -> debug( INFO, $agi, __FILE__, __LINE__, "Destination: " . $inst_listdestination[10]); } if (!isset($this->card_caller)) $this->card_caller = $my_id_card; // User ONNet use $this->id_card // A-LEG below to the owner of the DID if ($call_did_free || $answeredtime == 0) { //CALL2DID CDR is free /* CDR A-LEG OF DID CALL */ $QUERY = "INSERT INTO cc_call (uniqueid, sessionid, card_id, card_caller, nasipaddress, starttime, sessiontime, calledstation, ". " terminatecauseid, stoptime, sessionbill, id_tariffgroup, id_tariffplan, id_ratecard, id_trunk, src, sipiax, id_did, dnid) VALUES ". "('".$this->uniqueid."', '".$this->channel."', '".$my_id_card."', '".$this->card_caller."', '".$this->hostname."',"; $QUERY .= " CURRENT_TIMESTAMP - INTERVAL $answeredtime SECOND "; $QUERY .= ", '$answeredtime', '".$inst_listdestination[10]."', '$terminatecauseid', now(), '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '$this->CallerID', '3', '$this->id_did', '$this->destination')"; $result = $this -> instance_table -> SQLExec ($this->DBHandle, $QUERY, 0); $this -> debug( INFO, $agi, __FILE__, __LINE__, "[DID CALL - LOG CC_CALL: SQL: $QUERY]:[result:$result]"); if ($dialstatus == "CANCEL") { $this->username = $username; return 1; } } else { //CALL2DID CDR is not free $cost = ($answeredtime/60) * abs($selling_rate) + abs($connection_charge); /* CDR A-LEG OF DID CALL */ $QUERY = "INSERT INTO cc_call (uniqueid, sessionid, card_id, card_caller, nasipaddress, starttime, sessiontime, calledstation, ". " terminatecauseid, stoptime, sessionbill, id_tariffgroup, id_tariffplan, id_ratecard, id_trunk, src, sipiax, id_did, dnid) VALUES ". "('".$this->uniqueid."', '".$this->channel."', '".$my_id_card."', '".$this->card_caller."', '".$this->hostname."',"; $QUERY .= " CURRENT_TIMESTAMP - INTERVAL $answeredtime SECOND "; $QUERY .= ", '$answeredtime', '". $listdestination[0][10]."', '$terminatecauseid', now(), '$cost', '0', '0', '0', '0', '$this->CallerID', '3', '$this->id_did', '$this->destination')"; $result = $this -> instance_table -> SQLExec ($this->DBHandle, $QUERY, 0); $this -> debug( INFO, $agi, __FILE__, __LINE__, "[DID CALL - LOG CC_CALL: SQL: $QUERY]:[result:$result]"); // Update the account if ($nbused > 0) { $firstuse = ""; } else { $firstuse = "firstusedate=now(),"; } $QUERY = "UPDATE cc_card SET credit= credit - ".a2b_round(abs($cost))." , lastuse=now(),$firstuse nbused=nbused+1 WHERE username='******'"; $result = $this -> instance_table -> SQLExec ($this->DBHandle, $QUERY, 0); $this -> debug( INFO, $agi, __FILE__, __LINE__, "[DID CALL - UPDATE CARD: SQL: $QUERY]:[result:$result]"); } // CC_DID & CC_DID_DESTINATION -, $QUERY = "UPDATE cc_did SET secondusedreal = secondusedreal + $answeredtime WHERE id='$this->id_did'"; $result = $this->instance_table -> SQLExec ($this -> DBHandle, $QUERY, 0); $this -> debug( INFO, $agi, __FILE__, __LINE__, "[UPDATE DID]:[result:$result]"); $QUERY = "UPDATE cc_did_destination SET secondusedreal = secondusedreal + $answeredtime WHERE id='".$inst_listdestination[1]."'"; $result = $this->instance_table -> SQLExec ($this -> DBHandle, $QUERY, 0); $this -> debug( INFO, $agi, __FILE__, __LINE__, "[UPDATE DID_DESTINATION]:[result:$result]"); monitor_recognize($this); #This is a call from user to DID #we will change the B-Leb using the did bill_did_aleg function $this -> bill_did_aleg ($agi, $listdestination[0], $answeredtime); // ELSEIF NOT VOIP CALL } else { $this->agiconfig['use_dnid'] = 1; $this->agiconfig['say_timetocall'] = 0; $this->dnid = $this->destination; $this->extension = $this->destination = $inst_listdestination[4]; if ($this->CC_TESTING) $this->extension = $this->dnid = $this->destination = "011324885"; if ($this -> callingcard_ivr_authorize($agi, $RateEngine, 0)==1) { // check the min to call if (!$call_did_free) { $this->timeout= min($this->timeout,$time2call); } $this -> fct_say_time_2_call($agi, $this->timeout,$selling_rate); if ($agi -> channel_status('',true) == AST_STATE_DOWN) break; // PERFORM THE CALL $result_callperf = $RateEngine->rate_engine_performcall ($agi, $this -> destination, $this); if (!$result_callperf && count($listdestination) == $callcount) { $prompt="prepaid-callfollowme"; $agi-> stream_file($prompt, '#'); } $dialstatus = $RateEngine->dialstatus; $answeredtime = $RateEngine->answeredtime; if ((($dialstatus == "NOANSWER") || ($dialstatus == "BUSY") || ($dialstatus == "CHANUNAVAIL") || ($dialstatus == "CONGESTION")) && count($listdestination) > $callcount) continue; if ($dialstatus != "ANSWER") $this -> destination = $this -> realdestination; // INSERT CDR & UPDATE SYSTEM $RateEngine->rate_engine_updatesystem($this, $agi, $this-> destination, $doibill, 2); if ($dialstatus == "CANCEL") break; if (!$result_callperf) continue; // CC_DID & CC_DID_DESTINATION -, $QUERY = "UPDATE cc_did SET secondusedreal = secondusedreal + ".$answeredtime." WHERE id='$this->id_did'"; $result = $this->instance_table -> SQLExec ($this -> DBHandle, $QUERY, 0); $this -> debug( DEBUG, $agi, __FILE__, __LINE__, "[UPDATE DID]:[result:$result]"); $QUERY = "UPDATE cc_did_destination SET secondusedreal = secondusedreal + ".$answeredtime." WHERE id='".$inst_listdestination[1]."'"; $result = $this->instance_table -> SQLExec ($this -> DBHandle, $QUERY, 0); $this -> debug( DEBUG, $agi, __FILE__, __LINE__, "[UPDATE DID_DESTINATION]:[result:$result]"); // THEN STATUS IS ANSWER // UPDATE CDR //CALL2DID CDR is not free if ($nbused>0) { $firstuse= ""; } else { $firstuse= "firstusedate=now(),"; } if (!$call_did_free) { $cost = a2b_round(abs(($answeredtime/60) * abs($selling_rate) + abs($connection_charge))); //update card $QUERY = "UPDATE cc_call SET sessionbill = sessionbill + $cost, calledstation = ".$listdestination[0][10]." WHERE uniqueid=$this->uniqueid"; $result = $this -> instance_table -> SQLExec ($this->DBHandle, $QUERY, 0); $this -> debug( INFO, $agi, __FILE__, __LINE__, "[DID CALL - LOG CC_CALL: SQL: $QUERY]:[result:$result]"); $QUERY = "UPDATE cc_card SET credit= credit - $cost, lastuse=now(),$firstuse nbused=nbused+1 WHERE username='******'"; $result = $this -> instance_table -> SQLExec ($this->DBHandle, $QUERY, 0); $this -> debug( INFO, $agi, __FILE__, __LINE__, "[DID CALL - UPDATE CARD: SQL: $QUERY]:[result:$result]"); } $QUERY = "UPDATE cc_card SET credit= credit - ".a2b_round(abs($cost))." , lastuse=now(),$firstuse nbused=nbused+1 WHERE username='******'"; $result = $this -> instance_table -> SQLExec ($this->DBHandle, $QUERY, 0); $this -> debug( INFO, $agi, __FILE__, __LINE__, "[DID CALL - UPDATE CARD: SQL: $QUERY]:[result:$result]"); #This is a call from user to DID, we dont want to charge the A-leg $this -> bill_did_aleg ($agi, $listdestination[0], $answeredtime); break; } } }// END FOR if ($this->voicemail) { if (($dialstatus =="CHANUNAVAIL") || ($dialstatus == "CONGESTION") || ($dialstatus == "NOANSWER") || ($dialstatus =="BUSY")) { // The following section will send the caller to VoiceMail with the unavailable priority.\ $dest_username = $new_username; $this -> debug( INFO, $agi, __FILE__, __LINE__, "[STATUS] CHANNEL ($dialstatus) - GOTO VOICEMAIL ($dest_username)"); $vm_parameters = $this -> format_parameters ($dest_username.'|s'); $agi-> exec(VoiceMail, $vm_parameters); } } $this->accountcode = $accountcode; $this->username = $username; $this->useralias = $useralias; $this->set_inuse = $set_inuse; $this->id_card = $my_id_card; }
function rate_engine_updatesystem (&$A2B, &$agi, $calledstation, $doibill = 1, $didcall=0, $callback=0, $trunk_id=0, $td=NULL) { $K = $this->usedratecard; // **************** PACKAGE PARAMETERS **************** if (count($this -> ratecard_obj)>0) { $id_cc_package_offer = $this -> ratecard_obj[$K][45]; $additional_grace_time = $this -> ratecard_obj[$K][58]; } else $id_cc_package_offer = 'NONE'; $id_card_package_offer = null; if ($A2B -> CC_TESTING) { $sessiontime = 120; $dialstatus = 'ANSWERED'; } else { $sessiontime = $this -> answeredtime; $dialstatus = $this -> dialstatus; } $A2B -> debug( INFO, $agi, __FILE__, __LINE__, ":[sessiontime:$sessiontime - id_cc_package_offer:$id_cc_package_offer - package2apply:".$this ->package_to_apply[$K]."]\n\n"); if ($sessiontime > 0) { // HANDLE FREETIME BEFORE CALCULATE THE COST $this -> freetimetocall_used = 0; if ($this -> debug_st) print_r($this -> freetimetocall_left[$K]); if (($id_cc_package_offer!=-1) && ($this ->package_to_apply[$K] !=null )) { $id_package_offer = $this ->package_to_apply[$K]["id"]; switch ($this -> package_to_apply[$K]["type"]) { //Unlimited case 0 : $this->freetimetocall_used = $sessiontime; break; //free calls case 1 : $this->freetimetocall_used = $sessiontime; break; //free minutes case 2 : if ($this -> freetimetocall_left[$K] >= $sessiontime) { $this->freetimetocall_used = $sessiontime; } else { $this->freetimetocall_used = $this -> freetimetocall_left[$K]; } break; } $this -> rate_engine_calculcost ($A2B, $sessiontime, 0); // rate_engine_calculcost could have change the duration of the call $sessiontime = $this -> answeredtime; // add grace time if ($sessiontime>0 && $additional_grace_time>0) { $sessiontime = $sessiontime + $additional_grace_time; } $QUERY_FIELS = 'id_cc_card, id_cc_package_offer, used_secondes'; $QUERY_VALUES = "'".$A2B -> id_card."', '$id_package_offer', '$this->freetimetocall_used'"; $id_card_package_offer = $A2B -> instance_table -> Add_table ($A2B -> DBHandle, $QUERY_VALUES, $QUERY_FIELS, 'cc_card_package_offer', 'id'); $A2B -> debug( INFO, $agi, __FILE__, __LINE__, ":[ID_CARD_PACKAGE_OFFER CREATED : $id_card_package_offer]:[$QUERY_VALUES]\n\n\n\n"); } else { $this -> rate_engine_calculcost ($A2B, $sessiontime, 0); // rate_engine_calculcost could have change the duration of the call $sessiontime = $this -> answeredtime; if ($sessiontime > 0 && $additional_grace_time > 0) { $sessiontime = $sessiontime + $additional_grace_time; } } } else { $sessiontime = 0; } if (count($this -> ratecard_obj)>0) { $calldestination = $this -> ratecard_obj[$K][5]; $id_tariffgroup = $this -> ratecard_obj[$K][2]; $id_tariffplan = $this -> ratecard_obj[$K][3]; $id_ratecard = $this -> ratecard_obj[$K][6]; $buyrateapply = $this -> ratecard_obj[$K][9]; $rateapply = $this -> ratecard_obj[$K][12]; } $buycost = 0; if ($doibill==0 || $sessiontime < $A2B->agiconfig['min_duration_2bill']) { $cost = 0; $buycost = abs($this -> lastbuycost); } else { $cost = $this -> lastcost; $buycost = abs($this -> lastbuycost); } if ($cost<0) { $signe = '-'; $signe_cc_call = '+'; } else { $signe = '+'; $signe_cc_call = '-'; } $A2B -> debug( DEBUG, $agi, __FILE__, __LINE__, "[CC_RATE_ENGINE_UPDATESYSTEM: usedratecard K=$K - (sessiontime=$sessiontime :: dialstatus=$dialstatus :: buycost=$buycost :: cost=$cost : signe_cc_call=$signe_cc_call: signe=$signe)]"); if (strlen($this -> dialstatus_rev_list[$dialstatus]) > 0) { $terminatecauseid = $this -> dialstatus_rev_list[$dialstatus]; } else { $terminatecauseid = 0; } // CALLTYPE - 0 = NORMAL CALL ; 1 = VOIP CALL (SIP/IAX) ; 2= DIDCALL + TRUNK ; 3 = VOIP CALL DID ; 4 = CALLBACK call if ($didcall == 3) { $calltype = $didcall; } elseif ($didcall) { $calltype = 2; } elseif ($callback) { $calltype = 4; $terminatecauseid = 1; } elseif ($A2B->recalltime) { $calltype = 5; } else { $calltype = 0; } $card_id = (!is_numeric($A2B->id_card)) ? '-1' : "'". $A2B->id_card ."'"; $real_sessiontime = (!is_numeric($this->real_answeredtime)) ? 'NULL' : "'". $this->real_answeredtime ."'"; $id_tariffgroup = (!isset($id_tariffgroup) || !is_numeric($id_tariffgroup)) ? 'NULL' : "'$id_tariffgroup'"; $id_tariffplan = (!isset($id_tariffplan) || !is_numeric($id_tariffplan)) ? 'NULL' : "'$id_tariffplan'"; $id_ratecard = (!isset($id_ratecard) || !is_numeric($id_ratecard)) ? 'NULL' : "'$id_ratecard'"; $trunk_id = ($trunk_id) ? "'". $trunk_id ."'" : "'". $this->usedtrunk ."'"; $id_card_package_offer = (!is_numeric($id_card_package_offer)) ? 'NULL' : "'$id_card_package_offer'"; $calldestination = (!isset($calldestination) || !is_numeric($calldestination) || ($didcall && $dialstatus != 'ANSWERED')) ? -1 : $calldestination; $card_caller = (isset($A2B->card_caller)) ? "'$A2B->card_caller'" : "'0'"; $id_did = (!isset($A2B->id_did) || !is_numeric($A2B->id_did)) ? 'NULL' : "'$A2B->id_did'"; $QUERY_COLUMN = "uniqueid, sessionid, card_id, card_caller, nasipaddress, starttime, sessiontime, real_sessiontime, calledstation, ". " terminatecauseid, stoptime, sessionbill, id_tariffgroup, id_tariffplan, id_ratecard, " . " id_trunk, src, sipiax, buycost, id_card_package_offer, dnid, destination, id_did"; $QUERY = "INSERT INTO cc_call ($QUERY_COLUMN) VALUES ('".$A2B->uniqueid."', '".$A2B->channel."', ". "$card_id, $card_caller, '".$A2B->hostname."', "; if ($A2B->config["global"]['cache_enabled']) { $QUERY .= " datetime( strftime('%s','now') - $sessiontime, 'unixepoch','localtime')"; } else { $QUERY .= "SUBDATE(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, INTERVAL $sessiontime SECOND) "; } $QUERY .= ", '$sessiontime', $real_sessiontime, '$calledstation', $terminatecauseid, "; if ($A2B->config["global"]['cache_enabled']) { $QUERY .= "datetime('now','localtime')"; } else { $QUERY .= "now()"; } $QUERY .= " , '$signe_cc_call".a2b_round(abs($cost))."', ". " $id_tariffgroup, $id_tariffplan, $id_ratecard, $trunk_id, '".$A2B->CallerID."', '$calltype', ". " '$buycost', $id_card_package_offer, '".$A2B->dnid."', $calldestination, $id_did)"; if ($A2B->config["global"]['cache_enabled']) { //insert query in the cache system $create = false; if (! file_exists( $A2B -> config["global"]['cache_path'])) $create = true; if ($db = sqlite_open($A2B -> config["global"]['cache_path'], 0666, $sqliteerror)) { if ($create) sqlite_query($db,"CREATE TABLE cc_call ($QUERY_COLUMN)"); sqlite_query($db,$QUERY); sqlite_close($db); } else { $A2B -> debug( ERROR, $agi, __FILE__, __LINE__, "[Error to connect to cache : $sqliteerror]\n"); } } else { $result = $A2B->instance_table -> SQLExec ($A2B -> DBHandle, $QUERY, 0); $A2B -> debug( INFO, $agi, __FILE__, __LINE__, "[CC_asterisk_stop : SQL: DONE : result=".$result."]"); $A2B -> debug( DEBUG, $agi, __FILE__, __LINE__, "[CC_asterisk_stop : SQL: $QUERY]"); } if ($sessiontime>0) { if (!isset($td)) $td = (isset($this->td))?$this->td:""; if ($didcall==0 && $callback==0) { $myclause_nodidcall = " , redial='".$calledstation."' "; } else { $myclause_nodidcall=''; } if (!defined($myclause_nodidcall)) { $myclause_nodidcall = null; } //Update the global credit $A2B -> credit = $A2B -> credit + $cost; if ($A2B->nbused>0) { $QUERY = "UPDATE cc_card SET credit= credit$signe".a2b_round(abs($cost))." $myclause_nodidcall, lastuse=now(), nbused=nbused+1 WHERE username='******'"; } else { $QUERY = "UPDATE cc_card SET credit= credit$signe".a2b_round(abs($cost))." $myclause_nodidcall, lastuse=now(), firstusedate=now(), nbused=nbused+1 WHERE username='******'"; } $A2B -> debug( DEBUG, $agi, __FILE__, __LINE__, "[CC_asterisk_stop 1.2: SQL: $QUERY]"); $result = $A2B->instance_table -> SQLExec ($A2B -> DBHandle, $QUERY, 0); $QUERY = "SELECT period$td, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(periodexpiry$td), periodcount$td FROM cc_trunk WHERE id_trunk=$trunk_id LIMIT 1"; $result = $A2B->instance_table -> SQLExec ($A2B -> DBHandle, $QUERY); if (is_array($result) && count($result)>0) { $QUERY = "UPDATE cc_trunk SET secondusedreal = secondusedreal + $sessiontime, periodcount$td = "; $tqr = " / billblocksec$td) * billblocksec$td, lastcallstoptime$td=now()"; $tqrperiod = ", periodexpiry$td = "; $period = $result[0][0]; $periodexpiry = $result[0][1]; $periodcount = $result[0][2]; if ($period == 31) { if ($periodexpiry <= time()) { while ($periodexpiry <= time()) { $preperiodexpiry = $periodexpiry; $periodexpiry = strtotime('1 month', $periodexpiry); $periodcount = 0; } } else $preperiodexpiry = strtotime('-1 month', $periodexpiry); $tqr .= $tqrperiod . "FROM_UNIXTIME($periodexpiry) "; } else { $period *= 86400; if ($period>1) { if ($periodexpiry <= time()) { while ($periodexpiry <= time()) $periodexpiry += 86400; $periodexpiry += $period - 86400; $periodcount = 0; } $tqr .= $tqrperiod . "FROM_UNIXTIME($periodexpiry) "; } $preperiodexpiry = $periodexpiry - $period; } if (time()-$sessiontime <= $preperiodexpiry && $period > 1 ) { $limitsessiontime = time() - $preperiodexpiry; } else { $limitsessiontime = $sessiontime; } $QUERY .= "$periodcount + ceil($limitsessiontime" . $tqr . "WHERE id_trunk=$trunk_id"; } else $QUERY = "UPDATE cc_trunk SET secondusedreal = secondusedreal + $sessiontime WHERE id_trunk=$trunk_id"; $A2B -> debug( DEBUG, $agi, __FILE__, __LINE__, $QUERY); $result = $A2B->instance_table -> SQLExec ($A2B -> DBHandle, $QUERY, 0); $QUERY = "UPDATE cc_tariffplan SET secondusedreal = secondusedreal + $sessiontime WHERE id=$id_tariffplan"; $A2B -> debug( DEBUG, $agi, __FILE__, __LINE__, $QUERY); $result = $A2B->instance_table -> SQLExec ($A2B -> DBHandle, $QUERY, 0); } monitor_recognize($A2B); }