mm_renameTab('settings', 'Publication settings', $news_role);
// Rename the longtitle firled to make it more appropriate for news editors
mm_renameField('longtitle', 'Headline', $news_role, '', 'This will be displayed at the top of each page');
// We'd like to treat our news stories differently from other documents, so let's customise them. They use a specific
// template (ID 10) so let's set a variable with this ID in.
$news_tpl = '10';
// We categorise our news stories with a TV (news_category), so let's put this on a new tab to make it obvious to editors
mm_createTab('Categories', 'cats', '', $news_tpl, '', '600');
mm_moveFieldsToTab('news_category', 'cats', '', $news_tpl);
// Some of our field names could be clarified for news stories...
mm_changeFieldHelp('longtitle', 'The story\'s headline', '', $news_tpl);
mm_changeFieldHelp('introtext', 'A short summary of the story', '', $news_tpl);
// We don't need to show these, as news stories aren't shown in menus
mm_hideFields('menuindex,show_in_menu', '', $news_tpl);
// Always make the page, menu and long titles the same
mm_synch_fields('pagetitle,menutitle,longtitle', '', $news_tpl);
// Set some defaults for everyone
// Always set the default publication date to today
// Change the introtext field name to something more plain English
mm_renameField('introtext', 'Summary');
// and do the same for some of the help messages
mm_changeFieldHelp('alias', 'The URL that will be used to reach this story. Only numbers, letters and hyphens can be used');
// Add some widgets to certain TVs
// Give blog tag editing capabilities to the 'blogTags' TV
mm_widget_colors('colour', '#666666');
// make a color selector widget for the 'colour' TV
// Always give a preview of Image TVs
// For everyone except administrators - this field doesn't mean much to anyone else
예제 #2

// MM rules can go in here, instead of a chunk
// If you copy them to a chunk, don't include the opening and closing PHP tags
// ------------------------ INSERT YOUR RULES HERE --------------------
// These are example rules -- replace them with your own
// PHP *is* allowed
// News editors role -- creating a variable makes it easier to manage if this changes in the future
$news_role = '3';
mm_hideFields('pagetitle,menutitle,link_attributes,template,menuindex,description,show_in_menu,which_editor,is_folder,is_richtext,log,searchable,cacheable,clear_cache', $news_role);
mm_renameTab('settings', 'Publication settings', $news_role);
mm_synch_fields('pagetitle,menutitle,longtitle', $news_role);
mm_renameField('longtitle', 'Headline', $news_role, '', 'This will be displayed at the top of each page');
// News story template
$news_tpl = '10';
mm_createTab('Categories', 'HrCats', '', $news_tpl, '', '600');
mm_moveFieldsToTab('tvnewsbigimage', 'general', '', $news_tpl);
mm_changeFieldHelp('longtitle', 'The story\'s headline', '', $news_tpl);
mm_changeFieldHelp('introtext', 'A short summary of the story', '', $news_tpl);
mm_hideFields('menuindex,show_in_menu', '', $news_tpl);
mm_changeFieldHelp('parent', 'To move this story to a different folder: Click this icon to activate, then choose a new folder in the tree on the left.', '', $news_tpl);
// For everyone
mm_renameField('introtext', 'Summary');
mm_changeFieldHelp('alias', 'The URL that will be used to reach this story. Only numbers, letters and hyphens can be used');
// Give blog tag editing capabilities to the 'blogTags' TV
mm_widget_colors('colour', '#666666');
// make a color selector widget for the 'colour' TV
// Always give a preview of Image TVs