예제 #1
 public static function to_xml($data = null, $xml = null, $basenode = 'xml')
     // turn off compatibility mode as simple xml throws a wobbly if you don't.
     if (@ini_get('zend.ze1_compatibility_mode') == 1) {
         @ini_set('zend.ze1_compatibility_mode', 0);
     if ($xml === null) {
         $xml = simplexml_load_string("<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?><{$basenode} />");
     // Force it to be something useful
     if (!is_array($data) && !is_object($data)) {
         $data = (array) $data;
     foreach ($data as $key => $value) {
         // no numeric keys in our xml please!
         if (is_numeric($key)) {
             // make string key...
             $key = mgm_singular($basenode) != $basenode ? mgm_singular($basenode) : 'item';
         // replace anything not alpha numeric
         $key = preg_replace('/[^a-z_\\-0-9]/i', '', $key);
         $key = preg_replace('/^[0-9]{1,}/i', '', $key);
         // lower
         $key = strtolower($key);
         // if there is another array found recrusively call this function
         if (is_array($value) || is_object($value)) {
             $node = $xml->addChild($key);
             // recrusive call.
             mgm_format::to_xml($value, $node, $key);
         } else {
             // add single node.
             $value = htmlspecialchars(html_entity_decode($value, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'), ENT_QUOTES, "UTF-8");
             $xml->addChild($key, $value);
     // as xml
     return $xml->asXML();
  * get gifted contents
  * @verb GET
  * @action all 	
  * @url <site>/mgmapi/contents/gifted.<format>  -- list all post types
  * @url <site>/mgmapi/contents/gifted/:(posts|pages|custom_post_type).<format> -- list only specified post type
  * @url <site>/mgmapi/contents/gifted/:(posts|pages|custom_post_type)/:id.<format> -- list specified post type by post id
  * @param string $post_type
  * @param int $id
  * @since 1.0
 public function gifted_get($post_type = '', $id = NULL)
     global $wpdb;
     // get vars
     $get_vars = $this->request->data['get'];
     // start
     $start = isset($get_vars['start']) ? (int) $get_vars['start'] : 0;
     // rows
     $rows = isset($get_vars['rows']) ? (int) $get_vars['rows'] : 100;
     // status
     $status = 'success';
     $message = '';
     // registered post types
     $post_types = mgm_get_post_types(false);
     // all post types
     if (empty($post_type)) {
         // get
         $contents = $this->_get_purchased_contents($post_types, $id, $start, $rows, true);
         // content type
         $content_type = 'all post types';
     } else {
         // post/page
         if (in_array($post_type, array('posts', 'pages'))) {
             $post_type = mgm_singular($post_type);
         // validate
         if (!in_array($post_type, $post_types)) {
             // error
             $status = 'error';
             $message = sprintf(__('Specified post type - %s is invalid, try with a valid post type only', 'mgm'), $post_type);
         } else {
             // get
             $contents = $this->_get_purchased_contents($post_type, $id, $start, $rows, true);
             // content type
             $content_type = $post_type;
     // name
     $content_type_name = 'contents';
     // data when contents found
     if (isset($contents)) {
         // total rows
         $total_rows = count($contents);
         // base
         $data = array('total_rows' => $total_rows);
         // by id
         if (isset($id) && (int) $id > 0) {
             // message
             $message = sprintf(__('Get gifted - %s dy id#%d response', 'mgm'), $content_type, $id);
             // data
             if ($total_rows > 0) {
                 $data = $data + array(mgm_singular($content_type_name) => array_shift($contents));
         } else {
             // all
             // message
             $message = sprintf(__('Get gifted - %s response - %d %s found', 'mgm'), $content_type, $total_rows, $content_type);
             // data
             if ($total_rows > 0) {
                 $data = $data + array($content_type_name => $contents);
     // response
     $response = array('status' => $status, 'message' => $message);
     // data
     if (isset($data)) {
         $response = $response + array('data' => $data);
     // return
     return array($response, 200);
 * edit/add term/taxonomy form to assign access by membership types
 * @param taxonomy
 * @return none
function mgm_taxonomy_form($taxonomy)
    // except tags
    if (is_object($taxonomy)) {
        $term = $taxonomy->taxonomy;
    } else {
        $term = $taxonomy;
    // exit if tags
    if ($term == 'post_tag') {
    // member types
    $access_membership_types = mgm_get_class('post_taxonomy')->get_access_membership_types();
    // init
    $membership_types = array();
    // check edit
    if (isset($taxonomy->term_id) && $taxonomy->term_id > 0) {
        // check
        if (isset($access_membership_types[$taxonomy->term_id])) {
            $membership_types = $access_membership_types[$taxonomy->term_id];
    // label
    if ($tax = get_taxonomy($term)) {
        $label = isset($tax->singular_label) ? $tax->singular_label : (isset($tax->labels->singular_name) ? $tax->labels->singular_name : mgm_singular($term));
        $name = isset($tax->name) ? $tax->name : $term;
    } else {
        $label = mgm_singular($term);
        $name = $term;
    // access
    $mgm_taxonomy_access = mgm_make_checkbox_group('mgm_taxonomy_access[]', mgm_get_class('membership_types')->membership_types, $membership_types, MGM_KEY_VALUE);

	<script language="javascript">
    if (isset($taxonomy->term_id) && intval($taxonomy->term_id) > 0) {
			var html='<tr class="form-field form-required">' +
					 ' 	<th scope="row" valign="top"><label for="cat_name"><?php 
        printf(__('%s Protection', 'mgm'), $label);
</label></th>' +
					 '	<td><div>'+"<?php 
        echo $mgm_taxonomy_access;
					 '  <p><?php 
        printf(__('Only selected membership types can access the <b>%s</b> taxonomy (Leave all unchecked to allow public access)', 'mgm'), $label);
</p></td>' +
			jQuery("#edittag .form-table:last").append(html);
    } else {
			var html='<div class="form-field">'+
					 '<label for="mgm_taxonomy_access"><?php 
        printf(__('%s Protection', 'mgm'), $label);
        echo $mgm_taxonomy_access;
        printf(__('Only selected membership types can access the <b>%s</b> taxonomy (Leave all unchecked to allow public access)', 'mgm'), $label);
			jQuery("#addtag p.submit").before(html);
