<?php /** * Patch for adding new custom page */ mgm_create_custom_pages(true); // end patch
function activate() { global $wpdb; // get auth $auth = mgm_get_class('auth'); // verify key if ($auth->verify()) { // migration once / it will take care require_once 'migration/mgm_migrate.php'; // check and set each schedules foreach (mgm_get_defined_schedules() as $schedule_name => $event_name) { // set up daily cron event, once if (!wp_next_scheduled($event_name)) { // add wp_schedule_event(time(), $schedule_name, $event_name); // the name of event/schedule hook } } // create pages run always now, only when new pages added it will execute mgm_create_custom_pages(); // run others once if (!get_option('mgm_version') || version_compare(get_option('mgm_upgrade_id'), '1.8', '<')) { // add version/upgrade compare, transaction added on 1.8 and pages later // create pages // mgm_create_custom_pages(); // enable active modules $payment_modules = mgm_get_class('system')->get_active_modules('payment'); // active modules if ($payment_modules) { // loop foreach ($payment_modules as $module) { // install modules mgm_get_module($module, 'payment')->enable(); // enable only } } // update update_option('mgm_version', $auth->get_product_info('product_version')); // version update_option('mgm_build', $auth->get_product_info('product_build')); // build } } }