public function doMobileResult() { global $_GPC, $_W; if (isset($_GPC['wd_code'])) { $title = '防伪验真'; $footer_off = 1; $SecurityCode = $_GPC['wd_code']; load()->model('mc'); $openid = $this->message['from']; $logs['openid'] = $openid; $logs['weid'] = $_W['uniacid']; $fans = pdo_fetch("SELECT fanid,uid FROM " . tablename('mc_mapping_fans') . " WHERE `openid`='{$openid}' LIMIT 1"); $uid = '0'; if ($fans['uid'] != '0') { $uid = $fans['uid']; } else { $uid = mc_update($uid, array('email' => md5($_W['openid']) . '')); if (!empty($fans['fanid']) && !empty($uid)) { pdo_update('mc_mapping_fans', array('uid' => $uid), array('fanid' => $fans['fanid'])); } } $logs['code'] = $SecurityCode; $sql = "SELECT * FROM " . tablename($this->data) . " WHERE code='{$SecurityCode}' LIMIT 1"; $member = pdo_fetch($sql); $states = 0; if (!empty($member)) { if ($member['stime'] <= TIME()) { $logs['status'] = '0'; $reply = '您查询的防伪码已过期! '; } else { $member['num'] = intval($member['num']) + 1; $data = array('num' => $member['num']); pdo_update($this->data, $data, array('id' => $member['id'])); $states = 1; $logs['status'] = '1'; } if ($member['creditstatus'] == '0') { mc_credit_update($uid, 'credit1', $member['creditnum'], array('1', '防伪码自动增加积分,积分名称:' . $member['creditname'])); pdo_update($this->data, array('creditstatus' => '1'), array('id' => $member['id'])); } $logs['createtime'] = time(); pdo_insert('super_securitycode_logs', $logs); $sql = "SELECT a.*,b.residecity,b.resideprovince FROM " . tablename("super_securitycode_logs") . " as a\r\n\r\n left JOIN ims_mc_mapping_fans as c on a.openid=c.openid\r\nleft join ims_mc_members as b on c.uid=b.uid\r\n WHERE a.code='{$SecurityCode}' and a.status=1 order by a.createtime DESC LIMIT 0," . $member['num']; $loglist = pdo_fetchall($sql); include $this->template('index2'); } else { $reply = '您查询的防伪码不存在,请核对后重试!'; } } else { $reply = '您查询的防伪码不存在,请核对后重试!'; } echo $reply; exit; }
function fans_update($user, $fields) { global $_W; load()->model('mc'); $uid = intval($user); if (empty($uid)) { $uid = pdo_fetchcolumn("SELECT uid FROM " . tablename('mc_mapping_fans') . " WHERE openid = :openid AND acid = :acid", array(':openid' => $user, ':acid' => $_W['acid'])); if (empty($uid)) { return false; } } return mc_update($uid, $fields); }
public function doMobileEditfans() { global $_GPC, $_W; $rid = intval($_GPC['rid']); $from_user = authcode(base64_decode($_GPC['from_user']), 'DECODE'); $uniacid = $_W['uniacid']; //Session_token令牌判断 if (!isset($_GPC['session_token'])) { $this->Json_encode(array('success' => 1, 'msg' => '非法操作')); } if (isset($_GPC['session_token']) && $_GPC['session_token'] != $_SESSION['_token']) { $this->Json_encode(array('success' => 1, 'msg' => '请等待上次操作生效!不要着急!')); } //Session_token令牌判断 $exchange = pdo_fetch("select * FROM " . tablename("stonefish_chailihe_exchange") . " where rid = :rid", array(':rid' => $rid)); //判断是否参与过 $fans = pdo_fetch("select * from " . tablename('stonefish_chailihe_fans') . " where rid = :rid and uniacid = :uniacid and from_user= :from_user", array(':rid' => $rid, ':uniacid' => $uniacid, ':from_user' => $from_user)); $uid = pdo_fetchcolumn("select uid FROM " . tablename('mc_mapping_fans') . " where openid=:openid and uniacid=:uniacid", array(":openid" => $from_user, ":uniacid" => $uniacid)); if (!empty($fans)) { //读取保存提交的资料 $ziduan = array('realname', 'mobile', 'qq', 'email', 'address', 'gender', 'telephone', 'idcard', 'company', 'occupation', 'position'); foreach ($ziduan as $ziduans) { if ($exchange['is' . $ziduans]) { pdo_update('stonefish_chailihe_fans', array($ziduans => $_GPC[$ziduans]), array('id' => $fans['id'])); //是否同步保存FANS表 if ($exchange['isfans'] && $uid) { if ($ziduans == 'email') { mc_update($uid, array('email' => $_GPC['email'])); } else { mc_update($uid, array($ziduans => $_GPC[$ziduans], 'email' => $profile['email'])); } } //是否同步保存FANS表 } } //读取保存提交的资料 //生成Session_token令牌 $this->Session_token($from_user); //生成Session_token令牌 $data = array('success' => 1, 'msg' => '资料保存成功!'); } else { $data = array('success' => 0, 'msg' => '没有查到您的查关资料'); } //判断是否参与过 $this->json_encode($data); }
function mc_require($uid, $fields, $pre = '') { global $_W, $_GPC; if (empty($fields) || !is_array($fields)) { return false; } $flipfields = array_flip($fields); if (in_array('birth', $fields) || in_array('birthyear', $fields) || in_array('birthmonth', $fields) || in_array('birthday', $fields)) { unset($flipfields['birthyear'], $flipfields['birthmonth'], $flipfields['birthday'], $flipfields['birth']); $flipfields['birthyear'] = 'birthyear'; $flipfields['birthmonth'] = 'birthmonth'; $flipfields['birthday'] = 'birthday'; } if (in_array('reside', $fields) || in_array('resideprovince', $fields) || in_array('residecity', $fields) || in_array('residedist', $fields)) { unset($flipfields['residedist'], $flipfields['resideprovince'], $flipfields['residecity'], $flipfields['reside']); $flipfields['resideprovince'] = 'resideprovince'; $flipfields['residecity'] = 'residecity'; $flipfields['residedist'] = 'residedist'; } $fields = array_keys($flipfields); if (!in_array('uniacid', $fields)) { $fields[] = 'uniacid'; } if (!empty($pre)) { $pre .= '<br/>'; } if (empty($uid)) { foreach ($fields as $field) { $profile[$field] = ''; } $uniacid = $_W['uniacid']; } else { $profile = mc_fetch($uid, $fields); $uniacid = $profile['uniacid']; } $sql = 'SELECT `f`.`field`, `f`.`id` AS `fid`, `mf`.* FROM ' . tablename('profile_fields') . " AS `f` LEFT JOIN " . tablename('mc_member_fields') . " AS `mf` ON `f`.`id` = `mf`.`fieldid` WHERE `uniacid` = :uniacid ORDER BY\r\n\t\t\t`displayorder` DESC"; $system_fields = pdo_fetchall($sql, array(':uniacid' => $_W['uniacid']), 'field'); if (empty($system_fields)) { $sql = 'SELECT `id`, `field`, `title` FROM ' . tablename('profile_fields'); $system_fields = pdo_fetchall($sql, array(), 'field'); } $titles = array(); foreach ($system_fields as $field) { $titles[$field['field']] = $field['title']; } $message = ''; $ks = array(); foreach ($profile as $k => $v) { if (empty($v)) { $ks[] = $k; $message .= $system_fields[$k]['title'] . ', '; } } if (!empty($message)) { $title = '完善资料'; if (checksubmit('submit')) { if (in_array('resideprovince', $fields)) { $_GPC['resideprovince'] = $_GPC['reside']['province']; $_GPC['residecity'] = $_GPC['reside']['city']; $_GPC['residedist'] = $_GPC['reside']['district']; } if (in_array('birthyear', $fields)) { $_GPC['birthyear'] = $_GPC['birth']['year']; $_GPC['birthmonth'] = $_GPC['birth']['month']; $_GPC['birthday'] = $_GPC['birth']['day']; } $record = array_elements($fields, $_GPC); if (isset($record['uniacid'])) { unset($record['uniacid']); } foreach ($record as $field => $value) { if ($field == 'gender') { continue; } if (empty($value)) { message('请填写完整所有资料.', referer(), 'error'); } } if (empty($record['nickname']) && !empty($_W['fans']['nickname'])) { $record['nickname'] = $_W['fans']['nickname']; } if (empty($record['avatar']) && !empty($_W['fans']['tag']['avatar'])) { $record['avatar'] = $_W['fans']['tag']['avatar']; } $condition = " AND uid != {$uid} "; if (in_array('email', $fields)) { $emailexists = pdo_fetchcolumn("SELECT email FROM " . tablename('mc_members') . " WHERE uniacid = :uniacid AND email = :email " . $condition, array(':uniacid' => $_W['uniacid'], ':email' => trim($record['email']))); if (!empty($emailexists)) { message('抱歉,您填写的手机号已经被使用,请更新。', 'refresh', 'error'); } } if (in_array('mobile', $fields)) { $mobilexists = pdo_fetchcolumn("SELECT mobile FROM " . tablename('mc_members') . " WHERE uniacid = :uniacid AND mobile = :mobile " . $condition, array(':uniacid' => $_W['uniacid'], ':mobile' => trim($record['mobile']))); if (!empty($mobilexists)) { message('抱歉,您填写的手机号已经被使用,请更新。', 'refresh', 'error'); } } $insertuid = mc_update($uid, $record); if (empty($uid)) { pdo_update('mc_oauth_fans', array('uid' => $insertuid), array('oauth_openid' => $_W['openid'])); pdo_update('mc_mapping_fans', array('uid' => $insertuid), array('openid' => $_W['openid'])); } message('资料完善成功.', 'refresh'); } load()->func('tpl'); load()->model('activity'); $filter = array(); $filter['status'] = 1; $coupons = activity_coupon_owned($_W['member']['uid'], $filter); $tokens = activity_token_owned($_W['member']['uid'], $filter); $setting = uni_setting($_W['uniacid'], array('creditnames', 'creditbehaviors', 'uc')); $behavior = $setting['creditbehaviors']; $creditnames = $setting['creditnames']; $credits = mc_credit_fetch($_W['member']['uid'], '*'); include template('mc/require', TEMPLATE_INCLUDEPATH); exit; } return $profile; }
if (empty($profile['email']) || !empty($profile['email']) && substr($profile['email'], -6) == '' && strlen($profile['email']) == 39) { $profile['email'] = ''; $profile['email_effective'] = 1; } } $sql = 'SELECT `mf`.*, `pf`.`field` FROM ' . tablename('mc_member_fields') . ' AS `mf` JOIN ' . tablename('profile_fields') . " AS `pf`\r\n\t\tON `mf`.`fieldid` = `pf`.`id` WHERE `uniacid` = :uniacid AND `mf`.`available` = :available"; $params = array(':uniacid' => $_W['uniacid'], ':available' => '1'); $mcFields = pdo_fetchall($sql, $params, 'field'); if (checksubmit('submit')) { if (!empty($_GPC)) { $_GPC['createtime'] = TIMESTAMP; foreach ($_GPC as $field => $value) { if (!isset($value) || in_array($field, array('uid', 'act', 'name', 'token', 'submit', 'session'))) { unset($_GPC[$field]); continue; } } if (empty($_GPC['email']) && $profile['email_effective'] == 1) { unset($_GPC['email']); } $_GPC['birthyear'] = $_GPC['birth']['year']; $_GPC['birthmonth'] = $_GPC['birth']['month']; $_GPC['birthday'] = $_GPC['birth']['day']; $_GPC['resideprovince'] = $_GPC['reside']['province']; $_GPC['residecity'] = $_GPC['reside']['city']; $_GPC['residedist'] = $_GPC['reside']['district']; mc_update($_W['member']['uid'], $_GPC); } message('更新资料成功!', referer(), 'success'); } template('mc/profile');
<?php global $_GPC, $_W; checkauth(); $rid = intval($_GPC['rid']); $uid = $_W['member']['uid']; $realname = $_POST['realname']; $mobile = $_POST['mobile']; if (!empty($realname) && !empty($mobile)) { $info = array('realname' => $realname, 'mobile' => $mobile); mc_update($uid, $info); $status = 1; $url = $this->createMobileUrl('index', array('rid' => $rid)); $tip = '注册成功'; } else { $status = 0; $tip = '注册失败'; } $data = array('msg' => $tip, 'status' => $status, 'url' => $url); $msg = json_encode($data); //print_r($_POST['realname']); die($msg);
$cardsn = str_replace($row, random(strlen($row), 1), $cardsn); } } preg_match('/(\\#+)/', $_GPC['format'], $matchs); $length = strlen($matchs[1]); $pos = strpos($_GPC['format'], '#'); $cardsn = str_replace($matchs[1], str_pad($_GPC['snpos']++, $length - strlen($number), '0', STR_PAD_LEFT), $cardsn); pdo_update('mc_card', array('snpos' => $_GPC['snpos']), array('uniacid' => $_W['uniacid'], 'id' => $_GPC['cardid'])); $record = array('uniacid' => $_W['uniacid'], 'uid' => $_W['member']['uid'], 'cid' => $_GPC['cardid'], 'cardsn' => $cardsn, 'status' => '1', 'createtime' => TIMESTAMP); $check = mc_check($data); if (is_error($check)) { message($check['message'], '', 'error'); } if (pdo_insert('mc_card_members', $record)) { if (!empty($data)) { mc_update($_W['member']['uid'], $data); } message('领取会员卡成功.', url('mc/bond/mycard'), 'success'); } else { message('领取会员卡失败.', referer(), 'error'); } } } if ($do == 'mycard') { $mcard = pdo_fetch('SELECT * FROM ' . tablename('mc_card_members') . ' WHERE uniacid = :uniacid AND uid = :uid', array(':uniacid' => $_W['uniacid'], ':uid' => $_W['member']['uid'])); if (empty($mcard)) { header('Location:' . url('mc/bond/card')); } if (!empty($mcard['status'])) { $setting = pdo_fetch('SELECT * FROM ' . tablename('mc_card') . ' WHERE uniacid = :uniacid', array(':uniacid' => $_W['uniacid'])); if (!empty($setting)) {
public function doMobileResearch() { global $_W, $_GPC; $reid = intval($_GPC['id']); $sql = 'SELECT * FROM ' . tablename('research') . ' WHERE `weid`=:weid AND `reid`=:reid'; $params = array(); $params[':weid'] = $_W['uniacid']; $params[':reid'] = $reid; $activity = pdo_fetch($sql, $params); if (empty($_W['fans']['openid'])) { message('请先关注公众号再来参加活动吧!'); } if ($activity['status'] != '1') { message('当前预约活动已经停止.'); } if (!$activity) { message('非法访问.'); } if ($activity['starttime'] > TIMESTAMP) { message('当前预约活动还未开始!'); } if ($activity['endtime'] < TIMESTAMP) { message('当前预约活动已经结束!'); } $title = $activity['title']; $sql = 'SELECT * FROM ' . tablename('research_fields') . ' WHERE `reid` = :reid ORDER BY `displayorder` DESC, `refid`'; $params = array(); $params[':reid'] = $reid; $ds = pdo_fetchall($sql, $params); if (!$ds) { message('非法访问.'); } $initRange = $initCalendar = false; $binds = array(); foreach ($ds as &$r) { if ($r['type'] == 'range') { $initRange = true; } if ($r['type'] == 'calendar') { $initCalendar = true; } if ($r['value']) { $r['options'] = explode(',', $r['value']); } if ($r['bind']) { $binds[$r['type']] = $r['bind']; } if ($r['type'] == 'reside') { $reside = $r; } } if (checksubmit('submit')) { $sql = 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ' . tablename('research_rows') . ' WHERE `reid` = :reid AND `openid` = :openid'; $params = array(':reid' => $reid, ':openid' => $_W['fans']['from_user']); $pretotal = pdo_fetchcolumn($sql, $params); if ($pretotal >= $activity['pretotal']) { message('抱歉,每人只能预约' . $activity['pretotal'] . "次!", referer(), 'error'); } $sql = 'SELECT `rerid` FROM ' . tablename('research_rows') . ' WHERE `reid` = :reid GROUP BY `openid`'; unset($params[':openid']); $allTotal = pdo_fetchall($sql, $params); if (count($allTotal) >= $activity['alltotal']) { pdo_update('research', array('endtime' => TIMESTAMP), array('reid' => $reid)); message('当前预约活动已经结束!'); } $row = array(); $row['reid'] = $reid; $row['openid'] = $_W['fans']['from_user']; $row['createtime'] = TIMESTAMP; $datas = $fields = $update = array(); foreach ($ds as $value) { $fields[$value['refid']] = $value; } foreach ($_GPC as $key => $value) { if (strexists($key, 'field_')) { $bindFiled = substr(strrchr($key, '_'), 1); if (!empty($bindFiled)) { $update[$bindFiled] = $value; } $refid = intval(str_replace('field_', '', $key)); $field = $fields[$refid]; if ($refid && $field) { $entry = array(); $entry['reid'] = $reid; $entry['rerid'] = 0; $entry['refid'] = $refid; if (in_array($field['type'], array('number', 'text', 'calendar', 'email', 'textarea', 'radio', 'range', 'select', 'image'))) { $entry['data'] = strval($value); } if (in_array($field['type'], array('checkbox'))) { if (!is_array($value)) { continue; } $entry['data'] = implode(';', $value); } $datas[] = $entry; } } } if ($_FILES) { load()->func('file'); foreach ($_FILES as $key => $file) { if (strexists($key, 'field_')) { $refid = intval(str_replace('field_', '', $key)); $field = $fields[$refid]; if ($refid && $field && $file['name'] && $field['type'] == 'image') { $entry = array(); $entry['reid'] = $reid; $entry['rerid'] = 0; $entry['refid'] = $refid; $ret = file_upload($file); if (!$ret['success']) { message('上传图片失败, 请稍后重试.'); } $entry['data'] = trim($ret['path']); $datas[] = $entry; } } } } // 兼容会员居住地字段 if (!empty($_GPC['reside'])) { if (in_array('reside', $binds)) { $update['resideprovince'] = $_GPC['reside']['province']; $update['residecity'] = $_GPC['reside']['city']; $update['residedist'] = $_GPC['reside']['district']; } foreach ($_GPC['reside'] as $key => $value) { $resideData = array('reid' => $reside['reid']); $resideData['rerid'] = 0; $resideData['refid'] = $reside['refid']; $resideData['data'] = $value; $datas[] = $resideData; } } // 更新关联会员资料 if (!empty($update)) { load()->model('mc'); mc_update($_W['member']['uid'], $update); } if (empty($datas)) { message('非法访问.', '', 'error'); } if (pdo_insert('research_rows', $row) != 1) { message('保存失败.'); } $rerid = pdo_insertid(); if (empty($rerid)) { message('保存失败.'); } foreach ($datas as &$r) { $r['rerid'] = $rerid; pdo_insert('research_data', $r); } if (empty($activity['starttime'])) { $record = array(); $record['starttime'] = TIMESTAMP; pdo_update('research', $record, array('reid' => $reid)); } if (!empty($datas)) { $image = $body = ''; foreach ($datas as $row) { if (substr($row['data'], 0, 6) != 'images') { $body .= '<h4>' . $fields[$row['refid']]['title'] . ':' . $row['data'] . '</h4>'; } else { $image .= '<p>' . $fields[$row['refid']]['title'] . ': <img src="' . tomedia($row['data']) . '" /></p>'; } } // 发送邮件提醒 if (!empty($activity['noticeemail'])) { load()->func('communication'); ihttp_email($activity['noticeemail'], $activity['title'] . '的预约提醒', $image . $body); } // 发送短信提醒 if (!empty($activity['mobile'])) { load()->model('cloud'); cloud_prepare(); $body = '项目' . $activity['title'] . '于' . date('Y-m-d H:i') . '有了新的预约信息,请到后台查看具体内容.' . random(3); cloud_sms_send($activity['mobile'], $body); } } message($activity['information'], 'refresh'); } // 兼容会员居住地字段 foreach ($binds as $key => $value) { if ($value == 'reside') { unset($binds[$key]); $binds[] = 'resideprovince'; $binds[] = 'residecity'; $binds[] = 'residedist'; break; } } if (!empty($_W['fans']['from_user']) && !empty($binds)) { $profile = fans_search($_W['fans']['from_user'], $binds); if ($profile['gender']) { if ($profile['gender'] == '0') { $profile['gender'] = '保密'; } if ($profile['gender'] == '1') { $profile['gender'] = '男'; } if ($profile['gender'] == '2') { $profile['gender'] = '女'; } } foreach ($ds as &$r) { if ($profile[$r['bind']]) { $r['default'] = $profile[$r['bind']]; } } } load()->func('tpl'); include $this->template('submit'); }
public function doMobilesettel() { global $_GPC, $_W; $rid = intval($_GPC['rid']); $fansID = $_W['member']['uid']; $from_user = $_W['fans']['from_user']; $fans = pdo_fetch("select id from " . tablename('stonefish_bigwheel_fans') . " where rid = " . $rid . " and fansID=" . $fansID . " and from_user='******'"); if ($fans == false) { $data = array('success' => 0, 'msg' => '保存数据错误!'); } else { //查询规则保存哪些数据 $updata = array(); $reply = pdo_fetch("select isfans,isrealname,ismobile,isqq,isemail,isaddress,isgender,istelephone,isidcard,iscompany,isoccupation,isposition from " . tablename('stonefish_bigwheel_reply') . " where rid = :rid", array(':rid' => $rid)); if ($reply['isrealname']) { $updata['realname'] = $_GPC['realname']; } if ($reply['ismobile']) { $updata['mobile'] = $_GPC['mobile']; } if ($reply['isqq']) { $updata['qq'] = $_GPC['qq']; } if ($reply['isemail']) { $updata['email'] = $_GPC['email']; } if ($reply['isaddress']) { $updata['address'] = $_GPC['address']; } if ($reply['isgender']) { $updata['gender'] = $_GPC['gender']; } if ($reply['istelephone']) { $updata['telephone'] = $_GPC['telephone']; } if ($reply['isidcard']) { $updata['idcard'] = $_GPC['idcard']; } if ($reply['iscompany']) { $updata['company'] = $_GPC['company']; } if ($reply['isoccupation']) { $updata['occupation'] = $_GPC['occupation']; } if ($reply['isposition']) { $updata['position'] = $_GPC['position']; } $temp = pdo_update('stonefish_bigwheel_fans', $updata, array('rid' => $rid, 'fansID' => $fansID)); if ($temp === false) { $data = array('success' => 0, 'msg' => '保存数据错误!'); } else { if ($reply['isfans']) { load()->model('mc'); mc_update($fansID, $updata); } $data = array('success' => 1, 'msg' => '成功提交数据'); } } echo json_encode($data); }
public function doMobileApply() { //这个操作被定义用来呈现 微站个人中心导航 global $_W, $_GPC; load()->model('mc'); $openid = $_W['fans']['from_user']; $fans = pdo_fetch("SELECT fanid,uid FROM " . tablename('mc_mapping_fans') . " WHERE `openid`='{$openid}' LIMIT 1"); $uid = '0'; if ($fans['uid'] != '0') { $uid = $fans['uid']; } else { $uid = mc_update($uid, array('email' => md5($_W['openid']) . '')); if (!empty($fans['fanid']) && !empty($uid)) { pdo_update('mc_mapping_fans', array('uid' => $uid), array('fanid' => $fans['fanid'])); } } $minnum = isset($this->module['config']['out_limit']) ? $this->module['config']['out_limit'] : '100.00'; $credit_type = isset($this->module['config']['credit_type']) ? $this->module['config']['credit_type'] : 'credit1'; $yue = mc_credit_fetch($uid); $ff_log = pdo_fetch("SELECT * FROM " . tablename('hx_subscribe_data') . " WHERE `uniacid`='{$_W['uniacid']}' AND `uid`='{$uid}'"); $profile = mc_fetch($uid); if (checksubmit('submit')) { if ($_GPC['type'] == '1' && empty($_GPC['alipay'])) { message('参数错误,请返回修改'); } if ($_GPC['type'] == '2' && empty($_GPC['cardid'])) { message('参数错误,请返回修改'); } $remark['1']['user'] = $_GPC['realname']; $remark['1']['time'] = time(); $remark['1']['reason'] = ''; $data = array('uniacid' => $_W['uniacid'], 'uid' => $uid, 'realname' => $_GPC['realname'], 'qq' => $_GPC['qq'], 'type' => intval($_GPC['type']), 'alipay' => $_GPC['alipay'], 'cardid' => $_GPC['cardid'], 'cardfrom' => $_GPC['cardfrom'], 'cardname' => $_GPC['cardname'], 'credit2' => $_GPC['credit2'], 'mobile' => $_GPC['mobile'], 'createtime' => time(), 'status' => '1', 'remark' => iserializer($remark)); pdo_insert('hx_subscribe_apply', $data); mc_credit_update($uid, $credit_type, '-' . $_GPC['mobile'], array('1', '申请提现')); message('提现成功', $this->createMobileUrl('myapply'), 'success'); } include $this->template('apply'); }
public function doMobileSurvey() { checkauth(); global $_W, $_GPC; $sid = intval($_GPC['id']); $sql = 'SELECT * FROM ' . tablename('survey') . ' WHERE `weid`=:weid AND `sid`=:sid'; $params = array(); $params[':weid'] = $_W['uniacid']; $params[':sid'] = $sid; $activity = pdo_fetch($sql, $params); $activity['content'] = htmlspecialchars_decode($activity['content']); $title = $activity['title']; //分享处理 $_share_img = $_W['attachurl'] . $activity['thumb']; if ($activity['status'] != '1') { message('当前调研活动已经停止.'); } if (!$activity) { message('非法访问.'); } if ($activity['starttime'] > TIMESTAMP) { message('当前调研活动还未开始!'); } if ($activity['endtime'] < TIMESTAMP) { message('当前调研活动已经结束!'); } $sql = 'SELECT * FROM ' . tablename('survey_fields') . ' WHERE `sid`=:sid ORDER BY `displayorder` ASC,sfid ASC'; $params = array(); $params[':sid'] = $sid; $ds = pdo_fetchall($sql, $params); if (!$ds) { message('非法访问.'); } $pertotal = pdo_fetchcolumn("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " . tablename('survey_rows') . " WHERE sid = :sid AND openid = :openid", array(':sid' => $sid, ':openid' => $_W['fans']['from_user'])); if ($pertotal >= $activity['pertotal']) { $pererror = 1; } $user = mc_fetch($_W['fans']['from_user'], array('realname', 'mobile')); if (empty($user['realname']) || empty($user['mobile'])) { $userinfo = 0; } if (checksubmit()) { if ($pertotal >= $activity['pertotal']) { message('抱歉!每人只能提交' . $activity['pertotal'] . "次!", referer(), 'error'); } //更新粉丝的手机号和姓名 if ($userinfo == '0') { mc_update($_W['fans']['from_user'], array('realname' => trim($_GPC['username']), 'mobile' => trim($_GPC['telephone']))); } $row = array(); $row['sid'] = $sid; $row['openid'] = $_W['fans']['from_user']; $row['suggest'] = trim($_GPC['suggest']); $row['createtime'] = TIMESTAMP; $datas = array(); $fields = array(); foreach ($ds as $r) { $fields[$r['sfid']] = $r; } foreach ($_GPC as $key => $value) { if (strexists($key, 'field_')) { $sfid = intval(str_replace('field_', '', $key)); $field = $fields[$sfid]; if ($sfid && $field) { if (in_array($field['type'], array('textarea', 'radio'))) { $entry = array(); $entry['sid'] = $sid; $entry['srid'] = 0; $entry['sfid'] = $sfid; $entry['createtime'] = TIMESTAMP; $entry['data'] = strval($value); $datas[] = $entry; } if (in_array($field['type'], array('checkbox'))) { $value = explode("||", $value); if (!is_array($value)) { continue; } foreach ($value as $k => $v) { $entry['sid'] = $sid; $entry['srid'] = 0; $entry['sfid'] = $sfid; $entry['createtime'] = TIMESTAMP; $entry['data'] = strval($v); $datas[] = $entry; } } } } } if (empty($datas)) { message('非法访问.', '', 'error'); } if (pdo_insert('survey_rows', $row) != 1) { message('保存失败.'); } $srid = pdo_insertid(); if (empty($srid)) { message('保存失败.'); } foreach ($datas as &$r) { $r['srid'] = $srid; pdo_insert('survey_data', $r); } if (empty($activity['starttime'])) { $record = array(); $record['starttime'] = TIMESTAMP; pdo_update('survey', $record, array('sid' => $sid)); } message($activity['information'], 'refresh'); } foreach ($ds as &$r) { if ($r['value']) { $r['options'] = explode("\r\n", $r['value']); } } include $this->template('submit'); }
public function doMobilesettel() { global $_GPC, $_W; $id = intval($_GPC['id']); $fansID = $_W['member']['uid']; $from_user = $_W['fans']['from_user']; $fans = pdo_fetch("SELECT id FROM " . tablename($this->tablefans) . " WHERE rid = " . $id . " and fansID=" . $fansID . " and from_user='******'"); if ($fans == false) { $data = array('success' => 0, 'msg' => '保存数据错误!'); } else { $temp = pdo_update($this->tablefans, array('tel' => $_GPC['tel']), array('rid' => $id, 'fansID' => $fansID)); if ($temp === false) { $data = array('success' => 0, 'msg' => '保存数据错误!'); } else { load()->model('mc'); mc_update($fansID, array('mobile' => $_GPC['tel'])); $data = array('success' => 1, 'msg' => '成功提交数据'); } } echo json_encode($data); }
public function doMobileInfo() { global $_W, $_GPC; $openid = $this->getOpenid(); $rule = pdo_fetch('select * from ' . tablename($this->modulename . "_rule") . " where rid='{$_GPC['rid']}'"); $player = pdo_fetch('select * from ' . tablename($this->modulename . '_player') . " where rid='{$rule['rid']}' and openid='{$openid}'"); if ($_GPC['op'] == 'user') { $nl = trim($_GPC['nl']); $nz = trim($_GPC['zn']); if (empty($nl)) { $nl = '牛郎'; } if (empty($nz)) { $nz = '织女'; } $data = array('myname' => $nl, 'hname' => $nz); if (pdo_update($this->modulename . '_player', $data, array('id' => $player['id'])) === false) { die("0"); } die("1"); } else { if (!empty($_GPC['mobile']) && !preg_match("/^1[34578]\\d{9}\$/", $_GPC['mobile'])) { message('请填写正确的手机号码'); } if (empty($player)) { $player = $this->createPlayer($rule); } $data = array('realname' => $_GPC['realname'], 'mobile' => $_GPC['mobile'], 'qq' => $_GPC['qq'], 'email' => $_GPC['email'], 'address' => $_GPC['address']); if (pdo_update($this->modulename . '_player', $data, array('id' => $player['id'])) === false) { message('保存个人信息失败!'); } if ($rule['isfans']) { //更新信息到系统会员表 load()->model('mc'); $mc = array(); if (!empty($data['realname'])) { $mc['realname'] = $data['realname']; } if (!empty($data['mobile'])) { $mc['mobile'] = $data['mobile']; } if (!empty($data['qq'])) { $mc['qq'] = $data['qq']; } if (!empty($data['email'])) { $mc['email'] = $data['email']; } if (!empty($data['address'])) { $mc['address'] = $data['address']; } mc_update($player['openid'], $mc); } message('保存个人信息成功!', $this->createMobileUrl('index', array('rid' => $rule['rid']))); } }
<?php $award_id = intval($_GPC['award_id']); if (!empty($_GPC['award_id'])) { $follow = pdo_fetch("select uid from " . tablename('mc_mapping_fans') . " uniacid = " . $weid . " and openid = '" . $_W['openid'] . "'"); $fans = mc_search($follow['uid'], array('credit1')); $award_info = pdo_fetch("SELECT * FROM " . tablename('weilive_list') . " WHERE award_id = {$award_id} AND weid = '{$weid}'"); if ($fans['credit1'] >= $award_info['credit_cost'] && $award_info['amount'] > 0) { $data = array('amount' => $award_info['amount'] - 1); pdo_update('weilive_list', $data, array('weid' => $weid, 'award_id' => $award_id)); $data = array('weid' => $weid, 'from_user' => $_W['fans']['from_user'], 'award_id' => $award_id, 'createtime' => TIMESTAMP); pdo_insert('weilive_request', $data); $data = array('realname' => $_GPC['realname'], 'mobile' => $_GPC['mobile'], 'credit1' => $fans['credit1'] - $award_info['credit_cost'], 'residedist' => $_GPC['residedist']); mc_update($follow['uid'], $data); // navigate to user profile page message('积分兑换成功!', create_url('mobile/module/mycredit', array('weid' => $weid, 'name' => 'hcweilive', 'do' => 'mycredit', 'op' => 'display')), 'success'); } else { message('积分不足或商品已经兑空,请重新选择商品!<br>当前商品所需积分:' . $award_info['credit_cost'] . '<br>您的积分:' . $fans['credit1'] . '. 商品剩余数量:' . $award_info['amount'] . '<br><br>小提示:<br>每日签到,在线订票,宾馆预订可以赚取积分', create_url('mobile/module/award', array('weid' => $weid, 'name' => 'hcweilive')), 'error'); } } else { message('请选择要兑换的商品!', create_url('mobile/module/award', array('weid' => $weid, 'name' => 'hcweilive')), 'error'); }
function Mobile_UpdateMember($theThis, $uniacid, $uid, $data) { global $_W, $_GPC; $rd = new ReturnData(""); load()->model('mc'); if (!mc_update($uid, $data)) { $rd->setMsg("更新个人信息失败"); $rd->setCode(200); } return $rd; }
$ret['status'] = 2; $ret['money'] = number_format($moneycount, 2); $ret['moneycount'] = number_format($set['become_moneycount'], 2); } } } if ($_W['ispost']) { if ($member['isagent'] == 1 && $member['status'] == 1) { show_json(0, '您已经是' . $set['texts']['become'] . ',无需再次申请!'); } if ($ret['status'] == 1 || $ret['status'] == 2) { show_json(0, '您消费的还不够哦,无法申请' . $set['texts']['become'] . '!'); } else { $become_check = intval($set['become_check']); $ret['status'] = $become_check; $data = array('isagent' => 1, 'agentid' => $mid, 'status' => $become_check, 'realname' => $_GPC['realname'], 'mobile' => $_GPC['mobile'], 'weixin' => $_GPC['weixin'], 'agenttime' => $become_check == 1 ? time() : 0); pdo_update('ewei_shop_member', $data, array('id' => $member['id'])); if ($become_check == 1) { $this->model->sendMessage($member['openid'], array('agenttime' => $data['agenttime']), TM_COMMISSION_BECOME); } if (!empty($member['uid'])) { load()->model('mc'); mc_update($member['uid'], array('realname' => $data['realname'], 'mobile' => $data['mobile'])); show_json(1, $ret); } } } show_json(1, $ret); } $this->setHeader(); include $this->template('register');
public function doMobileprofile() { global $_W, $_GPC; $uniacid = $_W['uniacid']; $title = '完善资料'; $op = $_GPC['op'] ? $_GPC['op'] : 'display'; $from_user = $this->getFromUser(); ///28.查询用户的唯一身份ID。$state:参数0默认,参数1微信拉取用户详细信息。 $profile = $this->getProfile(); ///34.获取wwx_fxxt_member表会员信。 $signPackage = $this->getSignPackage(); ///35.转发分享信息、未关注信息、COOKIE等等设置。 $this->OverallSituation($from_user, $profile); ///1.全局统一调用 $carttotal = $this->getCartTotal(); ///38.查询购物车内的商品数量。 if (empty($_W['openid'])) { message('请先登录', $this->createMobileUrl('login'), 'error'); exit; } load()->model('app'); load()->model('mc'); load()->func('tpl'); if (!empty($_W['openid'])) { $map_fans = pdo_fetchcolumn('SELECT tag FROM ' . tablename('mc_mapping_fans') . ' WHERE uniacid = :uniacid AND openid = :openid', array(':uniacid' => $_W['uniacid'], ':openid' => $_W['openid'])); if (!empty($map_fans)) { if (is_base64($map_fans)) { $map_fans = base64_decode($map_fans); } if (is_serialized($map_fans)) { $map_fans = iunserializer($map_fans); } if (!empty($map_fans) && is_array($map_fans)) { empty($profile['nickname']) ? $data['nickname'] = $map_fans['nickname'] : ''; empty($profile['gender']) ? $data['gender'] = $map_fans['sex'] : ''; empty($profile['residecity']) ? $data['residecity'] = $map_fans['city'] ? $map_fans['city'] . '市' : '' : ''; empty($profile['resideprovince']) ? $data['resideprovince'] = $map_fans['province'] ? $map_fans['province'] . '省' : '' : ''; empty($profile['nationality']) ? $data['nationality'] = $map_fans['country'] : ''; empty($profile['avatar']) ? $data['avatar'] = rtrim($map_fans['headimgurl'], '0') . 132 : ''; if (!empty($data)) { mc_update($_W['member']['uid'], $data); } } } } if (checksubmit('submit')) { if (empty($_GPC['avatar'])) { message('头像不能为空!', '', 'error'); } if (empty($_GPC['nickname'])) { message('昵称不能为空!', '', 'error'); } if (empty($_GPC['realname'])) { message('真实姓名不能为空!', '', 'error'); } $data = array('realname' => $_GPC['realname'], 'nickname' => $_GPC['nickname'], 'bankcard' => $_GPC['bankcard'], 'banktype' => $_GPC['banktype'], 'alipay' => $_GPC['alipay'], 'wxhao' => $_GPC['wxhao']); pdo_update('wwx_fxxt_member', $data, array('from_user' => $from_user)); mc_update($_W['member']['uid'], array('nickname' => $_GPC['nickname'], 'realname' => $_GPC['realname'], 'avatar' => $_GPC['avatar'])); pdo_update('mc_mapping_fans', array('nickname' => $_GPC['nickname']), array('openid' => $from_user)); message('更新资料成功!', referer(), 'success'); } include $this->template('profile'); }
<?php if (!defined('IN_IA')) { exit('Access Denied'); } global $_W, $_GPC; $openid = m('user')->getOpenid(); $member = m('member')->getInfo($openid); if ($_W['isajax']) { if ($_W['ispost']) { $memberdata = $_GPC['memberdata']; pdo_update('ewei_shop_member', $memberdata, array('openid' => $openid, 'uniacid' => $_W['uniacid'])); if (!empty($member['uid'])) { $mcdata = $_GPC['mcdata']; load()->model('mc'); mc_update($member['uid'], $mcdata); } show_json(1); } show_json(1, array('member' => $member)); } include $this->template('member/info');
public function doMobileEditfans() { global $_GPC, $_W; $rid = intval($_GPC['rid']); $from_user = authcode(base64_decode($_GPC['from_user']), 'DECODE'); $uniacid = $_W['uniacid']; $reply = pdo_fetch("select id,fansnum FROM " . tablename('stonefish_bigwheel_reply') . " where rid = :rid ORDER BY `id` DESC", array(':rid' => $rid)); $exchange = pdo_fetch("select * FROM " . tablename("stonefish_bigwheel_exchange") . " where rid = :rid", array(':rid' => $rid)); //判断是否参与过 $fans = pdo_fetch("select * from " . tablename('stonefish_bigwheel_fans') . " where rid = :rid and uniacid = :uniacid and from_user= :from_user", array(':rid' => $rid, ':uniacid' => $uniacid, ':from_user' => $from_user)); $uid = pdo_fetchcolumn("select uid FROM " . tablename('mc_mapping_fans') . " where openid=:openid and uniacid=:uniacid", array(":openid" => $from_user, ":uniacid" => $uniacid)); if (empty($fans)) { $fansdata = array('rid' => $rid, 'uniacid' => $uniacid, 'from_user' => $from_user, 'avatar' => $_GPC['avatar'], 'nickname' => $_GPC['nickname'], 'todaynum' => 0, 'totalnum' => 0, 'awardnum' => 0, 'createtime' => time()); pdo_insert('stonefish_bigwheel_fans', $fansdata); $fans['id'] = pdo_insertid(); //增加人数,和浏览次数 pdo_update('stonefish_bigwheel_reply', array('fansnum' => $reply['fansnum'] + 1), array('id' => $reply['id'])); } //读取保存提交的资料 if ($fans['id']) { $ziduan = array('realname', 'mobile', 'qq', 'email', 'address', 'gender', 'telephone', 'idcard', 'company', 'occupation', 'position'); foreach ($ziduan as $ziduans) { if ($exchange['is' . $ziduans]) { pdo_update('stonefish_bigwheel_fans', array($ziduans => $_GPC[$ziduans]), array('id' => $fans['id'])); //是否同步保存FANS表 if ($exchange['isfans'] && $uid) { if ($ziduans == 'email') { mc_update($uid, array('email' => $_GPC['email'])); } else { mc_update($uid, array($ziduans => $_GPC[$ziduans], 'email' => $profile['email'])); } } //是否同步保存FANS表 } } } //读取保存提交的资料 $data = array('success' => 1, 'msg' => '资料保存成功!'); //判断是否参与过 $this->json_encode($data); }
public function doMobileUserinfo() { global $_GPC, $_W; $weid = $_W['weid']; if ($_GPC['code'] == "authdeny") { $url = $_W['siteroot'] . "app/" . $this->createMobileUrl('index', array()); header("location:{$url}"); exit('authdeny'); } load()->func('communication'); if (isset($_GPC['code'])) { $appid = $_W['account']['key']; $secret = $_W['account']['secret']; $serverapp = $_W['account']['level']; if ($serverapp != 4) { $cfg = $this->module['config']; $appid = $cfg['appid']; $secret = $cfg['secret']; } $state = $_GPC['state']; $rid = $_GPC['rid']; $code = $_GPC['code']; $oauth2_code = "" . $appid . "&secret=" . $secret . "&code=" . $code . "&grant_type=authorization_code"; $content = ihttp_get($oauth2_code); $token = @json_decode($content['content'], true); if (empty($token) || !is_array($token) || empty($token['access_token']) || empty($token['openid'])) { echo '<h1>获取微信公众号授权' . $code . '失败[无法取得token以及openid], 请稍后重试! 公众平台返回原始数据为: <br />' . $content['meta'] . '<h1>'; exit; } $from_user = $token['openid']; //load()->model('mc'); ///$uid = mc_openid2uid($from_user); //$profile = mc_fetch($uid, 'follow'); $fans = pdo_fetch("select follow from " . tablename('mc_mapping_fans') . " where openid=:openid and uniacid=:uniacid limit 1", array(':openid' => $from_user, ':uniacid' => $_W['uniacid'])); if (!empty($fans) && !empty($fans['follow'])) { $state = 1; } else { $url = $_W['siteroot'] . "app/" . $this->createMobileUrl('userinfo', array()); $oauth2_code = "" . $appid . "&redirect_uri=" . urlencode($url) . "&response_type=code&scope=snsapi_userinfo&state=0#wechat_redirect"; header("location:{$oauth2_code}"); } if ($state == 1) { $oauth2_url = "" . $appid . "&secret=" . $secret . ""; $content = ihttp_get($oauth2_url); $token_all = @json_decode($content['content'], true); if (empty($token_all) || !is_array($token_all) || empty($token_all['access_token'])) { echo '<h1>获取微信公众号授权失败[无法取得access_token], 请稍后重试! 公众平台返回原始数据为: <br />' . $content['meta'] . '<h1>'; exit; } $access_token = $token_all['access_token']; $oauth2_url = "" . $access_token . "&openid=" . $from_user . "&lang=zh_CN"; } else { $access_token = $token['access_token']; $oauth2_url = "" . $access_token . "&openid=" . $from_user . "&lang=zh_CN"; } $content = ihttp_get($oauth2_url); $info = @json_decode($content['content'], true); if (empty($info) || !is_array($info) || empty($info['openid']) || empty($info['nickname'])) { echo '<h1>获取微信公众号授权失败[无法取得info], 请稍后重试!<h1>'; exit; } if (!empty($_W['fans']['from_user'])) { load()->model('mc'); $uid = mc_openid2uid($_W['fans']['from_user']); mc_update($uid, array('nickname' => $info['nickname'], 'realname' => $info['nickname'], 'avatar' => $info['headimgurl'])); } setcookie("wdl_hchighguess_fromuser" . $_W['weid'], $info['openid'], time() + 3600 * 240); $url = $this->createMobileUrl('index'); header("location:{$url}"); exit; } else { echo '<h1>网页授权域名设置出错!</h1>'; exit; } }
if ($mobilexists) { unset($_GPC['mobile']); } } $_GPC['uniacid'] = $_W['uniacid']; $_GPC['createtime'] = TIMESTAMP; pdo_insert('mc_members', $_GPC); $uid = pdo_insertid(); pdo_update('mc_mapping_fans', array('uid' => $uid), array('fanid' => $fanid, 'uniacid' => $_W['uniacid'])); message('更新资料成功!', url('mc/member/post', array('uid' => $uid)), 'success'); } else { $email_effective = intval($_GPC['email_effective']); if ($email_effective == 1 && empty($_GPC['email'])) { unset($_GPC['email']); } $uid = mc_update($uid, $_GPC); } } message('更新资料成功!', referer(), 'success'); } $groups = mc_groups($_W['uniacid']); $profile = pdo_get('mc_members', array('uniacid' => $_W['uniacid'], 'uid' => $uid)); if (!empty($profile)) { if (empty($profile['email']) || !empty($profile['email']) && substr($profile['email'], -6) == '' && strlen($profile['email']) == 39) { $profile['email_effective'] = 1; $profile['email'] = ''; } else { $profile['email_effective'] = 2; } } if (empty($uid)) {
public function saveUserInfo($info) { if (!isset($info['subscribe']) || $info['subscribe'] != 1) { return; } WeUtility::logging('saveUserInfo', $info); $from_user = $info['openid']; load()->model('mc'); $uid = mc_openid2uid($from_user); mc_update($uid, array('nickname' => $info['nickname'], 'gender' => $info['sex'], 'nationality' => $info['country'], 'resideprovince' => $info['province'], 'residecity' => $info['city'], 'avatar' => $info['headimgurl'])); }
public function doMobileget_award() { global $_GPC, $_W; $rid = intval($_GPC['rid']); $fansID = $_W['member']['uid']; $from_user = $_W['fans']['from_user']; $uniacid = $_W['uniacid']; $profile = mc_fetch($fansID, array('avatar', 'nickname', 'realname', 'mobile', 'qq', 'email', 'address', 'gender', 'telephone', 'idcard', 'company', 'occupation', 'position')); if (empty($profile['avatar'])) { $profile['avatar'] = '../addons/stonefish_redenvelope/template/images/avatar.jpg'; } if (empty($profile['nickname'])) { $profile['nickname'] = $_GPC['realname']; } $reply = pdo_fetch("SELECT * FROM " . tablename('stonefish_redenvelope_reply') . " WHERE rid = :rid ORDER BY `id` DESC", array(':rid' => $rid)); if ($reply == false) { $this->message(array("success" => 2, "msg" => '规则出错!...'), ""); } if ($reply['isshow'] != 1) { //活动已经暂停,请稍后... $this->message(array("success" => 2, "msg" => '活动暂停,请稍后...'), ""); } if ($reply['starttime'] > time()) { $this->message(array("success" => 2, "msg" => '活动还没有开始呢,请等待...'), ""); } if ($reply['endtime'] < time()) { $this->message(array("success" => 2, "msg" => '活动已经结束了,下次再来吧!'), ""); } if (empty($_W['fans'])) { $this->message(array("success" => 2, "msg" => '请先关注公共账号再来参与活动!详情请查看规则!'), ""); } //先判断有没有资格领取 //判断是否为关注用户 $follow = pdo_fetchcolumn("SELECT follow FROM " . tablename('mc_mapping_fans') . " Where openid=:openid and uniacid=:uniacid ORDER BY `fanid` DESC", array(":openid" => $from_user, ":uniacid" => $uniacid)); if ($follow == 0) { $this->message(array("success" => 2, "msg" => '请先关注公共账号再来参与活动!详情请查看规则!'), ""); } //判断是否为关注用户 //查询是活动定义还是商户赠送 if ($reply['opportunity'] == 1) { if (empty($profile['mobile'])) { $this->message(array("success" => 2, "msg" => '您没有注册成为会员,不能刮奖!'), ""); } $doings = pdo_fetch("SELECT * FROM " . tablename('stonefish_branch_doings') . " WHERE rid = " . $rid . " and mobile='" . $profile['mobile'] . "' and uniacid='" . $uniacid . "'"); if (!empty($doings)) { if ($doings['status'] < 2) { $this->message(array("success" => 2, "msg" => '抱歉,您的领取红包资格正在审核中!'), ""); } else { if ($doings['awardcount'] == 0) { $this->message(array("success" => 2, "msg" => '抱歉,您的领取红包资格已用完了!'), ""); } } } else { $this->message(array("success" => 2, "msg" => '抱歉,您还没有获取领取红包资格,不能领取!'), ""); } } elseif ($reply['opportunity'] == 2) { load()->model('account'); $unisettings = uni_setting($uniacid, array('creditnames')); foreach ($unisettings['creditnames'] as $key => $credits) { if ($reply['credit_type'] == $key) { $creditnames = $credits['title']; break; } } $credit = mc_credit_fetch($fansID, array($reply['credit_type'])); $credit_times = intval($credit[$reply['credit_type']] / $reply['credit_times']); if ($credit_times < 1) { $this->message(array("success" => 2, "msg" => '抱歉,您没有' . $creditnames . '兑换红包了!'), ""); } } //查询是活动定义还是商户赠送 //是否已关联用户,如果中能中奖一次,判断是否已中奖 $fans = pdo_fetch("SELECT * FROM " . tablename('stonefish_redenvelope_fans') . " WHERE rid = " . $rid . " and fansID=" . $fansID . " and from_user='******'"); if ($fans == false) { $inpoint = mt_rand($reply['inpointstart'] * 100, $reply['inpointend'] * 100) / 100; $inpoint = sprintf("%.2f", $inpoint); $fans = array('rid' => $rid, 'uniacid' => $uniacid, 'fansID' => $fansID, 'from_user' => $from_user, 'inpoint' => $inpoint, 'avatar' => $profile['avatar'], 'nickname' => $profile['nickname'], 'createtime' => time()); pdo_insert('stonefish_redenvelope_fans', $fans); $fans['id'] = pdo_insertid(); //自动读取会员信息存入FANS表中 $ziduan = array('realname', 'mobile', 'qq', 'email', 'address', 'gender', 'telephone', 'idcard', 'company', 'occupation', 'position'); load()->model('mc'); foreach ($ziduan as $ziduans) { if ($reply['is' . $ziduans]) { if (!empty($_GPC[$ziduans])) { pdo_update('stonefish_redenvelope_fans', array($ziduans => $_GPC[$ziduans]), array('id' => $fans['id'])); if ($reply['isfans']) { mc_update($fansID, array($ziduans => $_GPC[$ziduans])); } } } } //自动读取会员信息存入FANS表中 //增加人数,和浏览次数 pdo_update('stonefish_redenvelope_reply', array('fansnum' => $reply['fansnum'] + 1, 'viewnum' => $reply['viewnum'] + 1), array('id' => $reply['id'])); //商家赠送增加使用次数 if ($reply['opportunity'] == 1) { pdo_update('stonefish_branch_doings', array('usecount' => 0, 'usetime' => time()), array('id' => $doings['id'])); } elseif ($reply['opportunity'] == 2) { mc_credit_update($fansID, $reply['credit_type'], -$reply['credit_times'], array($fansID, '兑换幸运抢红包活动消耗:' . $reply['credit_times'] . '个' . $creditnames)); $credit_now = $credit[$reply['credit_type']] - $reply['credit_times']; } //开始分配红包咯 if ($inpoint) { //商家赠送添加使用记录 if ($reply['opportunity'] == 1) { $content = '领取红包价值:' . $inpoint; $insert = array('uniacid' => $uniacid, 'rid' => $rid, 'module' => 'stonefish_redenvelope', 'mobile' => $doings['mobile'], 'content' => $content, 'prizeid' => 0, 'createtime' => time()); pdo_insert('stonefish_branch_doingslist', $insert); } //商家赠送添加使用记录 $data = array('msg' => $inpoint, 'success' => 1, 'credit_now' => $credit_now); } } else { $this->message(array("success" => 2, "msg" => '您领取过红包了!'), ""); } $this->message($data); }
function mc_require($uid, $fields, $pre = '') { global $_W, $_GPC; if (empty($fields) || !is_array($fields)) { return false; } $flipfields = array_flip($fields); if (in_array('birth', $fields) || in_array('birthyear', $fields) || in_array('birthmonth', $fields) || in_array('birthday', $fields)) { unset($flipfields['birthyear'], $flipfields['birthmonth'], $flipfields['birthday'], $flipfields['birth']); $flipfields['birthyear'] = 'birthyear'; $flipfields['birthmonth'] = 'birthmonth'; $flipfields['birthday'] = 'birthday'; } if (in_array('reside', $fields) || in_array('resideprovince', $fields) || in_array('residecity', $fields) || in_array('residedist', $fields)) { unset($flipfields['residedist'], $flipfields['resideprovince'], $flipfields['residecity'], $flipfields['reside']); $flipfields['resideprovince'] = 'resideprovince'; $flipfields['residecity'] = 'residecity'; $flipfields['residedist'] = 'residedist'; } $fields = array_keys($flipfields); if (!in_array('uniacid', $fields)) { $fields[] = 'uniacid'; } if (!empty($pre)) { $pre .= '<br/>'; } $profile = mc_fetch($uid, $fields); $uniacid = $profile['uniacid']; $titles = mc_fields(); $message = ''; $ks = array(); foreach ($profile as $k => $v) { if (empty($v)) { $ks[] = $k; $message .= $titles[$k] . ', '; } } if (!empty($message)) { $title = '完善资料'; if (checksubmit('submit')) { if (in_array('resideprovince', $fields)) { $_GPC['resideprovince'] = $_GPC['reside']['province']; $_GPC['residecity'] = $_GPC['reside']['city']; $_GPC['residedist'] = $_GPC['reside']['district']; } if (in_array('birthyear', $fields)) { $_GPC['birthyear'] = $_GPC['birth']['year']; $_GPC['birthmonth'] = $_GPC['birth']['month']; $_GPC['birthday'] = $_GPC['birth']['day']; } $record = array_elements($fields, $_GPC); if (isset($record['uniacid'])) { unset($record['uniacid']); } foreach ($record as $field => $value) { if ($field == 'gender') { continue; } if (empty($value)) { message('请填写完整所有资料.', referer(), 'error'); } } $condition = " AND uid != {$uid} "; if (in_array('email', $fields)) { $emailexists = pdo_fetchcolumn("SELECT email FROM " . tablename('mc_members') . " WHERE uniacid = :uniacid AND email = :email " . $condition, array(':uniacid' => $_W['uniacid'], ':email' => trim($record['email']))); if (!empty($emailexists)) { message('抱歉,您填写的手机号已经被使用,请更新。', 'refresh', 'error'); } } if (in_array('mobile', $fields)) { $mobilexists = pdo_fetchcolumn("SELECT mobile FROM " . tablename('mc_members') . " WHERE uniacid = :uniacid AND mobile = :mobile " . $condition, array(':uniacid' => $_W['uniacid'], ':mobile' => trim($record['mobile']))); if (!empty($mobilexists)) { message('抱歉,您填写的手机号已经被使用,请更新。', 'refresh', 'error'); } } mc_update($uid, $record); message('资料完善成功.', 'refresh'); } load()->func('tpl'); load()->model('activity'); $filter = array(); $filter['status'] = 1; $coupons = activity_coupon_owned($_W['member']['uid'], $filter); $tokens = activity_token_owned($_W['member']['uid'], $filter); $setting = uni_setting($_W['uniacid'], array('creditnames', 'creditbehaviors', 'uc')); $behavior = $setting['creditbehaviors']; $creditnames = $setting['creditnames']; $credits = mc_credit_fetch($_W['member']['uid'], '*'); include template('mc/require', TEMPLATE_INCLUDEPATH); exit; } return $profile; }
public function doMobileRegister() { global $_GPC, $_W; $title = '微信墙登记'; /**** 0.6 ****/ load()->model('mc'); load()->func('tpl'); // 验证用户注册, 注册后方能进如活动 checkauth(); if (!empty($_GPC['submit'])) { $data = array('nickname' => $_GPC['nickname']); if (empty($data['nickname'])) { die('<script>alert("请填写您的昵称!");location.reload();</script>'); } if (!empty($_FILES['avatar']['tmp_name'])) { /**** 0.6 ****/ load()->func('file'); $upload = file_upload($_FILES['avatar']); if (is_error($upload)) { die('<script>alert("登记失败!请重试!");location.reload();</script>'); } $data['avatar'] = $upload['path']; } else { $data['avatar'] = $_GPC['avatar']; } if (empty($data['avatar'])) { $data['avatar'] = 'images/global/noavatar_middle.gif'; } mc_update($_W['member']['uid'], $data); message('登记成功,系统会自动跳转,如果未成功请手动退回微信界面。<script type="text/javascript">wx.ready(function(){wx.closeWindow();});</script>'); } /**** 0.6 ****/ $member = mc_fetch($_W['member']['uid'], array('nickname', 'avatar')); if (empty($member['avatar'])) { //mc_oauth_userinfo(); $member['avatar'] = 'images/global/noavatar_middle.gif'; include $this->template('register'); } else { message('个人信息已经自动获取到,系统会自动跳转,如果未成功请手动退回微信界面。<script type="text/javascript">wx.ready(function(){wx.closeWindow();});</script>', '', 'success'); } }
public function doMobileResearch() { global $_W, $_GPC; $weid = $_W['weid']; $reid = intval($_GPC['id']); $sql = 'SELECT * FROM ' . tablename('hnresearch') . ' WHERE `weid`=:weid AND `reid`=:reid'; $params = array(); $params[':weid'] = $_W['uniacid']; $params[':reid'] = $reid; $activity = pdo_fetch($sql, $params); $title = $activity['title']; if ($activity['status'] != '1') { message('当前活动已经停止.'); } if (!$activity) { message('非法访问.'); } if ($activity['starttime'] > TIMESTAMP) { message('当前活动还未开始!'); } if ($activity['endtime'] < TIMESTAMP) { message('当前活动已经结束!'); } $sql = 'SELECT * FROM ' . tablename('hnresearch_fields') . ' WHERE `reid` = :reid'; $params = array(); $params[':reid'] = $reid; $ds = pdo_fetchall($sql, $params); if (!$ds) { message('非法访问.'); } $initRange = $initCalendar = false; $binds = array(); foreach ($ds as &$r) { if ($r['type'] == 'range') { $initRange = true; } if ($r['type'] == 'calendar') { $initCalendar = true; } if ($r['value']) { $r['options'] = explode(',', $r['value']); } if ($r['bind']) { $binds[$r['type']] = $r['bind']; } if ($r['type'] == 'reside') { $reside = $r; } } if (checksubmit('submit')) { $pretotal = pdo_fetchcolumn("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " . tablename('hnresearch_rows') . " WHERE reid = :reid AND openid = :openid", array(':reid' => $reid, ':openid' => $_W['fans']['from_user'])); if ($pretotal >= $activity['pretotal']) { message('抱歉,每人只能报名' . $activity['pretotal'] . "次!", $this->createMobileUrl('huodongindex'), 'error'); } if (empty($_W['fans']['from_user'])) { message('非法进去,请从公众号进入!'); } else { $checksql = "SELECT * FROM " . tablename('hnfans') . " WHERE from_user=:from_user AND weid=:weid"; $checkit = pdo_fetch($checksql, array(':from_user' => $_W['fans']['from_user'], ':weid' => $weid)); if (empty($checkit)) { message('对不起,本活动只准许交友系统会员报名!'); } } $row = array(); $row['reid'] = $reid; $row['openid'] = $_W['fans']['from_user']; $row['createtime'] = TIMESTAMP; $datas = $fields = $update = array(); foreach ($ds as $value) { $fields[$value['refid']] = $value; } foreach ($_GPC as $key => $value) { if (strexists($key, 'field_')) { $bindFiled = substr(strrchr($key, '_'), 1); if (!empty($bindFiled)) { $update[$bindFiled] = $value; } $refid = intval(str_replace('field_', '', $key)); $field = $fields[$refid]; if ($refid && $field) { $entry = array(); $entry['reid'] = $reid; $entry['rerid'] = 0; $entry['refid'] = $refid; if (in_array($field['type'], array('number', 'text', 'calendar', 'email', 'textarea', 'radio', 'range', 'select'))) { $entry['data'] = strval($value); } if (in_array($field['type'], array('checkbox'))) { if (!is_array($value)) { continue; } $entry['data'] = implode(';', $value); } $datas[] = $entry; } } } if ($_FILES) { load()->func('file'); foreach ($_FILES as $key => $file) { if (strexists($key, 'field_')) { $refid = intval(str_replace('field_', '', $key)); $field = $fields[$refid]; if ($refid && $field && $file['name'] && $field['type'] == 'image') { $entry = array(); $entry['reid'] = $reid; $entry['rerid'] = 0; $entry['refid'] = $refid; $ret = file_upload($file); if (!$ret['success']) { message('上传图片失败, 请稍后重试.'); } $entry['data'] = trim($ret['path']); $datas[] = $entry; } } } } // 兼容会员居住地字段 if (!empty($_GPC['reside'])) { if (in_array('reside', $binds)) { $update['resideprovince'] = $_GPC['reside']['province']; $update['residecity'] = $_GPC['reside']['city']; $update['residedist'] = $_GPC['reside']['district']; } foreach ($_GPC['reside'] as $key => $value) { $resideData = array('reid' => $reside['reid']); $resideData['rerid'] = 0; $resideData['refid'] = $reside['refid']; $resideData['data'] = $value; $datas[] = $resideData; } } // 更新关联会员资料 if (!empty($update)) { load()->model('mc'); mc_update($_W['member']['uid'], $update); } if (empty($datas)) { message('非法访问.', '', 'error'); } if (pdo_insert('hnresearch_rows', $row) != 1) { message('保存失败.'); } $rerid = pdo_insertid(); if (empty($rerid)) { message('保存失败.'); } foreach ($datas as &$r) { $r['rerid'] = $rerid; pdo_insert('hnresearch_data', $r); } if (empty($activity['starttime'])) { $record = array(); $record['starttime'] = TIMESTAMP; pdo_update('hnresearch', $record, array('reid' => $reid)); } //发送预约 if (!empty($datas) && !empty($activity['noticeemail'])) { foreach ($datas as $row) { $img = "<img src='"; /* 如果预约项目类型是上传图片 */ if (substr($row['data'], 0, 6) == 'images') { $body = $fields[$row['refid']]['title'] . ':' . $img . tomedia($row['data']) . ' />'; } $body .= $fields[$row['refid']]['title'] . ':' . $row['data']; } load()->func('communication'); ihttp_email($activity['noticeemail'], $activity['title'] . '的报名提醒', $body); } message($activity['information'], $this->createMobileUrl('huodongindex'), 'sucess'); //可能需要改成跳转到活动首页 } foreach ($binds as $key => $value) { if ($value == 'reside') { unset($binds[$key]); $binds[] = 'resideprovince'; $binds[] = 'residecity'; $binds[] = 'residedist'; break; } } if (!empty($_W['fans']['from_user']) && !empty($binds)) { $profile = fans_search($_W['fans']['from_user'], $binds); if ($profile['gender']) { if ($profile['gender'] == '0') { $profile['gender'] = '保密'; } if ($profile['gender'] == '1') { $profile['gender'] = '男'; } if ($profile['gender'] == '2') { $profile['gender'] = '女'; } } foreach ($ds as &$r) { if ($profile[$r['bind']]) { $r['default'] = $profile[$r['bind']]; } } } $settings = pdo_fetch("SELECT * FROM " . tablename('meepo_hongniangset') . " WHERE weid=:weid", array(':weid' => $_W['weid'])); load()->func('tpl'); include $this->template('hnsubmit'); }
if ($uid == -1) { message('用户名不合法!', '', 'error'); } elseif ($uid == -2) { message('包含不允许注册的词语!', '', 'error'); } elseif ($uid == -3) { message('用户名已经存在!', '', 'error'); } elseif ($uid == -4) { message('邮箱格式错误!', '', 'error'); } elseif ($uid == -5) { message('邮箱不允许注册!', '', 'error'); } elseif ($uid == -6) { message('邮箱已经被注册!', '', 'error'); } } else { if ($_W['member']['email'] == '') { mc_update($_W['member']['uid'], array('email' => $email)); } pdo_insert('mc_mapping_ucenter', array('uniacid' => $_W['uniacid'], 'uid' => $_W['member']['uid'], 'centeruid' => $uid)); message('绑定UC账号成功!', url('mc/mc/home'), 'success'); } } } template('mc/bind'); exit; } else { message('已绑定UC账号,您可以尝试解绑定后重新绑定UC账号!', '', 'error'); } } else { message('系统尚未开启UC!', '', 'success'); } } else {
public function respond() { global $_W; load()->model('mc'); $openid = $this->message['from']; $logs['openid'] = $openid; $logs['weid'] = $_W['uniacid']; $fans = pdo_fetch("SELECT fanid,uid FROM " . tablename('mc_mapping_fans') . " WHERE `openid`='{$openid}' LIMIT 1"); $uid = '0'; if ($fans['uid'] != '0') { $uid = $fans['uid']; } else { $uid = mc_update($uid, array('email' => md5($_W['openid']) . '')); if (!empty($fans['fanid']) && !empty($uid)) { pdo_update('mc_mapping_fans', array('uid' => $uid), array('fanid' => $fans['fanid'])); } } $rid = $this->rule; $sql = "SELECT * FROM " . tablename('rule_keyword') . " WHERE `rid`=:rid LIMIT 1"; $row = pdo_fetch($sql, array(':rid' => $rid)); $sqls = "SELECT * FROM " . tablename($this->reply) . " WHERE `rid`=:rid LIMIT 1"; $rows = pdo_fetch($sqls, array(':rid' => $rid)); if (empty($rows['id'])) { return array(); } if (empty($row['id'])) { return array(); } $wd_code = $this->message['scancodeinfo']['scanresult']; $wd_qrcode = substr($wd_code, strpos($wd_code, "wd_code=") + 8); if ($this->message['event'] == 'scancode_waitmsg') { $qrtype = $this->message['scancodeinfo']['scantype']; $SecurityCode = $wd_qrcode; } else { $keywords = $wd_qrcode; preg_match('/' . $keywords . '(.*)/', $this->message['content'], $match); $SecurityCode = $match[1]; } $logs['code'] = $SecurityCode; $sql = "SELECT * FROM " . tablename($this->data) . " WHERE code='{$SecurityCode}' LIMIT 1"; $member = pdo_fetch($sql); $states = 0; if (!empty($member)) { if ($member['status'] == '0') { $states = 0; } elseif ($member['num'] >= $rows['tnumber']) { $set = pdo_update($this->data, array('status' => '0'), array('id' => $member['id'])); $states = 0; } elseif ($member['stime'] <= TIME()) { $logs['status'] = '0'; $reply = '您查询的防伪码已过期! '; } else { $data = array('num' => $member['num'] + 1); pdo_update($this->data, $data, array('id' => $member['id'])); $states = 1; } if ($states == 0) { $reply = str_replace('[SecurityCode]', $SecurityCode, $rows['Failure']); } else { $number = $member['num'] + 1; $Factory = $member['factory']; $Effedate = date('Y-m-d', $member['stime']); $Products = $member['type']; $Brand = $member['brand']; $Spec = $member['spec']; $Weight = $member['weight']; $Remarks = $member['remarks']; $reply = str_replace('[number]', $number, $rows['Reply']); $reply = str_replace('[Factory]', $Factory, $reply); $reply = str_replace('[Brand]', $Brand, $reply); $reply = str_replace('[Spec]', $Spec, $reply); $reply = str_replace('[Weight]', $Weight, $reply); $reply = str_replace('[Remarks]', $Remarks, $reply); $reply = str_replace('[Effedate]', $Effedate, $reply); $reply = str_replace('[Products]', $Products, $reply); $reply = str_replace('[SecurityCode]', $SecurityCode, $reply); $reply = str_replace('[CreditName]', $member['creditname'], $reply); $reply = str_replace('[CreditNum]', $member['creditnum'], $reply); if ($member['creditstatus'] == '0') { mc_credit_update($uid, 'credit1', $member['creditnum'], array('1', '防伪码自动增加积分,积分名称:' . $member['creditname'])); pdo_update($this->data, array('creditstatus' => '1'), array('id' => $member['id'])); } $logs['status'] = '1'; } } else { $logs['status'] = '0'; $reply = '您查询的防伪码不存在,请核对后重试!'; } $logs['createtime'] = time(); pdo_insert('super_securitycode_logs', $logs); return $this->respText($reply); }
public function doMobileCheckprize() { global $_W, $_GPC; if (empty($_SERVER["HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH"]) || strtolower($_SERVER["HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH"]) != "xmlhttprequest") { exit('非法访问'); } load()->model('activity'); $id = $_GPC['id']; $reply = pdo_fetch("SELECT * FROM " . tablename($this->table_reply) . " WHERE id = :id", array(':id' => $id)); if (!empty($reply)) { if (empty($_W['fans']['from_user'])) { //防止错误提交的数据 $errorCode = 10999; } else { $from_user = $_W['fans']['from_user']; $fans = pdo_fetch("SELECT fanid,uid FROM " . tablename('mc_mapping_fans') . " WHERE `openid`='{$from_user}' LIMIT 1"); $uid = '0'; if ($fans['uid'] != '0') { $uid = $fans['uid']; } else { $uid = mc_update($uid, array('email' => md5($from_user) . '')); if (!empty($fans['fanid']) && !empty($uid)) { pdo_update('mc_mapping_fans', array('uid' => $uid), array('fanid' => $fans['fanid'])); } } $profile = mc_fetch($uid); $awardnum = pdo_fetchcolumn('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ' . tablename($this->table_award) . " WHERE reply_id = '{$id}' AND uid = '{$uid}'"); $awardfans = pdo_fetch("SELECT * FROM " . tablename($this->table_fans) . " WHERE reply_id = '{$id}' AND uid = '{$uid}'"); $t = mktime(0, 0, 0, date("m", time()), date("d", time()), date("y", time())); if (empty($awardfans)) { $data1 = array('reply_id' => $id, 'from_user' => $from_user, 'uid' => $uid, 'todaynum' => '0', 'totalnum' => '0', 'awardnum' => '0', 'last_time' => time(), 'createtime' => time()); pdo_insert($this->table_fans, $data1); } elseif ($awardfans['last_time'] < $t) { $data2 = array('todaynum' => '0', 'last_time' => time()); pdo_update($this->table_fans, $data2, array('id' => $awardfans['id'])); } if (time() <= $reply['starttime'] || time() >= $reply['endtime'] || $reply['status'] == 0) { $errorCode = 1; } elseif ($reply['status'] == 2) { $errorCode = 1; } elseif ($reply['groupid'] != 0 && $reply['groupid'] != $profile['groupid']) { $errorCode = 1; } elseif ($reply['need_num'] > $profile[$reply['need_type']]) { $errorCode = 1; } elseif ($awardnum >= $reply['awardnum']) { $errorCode = 1; } elseif ($awardfans['totalnum'] >= $reply['playnum']) { $errorCode = 1; } elseif ($awardfans['todaynum'] >= $reply['dayplaynum']) { $errorCode = 1; } else { mc_credit_update($uid, $reply['need_type'], '-' . $reply['need_num'], array('1', '幸运大抽奖 消耗 ' . $this->getcreditname($reply['need_type']) . ':' . $reply['need_num'])); $data3 = array('todaynum' => $awardfans['todaynum'] + 1, 'totalnum' => $awardfans['totalnum'] + 1, 'last_time' => time()); pdo_update($this->table_fans, $data3, array('id' => $awardfans['id'])); /*中奖部分代码开始*/ $rate = $reply['rate']; $prizes = iunserializer($reply['prizes']); $p_num = $prizes['p1_num'] + $prizes['p2_num'] + $prizes['p3_num'] + $prizes['p4_num']; empty($p_num) && ($p_num = 1); $arr['p1'] = round(100 * $rate * $prizes['p1_num'] / $p_num); $arr['p2'] = round(100 * $rate * $prizes['p2_num'] / $p_num); $arr['p3'] = round(100 * $rate * $prizes['p3_num'] / $p_num); $arr['p4'] = round(100 * $rate * $prizes['p4_num'] / $p_num); $arr['p5'] = 10000 - $arr['p1'] - $arr['p2'] - $arr['p3'] - $arr['p4']; if ($awardnum >= $p_num) { $result = 'p5'; } else { $result = $this->get_rand($arr); //返回结果为键值p1,p2,p3,p4 } /*中奖部分代码结束*/ if ($result == 'p5') { if ($reply['give_num'] != 0) { mc_credit_update($uid, $reply['give_type'], $reply['give_num'], array('1', '幸运大抽奖 未中奖赠送 ' . $this->getcreditname($reply['give_type']) . ':' . $reply['give_num'])); } } else { if ($reply['give_num'] != 0 && $reply['onlynone'] != 1) { $give_point = $reply['give_num']; $give_name = $this->getcreditname($reply['give_type']); mc_credit_update($uid, $reply['give_type'], $reply['give_num'], array('1', '幸运大抽奖 未中奖赠送 ' . $this->getcreditname($reply['give_type']) . ':' . $reply['give_num'])); } $errorCode = 0; if ($result == 'p1') { if ($prizes['p1_type'] != 2 && $prizes['p1_type'] != 3 && $prizes['p1_type'] != 4) { //积分类奖品 $point = $prizes['p1_score']; $point_name = $this->getcreditname($prizes['p1_type']); mc_credit_update($uid, $prizes['p1_type'], $point, array('1', '幸运大抽奖 中奖获得 ' . $this->getcreditname($prizes['p1_type']) . ':' . $point)); $detail_url = $_W['siteroot'] . 'app/index.php?i=' . $_W['uniacid'] . '&c=mc&a=bond&do=credits&credittype=' . $prizes['p1_type']; $awarddata = array('reply_id' => $id, 'uid' => $uid, 'name' => $this->getcreditname($prizes['p1_type']) . ':' . $point, 'prizetype' => $prizes['p1_type'], 'level' => '1', 'createtime' => time(), 'consumetime' => time(), 'status' => 1); } elseif ($prizes['p1_type'] == 2) { //非积分类奖品:折扣券 $point = 0; $couponid = $prizes['p1_score']; $coupon = activity_coupon_info($couponid, $_W['uniacid']); $ret = activity_coupon_grant($uid, $couponid, 'hx_lottery', '幸运大转盘中奖获得'); if (is_error($ret)) { //领取错误做等值处理 $remsg = ' 由于' . $ret['message'] . ' 奖品转换为等值' . $this->getcreditname($coupon['credittype']) . ':' . $coupon['credit']; mc_credit_update($uid, $coupon['credittype'], $coupon['credit'], array('1', '幸运大抽奖 等价 ' . $this->getcreditname($coupon['credittype']) . ':' . $coupon['credit'] . '原因:' . $ret['message'])); } $detail_url = $_W['siteroot'] . 'app/index.php?i=' . $_W['uniacid'] . '&c=activity&a=coupon&do=mine'; $awarddata = array('reply_id' => $id, 'uid' => $uid, 'name' => '折扣券:' . $coupon['title'], 'prizetype' => 'coupon', 'level' => '1', 'createtime' => time(), 'consumetime' => time(), 'status' => 1); $title = '折扣券'; $type = '折扣券'; $value = 1; } elseif ($prizes['p1_type'] == 3) { //非积分类奖品:代金券 $point = 0; $tokenid = $prizes['p1_score']; $token = activity_token_info($tokenid, $_W['uniacid']); $ret = activity_token_grant($uid, $tokenid, 'hx_lottery', '幸运大转盘中奖获得'); if (is_error($ret)) { //领取错误做等值处理 $remsg = ' 由于' . $ret['message'] . ' 奖品转换为等值' . $this->getcreditname($token['credittype']) . ':' . $token['credit']; mc_credit_update($uid, $token['credittype'], $token['credit'], array('1', '幸运大抽奖 等价 ' . $this->getcreditname($token['credittype']) . ':' . $token['credit'] . '原因:' . $ret['message'])); } $detail_url = $_W['siteroot'] . 'app/index.php?i=' . $_W['uniacid'] . '&c=activity&a=token&do=mine'; $awarddata = array('reply_id' => $id, 'uid' => $uid, 'name' => '折扣券:' . $token['title'], 'prizetype' => 'token', 'level' => '1', 'createtime' => time(), 'consumetime' => time(), 'status' => 1); $title = '代金券'; $type = '代金券'; $value = 1; } elseif ($prizes['p1_type'] == 4) { //非积分类奖品:真实物品 $point = 0; $goodsid = $prizes['p1_score']; $goods = activity_exchange_info($goodsid, $_W['uniacid']); $ret = activity_goods_grant($uid, $goodsid, 'hx_lottery', '幸运大转盘中奖获得'); if (is_error($ret)) { //领取错误做等值处理 $remsg = ' 由于' . $ret['message'] . ' 奖品转换为等值' . $this->getcreditname($goods['credittype']) . ':' . $goods['credit']; mc_credit_update($uid, $goods['credittype'], $goods['credit'], array('1', '幸运大抽奖 等价 ' . $this->getcreditname($goods['credittype']) . ':' . $goods['credit'] . '原因:' . $ret['message'])); } $detail_url = $_W['siteroot'] . 'app/index.php?i=' . $_W['uniacid'] . '&c=activity&a=goods&do=mine'; $awarddata = array('reply_id' => $id, 'uid' => $uid, 'name' => '折扣券:' . $goods['title'], 'prizetype' => 'goods', 'level' => '1', 'createtime' => time(), 'consumetime' => time(), 'status' => 1); $title = '真实物品券'; $type = '真实物品券'; $value = 1; } $award = array('title' => $title, 'value' => $value, 'type' => $type, 'remsg' => $remsg, 'point' => $point, 'point_name' => $point_name, 'give_point' => $give_point, 'give_name' => $give_name, 'level' => '1', 'detail_url' => $detail_url); } elseif ($result == 'p2') { if ($prizes['p2_type'] != 2 && $prizes['p2_type'] != 3 && $prizes['p2_type'] != 4) { //积分类奖品 $point = $prizes['p2_score']; $point_name = $this->getcreditname($prizes['p2_type']); mc_credit_update($uid, $prizes['p2_type'], $point, array('1', '幸运大抽奖 中奖获得 ' . $this->getcreditname($prizes['p2_type']) . ':' . $point)); $detail_url = $_W['siteroot'] . 'app/index.php?i=' . $_W['uniacid'] . '&c=mc&a=bond&do=credits&credittype=' . $prizes['p2_type']; $awarddata = array('reply_id' => $id, 'uid' => $uid, 'name' => $this->getcreditname($prizes['p2_type']) . ':' . $point, 'prizetype' => $prizes['p2_type'], 'level' => '2', 'createtime' => time(), 'consumetime' => time(), 'status' => 1); } elseif ($prizes['p2_type'] == 2) { //非积分类奖品:折扣券 $point = 0; $couponid = $prizes['p2_score']; $coupon = activity_coupon_info($couponid, $_W['uniacid']); $ret = activity_coupon_grant($uid, $couponid, 'hx_lottery', '幸运大转盘中奖获得'); if (is_error($ret)) { //领取错误做等值处理 $remsg = ' 由于' . $ret['message'] . ' 奖品转换为等值' . $this->getcreditname($coupon['credittype']) . ':' . $coupon['credit']; mc_credit_update($uid, $coupon['credittype'], $coupon['credit'], array('1', '幸运大抽奖 等价 ' . $this->getcreditname($coupon['credittype']) . ':' . $coupon['credit'] . '原因:' . $ret['message'])); } $detail_url = $_W['siteroot'] . 'app/index.php?i=' . $_W['uniacid'] . '&c=activity&a=coupon&do=mine'; $awarddata = array('reply_id' => $id, 'uid' => $uid, 'name' => '折扣券:' . $coupon['title'], 'prizetype' => 'coupon', 'level' => '2', 'createtime' => time(), 'consumetime' => time(), 'status' => 1); $title = '折扣券'; $type = '折扣券'; $value = 1; } elseif ($prizes['p2_type'] == 3) { //非积分类奖品:代金券 $point = 0; $tokenid = $prizes['p2_score']; $token = activity_token_info($tokenid, $_W['uniacid']); $ret = activity_token_grant($uid, $tokenid, 'hx_lottery', '幸运大转盘中奖获得'); if (is_error($ret)) { //领取错误做等值处理 $remsg = ' 由于' . $ret['message'] . ' 奖品转换为等值' . $this->getcreditname($token['credittype']) . ':' . $token['credit']; mc_credit_update($uid, $token['credittype'], $token['credit'], array('1', '幸运大抽奖 等价 ' . $this->getcreditname($token['credittype']) . ':' . $token['credit'] . '原因:' . $ret['message'])); } $detail_url = $_W['siteroot'] . 'app/index.php?i=' . $_W['uniacid'] . '&c=activity&a=token&do=mine'; $awarddata = array('reply_id' => $id, 'uid' => $uid, 'name' => '折扣券:' . $token['title'], 'prizetype' => 'token', 'level' => '2', 'createtime' => time(), 'consumetime' => time(), 'status' => 1); $title = '代金券'; $type = '代金券'; $value = 1; } elseif ($prizes['p2_type'] == 4) { //非积分类奖品:真实物品 $point = 0; $goodsid = $prizes['p2_score']; $goods = activity_exchange_info($goodsid, $_W['uniacid']); $ret = activity_goods_grant($uid, $goodsid, 'hx_lottery', '幸运大转盘中奖获得'); if (is_error($ret)) { //领取错误做等值处理 $remsg = ' 由于' . $ret['message'] . ' 奖品转换为等值' . $this->getcreditname($goods['credittype']) . ':' . $goods['credit']; mc_credit_update($uid, $goods['credittype'], $goods['credit'], array('1', '幸运大抽奖 等价 ' . $this->getcreditname($goods['credittype']) . ':' . $goods['credit'] . '原因:' . $ret['message'])); } $detail_url = $_W['siteroot'] . 'app/index.php?i=' . $_W['uniacid'] . '&c=activity&a=goods&do=mine'; $awarddata = array('reply_id' => $id, 'uid' => $uid, 'name' => '折扣券:' . $goods['title'], 'prizetype' => 'goods', 'level' => '2', 'createtime' => time(), 'consumetime' => time(), 'status' => 1); $title = '真实物品券'; $type = '真实物品券'; $value = 1; } $award = array('title' => $title, 'value' => $value, 'type' => $type, 'remsg' => $remsg, 'point' => $point, 'point_name' => $point_name, 'give_point' => $give_point, 'give_name' => $give_name, 'level' => '2', 'detail_url' => $detail_url); } elseif ($result == 'p3') { if ($prizes['p3_type'] != 2 && $prizes['p3_type'] != 3 && $prizes['p3_type'] != 4) { //积分类奖品 $point = $prizes['p3_score']; $point_name = $this->getcreditname($prizes['p3_type']); mc_credit_update($uid, $prizes['p3_type'], $point, array('1', '幸运大抽奖 中奖获得 ' . $this->getcreditname($prizes['p3_type']) . ':' . $point)); $detail_url = $_W['siteroot'] . 'app/index.php?i=' . $_W['uniacid'] . '&c=mc&a=bond&do=credits&credittype=' . $prizes['p3_type']; $awarddata = array('reply_id' => $id, 'uid' => $uid, 'name' => $this->getcreditname($prizes['p3_type']) . ':' . $point, 'prizetype' => $prizes['p3_type'], 'level' => '3', 'createtime' => time(), 'consumetime' => time(), 'status' => 1); } elseif ($prizes['p3_type'] == 2) { //非积分类奖品:折扣券 $point = 0; $couponid = $prizes['p3_score']; $coupon = activity_coupon_info($couponid, $_W['uniacid']); $ret = activity_coupon_grant($uid, $couponid, 'hx_lottery', '幸运大转盘中奖获得'); if (is_error($ret)) { //领取错误做等值处理 $remsg = ' 由于' . $ret['message'] . ' 奖品转换为等值' . $this->getcreditname($coupon['credittype']) . ':' . $coupon['credit']; mc_credit_update($uid, $coupon['credittype'], $coupon['credit'], array('1', '幸运大抽奖 等价 ' . $this->getcreditname($coupon['credittype']) . ':' . $coupon['credit'] . '原因:' . $ret['message'])); } $detail_url = $_W['siteroot'] . 'app/index.php?i=' . $_W['uniacid'] . '&c=activity&a=coupon&do=mine'; $awarddata = array('reply_id' => $id, 'uid' => $uid, 'name' => '折扣券:' . $coupon['title'], 'prizetype' => 'coupon', 'level' => '3', 'createtime' => time(), 'consumetime' => time(), 'status' => 1); $title = '折扣券'; $type = '折扣券'; $value = 1; } elseif ($prizes['p3_type'] == 3) { //非积分类奖品:代金券 $point = 0; $tokenid = $prizes['p3_score']; $token = activity_token_info($tokenid, $_W['uniacid']); $ret = activity_token_grant($uid, $tokenid, 'hx_lottery', '幸运大转盘中奖获得'); if (is_error($ret)) { //领取错误做等值处理 $remsg = ' 由于' . $ret['message'] . ' 奖品转换为等值' . $this->getcreditname($token['credittype']) . ':' . $token['credit']; mc_credit_update($uid, $token['credittype'], $token['credit'], array('1', '幸运大抽奖 等价 ' . $this->getcreditname($token['credittype']) . ':' . $token['credit'] . '原因:' . $ret['message'])); } $detail_url = $_W['siteroot'] . 'app/index.php?i=' . $_W['uniacid'] . '&c=activity&a=token&do=mine'; $awarddata = array('reply_id' => $id, 'uid' => $uid, 'name' => '折扣券:' . $token['title'], 'prizetype' => 'token', 'level' => '3', 'createtime' => time(), 'consumetime' => time(), 'status' => 1); $title = '代金券'; $type = '代金券'; $value = 1; } elseif ($prizes['p3_type'] == 4) { //非积分类奖品:真实物品 $point = 0; $goodsid = $prizes['p3_score']; $goods = activity_exchange_info($goodsid, $_W['uniacid']); $ret = activity_goods_grant($uid, $goodsid, 'hx_lottery', '幸运大转盘中奖获得'); if (is_error($ret)) { //领取错误做等值处理 $remsg = ' 由于' . $ret['message'] . ' 奖品转换为等值' . $this->getcreditname($goods['credittype']) . ':' . $goods['credit']; mc_credit_update($uid, $goods['credittype'], $goods['credit'], array('1', '幸运大抽奖 等价 ' . $this->getcreditname($goods['credittype']) . ':' . $goods['credit'] . '原因:' . $ret['message'])); } $detail_url = $_W['siteroot'] . 'app/index.php?i=' . $_W['uniacid'] . '&c=activity&a=goods&do=mine'; $awarddata = array('reply_id' => $id, 'uid' => $uid, 'name' => '折扣券:' . $goods['title'], 'prizetype' => 'goods', 'level' => '3', 'createtime' => time(), 'consumetime' => time(), 'status' => 1); $title = '真实物品券'; $type = '真实物品券'; $value = 1; } $award = array('title' => $title, 'value' => $value, 'type' => $type, 'remsg' => $remsg, 'point' => $point, 'point_name' => $point_name, 'give_point' => $give_point, 'give_name' => $give_name, 'level' => '3', 'detail_url' => $detail_url); } elseif ($result == 'p4') { if ($prizes['p4_type'] != 2 && $prizes['p4_type'] != 3 && $prizes['p4_type'] != 4) { //积分类奖品 $point = $prizes['p4_score']; $point_name = $this->getcreditname($prizes['p4_type']); mc_credit_update($uid, $prizes['p4_type'], $point, array('1', '幸运大抽奖 中奖获得 ' . $this->getcreditname($prizes['p4_type']) . ':' . $point)); $detail_url = $_W['siteroot'] . 'app/index.php?i=' . $_W['uniacid'] . '&c=mc&a=bond&do=credits&credittype=' . $prizes['p4_type']; $awarddata = array('reply_id' => $id, 'uid' => $uid, 'name' => $this->getcreditname($prizes['p4_type']) . ':' . $point, 'prizetype' => $prizes['p4_type'], 'level' => '4', 'createtime' => time(), 'consumetime' => time(), 'status' => 1); } elseif ($prizes['p4_type'] == 2) { //非积分类奖品:折扣券 $point = 0; $couponid = $prizes['p4_score']; $coupon = activity_coupon_info($couponid, $_W['uniacid']); $ret = activity_coupon_grant($uid, $couponid, 'hx_lottery', '幸运大转盘中奖获得'); if (is_error($ret)) { //领取错误做等值处理 $remsg = ' 由于' . $ret['message'] . ' 奖品转换为等值' . $this->getcreditname($coupon['credittype']) . ':' . $coupon['credit']; mc_credit_update($uid, $coupon['credittype'], $coupon['credit'], array('1', '幸运大抽奖 等价 ' . $this->getcreditname($coupon['credittype']) . ':' . $coupon['credit'] . '原因:' . $ret['message'])); } $detail_url = $_W['siteroot'] . 'app/index.php?i=' . $_W['uniacid'] . '&c=activity&a=coupon&do=mine'; $awarddata = array('reply_id' => $id, 'uid' => $uid, 'name' => '折扣券:' . $coupon['title'], 'prizetype' => 'coupon', 'level' => '4', 'createtime' => time(), 'consumetime' => time(), 'status' => 1); $title = '折扣券'; $type = '折扣券'; $value = 1; } elseif ($prizes['p4_type'] == 3) { //非积分类奖品:代金券 $point = 0; $tokenid = $prizes['p4_score']; $token = activity_token_info($tokenid, $_W['uniacid']); $ret = activity_token_grant($uid, $tokenid, 'hx_lottery', '幸运大转盘中奖获得'); if (is_error($ret)) { //领取错误做等值处理 $remsg = ' 由于' . $ret['message'] . ' 奖品转换为等值' . $this->getcreditname($token['credittype']) . ':' . $token['credit']; mc_credit_update($uid, $token['credittype'], $token['credit'], array('1', '幸运大抽奖 等价 ' . $this->getcreditname($token['credittype']) . ':' . $token['credit'] . '原因:' . $ret['message'])); } $detail_url = $_W['siteroot'] . 'app/index.php?i=' . $_W['uniacid'] . '&c=activity&a=token&do=mine'; $awarddata = array('reply_id' => $id, 'uid' => $uid, 'name' => '折扣券:' . $token['title'], 'prizetype' => 'token', 'level' => '4', 'createtime' => time(), 'consumetime' => time(), 'status' => 1); $title = '代金券'; $type = '代金券'; $value = 1; } elseif ($prizes['p4_type'] == 4) { //非积分类奖品:真实物品 $point = 0; $goodsid = $prizes['p4_score']; $goods = activity_exchange_info($goodsid, $_W['uniacid']); $ret = activity_goods_grant($uid, $goodsid, 'hx_lottery', '幸运大转盘中奖获得'); if (is_error($ret)) { //领取错误做等值处理 $remsg = ' 由于' . $ret['message'] . ' 奖品转换为等值' . $this->getcreditname($goods['credittype']) . ':' . $goods['credit']; mc_credit_update($uid, $goods['credittype'], $goods['credit'], array('1', '幸运大抽奖 等价 ' . $this->getcreditname($goods['credittype']) . ':' . $goods['credit'] . '原因:' . $ret['message'])); } $detail_url = $_W['siteroot'] . 'app/index.php?i=' . $_W['uniacid'] . '&c=activity&a=goods&do=mine'; $awarddata = array('reply_id' => $id, 'uid' => $uid, 'name' => '折扣券:' . $goods['title'], 'prizetype' => 'goods', 'level' => '4', 'createtime' => time(), 'consumetime' => time(), 'status' => 1); $title = '真实物品券'; $type = '真实物品券'; $value = 1; } $award = array('title' => $title, 'value' => $value, 'type' => $type, 'remsg' => !empty($remsg) ? $remsg : ' ', 'point' => $point, 'point_name' => $point_name, 'give_point' => $give_point, 'give_name' => $give_name, 'level' => '4', 'detail_url' => $detail_url); } pdo_insert($this->table_award, $awarddata); pdo_update($this->table_fans, array('awardnum' => $awardfans['awardnum'] + 1), array('id' => $awardfans['id'])); } } } } $data['code'] = $errorCode; $data['msg'] = $errorMsg; $data['data'] = $award; echo json_encode($data); }
public function doMobileInfosubmit() { global $_W, $_GPC; list($rid, $from_user) = explode('|', superman_authcode(trim($_GPC['_x']), 'DECODE')); if (empty($rid) || empty($from_user)) { message('非法请求!'); } $reply = pdo_fetch("select * from " . tablename('stonefish_luckynum') . " where rid = :rid order by `id` desc", array(':rid' => $rid)); $isfansname = explode(',', $reply['isfansname']); $fansID = pdo_fetchcolumn("select uid as fansID from " . tablename('mc_mapping_fans') . " where openid='" . $from_user . "'"); $profile = mc_fetch($fansID, array('avatar', 'nickname', 'realname', 'mobile', 'qq', 'email', 'address', 'gender', 'telephone', 'idcard', 'company', 'occupation', 'position')); $success = false; if (checksubmit()) { //查询规则保存哪些数据 $updata = array(); if ($reply['isrealname']) { $updata['realname'] = $_GPC['realname']; } if ($reply['ismobile']) { $updata['mobile'] = $_GPC['mobile']; } if ($reply['isqq']) { $updata['qq'] = $_GPC['qq']; } if ($reply['isemail']) { $updata['email'] = $_GPC['email']; } if ($reply['isaddress']) { $updata['address'] = $_GPC['address']; } if ($reply['isgender']) { $updata['gender'] = $_GPC['gender']; } if ($reply['istelephone']) { $updata['telephone'] = $_GPC['telephone']; } if ($reply['isidcard']) { $updata['idcard'] = $_GPC['idcard']; } if ($reply['iscompany']) { $updata['company'] = $_GPC['company']; } if ($reply['isoccupation']) { $updata['occupation'] = $_GPC['occupation']; } if ($reply['isposition']) { $updata['position'] = $_GPC['position']; } pdo_update('stonefish_luckynum_fans', array('zhongjiang' => 2), array('rid' => $rid, 'from_user' => $from_user, 'zhongjiang' => 1)); $temp = pdo_update('stonefish_luckynum_fans', $updata, array('rid' => $rid, 'from_user' => $from_user)); if ($temp === false) { $success = false; } else { if ($reply['isfans']) { load()->model('mc'); mc_update($fans_ID, $updata); } $success = true; } } include $this->template('infosubmit'); }