예제 #1
function discretenewtons($func, $xmin, $xmax, $guess = null)
    $func = makepretty($func);
    $func = mathphp($func, "x");
    $func = str_replace("(x)", '($x)', $func);
    if ($guess == null) {
        $guess = ($xmin + $xmax) / 2;
    $cnt = 0;
    $eps = 1.0E-7;
    $x = $guess;
    $curx = $guess;
    $dx = min(($xmax - $xmin) / 100, 0.001);
    $y = eval("return ({$func});");
    while (abs($y) > $eps && $cnt < 20) {
        $x = $curx + $dx;
        $ny = eval("return ({$func});");
        $m = ($ny - $y) / $dx;
        $curx = $curx - $y / $m;
        $x = $curx;
        $y = eval("return ({$func});");
    //echo "N cnt: $cnt. ";
    if ($cnt == 20) {
        if ($x > $xmax || $x < $xmin) {
            echo "Newton's did not converge within interval";
        } else {
            echo "Newton's did not acheive good accuracy";
        return null;
    } else {
        if ($x > $xmax || $x < $xmin) {
            echo "Newton's did not converge within interval";
            return null;
        } else {
            return $curx;
예제 #2
파일: asciisvgimg.php 프로젝트: rolwi/koala
 function ASplot($function)
     $funcstr = implode(',', $function);
     preg_match_all('/[a-zA-Z]+/', $funcstr, $matches, PREG_PATTERN_ORDER);
     $okfunc = array('sin', 'cos', 'tan', 'sec', 'csc', 'cot', 'arcsin', 'arccos', 'arctan', 'x', 't', 'log', 'ln', 'e', 'pi', 'abs', 'sqrt', 'safepow');
     foreach ($matches[0] as $m) {
         if (!in_array($m, $okfunc)) {
             echo "{$m}";
     //do safety check, as this will be eval'ed
     //$function = explode(',',str_replace(array('"','\'',';'),'',$function));
     $function = str_replace(array('"', '\'', ';'), '', $function);
     if (strpos($function[0], '[') === 0) {
         $funcp = explode(',', $function[0]);
         $isparametric = true;
         $xfunc = str_replace("[", "", $funcp[0]);
         $xfunc = mathphp($xfunc, "t");
         $xfunc = str_replace("(t)", '($t)', $xfunc);
         $exfunc = create_function('$t', 'return (' . $xfunc . ');');
         $yfunc = str_replace("]", "", $funcp[1]);
         $yfunc = mathphp($yfunc, "t");
         $yfunc = str_replace("(t)", '($t)', $yfunc);
         $eyfunc = create_function('$t', 'return (' . $yfunc . ');');
     } else {
         $isparametric = false;
         $func = mathphp($function[0], "x");
         $func = str_replace("(x)", '($x)', $func);
         $efunc = create_function('$x', 'return (' . $func . ');');
     $avoid = array();
     if (isset($function[1]) && $function[1] != '' && $function[1] != 'null') {
         $xmin = $function[1];
     } else {
         $xmin = $this->xmin - min($this->border[0], 5) / $this->xunitlength;
     if (isset($function[2]) && $function[2] != '' && $function[2] != 'null') {
         $xmaxarr = explode('!', $function[2]);
         $xmax = $xmaxarr[0];
         $avoid = array_slice($xmaxarr, 1);
     } else {
         $xmax = $this->xmax + min($this->border[2], 5) / $this->xunitlength;
     $xmin += ($xmax - $xmin) / 100000;
     //avoid divide by zero errors
     if (isset($function[3]) && $function[3] != '' && $function[3] != 'null') {
         $dx = ($xmax - $xmin) / ($function[3] - 1);
         $stopat = $function[3];
     } else {
         $dx = ($xmax - $xmin) / 100;
         $stopat = 101;
     $px = null;
     $py = null;
     $lasty = 0;
     $lastl = 0;
     for ($i = 0; $i < $stopat; $i++) {
         if ($isparametric) {
             $t = $xmin + $dx * $i;
             if (in_array($t, $avoid)) {
             $x = $exfunc($t);
             $y = $eyfunc($t);
             if (is_nan($x) || is_nan($y)) {
         } else {
             $x = $xmin + $dx * $i;
             if (in_array($x, $avoid)) {
             $y = $efunc($x);
             if (is_nan($y)) {
         if ($i < 2 || $i == $stopat - 2) {
             $fx[$i] = $x;
             $fy[$i] = $y;
         $lastx = $x;
         /*if (abs($y-$lasty) > ($this->ymax-$this->ymin)) {
         			if ($lastl > 1) { $lastl = 0; }//break path
         			$lasty = $y;
         		} else {
         			$lasty = $y;
         			if ($lastl > 0) {
         			$px = $x;
         			$py = $y;
         if ($py == null) {
             //starting line
         } else {
             if ($y > $this->ymax || $y < $this->ymin) {
                 //going or still out of bounds
                 if ($py <= $this->ymax && $py >= $this->ymin) {
                     //going out
                     if ($y > $this->ymax) {
                         //going up
                         $iy = $this->ymax + min($this->border[3], 5) / $this->yunitlength;
                     } else {
                         //going down
                         $iy = $this->ymin - min($this->border[1], 5) / $this->yunitlength;
                     $ix = ($x - $px) * ($iy - $py) / ($y - $py) + $px;
                     $this->ASline(array("[{$px},{$py}]", "[{$ix},{$iy}]"));
                 } else {
                     //still out
             } else {
                 if ($py > $this->ymax || $py < $this->ymin) {
                     //coming or staying in bounds
                     if ($y <= $this->ymax && $y >= $this->ymin) {
                         //comin in
                         if ($py > $this->ymax) {
                             //comin from top
                             $iy = $this->ymax + min($this->border[3], 5) / $this->yunitlength;
                         } else {
                             //coming from bottom
                             $iy = $this->ymin - min($this->border[1], 5) / $this->yunitlength;
                         $ix = ($x - $px) * ($iy - $py) / ($y - $py) + $px;
                         $this->ASline(array("[{$ix},{$iy}]", "[{$x},{$y}]"));
                     } else {
                         //still out
                 } else {
                     //all in
                     $this->ASline(array("[{$px},{$py}]", "[{$x},{$y}]"));
         $px = $x;
         $py = $y;
     if (isset($function[5]) && $function[5] != '' && $function[5] != 'null') {
         if ($function[5] == 1) {
             //need pt2arr for xunit adjust
             $this->ASarrowhead($this->pt2arr("{$fx[1]},{$fy[1]}"), $this->pt2arr("{$fx[0]},{$fy[0]}"));
         } else {
             if ($function[5] == 2) {
                 $this->ASdot2(array("[{$fx[0]},{$fy[0]}]", "open"));
             } else {
                 if ($function[5] == 3) {
                     $this->ASdot2(array("[{$fx[0]},{$fy[0]}]", "closed"));
     if (isset($function[6]) && $function[6] != '' && $function[6] != 'null') {
         if ($function[6] == 1) {
             $this->ASarrowhead($this->pt2arr("{$fx[$stopat - 2]},{$fy[$stopat - 2]}"), $this->pt2arr("{$x},{$y}"));
         } else {
             if ($function[6] == 2) {
                 $this->ASdot2(array("[{$x},{$y}]", "open"));
             } else {
                 if ($function[6] == 3) {
                     $this->ASdot2(array("[{$x},{$y}]", "closed"));
예제 #3
function spacecurve($func, $tmin, $tmax)
    global $imasroot;
    if ($GLOBALS['inquestiondisplay'] == false) {
        return '';
    if (func_num_args() > 3) {
        $disc = func_get_arg(3);
        if (!is_numeric($disc)) {
            $disc = 50;
    } else {
        $disc = 50;
    if (func_num_args() > 5) {
        $width = func_get_arg(4);
        $height = func_get_arg(5);
    } else {
        $width = 300;
        $height = 300;
    if (func_num_args() > 6) {
        $axes = func_get_arg(6);
    } else {
        $axes = 1;
    if (func_num_args() > 12) {
        $bounds = array_slice(func_get_args(), 7, 6);
    $useragent = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'];
    $oldschool = false;
    if (isset($GLOBALS['sessiondata']['useflash'])) {
        $oldschool = true;
    } else {
        if (preg_match('/MSIE\\s*(\\d+)/i', $useragent, $matches)) {
            if ($matches[1] < 9) {
                $oldschool = true;
    if ($oldschool) {
        $func = str_replace('[', '', $func);
        $func = str_replace(']', '', $func);
        $func = explode(',', $func);
        $func[0] = "(1+.01*cos(u))*({$func[0]})";
        $func[1] = "(1+.01*cos(u))*({$func[1]})";
        $func[2] = "(1+.01*sin(u))*({$func[2]})";
        foreach ($func as $k => $v) {
            $func[$k] = mathphp($v, 'u|t');
            $func[$k] = str_replace('(u)', '($u)', $func[$k]);
            $func[$k] = str_replace('(t)', '($t)', $func[$k]);
            $usefunc[$k] = create_function('$u,$t', 'return(' . $func[$k] . ');');
        $count = 0;
        $dt = ($tmax - $tmin) / ($disc - 1);
        for ($i = 0; $i < 4; $i++) {
            for ($j = 0; $j < $disc; $j++) {
                if ($count > 0) {
                    $verts .= '~';
                $u = 1.571 * $i;
                $t = $vmin + $dt * $j;
                $x = $usefunc[0]($u, $t);
                $y = $usefunc[1]($u, $t);
                $z = $usefunc[2]($u, $t);
                $verts .= "{$x},{$y},{$z}";
        $count = 0;
        for ($i = 0; $i < 3; $i++) {
            for ($j = 0; $j < $disc - 1; $j++) {
                if ($count > 0) {
                    $faces .= '~';
                $faces .= $i * $disc + $j . ',';
                $faces .= ($i + 1) * $disc + $j . ',';
                $faces .= ($i + 1) * $disc + $j + 1 . ',';
                $faces .= $i * $disc + $j + 1;
        if (!isset($GLOBALS['3dplotcnt'])) {
            $r = 1;
        } else {
            $r = $GLOBALS['3dplotcnt'] + 1;
        $GLOBALS['3dplotcnt'] = $r;
        $html .= "<div id=\"plot3d{$r}\">";
        $html .= '<p><a href="http://www.adobe.com/go/getflashplayer"><img src="http://www.adobe.com/images/shared/download_buttons/get_flash_player.gif" alt="Get Adobe Flash player" /></a></p>';
        $html .= '</div>';
        $html .= '<script type="text/javascript">';
        $html .= 'var FlashVars = {';
        $html .= '  verts: "' . $verts . '",';
        $html .= '  faces: "' . $faces . '",';
        $html .= "  width: {$width}, height: {$height} };";
        $html .= "  swfobject.embedSWF(\"{$imasroot}/assessment/libs/viewer3d.swf\", \"plot3d{$r}\", \"{$width}\", \"{$height}\", \"9.0.0\", \"{$imasroot}/assessment/libs/expressInstall.swf\",FlashVars);";
        $html .= '</script>';
        /*if (isset($GLOBALS['sessiondata']['useflash'])) {
          } else {
        	  $html = "<applet codebase=\"{$GLOBALS['imasroot']}/assessment/libs\" code=\"Viewer.class\" width=$width height=$height>\n";
        	  $html .= "<param name=\"verts\" value=\"$verts\">\n";
        	  $html .= "<param name=\"faces\" value=\"$faces\">\n";
        	  if ($axes==1) {
        		  $html .= "<param name=\"axes\" value=\"show\">\n";
        	  } else {
        		  $html .= "<param name=\"axes\" value=\"hide\">\n";
        	  $html .= "<param name=\"edges\" value=\"hide\">\n";
        	  if (isset($bounds)) {
        		  $html .= "<param name=\"bounds\" value=\"" . implode(',',$bounds) . "\">\n";
        	  $url = $GLOBALS['urlmode']  . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . (isset($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'])?'?'.$_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'].'&useflash=true':'?useflash=true');
        	  $html .= "Not seeing the 3D graph?  <a href=\"$url\">Try Alternate</a></applet>\n";
          } */
    } else {
        //new approach
        $func = str_replace('[', '', $func);
        $func = str_replace(']', '', $func);
        $func = explode(',', $func);
        foreach ($func as $k => $v) {
            $func[$k] = mathphp($v, 't');
            $func[$k] = str_replace('(t)', '($t)', $func[$k]);
            $usefunc[$k] = create_function('$t', 'return(' . $func[$k] . ');');
        $count = 0;
        $dt = ($tmax - $tmin) / ($disc - 1);
        for ($j = 0; $j < $disc; $j++) {
            if ($count > 0) {
                $verts .= '~';
            $t = $vmin + $dt * $j;
            $x = $usefunc[0]($t);
            $y = $usefunc[1]($t);
            $z = $usefunc[2]($t);
            $verts .= "{$x},{$y},{$z}";
        if (!isset($GLOBALS['3dplotcnt'])) {
            $r = 1;
            $html .= '<script type="text/javascript" src="' . $imasroot . '/javascript/3dviewer.js"></script>';
        } else {
            $r = $GLOBALS['3dplotcnt'] + 1;
        $GLOBALS['3dplotcnt'] = $r;
        $html .= "<canvas id=\"plot3d{$r}\" width=\"{$width}\" height=\"{$height}\">";
        $url = $GLOBALS['urlmode'] . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . (isset($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']) ? '?' . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] . '&useflash=true' : '?useflash=true');
        $html .= "Not seeing the 3D graph?  <a href=\"{$url}\">Try Alternate</a>";
        $html .= "</canvas>";
        $html .= "<script type=\"text/javascript\">\$(window).on('load',function() {var plot3d{$r} = new Viewer3D({verts: '{$verts}', curves: true, width: '{$width}', height:'{$height}'}, 'plot3d{$r}');});</script>";
    return $html;
예제 #4
function checklineagainstdata($xarr, $yarr, $line, $var = "x", $alpha = 0.05)
    if (!is_array($xarr)) {
        $xarr = explode(',', $xarr);
    if (!is_array($yarr)) {
        $yarr = explode(',', $yarr);
    if (count($xarr) != count($yarr)) {
        echo "Error: linreg requires xarray length = yarray length";
        return false;
    if (count($xarr) < 3) {
        echo "Requires 3 or more data values";
        return false;
    $sx = array_sum($xarr);
    $sy = array_sum($yarr);
    $sxx = 0;
    $syy = 0;
    $sxy = 0;
    for ($i = 0; $i < count($xarr); $i++) {
        $sxx += $xarr[$i] * $xarr[$i];
        $syy += $yarr[$i] * $yarr[$i];
        $sxy += $xarr[$i] * $yarr[$i];
    $n = count($xarr);
    $r = ($n * $sxy - $sx * $sy) / (sqrt($n * $sxx - $sx * $sx) * sqrt($n * $syy - $sy * $sy));
    $m = ($n * $sxy - $sx * $sy) / ($n * $sxx - $sx * $sx);
    $b = ($sy - $sx * $m) / $n;
    if ($line == '') {
        return array('', makepretty("`{$m} {$var} + {$b}`"));
    foreach ($_POST as $k => $v) {
        //try to catch junk answers
        if ($v == $line) {
            if (preg_match('/[^,\\d\\.\\-]/', $_POST['qn' . substr($k, 2) . '-vals'])) {
                return array('', makepretty("`{$m} {$var} + {$b}`"));
    $linec = mathphp(makepretty($line), $var);
    $linec = str_replace("({$var})", '($t)', $linec);
    $linefunc = create_function('$t', 'return(' . $linec . ');');
    $xmin = min($xarr);
    $xmax = max($xarr);
    $dx = ($xmax - $xmin) / 5;
    if ($dx <= 0) {
        echo "error with xmin/xmax";
        return false;
    $isinbounds = true;
    $sqres = 0;
    for ($i = 0; $i < count($xarr); $i++) {
        $sqres += ($yarr[$i] - ($m * $xarr[$i] + $b)) * ($yarr[$i] - ($m * $xarr[$i] + $b));
    $sqres = sqrt($sqres / ($n - 2));
    $sdiv = $sxx - $sx * $sx / $n;
    $tcrit = abs(invtcdf($alpha / 2, $n - 2));
    $xbar = $sx / $n;
    for ($x = $xmin; $x < $xmax * 1.02; $x += $dx) {
        $ypred = $m * $x + $b;
        $yline = $linefunc($x);
        $yconf = $tcrit * $sqres * sqrt(1 + 1 / $n + ($x - $xbar) * ($x - $xbar) / $sdiv);
        if (abs($ypred - $yline) > $yconf) {
            $isinbounds = false;
    if ($isinbounds) {
        return array($line, makepretty("{$m} {$var} + {$b}"));
    } else {
        return array("({$line}) + 200000", makepretty("`{$m} {$var} + {$b}`"));
예제 #5
function parsesloppycomplex($v)
    $v = mathphp($v, 'i');
    $v = str_replace('(i)', '($i)', $v);
    $a = eval('$i=0;return (' . $v . ');');
    $apb = eval('$i=1;return (' . $v . ');');
    return array($a, $apb - $a);
예제 #6
 function parseFloat($input)
     if (preg_match("/-\\s*oo/i", $input)) {
         return array(-INF, "-oo", false);
     } elseif (preg_match("/\\+?oo/i", $input)) {
         return array(INF, "oo", false);
     $result = eval("return (" . mathphp($input, null) . ");");
     $error = $result === false || is_string($result);
     return array($result, $input, $error);
예제 #7
function ineqbetweenplot($funcs)
    if (!is_array($funcs)) {
        settype($funcs, "array");
    $settings = array(-5, 5, -5, 5, 1, 1, 200, 200);
    for ($i = 1; $i < func_num_args(); $i++) {
        $settings[$i - 1] = func_get_arg($i);
    $ymin = $settings[2];
    $ymax = $settings[3];
    $commands = "setBorder(5); initPicture({$settings[0]},{$settings[1]},{$settings[2]},{$settings[3]});";
    $alt = "Graph, window x {$settings[0]} to {$settings[1]}, y {$settings[2]} to {$settings[3]}.";
    if (strpos($settings[4], ':')) {
        $lbl = explode(':', $settings[4]);
    if (is_numeric($settings[4]) && $settings[4] > 0) {
        $commands .= 'axes(' . $settings[4] . ',' . $settings[4] . ',1';
    } else {
        if (isset($lbl[0]) && is_numeric($lbl[0]) && $lbl[0] > 0 && $lbl[1] > 0) {
            $commands .= 'axes(' . $lbl[0] . ',' . $lbl[1] . ',1';
        } else {
            $commands .= 'axes(1,1,null';
    if (strpos($settings[5], ':')) {
        $grid = explode(':', $settings[5]);
    if (is_numeric($settings[5]) && $settings[5] > 0) {
        $commands .= ',' . $settings[5] . ',' . $settings[5] . ');';
        $dgrid = $settings[5];
    } else {
        if (isset($grid[0]) && is_numeric($grid[0]) && $grid[0] > 0 && $grid[1] > 0) {
            $commands .= ',' . $grid[0] . ',' . $grid[1] . ');';
            $dgrid = $grid[0];
        } else {
            $commands .= ');';
            $dgrid = 1;
    foreach ($funcs as $k => $function) {
        $alt .= "Start Graph";
        $function = explode(",", $function);
        //correct for parametric
        $func = makepretty($function[0]);
        $func = mathphp($func, "x");
        $func = str_replace("x", '$x', $func);
        $xfunc = create_function('$x', 'return (' . $func . ');');
        //even though ASCIIsvg has a plot function, we'll calculate it here to hide the function
        //  function of x,filltype,fillcolor,linecolor,dash,strokewidth
        $path = '';
        $shades = '';
        $filltype = $function[1];
        $shades .= "stroke=\"blue\";strokedasharray=\"none\";";
        $alt .= "Shaded in blue " . substr($filltype, 0, 5);
        if ($function[2] != '') {
            $path .= "stroke=\"{$function[2]}\";";
            $alt .= ", Color {$function[2]}";
        } else {
            $path .= "stroke=\"black\";";
            $alt .= ", Color black";
        if ($function[4] != '') {
            $path .= "strokewidth=\"{$function[4]}\";";
        } else {
            $path .= "strokewidth=\"1\";";
        if ($function[3] != '') {
            if ($function[3] == "dash") {
                $path .= "strokedasharray=\"5\";";
                $alt .= ", Dashed";
            } else {
                $path .= "strokedasharray=\"none\";";
        } else {
            $path .= "strokedasharray=\"none\";";
        $xmin = $settings[0];
        $xmax = $settings[1];
        if ($GLOBALS['sessiondata']['graphdisp'] == 0) {
            $dx = 1;
            $alt .= "<table class=stats><thead><tr><th>x</th><th>y</th></thead></tr><tbody>";
            $stopat = $xmax - $xmin + 1;
        } else {
            $dx = ($xmax - $xmin) / 100;
            $stopat = 100;
        $lasty = 0;
        $lastl = 0;
        for ($i = 0; $i < $stopat; $i++) {
            $x = $xmin + $dx * $i;
            $y = round($xfunc($x), 3);
            $alt .= "<tr><td>{$x}</td><td>{$y}</td></tr>";
            if (abs($y - $lasty) > $ymax - $ymin) {
                if ($lastl > 1) {
                    $path .= ']);';
                    $lastl = 0;
                $lasty = $y;
            } else {
                if ($lastl == 0) {
                    $path .= "path([";
                } else {
                    $path .= ",";
                $path .= "[{$x},{$y}]";
                $lasty = $y;
        if ($lastl > 0) {
            $path .= "]);";
        $alt .= "</tbody></table>\n";
        $commands .= $path;
        //do shades
        for ($i = 0; $i < ($xmax - $xmin) * 4 / $dgrid; $i++) {
            $x = $xmin + $dgrid * (0.125 + 0.25 * $i);
            $y = round($xfunc($x), 3);
            if ($filltype == "above") {
                $mins[$i][] = $y;
            } else {
                if ($filltype == "below") {
                    $maxs[$i][] = $y;
    for ($i = 0; $i < ($xmax - $xmin) * 4 / $dgrid; $i++) {
        $x = $xmin + $dgrid * (0.125 + 0.25 * $i);
        if (count($mins) == 0) {
            $miny = $ymin - 2;
        } else {
            $miny = max($mins[$i]);
        if (count($maxs) == 0) {
            $maxy = $ymax + 2;
        } else {
            $maxy = min($maxs[$i]);
        if ($miny < $maxy) {
            $shades .= "line([{$x},{$miny}],[{$x},{$maxy}]);";
    $commands .= $shades;
    if ($GLOBALS['sessiondata']['graphdisp'] == 0) {
        return $alt;
    } else {
        return "<embed type='image/svg+xml' align='middle' width='{$settings['6']}' height='{$settings['7']}' src='{$GLOBALS['imasroot']}/javascript/d.svg' script='{$commands}' />\n";
예제 #8
function calculusnumint($func, $var, $a, $b, $n, $method)
    if ($n <= 0 || $a >= $b) {
        echo "invalid params to calculusnumint";
        return false;
    if ($method == 'simpsons' && $n % 2 != 0) {
        echo "simpsons requires even n";
        return false;
    $func = makepretty($func);
    $func = mathphp($func, $var);
    if ($func == '0;') {
        return 0;
    $func = str_replace("({$var})", "(\${$var})", $func);
    $evalfunc = create_function("\${$var}", 'return(' . $func . ');');
    $dx = ($b - $a) / $n;
    if ($method == 'right') {
        $x = $a + $dx;
    } else {
        if ($method == 'midpoint') {
            $x = $a + 0.5 * $dx;
        } else {
            $x = $a;
    if ($method == 'left' || $method == 'right' || $method == 'midpoint') {
        $ntodo = $n;
    } else {
        $ntodo = $n + 1;
    $out = 0;
    $mult = 1;
    for ($i = 0; $i < $ntodo; $i++) {
        if ($method == 'trapezoidal') {
            if ($i == 0 || $i == $n) {
                $mult = 1;
            } else {
                $mult = 2;
        } else {
            if ($method == 'simpsons') {
                if ($i == 0 || $i == $n) {
                    $mult = 1;
                } else {
                    if ($i % 2 == 0) {
                        $mult = 2;
                    } else {
                        $mult = 4;
        $out += $mult * $evalfunc($x);
        $x += $dx;
    if ($method == 'trapezoidal') {
        return $out * $dx / 2;
    } else {
        if ($method == 'simpsons') {
            return $out * $dx / 3;
        } else {
            return $out * $dx;
예제 #9
function getnumbervalue($a)
    $a = str_replace(',', '', $a);
    if (is_numeric($a)) {
        return $a * 1;
    } else {
        $a = @eval('return(' . mathphp($a, null) . ');');
        return $a;