예제 #1
 * Get share count for all non singular pages where $post is empty or a custom url is used E.g. category or blog list pages or for shortcodes
 * Uses transients 
 * @param string $url
 * @returns integer $shares
function mashsbGetNonPostShares($url)
    global $mashsb_error;
    // Expiration
    $expiration = mashsb_get_expiration();
    // Remove variables, parameters and trailingslash
    $url_clean = mashsb_sanitize_url($url);
    // Get any existing copy of our transient data and fill the cache
    if (mashsb_force_cache_refresh()) {
        // Its request limited
        if (mashsb_is_req_limited()) {
            $shares = get_transient('mashcount_' . md5($url_clean));
            if (isset($shares) && is_numeric($shares)) {
                MASHSB()->logger->info('mashsbGetNonPostShares() get shares from get_transient. URL: ' . $url_clean . ' SHARES: ' . $shares);
                return $shares + getFakecount();
            } else {
                return 0 + getFakecount();
                // we need a result
        // Regenerate the data and save the transient
        // Get the share Object
        $mashsbSharesObj = mashsbGetShareObj($url_clean);
        // Get the share counts object
        $mashsbShareCounts = mashsbGetShareMethod($mashsbSharesObj);
        // Set the transient and return shares
        set_transient('mashcount_' . md5($url_clean), $mashsbShareCounts->total, $expiration);
        MASHSB()->logger->info('mashsbGetNonPostShares set_transient - shares:' . $mashsbShareCounts->total . ' url: ' . $url_clean);
        return $mashsbShareCounts->total + getFakecount();
    } else {
        // Get shares from transient cache
        $shares = get_transient('mashcount_' . md5($url_clean));
        if (isset($shares) && is_numeric($shares)) {
            MASHSB()->logger->info('mashsbGetNonPostShares() get shares from get_transient. URL: ' . $url_clean . ' SHARES: ' . $shares);
            return $shares + getFakecount();
        } else {
            return 0 + getFakecount();
            // we need a result
  * Get and store query from transient
  * @param array $args
  * @return \WP_Query
 public function get_qry_from_cache($args)
     $expiration = mashsb_get_expiration();
     if (MASHSB_DEBUG) {
         delete_transient('mashwidget_' . md5(json_encode($args)));
     if (false === ($qry = get_transient('mashwidget_' . md5(json_encode($args))))) {
         $wpq = new WP_Query($args);
         set_transient('mashwidget_' . md5(json_encode($args)), $wpq, $expiration);
         //wp_die( var_dump($wpq));
         return $wpq;
     } else {
         //wp_die( var_dump($qry) );
         return $qry;
예제 #3
 * Check if cache time is expired and post must be refreshed
 * @global array $post
 * @return boolean 
function mashsb_is_cache_refresh()
    global $post, $mashsb_options;
    // Debug mode or cache activated
    if (MASHSB_DEBUG || isset($mashsb_options['disable_cache'])) {
        MASHSB()->logger->info('mashsb_is_cache_refresh: MASHSB_DEBUG - refresh Cache');
        return true;
    // if it's a crawl deactivate cache
    if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) && preg_match('/bot|crawl|slurp|spider/i', $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])) {
        return false;
    * Deactivate share count on:
    * - 404 pages
    * - search page
    * - empty url
    * - disabled permalinks
    * - admin pages
       Exit here to save cpu time
    if (is_404() || is_search() || is_admin() || !mashsb_is_enabled_permalinks()) {
        return false;
    // New cache on singular pages
    // Refreshing cache on blog posts like categories will lead
    // to high load and multiple API requests so we only check
    // the main url on these other pages
    if (is_singular()) {
        // last updated timestamp
        $last_updated = get_post_meta($post->ID, 'mashsb_timestamp', true);
        if (!empty($last_updated)) {
            MASHSB()->logger->info('mashsb_is_cache_refresh - is_singular() url: ' . get_permalink($post->ID) . ' : last updated:' . date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $last_updated));
    } else {
        if (mashsb_get_main_url()) {
            // Get transient timeout and calculate last update time
            $url = mashsb_get_main_url();
            $transient = '_transient_timeout_mashcount_' . md5(mashsb_get_main_url());
            $last_updated = get_option($transient) - mashsb_get_expiration();
            if (!empty($last_updated)) {
                MASHSB()->logger->info('mashsb_is_cache_refresh() mashsb_get_main_url() url: ' . $url . ' last updated:' . date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $last_updated));
        } else {
            // No valid URL so do not refresh cache
            MASHSB()->logger->info('mashsb_is_cache_refresh: No valid URL - do not refresh cache');
            return false;
    // No timestamp so let's create cache for the first time
    if (empty($last_updated)) {
        MASHSB()->logger->info('mashsb_is_cache_refresh: No Timestamp. Refresh Cache');
        return true;
    // The caching expiration
    $expiration = mashsb_get_expiration();
    $next_update = $last_updated + $expiration;
    MASHSB()->logger->info('mashsb_is_cache_refresh. Next update ' . date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $next_update) . ' current time: ' . date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time()));
    // Refresh Cache when last update plus expiration is older than current time
    if ($last_updated + $expiration <= time()) {
        MASHSB()->logger->info('mashsb_is_cache_refresh: Refresh Cache!');
        return true;
예제 #4
function mashsb_get_shortened_url($url)
    global $mashsb_options;
    // Return empty
    if (empty($url)) {
        return "";
    // Use native WP Shortlinks
    if ($mashsb_options['mashsu_methods'] === 'wpshortlinks') {
        return wp_get_shortlink();
    // If is_singular post store shorturl in custom post fields
    // and return it from there so user has the power to change values
    // on his own from the post edit page and the custom fields editor
    if (is_singular()) {
        return mashsb_get_shorturl_singular($url);
    // Force cache rebuild
    if (mashsb_force_cache_refresh()) {
        MASHSB()->logger->info('mashsb_get_shorturl() -> refresh cache');
        // bitly shortlink
        if (isset($mashsb_options['mashsu_methods']) && $mashsb_options['mashsu_methods'] === 'bitly') {
            $shorturl = mashsb_get_bitly_link($url);
            MASHSB()->logger->info('create shorturl: ' . $url . ' ' . $shorturl);
        // Google shortlink
        if (isset($mashsb_options['mashsu_methods']) && $mashsb_options['mashsu_methods'] === 'google') {
            $shorturl = mashsb_get_google_link($url);
        // Get expiration time
        $expiration = mashsb_get_expiration();
        set_transient('mash_url_' . md5($url), $shorturl, $expiration);
    } else {
        $shorturl = get_transient('mash_url_' . md5($url));
    if (!empty($shorturl)) {
        return $shorturl;
    } else {
        return $url;