$urlID = substr($raw, 0, strlen($raw) - 1); $type = substr($raw, strlen($raw) - 1); $f = 0; if ($h != makehash($unmixup)) { $f = 1; $userlink = 'http://planetxmail.com/soloads.php?list=cred'; } else { if ($db->Query("SELECT url FROM userlinks WHERE id='{$urlID}' LIMIT 1")) { list($userlink) = $db->FetchRow(); } } if ($e) { if ($f) { exit($h1 . '<b>Hash check failed.</a> Make sure you copy and paste the link properly.' . $h2); } if ($e != makehash($unmixup . $h)) { exit($h1 . 'Earn Hash check FAILED.' . $h2); } if ($db->Query("SELECT link FROM earnedlinks WHERE link='{$c}' LIMIT 1")) { exit($h1 . 'This credit link was already earned.' . $h2); } if (!$db->Query("SELECT status, listname, listownerID, username, email, listemail FROM users WHERE userID='{$userID}' LIMIT 1")) { exit($h1 . 'user ID not found.' . $h2); } list($status, $listname, $listownerID, $username, $email, $listemail) = $db->FetchRow(); if (!$db->Query("SELECT freeearnedcredits, proearnedcredits, exeearnedcredits FROM listconfig WHERE listownerID='{$listownerID}' AND listname='{$listname}' LIMIT 1")) { exit($h1 . 'listowner ID or list name not found.' . $h2); } list($mem_earned_credits, $pro_earned_credits, $exe_earned_credits) = $db->FetchRow(); if ($status == 'mem') { $earncredits = $mem_earned_credits ? $mem_earned_credits : 2;
<?php require_once '/home/nulled/www/planetxmail.com/mle/mlpsecure/config/classes.inc'; require_once '/home/nulled/www/planetxmail.com/mle/mlpsecure/validationfunctions.php'; $unmixup = unmixup($c); $e = makehash($unmixup . $h); $db = new MySQL_Access('mle'); $url = ''; if (!$db->Query("SELECT link FROM earnedlinks WHERE link='{$c}' LIMIT 1")) { if ($db->Query("SELECT id, crediturl, datemailed FROM soloads WHERE receipt != '' AND crediturl != '' AND datemailed > DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL 5 DAY) ORDER BY MD5(RAND()) LIMIT 1")) { list($soloadID, $urlID, $datemailed) = $db->FetchRow(); if ($db->Query("SELECT url FROM userlinks WHERE id='{$urlID}' LIMIT 1")) { list($url) = $db->FetchRow(); $db->Query("INSERT INTO iframe_stats (soloadID, urlID, counter, url, datemailed, lastupdate) VALUES ('{$soloadID}','{$urlID}','1','{$url}','{$datemailed}',NOW())\n ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE counter=counter+1, lastupdate=NOW()"); } } } ?> <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <title>Planet X Mail - Credit Earner</title> <script> function bt(){setTimeout('ri()', 10000);} function ri(){location.href="http://planetxmail.com/earn.php?c=<?php echo $c; ?> &h=<?php echo $h; ?>
function create_credit_link($userID, $urlID, $type = 0) { global $db; if ($urlID == '' or !is_numeric($urlID) or $urlID < 1) { return 0; } if (!$db->Query("SELECT id FROM userlinks WHERE id='{$urlID}' LIMIT 1")) { return 0; } $i = 0; while (true) { $i++; if ($i > 1000) { return 0; } $seed = randomkeys(10); $link = $seed . $userID . $urlID . $type; $mixup = mixup($link); $hash = makehash($link); if (!$db->Query("SELECT link FROM earnedlinks WHERE link='{$mixup}' LIMIT 1")) { return "c={$mixup}&h={$hash}"; } } }