예제 #1
function bb2html()
    global $cb_ref_title, $smilie_folder, $insert_link, $effin_casinos, $prevent_xss, $spammer_strings;
    $args = func_num_args();
    $bb2html = func_get_arg(0);
    if ($args == 2) {
        $title = func_get_arg(1);
        $id_title = make_valid_id($title);
        // fix up bad id's
    } else {
        $id_title = $title = '';
    // oops!
    if ($bb2html == '') {
        return false;
    special code formatting
    because this happens first, it's not possible do to [[pre]] or [[ccc]] in your bbcode,
    (for demo purposes) (though technically, you could put [[ccc]]code[[/ccc]] inside [pre] tags)
    pre-formatted text (even bbcode inside [pre] text will remain untouched, as it should be)
    there may be multiple [pre] or [ccc] blocks, so we grab them all and create arrays..
    $pre = array();
    $i = 0;
    while ($pre_str = stristr($bb2html, '[pre]')) {
        $pre_str = substr($pre_str, 0, strpos($pre_str, '[/pre]') + 6);
        $bb2html = str_replace($pre_str, "***pre_string***{$i}", $bb2html);
        // we encode this, for html tags, etc..
        $pre[$i] = encode($pre_str);
    syntax highlighting (Cool Colored Code™)
    och, why not!
    $ccc = array();
    $i = 0;
    while ($ccc_str = stristr($bb2html, '[ccc]')) {
        $ccc_str = substr($ccc_str, 0, strpos($ccc_str, '[/ccc]') + 6);
        $bb2html = str_replace($ccc_str, "***ccc_string***{$i}", $bb2html);
        $ccc[$i] = str_replace("\r\n", "\n", $ccc_str);
    rudimentary tag balance checking..
    this works really well!
    //$removers = array("/\[\[(.*)\]\]/i","/\<hr (.*) \/\>/");
    $check_string = preg_replace("/\\[\\[(.*)\\]\\]/i", "", $bb2html);
    // add tags that don't need closed..
    $removers = array('[[', ']]', '[hr]', '[hr2]', '[hr3]', '[hr4]', '[sp]', '[*]', '[/*]');
    $check_string = str_replace($removers, '', $check_string);
    // simple counting..
    if (substr_count($check_string, "[") != substr_count($check_string, "]") or substr_count($check_string, "[/") != substr_count($check_string, "[") / 2 or substr_count($check_string, "[b]") != substr_count($check_string, "[/b]") or substr_count($check_string, "[i]") != substr_count($check_string, "[/i]")) {
        return false;
    $bb2html = str_replace('<', '***lt***', $bb2html);
    $bb2html = str_replace('>', '***gt***', $bb2html);
    // xss attack prevention [99.9% safe!]..
    if ($prevent_xss) {
        $bb2html = xssclean($bb2html);
    // oh dem pesky casinos...
    if ($effin_casinos == true) {
        if (stristr($bb2html, 'casino')) {
            $bb2html = preg_replace("/\\[url(.*)\\](.*)\\[\\/url\\]/i", "[url=\"http://{$insert_link}\" title=\"hahahah\\!\"]\$2[/url]", $bb2html);
    // now the bbcode proper..
    // grab any *real* square brackets first, store 'em
    $bb2html = str_replace('[[[', '**$@$**[', $bb2html);
    // catch tags next to demo tags
    $bb2html = str_replace(']]]', ']**@^@**', $bb2html);
    // ditto
    $bb2html = str_replace('[[', '**$@$**', $bb2html);
    $bb2html = str_replace(']]', '**@^@**', $bb2html);
    // news headline block
    $bb2html = str_replace('[news]', '<div class="cb-news">', $bb2html);
    $bb2html = str_replace('[/news]', '<!--news--></div>', $bb2html);
    // references - we need to create the whole string first, for the str_replace
    $r1 = '<a class="cb-refs-title" href="#refs-' . $id_title . '" title="' . $cb_ref_title . '">';
    $bb2html = str_replace('[ref]', $r1, $bb2html);
    $bb2html = str_replace('[/ref]', '<!--ref--></a>', $bb2html);
    $ref_start = '<div class="cb-ref" id="refs-' . $id_title . '">
<a class="ref-title" title="back to the text" href="javascript:history.go(-1)">references:</a>
<div class="reftext">';
    $bb2html = str_replace('[reftxt]', $ref_start, $bb2html);
    $bb2html = str_replace('[/reftxt]', '<!--reftxt-->
</div>', $bb2html);
    // ordinary transformations..
    $bb2html = str_replace('&', '&amp;', $bb2html);
    // we rely on the browser producing \r\n (DOS) carriage returns, as per spec.
    $bb2html = str_replace("\r", '<br />', $bb2html);
    // the \n remains, and makes the raw html readable
    $bb2html = str_replace('[b]', '<strong>', $bb2html);
    //ie. "\r\n" becomes "<br />\n"
    $bb2html = str_replace('[/b]', '</strong>', $bb2html);
    $bb2html = str_replace('[i]', '<em>', $bb2html);
    $bb2html = str_replace('[/i]', '</em>', $bb2html);
    $bb2html = str_replace('[u]', '<span class="underline">', $bb2html);
    $bb2html = str_replace('[/u]', '<!--u--></span>', $bb2html);
    $bb2html = str_replace('[big]', '<big>', $bb2html);
    $bb2html = str_replace('[/big]', '</big>', $bb2html);
    $bb2html = str_replace('[sm]', '<small>', $bb2html);
    $bb2html = str_replace('[/sm]', '</small>', $bb2html);
    // tables (couldn't resist this, too handy) hmm.. will we do these in css now? //:2do:
    $bb2html = str_replace('[t]', '<div class="cb-table">', $bb2html);
    $bb2html = str_replace('[bt]', '<div class="cb-table-b">', $bb2html);
    $bb2html = str_replace('[st]', '<div class="cb-table-s">', $bb2html);
    $bb2html = str_replace('[/t]', '<!--table--></div><div class="clear"></div>', $bb2html);
    $bb2html = str_replace('[c]', '<div class="cell">', $bb2html);
    // regular 50% width
    $bb2html = str_replace('[c1]', '<div class="cell1">', $bb2html);
    // cell data 100% width
    $bb2html = str_replace('[c3]', '<div class="cell3">', $bb2html);
    $bb2html = str_replace('[c4]', '<div class="cell4">', $bb2html);
    $bb2html = str_replace('[c5]', '<div class="cell5">', $bb2html);
    $bb2html = str_replace('[/c]', '<!--end-cell--></div>', $bb2html);
    $bb2html = str_replace('[r]', '<div class="cb-tablerow">', $bb2html);
    // a row
    $bb2html = str_replace('[/r]', '<!--row--></div>', $bb2html);
    $bb2html = str_replace('[box]', '<span class="box">', $bb2html);
    $bb2html = str_replace('[/box]', '<!--box--></span>', $bb2html);
    $bb2html = str_replace('[bbox]', '<div class="box">', $bb2html);
    $bb2html = str_replace('[/bbox]', '<!--box--></div>', $bb2html);
    // a simple list
    $bb2html = str_replace('[*]', '<li>', $bb2html);
    $bb2html = str_replace('[/*]', '</li>', $bb2html);
    $bb2html = str_replace('[ul]', '<ul>', $bb2html);
    $bb2html = str_replace('[/ul]', '</ul>', $bb2html);
    $bb2html = str_replace('[list]', '<ul>', $bb2html);
    $bb2html = str_replace('[/list]', '</ul>', $bb2html);
    $bb2html = str_replace('[ol]', '<ol>', $bb2html);
    $bb2html = str_replace('[/ol]', '</ol>', $bb2html);
    // fix up gaps..
    $bb2html = str_replace('</li><br />', '</li>', $bb2html);
    $bb2html = str_replace('<ul><br />', '<ul>', $bb2html);
    $bb2html = str_replace('</ul><br />', '</ul>', $bb2html);
    $bb2html = str_replace('<ol><br />', '<ol>', $bb2html);
    $bb2html = str_replace('</ol><br />', '</ol>', $bb2html);
    // smilies (just starting these, *ahem*) ..
    if (file_exists($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . $smilie_folder)) {
        $bb2html = str_replace(':lol:', '<img alt="smilie for :lol:" title=":lol:" src="' . $smilie_folder . 'lol.gif" />', $bb2html);
        $bb2html = str_replace(':ken:', '<img alt="smilie for :ken:" title=":ken:" src="' . $smilie_folder . 'ken.gif" />', $bb2html);
        $bb2html = str_replace(':D', '<img alt="smilie for :D" title=":D" src="' . $smilie_folder . 'grin.gif" />', $bb2html);
        $bb2html = str_replace(':eek:', '<img alt="smilie for :eek:" title=":eek:" src="' . $smilie_folder . 'eek.gif" />', $bb2html);
        $bb2html = str_replace(':geek:', '<img alt="smilie for :geek:" title=":geek:" src="' . $smilie_folder . 'geek.gif" />', $bb2html);
        $bb2html = str_replace(':roll:', '<img alt="smilie for :roll:" title=":roll:" src="' . $smilie_folder . 'roll.gif" />', $bb2html);
        $bb2html = str_replace(':erm:', '<img alt="smilie for :erm:" title=":erm:" src="' . $smilie_folder . 'erm.gif" />', $bb2html);
        $bb2html = str_replace(':cool:', '<img alt="smilie for :cool:" title=":cool:" src="' . $smilie_folder . 'cool.gif" />', $bb2html);
        $bb2html = str_replace(':blank:', '<img alt="smilie for :blank:" title=":blank:" src="' . $smilie_folder . 'blank.gif" />', $bb2html);
        $bb2html = str_replace(':idea:', '<img alt="smilie for :idea:" title=":idea:" src="' . $smilie_folder . 'idea.gif" />', $bb2html);
        $bb2html = str_replace(':ehh:', '<img alt="smilie for :ehh:" title=":ehh:" src="' . $smilie_folder . 'ehh.gif" />', $bb2html);
        $bb2html = str_replace(':aargh:', '<img alt="smilie for :aargh:" title=":aargh:" src="' . $smilie_folder . 'aargh.gif" />', $bb2html);
    // anchors and stuff..
    $bb2html = str_replace('[img]', '<img class="cb-img" src="', $bb2html);
    $bb2html = str_replace('[imgr]', '<img class="cb-img-right" src="', $bb2html);
    $bb2html = str_replace('[imgl]', '<img class="cb-img-left" src="', $bb2html);
    $bb2html = str_replace('[/img]', '" alt="an image" />', $bb2html);
    // clickable mail URL ..
    $bb2html = preg_replace_callback("/\\[mmail\\=(.+?)\\](.+?)\\[\\/mmail\\]/i", "create_mmail", $bb2html);
    $bb2html = preg_replace_callback("/\\[email\\=(.+?)\\](.+?)\\[\\/email\\]/i", "create_mail", $bb2html);
    // other URLs..
    $bb2html = str_replace('[url=', '<a onclick="window.open(this.href); return false;" href=', $bb2html);
    $bb2html = str_replace('[turl=', '<a class="turl" title=', $bb2html);
    /* title-only url */
    $bb2html = str_replace('[purl=', '<a class="purl" href=', $bb2html);
    /* page url */
    $bb2html = str_replace('[/url]', '<!--url--></a>', $bb2html);
    // floaters..
    $bb2html = str_replace('[right]', '<div class="right">', $bb2html);
    $bb2html = str_replace('[/right]', '<!--right--></div>', $bb2html);
    $bb2html = str_replace('[left]', '<div class="left">', $bb2html);
    $bb2html = str_replace('[/left]', '<!--left--></div>', $bb2html);
    // code
    $bb2html = str_replace('[tt]', '<tt>', $bb2html);
    $bb2html = str_replace('[/tt]', '</tt>', $bb2html);
    $bb2html = str_replace('[code]', '<span class="code">', $bb2html);
    $bb2html = str_replace('[/code]', '<!--code--></span>', $bb2html);
    $bb2html = str_replace('[coderz]', '<div class="coderz">', $bb2html);
    $bb2html = str_replace('[/coderz]', '<!--coderz--></div>', $bb2html);
    // simple quotes..
    $bb2html = str_replace('[quote]', '<cite>', $bb2html);
    $bb2html = str_replace('[/quote]', '</cite>', $bb2html);
    // divisions..
    $bb2html = str_replace('[hr]', '<hr class="cb-hr" />', $bb2html);
    $bb2html = str_replace('[hr2]', '<hr class="cb-hr2" />', $bb2html);
    $bb2html = str_replace('[hr3]', '<hr class="cb-hr3" />', $bb2html);
    $bb2html = str_replace('[hr4]', '<hr class="cb-hr4" />', $bb2html);
    $bb2html = str_replace('[hrr]', '<hr class="cb-hr-regular" />', $bb2html);
    $bb2html = str_replace('[block]', '<blockquote><div class="blockquote">', $bb2html);
    $bb2html = str_replace('[/block]', '</div></blockquote>', $bb2html);
    $bb2html = str_replace('</div></blockquote><br />', '</div></blockquote>', $bb2html);
    $bb2html = str_replace('[mid]', '<div class="cb-center">', $bb2html);
    $bb2html = str_replace('[/mid]', '<!--mid--></div>', $bb2html);
    // dropcaps. five flavours, small up to large.. [dc1]I[/dc] -> [dc5]W[/dc]
    $bb2html = str_replace('[dc1]', '<span class="dropcap1">', $bb2html);
    $bb2html = str_replace('[dc2]', '<span class="dropcap2">', $bb2html);
    $bb2html = str_replace('[dc3]', '<span class="dropcap3">', $bb2html);
    $bb2html = str_replace('[dc4]', '<span class="dropcap4">', $bb2html);
    $bb2html = str_replace('[dc5]', '<span class="dropcap5">', $bb2html);
    $bb2html = str_replace('[/dc]', '<!--dc--></span>', $bb2html);
    $bb2html = str_replace('[h2]', '<h2>', $bb2html);
    $bb2html = str_replace('[/h2]', '</h2>', $bb2html);
    $bb2html = str_replace('[h3]', '<h3>', $bb2html);
    $bb2html = str_replace('[/h3]', '</h3>', $bb2html);
    $bb2html = str_replace('[h4]', '<h4>', $bb2html);
    $bb2html = str_replace('[/h4]', '</h4>', $bb2html);
    $bb2html = str_replace('[h5]', '<h5>', $bb2html);
    $bb2html = str_replace('[/h5]', '</h5>', $bb2html);
    $bb2html = str_replace('[h6]', '<h6>', $bb2html);
    $bb2html = str_replace('[/h6]', '</h6>', $bb2html);
    // fix up input spacings..
    $bb2html = str_replace('</h2><br />', '</h2>', $bb2html);
    $bb2html = str_replace('</h3><br />', '</h3>', $bb2html);
    $bb2html = str_replace('</h4><br />', '</h4>', $bb2html);
    $bb2html = str_replace('</h5><br />', '</h5>', $bb2html);
    $bb2html = str_replace('</h6><br />', '</h6>', $bb2html);
    // oh, all right then..
    // my [color=red]colour[/color] [color=blue]test[/color] [color=#C5BB41]test[/color]
    $bb2html = preg_replace('/\\[color\\=(.+?)\\](.+?)\\[\\/color\\]/i', "<span style=\"color:\$1\">\$2<!--color--></span>", $bb2html);
    // common special characters (html entity encoding) ..
    // still considering just throwing them all into the one php function. hmmm..
    $bb2html = str_replace('[sp]', '&nbsp;', $bb2html);
    $bb2html = str_replace('±', '&plusmn;', $bb2html);
    $bb2html = str_replace('™', '&trade;', $bb2html);
    $bb2html = str_replace('•', '&bull;', $bb2html);
    $bb2html = str_replace('°', '&deg;', $bb2html);
    $bb2html = str_replace('***lt***', '&lt;', $bb2html);
    $bb2html = str_replace('***gt***', '&gt;', $bb2html);
    $bb2html = str_replace('©', '&copy;', $bb2html);
    $bb2html = str_replace('®', '&reg;', $bb2html);
    $bb2html = str_replace('…', '&hellip;', $bb2html);
    // for URL's, and InfiniTags™..
    $bb2html = str_replace('[', ' <', $bb2html);
    // you can just replace < and >  with [ and ] in your bbcode
    $bb2html = str_replace(']', ' >', $bb2html);
    // for instance, [center] cool [/center] would work!
    // get back those square brackets..
    $bb2html = str_replace('**$@$**', '[', $bb2html);
    $bb2html = str_replace('**@^@**', ']', $bb2html);
    // prevent some twat running arbitary php commands on our web server
    // I may roll this into the xss prevention and just keep it all enabled. hmm.
    $bb2html = preg_replace("/<\\?(.*)\\? ?>/i", "<strong>script-kiddie prank: &lt;?\\1 ?&gt;</strong>", $bb2html);
    // re-insert the preformatted text blocks..
    $cp = count($pre) - 1;
    for ($i = 0; $i <= $cp; $i++) {
        $bb2html = str_replace("***pre_string***{$i}", '<pre>' . $pre[$i] . '</pre>', $bb2html);
    // insert the cool colored code..
    $cp = count($ccc) - 1;
    for ($i = 0; $i <= $cp; $i++) {
        //$tmp_str = str_replace("\\", "&#92;", $ccc[$i]);
        $tmp_str = substr($ccc[$i], 5, -6);
        $tmp_str = highlight_string(stripslashes($tmp_str), true);
        $tmp_str = str_replace('font color="', 'span style="color:', $tmp_str);
        $tmp_str = str_replace('font', 'span', $tmp_str);
        $bb2html = str_replace("***ccc_string***{$i}", '<div class="cb-ccc">' . addslashes($tmp_str) . '<!--ccccode--></div>', $bb2html);
    // slash me!
    if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) {
        return stripslashes($bb2html);
    } else {
        return $bb2html;
function make_safety_code_allele_combination_owl($human_with_genotype_at_locus, $allele_1, $allele_2, $rs_id)
    $variant_qname = "sc:human_with_genotype_rs" . $rs_id . "_variant_" . make_valid_id($allele_1 . "_" . $allele_2);
    $allele_1_id = "rs" . $rs_id . "_" . make_valid_id($allele_1);
    $allele_2_id = "rs" . $rs_id . "_" . make_valid_id($allele_2);
    $owl_fragment = "Class: {$variant_qname} \n" . "    SubClassOf: sc:{$human_with_genotype_at_locus} \n";
    if ($allele_1 == "null" or $allele_2 == "null") {
        // if information is absent, do not add OWL axiom
    } else {
        if ($allele_1 == $allele_2) {
            // if homozygous...
            $owl_fragment .= "    SubClassOf: has exactly 2 {$allele_1_id} \n";
        } else {
            // if heterozygous...
            $owl_fragment .= "    SubClassOf: has some  {$allele_1_id} and has some {$allele_2_id} \n";
    $owl_fragment .= "    Annotations: rdfs:label \"human with rs" . $rs_id . "(" . $allele_1 . ";" . $allele_2 . ")\"  \n" . "    Annotations: sc:criteria_syntax \"rs" . $rs_id . "(" . $allele_1 . ";" . $allele_2 . ")\"  \n";
    return $owl_fragment;
function save_phpcode($filename)
    global $wb;
    // Set project variables
    foreach ($wb->project_array as $var) {
        ${$var} = $wb->form[$wb->currentform]->{$var};
        if (!$var) {
            $var = constant("DEFAULT_" . strtoupper($var));
    // Set up some useful variables
    $form = $wb->form[$wb->currentform];
    $valueid = $wb->form[$wb->currentform]->startval;
    $ctrlid = $wb->form[$wb->currentform]->startctrlval;
    $ncontrols = $form->numcontrols;
    $tabnumber = 0;
    // Empty table of IDs
    // Start PHP code
    if ($filename) {
        $phpcode = "<?php\r\n\r\n" . PHP_HEADER;
    } else {
        $phpcode = "";
    //--------------------- Code to generate identifiers for all controls
    $phpcode .= "// Control identifiers\r\n\r\n";
    $invalid = array();
    $defined = array();
    // Loop for all controls
    for ($nctrl = 0; $nctrl < $ncontrols; $nctrl++) {
        $ct = $wb->form[$wb->currentform]->ct[$nctrl];
        $define_this = false;
        if (!$ct->id) {
            // Null ID
        } else {
            if (preg_match("/^-?[0-9]+\$/", $ct->id)) {
                // Numeric ID
            } else {
                if (preg_match('/^[a-z][a-z0-9_]*$/i', $ct->id)) {
                    if (in_array($ct->id, $wb->presetids)) {
                    // Valid string identifier
                    if (!in_array($ct->id, $defined)) {
                        $defined[] = $ct->id;
                        if (preg_match("/^" . $wb->form[$wb->currentform]->prefix . "[a-z]+([0-9]+)\$/i", $ct->id, $matches)) {
                            $valueid = $matches[1];
                        } else {
                        $define_this = true;
                } else {
                    // Invalid ID: fix it
                    $inv = $ct->id;
                    $wb->form[$wb->currentform]->ct[$nctrl]->id = make_valid_id($ct->id, 'MAKEID_');
                    if (!in_array($ct->id, $defined)) {
                        $defined[] = $ct->id;
                        $ct = $wb->form[$wb->currentform]->ct[$nctrl];
                        $valueid = make_unique_id($valueid);
                        $invalid[] = "{$inv} (changed to {$ct->id})";
                        $define_this = true;
        // Create a define() call
        if ($define_this) {
            $valueid = make_unique_id($valueid);
            $phpcode .= "if(!defined('{$ct->id}')) define('{$ct->id}', {$valueid});\r\n";
    // Create code to generate the form (optional)
    if (!$wb->form[$wb->currentform]->istabpage) {
        $phpcode .= "\r\n// Create window\r\n\r\n";
        $phpcode .= "{$formvar} = wb_create_window({$parent}, " . ($form->cclass == "TabPage" ? "AppWindow" : $form->cclass) . ', ' . ($wb->form[$wb->currentform]->localize && $filename ? make_valid_id(str_replace('.prj', '', basename($filename))) : "'{$form->caption}'") . ", WBC_CENTER, WBC_CENTER, {$form->width}, {$form->height}, " . sprintf("0x%08X", $form->style) . ", {$form->value});\r\n";
    } else {
        $tabnumber = $wb->form[$wb->currentform]->tabnumber;
    //--------------------- Code to generate the controls
    $phpcode .= "\r\n// Insert controls\r\n\r\n";
    $last_tab = null;
    for ($i = 0; $i < $ncontrols; $i++) {
        $ct = $wb->form[$wb->currentform]->ct[$i];
        $cid = !$ct->id ? '0' : $ct->id;
        $ctrlparent = $formvar;
        $ctrlcode = '';
        $xoff = 0;
        $yoff = 0;
        //--------------------- Adds optional code for tabs
        if ($wb->form[$wb->currentform]->insertontabs) {
            // If a control is over a tab control, force its parent to be the tab
            static $xtaboffset = 0;
            static $ytaboffset = 0;
            if ($ct->cclass == 'TabControl') {
                $ctrlcode = '$tab = ';
                $ctrlparent = $formvar;
                $tabctrl = $ct;
                $xtaboffset = $tabctrl->left;
                $ytaboffset = $tabctrl->top + 22;
                // Height of a tab, should be read from API
            } else {
                $ctrlcode = '';
                // Is the control inside the tab?
                if (isset($tabctrl) && ($ct->left >= $tabctrl->left && $ct->left <= $tabctrl->left + $tabctrl->width && $ct->top >= $tabctrl->top && $ct->top <= $tabctrl->top + $tabctrl->height)) {
                    $ctrlparent = '$tab';
                    $xoff = $xtaboffset;
                    $yoff = $ytaboffset;
                } else {
                    $ctrlparent = $formvar;
                    $xoff = 0;
                    $yoff = 0;
        //--------------------- Adds optional code (before control creation)
        if ($wb->form[$wb->currentform]->filllists) {
            switch ($ct->cclass) {
                case 'ComboBox':
                case 'ListBox':
                    $ctrlcode .= '$ctrl = ';
        if ($wb->form[$wb->currentform]->fillheaders) {
            switch ($ct->cclass) {
                case 'ListView':
                case 'ImageButton':
                    $ctrlcode .= '$ctrl = ';
        if ($wb->form[$wb->currentform]->imagenames) {
            switch ($ct->cclass) {
                case 'ImageButton':
                    $ctrlcode .= '$ctrl = ';
        if ($wb->form[$wb->currentform]->applyvalues) {
            switch ($ct->cclass) {
                case 'ScrollBar':
                case 'Slider':
                case 'Gauge':
                    $ctrlcode .= '$ctrl = ';
        //---------------------  Add variable name (if any)
        $var = $wb->form[$wb->currentform]->ctrlvar;
        if ($var) {
            if ($var[0] != '$') {
                $var = '$' . $var;
            $ctrlcode .= sprintf($var, $ctrlid) . ' = ';
        //---------------------  Add code to create control
        $phpcode .= $ctrlcode . "wb_create_control({$ctrlparent}, {$ct->cclass}, " . ($wb->form[$wb->currentform]->localize && $filename && $ct->caption ? make_valid_id($ct->caption) : "'{$ct->caption}'") . ", " . ($ct->left - $xoff) . ", " . ($ct->top - $yoff) . ", {$ct->width}, {$ct->height}, {$cid}, " . sprintf("0x%08X", $ct->style) . ", {$ct->value}, {$tabnumber});\r\n";
        //--------------------- Adds optional code (after control creation)
        switch ($ct->cclass) {
            case 'ImageButton':
                if ($wb->form[$wb->currentform]->imagenames) {
                    if (substr($ct->caption, -4) == '.bmp' && file_exists($ct->caption)) {
                        $imgfile = "'{$ct->caption}'";
                    } else {
                        $imgfile = "'resources\\symb_imagebutton.bmp'";
                    $phpcode .= "\$img = wb_load_image({$imgfile});\n" . "  wb_set_image(\$ctrl, \$img, NOCOLOR, 0, {$ct->value});\n" . "  wb_destroy_image(\$img);";
            case 'ListView':
                if ($wb->form[$wb->currentform]->fillheaders) {
                    $phpcode .= "wb_set_text(\$ctrl, '{$ct->caption}');\n";
            case 'ComboBox':
            case 'ListBox':
                if ($wb->form[$wb->currentform]->filllists) {
                    $phpcode .= "wb_set_text(\$ctrl, explode(',', '{$ct->caption}'));\n";
            case 'ScrollBar':
            case 'Slider':
            case 'Gauge':
                if ($wb->form[$wb->currentform]->applyvalues) {
                    $phpcode .= "wb_set_value(\$ctrl, {$ct->value});\n";
    // end control loop
    if (!$filename) {
        $phpcode = str_replace('$this->', '$', $phpcode);
    // Prevents errors in PHP 5 -- Stefano
    $phpcode .= "\r\n// End controls\r\n";
    // Let the user know that invalid IDs were corrected
    if (!empty($invalid)) {
        // Update ID field on main screen if necessary
        wb_message_box($wb->mainwin, "The following invalid IDs were automatically corrected:\n\n" . implode("\n", $invalid), APPNAME, WBC_INFO);
    //--------------------- Add ending PHP code and save file
    if ($filename) {
        $phpcode .= "\r\n?>";
        $filename = str_replace(".prj", ".form.php", $filename);
        file_put_contents($filename, $phpcode);
        // Generate localization file
        if ($wb->form[$wb->currentform]->localize) {
            $phpcode = "<?php\r\n\r\n" . PHP_HEADER;
            $phpcode .= "// Identifiers for localization\r\n\r\n";
            // Generate line for dialog box title
            if (!$wb->form[$wb->currentform]->istabpage) {
                $id = make_valid_id(str_replace('.form.php', '', basename($filename)));
                echo "******" . "{$id}\n";
                $phpcode .= "define('{$id}'," . str_repeat(' ', 26 - strlen($id)) . "'{$form->caption}');\n\n";
            // Create a define() call for each localization identifier
            for ($i = 0; $i < $ncontrols; $i++) {
                $ct = $wb->form[$wb->currentform]->ct[$i];
                $cid = !$ct->id ? '0' : $ct->id;
                if ($ct->caption) {
                    $id = make_valid_id($ct->caption);
                    if (strlen($id) < 26) {
                        $phpcode .= "define('{$id}'," . str_repeat(' ', 26 - strlen($id)) . "'{$ct->caption}');\n";
                    } else {
                        $phpcode .= "define('{$id}', '{$ct->caption}');\n";
            $phpcode .= "\r\n?>";
            $filename = str_replace(".form", ".lang", $filename);
            file_put_contents($filename, $phpcode);
    } else {
        return $phpcode;