function workmgtuser($data, $user, $err) { $pg = '<h1>Worker Management</h1>'; if ($err != '') { $pg .= "<span class=err>{$err}<br><br></span>"; } $ans = getWorkers($user, 'N'); if ($ans['STATUS'] == 'ok') { if (isset($ans['oldworkers']) && $ans['oldworkers'] == '0') { $chk = ''; } else { $chk = ' checked'; } $pg .= makeForm('workmgt'); $pg .= '<span>Active workers (7 days)'; $pg .= "<input type=checkbox name=seven{$chk}>"; $pg .= '<input type=submit name=S value=Update>'; $pg .= '</span></form><br><br>'; } $pg .= makeForm('workmgt'); $pg .= "<table callpadding=0 cellspacing=0 border=0>\n"; $pg .= '<tr class=title>'; $pg .= '<td class=dl>Worker Name</td>'; $pg .= '<td class=dr>Minimum Diff</td>'; $pg .= '</tr>'; $offset = 0; if ($ans['STATUS'] == 'ok') { $count = $ans['rows']; for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) { if ($offset % 2 == 0) { $row = 'even'; } else { $row = 'odd'; } $pg .= "<tr class={$row}>"; $wn = htmlspecialchars($ans['workername:' . $i]); $wnv = urlencode($ans['workername:' . $i]); $pg .= '<td class=dl>'; $pg .= "<input type=hidden name='workername:{$i}' value='{$wnv}'>"; $pg .= $wn . '</td>'; $md = intval($ans['difficultydefault:' . $i]); $pg .= '<td class=dr>'; $pg .= "<input type=text size=6 name='difficultydefault:{$i}' value='{$md}'>"; $pg .= "<input type=submit name=OK value=OK>"; $pg .= "</td>"; $pg .= "</tr>\n"; $offset++; } } $pg .= '<tr><td colspan=2 class=dc><font size=-1><span class=st1>*</span>'; $pg .= ' A value of 0, less than the pool minimum,<br>'; $pg .= 'or less than the pool calculated value for you,<br>'; $pg .= 'will use the pool calculated value</font></td></tr>'; $pg .= "</table><input type=hidden name=rows value={$count}></form>\n"; return $pg; }
function allow_reset($error) { $pg = '<br><br><table cellpadding=5 cellspacing=0 border=1><tr><td class=dc>'; $pg .= '<h1>Password Reset</h1>'; if ($error !== null) { $pg .= "<br><b>{$error} - please try again</b><br><br>"; } $pg .= makeForm('reset'); $pg .= "\n<table>\n<tr><td class=dc colspan=2>Enter a new password twice.<br>\n" . passrequires() . "\n<input type=hidden name=k value=reset></td></tr>\n<tr><td class=dr>Password:</td>\n <td class=dl><input type=password name=pass></td></tr>\n<tr><td class=dr>Retype Password:</td>\n <td class=dl><input type=password name=pass2></td></tr>\n<tr><td class=dr><span class=st1>*</span>2nd Authentication:</td>\n <td class=dl><input type=password name=2fa size=10></td></tr>\n<tr><td colspan=2 class=dc><br><font size=-1><span class=st1>*</span>\n Leave blank if you haven't enabled it</font></td></tr>\n<tr><td> </td>\n <td class=dl><input type=submit name=Update value=Update></td></tr>\n</table>\n</form>"; $pg .= '</td></tr></table>'; return $pg; }
function uset($data, $user, $api, $err) { $pg = '<h1>User Settings</h1>'; if ($err != '') { $pg .= "<span class=err>{$err}<br><br></span>"; } $pg .= '<table cellpadding=20 cellspacing=0 border=1>'; $pg .= '<tr class=dc><td><span class=nb>'; $pg .= "<input type=checkbox id=minicb onclick='md(this)'>"; $pg .= 'mini header</span></td></tr>'; $pg .= '<tr class=dc><td><center>'; $pg .= makeForm('userset'); $pg .= '<table cellpadding=5 cellspacing=0 border=0>'; $pg .= '<tr class=dc><td>'; if ($api === false) { $pg .= "You don't have an API Key setup yet"; } else { $pg .= 'Your current API Key is:'; $pg .= '</td></tr><tr class=dc><td>'; $pg .= "<span class=hil>{$api}</span>"; } $pg .= '</td></tr><tr class=dc><td>'; $pg .= 'Click to generate a new API key'; $pg .= ": <input type=submit name=Change value='API Key'>"; $pg .= '</td></tr>'; if ($api !== false) { $pg .= '<tr class=dc><td> </td></tr>'; $pg .= '<tr class=dc><td>You can access the API via:'; $pg .= '</td></tr><tr class=dc><td>'; $pg .= "<span class=hil>/index.php?k=api&username="******"&api={$api}&json=y</span><br>"; $pg .= '</td></tr>'; $pg .= '<tr class=dc><td>You can get your workers via:'; $pg .= '</td></tr><tr class=dc><td>'; $pg .= "<span class=hil>/index.php?k=api&username="******"&api={$api}&json=y&work=y</span><br>"; $pg .= '</td></tr>'; } $pg .= '</table></form>'; $pg .= '</center></td></tr>'; $pg .= '</table>'; return $pg; }
function doregres($data, $u) { if (isset($data['data']['user'])) { $user = htmlspecialchars($data['data']['user']); } else { $user = ''; } if (isset($data['data']['mail'])) { $mail = htmlspecialchars($data['data']['mail']); } else { $mail = ''; } $pg = "<br><span class=urg>WARNING:</span> \n<b>Do not</b> give your username+password to anyone else.<br>\n<b>Do not</b> give your username+password to apps or web sites.<br>\nA monitoring app or web site will <b>ONLY</b> need your username+API key.<br>\nYou can setup an API key from the 'Account'->'User Settings' menu page after you login.<br>\nYour miner password should be '<b>x</b>' and <b>must not</b> use your login password.<br>"; $pg .= makeForm('') . "<br>\n<table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 border=0><tr>\n<td>User:</td><td><input type=text name=User size=10 value=''></td>\n<td> Pass:</td><td><input type=password name=Pass size=10 value=''></td>\n<td> <input type=submit name=Login value=Login></td>\n</tr></table></form>"; $pg .= '<br><h1>or choose one:</h1>'; $pg .= '<table cellpadding=5 cellspacing=0 border=1><tr><td class=dc>'; $pg .= '<h1>Login</h1>'; if (isset($data['data']['error'])) { $pg .= "<br><b>" . $data['data']['error'] . " - please try again</b><br><br>"; } $pg .= makeForm(''); $pg .= "\n<table>\n<tr><td class=dr>Username:</td>\n <td class=dl><input name=User value=''></td></tr>\n<tr><td class=dr>Password:</td>\n <td class=dl><input type=password name=Pass value=''></td></tr>\n<tr><td class=dr><span class=st1>*</span>2nd Authentication:</td>\n <td class=dl><input type=password name=2fa size=10></td></tr>\n<tr><td colspan=2 class=dc><font size=-1><span class=st1>*</span>\n Leave blank if you haven't enabled it</font></td></tr>\n<tr><td> </td>\n <td class=dl><input type=submit name=Login value=Login></td></tr>\n</table>\n</form>"; $pg .= '</td></tr><tr><td class=dc>'; $pg .= '<h1>Register</h1>'; if (isset($data['data']['error'])) { $pg .= "<br><b>" . $data['data']['error'] . " - please try again</b><br><br>"; } $pg .= makeForm(''); $pg .= "\n<table>\n<tr><td class=dr>Username:</td>\n <td class=dl><input name=user value=\"{$user}\"></td></tr>\n<tr><td class=dr>Email:</td>\n <td class=dl><input name=mail value=\"{$mail}\"></td></tr>\n<tr><td class=dr>Password:</td>\n <td class=dl><input type=password name=pass value=''></td></tr>\n<tr><td class=dr>Retype Password:</td>\n <td class=dl><input type=password name=pass2 value=''></td></tr>\n<tr><td> </td>\n <td class=dl><input type=submit name=Register value=Register></td></tr>\n<tr><td colspan=2 class=dc><br><font size=-1><span class=st1>*</span>\n All fields are required<br>Your Username can't be a BTC address</font></td></tr>\n<tr><td colspan=2 class=dc><font size=-1><br>Note: your username is upper/lowercase sensitive,<br>\nand you must also have upper/lowercase correct on all your miners<br><br>" . passrequires() . "</font></td></tr>\n</table>\n</form>"; $pg .= '</td></tr><tr><td class=dc>'; $pg .= '<h1>Password Reset</h1>'; $pg .= makeForm(''); $pg .= "\n<table>\n<tr><td class=dr>Username:</td>\n <td class=dl><input name=user value=\"{$user}\"></td></tr>\n<tr><td class=dr>Email:</td>\n <td class=dl><input name=mail value=''></td></tr>\n<tr><td> </td>\n <td class=dl><input type=submit name=Reset value=Reset></td></tr>\n<tr><td colspan=2 class=dc><br><font size=-1>\nIf you enter the details correctly,<br>\nan Email will be sent to you to let you reset your password</font></td></tr>\n</table>\n</form>"; $pg .= '</td></tr></table>'; return $pg; }
function dopplns($data, $user) { global $send_sep; $pg = '<h1>CKPool</h1>'; $blk = getparam('blk', true); if (nuem($blk)) { $tx = ''; # so can make a link $blkuse = getparam('blkuse', true); if (nuem($blkuse)) { $blkuse = ''; } else { $tx = 'y'; } $pg = '<br>' . makeForm('pplns') . "\nBlock: <input type=text name=blk size=10 value='{$blkuse}'>\n Tx: <input type=text name=tx size=1 value='{$tx}'>\n Dust (Satoshi): <input type=text name=dust size=5 value='10000'>\n Fee (BTC): <input type=text name=fee size=5 value='0.0'>\n <input type=submit name=Calc value=Calc>\n</form>"; } else { $tx = getparam('tx', true); if (nuem($tx) || substr($tx, 0, 1) != 'y') { $dotx = false; } else { $dotx = true; } $flds = array('height' => $blk, 'allow_aged' => 'Y'); if ($blk > 334106) { $flds['diff_times'] = '5'; } $msg = msgEncode('pplns', 'pplns', $flds, $user); $rep = sendsockreply('pplns', $msg, 4); if ($rep == false) { $ans = array(); } else { $ans = repDecode($rep); } if ($ans['ERROR'] != null) { return '<font color=red size=+1><br>' . $ans['STATUS'] . ': ' . $ans['ERROR'] . '</font>'; } if (!isset($ans['pplns_last'])) { return '<font color=red size=+1><br>Partial data returned</font>'; } $reward_sat = $ans['block_reward']; $miner_sat = round($reward_sat * 0.991); $ans['miner_sat'] = $miner_sat; $data = array('Block' => 'block', 'Block Status' => 'block_status', 'Block Hash' => 'block_hash', 'Block Reward (Satoshis)' => 'block_reward', 'Miner Reward (Satoshis)' => 'miner_sat', 'PPLNS Wanted' => '.diff_want', 'PPLNS Used' => '.diffacc_total', 'Elapsed Seconds' => ',pplns_elapsed', 'Users' => 'rows', 'Oldest Workinfoid' => 'begin_workinfoid', 'Oldest Time' => 'begin_stamp', 'Oldest Epoch' => 'begin_epoch', 'Block Workinfoid' => 'block_workinfoid', 'Block Time' => 'block_stamp', 'Block Epoch' => 'block_epoch', 'Newest Workinfoid' => 'end_workinfoid', 'Newest Share Time' => 'end_stamp', 'Newest Share Epoch' => 'end_epoch', 'Network Difficulty' => 'block_ndiff', 'PPLNS Factor' => 'diff_times', 'PPLNS Added' => 'diff_add', 'Accepted Share Count' => ',acc_share_count', 'Total Share Count' => ',total_share_count', 'ShareSummary Count' => ',ss_count', 'WorkMarkers Count' => ',wm_count', 'MarkerSummary Count' => ',ms_count'); $pg = '<br><a href='; $pg .= $ans['block'] . '>Blockchain ' . $ans['block'] . "</a><br>\n"; if (strlen($ans['marks_status']) > 0) { $pg .= '<br><span class=err>'; $msg = $ans['marks_status']; $pg .= str_replace(' ', ' ', $msg) . "</span><br>\n"; } if (strlen($ans['block_extra']) > 0) { $pg .= '<br><span class=err>'; $msg = $ans['block_status'] . ' - ' . $ans['block_extra']; $pg .= str_replace(' ', ' ', $msg) . "</span><br>\n"; } if (strlen($ans['share_status']) > 0) { $pg .= '<br><span class=err>'; $msg = $ans['share_status'] . " - Can't be paid out yet"; $pg .= str_replace(' ', ' ', $msg) . "</span><br>\n"; } $pg .= "<br><table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 border=0>\n"; $pg .= '<tr class=title>'; $pg .= '<td class=dl>Name</td>'; $pg .= '<td class=dr>Value</td>'; $pg .= "</tr>\n"; $i = 0; foreach ($data as $dsp => $name) { if ($i++ % 2 == 0) { $row = 'even'; } else { $row = 'odd'; } $pg .= "<tr class={$row}>"; $pg .= "<td class=dl>{$dsp}</td>"; switch ($name[0]) { case ',': case '.': $nm = substr($name, 1); $fmt = fmtdata($name[0], $ans[$nm]); break; default: $fmt = $ans[$name]; break; } $pg .= "<td class=dr>{$fmt}</td>"; $pg .= "</tr>\n"; } $pg .= "</table><br><table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 border=0>\n"; $pg .= '<tr class=title>'; $pg .= '<td class=dl>User</td>'; $pg .= '<td class=dr>Diff Accepted</td>'; $pg .= '<td class=dr>%</td>'; $pg .= '<td class=dr>Avg Hashrate</td>'; $pg .= '<td class=dr>BTC -0.9%</td>'; $pg .= '<td class=dr>Address</td>'; $pg .= "</tr>\n"; $diffacc_total = $ans['diffacc_total']; if ($diffacc_total == 0) { $diffacc_total = pow(10, 15); } $elapsed = $ans['pplns_elapsed']; $count = $ans['rows']; $tot_pay = 0; for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) { $diffacc_user = $ans['diffacc_user:'******'%'; $avg_hash = number_format($diffacc_user / $elapsed * pow(2, 32), 0); $pay_sat = floor($miner_sat * $diffacc_user / $diffacc_total); $payaddress = $ans['payaddress:' . $i]; if ($i % 2 == 0) { $row = 'even'; } else { $row = 'odd'; } $pg .= "<tr class={$row}>"; $pg .= '<td class=dl>' . $ans['user:'******'</td>'; $pg .= "<td class=dr>{$diffacc_user}</td>"; $pg .= "<td class=dr>{$diffacc_percent}</td>"; $pg .= "<td class=dr>{$avg_hash}</td>"; $pg .= '<td class=dr>' . btcfmt($pay_sat) . '</td>'; $pg .= "<td class=dr>{$payaddress}</td>"; $pg .= "</tr>\n"; $tot_pay += $pay_sat; } if ($i % 2 == 0) { $row = 'even'; } else { $row = 'odd'; } $pg .= "<tr class={$row}>"; $pg .= '<td class=dl colspan=3></td>'; $pg .= '<td class=dr></td>'; $pg .= '<td class=dr>' . btcfmt($tot_pay) . '</td>'; $pg .= '<td class=dr></td>'; $pg .= "</tr>\n"; $pg .= "</table>\n"; if ($dotx === true) { $pg .= calctx($ans, $count, $miner_sat, $diffacc_total); } } return $pg; }
function uset($data, $user, $api, $err) { $pg = '<h1>User Settings</h1>'; if ($err != '') { $pg .= "<span class=err>{$err}<br><br></span>"; } $pg .= '<table cellpadding=20 cellspacing=0 border=1>'; $pg .= '<tr class=dc><td><span class=nb>'; $pg .= "<input type=checkbox id=minicb onclick='md(this)'>"; $pg .= 'mini header</span></td></tr>'; $pg .= '<tr class=dc><td><center>'; $pg .= makeForm('userset'); $pg .= '<table cellpadding=5 cellspacing=0 border=0>'; $pg .= '<tr class=dc><td>'; if ($api === false) { $pg .= "You don't have an API Key setup yet"; $draw = false; } else { addQR(); $pg .= 'Your current API Key is:'; $pg .= '</td></tr><tr class=dc><td>'; $pg .= "<span class=hil>{$api}</span></td></tr>"; $pg .= '<tr class=dc><td><div id=can0><canvas id=can width=1 height=1>'; $pg .= 'A qrcode will show here if your browser supports html5/canvas'; $pg .= "</canvas></div>"; $draw = true; } $pg .= '</td></tr><tr class=dc><td>'; $pg .= 'Click to generate a new API key'; $pg .= ": <input type=submit name=Change value='API Key'>"; $pg .= '</td></tr>'; if ($api !== false) { $pg .= '<tr class=dc><td> </td></tr>'; $pg .= '<tr class=dc><td>You can access the API via:'; $pg .= '</td></tr><tr class=dc><td>'; $pg .= "<span class=hil>/index.php?k=api&username="******"&api={$api}&json=y</span><br>"; $pg .= '</td></tr>'; $pg .= '<tr class=dc><td>You can get your workers via:'; $pg .= '</td></tr><tr class=dc><td>'; $pg .= "<span class=hil>/index.php?k=api&username="******"&api={$api}&json=y&work=y</span><br>"; $pg .= '</td></tr>'; } $pg .= '</table></form>'; $pg .= '</center></td></tr>'; $pg .= '</table>'; if ($draw !== false) { $qr = shell_exec("../pool/ '{$api}'"); if ($qr !== null and strlen($qr) > 30) { $pg .= "<script type='text/javascript'>\n"; $pg .= "{$qr}qr(tw,fa,qrx,qry,qrd);</script>\n"; if (strpos($qr, 'var tw=1,fa=0,qrx=') === false) { error_log("QR error for '{$user}' res='{$qr}'"); } } else { if ($qr === null) { $qr = 'null'; } error_log("QR failed for '{$user}' res='{$qr}'"); } } return $pg; }
function pgtop($info, $dotop, $user, $douser) { global $site_title, $loginfailed; $phr = '?THs'; $plb = '?'; $nlb = '?'; $pac = '0'; $per = '0'; $perset = false; $uhr = '?GHs'; $u1hr = ''; if ($info !== false) { $now = time(); if (isset($info['p_hashrate5m'])) { $phr = $info['p_hashrate5m']; } // if (isset($info['p_elapsed']) // and isset($info['p_hashrate1hr']) // and $info['p_elapsed'] > 3600) // $phr = $info['p_hashrate1hr']; if ($phr == '?') { $phr = '?THs'; } else { $phr = dsprate($phr); } if (isset($info['lastblock'])) { $plb = $info['lastblock']; if ($plb != '?') { $sec = $now - $plb; if ($sec < 60) { $plb = $sec . 's'; } else { if ($sec < 3600) { $min = round($sec / 60); $plb = $min . 'm'; } else { $min = round($sec / 60); $hr = round($min / 60); $min -= $hr * 60; $plb = $hr . 'h'; if ($min > 0) { $plb .= ' ' . $min . 'm'; } } } } } if (isset($info['lastblockheight'])) { $plb .= ' (' . $info['lastblockheight'] . ')'; } if (isset($info['lastbc'])) { $nlb = $info['lastbc']; if ($nlb != '?') { $sec = $now - $nlb; $min = round($sec / 60); $nlb = $min . 'm'; $s = $sec - $min * 60; if ($s > 0) { $nlb .= " {$s}s"; } } } if (isset($info['lastheight'])) { $nlb .= ' (' . $info['lastheight'] . ')'; } if (isset($info['blockacc'])) { $acc = $info['blockacc']; $pac = number_format($acc, 0); if (isset($info['currndiff'])) { $cur = $info['currndiff']; if ($cur != '?' && $cur > 0.0) { $pac .= ' (' . number_format(100.0 * $acc / $cur, 2) . '%)'; } } } if (isset($info['blockshareinv'])) { $shinv = $info['blockshareinv']; $per = siprefmt($shinv, 1); $perset = true; if (isset($info['blockshareacc'])) { $shacc = $info['blockshareacc']; if ($shacc + $shinv > 0) { $amt = 100.0 * $shinv / ($shacc + $shinv); if (round($amt, 2) > 9.99) { $per .= ' (' . number_format($amt, 1) . '%)'; } else { $per .= ' (' . number_format($amt, 2) . '%)'; } } } } if (isset($info['blockerr'])) { if ($perset == false) { $per = ''; } else { $per .= ' · '; } $inv = $info['blockerr']; $per .= siprefmt($inv, 1); if (isset($info['blockacc'])) { $acc = $info['blockacc']; if ($acc + $inv > 0) { $amt = 100.0 * $inv / ($acc + $inv); if (round($amt, 2) > 9.99) { $per .= ' (' . number_format($amt, 1) . '%)'; } else { $per .= ' (' . number_format($amt, 2) . '%)'; } } } } if (isset($info['u_hashrate5m'])) { $uhr = $info['u_hashrate5m']; if ($uhr == '?') { $uhr = '?GHs'; } else { $uhr = dsprate($uhr); } } if (isset($info['u_hashrate1hr']) and isset($info['u_elapsed']) and $info['u_elapsed'] > 3600) { $u1hr = $info['u_hashrate1hr']; if ($u1hr == '?') { $u1hr = ''; } else { $u1hr = '/' . dsprate($u1hr); // Remove the first XHs if they are the same if (substr($u1hr, -3) == substr($uhr, -3)) { $uhr = substr($uhr, 0, -3); } } } } $top = "<noscript><div class=jst id=jst> Javascript isn't enabled."; $top .= " You need to enable javascript to use"; $top .= " the {$site_title} web site.</div></noscript>"; if ($loginfailed === true) { $top .= '<div class=accwarn>Login Failed</div>'; } if (isset($info['u_nopayaddr'])) { $top .= '<div class=accwarn>Please set a payout address on your account!</div>'; } if (isset($info['u_noemail'])) { $top .= '<div class=accwarn>Please set an email address on your account!</div>'; } $top .= '<div class=topd>'; if ($dotop === true) { $lh = ''; $ls = ''; $lw = ''; if (isset($info['now']) && isset($info['lastsh']) && isset($info['lasthb']) && isset($info['lastwi'])) { $lsn = $info['now'] - $info['lastsh']; $lhn = $info['now'] - $info['lasthb']; $lwn = $info['now'] - $info['lastwi']; if ($lsn < 8) { $lsc = 'green.png'; } else { if ($lsn < 10) { $lsc = 'orange.png'; } else { $lsc = 'red.png'; } } if ($lhn < 5) { $lhc = 'green.png'; } else { if ($lhn < 10) { $lhc = 'orange.png'; } else { $lhc = 'red.png'; } } if ($lwn < 36) { $lwc = 'green.png'; } else { if ($lwn < 46) { $lwc = 'orange.png'; } else { $lwc = 'red.png'; } } $img1 = '<img border=0 src=/'; $img2 = '>'; $ls = $img1 . $lsc . $img2; $lh = $img1 . $lhc . $img2; $lw = $img1 . $lwc . $img2; } if (!isset($info['users'])) { $info['users'] = '?'; } if (!isset($info['workers'])) { $info['workers'] = '?'; } $top .= '<table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 border=0 width=100%><tr><td>'; $top .= '<table cellpadding=1 cellspacing=0 border=0>'; $top .= "<tr><td class=topdes>{$lh}</td></tr>"; $top .= "<tr><td class=topdes>{$ls}</td></tr>"; $top .= "<tr id=mini0><td class=topdes>{$lw}</td></tr></table>"; $top .= '</td><td>'; $top .= '<table cellpadding=1 cellspacing=0 border=0 width=100%>'; $top .= '<tr><td class=topdes>CKPool: </td>'; $top .= "<td class=topdat> {$phr}</td></tr>"; $top .= '<tr><td class=topdes>Shares: </td>'; $top .= "<td class=topdat> {$pac}</td></tr>"; $top .= '<tr id=mini1><td class=topdes>Invalids: </td>'; $top .= "<td class=topdat> {$per}</td></tr></table>"; $top .= '</td><td>'; $top .= '<table cellpadding=1 cellspacing=0 border=0 width=100%>'; $top .= '<tr><td class=topdes>Last </td>'; $top .= '<td class=topdesl>Block</td></tr>'; $top .= '<tr><td class=topdes>Pool: </td>'; $top .= "<td class=topdat> {$plb}</td></tr>"; $top .= '<tr id=mini2><td class=topdes>Network: </td>'; $top .= "<td class=topdat> {$nlb}</td></tr></table>"; $top .= '</td><td id=mini3>'; $top .= '<table cellpadding=1 cellspacing=0 border=0 width=100%>'; $top .= '<tr><td class=topdes>Users: </td>'; $top .= '<td class=topdat> ' . $info['users'] . '</td></tr>'; $top .= '<tr><td class=topdes>Workers: </td>'; $top .= '<td class=topdat> ' . $info['workers'] . '</td></tr></table>'; $top .= '</td><td>'; if ($douser === true) { $top .= '<span class=login>'; list($who, $whoid) = validate(); if ($who == false) { $top .= '<table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 border=0><tr><td>'; $top .= '<a href="https://' . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']; $top .= '/index.php?Register=1">Login<br>Register</a>'; $top .= '</td></tr></table>'; } else { $extra = ''; if (strlen($who) > 12) { $who = substr($who, 0, 12); $extra = '…'; } $top .= "<span class=topwho>" . htmlspecialchars($who) . "{$extra} </span>"; $top .= makeForm(''); $top .= "<input type=submit name=Logout value=Logout></form>"; $top .= "<br><span class=topdes>Hash Rate:</span>"; $top .= "<span class=topdat>{$uhr}{$u1hr}</span><br>"; } $top .= '</span>'; } $top .= '</td></tr></table>'; } else { $top .= ' '; } $top .= '</div>'; return $top; }
<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>User registration form from .json</title> </head> <body> <?php include "func.php"; $json = file_get_contents("data.json"); makeForm($json); ?> </body> </html>
function settings($data, $user, $email, $addr, $err) { $pg = '<h1>Account Settings</h1>'; if ($err != '') { $pg .= "<span class=err>{$err}<br><br></span>"; } $pg .= '<table cellpadding=20 cellspacing=0 border=1>'; $pg .= '<tr class=dc><td><center>'; $_SESSION['old_set_email'] = $email; $pg .= makeForm('settings'); $pg .= '<table cellpadding=5 cellspacing=0 border=0>'; $pg .= '<tr class=dc><td class=dr colspan=2>'; $pg .= 'To change your email, enter a new email address and your password'; $pg .= '</td></tr>'; $pg .= '<tr class=dc><td class=dr>'; $pg .= 'EMail:'; $pg .= '</td><td class=dl>'; $pg .= "<input type=text name=email value='{$email}' size=20>"; $pg .= '</td></tr>'; $pg .= '<tr class=dc><td class=dr>'; $pg .= 'Password:'******'</td><td class=dl>'; $pg .= '<input type=password name=pass size=20>'; $pg .= '</td></tr>'; $pg .= '<tr class=dc><td class=dr nowrap>'; $pg .= '<span class=st1>*</span>2nd Authentication:'; $pg .= '</td><td class=dl>'; $pg .= '<input type=password name=2fa size=10>'; $pg .= '</td></tr>'; $pg .= '<tr class=dc><td colspan=2 class=dc><font size=-1>'; $pg .= "<span class=st1>*</span>Leave blank if you haven't enabled it</font>"; $pg .= '</td></tr>'; $pg .= '<tr class=dc><td class=dr colspan=2>'; $pg .= 'Change: <input type=submit name=Change value=EMail>'; $pg .= '</td></tr>'; $pg .= '</table></form>'; $pg .= '</center></td></tr>'; $pg .= '<tr class=dc><td><center>'; if (!isset($data['info']['u_multiaddr'])) { $pg .= makeForm('settings'); $pg .= '<table cellpadding=5 cellspacing=0 border=0>'; $pg .= '<tr class=dc><td class=dr colspan=2>'; $pg .= 'To change your payout address, enter a new address and your password'; $pg .= '</td></tr>'; $pg .= '<tr class=dc><td class=dr>'; $pg .= 'BTC Address:'; $pg .= '</td><td class=dl>'; $pg .= "<input type=text name=baddr value='{$addr}' size=42>"; $pg .= '</td></tr>'; $pg .= '<tr class=dc><td class=dr>'; $pg .= 'Password:'******'</td><td class=dl>'; $pg .= '<input type=password name=pass size=20>'; $pg .= '</td></tr>'; $pg .= '<tr class=dc><td class=dr nowrap>'; $pg .= '<span class=st1>*</span>2nd Authentication:'; $pg .= '</td><td class=dl>'; $pg .= '<input type=password name=2fa size=10>'; $pg .= '</td></tr>'; $pg .= '<tr class=dc><td colspan=2 class=dc><font size=-1>'; $pg .= "<span class=st1>*</span>Leave blank if you haven't enabled it</font>"; $pg .= '</td></tr>'; $pg .= '<tr class=dc><td class=dr colspan=2>'; $pg .= 'Change: <input type=submit name=Change value=Address>'; $pg .= '</td></tr>'; $pg .= '</table></form>'; $pg .= '</center></td></tr>'; $pg .= '<tr class=dc><td><center>'; } $pg .= makeForm('settings'); $pg .= '<table cellpadding=5 cellspacing=0 border=0>'; $pg .= '<tr class=dc><td class=dr colspan=2>'; $pg .= 'To change your password, enter your old password and new password twice'; $pg .= '</td></tr>'; $pg .= '<tr class=dc><td class=dr nowrap>'; $pg .= 'Old Password:'******'</td><td class=dl>'; $pg .= "<input type=password name=oldpass size=20>"; $pg .= '</td></tr>'; $pg .= '<tr class=dc><td class=dr nowrap>'; $pg .= 'New Password:'******'</td><td class=dl>'; $pg .= '<input type=password name=pass1 size=20>'; $pg .= '</td></tr>'; $pg .= '<tr class=dc><td class=dr nowrap>'; $pg .= 'New Password again:'; $pg .= '</td><td class=dl>'; $pg .= '<input type=password name=pass2 size=20>'; $pg .= '</td></tr>'; $pg .= '<tr class=dc><td class=dr nowrap>'; $pg .= '<span class=st1>*</span>2nd Authentication:'; $pg .= '</td><td class=dl>'; $pg .= '<input type=password name=2fa size=10>'; $pg .= '</td></tr>'; $pg .= '<tr class=dc><td colspan=2 class=dc><font size=-1>'; $pg .= "<span class=st1>*</span>Leave blank if you haven't enabled it</font>"; $pg .= '</td></tr>'; $pg .= '<tr class=dc><td class=dr colspan=2>'; $pg .= 'Change: <input type=submit name=Change value=Password>'; $pg .= '</td></tr>'; $pg .= '</table></form>'; $pg .= '</center></td></tr>'; $pg .= '</table>'; return $pg; }
function set_2fa($data, $user, $tfa, $ans, $err, $msg) { $draw = false; $pg = '<h1>Two Factor Authentication Settings</h1>'; if ($err !== null and $err != '') { $pg .= "<span class=err>{$err}<br><br></span>"; } if ($msg !== null and $msg != '') { $pg .= "<span class=notice>{$msg}<br><br></span>"; } $pg .= '<table cellpadding=20 cellspacing=0 border=1>'; $pg .= '<tr class=dc><td><center>'; $pg .= '<table cellpadding=5 cellspacing=0 border=0>'; $pg .= '<tr class=dc><td>'; switch ($tfa) { case '': $pg .= '<tr class=dl><td>'; $pg .= "You don't have Two Factor Authentication (2FA) setup yet<br><br>"; $pg .= 'To use 2FA you need an App on your phone/tablet<br>'; $pg .= app_txt('ones'); $pg .= makeForm('2fa'); $pg .= 'Click here to begin the setup process for 2FA: '; $pg .= '<input type=submit name=Setup value=Setup>'; $pg .= '</form></td></tr>'; break; case 'test': $pg .= '<tr class=dc><td>'; $pg .= '2FA is not yet enabled.<br>'; $pg .= 'Your 2FA key has been created but needs testing.<br><br>'; if (isset($ans['2fa_key'])) { $key = $ans['2fa_key']; $sfainfo = $ans['2fa_issuer'] . ': ' . $ans['2fa_auth'] . ' ' . $ans['2fa_hash'] . ' ' . $ans['2fa_time'] . 's'; $who = substr($user, 0, 8); $sfaurl = 'otpauth://' . $ans['2fa_auth'] . '/' . $ans['2fa_issuer'] . ':' . htmlspecialchars($who) . '?secret=' . $ans['2fa_key'] . '&algorithm=' . $ans['2fa_hash'] . '&issuer=' . $ans['2fa_issuer']; $draw = true; addQR(); } else { $key = 'unavailable'; $sfainfo = 'unavailable'; $sfaurl = 'unavailable'; } $pg .= "Your <span class=urg>2FA Secret Key</span> is: {$key}<br>"; $pg .= "2FA Settings are {$sfainfo}<br><br>"; $pg .= "To setup 2FA in your App: <a href='{$sfaurl}'>Click here</a><br>"; $pg .= "or scan the qrcode/barcode below with your App:<br><br>"; $pg .= '<div id=can0><canvas id=can width=1 height=1>'; $pg .= 'A qrcode will show here if your browser supports html5/canvas'; $pg .= "</canvas></div><br>"; $pg .= makeForm('2fa'); $pg .= 'Then enter your App 2FA Value: <input name=Value value="" size=10> '; $pg .= '<input type=submit name=Test value=Test></form></td></tr>'; $pg .= '<tr class=dl><td>'; $pg .= app_txt('2FA apps'); $pg .= '<span class=urg>N.B.</span> if you wish to setup 2FA on more than one device,<br>'; $pg .= 'you should setup all devices before testing one of them.<br>'; $pg .= 'If you have an old <span class=urg>2FA Secret Key</span> in your device for this web site,<br>'; $pg .= 'delete it before scanning in the new <span class=urg>2FA Secret Key</span>.<br><br>'; $pg .= '<span class=urg>WARNING:</span> if you lose your 2FA device you will need to know<br>'; $pg .= 'the <span class=urg>2FA Secret Key</span> to manually setup a new device,<br>'; $pg .= 'so your should copy it and store it somewhere securely.<br>'; $pg .= 'For security reasons, the site will not show you an active <span class=urg>2FA Secret Key</span>.<br>'; $pg .= '</td></tr>'; $pg .= '<tr class=dl><td>'; $pg .= makeForm('2fa'); $pg .= '<br>If you wish to cancel setting up 2FA, click here: '; $pg .= '<input type=submit name=Cancel value=Cancel></form></td></tr>'; break; case 'ok': $pg .= '<tr class=dc><td>'; $pg .= '2FA is enabled on your account.<br><br>'; $pg .= 'If you wish to replace your Secret Key with a new one:<br><br>'; $pg .= makeForm('2fa'); $pg .= 'Current 2FA Value: <input name=Value value="" size=10> '; $pg .= '<input type=submit name=New value=New><span class=st1>*</span>'; $pg .= '</form><br><br>'; $pg .= '<span class=st1>*</span>WARNING: replacing the Secret Key will disable 2FA<br>'; $pg .= 'until you successfully test the new key,<br>'; $pg .= 'thus getting a new key is effectively the same as disabling 2FA.<br><br>'; $pg .= '</td></tr>'; $pg .= '<tr class=dc><td>'; $pg .= makeForm('2fa'); $pg .= 'If you wish to remove 2FA from your account,<br>'; $pg .= 'enter your App 2FA Value: <input name=Value value="" size=10><br>'; $pg .= 'then click remove: <input type=submit name=Remove value=Remove>'; $pg .= '</form></td></tr>'; break; } $pg .= '</table>'; $pg .= '</center></td></tr>'; $pg .= '<tr class=dl><td>'; $pg .= '2FA means that you need 2 codes to login to your account.<br>'; $pg .= 'You will also need the 2FA code to modify any important settings in your account.<br>'; $pg .= 'The 1st code is your current password.<br>'; $pg .= 'The 2nd code is a number that your 2FA device will generate each time.<br>'; $pg .= 'Your 2FA device would be, for example, your phone or tablet.<br><br>'; $pg .= 'Each time you need a 2FA code, you use your device to generate a number<br>'; $pg .= 'that you type into the "<span class=st1>*</span>2nd Authentication:" field on any page that has it.<br><br>'; $pg .= '<b>IMPORTANT:</b> the TOTP algorithm uses the time on your device,<br>'; $pg .= "so it is important that your device's clock is accurate within a few seconds.<br><br>"; $pg .= app_time(); $pg .= '<b>IMPORTANT:</b> you enter the value from your App at the time you submit data.<br>'; $pg .= "The value is valid only once for a maximum of 30 seconds.<br>"; $pg .= "In both the Apps it has a 'dial' that shows the 30 seconds running out.<br>"; $pg .= "If you are close to running out, you can wait for the 30 seconds to run out<br>"; $pg .= "and then enter the new value it will come up with.<br>"; $pg .= "The pool checks your value using the time at the pool when you submit the data,<br>"; $pg .= "it doesn't matter when you loaded the web page,<br>"; $pg .= "it only matters when you clicked on the web page button to send the data to the pool.<br><br>"; $pg .= '<span class=urg>WARNING:</span> once you have successfully tested and enabled 2FA,<br>'; $pg .= 'you will be unable to access or even reset your account without 2FA.<br>'; $pg .= 'There is no option to recover your 2FA from the web site,<br>'; $pg .= 'and you must know your 2FA code in order to be able to disable 2FA.<br><br>'; $pg .= '<span class=urg>WARNING:</span> it is important to <b>not</b> store your login password in your 2FA device.<br>'; $pg .= 'These 2 together will give full access to your account.'; $pg .= '</td></tr>'; $pg .= '</table>'; if ($draw !== false) { $qr = shell_exec("../pool/ '{$sfaurl}'"); if ($qr !== null and strlen($qr) > 30) { $pg .= "<script type='text/javascript'>\n"; $pg .= "{$qr}qr(tw,fa,qrx,qry,qrd);</script>\n"; if (strpos($qr, 'var tw=1,fa=0,qrx=') === false) { error_log("QR error for '{$user}' res='{$qr}'"); } } else { if ($qr === null) { $qr = 'null'; } error_log("QR failed for '{$user}' res='{$qr}'"); } } return $pg; }
<?php /*РАБОТА С cookie*/ //cookie - это набор переменных которые хранятся браузере пользователя. //setcookie("name", 15); //Функция setcookie() - задает cookie, которое будет передано клиенту вместе с другими HTTP заголовками, как и другой заголовок, cookie должны передаваться до того как будут выведены какие-либо другие данные скрипта (1-наименование куки, 2-параметр куки) //echo $_COOKIE["name"]; //Функция $_COOKIE[] - ассоциативный массив значений, переданных скрипту через HTTP Куки(1-указываем наименование куки) //Конструкция javascript:document.cookie - прописываем в адресной строке браузера и показывает какие куки на данном сайте сохранены if (!isset($_COOKIE['username'])) { makeForm(); } else { echo "Привет " . $_COOKIE['username']; } function makeForm() { if (isset($_REQUEST['user'])) { setcookie("username", $_REQUEST['user']); echo "Привет " . $_REQUEST['user']; return; } echo "<form action=" . $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] . " method='post'>\n\t\t\tВведите Ваше имя: <input type='text' name='user'/>\n\t\t\t<input type='submit' value='Отправить'/>\n\t\t</form>"; } //$_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] - массив с таким значение возвращает имя текущего файла /*Домашняя работа*/ if (isset($_REQUEST["color"])) { setcookie("sitecolor", $_REQUEST["color"]); echo "<style type='text/css'>\n\t\t\tbody{\n\t\t\t\tbackground:" . $_REQUEST["color"] . ";\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t</style>"; } else { if (isset($_COOKIE["sitecolor"])) { echo "<style type='text/css'>\n\t\t\tbody{\n\t\t\t\tbackground:" . $_COOKIE["sitecolor"] . ";\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t</style>";
function addrmgtuser($data, $user, $err) { $pg = '<h1>Address Management</h1>'; if ($err != '') { $pg .= "<span class=err>{$err}<br><br></span>"; } $pg .= makeForm('addrmgt'); $pg .= "<table callpadding=0 cellspacing=0 border=0>\n"; $pg .= '<tr class=title>'; $pg .= '<td class=dc>#</td>'; $pg .= '<td class=dl>Address</td>'; $pg .= '<td class=dl>ID</td>'; $pg .= '<td class=dr>Ratio</td>'; $pg .= '<td class=dr>%</td>'; $pg .= '</tr>'; # new row template for '+' $pg .= '<tr class=hid id=bs>'; $pg .= '<td class=dc> </td>'; $pg .= '<td class=dl>'; $pg .= "<input type=text size=36 name='addr:' value=''>"; $pg .= '</td>'; $pg .= '<td class=dl>'; $pg .= "<input type=text size=16 name='payname:' value=''>"; $pg .= '</td>'; $pg .= '<td class=dr>'; $pg .= "<input type=text size=6 name='ratio:' value='0' id=rat onchange='repc()'>"; $pg .= '</td>'; $pg .= '<td class=dr>'; $pg .= "<span id=per>0.00%</span>"; $pg .= '</td>'; $pg .= "</tr>\n"; $ans = userSettings($user); $offset = 0; $count = 0; if ($ans['STATUS'] == 'ok') { if (isset($ans['limit'])) { $limit = $ans['limit']; } else { $limit = 1; } $count = $ans['rows']; # this will output any DB rows > limit but DB update will ignore extras for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) { if ($offset % 2 == 0) { $row = 'even'; } else { $row = 'odd'; } $pg .= "<tr class={$row}>"; $addr = $ans['addr:' . $i]; $pg .= '<td class=dc>' . ($i + 1) . '</td>'; $pg .= '<td class=dl>'; $pg .= "<input type=text size=36 name='addr:{$i}' value='{$addr}'>"; $pg .= '</td>'; $nam = htmlspecialchars($ans['payname:' . $i]); $pg .= '<td class=dl>'; $pg .= "<input type=text size=16 name='payname:{$i}' value='{$nam}'>"; $pg .= '</td>'; $ratio = intval($ans['ratio:' . $i]); $pg .= '<td class=dr>'; $pg .= "<input type=text size=6 name='ratio:{$i}' value='{$ratio}' id=rat{$i} onchange='repc()'>"; $pg .= '</td>'; $pg .= '<td class=dr>'; $pg .= "<span id=per{$i}>%</span>"; $pg .= '</td>'; $pg .= "</tr>\n"; $offset++; } if ($offset < $limit) { if ($offset++ % 2 == 0) { $row = 'even'; } else { $row = 'odd'; } $pg .= "<tr class={$row} id=plus><td class=dc>"; $pg .= "<input type=button value='+' onclick='return adrw({$limit});'>"; $pg .= "</td><td colspan=4 class=dl><font size=-1>limit {$limit}</font></td></tr>"; } if ($offset++ % 2 == 0) { $row = 'even'; } else { $row = 'odd'; } $pg .= "<tr class={$row}>"; $pg .= '<td class=dr> </td>'; $pg .= '<td class=dr>Password:</td>'; $pg .= '<td class=dl><input type=password name=pass size=20></td>'; $pg .= '<td colspan=2> </td></tr>'; if ($offset++ % 2 == 0) { $row = 'even'; } else { $row = 'odd'; } $pg .= "<tr class={$row}>"; $pg .= '<td class=dr> </td>'; $pg .= '<td class=dr><span class=st1>*</span>2nd Authentication:</td>'; $pg .= '<td class=dl><input type=password name=2fa size=10>'; $pg .= ' <input type=submit name=OK value=Save></td>'; $pg .= '<td colspan=3 class=dl> </td></tr>'; $pg .= '<tr><td colspan=5 class=dc><font size=-1>'; $pg .= "<span class=st1>*</span>Leave blank if you haven't enabled it<br>"; $pg .= 'You must enter your password to save changes<br>'; $pg .= 'A ratio of 0, will remove the address from the payouts</td></tr>'; } $pg .= "</table><input type=hidden name=rows value={$count} id=rows></form>\n"; # TODO - adrw() update the odd/even class for the new row and rows below it # TODO - move the js functions into inc.php $pg .= "<script type='text/javascript'>\n"; $pg .= "function adrw(l){var p=document.getElementById('plus');"; $pg .= "var r=document.getElementById('rows');var c=parseInt(r.value);"; $pg .= "var bs=document.getElementById('bs');var n=bs.cloneNode(true);'z';"; $pg .= "var ia=n.childNodes[1].firstChild;'addr:'+c;ia.value='';"; $pg .= "var ipn=n.childNodes[2].firstChild;'payname:'+c;ipn.value='';"; $pg .= "var ir=n.childNodes[3].firstChild;'rat'+c;'ratio:'+c;ir.value='0';"; $pg .= "var ip=n.childNodes[4].firstChild;'per'+c;ip.innerHTML='0.00%';"; $pg .= "p.parentNode.insertBefore(n, p);"; $pg .= "c++;r.value=c;if(c>=l){p.parentNode.removeChild(p)}"; $pg .= "n.childNodes[0].innerHTML=''+c;n.className='odd';return true}\n"; $pg .= "function repc(){var c=parseInt(document.getElementById('rows').value);"; $pg .= "if(!isNaN(c)&&c>0&&c<1000){var v=[],tot=0;for(i=0;i<c;i++){"; $pg .= "var o=document.getElementById('rat'+i);var ov=parseInt(o.value);if(!isNaN(ov)&&ov>0)"; $pg .= "{tot+=ov;v[i]=ov}else{o.value='0';v[i]=0}"; $pg .= "}for(i=0;i<c;i++){var p;var r=document.getElementById('per'+i);if(tot<=0)"; $pg .= "{p=0}else{p=v[i]*100/tot};r.innerHTML=p.toFixed(2)+'%';"; $pg .= "}}};\nrepc();</script>"; return $pg; }
function doevents($data, $user) { $pg = '<h1>Event Information</h1>'; $wh = getparam('what', false); if (nuem($wh)) { $wh = ''; } $pg = '<br>' . makeForm('events') . "\nWhat: <input type=text name=what size=10 value='{$wh}'>\n <input type=submit name=Get value=Get>\n</form>"; if ($wh == 'settings') { $ans = eventCmd($user, array('action' => 'settings')); $other = array('event_limits_hash_lifetime', 'ovent_limits_ipc_factor'); $pg .= "<br><br><table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 border=0>\n"; $pg .= '<thead><tr class=title>'; $pg .= '<td class=dr>#</td>'; $pg .= '<td class=dl>Name</td>'; $pg .= '<td class=dr>Value</td>'; $pg .= "</tr></thead>\n"; if ($ans['STATUS'] == 'ok') { $pg .= '<tbody>'; $i = 0; foreach ($other as $name) { if ($i % 2 == 0) { $row = 'even'; } else { $row = 'odd'; } $i++; $pg .= "<tr class={$row}>"; $pg .= "<td class=dr>{$i}</td>"; $pg .= "<td class=dl>{$name}</td>"; $pg .= '<td class=dr>' . $ans[$name] . '</td>'; $pg .= "</tr>\n"; } $pg .= '</tbody>'; } $pg .= "</table>\n"; $flds = array('enabled' => 'Ena', 'user_low_time' => 'UserLo', 'user_low_time_limit' => 'UserLoLim', 'user_hi_time' => 'UserHi', 'user_hi_time_limit' => 'UserHiLim', 'ip_low_time' => 'IPLo', 'ip_low_time_limit' => 'IPLoLim', 'ip_hi_time' => 'IPHi', 'ip_hi_time_limit' => 'IPHiLim', 'lifetime' => 'Life'); $pg .= "<br><br><table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 border=0>\n"; $pg .= '<thead><tr class=title>'; $pg .= '<td class=dr>#</td>'; $pg .= '<td class=dl>Name</td>'; foreach ($flds as $row => $nam) { $pg .= "<td class=dr>{$nam}</td>"; } $pg .= "</tr></thead>\n"; if ($ans['STATUS'] == 'ok') { $pg .= '<tbody>'; $names = array(); foreach ($ans as $name => $value) { $ex = explode('_', $name, 2); if (count($ex) == 2 && isset($flds[$ex[1]])) { $names[$ex[0]] = 1; } } $i = 0; foreach ($names as $name => $one) { if ($i % 2 == 0) { $row = 'even'; } else { $row = 'odd'; } $i++; $pg .= "<tr class={$row}>"; $pg .= "<td class=dr>{$i}</td>"; $pg .= "<td class=dl>{$name}</td>"; foreach ($flds as $fld => $nam) { $pg .= '<td class=dr>' . $ans[$name . '_' . $fld] . '</td>'; } $pg .= "</tr>\n"; } $pg .= '</tbody>'; } $pg .= "</table>\n"; } if ($wh == 'all' || $wh == 'user' || $wh == 'ip' || $wh == 'ipc' || $wh == 'hash') { $ans = eventCmd($user, array('action' => 'events', 'list' => $wh)); $pg .= "<br><br><table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 border=0>\n"; $pg .= '<thead><tr class=title>'; $pg .= '<td class=dr>#</td>'; $pg .= '<td class=dl>List</td>'; $pg .= '<td class=dr>ID</td>'; $pg .= '<td class=dl>IDName</td>'; $pg .= '<td class=dl>User</td>'; $pg .= '<td class=dr>IP</td>'; $pg .= '<td class=dr>IPc</td>'; $pg .= '<td class=dr>Hash</td>'; $pg .= '<td class=dr>UTC</td>'; $pg .= "</tr></thead>\n"; if ($ans['STATUS'] == 'ok') { $pg .= '<tbody>'; $count = $ans['rows']; for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) { if ($i % 2 == 0) { $row = 'even'; } else { $row = 'odd'; } $j = $i + 1; $pg .= "<tr class={$row}>"; $pg .= "<td class=dr>{$j}</td>"; $pg .= '<td class=dl>' . $ans['list:' . $i] . '</td>'; $pg .= '<td class=dr>' . $ans['id:' . $i] . '</td>'; $pg .= '<td class=dl>' . $ans['idname:' . $i] . '</td>'; $pg .= '<td class=dl>' . $ans['user:'******'</td>'; $pg .= '<td class=dr>' . isans($ans, 'ip:' . $i) . '</td>'; $pg .= '<td class=dr>' . isans($ans, 'ipc:' . $i) . '</td>'; $pg .= '<td class=dr>' . isans($ans, 'hash:' . $i) . '</td>'; $pg .= '<td class=dr>' . gmdate('j/M H:i:s', $ans['createdate:' . $i]) . '</td>'; $pg .= "</tr>\n"; } $pg .= '</tbody>'; } } if ($wh == 'ovents') { $ans = eventCmd($user, array('action' => 'ovents')); $pg .= "<br><br><table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 border=0>\n"; $pg .= '<thead><tr class=title>'; $pg .= '<td class=dr>#</td>'; $pg .= '<td class=dl>Key</td>'; $pg .= '<td class=dr>ID</td>'; $pg .= '<td class=dl>IDName</td>'; $pg .= '<td class=dr>Hour UTC</td>'; $pg .= '<td class=dl>Count</td>'; $pg .= "</tr></thead>\n"; if ($ans['STATUS'] == 'ok') { $pg .= '<tbody>'; $count = $ans['rows']; for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) { if ($i % 2 == 0) { $row = 'even'; } else { $row = 'odd'; } $j = $i + 1; $pg .= "<tr class={$row}>"; $pg .= "<td class=dr>{$j}</td>"; $pg .= '<td class=dl>' . $ans['key:' . $i] . '</td>'; $pg .= '<td class=dr>' . $ans['id:' . $i] . '</td>'; $pg .= '<td class=dl>' . $ans['idname:' . $i] . '</td>'; $pg .= '<td class=dr>' . gmdate('j/M H:i:s', $ans['hour:' . $i] * 3600) . '</td>'; $co = ''; for ($k = 0; $k < 60; $k++) { if ($k < 10) { $min = '0' . $k; } else { $min = $k; } if (isset($ans["min{$min}:{$i}"])) { if ($co != '') { $co .= ' '; } $co .= "{$min}=" . $ans["min{$min}:{$i}"]; } } $pg .= "<td class=dl>{$co}</td>"; $pg .= "</tr>\n"; } $pg .= '</tbody>'; } } return $pg; }
unset($_POST); // display reset button so user can go back and enter different items echo ' <form method="post" action="' . THIS_PAGE . '"> <input type="submit" name="reset" value="reset" /> </form> '; die; } } } } //call function displayOrder() to display the items the user picked and the total for their order echo displayOrder($itemsPurchased, $items); //reset $_POST data since 'submit' cached and need to reset to display form again unset($_POST); // display reset button so user can go back and enter different items echo ' <form method="post" action="' . THIS_PAGE . '"> <input type="submit" name="reset" value="reset" /> </form> '; } else { //call to makeForm() function using the items array that contains all the available items //makes a form dynamically based on the available items to display to user so they can select items to purchase echo makeForm($items); }