function creatureinfo2(&$Row) { global $smarty; // Номер создания $creature['entry'] = $Row['entry']; // Имя создания $creature['name'] = localizedName($Row); // Заменяем " (1)" на " (героич.)" $creature['name'] = str_replace(' (1)', LOCALE_HEROIC, $creature['name']); // Подимя создания $creature['subname'] = localizedName($Row, 'subname'); // Min/Max уровни $creature['minlevel'] = $Row['minlevel']; $creature['maxlevel'] = $Row['maxlevel']; // TODO: Месторасположение // $creature['location'] = location($creature['entry'],'creature'); // TODO: Реакция на фракции $creature['react'] = $Row['A'] . ',' . $Row['H']; // Тип NPC $creature['type'] = $Row['type']; // Тег NPC $creature['tag'] = str_normalize($Row['subname']); // Ранг NPC $creature['classification'] = $Row['rank']; return $creature; }
function creatureinfo2($Row) { $creature = array('entry' => $Row['entry'], 'name' => str_replace(' (1)', LOCALE_HEROIC, localizedName($Row)), 'subname' => localizedName($Row, 'subname'), 'minlevel' => $Row['minlevel'], 'maxlevel' => $Row['maxlevel'], 'react' => $Row['A'] . ',' . $Row['H'], 'type' => $Row['type'], 'classification' => $Row['rank']); $x .= "</td></tr></table>"; $creature['tooltip'] = $x; return $creature; }
function render_npc_tooltip(&$Row) { global $type; global $rank; $x = '<table>'; $x .= '<tr><td><b class="q">' . localizedName($Row) . '</b></td></tr>'; $x .= '<tr><td>' . localizedName($Row, 'subname') . '</td></tr>'; $x .= '<tr><td>Level '; if ($Row['rank'] == 3) { $x .= '??'; } else { $x .= $Row['minlevel']; if ($Row['minlevel'] != $Row['maxlevel']) { $x .= ' - ' . $Row['maxlevel']; } } $x .= ' ' . $type[$Row['type']] . ' (' . $rank[$Row['rank']] . ')</td></tr>'; $x .= '</table>'; return $x; }
function render_spell_tooltip(&$row) { // БД global $DB; // Время каста if ($row['spellcasttimesID'] > 1) { $casttime = $DB->selectCell('SELECT base FROM ?_spellcasttimes WHERE id=? LIMIT 1', $row['spellcasttimesID']) / 1000; } // Дальность действия $range = $DB->selectCell('SELECT rangeMax FROM ?_spellrange WHERE rangeID=? LIMIT 1', $row['rangeID']); // Реагенты $reagents = array(); $i = 0; for ($j = 1; $j <= 8; $j++) { if ($row['reagent' . $j] > 0) { $reagents[$i] = array(); // Имя реагента $names = $DB->selectRow(' SELECT name{, l.name_loc?d as `name_loc`} FROM item_template i { LEFT JOIN (locales_item l) ON l.entry = i.entry AND ? } WHERE i.entry = ?d', $_SESSION['locale'] > 0 ? $_SESSION['locale'] : DBSIMPLE_SKIP, $_SESSION['locale'] > 0 ? 1 : DBSIMPLE_SKIP, $row['reagent' . $j]); $reagents[$i]['name'] = localizedName($names); // Количество реагентов // В количестве может быть значение -1, что с ним делать? $reagents[$i]['count'] = abs($row['reagentcount' . $j]); $i++; } } // Инструменты $tools = array(); $i = 0; for ($j = 1; $j <= 2; $j++) { if ($row['tool' . $j]) { $tools[$i] = array(); // Имя инструмента $names = $DB->selectRow(' SELECT name{, l.name_loc?d as `name_loc`} FROM item_template i { LEFT JOIN (locales_item l) ON l.entry = i.entry AND ? } WHERE i.entry = ?d', $_SESSION['locale'] > 0 ? $_SESSION['locale'] : DBSIMPLE_SKIP, $_SESSION['locale'] > 0 ? 1 : DBSIMPLE_SKIP, $row['tool' . $j]); $tools[$i]['name'] = localizedName($names); $i++; } } // До подсказка о спелле $desc = spell_desc2($row); $x = ''; $x .= '<table><tr><td>'; if ($row['rank_loc' . $_SESSION['locale']]) { $x .= '<table width="100%"><tr><td>'; } $x .= '<b>' . $row['spellname_loc' . $_SESSION['locale']] . '</b><br />'; if ($row['rank_loc' . $_SESSION['locale']]) { $x .= '</td><th><b class="q0">' . $row['rank_loc' . $_SESSION['locale']] . '</b></th></tr></table>'; } if ($range && ($row['manacost'] > 0 || $row['manacostpercent'] > 0)) { $x .= '<table width="100%"><tr><td>'; } if ($row['manacost'] > 0) { $x .= $row['manacost'] . ' mana<br />'; } if ($row['manacostpercent'] > 0) { $x .= $row['manacostpercent'] . "% of base mana<br />"; } if ($range && ($row['manacost'] > 0 || $row['manacostpercent'] > 0)) { $x .= '</td><th>'; } if ($range) { $x .= $range . ' yd range<br />'; } if ($range && ($row['manacost'] > 0 || $row['manacostpercent'] > 0)) { $x .= '</th></tr></table>'; } if (($row['ChannelInterruptFlags'] || isset($casttime) || $row['spellcasttimesID'] == 1) && $row['cooldown']) { $x .= '<table width="100%"><tr><td>'; } if ($row['ChannelInterruptFlags']) { $x .= 'Channeled'; } elseif (isset($casttime)) { $x .= $casttime . ' sec cast'; } elseif ($row['spellcasttimesID'] == 1) { $x .= 'Instant'; } if ($row['procChance'] < 100.0) { $x .= ' <span title="spell proc chance" class="q0">' . $row['procChance'] . '%</span>'; } if (($row['ChannelInterruptFlags'] || isset($casttime) || $row['spellcasttimesID'] == 1) && $row['cooldown']) { $x .= '</td><th>'; } if ($row['cooldown']) { $x .= $row['cooldown'] / 1000 . ' sec cooldown'; } if (($row['ChannelInterruptFlags'] || isset($casttime) || $row['spellcasttimesID'] == 1) && $row['cooldown']) { $x .= '</th></tr></table>'; } $x .= '</td></tr></table>'; if ($reagents) { $x .= '<table><tr><td>'; $x .= LOCALE_REAGENTS; foreach ($reagents as $i => $reagent) { $x .= $reagent['name']; if ($reagent['count'] > 1) { $x .= ' (' . $reagents[$i]['count'] . ')'; } if (!($i >= count($reagents) - 1)) { $x .= ', '; } else { $x .= '<br>'; } } $x .= '</td></tr></table>'; } if ($tools) { $x .= '<table><tr><td>'; $x .= LOCALE_TOOLS; foreach ($tools as $i => $tool) { $x .= $tool['name']; if (!($i >= count($tools) - 1)) { $x .= ', '; } else { $x .= '<br>'; } } $x .= '</td></tr></table>'; } if ($desc && $desc != '_empty_') { $x .= '<table><tr><td><span class="q">' . $desc . '</span></td></tr></table>'; } return $x; }
} } unset($rows); // ГО $rows = $DB->select(' SELECT g.entry, {, l.name_loc?d AS name_loc} FROM gameobject_involvedrelation q, gameobject_template g {LEFT JOIN (locales_gameobject l) ON l.entry = g.entry AND ?} WHERE AND ', $_SESSION['locale'] > 0 ? $_SESSION['locale'] : DBSIMPLE_SKIP, $_SESSION['locale'] > 0 ? 1 : DBSIMPLE_SKIP, $quest['entry']); if ($rows) { foreach ($rows as $tmp) { $tmp['name'] = localizedName($tmp); $quest['end'][] = array_merge($tmp, array('type' => 'object')); } } unset($rows); // Цель критерии $rows = $DB->select(' SELECT, a.faction, a.name_loc?d AS name, a.description_loc?d AS description, a.category, a.points, s.iconname, z.areatableID FROM ?_spellicons s, ?_achievementcriteria c, ?_achievement a LEFT JOIN (?_zones z) ON != -1 AND = z.mapID WHERE a.icon = AND = c.refAchievement AND c.type IN (?a) AND c.value1 = ?d GROUP BY
$smarty->config_load($conf_file, 'object'); @(list($type) = extract_values($podrazdel)); $cache_key = cache_key($type); if (!($data = load_cache(OBJECT_LISTING, $cache_key))) { unset($data); // Получаем данные по этому типу объектов $rows = $DB->select("\n\t\t\tSELECT g.* {, a.requiredskill1 as ?#} {, a.requiredskill2 as ?#}\n\t\t\t\t{, l.name_loc?d AS `name_loc`}\n\t\t\tFROM {gameobject_queststarter ?# LEFT JOIN gameobject_questender qe ON =, } {?_lock ?#, } gameobject_template g\n\t\t\t\t{LEFT JOIN (locales_gameobject l) ON l.entry=g.entry AND ?d}\n\t\t\tWHERE \n\t\t\t\ <> ''\n\t\t\t\t{ AND g.type = ? } \n\t\t\t\t{ AND g.data0=a.lockID AND g.type=3 AND a.type1=2 AND 1=?} \n\t\t\t\t{ AND g.data0=a.lockID AND g.type=3 AND a.type2=2 AND 1=?} \n\t\t\t\t{ AND a.lockproperties1=2 AND 1=?}\n\t\t\t\t{ AND a.lockproperties1=3 AND 1=?}\n\t\t\t\t{ AND a.lockproperties2=1 AND 1=?}\n\t\t\t\t{ AND g.entry = qs.?#}\n\t\t\tORDER by name\n\t\t\t{LIMIT ?d}\n\t\t", in_array($type, array(-3, -4)) ? 'skill' : DBSIMPLE_SKIP, $type == -5 ? 'skill' : DBSIMPLE_SKIP, $_SESSION['locale'] > 0 ? $_SESSION['locale'] : DBSIMPLE_SKIP, $type == -2 ? 'qs' : DBSIMPLE_SKIP, in_array($type, array(-3, -4, -5)) ? 'a' : DBSIMPLE_SKIP, $_SESSION['locale'] > 0 ? 1 : DBSIMPLE_SKIP, $type > 0 ? $type : DBSIMPLE_SKIP, in_array($type, array(-3, -4)) ? 1 : DBSIMPLE_SKIP, $type == -5 ? 1 : DBSIMPLE_SKIP, $type == -3 ? 1 : DBSIMPLE_SKIP, $type == -4 ? 1 : DBSIMPLE_SKIP, $type == -5 ? 1 : DBSIMPLE_SKIP, $type == -2 ? 'id' : DBSIMPLE_SKIP, $AoWoWconf['limit'] != 0 ? $AoWoWconf['limit'] : DBSIMPLE_SKIP); $i = 0; $data = array(); foreach ($rows as $row) { $data[$i] = array(); $data[$i]['entry'] = $row['entry']; if (isset($row['skill'])) { $data[$i]['skill'] = $row['skill']; } $data[$i]['name'] = preg_replace('/[\\r\\n]+/', " ", localizedName($row)); // TODO: Расположение $data[$i]['location'] = "[-1]"; // Тип объекта $data[$i]['type'] = isset($type) ? $type : $row['type']; $t_name = trim($data[$i]['name']); $i++; } save_cache(OBJECT_LISTING, $cache_key, $data); } if (!($object_tot = load_cache(OBJECT_TOT, 'object_tot'))) { unset($object_tot); // Получаем данные по этому типу объектов $object_tot = $DB->select(' SELECT COUNT(g.entry) as num_objects FROM gameobject_template g
function GetQuestReq($id, $count, $type) { global $DB; switch ($type) { case 1: $row = $DB->selectRow(' SELECT name {, l.name_loc?d AS name_loc} FROM creature_template c { LEFT JOIN (locales_creature l) ON l.entry=c.entry AND ? } WHERE c.entry = ?d LIMIT 1 ', $_SESSION['locale'] > 0 ? $_SESSION['locale'] : DBSIMPLE_SKIP, $_SESSION['locale'] > 0 ? 1 : DBSIMPLE_SKIP, $id); $name = localizedName($row); return $name . ($count > 1 ? ' x' . $count : ''); break; case 2: $row = $DB->selectRow(' SELECT name {, l.name_loc?d AS name_loc} FROM item_template c { LEFT JOIN (locales_item l) ON l.entry=c.entry AND ? } WHERE c.entry = ?d LIMIT 1 ', $_SESSION['locale'] > 0 ? $_SESSION['locale'] : DBSIMPLE_SKIP, $_SESSION['locale'] > 0 ? 1 : DBSIMPLE_SKIP, $id); $name = localizedName($row); return $name . ($count > 1 ? ' x' . $count : ''); break; } }
function render_object_tooltip(&$Row, $object_type) { global $type; $x = '<table>'; $x .= '<tr><td><b class="q">' . localizedName($Row) . '</b></td></tr>'; $x .= '<tr><td>' . $type[$object_type] . '</td></tr>'; $x .= '</table>'; return $x; }
$tmp = $DB->selectRow(' SELECT c.entry, { , l.name_loc?d as `name_loc` } FROM creature_template c { LEFT JOIN (locales_creature l) ON l.entry = c.entry AND ? } WHERE c.difficulty_entry_1 = ?d LIMIT 1 ', $_SESSION['locale'] > 0 ? $_SESSION['locale'] : DBSIMPLE_SKIP, $_SESSION['locale'] > 0 ? 1 : DBSIMPLE_SKIP, $npc['entry']); if ($tmp) { $npc['heroic'] = array('type' => 1, 'entry' => $tmp['entry'], 'name' => localizedName($tmp)); $npc['name'] = str_replace(' (1)', '', $npc['name']); $normal_entry = $tmp['entry']; unset($tmp); } } // Дроп $lootid = $row['lootid']; $skinid = $row['skinloot']; $pickpocketid = $row['pickpocketloot']; // И�пользуемые �пеллы $npc['ablities'] = array(); $tmp = array(); for ($j = 0; $j <= 4; ++$j) { if ($row['spell' . $j] && !in_array($row['spell' . $j], $tmp)) { $tmp[] = $row['spell' . $j];
f.name_loc' . $_SESSION['locale'] . ' as `faction-name`, ft.factionID as `factionID` FROM ?_factiontemplate ft, ?_factions f, creature_template c { LEFT JOIN (locales_creature l) ON l.entry = c.entry AND ? } WHERE c.entry = ? AND ft.factiontemplateID = c.faction_A AND f.factionID = ft.factionID LIMIT 1 ', $npc_cols[1], $_SESSION['locale'] > 0 ? 1 : DBSIMPLE_SKIP, $_SESSION['locale'] > 0 ? 1 : DBSIMPLE_SKIP, $id); if ($row) { $npc = $row; $npc['name'] = localizedName($row); $npc['subname'] = localizedName($row, 'subname'); if ($npc['rank'] == 3) { $npc['minlevel'] = '??'; $npc['maxlevel'] = '??'; } $npc['mindmg'] = round(($row['mindmg'] + $row['attackpower']) * $row['dmg_multiplier']); $npc['maxdmg'] = round(($row['maxdmg'] + $row['attackpower']) * $row['dmg_multiplier']); $toDiv = array('minhealth', 'maxmana', 'minmana', 'maxhealth', 'armor', 'mindmg', 'maxdmg'); // Разделяем на тысячи (ххххххххх => ххх,ххх,ххх) foreach ($toDiv as $e) { $npc[$e] = number_format($npc[$e]); } $npc['rank'] = $smarty->get_config_vars('rank' . $npc['rank']); // faction_A = faction_H $npc['faction_num'] = $row['factionID']; $npc['faction'] = $row['faction-name'];
$glyphs = array(); $glyphs = $DB->select(' SELECT it.entry,, it.subclass, it.spellid_1 AS spellid, i.iconname, gp.typeflags {, l.name_loc?d AS name_loc } FROM ?_glyphproperties gp, ?_spell s, ?_icons i, item_template it { LEFT JOIN locales_item l ON (l.entry = it.entry AND ?) } WHERE it.class = 16 AND it.displayid = AND it.spellid_1 = s.spellid AND s.effect1id = ?d AND = s.effect1MiscValue ', $_SESSION['locale'] > 0 ? $_SESSION['locale'] : DBSIMPLE_SKIP, $_SESSION['locale'] > 0 ? 1 : DBSIMPLE_SKIP, 74); $g_glyphs = array(); foreach ($glyphs as $glyph) { $name = localizedName($glyph); if ($_SESSION['locale'] == 0) { $name = str_replace(LOCALE_GLYPH_OF, '', $name); } $g_glyphs[$glyph['entry']] = array('name' => (string) $name, 'description' => (string) spell_desc($glyph['spellid']), 'icon' => (string) $glyph['iconname'], 'type' => (int) ($glyph['typeflags'] & 1 ? 2 : 1), 'classs' => (int) $glyph['subclass'], 'skill' => (int) 2); } save_cache(25, 'x', $g_glyphs); } echo 'var g_glyphs=' . php2js($g_glyphs); break; case 'talent-icon': $iconname = strtolower($_GET['icon']); if (!$DB->selectCell('SELECT 1 FROM ?_spellicons WHERE iconname = ?', $iconname)) { exit; } if ($name = load_cache(21, $iconname)) {
LEFT JOIN (?_factions f2) ON <> 0 WHERE f1.factionID = ?d AND = f2.factionID LIMIT 1 ', $_SESSION['locale'], $_SESSION['locale'], $_SESSION['locale'], $_SESSION['locale'], $id); if ($row) { $faction = array(); // Номер фракции $faction['entry'] = $row['factionID']; // Название фракции $faction['name'] = localizedName($row, 'name'); // Описание фракции, из клиента: $faction['description1'] = localizedName($row, 'description1'); // Описание фракции, c, находится в таблице factions.sql: $faction['description2'] = localizedName($row, 'description2'); // Команда/Группа фракции if ($row['category2'] != 0) { $faction['group'] = $row['group']; $faction['category'] = $DB->selectCell('SELECT team FROM ?_factions WHERE factionID = ?d LIMIT 1', $row['category2']); $faction['category2'] = $row['category2']; } // Альянс(1)/Орда(2) if ($row['side'] != 0) { $faction['side'] = $row['side']; } // Итемы с requiredreputationfaction $item_rows = $DB->select(' SELECT ?#, entry FROM item_template i, ?_icons a WHERE
{ AND a.lockproperties1=2 AND 1=?} { AND a.lockproperties1=3 AND 1=?} { AND a.lockproperties2=1 AND 1=?} { AND g.entry = q.?#} ORDER by name {LIMIT ?d} ', in_array($type, array(-3, -4)) ? 'skill' : DBSIMPLE_SKIP, $type == -5 ? 'skill' : DBSIMPLE_SKIP, $_SESSION['locale'] > 0 ? $_SESSION['locale'] : DBSIMPLE_SKIP, $type == -2 ? 'q' : DBSIMPLE_SKIP, in_array($type, array(-3, -4, -5)) ? 'a' : DBSIMPLE_SKIP, $_SESSION['locale'] > 0 ? 1 : DBSIMPLE_SKIP, $type > 0 ? $type : DBSIMPLE_SKIP, in_array($type, array(-3, -4)) ? 1 : DBSIMPLE_SKIP, $type == -5 ? 1 : DBSIMPLE_SKIP, $type == -3 ? 1 : DBSIMPLE_SKIP, $type == -4 ? 1 : DBSIMPLE_SKIP, $type == -5 ? 1 : DBSIMPLE_SKIP, $type == -2 ? 'id' : DBSIMPLE_SKIP, $AoWoWconf['limit'] != 0 ? $AoWoWconf['limit'] : DBSIMPLE_SKIP); $i = 0; $data = array(); foreach ($rows as $row) { $data[$i] = array(); $data[$i]['entry'] = $row['entry']; if (isset($row['skill'])) { $data[$i]['skill'] = $row['skill']; } $data[$i]['name'] = localizedName($row); // TODO: Расположение $data[$i]['location'] = "[-1]"; // Тип объекта $data[$i]['type'] = isset($type) ? $type : $row['type']; $i++; } save_cache(4, $cache_key, $data); } global $page; $page = array('Mapper' => false, 'Book' => false, 'Title' => $smarty->get_config_vars('Objects'), 'tab' => 0, 'type' => 0, 'typeid' => 0, 'path' => path(0, 5, $type)); $smarty->assign('page', $page); // Передаем массив данных шаблонизатору $smarty->assign('data', $data); // Статистика выполнения mysql запросов $smarty->assign('mysql', $DB->getStatistics());
function creatureinfo2($Row) { $name_sub_locale = localizedName($Row, 'subname'); $creature = array('entry' => $Row['entry'], 'name' => str_replace(' (1)', LOCALE_HEROIC, localizedName($Row)), 'subname' => $name_sub_locale, 'minlevel' => $Row['minlevel'], 'maxlevel' => $Row['maxlevel'], 'react' => $Row['A'] . ',' . $Row['H'], 'type' => $Row['type'], 'classification' => $Row['rank']); $x = ''; $x = ''; $x .= ''; $x .= "<table><tr><td><b class=\"q\">" . htmlspecialchars(str_replace(' (1)', LOCALE_HEROIC, localizedName($Row))) . "</b></td></tr></table><table><tr><td>"; if (!empty($name_sub_locale)) { $x .= $name_sub_locale . "<br>"; } $level = $Row['rank'] == 3 ? '??' : ($Row['minlevel'] == $Row['maxlevel'] ? $Row['minlevel'] : "{$Row['minlevel']} - {$Row['maxlevel']}"); switch ($Row['rank']) { case 1: $rank = ' ' . LOCALE_NPCRANK_ELITE . ''; break; case 2: $rank = ' ' . LOCALE_NPCRANK_RAREELITE . ''; break; case 3: $rank = ' ' . LOCALE_NPCRANK_BOSS . ''; break; case 4: $rank = ' ' . LOCALE_NPCRANK_RARE . ''; break; default: $rank = ''; break; } switch ($Row['type']) { case 1: $type = LOCALE_NPCTYPE_BEAST; break; case 2: $type = LOCALE_NPCTYPE_DRANGONKIN; break; case 3: $type = LOCALE_NPCTYPE_DEMON; break; case 4: $type = LOCALE_NPCTYPE_ELEMENTAL; break; case 5: $type = LOCALE_NPCTYPE_GIANT; break; case 6: $type = LOCALE_NPCTYPE_UNDEAD; break; case 7: $type = LOCALE_NPCTYPE_HUMANOID; break; case 8: $type = LOCALE_NPCTYPE_CRITTER; break; case 9: $type = LOCALE_NPCTYPE_MECHANIC; break; case 10: $type = LOCALE_NPCTYPE_UNCATEGORIZED; break; default: $type = ''; break; } $x .= "" . LOCALE_LVL . " {$level} {$type}{$rank}"; $x .= "</td></tr></table>"; $creature['tooltip'] = $x; return $creature; }
function objectinfo2(&$Row, $level = 0) { global $DB; // Номер объекта $object['entry'] = $Row['entry']; // Название объекта $object['name'] = localizedName($Row); // Тип объекта $object['type'] = $Row['type']; if ($level > 0) { // В зависимости от типа объекта, заполняем поля: switch ($object['type']) { case GAMEOBJECT_TYPE_DOOR: /* * data0: startOpen (Boolean flag) * data1: open (LockId from Lock.dbc) * data2: autoClose (long unknown flag) * data3: noDamageImmune (Boolean flag) * data4: openTextID (Unknown Text ID) * data5: closeTextID (Unknown Text ID) */ $object['lockid'] = $Row['data1']; break; case GAMEOBJECT_TYPE_BUTTON: /* * data0: startOpen (State) * data1: open (LockId from Lock.dbc) * data2: autoClose (long unknown flag) * data3: linkedTrap (gameobject_template.entry (Spawned GO type 6)) * data4: noDamageImmune (Boolean flag) * data5: large? (Boolean flag) * data6: openTextID (Unknown Text ID) * data7: closeTextID (Unknown Text ID) * data8: losOK (Boolean flag) */ $object['lockid'] = $Row['data1']; case GAMEOBJECT_TYPE_QUESTGIVER: /* * data0: open (LockId from Lock.dbc) * data1: questList (unknown ID) * data2: pageMaterial (PageTextMaterial.dbc) * data3: gossipID (unknown ID) * data4: customAnim (unknown value from 1 to 4) * data5: noDamageImmune (Boolean flag) * data6: openTextID (Unknown Text ID) * data7: losOK (Boolean flag) * data8: allowMounted (Boolean flag) * data9: large? (Boolean flag) */ $object['lockid'] = $Row['data0']; break; case GAMEOBJECT_TYPE_CHEST: /* * data0: open (LockId from Lock.dbc) * data1: chestLoot (gameobject_loot_template.entry) *This field is obtained from WDB data and is not to be changed* * data2: chestRestockTime (time in seconds) * data3: consumable (State: Boolean flag) * data4: minRestock (Min successful loot attempts for Mining, Herbalism etc) * data5: maxRestock (Max successful loot attempts for Mining, Herbalism etc) * data6: lootedEvent (unknown ID) * data7: linkedTrap (gameobject_template.entry (Spawned GO type 6)) * data8: questID (v_quest_template.entry of completed quest) * data9: level (minimal level required to open this gameobject) * data10: losOK (Boolean flag) * data11: leaveLoot (Boolean flag) * data12: notInCombat (Boolean flag) * data13: log loot (Boolean flag) * data14: openTextID (Unknown ID) * data15: use group loot rules (Boolean flag) */ $object['lockid'] = $Row['data0']; $object['lootid'] = $Row['data1']; break; case GAMEOBJECT_TYPE_BINDER: /* Object type not used */ break; case GAMEOBJECT_TYPE_GENERIC: /* * data0: floatingTooltip (Boolean flag) * data1: highlight (Boolean flag) * data2: serverOnly? (Always 0) * data3: large? (Boolean flag) * data4: floatOnWater (Boolean flag) * data5: questID (Required active v_quest_template.entry to work) */ break; case GAMEOBJECT_TYPE_TRAP: /* * data0: open (LockId from Lock.dbc) * data1: level (npc equivalent level for casted spell) * data2: radius (Distance) * data3: spell (Spell Id from spell.dbc) * data4: charges (0 or 1) * data5: cooldown (time in seconds) * data6: ? (unknown flag) * data7: startDelay? (time in seconds) * data8: serverOnly? (always 0) * data9: stealthed (Boolean flag) * data10: large? (Boolean flag) * data11: stealthAffected (Boolean flag) * data12: openTextID (Unknown ID) */ $object['lockid'] = $Row['data0']; break; case GAMEOBJECT_TYPE_CHAIR: /* * data0: chairslots (number of players that can sit down on it) * data1: chairorientation? (number of usable side?) */ break; case GAMEOBJECT_TYPE_SPELL_FOCUS: /* * data0: spellFocusType (from SpellFocusObject.dbc) * data1: radius (Distance) * data2: linkedTrap (gameobject_template.entry (Spawned GO type 6)) */ break; case GAMEOBJECT_TYPE_TEXT: /* * data0: pageID (page_text.entry) * data1: language (from Languages.dbc) * data2: pageMaterial (PageTextMaterial.dbc) */ $object['pageid'] = $Row['data0']; break; case GAMEOBJECT_TYPE_GOOBER: /* * data0: open (LockId from Lock.dbc) * data1: questID (Required active v_quest_template.entry to work) * data2: eventID (Unknown Event ID) * data3: ? (unknown flag) * data4: customAnim (unknown) * data5: consumable (Boolean flag controling if gameobject will despawn or not) * data6: cooldown (time is seconds) * data7: pageID (page_text.entry) * data8: language (from Languages.dbc) * data9: pageMaterial (PageTextMaterial.dbc) * data10: spell (Spell Id from spell.dbc) * data11: noDamageImmune (Boolean flag) * data12: linkedTrap (gameobject_template.entry (Spawned GO type 6)) * data13: large? (Boolean flag) * data14: openTextID (Unknown ID) * data15: closeTextID (Unknown ID) * data16: losOK (Boolean flag) */ $object['lockid'] = $Row['data0']; $object['pageid'] = $Row['data7']; break; case GAMEOBJECT_TYPE_TRANSPORT: /* No data data used, all are always 0 */ break; case GAMEOBJECT_TYPE_AREADAMAGE: /* Object type not used */ break; case GAMEOBJECT_TYPE_CAMERA: /* * data0: open (LockId from Lock.dbc) * data1: camera (Cinematic entry from CinematicCamera.dbc) */ $object['lockid'] = $Row['data0']; break; case GAMEOBJECT_TYPE_MAP_OBJECT: /* No data data used, all are always 0 */ break; case GAMEOBJECT_TYPE_MO_TRANSPORT: /* * data0: taxiPathID (Id from TaxiPath.dbc) * data1: moveSpeed * data2: accelRate */ break; case GAMEOBJECT_TYPE_DUEL_ARBITER: /* Only one Gameobject with this type (21680) and no data data */ break; case GAMEOBJECT_TYPE_FISHINGNODE: /* Only one Gameobject with this type (35591) and no data data */ break; case GAMEOBJECT_TYPE_RITUAL: /* * data0: casters? * data1: spell (Spell Id from spell.dbc) * data2: animSpell (Spell Id from spell.dbc) * data3: ritualPersistent (Boolean flag) * data4: casterTargetSpell (Spell Id from spell.dbc) * data5: casterTargetSpellTargets (Boolean flag) * data6: castersGrouped (Boolean flag) */ break; case GAMEOBJECT_TYPE_MAILBOX: /* No data data used, all are always 0 */ break; case GAMEOBJECT_TYPE_AUCTIONHOUSE: /* data0: actionHouseID (From AuctionHouse.dbc ?) */ break; case GAMEOBJECT_TYPE_GUARDPOST: /* Object type not used */ break; case GAMEOBJECT_TYPE_SPELLCASTER: /* * data0: spell (Spell Id from spell.dbc) * data1: charges * data2: partyOnly (Boolean flag, need to be in group to use it) */ break; case GAMEOBJECT_TYPE_MEETINGSTONE: /* * data0: minLevel * data1: maxLevel * data2: areaID (From AreaTable.dbc) */ break; case GAMEOBJECT_TYPE_FLAGSTAND: /* * data0: open (LockId from Lock.dbc) * data1: pickupSpell (Spell Id from spell.dbc) * data2: radius (distance) * data3: returnAura (Spell Id from spell.dbc) * data4: returnSpell (Spell Id from spell.dbc) * data5: noDamageImmune (Boolean flag) * data6: ? * data7: losOK (Boolean flag) */ $object['lockid'] = $Row['data0']; break; case GAMEOBJECT_TYPE_FISHINGHOLE: /* * data0: radius (distance) * data1: chestLoot (gameobject_loot_template.entry) * data2: minRestock * data3: maxRestock */ $object['lootid'] = $Row['data1']; break; case GAMEOBJECT_TYPE_FLAGDROP: /* * data0: open (LockId from Lock.dbc) * data1: eventID (Unknown Event ID) * data2: pickupSpell (Spell Id from spell.dbc) * data3: noDamageImmune (Boolean flag) */ $object['lockid'] = $Row['data0']; break; case GAMEOBJECT_TYPE_MINI_GAME: /* Object type not used Reused in core for CUSTOM_TELEPORT * data0: */ break; case GAMEOBJECT_TYPE_LOTTERY_KIOSK: /* Object type not used */ break; case GAMEOBJECT_TYPE_CAPTURE_POINT: /* * data0: radius (Distance) * data1: spell (Unknown ID, not a spell id in dbc file, maybe server only side spell) * data2: worldState1 * data3: worldstate2 * data4: winEventID1 (Unknown Event ID) * data5: winEventID2 (Unknown Event ID) * data6: contestedEventID1 (Unknown Event ID) * data7: contestedEventID2 (Unknown Event ID) * data8: progressEventID1 (Unknown Event ID) * data9: progressEventID2 (Unknown Event ID) * data10: neutralEventID1 (Unknown Event ID) * data11: neutralEventID2 (Unknown Event ID) * data12: neutralPercent * data13: worldstate3 * data14: minSuperiority * data15: maxSuperiority * data16: minTime (in seconds) * data17: maxTime (in seconds) * data18: large? (Boolean flag) */ break; case GAMEOBJECT_TYPE_AURA_GENERATOR: /* * data0: startOpen (Boolean flag) * data1: radius (Distance) * data2: auraID1 (Spell Id from spell.dbc) * data3: conditionID1 (Unknown ID) */ break; case GAMEOBJECT_TYPE_DUNGEON_DIFFICULTY: /* * data0: mapID (From Maps.dbc) * data1: difficulty (0 or 1) */ break; case GAMEOBJECT_TYPE_UNK: /* Object type not used */ break; case GAMEOBJECT_TYPE_DESTRUCTIBLE_BUILDING: /* Object type not used */ break; case GAMEOBJECT_TYPE_GUILD_BANK: /* No data data used, all are always 0 */ break; } // Тип объекта и требуемый уровень скилла, и какого скилла if ($object['lockid']) { $lock_row = $DB->selectRow(' SELECT * FROM ?_lock WHERE lockID=?d LIMIT 1 ', $object['lockid']); if ($lock_row) { for ($j = 1; $j <= 5; $j++) { switch ($lock_row['type' . $j]) { case 0: // Не замок break; case 1: // Ключ $object['key'] = array(); $object['key'] = $DB->selectRow('SELECT entry as id, name, quality FROM item_template WHERE entry=?d LIMIT 1', $lock_row['lockproperties' . $j]); break; case 2: // Скилл switch ($lock_row['lockproperties' . $j]) { case LOCK_PROPERTIES_FOOTLOCK: // Сундук $object['type'] = -5; $object['lockpicking'] = $lock_row['requiredskill' . $j]; break; case LOCK_PROPERTIES_HERBALISM: // Трава $object['type'] = -3; $object['herbalism'] = $lock_row['requiredskill' . $j]; break; case LOCK_PROPERTIES_MINING: // Руда $object['type'] = -4; $object['mining'] = $lock_row['requiredskill' . $j]; break; default: break; } break; default: break; } } } } // Текст страниц if ($object['pageid']) { while ($object['pageid'] > 0) { $row = $DB->selectRow(' SELECT text, next_page {, text_loc?d} FROM page_text p {LEFT JOIN (locales_page_text l) ON l.entry = p.entry AND ?} WHERE p.entry = ?d LIMIT 1 ', $_SESSION['locale'] ? $_SESSION['locale'] : DBSIMPLE_SKIP, $_SESSION['locale'] ? 1 : DBSIMPLE_SKIP, $object['pageid']); /* if($_SESSION['locale']>0) $text = QuestReplaceStr($DB->selectCell('SELECT Text_loc?d FROM locales_page_text WHERE entry = ?d LIMIT 1', $_SESSION['locale'], $object['pageid'])); if($text) $next_page = $DB->selectCell('SELECT next_page FROM page_text WHERE entry = ?d LIMIT 1', $object['pageid']); else list($text, $next_page) = $DB->selectRow('SELECT text AS \'0\', next_page AS \'1\' FROM page_text WHERE entry = ?d LIMIT 1', $object['pageid']); */ $row['text'] = QuestReplaceStr(localizedName($row, 'text')); if (empty($row['text'])) { break; } $object['pagetext'][] = $row['text']; $object['pageid'] = $row['next_page']; } } // Лут... if (isset($object['lootid'])) { $object['drop'] = array(); if (!($object['drop'] = loot('gameobject_loot_template', $object['lootid']))) { unset($object['drop']); } } } switch ($object['type']) { case 9: $type = "Buch"; break; case 3: $type = "Behälter"; break; case 5: $type = "Schließkiste"; break; case 3: $type = "Kräuter"; break; case 4: $type = "Erzvorkommen"; break; case 2: $type = "Quest"; break; default: $type = ''; break; } $x = ''; $x .= "<table><tr><td><b class=\"q\">{$object['name']}</b></td></tr></table><table><tr><td>"; $x .= "{$type}"; $x .= "</td></tr></table>"; $object['tooltip'] = $x; return $object; }
function creatureinfo2($Row) { $name_sub_locale = localizedName($Row, 'subname'); $creature = array('entry' => $Row['entry'], 'name' => str_replace(' (1)', LOCALE_HEROIC, localizedName($Row)), 'subname' => $name_sub_locale, 'minlevel' => $Row['minlevel'], 'maxlevel' => $Row['maxlevel'], 'react' => $Row['A'] . ',' . $Row['H'], 'type' => $Row['type'], 'classification' => $Row['rank']); $x = ''; $x = ''; $x .= ''; $x .= "<table><tr><td><b class=\"q\">" . htmlspecialchars(str_replace(' (1)', LOCALE_HEROIC, localizedName($Row))) . "</b></td></tr></table><table><tr><td>"; if (!empty($name_sub_locale)) { $x .= $name_sub_locale . "<br>"; } $level = $Row['rank'] == 3 ? '??' : ($Row['minlevel'] == $Row['maxlevel'] ? $Row['minlevel'] : "{$Row['minlevel']} - {$Row['maxlevel']}"); switch ($Row['rank']) { case 1: $rank = ' (Elite)'; break; case 2: $rank = ' (Rar Elite)'; break; case 3: $rank = ' (Boss)'; break; case 4: $rank = ' (Rar)'; break; default: $rank = ''; break; } switch ($Row['type']) { case 1: $type = 'Wildtier'; break; case 2: $type = 'Drachkin'; break; case 3: $type = 'Dämon'; break; case 4: $type = 'Elementar'; break; case 5: $type = 'Riese'; break; case 6: $type = 'Untoter'; break; case 7: $type = 'Humanoid'; break; case 8: $type = 'Tier'; break; case 9: $type = 'Mechanisch'; break; case 10: $type = 'Nicht kategorisiert'; break; default: $type = ''; break; } $x .= "Level {$level} {$type}{$rank}"; $x .= "</td></tr></table>"; $creature['tooltip'] = $x; return $creature; }
function iteminfo2(&$Row, $level = 0) { global $DB; global $allitems; global $spell_cols; global $object_cols; $item = array(); // Номер вещи $item['entry'] = $Row['entry']; // Название вещи $item['name'] = localizedName($Row); // Тип вещи $item['type'] = $Row['InventoryType']; $item['displayid'] = $Row['displayid']; // Уровень вещи $item['level'] = $Row['ItemLevel']; // Качество вещи... $item['quality'] = $Row['quality']; $item['quality2'] = 7 - $Row['quality']; // Требуемый уровень вещи: $item['reqlevel'] = $Row['RequiredLevel']; // Класс и подкласс вещи // TODO: немного неверное определение $item['classs'] = $Row['class']; $item['subclass'] = $Row['subclass']; $item['rclass'] = $Row['AllowableClass']; // Иконка вещи $item['iconname'] = $Row['iconname']; // Кол-во вещей в пачке $item['stackable'] = $Row['stackable']; // Стоимость вещи для покупки // DPS $dps = 0; if ($Row['class'] == 2) { for ($i = 1; $i <= 2; $i++) { $d_type = $Row['dmg_type' . $i]; $d_min = $Row['dmg_min' . $i]; $d_max = $Row['dmg_max' . $i]; if ($d_max > 0 and $Row['class'] != 6) { $delay = $Row['delay'] / 1000; if ($delay > 0) { $dps = $dps + round(($d_max + $d_min) / (2 * $delay), 1); } } } $item['dps'] = $dps; $item['speed'] = $Row['delay'] / 1000; if (!$item['speed']) { $item['speed'] = -1; } } // Armor $item['armor'] = $Row['armor']; $item['slot'] = $Row['InventoryType']; // Bag if ($Row['class'] == 1) { $item['slots'] = $Row['ContainerSlots']; } // Добавляем в глобальный массив allitems allitemsinfo2($Row, 0); if ($level > 0) { $item['BuyPrice'] = $Row['BuyPrice']; // $item['BagFamily'] = $Row['BagFamily']; $item['ContainerSlots'] = $Row['ContainerSlots']; $item['DisenchantID'] = $Row['DisenchantID']; // Навык энчанта для разборки вещи if ($Row['RequiredDisenchantSkill'] != -1) { $item['disenchantskill'] = $Row['RequiredDisenchantSkill']; } // Цена на продажу $item['sellgold'] = floor($Row['SellPrice'] / 10000); $item['sellsilver'] = floor($Row['SellPrice'] % 10000 / 100); $item['sellcopper'] = floor($Row['SellPrice'] % 100); // Цена за покупку $item['buygold'] = floor($Row['BuyPrice'] / 10000); $item['buysilver'] = floor($Row['BuyPrice'] % 10000 / 100); $item['buycopper'] = floor($Row['BuyPrice'] % 100); // Начинает квест if ($Row['startquest']) { $item['starts'] = array(GetDBQuestInfo($Row['startquest'], 0xffffff)); } // Информационное окно $item['info'] = render_item_tooltip($Row); // Обучает $teaches = array(); for ($j = 1; $j <= 4; $j++) { if ($Row['spellid_' . $j] == 483) { $teaches[] = spellinfo($Row['spellid_' . ($j + 1)]); } } if ($teaches) { $item['teaches'] = $teaches; unset($teaches); unset($spellrow); } // Открывает: // Тип замков, для которых этот предмет является ключем: $locks_row = $DB->selectCol(' SELECT lockID FROM ?_lock WHERE (type1=1 AND lockproperties1=?d) OR (type2=1 AND lockproperties2=?d) OR (type3=1 AND lockproperties3=?d) OR (type4=1 AND lockproperties4=?d) OR (type5=1 AND lockproperties5=?d) ', $item['entry'], $item['entry'], $item['entry'], $item['entry'], $item['entry']); if ($locks_row) { // Игровые объекты с таким типом замка: $item['unlocks'] = $DB->select(' SELECT ?# FROM gameobject_template WHERE ( ((type IN (?a)) AND (data0 IN (?a))) OR ((type IN (?a)) AND (data0 IN (?a))) ) ', $object_cols[0], array(GAMEOBJECT_TYPE_QUESTGIVER, GAMEOBJECT_TYPE_CHEST, GAMEOBJECT_TYPE_TRAP, GAMEOBJECT_TYPE_GOOBER, GAMEOBJECT_TYPE_CAMERA, GAMEOBJECT_TYPE_FLAGSTAND, GAMEOBJECT_TYPE_FLAGDROP), $locks_row, array(GAMEOBJECT_TYPE_DOOR, GAMEOBJECT_TYPE_BUTTON), $locks_row); if (!$item['unlocks']) { unset($item['unlocks']); } } unset($locks_row); } return $item; }
WHERE = ct.entry AND ct.npcflag & 126976 AND = ?d AND c.position_x > ?f AND c.position_x < ?f AND c.position_y > ?f AND c.position_y < ?f ', $_SESSION['locale'] > 0 ? $_SESSION['locale'] : 1, $_SESSION['locale'] > 0 ? $_SESSION['locale'] : 1, $zone['mapID'], $zone['x_min'], $zone['x_max'], $zone['y_min'], $zone['y_max']); if ($rows) { $taxies = array('population' => 0, 'name' => 'Flight Masters', 'atid' => $id, 'points' => array()); $inns = array('population' => 0, 'name' => 'Innkeepers', 'atid' => $id, 'points' => array()); $repairers = array('population' => 0, 'name' => 'Repairers', 'atid' => $id, 'points' => array()); $spirithealers = array('population' => 0, 'name' => 'Spirit Healers', 'atid' => $id, 'points' => array()); foreach ($rows as $row) { $name = localizedName($row); $subname = localizedName($row, "subname"); if ($subname) { $name = $name . " <" . $subname . ">"; } $point = array('name' => $name, 'type' => 0, 'url' => '?npc=' . $row['entry'], 'x' => round(100 - ($row['position_y'] - $zone['y_min']) / (($zone['y_max'] - $zone['y_min']) / 100), 2), 'y' => round(100 - ($row['position_x'] - $zone['x_min']) / (($zone['x_max'] - $zone['x_min']) / 100), 2)); if ($row['npcflag'] & 8192) { $taxies['population']++; $taxies['points'][] = $point; } if ($row['npcflag'] & 65536) { $inns['population']++; $inns['points'][] = $point; } if ($row['npcflag'] & 4096) { $repairers['population']++; $repairers['points'][] = $point;