예제 #1
        list($searchsql, $params) = local_search_get_keyword_where_clause($keywords, $fields, SQL_PARAMS_NAMED);

        if (empty($CFG->audiencevisibility)) {
            $search_info->sql = "
                    {prog} p
                    AND visible = 1
        } else {
            $visibilitysql = '';
            $visibilityparams = array();
            $canmanagevisibility = has_capability('local/coursecatalog:manageaudiencevisibility', context_system::instance());
            if (!$canmanagevisibility) {
                list($visibilitysql, $visibilityparams) = local_cohort_get_visible_learning_sql('p', 'id', COHORT_ASSN_ITEMTYPE_PROGRAM);
            $search_info->sql = "
                    {prog} p
            $params = array_merge($params, $visibilityparams);

        $search_info->order = " ORDER BY p.sortorder ASC";
        $search_info->params = $params;
예제 #2
 * Get the number of visible items in or below the selected categories
 * This function counts the number of items within a set of categories, only including
 * items that are visible to the user.
 * By default returns the course count, but will work for programs, certifications too.
 * We need to jump through some hoops to do this efficiently:
 * - To avoid having to do it recursively it relies on the context
 *   path to find courses within a category
 * - To avoid having to check capabilities for every item it only
 *   checks hidden courses, and only if user isn't a siteadmin
 * @param integer|array $categoryids ID or IDs of the category/categories to fetch
 * @param boolean $viewtype  - type of item to count: course,program,certification
 * @return integer|array Associative array, where keys are the sub-category IDs and value is the count.
 * If $categoryids is a single integer, just returns the count as an integer
function local_get_category_item_count($categoryids, $viewtype = 'course') {
    global $CFG, $USER, $DB;
    require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/cohort/lib.php');

    list($insql, $params) = $DB->get_in_or_equal(is_array($categoryids) ? $categoryids : array($categoryids));

    if (!$categories = $DB->get_records_select('course_categories', "id $insql", $params)) {
        return array();

    // What items are we counting, courses, programs, or certifications?
    switch ($viewtype) {
        case 'course':
            $itemcap = 'moodle/course:viewhiddencourses';
            $itemtable = "{course}";
            $itemcontext = CONTEXT_COURSE;
            $itemalias = 'c';
            $extrawhere = '';
        case 'program':
            $itemcap = 'local/program:viewhiddenprograms';
            $itemtable = "{prog}";
            $itemcontext = CONTEXT_PROGRAM;
            $itemalias = 'p';
            $extrawhere = " AND certifid IS NULL";
        case 'certification':
            $itemcap = 'local/certification:viewhiddencertifications';
            $itemtable = "{prog}";
            $itemcontext = CONTEXT_PROGRAM;
            $itemalias = 'p';
            $extrawhere = " AND certifid IS NOT NULL";
            print_error('invalid viewtype');

    list($insql, $inparams) = $DB->get_in_or_equal(array_keys($categories), SQL_PARAMS_NAMED);
    $sql = "SELECT instanceid, path
              FROM {context}
             WHERE contextlevel = :contextlvl
               AND instanceid {$insql}
             ORDER BY depth DESC";
    $params = array('contextlvl' => CONTEXT_COURSECAT);
    $params = array_merge($params, $inparams);

    $contextpaths = $DB->get_records_sql_menu($sql, $params);

    // Builds a WHERE snippet that matches any items inside the sub-category.
    // This won't match the category itself (because of the trailing slash),
    // But that's okay as we're only interested in the items inside.
    $contextwhere = array(); $contextparams = array();
    foreach ($contextpaths as $path) {
        $paramalias = 'cxt_' . rand(1, 10000);
        $contextwhere[] = $DB->sql_like('cx.path', ":{$paramalias}");
        $contextparams[$paramalias] = $path . '/%';

    // Add audience visibility setting.
    $visibilitysql = '';
    $visibilityparams = array();
    $canmanagevisibility = has_capability('local/coursecatalog:manageaudiencevisibility', context_system::instance());
    if (!empty($CFG->audiencevisibility) && !$canmanagevisibility) {
        list($visibilitysql, $visibilityparams) = local_cohort_get_visible_learning_sql($itemalias, 'id', $itemcontext);

    $sql = "SELECT {$itemalias}.id as itemid, {$itemalias}.visible, {$itemalias}.visible, cx.path
              FROM {context} cx
              JOIN {$itemtable} {$itemalias}
                ON {$itemalias}.id = cx.instanceid AND contextlevel = :itemcontext
             WHERE (" . implode(' OR ', $contextwhere) . ")" . $extrawhere;
    $params = array('itemcontext' => $itemcontext);
    $params = array_merge($params, $contextparams);
    $params = array_merge($params, $visibilityparams);

    // Get all items inside all the categories.
    if (!$items = $DB->get_records_sql($sql, $params)) {
        // Sub-categories are all empty.
        if (is_array($categoryids)) {
            return array();
        } else {
            return 0;

    $results = array();
    foreach ($items as $item) {
        if (empty($CFG->audiencevisibility)) {
            // Check individual permission.
            // Get contextobj - use a switch in case this gets even more complicated in future with a third type.
            switch ($itemcontext) {
                case CONTEXT_COURSE:
                    $contextobj = context_course::instance($item->itemid);
                case CONTEXT_PROGRAM:
                    $contextobj = context_program::instance($item->itemid);
            if (!$item->visible && !has_capability($itemcap, $contextobj)) {

        // We need to check if programs are available to students.
        if ($viewtype == 'program'  && !is_siteadmin($USER->id)) {
            $program = new program($item->itemid);
            if (!$program->is_accessible()) {

        // Now we need to figure out which sub-category each item is a member of.
        foreach ($contextpaths as $categoryid => $contextpath) {
            // It's a member if the beginning of the contextpath's match.
            if (substr($item->path, 0, strlen($contextpath.'/')) ==
                $contextpath.'/') {
                if (array_key_exists($categoryid, $results)) {
                } else {
                    $results[$categoryid] = 1;

    if (empty($results)) {
        return 0;
    } else if (is_array($categoryids)) {
        return $results;
    } else {
        return current($results);
