function viewthread_useraction_output() { global $_G, $postlist, $tid, $authorid, $hott, $config, $new_window; if (!$_G['fid'] || !$_G['tid'] || !$postlist[$_G['forum_firstpid']]['authorid'] || $postlist[$_G['forum_firstpid']]['anonymous']) { return; } loadcache('plugin'); $config = $_G['cache']['plugin']['dsu_hott']; @(include DISCUZ_ROOT . './data/'); $authorid = $postlist[$_G['forum_firstpid']]['authorid']; $new_window = $config['new_window'] ? ' target="_blank" ' : ''; $config['max_text'] = $config['max_text'] > 0 ? $config['max_text'] : 80; $tid = $_G['tid']; $hott_block1 = $hott_block2 = ''; if ($hott[1]['script'] && file_exists(DISCUZ_ROOT . './source/plugin/dsu_hott/script/' . $hott[1]['script'])) { include DISCUZ_ROOT . './source/plugin/dsu_hott/script/' . $hott[1]['script']; $hott_block1 = $hott_script->output(1); unset($hott_script); } if ($hott[2]['script'] && file_exists(DISCUZ_ROOT . './source/plugin/dsu_hott/script/' . $hott[2]['script'])) { include DISCUZ_ROOT . './source/plugin/dsu_hott/script/' . $hott[2]['script']; $hott_block2 = $hott_script->output(2); unset($hott_script); } if ($hott_block1 || $hott_block2) { $hott[0]['style'] = $hott[0]['style'] ? $hott[0]['style'] : 'default'; @(include template('dsu_hott:' . $hott[0]['style'])); $return = '</div>' . $return; return $return; } }
function setloginstatus($member, $cookietime) { global $_G; $_G['uid'] = intval($member['uid']); $_G['username'] = $member['username']; $_G['adminid'] = $member['adminid']; $_G['groupid'] = $member['groupid']; $_G['formhash'] = formhash(); $_G['session']['invisible'] = getuserprofile('invisible'); $_G['member'] = $member; loadcache('usergroup_' . $_G['groupid']); C::app()->session->isnew = true; C::app()->session->updatesession(); dsetcookie('auth', authcode("{$member['password']}\t{$member['uid']}", 'ENCODE'), $cookietime, 1, true); dsetcookie('loginuser'); dsetcookie('activationauth'); dsetcookie('pmnum'); include_once libfile('function/stat'); updatestat('login', 1); if (defined('IN_MOBILE')) { updatestat('mobilelogin', 1); } if ($_G['setting']['connect']['allow'] && $_G['member']['conisbind']) { updatestat('connectlogin', 1); } $rule = updatecreditbyaction('daylogin', $_G['uid']); if (!$rule['updatecredit']) { checkusergroup($_G['uid']); } }
function getsetting() { global $_G; $settings = array('fids' => array('title' => 'couplebanner_fids', 'type' => 'mselect', 'value' => array()), 'groups' => array('title' => 'couplebanner_groups', 'type' => 'mselect', 'value' => array()), 'position' => array('title' => 'couplebanner_position', 'type' => 'mradio', 'value' => array(array(1, 'couplebanner_position_left'), array(2, 'couplebanner_position_right')), 'default' => 1), 'coupleadid' => array('title' => 'couplebanner_coupleadid', 'type' => 'select', 'value' => array())); loadcache(array('forums', 'grouptype')); $settings['fids']['value'][] = $settings['groups']['value'][] = array(0, ' '); $settings['fids']['value'][] = $settings['groups']['value'][] = array(-1, 'couplebanner_index'); if (empty($_G['cache']['forums'])) { $_G['cache']['forums'] = array(); } foreach ($_G['cache']['forums'] as $fid => $forum) { $settings['fids']['value'][] = array($fid, ($forum['type'] == 'forum' ? str_repeat(' ', 4) : ($forum['type'] == 'sub' ? str_repeat(' ', 8) : '')) . $forum['name']); } foreach ($_G['cache']['grouptype']['first'] as $gid => $group) { $settings['groups']['value'][] = array($gid, str_repeat(' ', 4) . $group['name']); if ($group['secondlist']) { foreach ($group['secondlist'] as $sgid) { $settings['groups']['value'][] = array($sgid, str_repeat(' ', 8) . $_G['cache']['grouptype']['second'][$sgid]['name']); } } } $query = DB::query('SELECT * FROM ' . DB::table('common_advertisement') . " WHERE type='couplebanner'"); while ($couple = DB::fetch($query)) { $settings['coupleadid']['value'][] = array($couple['advid'], $couple['title']); } return $settings; }
function discuz_censor() { global $_G; loadcache(array('censor', 'bbcodes_display')); $this->censor_words = !empty($_G['cache']['censor']) ? $_G['cache']['censor'] : array(); $this->bbcodes_display = $_G['cache']['bbcodes_display'][$_G['groupid']]; }
function viewthread_sidebottom_output() { global $_G, $postlist; if (IS_ROBOT) { return array(); } if (!$_G['forum_firstpid']) { return array(); } loadcache('myapp'); $thisApp = ''; $poster = reset($postlist); $userapp = C::t('home_userapp_plying')->fetch($poster['authorid']); if (!empty($userapp['appid'])) { $applist = explode(',', $userapp['appid']); $i = 0; foreach ($applist as $appid) { if (!empty($_G['cache']['myapp'][$appid])) { if ($i < $this->num) { $thisApp .= '<a href="userapp.php?mod=app&id=' . $appid . '&fromtid=' . $_G['tid'] . '"' . (isset($_G['cache']['myapp'][$appid]) ? ' title="' . $_G['cache']['myapp'][$appid]['appname'] . '"' : '') . ' target="_blank">' . '<img class="authicn vm" src="' . $appid . '" style="width:40px;height:40px;margin-left:0px;"/></a>'; $i++; } else { break; } } } } $thisApp = $thisApp ? '<p>' . $this->title . '</p><p class="avt" style="margin-left:10px;">' . $thisApp . '</p>' : ''; return array($thisApp); }
function getCloudRelateThreads($api = 'tao', $keyword, $page, $tpp = 20, $excludeForumIds = '', $cache = false) { global $_G; $threadlist = array(); $searchHelper = Cloud::loadClass('Service_SearchHelper'); if ($api != 'tao') { $cloudData = $searchHelper->getRelatedThreads($excludeForumIds); } else { $cloudData = $searchHelper->getRelatedThreadsTao($keyword, $page, $tpp, $disAd, $of, $ot, $cache, $excludeForumIds); } if ($cloudData['result']['data']) { foreach ($cloudData['result']['ad']['content'] as $sAdv) { $threadlist[] = array('icon' => (string) $cloudData['result']['ad']['icon']) + $sAdv; } foreach ($cloudData['result']['data'] as $sPost) { $threadlist[] = $sPost; } } else { return null; } loadcache('forums'); foreach ($threadlist as $curtid => &$curvalue) { $curvalue['pForumName'] = $_G['cache']['forums'][$curvalue['pForumId']]['name']; $curvalue['istoday'] = strtotime($curvalue['pPosted']) > $todaytime ? 1 : 0; $curvalue['dateline'] = $curvalue['pPosted']; } return array($threadlist, $cloudData); }
function getsetting() { global $_G; $settings = array('fids' => array('title' => 'couplebanner_fids', 'type' => 'mselect', 'value' => array()), 'groups' => array('title' => 'couplebanner_groups', 'type' => 'mselect', 'value' => array()), 'category' => array('title' => 'couplebanner_category', 'type' => 'mselect', 'value' => array()), 'position' => array('title' => 'couplebanner_position', 'type' => 'mradio', 'value' => array(array(1, 'couplebanner_position_left'), array(2, 'couplebanner_position_right')), 'default' => 1), 'coupleadid' => array('title' => 'couplebanner_coupleadid', 'type' => 'select', 'value' => array()), 'disableclose' => array('title' => 'couplebanner_disableclose', 'type' => 'mradio', 'value' => array(array(0, 'couplebanner_show'), array(1, 'couplebanner_hidden')), 'default' => 0)); loadcache(array('forums', 'grouptype')); $settings['fids']['value'][] = $settings['groups']['value'][] = array(0, ' '); $settings['fids']['value'][] = $settings['groups']['value'][] = array(-1, 'couplebanner_index'); if (empty($_G['cache']['forums'])) { $_G['cache']['forums'] = array(); } foreach ($_G['cache']['forums'] as $fid => $forum) { $settings['fids']['value'][] = array($fid, ($forum['type'] == 'forum' ? str_repeat(' ', 4) : ($forum['type'] == 'sub' ? str_repeat(' ', 8) : '')) . $forum['name']); } foreach ($_G['cache']['grouptype']['first'] as $gid => $group) { $settings['groups']['value'][] = array($gid, str_repeat(' ', 4) . $group['name']); if ($group['secondlist']) { foreach ($group['secondlist'] as $sgid) { $settings['groups']['value'][] = array($sgid, str_repeat(' ', 8) . $_G['cache']['grouptype']['second'][$sgid]['name']); } } } foreach (C::t('common_advertisement')->fetch_all_by_type('couplebanner') as $couple) { $settings['coupleadid']['value'][] = array($couple['advid'], $couple['title']); } loadcache('portalcategory'); $this->categoryvalue[] = array(-1, 'couplebanner_index'); $this->getcategory(0); $settings['category']['value'] = $this->categoryvalue; return $settings; }
function checkfield() { global $_G; $fields = array('realname', 'gender', 'birthyear', 'birthmonth', 'birthday', 'bloodtype', 'affectivestatus', 'birthprovince', 'birthcity', 'resideprovince', 'residecity'); loadcache('profilesetting'); $fieldsnew = array(); foreach ($fields as $v) { if (isset($_G['cache']['profilesetting'][$v])) { $fieldsnew[$v] = $_G['cache']['profilesetting'][$v]['title']; } } if ($fieldsnew) { space_merge($_G['member'], 'profile'); $none = array(); foreach ($_G['member'] as $k => $v) { if (in_array($k, $fields, true) && !trim($v)) { $none[] = $fieldsnew[$k]; } } $all = count($fields); $csc = intval(($all - count($none)) / $all * 100); return array($none, $csc); } else { return true; } }
function global_header() { global $_G; if(!$_G[uid]) { loadcache('plugin'); $config = $_G['cache']['plugin']['ct_login_yinxiangpai']; $login_url = $config['login_url'] ? unserialize($config['login_url']) : ''; $isopen = $config['isopen'] ? $config['isopen'] : 0 ; if(empty($login_url))showmessage(lang('plugin/ct_login_yinxiangpai','login_url')); $login_arr = explode('[ct]', str_replace(array("\n", "\t"), array('', ''), $config['m_url'])); //$m_url = array_diff($login_arr,array('')); if($login_arr){ foreach($login_arr as $k=>$v){ if(empty($v))continue; $m_url[$k]=strtolower(trim($v)); } } $http = isset($_SERVER['SERVER_PORT']) && $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] == '443' ? 'https://' : 'http://'; $get_url = $http.strtolower($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']); $current_page = CURSCRIPT . '_' . CURMODULE; if((in_array($current_page,$login_url) || in_array( $get_url,$m_url) )&& !$_G[uid] && $isopen ) { $target_url = $_G['siteurl'].'plugin.php?id=ct_login_yinxiangpai:index'; header('Location: '.$target_url); } } }
function checkfield() { global $_G; $fields = lang('task/profile', 'profile_fields'); loadcache('profilesetting'); $fieldsql = array(); foreach ($fields as $k => $v) { $nk = explode('.', $k); if (isset($_G['cache']['profilesetting'][$nk[1]])) { $fieldsnew[$nk[1]] = $v; $fieldsql[] = $k; } } if ($fieldsql) { $result = DB::fetch_first("SELECT " . implode(',', $fieldsql) . " FROM " . DB::table('common_member') . " m LEFT JOIN " . DB::table('common_member_profile') . " mp ON m.uid=mp.uid WHERE m.uid='{$_G['uid']}'"); $none = array(); foreach ($result as $k => $v) { if (!trim($v)) { $none[] = $fieldsnew[$k]; } } $csc = intval((count($fields) - count($none)) / count($fields) * 100); return array($none, $csc); } else { return true; } }
function getPortalConfigure($setting = null) { $config[] = array('title' => Utils::converGbkString('首页'), 'module' => Utils::converGbkString('门户首页'), 'enable' => '1', 'sort' => 1, 'id' => '0', 'type' => '4'); global $_G; loadcache('portalcategory'); $portalcategory = $_G['cache']['portalcategory']; if (false && !empty($portalcategory)) { foreach ($portalcategory as $cat) { if ($cat['closed'] != 1) { if (isset($setting['portal']) && !empty($setting['portal'])) { foreach ($setting['portal'] as $category) { if ($category['id'] == $cat['catid'] && $category['enable'] == 1) { $config[] = array('title' => Utils::converGbkString($category['title']), 'module' => $cat['catname'], 'enable' => '1', 'sort' => $category['sort'], 'id' => $cat['catid'], 'type' => '4'); } } } } } $newArr = array(); for ($j = 0; $j < count($config); $j++) { $newArr[] = $config[$j]['sort']; } array_multisort($newArr, $config); } return $config; }
public static function parse_related_link($content, $extent) { global $_G; loadcache('relatedlink'); $allextent = array('article' => 0, 'forum' => 1, 'group' => 2, 'blog' => 3); if ($_G['cache']['relatedlink'] && isset($allextent[$extent])) { $searcharray = $replacearray = array(); foreach ($_G['cache']['relatedlink'] as $link) { $link['extent'] = sprintf('%04b', $link['extent']); if ($link['extent'][$allextent[$extent]] && $link['name'] && $link['url']) { $searcharray[$link[name]] = '/(' . preg_quote($link['name']) . ')/i'; $replacearray[$link[name]] = "<a href=\"{$link['url']}\" target=\"_blank\" class=\"relatedlink\">{$link['name']}</a>"; } } if ($searcharray && $replacearray) { $_G['trunsform_tmp'] = array(); $content = preg_replace_callback("/(<script\\s+.*?>.*?<\\/script>)|(<a\\s+.*?>.*?<\\/a>)|(<img\\s+.*?[\\/]?>)|(\\[attach\\](\\d+)\\[\\/attach\\])/is", function ($matches) { return helper_seo::base64_transform('encode', '<relatedlink>', $matches[1] . $matches[2] . $matches[3] . $matches[4], '</relatedlink>'); }, $content); $content = preg_replace($searcharray, $replacearray, $content, 1); $content = preg_replace_callback("/<relatedlink>(.*?)<\\/relatedlink>/is", function ($matches) { return helper_seo::base64_transform('decode', '', $matches[1], ''); }, $content); } } return $content; }
function make_secqaa($idhash) { global $_G; loadcache('secqaa'); $secqaakey = max(1, random(1, 1)); if ($_G['cache']['secqaa'][$secqaakey]['type']) { $etype = explode(':', $_G['cache']['secqaa'][$secqaakey]['question']); if (count($etype) > 1 && preg_match('/^[\\w\\_]+$/', $etype[0]) && preg_match('/^[\\w\\_]+$/', $etype[1])) { $qaafile = DISCUZ_ROOT . './source/plugin/' . $etype[0] . '/secqaa/secqaa_' . $etype[1] . '.php'; $class = $etype[1]; } else { $qaafile = libfile('secqaa/' . $_G['cache']['secqaa'][$secqaakey]['question'], 'class'); $class = $_G['cache']['secqaa'][$secqaakey]['question']; } if (file_exists($qaafile)) { @(include_once $qaafile); $class = 'secqaa_' . $class; if (class_exists($class)) { $qaa = new $class(); if (method_exists($qaa, 'make')) { $_G['cache']['secqaa'][$secqaakey]['answer'] = md5($qaa->make($_G['cache']['secqaa'][$secqaakey]['question'])); } } } } dsetcookie('secqaa' . $idhash, authcode($_G['cache']['secqaa'][$secqaakey]['answer'] . "\t" . (TIMESTAMP - 180) . "\t" . $idhash . "\t" . FORMHASH, 'ENCODE', $_G['config']['security']['authkey']), 0, 1, true); return $_G['cache']['secqaa'][$secqaakey]['question']; }
function deletepost($condition, $unbuffered = true, $deleteattach = true) { global $_G; loadcache('posttableids'); $num = 0; if (!empty($_G['cache']['posttableids'])) { $posttableids = $_G['cache']['posttableids']; } else { $posttableids = array('0'); } foreach ($posttableids as $id) { if ($id == 0) { DB::delete('forum_post', $condition, 0, $unbuffered); } else { DB::delete("forum_post_{$id}", $condition, 0, $unbuffered); } $num += DB::affected_rows(); } if ($deleteattach) { $query = DB::query("SELECT attachment, thumb, remote, aid FROM " . DB::table('forum_attachment') . " WHERE {$condition}"); while ($attach = DB::fetch($query)) { dunlink($attach); } DB::delete('forum_attachment', $condition, 0, $unbuffered); DB::delete('forum_attachmentfield', $condition, 0, $unbuffered); } return $num; }
public function onMobileModule() { global $_G; if (!$_G['setting']['plugins']['available']) { return ''; } require_once libfile('function/admincp'); loadcache('pluginlanguage_script', 1); $return = array(); foreach ($_G['setting']['plugins']['available'] as $pluginid) { $row = array(); $modulefile = DISCUZ_ROOT . './source/plugin/' . $pluginid . '/discuz_mobile_' . $pluginid . '.xml'; if (file_exists($modulefile)) { $_GET['importtxt'] = @implode('', file($modulefile)); $pluginarray = getimportdata('Discuz! Mobile', 0, 1); if ($pluginarray) { foreach ($pluginarray as $name => $value) { $row[] = array('name' => isset($_G['cache']['pluginlanguage_script'][$pluginid][$name]) ? $_G['cache']['pluginlanguage_script'][$pluginid][$name] : $name, 'logo' => $value['logo'], 'url' => preg_match('/^http:\\/\\//', $value['url']) ? $value['url'] : $_G['siteurl'] . $value['url']); } } } $return[$pluginid] = $row; } return $return; }
private function reloadId() { global $_G; loadcache('setting', 1); $this->_sId = !empty($_G['setting']['my_siteid']) ? $_G['setting']['my_siteid'] : ''; $this->_sKey = !empty($_G['setting']['my_sitekey']) ? $_G['setting']['my_sitekey'] : ''; }
function view($task, $taskvars) { global $_G; $return = $value = ''; if (!empty($taskvars['complete']['forumid'])) { $value = intval($taskvars['complete']['forumid']['value']); loadcache('forums'); $value = '<a href="forum.php?mod=forumdisplay&fid=' . $value . '">' . $_G['cache']['forums'][$value]['name'] . '</a>'; } elseif (!empty($taskvars['complete']['threadid'])) { $value = intval($taskvars['complete']['threadid']['value']); $subject = DB::result_first("SELECT subject FROM " . DB::table('forum_thread') . " WHERE tid='{$value}'"); $value = '<a href="forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=' . $value . '">' . ($subject ? $subject : 'TID ' . $value) . '</a>'; } elseif (!empty($taskvars['complete']['author'])) { $value = addslashes($taskvars['complete']['author']['value']); $authorid = DB::result_first("SELECT uid FROM " . DB::table('common_member') . " WHERE username='******'"); $value = '<a href="home.php?mod=space&uid=' . $authorid . '">' . $value . '</a>'; } if ($taskvars['complete']['act']['value'] == 'newreply') { if ($taskvars['complete']['threadid']) { $return .= lang('task/post', 'task_complete_act_newreply_thread', array('value' => $value, 'num' => $taskvars['complete']['num']['value'])); } else { $return .= lang('task/post', 'task_complete_act_newreply_author', array('value' => $value, 'num' => $taskvars['complete']['num']['value'])); } } else { if ($taskvars['complete']['forumid']) { $return .= lang('task/post', 'task_complete_forumid', array('value' => $value)); } if ($taskvars['complete']['act']['value'] == 'newthread') { $return .= lang('task/post', 'task_complete_act_newthread', array('num' => $taskvars['complete']['num']['value'])); } else { $return .= lang('task/post', 'task_complete_act_newpost', array('num' => $taskvars['complete']['num']['value'])); } } return $return; }
function search_get_usergroups($groupIds) { global $_G; require_once DISCUZ_ROOT . './api/manyou/Manyou.php'; $missGroupIds = array(); $res = array(); foreach ($groupIds as $groupId) { $kname = 'search_group_hash_' . $groupId; loadcache($kname); if (TIMESTAMP - $_G['cache'][$kname]['ts'] > 21600) { $missGroupIds[] = $groupId; } else { $res[$groupId]['sign'] = $_G['cache'][$kname]['sign']; } } if ($missGroupIds) { $userGroups = SearchHelper::getUserGroupPermissions($missGroupIds); foreach ($userGroups as $groupId => $userGroup) { $kname = $kname = 'search_group_hash_' . $groupId; $data = array('ts' => TIMESTAMP, 'sign' => $userGroup['sign']); save_syscache($kname, $data); $res[$groupId]['sign'] = $userGroup['sign']; } } return $res; }
function getsetting() { global $_G; $settings = array('fids' => array('title' => 'interthread_fids', 'type' => 'mselect', 'value' => array()), 'groups' => array('title' => 'interthread_groups', 'type' => 'mselect', 'value' => array()), 'pnumber' => array('title' => 'interthread_pnumber', 'type' => 'mselect', 'value' => array(), 'default' => array(0))); loadcache(array('forums', 'grouptype')); $settings['fids']['value'][] = $settings['groups']['value'][] = array(0, ' '); if (empty($_G['cache']['forums'])) { $_G['cache']['forums'] = array(); } foreach ($_G['cache']['forums'] as $fid => $forum) { $settings['fids']['value'][] = array($fid, ($forum['type'] == 'forum' ? str_repeat(' ', 4) : ($forum['type'] == 'sub' ? str_repeat(' ', 8) : '')) . $forum['name']); } foreach ($_G['cache']['grouptype']['first'] as $gid => $group) { $settings['groups']['value'][] = array($gid, $group['name']); if ($group['secondlist']) { foreach ($group['secondlist'] as $sgid) { $settings['groups']['value'][] = array($sgid, str_repeat(' ', 8) . $_G['cache']['grouptype']['second'][$sgid]['name']); } } } for ($i = 1; $i <= $_G['ppp']; $i++) { $settings['pnumber']['value'][$i] = array($i, '> #' . $i); } return $settings; }
private function _getImageInfoCount() { loadcache('plugin', true); $fids = ForumUtils::getForumPhotoGalleryShowFids(); $count = DzPictureSet::getImageListCount($fids); return $count; }
function getsetting() { global $_G; $settings = $this->setting; if ($settings['catid']) { $settings['catid']['value'][] = array(0, lang('portalcp', 'block_all_category')); loadcache('albumcategory'); foreach ($_G['cache']['albumcategory'] as $value) { if ($value['level'] == 0) { $settings['catid']['value'][] = array($value['catid'], $value['catname']); if ($value['children']) { foreach ($value['children'] as $catid2) { $value2 = $_G['cache']['albumcategory'][$catid2]; $settings['catid']['value'][] = array($value2['catid'], '-- ' . $value2['catname']); if ($value2['children']) { foreach ($value2['children'] as $catid3) { $value3 = $_G['cache']['albumcategory'][$catid3]; $settings['catid']['value'][] = array($value3['catid'], '---- ' . $value3['catname']); } } } } } } } return $settings; }
function getsetting() { global $_G; $settings = array('fids' => array('title' => 'footerbanner_fids', 'type' => 'mselect', 'value' => array()), 'groups' => array('title' => 'footerbanner_groups', 'type' => 'mselect', 'value' => array()), 'category' => array('title' => 'footerbanner_category', 'type' => 'mselect', 'value' => array()), 'position' => array('title' => 'footerbanner_position', 'type' => 'mradio', 'value' => array(array(1, 'footerbanner_position_up'), array(2, 'footerbanner_position_middle'), array(3, 'footerbanner_position_down')), 'default' => 1)); loadcache(array('forums', 'grouptype')); $settings['fids']['value'][] = $settings['groups']['value'][] = array(0, ' '); $settings['fids']['value'][] = $settings['groups']['value'][] = array(-1, 'footerbanner_index'); $settings['fids']['value'][] = array(-2, 'Archiver'); if (empty($_G['cache']['forums'])) { $_G['cache']['forums'] = array(); } foreach ($_G['cache']['forums'] as $fid => $forum) { $settings['fids']['value'][] = array($fid, ($forum['type'] == 'forum' ? str_repeat(' ', 4) : ($forum['type'] == 'sub' ? str_repeat(' ', 8) : '')) . $forum['name']); } foreach ($_G['cache']['grouptype']['first'] as $gid => $group) { $settings['groups']['value'][] = array($gid, str_repeat(' ', 4) . $group['name']); if ($group['secondlist']) { foreach ($group['secondlist'] as $sgid) { $settings['groups']['value'][] = array($sgid, str_repeat(' ', 8) . $_G['cache']['grouptype']['second'][$sgid]['name']); } } } loadcache('portalcategory'); $this->categoryvalue[] = array(-1, 'footerbanner_index'); $this->getcategory(0); $settings['category']['value'] = $this->categoryvalue; return $settings; }
function getdata($style, $parameter) { global $_G; $parameter = $this->cookparameter($parameter); loadcache('portalcategory'); $thecatid = !empty($parameter['thecatid']) ? explode(',', $parameter['thecatid']) : array(); if (!empty($parameter['catid'])) { $catid = $parameter['catid']; } else { $catid = array_keys($_G['cache']['portalcategory']); $catid[] = '0'; } $orderby = $parameter['orderby'] == 'articles' ? ' ORDER BY articles DESC' : ' ORDER BY displayorder'; $wheres = array(); if ($thecatid) { $wheres[] = "catid IN (" . dimplode($thecatid) . ")"; } if ($catid) { $wheres[] = "upid IN (" . dimplode($catid) . ")"; } $wheresql = $wheres ? implode(' AND ', $wheres) : '1'; $list = array(); $query = DB::query('SELECT * FROM ' . DB::table('portal_category') . " WHERE {$wheresql} {$orderby}"); while ($data = DB::fetch($query)) { $list[] = array('id' => $data['catid'], 'idtype' => 'catid', 'title' => htmlspecialchars($data['catname']), 'url' => $_G['cache']['portalcategory'][$data['catid']]['caturl'], 'pic' => '', 'picflag' => '0', 'summary' => '', 'fields' => array('dateline' => $data['dateline'], 'articles' => $data['articles'])); } return array('html' => '', 'data' => $list); }
function common() { global $_G; $this->page = intval($_GET['page']) ? intval($_GET['page']) : 1; loadcache('forum_guide'); $dateline = 0; $maxnum = 50000; if ($_G['setting']['guide']['newdt']) { $dateline = time() - intval($_G['setting']['guide']['newdt']); } $maxtid = C::t('forum_thread')->fetch_max_tid(); $limittid = max(0, $maxtid - $maxnum); $tids = array_slice($_G['cache']['forum_guide']['new']['data'], ($this->page - 1) * $this->perpage, $this->perpage); $query = C::t('forum_thread')->fetch_all_for_guide('new', $limittid, $tids, $_G['setting']['heatthread']['guidelimit'], $dateline); $threadlist = array(); rsort($query); foreach ($query as $thread) { $this->field('author', '0', $thread['author']); $this->field('dateline', '0', $thread['dateline']); $this->field('replies', '1', $thread['replies']); $this->field('views', '2', $thread['views']); $this->id = $thread['tid']; $this->title = $thread['subject']; $this->image = ''; $this->icon = '1'; $this->poptype = '0'; $this->popvalue = ''; $this->clicktype = 'tid'; $this->clickvalue = $thread['tid']; $this->insertrow(); } }
function getsetting() { global $_G; $settings = array('fids' => array('title' => 'text_fids', 'type' => 'mselect', 'value' => array()), 'groups' => array('title' => 'text_groups', 'type' => 'mselect', 'value' => array()), 'category' => array('title' => 'text_category', 'type' => 'mselect', 'value' => array())); loadcache(array('forums', 'grouptype')); $settings['fids']['value'][] = $settings['groups']['value'][] = array(0, ' '); $settings['fids']['value'][] = $settings['groups']['value'][] = array(-1, 'text_index'); if (empty($_G['cache']['forums'])) { $_G['cache']['forums'] = array(); } foreach ($_G['cache']['forums'] as $fid => $forum) { $settings['fids']['value'][] = array($fid, ($forum['type'] == 'forum' ? str_repeat(' ', 4) : ($forum['type'] == 'sub' ? str_repeat(' ', 8) : '')) . $forum['name']); } foreach ($_G['cache']['grouptype']['first'] as $gid => $group) { $settings['groups']['value'][] = array($gid, $group['name']); if ($group['secondlist']) { foreach ($group['secondlist'] as $sgid) { $settings['groups']['value'][] = array($sgid, str_repeat(' ', 4) . $_G['cache']['grouptype']['second'][$sgid]['name']); } } } loadcache('portalcategory'); $this->getcategory(0); $settings['category']['value'] = $this->categoryvalue; return $settings; }
function getdata($style, $parameter) { global $_G; $parameter = $this->cookparameter($parameter); $fups = isset($parameter['fups']) && !in_array(0, (array) $parameter['fups']) ? $parameter['fups'] : ''; $orderby = isset($parameter['orderby']) ? in_array($parameter['orderby'], array('displayorder', 'threads', 'posts', 'todayposts')) ? $parameter['orderby'] : 'displayorder' : 'displayorder'; $titlelength = isset($parameter['titlelength']) ? intval($parameter['titlelength']) : 40; $summarylength = isset($parameter['summarylength']) ? intval($parameter['summarylength']) : 80; $startrow = isset($parameter['startrow']) ? intval($parameter['startrow']) : 0; $items = !empty($parameter['items']) ? intval($parameter['items']) : 10; $bannedids = !empty($parameter['bannedids']) ? explode(',', $parameter['bannedids']) : array(); $sqlban = !empty($bannedids) ? ' AND f.fid NOT IN (' . dimplode($bannedids) . ')' : ''; if (empty($fups)) { loadcache('forums'); if (empty($_G['cache']['forums'])) { $fups = array('0'); } else { $fups = array_keys($_G['cache']['forums']); } } $ffadd1 = ", ff.icon, ff.description"; $ffadd2 = "LEFT JOIN `" . DB::table('forum_forumfield') . "` ff ON f.`fid`=ff.`fid`"; $query = DB::query("SELECT f.* {$ffadd1}\r\n\t\t\tFROM `" . DB::table('forum_forum') . "` f {$ffadd2}\r\n\t\t\tWHERE\r\n\t\t\t" . ($fups ? "f.`fup` IN (" . dimplode($fups) . ") " : "1 ") . "\r\n\t\t\tAND f.`status`='1' AND f.`type`!='group'\r\n\t\t\t{$sqlban}\r\n\t\t\tORDER BY " . ($orderby == 'displayorder' ? "f.fup, f.`displayorder` ASC " : "f.`{$orderby}` DESC") . " LIMIT {$startrow}, {$items}"); $datalist = $list = array(); $attachurl = preg_match('/^(http|ftp|ftps|https):\\/\\//', $_G['setting']['attachurl']) ? $_G['setting']['attachurl'] : $_G['siteurl'] . $_G['setting']['attachurl']; while ($data = DB::fetch($query)) { if (!empty($data['icon'])) { $data['icon'] = preg_match('/^(http|ftp|ftps|https):\\/\\//', $data['icon']) ? $data['icon'] : $attachurl . 'common/' . $data['icon']; } else { $data['icon'] = 'static/image/common/forum_new.gif'; } $list[] = array('id' => $data['fid'], 'idtype' => 'fid', 'title' => cutstr($data['name'], $titlelength, ''), 'url' => 'forum.php?mod=forumdisplay&fid=' . $data['fid'], 'pic' => '', 'summary' => cutstr($data['description'], $summarylength, ''), 'fields' => array('fulltitle' => $data['name'], 'icon' => $data['icon'], 'threads' => intval($data['threads']), 'posts' => intval($data['posts']), 'todayposts' => intval($data['todayposts']))); } return array('html' => '', 'data' => $list); }
function updategroupcreditlog($fid, $uid) { global $_G; if (empty($fid) || empty($uid)) { return false; } $today = date('Ymd', TIMESTAMP); $updategroupcredit = getcookie('groupcredit_' . $fid); if ($updategroupcredit < $today) { $status = DB::result_first("SELECT logdate FROM " . DB::table('forum_groupcreditslog') . " WHERE fid='{$fid}' AND uid='{$uid}' AND logdate='{$today}'"); if (empty($status)) { DB::query("UPDATE " . DB::table('forum_forum') . " SET commoncredits=commoncredits+1 WHERE fid='{$fid}'"); DB::query("REPLACE INTO " . DB::table('forum_groupcreditslog') . " (fid, uid, logdate) VALUES ('{$fid}', '{$uid}', '{$today}')"); if (empty($_G['forum']) || empty($_G['forum']['level'])) { $forum = DB::fetch_first("SELECT name, level, commoncredits FROM " . DB::table('forum_forum') . " WHERE fid='{$fid}'"); } else { $_G['forum']['commoncredits']++; $forum =& $_G['forum']; } if (empty($_G['grouplevels'])) { loadcache('grouplevels'); } $grouplevel = $_G['grouplevels'][$forum['level']]; if ($grouplevel['type'] == 'default' && !($forum['commoncredits'] >= $grouplevel['creditshigher'] && $forum['commoncredits'] < $grouplevel['creditslower'])) { $levelid = DB::result_first("SELECT levelid FROM " . DB::table('forum_grouplevel') . " WHERE type='default' AND creditshigher<='{$forum['commoncredits']}' AND creditslower>'{$forum['commoncredits']}' LIMIT 1"); if (!empty($levelid)) { DB::query("UPDATE " . DB::table('forum_forum') . " SET level='{$levelid}' WHERE fid='{$fid}'"); $groupfounderuid = DB::result_first("SELECT founderuid FROM " . DB::table('forum_forumfield') . " WHERE fid='{$fid}' LIMIT 1"); notification_add($groupfounderuid, 'system', 'grouplevel_update', array('groupname' => '<a href="forum.php?mod=group&fid=' . $fid . '">' . $forum['name'] . '</a>', 'newlevel' => $_G['grouplevels'][$levelid]['leveltitle'])); } } } dsetcookie('groupcredit_' . $fid, $today, 86400); } }
function usesubmit() { global $_G; $list = $uids = array(); $num = !empty($this->parameters['num']) ? intval($this->parameters['num']) : 10; $limit = $num + 20; loadcache('magics'); $mid = !empty($_G['magics']['gift']) ? intval($_G['magics']['gift']['magicid']) : 0; if ($mid) { $query = DB::query('SELECT * FROM ' . DB::table('common_magiclog') . " WHERE magicid = '{$mid}' AND action='2' AND uid != '{$_G['uid']}' ORDER BY dateline DESC LIMIT 0,{$limit}"); while ($value = DB::fetch($query)) { $uids[] = intval($value['uid']); } } if ($uids) { $counter = 0; $query = DB::query('SELECT m.username, mfh.uid, mfh.magicgift FROM ' . DB::table('common_member') . " m LEFT JOIN " . DB::table('common_member_field_home') . " mfh USING(uid) WHERE m.uid IN (" . dimplode($uids) . ")"); while ($value = DB::fetch($query)) { $info = !empty($value['magicgift']) ? unserialize($value['magicgift']) : array(); if (!empty($info['left']) && (empty($info['receiver']) || !in_array($_G['uid'], $info['receiver']))) { $value['avatar'] = addcslashes(avatar($value['uid'], 'small'), "'"); $list[$value['uid']] = $value; $counter++; if ($counter >= $num) { break; } } } } usemagic($this->magic['magicid'], $this->magic['num']); updatemagiclog($this->magic['magicid'], '2', '1', '0', '0', 'uid', $_G['uid']); $op = 'show'; include template('home/magic_detector'); }
function getsetting() { global $_G; $settings = array('fids' => array('title' => 'cornerbanner_fids', 'type' => 'mselect', 'value' => array()), 'groups' => array('title' => 'cornerbanner_groups', 'type' => 'mselect', 'value' => array()), 'category' => array('title' => 'cornerbanner_category', 'type' => 'mselect', 'value' => array()), 'disableclose' => array('title' => 'cornerbanner_disableclose', 'type' => 'mradio', 'value' => array(array(0, 'cornerbanner_show'), array(1, 'cornerbanner_hidden')), 'default' => 0), 'animator' => array('title' => 'cornerbanner_animator', 'type' => 'radio', 'default' => 0)); loadcache(array('forums', 'grouptype')); $settings['fids']['value'][] = $settings['groups']['value'][] = array(0, ' '); $settings['fids']['value'][] = $settings['groups']['value'][] = array(-1, 'cornerbanner_index'); if (empty($_G['cache']['forums'])) { $_G['cache']['forums'] = array(); } foreach ($_G['cache']['forums'] as $fid => $forum) { $settings['fids']['value'][] = array($fid, ($forum['type'] == 'forum' ? str_repeat(' ', 4) : ($forum['type'] == 'sub' ? str_repeat(' ', 8) : '')) . $forum['name']); } foreach ($_G['cache']['grouptype']['first'] as $gid => $group) { $settings['groups']['value'][] = array($gid, str_repeat(' ', 4) . $group['name']); if ($group['secondlist']) { foreach ($group['secondlist'] as $sgid) { $settings['groups']['value'][] = array($sgid, str_repeat(' ', 8) . $_G['cache']['grouptype']['second'][$sgid]['name']); } } } loadcache('portalcategory'); $this->categoryvalue[] = array(-1, 'cornerbanner_index'); $this->getcategory(0); $settings['category']['value'] = $this->categoryvalue; return $settings; }
function get_forums() { global $wf_forum_limit, $wf_forum_display_limit_on, $_G; loadcache('forums'); $forumarray = array(); foreach ($_G['cache']['forums'] as $forum) { if ($forum['type'] == 'group') { $forumarray[$forum['fid']] = $forum; } else { if (isset($forumarray[$forum['fup']]) && in_array($forum['fid'], $wf_forum_limit)) { foreach ($_G['cache']['forums'] as $subforum) { if ($subforum['type'] == 'sub' && $subforum['fup'] == $forum['fid']) { $forum['sub'][$subforum['fid']] = $subforum['fid']; } } $forumarray[$forum['fup']]['sub'][$forum['fid']] = $forum; } } } foreach ($forumarray as $key => $group) { if (empty($group['sub'])) { unset($forumarray[$key]); } } return $forumarray; }