function __construct($dob, $diff, $is_secondary, $dt_change, $partner_dob, $lang_code) { global $lang_codes; $this->_dob = $dob; $this->_partner_dob = isset($partner_dob) ? $partner_dob : $dob; $this->_diff = $diff; $this->_date = date('Y-m-d', time() + 86400 * $this->_diff); $this->_lang_code = in_array($lang_code, $lang_codes) ? $lang_code : 'vi'; $this->_is_secondary = $is_secondary; $this->_dt_change = isset($dt_change) ? $dt_change : $this->_date; if ($this->_is_secondary == 0) { $this->_rhythms = array_filter(load_all_array('nsh_rhythms'), array(new filter($this->_is_secondary), 'filter_secondary')); } else { if ($this->_is_secondary == 1) { $this->_rhythms = load_all_array('nsh_rhythms'); } } sort($this->_rhythms); for ($i = -14; $i <= 14; ++$i) { $j = $i + 14; $day = time() + 86400 * ($i + $diff); $this->_days[$j] = date('d', $day); $this->_dates[$j] = date('Y-m-d', $day); } $this->_rhythms_count = count($this->_rhythms); $this->_dates_count = count($this->_dates); $this->_today_index = array_search(date('Y-m-d'), $this->_dates); $this->_dates_json = json_encode($this->_dates); $this->_rhythms_json = json_encode($this->_rhythms); switch ($this->_lang_code) { case 'vi': $this->_title_text = 'Ngày sinh: '; $this->_explanation_title_text = 'Biểu đồ nhịp sinh học'; $this->_percentage_text = 'Phần trăm'; $this->_average_text = 'Trung bình'; $this->_download_jpeg_text = 'Tải về tập tin JPEG'; $this->_download_pdf_text = 'Tải về tập tin PDF'; $this->_download_png_text = 'Tải về tập tin PNG'; $this->_download_svg_text = 'Tải về tập tin SVG'; $this->_print_chart_text = 'In biểu đồ'; $this->_reset_zoom_text = 'Thiết lập lại'; $this->_date_text = 'Ngày'; $this->_life_path_text = 'con số cuộc đời ' . calculate_life_path($this->_dob); $this->_age = 'tuổi'; $this->_news_h5 = 'Tin tức'; $this->_info_h5 = 'Lời khuyên'; $this->_statistics_h5 = 'Thống kê'; $this->_compatibility_h5 = 'Độ hòa hợp với đối tác'; $this->_lunar_h5 = 'Âm lịch'; if (date('m-d', time() + 86400 * $this->_diff) == date('m-d', strtotime($this->_dob))) { $this->_controls_h5 = 'Sinh nhật'; } else { if ($this->_diff == 0) { $this->_controls_h5 = 'Hôm nay'; } else { if ($this->_diff == 1) { $this->_controls_h5 = 'Ngày mai'; } else { if ($this->_diff == -1) { $this->_controls_h5 = 'Hôm qua'; } else { $this->_controls_h5 = 'Ngày: ' . $this->_date; } } } } break; case 'en': $this->_title_text = 'Date of birth: '; $this->_explanation_title_text = 'Biorhythm chart'; $this->_percentage_text = 'Percentage'; $this->_average_text = 'Average'; $this->_download_jpeg_text = 'Download JPEG file'; $this->_download_pdf_text = 'Download PDF file'; $this->_download_png_text = 'Download PNG file'; $this->_download_svg_text = 'Download SVG file'; $this->_print_chart_text = 'Print chart'; $this->_reset_zoom_text = 'Reset zoom'; $this->_date_text = 'Date'; $this->_life_path_text = 'life path number ' . calculate_life_path($this->_dob); $this->_age = pluralize(differ_year($this->_dob, $this->_date), 'year') . ' old'; $this->_news_h5 = 'News'; $this->_info_h5 = 'Suggestion'; $this->_statistics_h5 = 'Statistics'; $this->_compatibility_h5 = 'Compatibility'; $this->_lunar_h5 = 'Lunar'; if (date('m-d', time() + 86400 * $this->_diff) == date('m-d', strtotime($this->_dob))) { $this->_controls_h5 = 'Birthday'; } else { if ($this->_diff == 0) { $this->_controls_h5 = 'Today'; } else { if ($this->_diff == 1) { $this->_controls_h5 = 'Tomorrow'; } else { if ($this->_diff == -1) { $this->_controls_h5 = 'Yesterday'; } else { $this->_controls_h5 = 'Date: ' . $this->_date; } } } } break; case 'ru': $this->_title_text = 'Дата рождения: '; $this->_explanation_title_text = 'Биоритм диаграммы'; $this->_percentage_text = 'Процент'; $this->_average_text = 'Среднее число'; $this->_download_jpeg_text = 'Скачать JPEG файл'; $this->_download_pdf_text = 'Скачать PDF файл'; $this->_download_png_text = 'Скачать PNG файл'; $this->_download_svg_text = 'Скачать SVG файл'; $this->_print_chart_text = 'Печать диаграммы'; $this->_reset_zoom_text = 'Сбросить зум'; $this->_date_text = 'Дата'; $this->_life_path_text = 'число Жизненный путь ' . calculate_life_path($this->_dob); $this->_age = 'лет'; $this->_news_h5 = 'Новости'; $this->_info_h5 = 'Предложение'; $this->_statistics_h5 = 'Статистика'; $this->_compatibility_h5 = 'Совместимость'; $this->_lunar_h5 = 'Лунный'; if (date('m-d', time() + 86400 * $this->_diff) == date('m-d', strtotime($this->_dob))) { $this->_controls_h5 = 'День рождения'; } else { if ($this->_diff == 0) { $this->_controls_h5 = 'Сегодня'; } else { if ($this->_diff == 1) { $this->_controls_h5 = 'Завтра'; } else { if ($this->_diff == -1) { $this->_controls_h5 = 'Вчерашний день'; } else { $this->_controls_h5 = 'Дата: ' . $this->_date; } } } } break; case 'es': $this->_title_text = 'Fecha de nacimiento: '; $this->_explanation_title_text = 'Biorritmo carta'; $this->_percentage_text = 'Porcentaje'; $this->_average_text = 'Promedio'; $this->_download_jpeg_text = 'Descarga de archivos JPEG'; $this->_download_pdf_text = 'Descarga de archivos PDF'; $this->_download_png_text = 'Descarga de archivos PNG'; $this->_download_svg_text = 'Descarga de archivos SVG'; $this->_print_chart_text = 'Imprimir el gráfico'; $this->_reset_zoom_text = 'Restablecer zoom'; $this->_date_text = 'Fecha'; $this->_life_path_text = 'vida número de camino ' . calculate_life_path($this->_dob); $this->_age = 'años'; $this->_news_h5 = 'Noticias'; $this->_info_h5 = 'Sugerencia'; $this->_statistics_h5 = 'Estadística'; $this->_compatibility_h5 = 'Compatibilidad'; $this->_lunar_h5 = 'Lunar'; if (date('m-d', time() + 86400 * $this->_diff) == date('m-d', strtotime($this->_dob))) { $this->_controls_h5 = 'Cumpleaños'; } else { if ($this->_diff == 0) { $this->_controls_h5 = 'Hoy'; } else { if ($this->_diff == 1) { $this->_controls_h5 = 'Mañana'; } else { if ($this->_diff == -1) { $this->_controls_h5 = 'Ayer'; } else { $this->_controls_h5 = 'Fecha: ' . $this->_date; } } } } break; case 'zh': $this->_title_text = '出生日期: '; $this->_explanation_title_text = '生物节律图'; $this->_percentage_text = '百分比'; $this->_average_text = '平均'; $this->_download_jpeg_text = '下载 JPEG 文件'; $this->_download_pdf_text = '下载 PDF 文件'; $this->_download_png_text = '下载 PNG 文件'; $this->_download_svg_text = '下载 SVG 文件'; $this->_print_chart_text = '打印图表'; $this->_reset_zoom_text = '重置缩放'; $this->_date_text = '上'; $this->_life_path_text = '人生道路数量 ' . calculate_life_path($this->_dob); $this->_age = '岁老'; $this->_news_h5 = '新闻'; $this->_info_h5 = '建议'; $this->_statistics_h5 = '统计学'; $this->_compatibility_h5 = '兼容性'; $this->_lunar_h5 = '阴历'; if (date('m-d', time() + 86400 * $this->_diff) == date('m-d', strtotime($this->_dob))) { $this->_controls_h5 = '生辰'; } else { if ($this->_diff == 0) { $this->_controls_h5 = '今天'; } else { if ($this->_diff == 1) { $this->_controls_h5 = '明天'; } else { if ($this->_diff == -1) { $this->_controls_h5 = '昨天'; } else { $this->_controls_h5 = '上: ' . $this->_date; } } } } break; case 'ja': $this->_title_text = '生まれた日: '; $this->_explanation_title_text = 'バイオリズムチャート'; $this->_percentage_text = '百分率'; $this->_average_text = '平均する'; $this->_download_jpeg_text = 'ダウンロード JPEG ファイル'; $this->_download_pdf_text = 'ダウンロード PDF ファイル'; $this->_download_png_text = 'ダウンロード PNG ファイル'; $this->_download_svg_text = 'ダウンロード SVG ファイル'; $this->_print_chart_text = 'チャート印刷'; $this->_reset_zoom_text = 'ズームをリセット'; $this->_date_text = '日付'; $this->_life_path_text = 'ライフパス番号 ' . calculate_life_path($this->_dob); $this->_age = '歳'; $this->_news_h5 = 'ニュース'; $this->_info_h5 = '提案'; $this->_statistics_h5 = '統計学'; $this->_compatibility_h5 = '互換性'; $this->_lunar_h5 = '太陰暦'; if (date('m-d', time() + 86400 * $this->_diff) == date('m-d', strtotime($this->_dob))) { $this->_controls_h5 = 'バースデー'; } else { if ($this->_diff == 0) { $this->_controls_h5 = '今日'; } else { if ($this->_diff == 1) { $this->_controls_h5 = 'あくる日'; } else { if ($this->_diff == -1) { $this->_controls_h5 = '昨日'; } else { $this->_controls_h5 = '日付: ' . $this->_date; } } } } break; } }
/?p=pong</loc> <changefreq>monthly</changefreq> <priority>0.8</priority> <mobile:mobile/> </url> <url> <loc>http://<?php echo $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']; ?> /?p=race</loc> <changefreq>monthly</changefreq> <priority>0.8</priority> <mobile:mobile/> </url> <?php $users = load_all_array('nsh_users'); usort($users, 'sort_name_ascend'); $count = count($users); for ($i = 0; $i < $count; ++$i) { ?> <url> <loc>http://<?php echo $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']; ?> /?fullname=<?php echo str_replace(' ', '+', $users[$i]['name']); ?> &dob=<?php echo $users[$i]['dob']; ?> </loc>
function list_rhythms() { //Return list of rhythms, for admin use $output = ''; $rhythms = load_all_array('nsh_rhythms'); $output .= '<a class="button" href="/rhythm/create/">Create rhythm</a>'; $output .= '<table class="admin">'; $output .= '<tr><th>Rhythm ID</th><th>Rhythm name</th><th colspan="3">Operations</th></tr>'; $count = count($rhythms); $output .= '<tr><td class="count" colspan="6">' . $count . ' item' . ($count > 1 ? 's' : '') . ' to display.</td></tr>'; for ($i = 0; $i < $count; ++$i) { $class = 'class="' . table_row_class($i) . '"'; $output .= '<tr ' . $class . '>'; $output .= '<td>' . $rhythms[$i]['rid'] . '</td>'; $output .= '<td>' . $rhythms[$i]['name'] . '</td>'; $output .= '<td><form method="POST" action="/rhythm/edit/"><input type="hidden" name="rid" value="' . $rhythms[$i]['rid'] . '" /><input type="hidden" name="old_name" value="' . $rhythms[$i]['name'] . '" /><input type="hidden" name="old_scale" value="' . $rhythms[$i]['scale'] . '" /><input type="hidden" name="old_description_en" value="' . str_replace('"', "'", $rhythms[$i]['description_en']) . '" /><input type="hidden" name="old_description_ru" value="' . str_replace('"', "'", $rhythms[$i]['description_ru']) . '" /><input type="hidden" name="old_description_es" value="' . str_replace('"', "'", $rhythms[$i]['description_es']) . '" /><input type="hidden" name="old_description_zh" value="' . str_replace('"', "'", $rhythms[$i]['description_zh']) . '" /><input type="hidden" name="old_description_ja" value="' . str_replace('"', "'", $rhythms[$i]['description_ja']) . '" /><input name="rhythm_edit" type="submit" value="Edit"/></form></td>'; $output .= '<td><form method="POST" action="/triggers/change_rhythm_type.php"><input type="hidden" name="rid" value="' . $rhythms[$i]['rid'] . '" /><input name="rhythm_chang_type" type="submit" title="Make rhythm ' . ($rhythms[$i]['is_secondary'] == 0 ? 'secondary' : 'primary') . '" value="' . ($rhythms[$i]['is_secondary'] == 0 ? 'Primary' : 'Secondary') . '"/></form></td>'; $output .= '<td><form method="POST" action="/rhythm/delete/"><input type="hidden" name="rid" value="' . $rhythms[$i]['rid'] . '" /><input name="rhythm_delete" type="submit" value="Delete"/></form></td>'; $output .= '</tr>'; } $output .= '</table>'; return $output; }