예제 #1
파일: g.php 프로젝트: alencarmo/OCF
 function load(&$obj, $idOrQuery, $class = "", $triggerError = FALSE)
     global $dbClasses;
     if ($class) {
         if (!class_exists($class)) {
             $s = "Class doesn't exists: {$class}";
             trigger_error($s, E_USER_WARNING);
         if (is_callable(array($class, "createObject"))) {
             $obj = call_user_func(array($class, "createObject"));
         } else {
             $obj = new $class();
         $obj->id = $idOrQuery;
         if (($ret = load($obj)) && $triggerError) {
             $s = "Object not found in DB: class: {$class}, id: {$idOrQuery}";
             trigger_error($s, E_USER_WARNING);
         return $ret;
     } else {
         $idOrQueryRef = is_array($idOrQuery) ? $idOrQuery[0] : $idOrQuery;
         preg_match("/\\bFROM +@?(\\w+)\\b/i", $idOrQueryRef, $matches);
         $class = $matches[1];
         if (class_exists("app{$class}")) {
             $class = "app{$class}";
         if (!class_exists($class)) {
             $s = "Class doesn't exists: {$class}";
             trigger_error($s, E_USER_WARNING);
         if (is_callable(array($class, "createObject"))) {
             $obj = call_user_func(array($class, "createObject"));
         } else {
             $obj = new $class();
         // ha a class egy olyan leszarmazott osztaly, hogy a hozza tartozo table az ososztaly neve alatt fut:
         if (!in_array($class, $dbClasses)) {
             // akkor a class nevet kicsereljuk az ososztaly nevere a query-ben:
             $idOrQuery = preg_replace("/\\b(FROM +@?)({$class})\\b/i", "\$1" . $obj->get_table(), $idOrQuery);
         loadObjectsSql($obj, $idOrQuery, $obj);
         return count($obj);
         // ilyenkor azt adja vissza, hogy hany elemet talalt
예제 #2
 function handleEnumValueChange($stack = FALSE, $oldValue = FALSE, $newValue = FALSE)
     if ($stack === FALSE) {
         if (!isset($_POST["optionValueModificationStack"]) || !count($stack = JavaScript::jsonDecode($_POST["optionValueModificationStack"]))) {
         // ha nem vol modositas, vagy torles
     if ($oldValue !== FALSE) {
         // ha propagate van, nem csak azokat a modositasokat kell figyelembe venni, amik az adott modifyban tortentek,
         // hanem a korabbiakat is. Ezt a 'values' regi es uj ertekenek osszehasonlitasaval erjuk el. Ha talalunk olyat,
         // ami nincs benne az uj 'values'-ban, azt hozzaadjuk $stack-hoz egy 'delete' action-nel:
         $oldValueArr = splitByCommas($oldValue, FALSE);
         // without HTML encoding
         $modified = array_unique(array_map(create_function('$v', 'return $v[0]=="modify" ? $v[1] : "";'), $stack));
         foreach ($oldValueArr as $val) {
             if (!in_array($val, $newValue) && !in_array($val, $modified)) {
                 $stack[] = array("delete", $val);
     if (!$stack) {
     // ha az old es new values osszehasonlitasa utan se derul ki, hogy lett volna torles v. modositas
     $affectedValues = array_map(create_function('$v', 'return quoteSQL(str_replace(",", ",,", $v[1]));'), $stack);
     $regexp = array();
     $columnIndex = G::getAttr($this->id, "itemfield", "columnIndex");
     foreach ($affectedValues as $v) {
         $regexp[] = "{$columnIndex} LIKE '%{$v}%'";
     $whereCond = " WHERE (" . implode(" OR ", $regexp) . ")";
     if ($this->cid) {
         $whereCond .= " AND (cid={$this->cid} OR cid=0)";
     $query = "SELECT id, {$columnIndex} FROM @" . $this->getManagedTable() . $whereCond;
     G::load($objs, $query);
     $customLists = new CustomList();
     $query = "SELECT * FROM @search {$whereCond}";
     if (!loadObjectsSql($customLists, $query, $customLists)) {
         $objs = array_merge($objs, $customLists);
     foreach ($objs as $obj) {
         $vals = splitByCommas($obj->{$columnIndex}, FALSE);
         $map = array_flip($vals);
         foreach ($stack as $action) {
             if (isset($map[$action[1]])) {
                 // modositjuk, ha modify, uresre allitjuk, ha delete:
                 $vals[$map[$action[1]]] = $action[0] == 'modify' ? $action[2] : "";
         $obj->{$columnIndex} = array_filter($vals);
         // removes the empty values
         if (is_a($obj, "search")) {
         } else {
예제 #3
파일: object.php 프로젝트: alencarmo/OCF
 function loadObjectsSQL($query, &$objArr)
     return loadObjectsSql($this, $query, $objArr);
예제 #4
파일: category.php 프로젝트: alencarmo/OCF
 function recalculateAllItemNums($overridePermission = FALSE)
     if (!$overridePermission) {
         if (!$isAdm) {
             handleErrorPerm(__FILE__, __LINE__);
     $cats = new AppCategory();
     $query = "SELECT * FROM @category WHERE up=0";
     loadObjectsSql($cats, $query, $cats);
     foreach ($cats as $cat) {
     $this->nextAction =& new AppController("/");
예제 #5
 function deleteColumn($field)
     if ($field->isCommon) {
         $cidCond = "";
     } else {
         $cidCond = " AND cid=#cid#";
     // ha nem common a custom field, amit torlunk, csak azoknak a custom listeknek az oszlopaibol kell torolni,
     // amik a field categoriajara specifikusak:
     $query = array("SELECT id, `columns`, cache FROM @search WHERE FIND_IN_SET(#id#, `columns`)!=0 {$cidCond}", "columns", $field->id, "columns", $field->cid);
     loadObjectsSql($lists = new CustomList(), $query, $lists);
     foreach ($lists as $l) {
         $f = preg_replace("{(,)?\\b{$this->id}\\b(?(1)|(,|\$))}", "", $l->columns);
         executeQuery(array("UPDATE @search SET `columns`=#f# WHERE id=#id#", "columns", $f, $l->id));
         if ($l->cache) {
             CacheManager::resetCache($l->id, TRUE, FALSE);
     $query = array("SELECT *, '' AS str FROM @search WHERE query LIKE '%{$field->columnIndex}%' {$cidCond}", $field->cid);
     $lists = new CustomList();
     $lists->cid = $field->cid;
     loadObjectsSql($lists, $query, $lists);
     foreach ($lists as $l) {
         if ($l->cache) {
             CacheManager::resetCache($l->id, TRUE, FALSE);
예제 #6
파일: item.php 프로젝트: alencarmo/OCF
 function delete($whereFields = "", $calledFrom = 'itemDelete')
     global $gorumroll, $siteDemo;
     $_S =& new AppSettings();
     if ($siteDemo) {
         return Roll::setInfoText("This operation is not permitted in the demo.");
     G::load($cat, $this->cid, "appcategory");
     if ($calledFrom != 'categoryDelete' && $this->status) {
     $query = array("SELECT id, favorities FROM @user WHERE FIND_IN_SET(#this->id#, favorities)!=0", $this->id);
     $users = new User();
     loadObjectsSql($users, $query, $users);
     foreach ($users as $u) {
         $f = preg_replace("{(,)?\\b{$this->id}\\b(?(1)|(,|\$))}", "", $u->favorities);
         executeQuery("UPDATE @user SET favorities=#f# WHERE id=#u->id#", $f, $u->id);
     if ($_S->ecommerceEnabled()) {
         executeQuery("DELETE FROM @purchaseitem WHERE iid=#id#", $this->id);
     // Ha az admin torolte ki az ad-et, akkor emailt kell kuldeni a
     // tulajnak:
     // Ha a kategoria torleserol jutunk ide, nem kell levelet kuldeni:
     if ($isAdm && $calledFrom == 'itemDelete') {
         G::load($n, Notification_adDeleted, "notification");
         if ($n->active) {
             if ($ownerEmail = $this->getEmailParams($params)) {
                 $n->send($ownerEmail, $params);
예제 #7
파일: init.php 프로젝트: alencarmo/OCF
 function makeCustomMenu($which, $templateAttrName)
     global $theme;
     if ($theme == "classic") {
         if ($which == customlist_userMenu) {
             $where = "displayInMenu={$which} OR displayInMenu=" . customlist_loginMenu;
         } elseif ($which == customlist_adminMenu) {
             $where = "displayInMenu={$which} OR displayInMenu=" . customlist_categoryMenu;
         } else {
             $where = "displayInMenu={$which}";
     } else {
         $where = "displayInMenu={$which}";
     loadObjectsSql($lists = new CustomList(), "SELECT id, listTitle, displayedFor FROM @search WHERE {$where} ORDER BY id ASC", $lists);
     $customMenu = array_map(array('appinit', 'customListMapper'), array_filter($lists, array('customlist', 'customListFilter')));
     View::assign($templateAttrName, $customMenu);
예제 #8
파일: cache.php 프로젝트: alencarmo/OCF
 function resetCache($cidOrCustomListId = 0, $performReset = FALSE, $categoryId = TRUE)
     static $resetForCategories = array();
     if (!file_exists(CACHE_DIR)) {
     // a program vegrehajtasa soran a $resetForCategories-be gyujtogetjuk azokat a category ID-ket, amikre a
     // cache-t a program vegen resetelni kell. Azert csinaljuk igy, hogy a tenyleges resetelest csak egyszer kelljen vegrehajtani
     if ($categoryId) {
         $resetForCategories[] = $cidOrCustomListId;
     if ($performReset && ($count = count($resetForCategories)) || !$categoryId) {
         // vagy cid alapjan torlunk file-okat, vagy custom list ID alapjan:
         if ($categoryId) {
             $cidCond = $count == 1 ? "cid='{$resetForCategories['0']}'" : "FIND_IN_SET(cid, '" . implode(",", $resetForCategories) . "')!=0";
             $query = "SELECT id FROM @search WHERE {$cidCond} AND cache!=0";
             loadObjectsSql($lists = new CustomList(), $query, $lists);
         } else {
             $lists = array(new CustomList());
             $lists[0]->id = $cidOrCustomListId;
         if (count($lists) && ($d = dir(CACHE_DIR))) {
             $files = array();
             while (false !== ($entry = $d->read())) {
                 if (strstr($entry, ".html") || strstr($entry, ".inc")) {
                     $files[] = $entry;
             foreach ($lists as $l) {
                 foreach ($files as $f) {
                     if (strstr($f, "item_search-showhtmllist-{$l->id}-")) {
                         //FP::log("Deleting $f");
                         @unlink(CACHE_DIR . "/" . $f);
예제 #9
 function &getListToPageAssignment()
     global $gorumroll;
     static $listToPageAssignment = 0;
     if ($listToPageAssignment) {
         return $listToPageAssignment;
     $listToPageAssignment = array_fill(0, 6, array());
     loadObjectsSql($lists = new CustomList(), "SELECT * FROM @search WHERE pages!='' ORDER BY id ASC", $lists);
     $lists = array_filter($lists, array('customlist', 'customListFilter'));
     $qs = trim($gorumroll->queryString, "/");
     foreach ($lists as $list) {
         $condArr = explode("\n", $list->pages);
         $composedConditionYes = array();
         // ha a customlist "details" page-et nezzuk, ne legyen rajta a list meg egyszer:
         $composedConditionNo = array("\$qs=='customlist/{$list->id}'");
         foreach ($condArr as $condPiece) {
             $condPiece = trim(str_replace("'", "", $condPiece));
             if ($not = $condPiece[0] == "!") {
                 $condPiece = substr($condPiece, 1);
             $condPiece = trim($condPiece, "/");
             if (strstr($condPiece, "*")) {
                 $condPiece = str_replace("*", "[^/]*", $condPiece);
                 $condPiece = "preg_match('{" . $condPiece . "}', \$qs)";
             } else {
                 $condPiece = "\$qs=='{$condPiece}'";
             if ($not) {
                 $composedConditionNo[] = $condPiece;
             } else {
                 $composedConditionYes[] = $condPiece;
         $composedCondition = implode(" || ", $composedConditionYes);
         if ($composedCondition) {
             $composedCondition = "({$composedCondition}) && ";
         $composedCondition .= "!(" . implode(" || ", $composedConditionNo) . ")";
         eval("\$cond = {$composedCondition};");
         if ($cond) {
             if ($list->listStyle == customlist_normal) {
                 $positionAttr = "positionNormal";
             } elseif ($list->listStyle == customlist_scrollable) {
                 $positionAttr = "positionScrollable";
             foreach (explode(",", $list->{$positionAttr}) as $position) {
                 $listToPageAssignment[$position][] = $list->id;
     return $listToPageAssignment;