function security() { $_SESSION['verify'] = strtolower(randStr(4)); loadLib('Image'); Image::verify($_SESSION['verify'], 50, 33); //Image::security($_SESSION['verify'], 80, 35, 20, CORE_PATH.'font/t1.ttf'); }
function __construct() { global $_G; parent::__construct(); loadLib('Session'); Session::start(db(), "{$_G['db_prefix']}session"); if (empty($_SESSION['user_id'])) { header('Location: ' . url('Login')); } //$this->checkRole(); }
function loadSubCapsule($path, $params = '', $sname = null) { // echo " [loading subCapsule $path with $params] "; $name = strtolower($path); if (!file_exists(CAPSULES_PATH . $path . '.view')) { if (file_exists(CAPSULES_PATH . $path . '/' . $path . '.view')) { $path = $path . '/' . $path; } } if (strstr($path, '/')) { $a = explode('/', $path); $controller = ucwords($a[count($a) - 1]); $name = strtolower($controller); } else { $controller = ucwords($path); } if (file_exists(CAPSULES_PATH . $path . '.controller')) { require_once CAPSULES_PATH . $path . '.controller'; } else { if (DEFAULT_BUFFERTIME > 0) { loadLib('bufferedcapsule'); $controller = 'Bufferedcapsule'; $params = name2url($path); } else { $controller = 'Capsule'; } } $view = $path . '.view'; $capsuleobject = new $controller($view); $capsuleobject->init($params); if (!is_null($sname)) { $name = $sname; } // echo " [name=$name] "; $this->params[$name] = $capsuleobject->getHtml(); return $capsuleobject; }
function getCapsuleFromAutomapping($surl) { if (strlen($surl) == 0) { return array(); } if ($surl[0] == '/') { $surl = substr($surl, 1); } //accept only existing Capsules $aurlparts = explode("/", $surl); $capsulename = $aurlparts[0]; if (!is_dir(CAPSULES_PATH . $capsulename)) { return array(); } $params = ''; $nurlparts = count($aurlparts); if ($nurlparts == 2) { //url like /capsulename/view $path_parts = pathinfo($surl); $filename = $path_parts['basename']; $filename = str_replace(' ', '_', $filename); $filename = str_replace('%20', '_', $filename); $capspath = CAPSULES_PATH . $capsulename . '/' . $filename . '.controller'; if (file_exists($capspath)) { return array('capsule' => $capsulename, 'controller' => $filename, 'view' => $filename, 'params' => ''); } $viewpath = CAPSULES_PATH . $capsulename . '/' . $filename . '.view'; if (DEFAULT_BUFFERTIME > 0) { loadLib('bufferedcapsule'); $controller = 'bufferedcapsule'; $params = name2url($path); } else { $controller = 'capsule'; } if (file_exists($viewpath)) { return array('capsule' => $capsulename, 'controller' => $controller, 'view' => $filename, 'params' => $params); } } if ($nurlparts == 1) { //url like /capsulename $viewpath = CAPSULES_PATH . $capsulename . '/' . $capsulename . '.view'; // echo " mapping $capsulename "; if (file_exists(CAPSULES_PATH . $capsulename . '/' . $capsulename . '.controller')) { $controller = $capsulename; } else { if (DEFAULT_BUFFERTIME > 0) { loadLib('bufferedcapsule'); $controller = 'bufferedcapsule'; $params = name2url($path); } else { $controller = 'capsule'; } } if (file_exists($viewpath)) { return array('capsule' => $capsulename, 'controller' => $controller, 'view' => $capsulename, 'params' => $params); } if (file_exists(CAPSULES_PATH . $capsulename . '/' . $capsulename . '.controller')) { return array('capsule' => $capsulename, 'controller' => $controller, 'view' => $capsulename, 'params' => $params); } } return array(); }
<?php loadLib('appointment'); loadJS('add_payment.js', 'payment'); $patient_id = getVar('patient_id'); $patient = getPatient($patient_id); //get all the patient appointments to display in the side menu $appointments = Appointment::getAppointments($patient_id); include 'views/patient_menu.php';
<?php //Component Settings loadCSS('settings.css', 'settings'); loadJS('settings.js', 'settings'); loadLib('invoice'); switch (getTask()) { case 'save_template': $wpdb->update('table_letter_templates', array('template' => getVar('template'), 'name' => getVar('template_name')), array('id' => getVar('template_id'))); break; case 'delete_template': $wpdb->delete('table_letter_templates', array('id' => getVar('template_id'))); break; case 'add_new_template': $wpdb->insert('table_letter_templates', array('category_id' => getVar('category_id'), 'name' => 'New template')); //get the letter_id just created to pass to the select_category view $template_id = $wpdb->insert_id; break; } switch (getView()) { case 'general': // display the settings menu include 'views/general.php'; break; case 'select_category': // get letter categories to select from $query = "SELECT * from table_letter_categories"; $categories = $wpdb->get_results($query); include 'views/select_category.php'; break; case 'templates':
function queueHtml($srecipient, $ssubject, $sbody, $sfroms = false, $scc = false, $sbcc = false, $sattachmentspath = false) { // echo "queueHtml($srecipient, $ssubject, $sbody, $sfroms, $scc, $sbcc, $sattachmentspath) \n"; if (!$sfroms) { $sfroms = EMAIL_FROM; } loadLib('string'); $sfrom = strip_to_bare_email($sfroms); $sfromname = strip_email_to_bare_name($sfroms); $sdir = Mailer::findFreeDir(); // echo " sdir=$sdir "; file_put_contents($sdir . 'body.mail', $sbody); $details = "subject={$ssubject}\n"; $details .= "to={$srecipient}\n"; $details .= "cc={$scc}\n"; $details .= "bcc={$sbcc}\n"; $details .= "mode=text/html\n"; $details .= "from={$sfrom}\n"; $details .= "fromname={$sfromname}\n"; file_put_contents($sdir . 'details.mail', $details); $headers = ''; $headers .= "Content-type: text/html; charset=" . EMAIL_CHARSET . "\r\n"; $headers .= "From: {$sfrom}\r\n"; if ($scc) { $headers .= "Cc: {$scc}\r\n"; } if ($sbcc) { $headers .= "Bcc: {$sbcc}\r\n"; } file_put_contents($sdir . 'headers.mail', $headers); // echo "aqq [$sattachmentspath] "; if ($sattachmentspath) { loadLib('filesystem'); // echo "dircopy "; Filesystem::dircopy($sattachmentspath, $sdir); } return file_put_contents(EMAIL_OUTBOX_PATH . 'jobs.queue', $sdir); }
define('INIT', true); define('PAGE_DIR', __DIR__ . '/page/'); define('CONFIG_DIR', __DIR__ . '/config/'); define('LIB_DIR', __DIR__ . '/lib/'); define('TEMPLATE_DIR', __DIR__ . '/template/'); define('VIEW_DIR', PAGE_DIR . 'view/'); ob_start(); session_start(); function loadLib($name) { require_once LIB_DIR . $name . '.php'; } loadLib('profiler'); startProfiler(); foreach (array('account', 'auth', 'config', 'database', 'view') as $lib) { loadLib($lib); } connectDatabase(); /* @var $pages array */ $pages = getConfig('pages'); /* @var $page string */ $page = 'home'; if (isset($_GET['page']) && isset($pages[$_GET['page']])) { $page = $_GET['page']; } /* @var $content string */ $content = (include_once PAGE_DIR . $pages[$page]); echo renderTemplate(getConfigValue('main', 'template'), $content); disconnectDatabase(); finishProfiler(); saveProfilerResult();
<?php //Component Tasks loadLib('task'); loadJS('tasks.js', 'tasks'); //loadCSS('payment.css','payment'); switch (getVar('task')) { case 'add_task': Task::addTask(getVar('creator_id'), getVar('assigned_to_id'), getVar('taskname'), getVar('note')); setResponse('Task added...'); break; case 'complete_task': break; case 'delete_task': break; case 'get_users': echo $users = json_encode(get_users()); break; } switch (getView()) { case 'list': $user_id = get_current_user_id(); //get all the tasks for the user $tasks = Task::getTasks(); //set the backLink //$backLink = "index.php?com=patient&view=patient&patient_id=" . $patient_id; include 'views/list.php'; break; }
<?php /** * This is an example of a script running in background * with Semaphore */ require_once '../config.php'; require_once ENGINE_PATH . 'engine.functions.php'; //one instance at a time loadLib('semaphore'); $semaphore = new Semaphore('maintenance', 'takeover mode', true); if (!$semaphore->isMine()) { die(0); } //establish db connection // $odb = getOdb(); //clean cache loadLib('filesystem'); echo "\n" . date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . "\n"; Filesystem::removeFromPublic('*', true); Filesystem::remove(TEMP_PATH . '*', true); //clear the semaphore $semaphore->clear();
<?php //Component Payment loadLib('payment'); loadLib('clinic'); //loadJS('payment.js','payment'); //loadCSS('payment.css','payment'); switch (getVar('task')) { case 'add_payment': //check if the user has rights to add a payment if (current_user_can('add_payment')) { Payment::addPayment(getVar('patient_id'), getVar('clinic'), getVar('practitioner_id'), getVar('description'), getVar('amount')); error_log("Adding the payment", 0); setResponse('Payment Registered... !!'); } break; case 'get_clinics': //get the clinics to use in the payment echo $clinics = json_encode(Clinic::getClinics()); break; case 'get_fees': echo $fees = json_encode(Payment::getFees()); break; case 'get_users': echo $users = json_encode(get_users('role=practitioner')); break; } switch (getView()) { case 'list': //get all the payments from the clinics $payments = Payment::getAllPayments();
<?php //Component Invoice loadLib('invoice'); loadLib('payment'); loadJS('invoice.js', 'invoice'); loadCSS('invoice.css', 'invoice'); $patient_id = getVar('patient_id'); switch (getVar('task')) { case 'create_new_invoice': $patient = getPatient($patient_id); $invoice = new Invoice(); $invoice->patient_id = $patient_id; $invoice->clinic_id = $patient->clinic; $invoice->address = $patient->patient_surname . ' ' . $patient->patient_firstname . '<br>' . $patient->address . '<br>' . $patient->postcode . ' ' . $patient->city . '<br>' . $patient->country; $invoice->insertInvoice(); $invoice_id = $invoice->invoice_id; // get the ID to be used in edit_invoice view break; case 'delete_invoice': Invoice::deleteInvoice(getVar('invoice_id')); break; case 'add_invoice_item': //set payment to invoiced Payment::setPaymentInvoicedStatus(getVar('payment_id'), 1); $invoice_item = new Invoice(); $invoice_item->invoice_id = getVar('invoice_id'); $invoice_item->payment_id = getVar('payment_id'); $invoice_item->item_description = getVar('item_description'); $invoice_item->item_price = getVar('item_price'); $invoice_item->addInvoiceItem();