예제 #1
 * Returns a Lat and Lng from an Address using Google Geocoder API. It does not require any Google API Key
 * originially based on allow_url_fopen-scripty by Abdullah Rubiyath
function lmm_getLatLng($address)
    global $locale;
    $protocol_handler = substr($locale, 0, 2) == 'zh' ? 'http' : 'https';
    //info: conditional ssl loading for Google js (performance issues in China)
    $address_to_geocode = lmm_accent_folding($address);
    $url = $protocol_handler . '://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/geocode/xml?address=' . urlencode($address_to_geocode);
    $xml_raw = wp_remote_get($url, array('sslverify' => false, 'timeout' => 10));
    $xml = simplexml_load_string($xml_raw['body']);
    $response = array();
    $statusCode = $xml->status;
    if ($statusCode != false && $statusCode != NULL) {
        if ($statusCode == 'OK') {
            $latDom = $xml->result[0]->geometry->location->lat;
            $lonDom = $xml->result[0]->geometry->location->lng;
            $addressDom = $xml->result[0]->formatted_address;
            if ($latDom != NULL) {
                $response = array('success' => true, 'lat' => $latDom, 'lon' => $lonDom, 'address' => $addressDom);
                return $response;
        } else {
            if ($statusCode == 'OVER_QUERY_LIMIT') {
                //info: wait 1.5sec and try again once
                $xml_raw = wp_remote_get($url, array('sslverify' => false, 'timeout' => 10));
                $xml = simplexml_load_string($xml_raw['body']);
                $response = array();
                $statusCode = $xml->status;
                if ($statusCode != false && $statusCode != NULL) {
                    if ($statusCode == 'OK') {
                        $latDom = $xml->result[0]->geometry->location->lat;
                        $lonDom = $xml->result[0]->geometry->location->lng;
                        $addressDom = $xml->result[0]->formatted_address;
                        if ($latDom != NULL) {
                            $response = array('success' => true, 'lat' => $latDom, 'lon' => $lonDom, 'address' => $addressDom);
                            return $response;
    $response = array('success' => false, 'message' => $statusCode);
    return $response;
예제 #2
 * Returns a Lat and Lng from an Address using Google Geocoder API. It does not require any Google API Key
 * originially based on allow_url_fopen-scripty by Abdullah Rubiyath
function lmm_getLatLng($address)
    $address_to_geocode = lmm_accent_folding($address);
    $url = 'http://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/geocode/xml?address=' . urlencode($address_to_geocode) . '&sensor=false';
    $xml_raw = wp_remote_get($url, array('sslverify' => false, 'timeout' => 10));
    $xml = simplexml_load_string($xml_raw['body']);
    $response = array();
    $statusCode = $xml->status;
    if ($statusCode != false && $statusCode != NULL) {
        if ($statusCode == 'OK') {
            $latDom = $xml->result[0]->geometry->location->lat;
            $lonDom = $xml->result[0]->geometry->location->lng;
            $addressDom = $xml->result[0]->formatted_address;
            if ($latDom != NULL) {
                $response = array('success' => true, 'lat' => $latDom, 'lon' => $lonDom, 'address' => $addressDom);
                return $response;
        } else {
            if ($statusCode == 'OVER_QUERY_LIMIT') {
                //info: wait 1.5sec and try again once
                $xml_raw = wp_remote_get($url, array('sslverify' => false, 'timeout' => 10));
                $xml = simplexml_load_string($xml_raw['body']);
                $response = array();
                $statusCode = $xml->status;
                if ($statusCode != false && $statusCode != NULL) {
                    if ($statusCode == 'OK') {
                        $latDom = $xml->result[0]->geometry->location->lat;
                        $lonDom = $xml->result[0]->geometry->location->lng;
                        $addressDom = $xml->result[0]->formatted_address;
                        if ($latDom != NULL) {
                            $response = array('success' => true, 'lat' => $latDom, 'lon' => $lonDom, 'address' => $addressDom);
                            return $response;
    $response = array('success' => false, 'message' => $statusCode);
    return $response;