function live_crsi_buy($date, $portfolioID, $enterCRSI, $enterRange, $enterLimit, $orderBy)
    global $max_num_holdings;
    global $max_risk;
    global $risk_factor;
    global $stop_loss_multiplier;
    global $portfolio_tbl;
    global $showOutput;
    global $commission;
    global $tranHistArray;
    global $portfolio_table;
    global $live_daily_buy_list;
    global $quote_table;
    global $liveportfolio;
    echo "date: ", $date, " id: ", $portfolioID, " order by: ", $orderBy, PHP_EOL;
    $breakOutStockArray = live_getBuyList($date, $portfolioID, $orderBy);
    #var_dump ($breakOutStockArray);
    $len_array = count($breakOutStockArray);
    //$risk_factor = 1 / $max_num_holdings;
    $portfolio_value = 0;
    $current_pos = 0;
    $next_buy_point = 100000;
    $stop_loss = 0;
    $num_shares = 0;
    $current_N = 0;
    $risk_value = 0;
    $purchase_value = 0;
    $sim_start_day = 55;
    $pyramid_mode = 0;
    $stop_loss = 0;
    $current_trade_date_id = 0;
    $workingArray = $breakOutStockArray;
    $adxArray = "";
    $adxCount = 1;
    $len_array = count($breakOutStockArray);
    $portfolio_value = live_get_portfolio_value($date, $portfolioID);
    $query = "select shares from {$liveportfolio} where symbol = 'CASH' and portfolio_id = " . $portfolioID;
    $result = queryMysql($query);
    while ($data = mysql_fetch_row($result)) {
        $cash = $data[0];
    $buyingpower = 0;
    $pendingcash = 0;
    $query = "select sum(a.shares * b.close) from {$order_queue} a, {$quote_table} b where portfolio_id = {$portfolioID} and a.symbol = b.symbol and a.order_type like '%SELL%'";
    $result = queryMysql($query);
    while ($data = mysql_fetch_row($result)) {
        $pendingcash = $data[0];
    $buyingpower = $cash + $pendingcash;
    #$current_risk = get_portfolio_risk($date, $portfolioID);
    $current_risk = live_get_portfolio_risk($date, $portfolioID);
    $buy_array = array();
    for ($x = 0; $x < $len_array; $x++) {
        ### get portfolio value
        #$portfolio_value = get_historical_turtle_portfolio_value($date, $portfolioID);
        ### get current available cash
        #$query = "select shares from turtle_portfolio where symbol = 'CASH' and portfolio_id = ".$portfolioID;
        #$result = queryMysql($query);
        #while ($data = mysql_fetch_row($result)) {
        #	$cash = $data[0];
        $risk_value = $portfolio_value * $risk_factor / 100;
        $current_N = $breakOutStockArray[$x]['ATR'];
        if ($current_N > 0) {
            $num_shares = floor($risk_value / ($stop_loss_multiplier * $current_N));
        $purchase_price = $breakOutStockArray[$x]['close'];
        $purchase_value = $num_shares * $purchase_price + $commission;
        $stop_loss = $purchase_price - $stop_loss_multiplier * $current_N;
        $stop_buy = $purchase_price + $current_N;
        echo "buying power: ", $buyingpower, "cash: ", $cash, " purchase value: ", $purchase_value, " current risk: ", $current_risk, " max risk: {$max_risk} ", " current N: ", $current_N, " num shares: ", $num_shares, PHP_EOL;
        #if (($cash > $purchase_value) && ($current_risk < $max_risk)) {
        if ($buyingpower > $purchase_value && $current_risk < $max_risk) {
            #$cash = $cash - $purchase_value;
            $buyingpower = $buyingpower - $purchase_value;
            $risk_dollar = $num_shares * ($stop_loss_multiplier * $current_N);
            $risk_pct = $risk_dollar / $portfolio_value * 100;
            $current_risk += $risk_pct;
            $order_type = "BUY_OPEN";
            $symbol = $breakOutStockArray[$x]['symbol'];
            #echo "date: $today symbol: $symbol num shares: $num_shares ", PHP_EOL;
            add_order($portfolioID, $order_type, $symbol, $num_shares);
        } else {
            #echo "trade date: $date ran out of money ", PHP_EOL;
예제 #2
	If you have any queries please do not hesitate to email me at
include 'config.php';
include 'sqlreporter.php';
include_once '../scripts/dbfunction.php';
include_once '../scripts/connors_strat_live.php';
$all_active_pid = get_all_active_portfolio_id();
$today = date("Y-m-d");
//Setup Email Subject
$subject = $today . ': Executed Orders';
//Color is the color report table, it can be set to be grey, green or blue
$color = 'blue';
foreach ($all_active_pid as $pid) {
    $current_value = live_get_portfolio_value($today, $pid);
    //Add a message to the header of the report
    $summary_header = '<p><b>Summary for Portfolio ID: ' . $pid . '</b></p><b>Account Setting</b>';
    //Add a message to the footer of the report, you can use plain text or html.
    //$footer = '<p><strong>Note: </strong>This is an optional report footer, ideally used for a report legend and/or signature.</p>';
    $footer = '';
    $summary_query = 'select description AS "Description", risk_category AS "Risk Category", start_date AS "Portfolio Start Date", starting_capital AS "Starting Capital" from liveportfolio_account where portfolio_id = ' . $pid;
    $summary_report = generateReport($summary_query, $summary_header, $footer, $color);
    $performance_header = '<b>Current Performance</b>';
    $performance_query = 'select liveportfolio_value(' . $pid . ') AS "Current Value", (liveportfolio_value(' . $pid . ') - starting_capital) AS "Current Dollar Return", round((liveportfolio_value(' . $pid . ') - starting_capital)*100/starting_capital, 2) AS "Current Pct Return" from liveportfolio_account where portfolio_id = ' . $pid;
    $poerformance_report = generateReport($performance_query, $performance_header, $footer, $color);
    $sell_header = '<b>Executed Sell Orders</b>';
    $sell_query = 'select a.execute_time as "Executed Time", order_type AS "Order Type", symbol AS "Symbol", shares AS "Shares", a.execute_price as "Executed Price" , liveportfolio_get_purchase_price(' . $pid . ', symbol) AS "Purchase Price", round((a.execute_price-liveportfolio_get_purchase_price(' . $pid . ', symbol))*100/liveportfolio_get_purchase_price(' . $pid . ', symbol), 2) AS "PnL %"  from order_history_queue a, liveportfolio_account b where a.portfolio_id = b.portfolio_id and b.status = "A" and a.portfolio_id = ' . $pid . ' and a.order_type like "%SELL%" and a.execute_date = "' . $today . '" order by a.execute_time';
    $sell_report = generateReport($sell_query, $sell_header, $footer, $color);
    $buy_header = '<b>Executed Buy Orders</b>';
    $buy_query = 'select a.execute_time as "Executed Time", order_type AS "Order Type", symbol AS "Symbol", shares AS "Shares", a.execute_price as "Executed Price" from order_history_queue a, liveportfolio_account b where a.portfolio_id = b.portfolio_id and b.status = "A" and a.portfolio_id = ' . $pid . ' and a.order_type like "%BUY%" and a.execute_date = "' . $today . '" order by a.execute_time';