예제 #1
function get_first_message($link) {
    $res = mysql_query("SELECT `message`, `created` FROM `tweet` ORDER BY `created` DESC LIMIT 1", $link);
    if ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($res)) {
        $message = $row['message'];
        $message = linkify_html($message);
        return array('message' => $message, 'created' => $row['created']);
    return false;
예제 #2
function linkify_html($text)
    $text = preg_replace('/'/', ''', $text);
    // IE does not handle ' entity!
    $section_html_pattern = '%# Rev:20100913_0900 github.com/jmrware/LinkifyURL
    # Section text into HTML <A> tags  and everything else.
      (                              # $1: Everything not HTML <A> tag.
        [^<]+(?:(?!<a\\b)<[^<]*)*     # non A tag stuff starting with non-"<".
      |      (?:(?!<a\\b)<[^<]*)+     # non A tag stuff starting with "<".
      )                              # End $1.
    | (                              # $2: HTML <A...>...</A> tag.
        <a\\b[^>]*>                   # <A...> opening tag.
        [^<]*(?:(?!</a\\b)<[^<]*)*    # A tag contents.
        </a\\s*>                      # </A> closing tag.
      )                              # End $2:
    return preg_replace_callback($section_html_pattern, '_linkify_html_callback', $text);
function _linkify_html_callback($matches)
    if (isset($matches[2])) {
        return $matches[2];
    return linkify($matches[1]);
// Linkify and display the linkify.html file.
$text = file_get_contents('linkify.html');
preg_match('/^(.*?<body[^>]*>)(.*)$/si', $text, $matches);
$text = $matches[2];
echo $matches[1] . linkify_html($text);