<?php include "../WEB-INC/conf.php"; header("Location: " . linkFeedAll()); exit;
if ($maxpages > 1) { $to_next = true; } } else { $start = $page * $step; $stop = $start + $step; $to_next = false; $to_back = true; if ($maxpages > $page) { if ($stop < $intLastItems) { $to_next = true; } } } $but_to_back = $to_back ? "<a href='" . linkFeedAll($page - 1) . "'>< Back</a> " : null; $but_to_next = $to_next ? "<a href='" . linkFeedAll($page + 1) . "'>Next ></a>" : null; // global vars $strPage = isset($_GET['view']) ? $_GET['view'] : null; $intChannelID = isset($_GET['channel']) ? $_GET['channel'] : false; $username = isset($_POST['username']) ? $_POST['username'] : null; $password = isset($_POST['password']) ? sha1($_POST['password']) : null; //sha1 encryption has been used here this can be changed when changed, you will also need to change the passwords in the config file. for ($c = 0; $intLastItems > $c; $c++) { $arrFeed = $cData->get_feed($arrLastItems[$c]->feed_id); $strFeedTitle = !$arrFeed->title ? "Unknown" : $arrFeed->title; $item_id = $arrLastItems[$c]->item_id; $item_title = !$arrLastItems[$c]->title ? "Unknown" : $arrLastItems[$c]->title; $item_link = $arrLastItems[$c]->link; // $item_descr = $arrLastItems[$c]->description; // $item_short_descr = $arrLastItems[$c]->short_description_word($arrLastItems[$c]->remove_tags($arrLastItems[$c]->description)); $item_pubDate = date('d.m.Y h:i', strtotime($arrLastItems[$c]->pubdate_int));