예제 #1
 function send_sms_message($userId, $messageDetails)
     $isSent = false;
     $messageDetails['emailfrom'] = NOREPLY_EMAIL;
     $messageDetails['fromname'] = SITE_GENERAL_NAME;
     if (!empty($messageDetails['telephone'])) {
         #Attempt sending by SMS and then by API
         $providerEmailDomain = $this->_provider->get_email_domain($messageDetails['telephone']);
         if (!empty($providerEmailDomain)) {
             $this->email->to($messageDetails['telephone'] . '@' . $providerEmailDomain);
             $this->email->from($messageDetails['emailfrom'], $messageDetails['fromname']);
             $this->email->reply_to($messageDetails['emailfrom'], $messageDetails['fromname']);
             if (!empty($messageDetails['copyadmin']) && $messageDetails['copyadmin'] == 'Y') {
             $this->email->message(limit_string_length($messageDetails['sms'], 150, FALSE));
             $isSent = $this->email->send();
     #Else use the SMS-Global gateway to send the SMS
     if (!$isSent && !empty($messageDetails['telephone']) && !empty($messageDetails['sms'])) {
         $this->load->library('Sms_global', array('user' => SMS_GLOBAL_USERNAME, 'pass' => SMS_GLOBAL_PASSWORD, 'from' => SMS_GLOBAL_VERIFIED_SENDER));
         $this->sms_global->message(limit_string_length($messageDetails['sms'], 150, FALSE));
         # only use this to output the message details on screen for debugging
         $isSent = !empty($this->sms_global->get_sms_id()) ? true : false;
     #Record messsage sending event
     $this->log_message_event($userId, $isSent, 'sms__message_sent', $messageDetails);
     return $isSent;
예제 #2

$stopHtml = "<input name='paginationdiv__faq_stop' id='paginationdiv__faq_stop' type='hidden' value='1' />";
$listCount = count($list);
$i = 0;
echo "<table>";
if (!empty($list)) {
    echo "<tr><th style='width:1%;'>&nbsp;</th><th>Question</th><th>Answer</th>";
    if ($this->native_session->get('__user_type') == 'admin') {
        echo "<th>Status</th><th>Date Added</th>";
    echo "</tr>";
    foreach ($list as $row) {
        if (strlen($row['answer']) > 150) {
            $answer = html_entity_decode(limit_string_length($row['answer'], 150, FALSE), ENT_QUOTES) . "<a href='" . base_url() . "faqs/details/d/" . $row['faq_id'] . "' class = 'shadowbox closable grey-box'>Details</a>";
        } else {
            $answer = html_entity_decode($row['answer'], ENT_QUOTES);
        echo "<tr> \n\t\t<td>";
        if ($this->native_session->get('__user_type') != 'provider') {
            echo "<input id='select_" . $row['faq_id'] . "' name='selectall[]' type='checkbox' value='" . $row['faq_id'] . "' class='bigcheckbox'><label for='select_" . $row['faq_id'] . "'></label>";
        } else {
            echo "&nbsp;";
        echo "</td>\n\t\t<td>" . html_entity_decode($row['question'], ENT_QUOTES) . "</td>\n\t\t<td>" . $answer;
        if ($this->native_session->get('__user_type') == 'admin') {
            echo "</td><td>" . strtoupper($row['status']) . "</td>\n\t\t\t<td>" . date(FULL_DATE_FORMAT, strtotime($row['date_entered']));
        # Check whether you need to stop the loading of the next pages
        if ($i == $listCount && (!empty($n) && $listCount < $n || empty($n) && $listCount < NUM_OF_ROWS_PER_PAGE)) {