function flashhtml() { global $setctl, $phpenv, $u_cookieid, $u_id, $cfg; kprintheader(''); $result = db_execquery('SELECT sid FROM ' . TBL_TEMPLIST . ' WHERE uid = ' . $u_id . ' ORDER BY rid ASC'); while ($row = db_fetch_row($result)) { $this->xml_link($row[0], false); } $width = $cfg['jw_window_x'] - 20; $height = $cfg['jw_window_y'] - 10; $imgheight = round($cfg['jw_window_y'] / 2); $jsdata = ''; for ($i = 0, $c = count($this->items); $i < $c; $i++) { $jsdata .= '{ '; if (strlen($this->items[$i][0]) > 0) { $jsdata .= 'image: "' . $this->items[$i][0] . '", '; } $jsdata .= 'file: \'' . $this->items[$i][1] . '\', title: \'' . str_replace('"', '\\"', $this->items[$i][2]) . '\', provider:\'sound\'}'; if ($i + 1 < $c) { $jsdata .= ','; } } ?> <script type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo $cfg['jw6_url']; ?> "></script> <div id="mediaplayer"><?php echo get_lang(253); ?> </div> <script type="text/javascript"> jwplayer("mediaplayer").setup({ flashplayer: "/jwplayer-5/jwPlayer5/player.swf", 'plugins': { '/jwplayer-5/jwPlayer5/spectrumvisualizer-1.swf': { effect: "reflection", xlen: 500, ylen: 150 } }, 'skin': '/jwplayer-5/jwPlayer5/', "viral.allowmenu": false, "viral.onpause": false, "viral.oncomplete": false, autostart: true, "controlbar.position": "bottom", "controlbar.forcenextprev": true, height: <?php echo $height; ?> , width: <?php echo $width; ?> , "playlist.position": "bottom", "playlist.size": 360, "player.fullscreen": false, 'playlist': [ <?php echo $jsdata; ?> ], repeat: 'list' }); </script> <?php kprintend(); }
function flashhtml() { global $setctl, $phpenv, $u_cookieid, $u_id, $cfg; kprintheader(''); $result = db_execquery('SELECT sid FROM ' . TBL_TEMPLIST . ' WHERE uid = ' . $u_id . ' ORDER BY rid ASC'); while ($row = db_fetch_row($result)) { $this->xml_link($row[0], false); } $width = $cfg['jw_window_x'] - 20; $height = $cfg['jw_window_y'] - 10; $imgheight = round($cfg['jw_window_y'] / 2); $jsdata = ''; for ($i = 0, $c = count($this->items); $i < $c; $i++) { $jsdata .= '{ '; if (strlen($this->items[$i][0]) > 0) { $jsdata .= 'image: "' . $this->items[$i][0] . '", '; } $jsdata .= 'sources: [ { file: "' . $this->items[$i][1] . '", type: "' . $this->items[$i][3] . '" } ], title: "' . str_replace('"', '\\"', $this->items[$i][2]) . '", description: "' . $this->items[$i][4] . '" }'; if ($i + 1 < $c) { $jsdata .= ','; } } ?> <script type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo $cfg['jw6_url']; ?> "></script> <div id="jw6id"><?php echo get_lang(253); ?> </div> <script type="text/javascript"> jwplayer("jw6id").setup({ autostart: true, height: <?php echo $height; ?> , width: <?php echo $width; ?> , listbar: { position: 'bottom', size: 200 }, playlist: [ <?php echo $jsdata; ?> ] }); </script> <?php kprintend(); }
function flashhtml_enqueue() { global $setctl, $phpenv, $u_cookieid, $u_id, $cfg; kprintheader('', 0, 0, 'createPlayer();'); $playlist = $setctl->get('streamurl') . $phpenv['streamlocation']; $playlist .= '?templist=' . $u_id . '&c=' . $u_cookieid . '&file=' . lzero(getrand(1, 999999), 6) . '.xml'; $playlist = urlencode($playlist); $width = $cfg['jw_window_x'] - 20; $height = $cfg['jw_window_y'] - 20; $imgheight = round($height / 2); $link = $cfg['jw_urls']['swf']; ?> <script type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo $cfg['jw_urls']['js']; ?> "></script> <script type="text/javascript"> <!-- var xmlhttp; var xmlDoc; function loadXMLDoc(theFile) { xmlhttp=null; if (window.XMLHttpRequest) { xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest(); } else if (window.ActiveXObject) { xmlhttp = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); } if (xmlhttp != null) { xmlhttp.onreadystatechange = loaded;"GET",theFile,true); xmlhttp.send(null); } else { alert('Sorry, your browser can\'t handle this script'); return; } } function checkReadyState(obj) { if(obj.readyState == 4) { if(obj.status == 200) { return true; } else { alert("Problem retrieving XML data"); } } } function loaded() { if(checkReadyState(xmlhttp)) { xmlDoc=xmlhttp.responseXML.documentElement; showTags('track'); } } function showTags(theTag) { function getTag(tag) { var tmp=''; xx=x[i].getElementsByTagName(tag); try { tmp=xx[0]; } catch(er) { tmp=''; } return(tmp); } var xx; var x; var txt; x = xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName(theTag); for (i=0; i<x.length; i++) { addItem('mpl',{file: decodeURIComponent(getTag("location")), image: decodeURIComponent(getTag("image")), title: getTag("title"), author: getTag("creator")}); } } function createPlayer() { var s1 = new SWFObject('<?php echo $link; ?> ','mpl','<?php echo $width; ?> ','<?php echo $height; ?> ','8'); s1.addParam("allowfullscreen", "true"); s1.addParam('allowscriptaccess','always'); s1.addVariable('height',<?php echo $height; ?> ); s1.addVariable('width',<?php echo $width; ?> ); s1.addVariable('displayheight',<?php echo $imgheight; ?> ); s1.addVariable("enablejs", "true"); s1.addVariable("javascriptid", "kPlayer"); s1.addVariable('searchbar','false'); s1.addVariable('autostart','true'); s1.addVariable('repeat','list'); s1.addVariable('shuffle','false'); s1.addVariable('file','<?php echo $playlist; ?> '); s1.write('player1'); } function thisMovie(swf) { if(navigator.appName.indexOf("Microsoft") != -1) { return window[swf]; } else { return document[swf]; } } function loadFile(swf,obj) { thisMovie(swf).loadFile(obj); } function addItem(swf, obj, idx) { thisMovie(swf).addItem(obj, idx); } --> </script> <p id="player1"><a href="">Get the Flash Player</a> to see this player.</p> <?php kprintend(); }