예제 #1
파일: start.php 프로젝트: omtim/kleeja
$lst_reg = empty($stat_last_user) ? $lang['UNKNOWN'] : $stat_last_user;
$files_number = $stat_files + $stat_imgs;
$files_sizes = readable_size($stat_sizes);
$users_number = $stat_users;
# other info about php, mysql, php.ini
$php_version = isset($NO_PHPINFO) || !function_exists('phpinfo') ? phpversion() : 'php ' . phpversion();
$mysql_version = 'MYSQL ' . $SQL->version();
$file_uploads_ini = function_exists('ini_get') ? @ini_get('file_uploads') : @get_cfg_var('file_uploads');
$max_file_uploads_ini = function_exists('ini_get') ? @ini_get('max_file_uploads') : @get_cfg_var('max_file_uploads');
$upload_max_filesize = function_exists('ini_get') ? @ini_get('upload_max_filesize') : @get_cfg_var('upload_max_filesize');
$post_max_size = function_exists('ini_get') ? @ini_get('post_max_size') : @get_cfg_var('post_max_size');
$max_execution_time = function_exists('ini_get') ? @ini_get('max_execution_time') : @get_cfg_var('max_execution_time');
$memory_limit = function_exists('ini_get') ? @ini_get('memory_limit') : @get_cfg_var('memory_limit');
$s_last_google = $stat_last_google == 0 ? '[ ? ]' : kleeja_date($stat_last_google);
$s_google_num = $stat_google_num;
$s_last_bing = $stat_last_bing == 0 ? '[ ? ]' : kleeja_date($stat_last_bing);
$s_bing_num = $stat_bing_num;
$usernamelang = sprintf($lang['KLEEJA_CP_W'], $user->data['name']);
#size board by percent
$per = $stat_sizes / ($config['total_size'] * 1048576);
$per1 = round($per * 100, 2);
$per1 = $per1 >= 100 ? 100 : ($per1 == 0 ? 1 : $per1);
#ppl must know about kleeja version!
$kleeja_version = '<a href="' . ADMIN_PATH . '?cp=p_check_update" title="' . $lang['R_CHECK_UPDATE'] . '">' . KLEEJA_VERSION . '</a>';
// admin messages system
// @ see how to do it beneath
# show note: useing IE6 ! and he is admin ?  omg !
$u_agent = !empty($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) ? htmlspecialchars((string) strtolower($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])) : (function_exists('getenv') ? getenv('HTTP_USER_AGENT') : '');
예제 #2
파일: users.php 프로젝트: omtim/kleeja
     $nums_rows = 0;
     $n_fetch = $SQL->fetch($result);
     $nums_rows = $n_fetch['total_users'];
     $currentPage = isset($_GET['page']) ? intval($_GET['page']) : 1;
     $Pager = new pagination($perpage, $nums_rows, $currentPage);
     $start = $Pager->get_start_row();
     $no_results = false;
     $arr = array();
     if ($nums_rows > 0) {
         $query['SELECT'] = 'id, name, founder, group_id, last_visit';
         $query['LIMIT'] = "{$start}, {$perpage}";
         $result = $SQL->build($query);
         while ($row = $SQL->fetch($result)) {
             $userfile = $config['siteurl'] . ($config['mod_writer'] ? 'fileuser-' . $row['id'] . '.html' : 'ucp.php?go=fileuser&amp;id=' . $row['id']);
             $arr[$row['id']] = array('id' => $row['id'], 'name' => $row['name'], 'userfile_link' => $userfile, 'delusrfile_link' => $row['founder'] && (int) $user->data['founder'] == 0 ? false : ADMIN_PATH . '?cp=' . basename(__FILE__, '.php') . '&amp;deleteuserfile=' . $row['id'] . (isset($_GET['page']) ? '&amp;page=' . intval($_GET['page']) : ''), 'delusr_link' => $user->data['id'] == $row['id'] || $row['founder'] && (int) $user->data['founder'] == 0 ? false : ADMIN_PATH . '?cp=' . basename(__FILE__, '.php') . '&amp;del_user='******'id'] . (isset($_GET['page']) ? '&amp;page=' . intval($_GET['page']) : ''), 'editusr_link' => $row['founder'] && (int) $user->data['founder'] == 0 ? false : ADMIN_PATH . '?cp=' . basename(__FILE__, '.php') . '&amp;smt=edit_user&amp;uid=' . $row['id'] . (isset($_GET['page']) ? '&amp;page=' . intval($_GET['page']) : ''), 'founder' => (int) $row['founder'], 'last_visit' => empty($row['last_visit']) ? $lang['NOT_YET'] : kleeja_date($row['last_visit']), 'group' => get_group_name($row['group_id']));
     } else {
         $no_results = true;
     $total_pages = $Pager->get_total_pages();
     $page_nums = $Pager->print_nums(ADMIN_PATH . '?cp=' . basename(__FILE__, '.php') . (isset($_GET['search_id']) ? '&search_id=' . htmlspecialchars($_GET['search_id']) : '') . (isset($_GET['qg']) ? '&qg=' . intval($_GET['qg']) : '') . (isset($_GET['smt']) ? '&smt=' . $current_smt : ''), 'onclick="javascript:get_kleeja_link($(this).attr(\'href\'), \'#content\'); return false;"');
     $show_results = true;
     #editing a user, form
 #editing a user, form
 case 'edit_user':
     //is exists ?
     if (!isset($userid)) {
예제 #3
파일: f_reports.php 프로젝트: Saleh7/Kleeja
    $query['WHERE'] = 'r.time > ' . intval(time() - 3600 * 24);
$result = $SQL->build($query);
$nums_rows = $SQL->num_rows($result);
$currentPage = isset($_GET['page']) ? intval($_GET['page']) : 1;
$Pager = new SimplePager($perpage, $nums_rows, $currentPage);
$start = $Pager->getStartRow();
$no_results = false;
$del_nums = array();
if ($nums_rows > 0) {
    $query['LIMIT'] = "{$start}, {$perpage}";
    $result = $SQL->build($query);
    while ($row = $SQL->fetch_array($result)) {
        //make new lovely arrays !!
        $arr[] = array('id' => $row['id'], 'name' => $row['name'], 'mail' => $row['mail'], 'url' => $row['url'], 'text' => $row['text'], 'human_time' => kleeja_date($row['time']), 'time' => kleeja_date($row['time'], false), 'ip' => $row['ip'], 'sent' => $row['id'] == $msg_sent, 'ip_finder' => 'http://www.ripe.net/whois?form_type=simple&full_query_string=&searchtext=' . htmlspecialchars($row['ip']) . '&do_search=Search');
        $del[$row['id']] = isset($_POST['del_' . $row['id']]) ? $_POST['del_' . $row['id']] : '';
        $sen[$row['id']] = isset($_POST['v_' . $row['id']]) ? $_POST['v_' . $row['id']] : '';
        //when submit !!
        if (isset($_POST['submit'])) {
            if ($del[$row['id']]) {
                $del_nums[] = $row['id'];
        if (isset($_POST['reply_submit'])) {
            if ($sen[$row['id']]) {
                $to = $row['mail'];
                $subject = $lang['REPLY_REPORT'] . ':' . $config['sitename'];
                $message = "\n " . $lang['WELCOME'] . " " . $row['name'] . "\r\n " . $lang['U_REPORT_ON'] . " " . $config['sitename'] . "\r\n " . $lang['BY_EMAIL'] . " : " . $row['mail'] . "\r\n" . $lang['ADMIN_REPLIED'] . ": \r\n" . $sen[$row['id']] . "\r\n\r\n kleeja.com";
                $send = send_mail($to, $message, $subject, $config['sitemail'], $config['sitename']);
                if ($send) {
예제 #4
파일: do.php 프로젝트: Saleh7/Kleeja
         $url_file = $config['mod_writer'] ? $config['siteurl'] . "down-" . $id . ".html" : $config['siteurl'] . "do.php?down=" . $id;
     if (!empty($config['livexts'])) {
         $livexts = explode(',', $config['livexts']);
         if (in_array($type, $livexts)) {
             if (isset($_GET['filename'])) {
                 $url_filex = $config['mod_writer'] ? $config['siteurl'] . "downexf-" . $fname2 . ".html" : $config['siteurl'] . "do.php?downexf=" . $fname;
             } else {
                 $url_filex = $config['mod_writer'] ? $config['siteurl'] . "downex-" . $id . ".html" : $config['siteurl'] . "do.php?downex=" . $id;
             redirect($url_filex, false);
     $REPORT = $config['mod_writer'] ? $config['siteurl'] . "report-" . $id . ".html" : $config['siteurl'] . "go.php?go=report&amp;id=" . $id;
     $seconds_w = $config['sec_down'];
     $time = kleeja_date($time);
     $size = Customfile_size($size);
     $file_ext_icon = file_exists('images/filetypes/' . $type . '.png') ? 'images/filetypes/' . $type . '.png' : 'images/filetypes/file.png';
     $sty = 'download';
     $title = $name . ' ' . $lang['DOWNLAOD'];
 } else {
     //file not exists
     ($hook = kleeja_run_hook('not_exists_qr_downlaod_file')) ? eval($hook) : null;
     //run hook
 ($hook = kleeja_run_hook('b4_showsty_downlaod_id_filename')) ? eval($hook) : null;
 //run hook
 //add http reffer to session to prevent errors with some browsers !
 if (isset($_GET['filename'])) {
     $_SESSION['HTTP_REFERER'] = $config['siteurl'] . ($config['mod_writer'] ? "downloadf" . $fname . ".html" : "do.php?filename=" . $fname);
예제 #5
파일: index.php 프로젝트: Saleh7/Kleeja
        if (isset($_GET['_ajax_'])) {
            //echo_ajax(999, '');
$gt = kleeja_filesize(PATH . 'includes/st' . 'yl' . 'e.php');
if (!empty($gt) && $gt != 10235) {
!defined('LAST_VISIT') ? define('LAST_VISIT', time() - 3600 * 12) : '';
//last visit
$last_visit = defined('LAST_VISIT') && preg_match('/[0-9]{10}/', LAST_VISIT) ? kleeja_date(LAST_VISIT) : false;
//path of admin extensions
$path_adm = PATH . 'includes/adm';
//exception extentions
$ext_expt = array();
$ext_expt[] = 'start';
$ext_expt[] = 'php_info';
$ext_expt[] = 'b_lgoutcp';
$ext_expt[] = 'i_exts';
//confirm msgs
$ext_confirm = array();
//$ext_confirm[]	= 'repair';
//formkey extension, Csrf protection
$GET_FORM_KEY_GLOBAL = kleeja_add_form_key_get('GLOBAL_FORM_KEY');
$ext_formkey = array();
//$ext_formkey[] = 'repair';
예제 #6
파일: fileuser.php 프로젝트: omtim/kleeja
: <?php 
            echo $file['uploads'];
            echo $lang['FILESIZE'];
: <?php 
            echo readable_size($file['size']);
            echo $lang['FILEDATE'];
: <?php 
            echo kleeja_date($file['time']);
        if ($user_himself) {
						<p class="kcheck">
							<input id="del_<?php 
            echo $file['id'];
예제 #7
파일: files.php 프로젝트: omtim/kleeja
     $num = 0;
     #if Kleeja is integtared with other user system,  we dont want make alot of queries
     $ids_and_names = $files_list = array();
     while ($row = $SQL->fetch($result)) {
         $userfile = $config['siteurl'] . ($config['mod_writer'] ? 'fileuser-' . $row['user'] . '.html' : 'ucp.php?go=fileuser&amp;id=' . $row['user']);
         #for username from integrated user system
         if ($row['user'] != '-1' and (int) $config['user_system'] != 1) {
             if (!in_array($row['user'], $ids_and_names)) {
                 $row['username'] = $usrcp->usernamebyid($row['user']);
                 $ids_and_names[$row['user']] = $row['username'];
             } else {
                 $row['username'] = $ids_and_names[$row['user']];
         #files array
         $files_list[$row['id']] = array('id' => $row['id'], 'name' => "<a title=\" " . ($row['real_filename'] == '' ? $row['name'] : $row['real_filename']) . "\" href=\"./" . PATH . $row['folder'] . "/" . $row['name'] . "\" target=\"blank\">" . ($row['real_filename'] == '' ? strlen($row['name']) > 20 ? substr($row['name'], 0, 20) . '...' : $row['name'] : (strlen($row['real_filename']) > 20 ? substr($row['real_filename'], 0, 20) . '...' : $row['real_filename'])) . "</a>", 'size' => readable_size($row['size']), 'ups' => $row['uploads'], 'direct' => $row['id_form'] == 'direct' ? true : false, 'time_human' => kleeja_date($row['time']), 'time' => kleeja_date($row['time'], false), 'type' => $row['type'], 'typeicon' => file_exists(PATH . "images/filetypes/" . $row['type'] . ".png") ? PATH . "images/filetypes/" . $row['type'] . ".png" : PATH . 'images/filetypes/file.png', 'folder' => $row['folder'], 'report' => $row['report'] > 4 ? "<span style=\"color:red;font-weight:bold\">" . $row['report'] . "</span>" : $row['report'], 'user' => $row['user'] == '-1' ? $lang['GUST'] : '<a href="' . $userfile . '" target="_blank">' . $row['username'] . '</a>', 'ip' => '<a href="http://www.ripe.net/whois?form_type=simple&amp;full_query_string=&amp;searchtext=' . $row['user_ip'] . '&amp;do_search=Search" target="_new">' . $row['user_ip'] . '</a>', 'showfilesbyip' => ADMIN_PATH . '?cp=h_search&amp;s_input=1&amp;s_value=' . $row['user_ip']);
         $del[$row['id']] = isset($_POST['del_' . $row['id']]) ? $_POST['del_' . $row['id']] : '';
 } else {
     //no result ..
     $no_results = true;
 #update f_lastvisit
 if (!$is_search) {
     if (filter_exists('f_lastvisit', 'filter_uid')) {
         update_filter('f_lastvisit', time());
     } else {
         insert_filter('lastvisit', time(), false, false, '', 'f_lastvisit');
예제 #8
파일: go.php 프로젝트: Saleh7/Kleeja
         $most_online = 1;
         // 1 == you
         $on_muoe = time();
     } else {
         list($most_online, $on_muoe) = @explode(':', $config['most_user_online_ever']);
     //ok .. go on
     $titlee = $lang['STATS'];
     $stylee = 'stats';
     $files_st = $stat_files;
     $imgs_st = $stat_imgs;
     $users_st = $stat_users;
     $sizes_st = Customfile_size($stat_sizes);
     $lst_dl_st = (int) $config['del_f_day'] <= 0 ? false : kleeja_date($stat_last_f_del);
     $lst_reg = empty($stat_last_user) ? $lang['UNKNOWN'] : $stat_last_user;
     $on_muoe = kleeja_date($on_muoe);
     ($hook = kleeja_run_hook('stats_go_page')) ? eval($hook) : null;
     //run hook
     // Page for redirect to downloading a file
     // [!] depreacted from 1rc6+, see do.php
 // Page for redirect to downloading a file
 // [!] depreacted from 1rc6+, see do.php
 case 'down':
     if (isset($_GET['n'])) {
         $url_file = (int) $config['mod_writer'] == 1 ? $config['siteurl'] . 'download' . intval($_GET['i']) . '.html' : $config['siteurl'] . 'do.php?id=' . intval($_GET['n']);
예제 #9
파일: ucp.php 프로젝트: Saleh7/Kleeja
 $no_results = false;
 $query['LIMIT'] = "{$start}, {$perpage}";
 ($hook = kleeja_run_hook('qr_select_files_in_fileuser')) ? eval($hook) : null;
 //run hook
 $result = $SQL->build($query);
 $i = $currentPage * $perpage - $perpage;
 $tdnumi = $num = $files_num = $imgs_num = 0;
 while ($row = $SQL->fetch_array($result)) {
     $file_info = array('::ID::' => $row['id'], '::NAME::' => $row['name'], '::DIR::' => $row['folder'], '::FNAME::' => $row['real_filename']);
     $is_image = in_array(strtolower(trim($row['type'])), array('gif', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'bmp', 'png')) ? true : false;
     $url = $is_image ? kleeja_get_link('image', $file_info) : kleeja_get_link('file', $file_info);
     $url_thumb = $is_image ? kleeja_get_link('thumb', $file_info) : kleeja_get_link('thumb', $file_info);
     $url_fileuser = $is_image ? $url : (file_exists("images/filetypes/" . $row['type'] . ".png") ? "images/filetypes/" . $row['type'] . ".png" : 'images/filetypes/file.png');
     //make new lovely arrays !!
     $arr[] = array('id' => $row['id'], 'name_img' => $row['real_filename'] == '' ? strlen($row['name']) > 40 ? substr($row['name'], 0, 40) . '...' : $row['name'] : (strlen($row['real_filename']) > 40 ? substr($row['real_filename'], 0, 40) . '...' : $row['real_filename']), 'url_thumb_img' => '<a title="' . ($row['real_filename'] == '' ? $row['name'] : $row['real_filename']) . '"  href="' . $url . '" onclick="window.open(this.href,\'_blank\');return false;"><img src="' . $url_fileuser . '" alt="' . $row['type'] . '" /></a>', 'name_file' => '<a title="' . ($row['real_filename'] == '' ? $row['name'] : $row['real_filename']) . '"  href="' . $url . '" onclick="window.open(this.href,\'_blank\');return false;">' . ($row['real_filename'] == '' ? strlen($row['name']) > 40 ? substr($row['name'], 0, 40) . '...' : $row['name'] : (strlen($row['real_filename']) > 40 ? substr($row['real_filename'], 0, 40) . '...' : $row['real_filename'])) . '</a>', 'url_thumb_file' => '<a title="' . ($row['real_filename'] == '' ? $row['name'] : $row['real_filename']) . '"  href="' . $url . '" onclick="window.open(this.href,\'_blank\');return false;"><img src="' . $url_fileuser . '" alt="' . $row['type'] . '" /></a>', 'file_type' => $row['type'], 'uploads' => $row['uploads'], 'tdnum' => $tdnumi == 0 ? '<ul>' : '', 'tdnum2' => $tdnumi == 4 ? '</ul>' : '', 'href' => $url, 'size' => Customfile_size($row['size']), 'time' => !empty($row['time']) ? kleeja_date($row['time']) : '...', 'thumb_link' => $is_image ? $url_thumb : $url_fileuser, 'is_image' => $is_image);
     $tdnumi = $tdnumi == 2 ? 0 : $tdnumi + 1;
     if (isset($_POST['submit_files']) && $user_himself) {
         ($hook = kleeja_run_hook('submit_in_fileuser')) ? eval($hook) : null;
         //run hook
         //check for form key
         if (!kleeja_check_form_key('fileuser', 1800)) {
         if ($_POST['del_' . $row['id']]) {
             //delete from folder ..
             @kleeja_unlink($row['folder'] . '/' . $row['name']);
             //delete thumb
             if (file_exists($row['folder'] . '/thumbs/' . $row['name'])) {
                 @kleeja_unlink($row['folder'] . '/thumbs/' . $row['name']);
예제 #10
파일: g_users.php 프로젝트: Saleh7/Kleeja
     $result = $SQL->build($query);
     $nums_rows = 0;
     $n_fetch = $SQL->fetch_array($result);
     $nums_rows = $n_fetch['total_users'];
     $currentPage = isset($_GET['page']) ? intval($_GET['page']) : 1;
     $Pager = new SimplePager($perpage, $nums_rows, $currentPage);
     $start = $Pager->getStartRow();
     $no_results = false;
     if ($nums_rows > 0) {
         $query['SELECT'] = 'id, name, founder, group_id, last_visit';
         $query['LIMIT'] = "{$start}, {$perpage}";
         $result = $SQL->build($query);
         while ($row = $SQL->fetch_array($result)) {
             $userfile = $config['siteurl'] . ($config['mod_writer'] ? 'fileuser-' . $row['id'] . '.html' : 'ucp.php?go=fileuser&amp;id=' . $row['id']);
             $arr[] = array('id' => $row['id'], 'name' => $row['name'], 'userfile_link' => $userfile, 'delusrfile_link' => $row['founder'] && (int) $userinfo['founder'] == 0 ? false : basename(ADMIN_PATH) . '?cp=' . basename(__FILE__, '.php') . '&amp;deleteuserfile=' . $row['id'] . (isset($_GET['page']) ? '&amp;page=' . intval($_GET['page']) : ''), 'delusr_link' => $userinfo['id'] == $row['id'] || $row['founder'] && (int) $userinfo['founder'] == 0 ? false : basename(ADMIN_PATH) . '?cp=' . basename(__FILE__, '.php') . '&amp;del_user='******'id'] . (isset($_GET['page']) ? '&amp;page=' . intval($_GET['page']) : ''), 'editusr_link' => $row['founder'] && (int) $userinfo['founder'] == 0 ? false : basename(ADMIN_PATH) . '?cp=' . basename(__FILE__, '.php') . '&amp;smt=edit_user&amp;uid=' . $row['id'] . (isset($_GET['page']) ? '&amp;page=' . intval($_GET['page']) : ''), 'founder' => (int) $row['founder'], 'last_visit' => empty($row['last_visit']) ? $lang['NOT_YET'] : kleeja_date($row['last_visit']), 'group' => str_replace(array('{lang.ADMINS}', '{lang.USERS}', '{lang.GUESTS}'), array($lang['ADMINS'], $lang['USERS'], $lang['GUESTS']), $d_groups[$row['group_id']]['data']['group_name']));
     } else {
         $no_results = true;
     $total_pages = $Pager->getTotalPages();
     $page_nums = $Pager->print_nums(basename(ADMIN_PATH) . '?cp=' . basename(__FILE__, '.php') . (isset($_GET['search_id']) ? '&search_id=' . htmlspecialchars($_GET['search_id']) : '') . (isset($_GET['qg']) ? '&qg=' . intval($_GET['qg']) : '') . (isset($_GET['smt']) ? '&smt=' . $current_smt : ''), 'onclick="javascript:get_kleeja_link($(this).attr(\'href\'), \'#content\'); return false;"');
     $show_results = true;
     #editing a user, form
 #editing a user, form
 case 'edit_user':
     //is exists ?
     if (!isset($userid)) {