function basic_auth_do() { if (!is_login()) { if (intval(kget('bauth_on')) == 1) { if (!isset($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER'])) { // header('WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm="' . c('site_name') . '"'); header('HTTP/1.0 401 Unauthorized'); echo 'Members Only'; exit; } else { if (t($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER']) != t(kget('bauth_username')) || t($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_PW']) != t(kget('bauth_password'))) { echo 'Bad username or password. Close browser and try again'; exit; } } } } }
/** * 检查是否存在新版本 * * * @param string token , 必填 * @return info array ( 'new' , 'version' , 'info' ) * @author EasyChen */ public function check_new_verison($in = false) { $last = intval(kget('last_check')); if ($last > 0 && time() - $last < 60 * 60 && $in) { // checked in 1 hour // do nothing } else { // set timeout $ctx = stream_context_create(array('http' => array('timeout' => 3))); // send domain and uid to help anti-cc attack $url = c('teamtoy_url') . '/?a=last_version&domain=' . c('site_domain') . '&uid=' . $user['id']; if (c('dev_version')) { $url = $url . '&dev=1'; } $new = false; if ($info = @file_get_contents($url, 0, $ctx)) { $info_array = json_decode($info, true); if ($new_build = intval($info_array['version'])) { if ($new_build > local_version()) { $new = true; $last_noticed_version = intval(kget('last_notice')); if ($last_noticed_version > 0) { if ($new_build > $last_noticed_version) { $send = 1; } else { $send = 0; } } else { $send = 1; } if ($send == 1) { // send notice to current user $text = __('API_TEXT_NEW_VERSION', $new_build); if (!$in) { send_notice(uid(), $text, 10, array('info' => $info_array['desp'])); kset('last_notice', $new_build); } } } kset('last_check', time()); } } if (!$in) { if ($new) { return self::send_result(array('new' => 1, 'info' => $info_array['desp'], 'version' => $info_array['version'])); } else { return self::send_result(array('new' => 0)); } } } }
public function fields_settings() { $settings = array(); $settings[] = array('text' => '入', 'value' => 'input', 'desp' => '作为输入参数'); $settings[] = array('text' => '返', 'value' => 'output', 'desp' => '作为返回值'); $settings[] = array('text' => '必', 'value' => 'required', 'desp' => '必填参数'); $settings[] = array('text' => '%', 'value' => 'like', 'desp' => 'Like匹配'); $settings[] = array('text' => '=', 'value' => 'equal', 'desp' => '相等匹配'); $data['settings'] = $settings; $data['table'] = z(t(v('table'))); $data['field'] = z(t(v('field'))); $data['action'] = z(t(v('action'))); $data['tdid'] = intval(v('tdid')); $data['title'] = '字段属性设置'; $data['finfo'] = unserialize(kget('msetting_' . $data['table'] . '_' . $data['action'] . '_' . $data['field'])); return render($data, 'ajax'); }
function mail_queue_inbox_icon() { if (intval(kget('mqueue_on')) == 1) { if (intval(kget('mqueue_usettings_' . uid())) == 1) { ?> <li id="mqueue_settings" class="on"><a href="javascript:mail_settings_toggle();void(0);" title="<?php echo __('PL_MAIL_QUEUE_TITLE_SHORT'); ?> " ><img src="<?php echo image(''); ?> "/></a></li> <?php } else { ?> <li id="mqueue_settings" ><a href="javascript:mail_settings_toggle();void(0);" title="<?php echo __('PL_MAIL_QUEUE_TITLE_SHORT'); ?> " ><img src="<?php echo image(''); ?> "/></a></li> <?php } } }
function plugin_dropbox() { $data['dropbox_akey'] = kget('dropbox_akey'); $data['dropbox_on'] = kget('dropbox_on'); return render($data, 'ajax', 'plugin', 'dropbox'); }
function sendcloud_mail($to, $subject, $content, $bcc = false) { $to = str_replace(',', ';', $to); $option = array('api_user' => kget('sendcloud_user'), 'api_key' => kget('sendcloud_key'), 'from' => kget('sendcloud_from'), 'to' => $to, 'subject' => $subject, 'html' => $content); if ($bcc !== false) { $option['bcc'] = $bcc; } $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, 'POST'); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, kget('sendcloud_url')); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $option); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 3); $result = curl_exec($ch); curl_close($ch); $ret = json_decode($result, 1); kset('last-sendcloud-info', $result); return strtolower($ret['message']) == 'success'; }
function is_email_accepted($email) { $pattern = '#' . kget('openid_auth_email_pattern') . '#'; return preg_match($pattern, $email); }
public function index() { //print_r( $_REQUEST ); $table = z(t(v('_table'))); $action = z(t(v('_interface'))); if (strlen($table) < 1 || strlen($action) < 1) { return $this->send_error(LR_API_ARGS_ERROR, 'BAD ARGS'); } // user define code if ($my_code = get_var("SELECT `code` FROM `__meta_code` WHERE `table` = '" . s($table) . "' AND `action` = '" . s($action) . "' LIMIT 1")) { return eval($my_code); exit; } // check table $tables = get_table_list(db()); if (!in_array($table, $tables)) { return $this->send_error(LR_API_ARGS_ERROR, 'TABLE NOT EXISTS'); } if ($table == c('token_table_name') && $action == 'get_token') { return $this->get_token(); } $fields = get_fields($table); $ainfo = unserialize(kget('msetting_' . $table . '_' . $action)); $in_code = kget('iosetting_input_' . $table . '_' . $action); $out_code = kget('iosetting_output_' . $table . '_' . $action); // run user defined input fliter if (strlen($in_code) > 0) { eval($in_code); } if ($ainfo['on'] != 1) { return $this->send_error(LR_API_ARGS_ERROR, 'API NOT AVAILABLE'); } if ($ainfo['public'] != 1) { $this->check_token(); } $requires = array(); $inputs = array(); $outs = array(); $likes = array(); $equal = array(); foreach ($fields as $field) { $finfo = unserialize(kget('msetting_' . $table . '_' . $action . '_' . $field)); if ($finfo['required'] == 1) { $requires[] = $field; } if ($finfo['input'] == 1) { $inputs[] = $field; } if ($finfo['output'] == 1) { $outputs[] = $field; } if ($finfo['like'] == 1) { $likes[] = $field; } if ($finfo['equal'] == 1) { $equals[] = $field; } } // check require if (count($requires) > 0) { foreach ($requires as $require) { if (strlen(v($require)) < 1) { return $this->send_error(LR_API_ARGS_ERROR, z(t($require)) . ' FIELD REQUIRED'); } } } // build sql switch ($action) { case 'insert': if (count($inputs) < 1) { $this->send_error(LR_API_ARGS_ERROR, 'INPUT MUST HAS 1 FIELD AT LEAST'); } if (count($outputs) < 1) { $this->send_error(LR_API_ARGS_ERROR, 'OUTPUT MUST HAS 1 FIELD AT LEAST'); } foreach ($inputs as $input) { $dsql[] = "'" . s(v($input)) . "'"; } $sql = "INSERT INTO `" . s($table) . "` ( " . rjoin(' , ', '`', $inputs) . " ) VALUES ( " . join(' , ', $dsql) . " )"; //echo $sql; run_sql($sql); if (mysql_errno() != 0) { $this->send_error(LR_API_DB_ERROR, 'DATABASE ERROR ' . mysql_error()); } $lid = last_id(); if ($lid < 1) { $this->send_error(LR_API_DB_ERROR, 'DATABASE ERROR ' . mysql_error()); } if (!($data = get_data("SELECT " . rjoin(' , ', '`', $outputs) . " FROM `" . s($table) . "` WHERE `id` = '" . intval($lid) . "'", db()))) { $this->send_error(LR_API_DB_ERROR, 'DATABASE ERROR ' . mysql_error()); } else { if (strlen($out_code) > 0) { eval($out_code); } $this->send_result($data); } break; case 'update': if (count($inputs) < 1) { return $this->send_error(LR_API_ARGS_ERROR, 'INPUT MUST HAS 1 FIELD AT LEAST'); } if (count($requires) < 1) { return $this->send_error(LR_API_ARGS_ERROR, 'REQUIRE MUST HAS 1 FIELD AT LEAST'); } foreach ($inputs as $input) { if (!in_array($input, $likes) && !in_array($input, $equals)) { if (isset($_REQUEST[$input])) { $dsql[] = " `" . s($input) . "` = '" . s(v($input)) . "' "; } } else { if (in_array($input, $likes)) { $wsql[] = " `" . s($input) . "` LIKE '%" . s(v($input)) . "%' "; } else { $wsql[] = " `" . s($input) . "` = '" . s(v($input)) . "' "; } } } if (!isset($dsql) || !isset($wsql)) { return $this->send_error(LR_API_ARGS_ERROR, 'INPUT AND LIKE/EQUALS MUST HAS 1 FIELD AT LEAST'); } $sql = "UPDATE `" . s($table) . "` SET " . join(' , ', $dsql) . ' WHERE ' . join(' AND ', $wsql); //echo $sql ; run_sql($sql); if (mysql_errno() != 0) { $this->send_error(LR_API_DB_ERROR, 'DATABASE ERROR ' . mysql_error()); } $lid = intval(v('id')); if ($lid < 1) { $this->send_error(LR_API_DB_ERROR, 'DATABASE ERROR ' . mysql_error()); } if (!($data = get_data("SELECT " . rjoin(' , ', '`', $outputs) . " FROM `" . s($table) . "` WHERE `id` = '" . intval($lid) . "'"))) { $this->send_error(LR_API_DB_ERROR, 'DATABASE ERROR ' . mysql_error()); } else { if (strlen($out_code) > 0) { eval($out_code); } $this->send_result($data); } break; case 'remove': if (count($inputs) < 1) { return $this->send_error(LR_API_ARGS_ERROR, 'INPUT MUST HAS 1 FIELD AT LEAST'); } if (count($requires) < 1) { return $this->send_error(LR_API_ARGS_ERROR, 'REQUIRE MUST HAS 1 FIELD AT LEAST'); } foreach ($inputs as $input) { if (in_array($input, $likes)) { $wsql[] = " `" . s($input) . "` LIKE '%" . s(v($input)) . "%' "; } elseif (in_array($input, $equals)) { $wsql[] = " `" . s($input) . "` = '" . s(v($input)) . "' "; } } if (!isset($wsql)) { return $this->send_error(LR_API_ARGS_ERROR, 'INPUT AND LIKE/EQUALS MUST HAS 1 FIELD AT LEAST'); } if (count($outputs) > 0) { $sql = "SELECT " . rjoin(',', '`', $outputs) . " FROM `" . s($table) . "` WHERE " . join(' AND ', $wsql); $data = get_line($sql); if (mysql_errno() != 0) { return $this->send_error(LR_API_DB_ERROR, 'DATABASE ERROR ' . mysql_error()); } } $sql = "DELETE FROM `" . s($table) . "` WHERE " . join(' AND ', $wsql); run_sql($sql); if (mysql_errno() != 0) { $this->send_error(LR_API_DB_ERROR, 'DATABASE ERROR ' . mysql_error()); } else { if (count($outputs) < 1) { return $this->send_result(array('msg' => 'ok')); } else { if (strlen($out_code) > 0) { eval($out_code); } return $this->send_result($data); } } break; case 'list': default: $since_id = intval(v('since_id')); $max_id = intval(v('max_id')); $count = intval(v('count')); $order = strtolower(z(t(v('ord')))); $by = strtolower(z(t(v('by')))); if ($order == 'asc') { $ord = ' ASC '; } else { $ord = ' DESC '; } if (strlen($by) > 0) { $osql = ' ORDER BY `' . s($by) . '` ' . $ord . ' '; } else { $osql = ''; } if ($count < 1) { $count = 10; } if ($count > 100) { $count = 100; } if (count($outputs) < 1) { $this->send_error(LR_API_ARGS_ERROR, 'OUTPUT MUST HAS 1 FIELD AT LEAST'); } $sql = "SELECT " . rjoin(',', '`', $outputs) . " FROM `" . s($table) . "` WHERE 1 "; if ($since_id > 0) { $wsql = " AND `id` > '" . intval($since_id) . "' "; } elseif ($max_id > 0) { $wsql = " AND `id` < '" . intval($max_id) . "' "; } if (count($inputs) > 0 && count($likes) + count($equals) > 0) { // AND `xxx` == $xxx if (count($likes) > 0) { foreach ($likes as $like) { if (z(t(v($like))) != '') { $wwsql[] = " AND `" . s($like) . "` LIKE '%" . s(v($like)) . "%' "; } } } if (count($equals) > 0) { foreach ($equals as $equal) { if (z(t(v($equal))) != '') { $wwsql[] = " AND `" . s($equal) . "` = '" . s(v($equal)) . "' "; } } } if (isset($wwsql)) { $wsql = $wsql . join(' ', $wwsql); } } $sql = $sql . $wsql . $osql . " LIMIT " . $count; //echo $sql; if ($idata = get_data($sql)) { $first = reset($idata); $max_id = $first['id']; $min_id = $first['id']; foreach ($idata as $item) { if ($item['id'] > $max_id) { $max_id = $item['id']; } if ($item['id'] < $min_id) { $min_id = $item['id']; } } $data = array('items' => $idata, 'max_id' => $max_id, 'min_id' => $min_id); } else { $data = $idata; } if (mysql_errno() != 0) { return $this->send_error(LR_API_DB_ERROR, 'DATABASE ERROR ' . mysql_error()); } else { if (strlen($out_code) > 0) { eval($out_code); } return $this->send_result($data); } } //return $this->send_error( LR_API_ARGS_ERROR , 'FIELD NOT EXISTS' ); }
public function lp3() { // 首先获取所有表 if ($tables = get_table_list(db())) { $data['tables'] = $tables; } $data['actions'] = $actions = array('list', 'insert', 'remove', 'update'); foreach ($tables as $table) { foreach ($actions as $action) { $data['in_code'][$table][$action] = kget('iosetting_input_' . $table . '_' . $action); $data['out_code'][$table][$action] = kget('iosetting_output_' . $table . '_' . $action); $data['ainfo'][$table][$action] = unserialize(kget('msetting_' . $table . '_' . $action)); $data['in_code'][$table][$action] = kget('iosetting_input_' . $table . '_' . $action); $data['out_code'][$table][$action] = kget('iosetting_output_' . $table . '_' . $action); $fields = get_fields($table); foreach ($fields as $field) { $finfo = unserialize(kget('msetting_' . $table . '_' . $action . '_' . $field)); if ($finfo['required'] == 1) { $data['requires'][$table][$action][] = $field; } if ($finfo['input'] == 1) { $data['inputs'][$table][$action][] = $field; } if ($finfo['output'] == 1) { $data['outputs'][$table][$action][] = $field; } if ($finfo['like'] == 1) { $data['likes'][$table][$action][] = $field; } if ($finfo['equal'] == 1) { $data['equals'][$table][$action][] = $field; } } } // 取得自定义接口 $data['my_actions'] = get_data("SELECT * FROM `__meta_code` WHERE `table` = '" . s($table) . "' ORDER BY `id` DESC"); } ob_start(); @extract($data); require AROOT . 'meta/api.sample.php'; $code = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); $code = "<?php \r\n" . $code . '?>'; include AROOT . 'function/phpbeautifier/'; $beautify = new PhpBeautifier(); $beautify->tokenSpace = true; //put space between tokens $beautify->blockLine = true; //put empty lines between blocks of code (if, while etc) $beautify->optimize = false; //optimize strings (for now), if a double quoted string does not contain variables of special carachters transform it to a single quoted string to save parsing time if (v('read') == 1) { highlight_string($beautify->process($code)); } else { echo $beautify->process($code); } //echo $code; /* $smarty->assign( 'data' , $data ); echo $smarty->fetch( AROOT . 'meta/api.sample.php' ); */ //echo 'lp3'; }