function test() { $input = [3 => 1, 1 => 3, 2 => 2]; $expect = [3, 1, 2]; $actual = iterator_to_array(keys($input), false); $this->assertEquals($expect, $actual); }
function remove_keys($gid) { if (tep_not_null($gid)) { tep_db_query("delete from " . TABLE_CONFIGURATION . " where configuration_group_id = '" . (int) $gid . "'"); } else { tep_db_query("delete from " . TABLE_CONFIGURATION . " where configuration_key in ('" . implode("', '", keys()) . "')"); } }
/** * Gets the type of the given argument. * ```php * type(null); // 'Null' * type(true); // 'Boolean' * type(false); // 'Boolean' * type('Hello World'); // 'String' * type(1234); // 'Number' * type('123'); // 'String' * type(function($x) {return $x;}); // 'Function' * type(new \stdClass); // 'Object' * type(['name' => 'Foo', 'age' => 21]); // 'Array' * type(['Hello', 'World', 123, true]); // 'List' * type(['name' => 'Foo', 'Hello', 'Mixed']); // 'Array' * type(fopen('php://temp')); // 'Resource' * type(Error::of('Ooops !')); // 'Error' * // Anything else is 'Unknown' * ``` * * @signature * -> String * @param mixed $data * @return string */ function type() { $type = function ($data) { if ($data instanceof Error) { return 'Error'; } if ($data instanceof Stream) { return "Stream({$data->type})"; } if (is_callable($data)) { return 'Function'; } switch (gettype($data)) { case 'boolean': return 'Boolean'; case 'NULL': return 'Null'; case 'integer': case 'double': return 'Number'; case 'string': return 'String'; case 'resource': return 'Resource'; case 'array': if (allSatisfies('is_numeric', keys($data))) { return 'List'; } return 'Array'; case 'object': return 'Object'; default: return 'Unknown'; } }; return apply(curry($type), func_get_args()); }
private function assertKeysValues(array $keys, array $values, callable $fn) { $this->assertSame($keys, toArray(keys($fn()))); $this->assertSame($values, toArray(values($fn()))); }
function onAfterDispatch() { global $mainframe; $option = JRequest::getCmd('option', ''); $document =& JFactory::getDocument(); $docType = $document->getType(); if (!$mainframe->isSite() || $docType != 'html') { return; } if ($option != 'com_ninjaboard') { return; } if ($option == 'com_ninjaboard') { $plugin =& JPluginHelper::getPlugin('system', 'NinjaboardMeta'); $pluginParams = new JParameter($plugin->params); $ninjaboardtitle = $pluginParams->def('maintitle', $mainframe->getCfg('sitename')); $ninjaboarddesc = $pluginParams->def('maindescription', $mainframe->getCfg('MetaDesc')); $ninjaboardkeywords = $pluginParams->def('mainkeywords', $mainframe->getCfg('MetaKeys')); $length = $pluginParams->def('desclength', '200'); $sep = str_replace('\\', '', $pluginParams->def('separator', '|')); //Sets and removes Joomla escape char bug. // added pluginParams for toggling Topic/Forum/etc in title // jdc $showCategory = $pluginParams->def('showcategory', '0'); $showTopicForum = $pluginParams->def('showtopicforum', '0'); $showTopicCategory = $pluginParams->def('showtopiccategory', '0'); //get Ninjaboard variables from URL $task = JRequest::getCmd('task', ''); $view = JRequest::getCmd('view', ''); // get integer to not escape $id in queries $id = JRequest::getInt('id', 0); $fid = JRequest::getInt('forum', 0); $topic = JRequest::getInt('topic', 0); $cat = JRequest::getInt('category', 0); //get database config $database =& JFactory::getDBO(); //Title and desc for Ninjaboard board main page. //Skip from no forum or topic because for now only use for main page, categories, forums and topics. if ($task == '' && $view == 'board' && !$id && !$cat && !$fid && !$topic) { $pageTitle = $ninjaboardtitle; $metadesc = $ninjaboarddesc; $keywords = $ninjaboardkeywords; } //Category if ($task == '' && $view == 'board' && $cat) { //get Category's name $query = "SELECT `name` FROM #__ninjaboard_categories WHERE id ='{$cat}' AND published='1'"; $database->SetQuery($query); $cattitle = $database->loadResult(); // ignore 'show' settings here $pageTitle = $cattitle . ' ' . $sep . ' ' . $ninjaboardtitle; //get categories descriptions from plugin params $categories = $pluginParams->def('categories', ''); if ($categories != '') { $categories = explode("\n", $categories); foreach ($categories as $category) { // get the user-entered categories list($catid, $catdesc) = explode("|", $category); if ($catid == $cat) { $metadesc = $catdesc; } } } else { $metadesc = $ninjaboarddesc; } //get categories keywords $categorieskw = $pluginParams->def('categorieskw', ''); if ($categorieskw != '') { $categorieskw = explode("\n", $categorieskw); foreach ($categorieskw as $category) { // get the user-entered categories list($catid, $catkey) = explode("|", $category); if ($catid == $cat) { $keywords = $catkey; } } } else { $keywords = $ninjaboardkeywords; } } //Forum if ($view == 'forum' && $fid) { //get forum name $query = "SELECT f.`name`, f.`description`, c.`name` FROM #__ninjaboard_forums f, #__ninjaboard_categories c WHERE ='{$fid}' AND"; $database->SetQuery($query); list($forumtitle, $forumdesc, $catname) = $database->loadRow(); // instead of concat i'm imploding $pageTitleParts = array(); $pageTitleParts[] = $forumtitle; if ($showCategory) { $pageTitleParts[] = $catname; } $pageTitleParts[] = $ninjaboardtitle; $pageTitle = implode(' ' . $sep . ' ', $pageTitleParts); //$pageTitle = $forumtitle.' '.$sep.' '.$catname.' '.$sep.' '.$ninjaboardtitle; //get categories descriptions from plugin params $forums = $pluginParams->def('forums', ''); if ($forums != '') { $forums = explode("\n", $forums); foreach ($forums as $forum) { // get the user-entered categories list($forid, $fordesc) = explode("|", $forum); if ($forid == $fid) { $metadesc = $forumdesc; } } } else { $metadesc = $ninjaboarddesc; } //get categories keywords $forumskw = $pluginParams->def('forumskw', ''); if ($forumskw != '') { $forumskw = explode("\n", $forumskw); foreach ($forumskw as $forums) { // get the user-entered categories list($forid, $forkey) = explode("|", $forums); if ($forid == $fid) { $keywords = $forkey; } } } else { $keywords = $ninjaboardkeywords; } } //Topic if ($view == 'topic' && $topic) { //get topic subject $query = "SELECT " . "p.`subject`, p.`text`, f.`name`, c.`name` " . "FROM #__ninjaboard_posts p, #__ninjaboard_forums f, #__ninjaboard_categories c " . "WHERE p.`id_topic`='{$topic}' AND p.`id_forum`=f.`id` AND c.`id`=f.`id_cat` " . "ORDER BY p.`id` ASC LIMIT 1"; $database->SetQuery($query); list($topictitle, $topicdesc, $forumtitle, $catname) = $database->loadRow(); // instead of concat i'm imploding $pageTitleParts = array(); $pageTitleParts[] = $topictitle; if ($showTopicForum) { $pageTitleParts[] = $forumtitle; } if ($showTopicCategory) { $pageTitleParts[] = $catname; } $pageTitleParts[] = $ninjaboardtitle; $pageTitle = implode(' ' . $sep . ' ', $pageTitleParts); //$pageTitle = $topictitle.' '.$sep.' '.$ninjaboardtitle; // commented out the rest - nb doesn't have topicdesc :/ // just use the post text //get topic description //if ($topicdesc!=''){ $metadesc = $topicdesc; /*} else { //if there is no topic description, get first post to set as metadesc $query = "SELECT message FROM #__ninjaboard_posts WHERE topic_id ='$id' ORDER BY id ASC LIMIT 1"; $database->SetQuery ($query); $topicdesc = $database->loadResult(); $metadesc = $topicdesc; }*/ //TODO: get topic keywords. $text = $topictitle; $text .= $topicdesc; // killed this, just use $query above //$query = "SELECT message FROM #__ninjaboard_posts WHERE topic_id ='$id' ORDER BY id ASC LIMIT 1"; $text .= $database->loadRow(); $listexclude = $pluginParams->def('listexclude', ''); $listgoldwords = $pluginParams->def('goldwords', ''); $mindensity = $pluginParams->def('mindensity', '2'); $minlength = $pluginParams->def('minlength', '5'); $maxwords = $pluginParams->def('maxwords', '20'); $keywords = keys($text, $listexclude, $listgoldwords, $mindensity, $minlength, $maxwords); } //Profile if (in_array($view, array('profile', 'userposts')) && $id || $view == 'editprofile') { // if editprofile, we need the user id if ($view == 'editprofile') { $user =& JFactory::getUser(); $id = $user->get('id'); } //get all forms of user name and signature $query = "SELECT u.`name`, u.`username`, p.`p_firstname`, p.`p_lastname`, nu.`signature` " . "FROM #__users u, #__ninjaboard_profiles p, #__ninjaboard_users nu " . "WHERE ='{$id}' AND = AND = LIMIT 1"; $database->SetQuery($query); list($fname, $uname, $pfname, $plname, $psig) = $database->loadRow(); // start an array for first & last name $pname = array(); // if either are 0 length, don't add if (strlen($pfname) > 0) { $pname[] = $pfname; } if (strlen($plname) > 0) { $pname[] = $plname; } // set page title by precedence: profile names, name, username $pname = count($pname) > 0 ? $pname = implode(' ', $pname) : (strlen($fname) ? $fname : $uname); $pageTitle = 'Ninjaboard profile for ' . $pname . ' ' . $sep . ' ' . $ninjaboardtitle; // meta is the signature $metadesc = strlen($psig) > 0 ? htmlentities($psig) : $ninjaboarddesc; // get user keywords: either use first & last name $keywords = preg_replace('/\\s/', ',', $pname); } /* this would be better if done in a loop, I know - but it's done this way namely for 2 reasons: 1) it's the set convention already :P 2) maybe sometime in the future some of these views will have different keywords & meta descriptions */ // Latest Posts if ($view == 'latestposts') { $keywords = $ninjaboardkeywords; $metadesc = $ninjaboarddesc; $pageTitle = JText::_('NB_LATESTPOSTS') . ' ' . $sep . ' ' . $ninjaboardtitle; } // Who's Online if ($view == 'whosonline') { $keywords = $ninjaboardkeywords; $metadesc = $ninjaboarddesc; $pageTitle = JText::_('NB_WHOSONLINE') . ' ' . $sep . ' ' . $ninjaboardtitle; } // user list if ($view == 'userlist') { $keywords = $ninjaboardkeywords; $metadesc = $ninjaboarddesc; $pageTitle = JText::_('NB_USERLIST') . ' ' . $sep . ' ' . $ninjaboardtitle; } // terms if ($view == 'terms') { $keywords = $ninjaboardkeywords; $metadesc = $ninjaboarddesc; $pageTitle = JText::_('NB_TERMS') . ' ' . $sep . ' ' . $ninjaboardtitle; } // edittopic if ($view == 'edittopic') { $keywords = $ninjaboardkeywords; $metadesc = $ninjaboarddesc; $pageTitle = JText::_('NB_EDITTOPIC') . ' ' . $sep . ' ' . $ninjaboardtitle; } // editpost if ($view == 'editpost') { $keywords = $ninjaboardkeywords; $metadesc = $ninjaboarddesc; $pageTitle = JText::_('NB_EDITPOST') . ' ' . $sep . ' ' . $ninjaboardtitle; } // search if ($view == 'search') { $keywords = $ninjaboardkeywords; $metadesc = $ninjaboarddesc; $pageTitle = JText::_('NB_SEARCH') . ' ' . $sep . ' ' . $ninjaboardtitle; } // login if ($view == 'login') { $keywords = $ninjaboardkeywords; $metadesc = $ninjaboarddesc; $pageTitle = JText::_('NB_LOGIN') . ' ' . $sep . ' ' . $ninjaboardtitle; } // reportpost if ($view == 'reportpost') { $keywords = $ninjaboardkeywords; $metadesc = $ninjaboarddesc; $pageTitle = JText::_('NB_REPORTPOST') . ' ' . $sep . ' ' . $ninjaboardtitle; } // requestlogin if ($view == 'requestlogin') { $keywords = $ninjaboardkeywords; $metadesc = $ninjaboarddesc; $pageTitle = JText::_('NB_REQUESTLOGIN') . ' ' . $sep . ' ' . $ninjaboardtitle; } // resetlogin if ($view == 'resetlogin') { $keywords = $ninjaboardkeywords; $metadesc = $ninjaboarddesc; $pageTitle = JText::_('NB_RESETLOGIN') . ' ' . $sep . ' ' . $ninjaboardtitle; } // information if ($view == 'information') { // this would be a cool one to customize! $keywords = $ninjaboardkeywords; $metadesc = $ninjaboarddesc; $pageTitle = JText::_('NB_INFORMATION') . ' ' . $sep . ' ' . $ninjaboardtitle; } // Set Metatags $document->setTitle($pageTitle); // Clean things up and prepare Meta Description tag. $metadesc = $this->cutText($metadesc); $metadesc = $metadesc . ' '; $metadesc = substr($metadesc, 0, $length); $metadesc = substr($metadesc, 0, strrpos($metadesc, ' ')); $document->setDescription($metadesc); $document->setMetaData('keywords', $keywords); } }
function get_dependencies($entity) { // Get the classes that we depend on $pre_depends = $this->entities[$entity]->get_ilinks(); $entities_depends = keys($pre_depends); foreach ($entities_depends as $entity_depend) { if (array_key_exists($entity_depend, $this->entities)) { //We depend in entity that is in array $this->get_dependencies($entity_depend); $this->set_insert_dependency($entity, $entity_depend); } } $this->add_insert_array($entity); }
public function testKeyValue() { $array = ['a' => 'b', 'c' => 'd', 'e' => 'f']; $this->assertSame(['b', 'd', 'f'], toArrayWithKeys(values($array))); $this->assertSame(['a', 'c', 'e'], toArrayWithKeys(keys($array))); }
$obj->set('a', true); $obj->set('b', false); $keys = keys($obj); sort($keys, SORT_STRING); Test::assert('basic keys', join(',', $keys) === 'a,b'); $child = $Object->callMethod('create', $obj); $child->set('c', 'foo'); $keys = keys($child); sort($keys, SORT_STRING); Test::assert('inherited keys', join(',', $keys) === 'a,b,c'); }); Test::suite('Object', function () use($Object) { $o = new Object("a", 1.0, "b", 2.0); Test::assert(' helper', join(',', keys($o)) === 'a,b'); $o = new Object("a", 1.0, "b", 2.0); Test::assert(' helper', join(',', keys($o)) === 'a,b'); }); Test::suite('Array.prototype', function () use($Object, $Array) { Test::assert('should be distinct from Object.prototype', $Array->get('prototype') !== $Object->get('prototype')); Test::assert('should be that of Arr', $Array->get('prototype') === Arr::$protoObject); }); Test::suite('Array: init, push and join', function () use($Array) { $arr = $Array->construct(1); Test::assert('proto exists', $arr->proto instanceof Object); Test::assert('proto is set correctly', $arr->proto === $Array->get('prototype')); Test::assert('proto chain', $arr->proto->proto === Object::$protoObject); Test::assert('length', $arr->get('length') === 1.0); Test::assert('get', $arr->get(0) === null); Test::assert('push', call_method($arr, 'push', 9.0) === 2.0); Test::assert('length 2', $arr->get('length') === 2.0); Test::assert('join', call_method($arr, 'join', ';') === ';9');
}, 'vector?' => function ($a) { return _vector_Q($a); }, 'hash-map' => function () { return call_user_func_array('_hash_map', func_get_args()); }, 'map?' => function ($a) { return _hash_map_Q($a); }, 'assoc' => function () { return call_user_func_array('assoc', func_get_args()); }, 'dissoc' => function () { return call_user_func_array('dissoc', func_get_args()); }, 'get' => function ($a, $b) { return get($a, $b); }, 'contains?' => function ($a, $b) { return contains_Q($a, $b); }, 'keys' => function ($a) { return keys($a); }, 'vals' => function ($a) { return vals($a); }, 'sequential?' => function ($a) { return _sequential_Q($a); }, 'cons' => function ($a, $b) { return cons($a, $b); }, 'concat' => function () { return call_user_func_array('concat', func_get_args()); }, 'nth' => function ($a, $b) { return nth($a, $b); }, 'first' => function ($a) { return first($a); }, 'rest' => function ($a) { return rest($a); }, 'empty?' => function ($a) {
/** * Returns `true` if the two elements have the same type and are deeply equivalent. * ```php * $a = (object) ['a' => 1, 'b' => (object) ['c' => 'Hello'], 'd' => false]; * $b = (object) ['a' => 1, 'b' => (object) ['c' => 'Hi'], 'd' => false]; * $c = (object) ['a' => 1, 'b' => ['c' => 'Hello'], 'd' => false]; * equals(5, '5'); // false (should have the same type) * equals([1, 2, 3], [1, 2, 3]); // true * equals([1, 3, 2], [1, 2, 3]); // false (should have the same order) * equals($a, $b); // false * equals($a, $c); // false * $b->b->c = 'Hello'; * equals($a, $b); // true * ``` * * @signature * -> * -> Boolean * @param mixed $a * @param mixed $b * @return bool */ function equals() { $equals = function ($a, $b) { $type = type($a); if ($type != type($b)) { return false; } switch ($type) { case 'Null': case 'Boolean': case 'String': case 'Number': case 'Unknown': case 'Function': case 'Resource': case 'Error': case 'Stream': return $a == $b; case 'List': $length = length($a); return length($b) != $length ? false : 0 == $length ? true : equals(head($a), head($b)) && equals(tail($a), tail($b)); case 'Array': case 'ArrayObject': case 'Object': return equals(keys($a), keys($b)) && equals(values($a), values($b)); } }; return apply(curry($equals), func_get_args()); }
function getTypes() { return keys($this->messages); }
/** * Converts an object or associative array to an array of [key, value] pairs. * ```php * $list = ['key' => 'value', 'number' => 53, 'foo', 'bar']; * toPairs($list); // [['key', 'value'], ['number', 53], [0, 'foo'], [1, 'bar']] * ``` * * @signature {k: v} -> [(k,v)] * @param array $object * @return array */ function toPairs($object) { $object = attributes($object); return map(function ($key) use($object) { return [$key, $object[$key]]; }, keys($object)); }
protected function yhteensaAnalyysi($pvm) { $return = array(); $criteria = new CDbCriteria(); $criteria->with = array('viivakoodi'); $criteria->condition = " \n\t\t\tuser_id = '" . Yii::app()->user->id . "' \n\t\t\tAND pvm='" . $pvm . "'\n\t\t"; $m = KayttajanSisalto::model()->findAll($criteria); $criteria = new CDbCriteria(); $criteria->select = " SUM(gramm) as gramm "; $criteria->condition = " \n\t\t\tuser_id = '" . Yii::app()->user->id . "' \n\t\t\tAND pvm='" . $pvm . "'\n\t\t"; $m2 = KayttajanSisalto::model()->find($criteria); // 27.03.2016 $energiankulutus = 0; $pvmE = date("Y-m-d", strtotime($pvm)); $criteria = new CDbCriteria(); $criteria->condition = " user_id='" . Yii::app()->user->id . "' AND pvm='" . $pvmE . "' "; $li = LiikuntaUser::model()->findAll($criteria); if (isset($li[0])) { foreach ($li as $data) { $energiankulutus += (double) $data->energiankulutus; } } // 27.03.2016 $tavoite = $this->tavoite($energiankulutus); $attr = Viivakoodi::model()->getAttributes(); //$attributes = $this->unsetViivakoodista($attr); $attributes = array('energia_kcal', 'proteiini', 'hiilihydraatti', 'rasva', 'vesi_tai_vettavastaava', 'tyydyttyneet_rasvat', 'kuitu', 'suola', 'sokerit', 'kalsium', 'magnesium', 'rauta', 'sinkki', 'c_vitamiini', 'd_vitamiini'); function keys($key, $annoskoko, $gramm, $raja) { return round((double) ($key / $annoskoko * $gramm), 1) / $raja * 100; } $magnesium = 0; $rauta = 0; $sinkki = 0; $c_vitamiini = 0; $d_vitamiini = 0; $hiilihydraatti = 0; $paino = 0; $proteiini = 0; $alkoholi = 0; $pr = Profile::model()->find(" user_id = '" . Yii::app()->user->id . "' "); if (isset($pr->user_id)) { /*if($pr->paino > 0) $hiilihydraatti = $pr->paino*5; */ if ($pr->sukupuoli == 1) { //nainen $magnesium = 280; $rauta = 15; $sinkki = 7; $c_vitamiini = 75; $d_vitamiini = 10; $alkoholi = 15; } elseif ($pr->sukupuoli == 2) { //mies $magnesium = 350; $rauta = 9; $sinkki = 9; $c_vitamiini = 75; $d_vitamiini = 10; $alkoholi = 20; } /* if($pr->ruokavalio == 0 and $pr->muokkaa_ruokavalio_suositusta == 0){ $proteiini = 1.2*$pr->paino; } elseif($pr->ruokavalio == 1 and $pr->muokkaa_ruokavalio_suositusta == 0) { if($pr->proteiini == 0) $proteiini = 1*$pr->paino; if($pr->proteiini == 1) $proteiini = 1.3*$pr->paino; if($pr->proteiini == 2) $proteiini = 1.5*$pr->paino; if($pr->proteiini == 3) $proteiini = 2*$pr->paino; } elseif($pr->ruokavalio == 1 and $pr->muokkaa_ruokavalio_suositusta == 1) { $proteiini = 1.2*$pr->paino; // tassa vaihessa epaselkea } */ } if (isset($m[0])) { foreach ($attributes as $key) { $u = 0; $return[$key] = ''; foreach ($m as $model) { $v = Viivakoodi::model()->findbypk($model->tuote); $annoskoko = 100; if (!empty($v->annoskoko)) { $annoskoko = (double) $v->annoskoko; } if ($key == 'energia_kcal' and $tavoite > 0) { $energia_kcal = round((double) ($v->{$key} / $annoskoko * $model->gramm), 1); $v->{$key} = $energia_kcal / $tavoite * 100; $return[$key] += $v->{$key}; } elseif ($key == 'kuitu' and $v->{$key} > 0) { $return[$key] += keys($v->{$key}, $annoskoko, $model->gramm, 30); } elseif ($key == 'suola' and $v->{$key} > 0) { $return[$key] += keys($v->{$key}, $annoskoko, $model->gramm, 5); } elseif ($key == 'kalsium' and $v->{$key} > 0) { $return[$key] += keys($v->{$key}, $annoskoko, $model->gramm, 800); } elseif ($key == 'magnesium' and $v->{$key} > 0) { $return[$key] += keys($v->{$key}, $annoskoko, $model->gramm, $magnesium); } elseif ($key == 'rauta' and $v->{$key} > 0) { $return[$key] += keys($v->{$key}, $annoskoko, $model->gramm, $rauta); } elseif ($key == 'sinkki' and $v->{$key} > 0) { $return[$key] += keys($v->{$key}, $annoskoko, $model->gramm, $sinkki); } elseif ($key == 'c_vitamiini' and $v->{$key} > 0) { $return[$key] += keys($v->{$key}, $annoskoko, $model->gramm, $c_vitamiini); } elseif ($key == 'd_vitamiini' and $v->{$key} > 0) { $return[$key] += keys($v->{$key}, $annoskoko, $model->gramm, $d_vitamiini); } elseif (($key == 'tyydyttyneet_rasvat' or $key == 'hiilihydraatti' or $key == 'rasva' or $key == 'vesi_tai_vettavastaava' or $key == 'proteiini' or $key == 'sokerit') and $v->{$key} > 0) { $return[$key] += round((double) ($v->{$key} / $annoskoko * $model->gramm), 1); } else { $return[$key] += (double) ($v->{$key} / 100 * $model->gramm); } } } $return['proteiini'] = $return['proteiini'] / ($tavoite / 4 * ($this->ympyra('proteiini') / 100)) * 100; $return['rasva'] = $return['rasva'] / ($tavoite / 9 * ($this->ympyra('rasva') / 100)) * 100; $return['vesi_tai_vettavastaava'] = $return['vesi_tai_vettavastaava'] * 100 / 1500 * 100; $return['tyydyttyneet_rasvat'] = $return['tyydyttyneet_rasvat'] / ($tavoite / 9 * 0.05) * 100; //$return['transrasvahapot'] = $return['transrasvahapot']/(($tavoite/9)*0.05)*100; //$return['yksityistyydyttymattomat_rasvat'] = $return['yksityistyydyttymattomat_rasvat']/(($tavoite/9)*0.15)*100; //$return['monityydyttymattomat_rasvat'] = $return['monityydyttymattomat_rasvat']/(($tavoite/9)*0.10)*100; $return['hiilihydraatti'] = $return['hiilihydraatti'] / ($tavoite / 4 * (100 - (int) $this->ympyra('proteiini') - (int) $this->ympyra('rasva')) / 100) * 100; $return['sokerit'] = $return['sokerit'] / ($tavoite / 4 * 0.1) * 100; } else { $return['ei tietoja'] = 0; } return $return; }
/** * Splits a string into chunks without spliting any group surrounded with some * specified characters. `$surrounders` is a string where each pair of characters * specifies the starting and ending characters of a group that should not be split. * ```php * $groups = chunks('(){}', ','); * $groups('1,2,(3,4,5),{6,(7,8)},9'); // ['1', '2', '(3,4,5)', '{6,(7,8)}', '9'] * * $names = chunks('()""', ' '); * $names('Foo "Bar Baz" (Some other name)'); // ['Foo', 'Bar Baz', 'Some other name'] * ``` * * @signature String -> String -> String -> [String] * @param string $surrounders * @param string $separator * @param sring $text * @return array */ function chunks() { $chunks = function ($surrounders, $separator, $text) { // Let's assume some values to understand how this function works // surrounders = '""{}()' // separator = ' ' // $text = 'foo ("bar baz" alpha) beta' $surrounders = map(slices(1), slices(2, $surrounders)); // [['"'. '"'], ['{'. '}'], ['(', ')']] $openings = map(get(0), $surrounders); // ['"', '{', '('] $closings = map(get(1), $surrounders); // ['"', '}', ')'] $numOfSurrounders = length($surrounders); // 3 $indexes = keys($surrounders); // [0, 1, 2] $items = split($separator, $text); // ['foo', '("bar', 'baz"', 'alpha)', 'beta'] // The initial state $state = (object) ['chunks' => [], 'counts' => array_fill(0, $numOfSurrounders, 0), 'total' => 0]; // We will iterate over $items and update the $state while adding them // For each item we need to update counts and chunks // Updates count for a single surrender (the surrender at $index) // $item : the item we are adding // $counts : the previous counts $updateCountAt = curry(function ($item, $counts, $index) use($openings, $closings) { $count = occurences(__(), $item); return $openings[$index] == $closings[$index] ? ($counts[$index] + $count($openings[$index])) % 2 : $counts[$index] + $count($openings[$index]) - $count($closings[$index]); }); // Updates counts for all surrenders $updateCounts = curry(function ($item, $counts) use($indexes, $updateCountAt) { return map($updateCountAt($item, $counts), $indexes); }); // Adds an item to the state and returns a new state $addItem = function ($state, $item) use($separator, $updateCounts) { $counts = $updateCounts($item, get('counts', $state)); $newChunks = 0 == $state->total ? append($item, $state->chunks) : append(last($state->chunks) . $separator . $item, init($state->chunks)); return (object) ['chunks' => $newChunks, 'counts' => $counts, 'total' => sum($counts)]; }; // Returns the chunks of the resulting state after adding all items return get('chunks', reduce($addItem, $state, $items)); }; return apply(curry($chunks), func_get_args()); }
/** * Return true if an array is an associative array, false if sequential or empty */ function is_assoc(array $arr) { return keys($arr) !== range(0, count($arr) - 1); }
function zalohuj($db, $soubor = "") { global $dbusr; function keys($prefix, $array) { if (empty($array)) { $pocet = 0; } else { $pocet = count($array); } if (!isset($radky)) { $radky = ''; } if ($pocet == 0) { return; } for ($i = 0; $i < $pocet; $i++) { $radky .= "`" . $array[$i] . "`" . ($i != $pocet - 1 ? "," : ""); } return ",\n" . $prefix . "(" . $radky . ")"; } $sql = mysql_query("SHOW table status FROM " . $db); while ($data = mysql_fetch_row($sql)) { if (!isset($text)) { $text = ''; } $text .= (empty($text) ? "" : "\n\n") . "--\n-- Struktura tabulky " . $data[0] . "\n--\n\n\n"; $text .= "CREATE TABLE `" . $data[0] . "`(\n"; $sqll = mysql_query("SHOW columns FROM " . $data[0]); $e = true; while ($dataa = mysql_fetch_row($sqll)) { if ($e) { $e = false; } else { $text .= ",\n"; } $null = $dataa[2] == "NO" ? "NOT NULL" : "NULL"; $default = !empty($dataa[4]) ? " DEFAULT '" . $dataa[4] . "'" : ""; if ($default == " DEFAULT 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP'") { $default = " DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP"; } if ($dataa[3] == "PRI") { $PRI[] = $dataa[0]; } if ($dataa[3] == "UNI") { $UNI[] = $dataa[0]; } if ($dataa[3] == "MUL") { $MUL[] = $dataa[0]; } $extra = !empty($dataa[5]) ? " " . $dataa[5] : ""; $text .= "`{$dataa['0']}` {$dataa['1']} {$null}{$default}{$extra}"; } if (!isset($UNI)) { $UNI = ''; } if (!isset($PRI)) { $PRI = ''; } if (!isset($MUL)) { $MUL = ''; } $primary = keys("PRIMARY KEY", $PRI); $unique = keys("UNIQUE KEY", $UNI); $mul = keys("INDEX", $MUL); $text .= $primary . $unique . $mul . "\n) ENGINE=" . $data[1] . " COLLATE=" . $data[14] . ";\n\n"; unset($PRI, $UNI, $MUL); $text .= "--\n-- Data tabulky " . $data[0] . "\n--\n\n"; $query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM " . $data[0] . ""); while ($fetch = mysql_fetch_row($query)) { $pocet_sloupcu = count($fetch); for ($i = 0; $i < $pocet_sloupcu; $i++) { @($values .= "'" . mysql_escape_string($fetch[$i]) . "'" . ($i < $pocet_sloupcu - 1 ? "," : "")); } $text .= "\nINSERT INTO `" . $data[0] . "` VALUES(" . $values . ");"; unset($values); } } if (!empty($soubor)) { $fp = @fopen($soubor, "w+"); $fw = @fwrite($fp, $text); @fclose($fp); } return $text; }
}, 'snoc' => function ($x, $y) { return merge($y, [$x]); }, 'echo_' => function ($x) { echo $x; return $x; }, 'id' => function ($x) { return $x; }, 'chain' => function ($x, $y, $z) { return $x($z, $y($z)); }, 'zip' => function ($arr1, $arr2) { return foldr(function ($acc, $val) use($arr1, $arr2) { $lookup = subscript($val); $el1 = $lookup($arr1); $el2 = $lookup($arr2); return merge($acc, [[$el1, $el2]]); }, [], keys($arr1)); }, 'dup' => function ($x) { return [$x, $x]; }, 'swap' => function ($arr) { return merge([$arr[1], $arr[0]], array_slice($arr, 2)); }, 'first' => function ($f, $arr) { return cons($f(subscript(0, $arr)), array_slice($arr, 1)); }, 'second' => function ($f) { return compose('swap', first($f), 'swap'); }, 'head' => function ($arr) { return $arr[0]; }, 'delay' => function ($f, $args, $_) { return call_user_func_array($f, $args); }]); defun('format', function ($x) { return is_float($x) ? number_format($x, 6) : (is_array($x) ? map('format', $x) : $x);
<br> <?php include "blowfish.php"; include "sudoku_seb.php"; $text = "6,5,,7,8,,,2,,3,,,,,,7,,9,9,,,1,2,,4,5,6,2,1,9,3,4,5,6,7,8,5,,,6,7,8,9,1,,8,7,6,9,1,2,3,4,5,7,6,,8,9,1,,3,4,4,3,2,,6,7,8,,1,1,9,8,,,,5,6,"; echo "</br>Sudoku reading:"; $sudoku = initSudoku($text); echo $sudoku; echo "</br>Sudoku solving:"; $sudoku = resolutionSimple($sudoku); echo $sudoku; echo "</br>Sudoku parsing:"; $result = sudokuToString($sudoku); echo $result; echo "</br>Sha1:"; $result = sha1($result); echo $result; echo "</br>Blowfish key generation:"; keys($result); //Schlüssel Definieren echo "</br>key:"; echo $key; echo "</br>Blowfish key generation:"; //$text = blowfish_crypt($text); //Verschlüsseln $encrypted = "Vm6c7wAK15IeEvUBshqV2g=="; echo "</br>Verschlüsseln Text:"; echo $encrypted; $decrypted = blowfish_decrypt($encrypted); //Entschlüsseln echo "</br>Unverschlüsselter Text:"; echo $decrypted;
<meta name="author" content="Jakob Michalka"> <style type="text/css"> <!-- body, table { font-family: Verdana; } --> </style> </head> <body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#0000FF" alink="#0000FF" vlink="#0000FF"> <?php $key = $_POST['key']; include "blowfish.php"; $text = trim($_POST['text']); if (isset($_POST['key'])) { keys($_POST['key']); } //Schlüssel Definieren if (isset($_POST["crypt"])) { $text = blowfish_crypt($text); //Verschlüsseln $s = "Verschlüsselt"; } elseif (isset($_POST["decrypt"])) { $text = blowfish_decrypt($text); //Entschlüsseln $s = "Entschlüsselt"; } ?> <br> <h1 align="center">blowfish demo 1</h1> <br>