if ($action != "print") {
    echo $print_page_link;
if (isset($_SESSION['loginUsername']) && $_SESSION['userLevel'] <= "1" && $section == "admin") {
    if ($totalRows_dropoff == 0) {
        echo $message1;
    if ($totalRows_judging == 0) {
        echo $message2;
echo $primary_page_info;
//echo $totalRowsSponsors;
if (judging_date_return() == 0 && $registration_open == "2") {
    if ($_SESSION['prefsDisplayWinners'] == "Y") {
        if (judging_winner_display($delay)) {
            if (NHC && $prefix == "final_" || !NHC) {
                echo $header1_1;
                include SECTIONS . 'bos.sec.php';
            echo $header1_2;
            if ($_SESSION['prefsWinnerMethod'] == "1") {
                include SECTIONS . 'winners_category.sec.php';
            } elseif ($_SESSION['prefsWinnerMethod'] == "2") {
                include SECTIONS . 'winners_subcategory.sec.php';
            } else {
                include SECTIONS . 'winners.sec.php';
        } else {
            echo $page_info;
$entry_message = "";
$remaining_message = "";
$discount_fee_message = "";
$entry_fee_message = "";
$nhc_message_1 = "";
$nhc_message_2 = "";
$add_entry_link = "";
$beer_xml_link = "";
$print_list_link = "";
$pay_fees_message = "";
$firefox_warning = "";
// Build Headers
$header1_1 .= "<a name='list'></a><h2>Entries</h2>";
$firefox_warning .= "<div class='warning'>There is a known issue with printing from the Firefox browser. To print all pages properly from Firefox, RIGHT CLICK on any print link and choose \"Open Link in New Tab.\" Then, use Firefox's native printing function (Edit > Print) to print your documents. Be aware that you should use the browser's File > Page Setup... function to specify portrait or landscape, margins, etc.</div>";
// Show Scores?
if (judging_date_return() == 0 && $entry_window_open == 2 && $registration_open == 2 && $judge_window_open == 2 && $_SESSION['prefsDisplayWinners'] == "Y" && judging_winner_display($delay)) {
    $show_scores = TRUE;
} else {
    $show_scores = FALSE;
// Get Entry Fees
$total_entry_fees = total_fees($_SESSION['contestEntryFee'], $_SESSION['contestEntryFee2'], $_SESSION['contestEntryFeeDiscount'], $_SESSION['contestEntryFeeDiscountNum'], $_SESSION['contestEntryCap'], $_SESSION['contestEntryFeePasswordNum'], $row_brewer['uid'], $filter);
$total_paid_entry_fees = total_fees_paid($_SESSION['contestEntryFee'], $_SESSION['contestEntryFee2'], $_SESSION['contestEntryFeeDiscount'], $_SESSION['contestEntryFeeDiscountNum'], $_SESSION['contestEntryCap'], $_SESSION['contestEntryFeePasswordNum'], $row_brewer['uid'], $filter);
$total_to_pay = $total_entry_fees - $total_paid_entry_fees;
// Build Warnings
$warnings = "";
if ($totalRows_log > 0 && $action != "print") {
    if (entries_unconfirmed($_SESSION['user_id']) > 0) {
        $warnings .= "<div class='error'>";
        $warnings .= "You have unconfirmed entries. For each highlighed entry below with a <span class='icon'><img src='" . $base_url . "images/exclamation.png'></span> icon, click \"Edit\" to review and confirm all your entry data. Unconfirmed entries will be deleted automatically after 24 hours.";
        if ($_SESSION['prefsPayToPrint'] == "Y") {