예제 #1

# MetInfo Enterprise Content Management System
# Copyright (C) MetInfo Co.,Ltd (http://www.metinfo.cn). All rights reserved.
$depth = '../';
require_once $depth . '../login/login_check.php';
require_once ROOTPATH . 'public/php/searchhtml.inc.php';
if ($action == 'sendmail') {
    @ini_set("max_execution_time", "30000");
    require_once ROOTPATH . 'include/jmail.php';
    $emailok = jmailsend($met_fd_usename, $met_fd_fromname, $addressee, $title, $contents, $met_fd_usename, $met_fd_password, $met_fd_smtp);
    $re = $emailok ? $lang_setbasicok : $lang_setbasicno;
    metsave("../content/feedback/editor.php?anyid={$anyid}&id={$id}&lang={$lang}&class1={$class1}&classall={$classall}&customerid={$customerid}", $re, $depth);
$css_url = $depth . "../templates/" . $met_skin . "/css";
$img_url = $depth . "../templates/" . $met_skin . "/images";
include template('content/feedback/email');
# This program is an open source system, commercial use, please consciously to purchase commercial license.
# Copyright (C) MetInfo Co., Ltd. (http://www.metinfo.cn). All rights reserved.
예제 #2
            if ($val[type] != 5) {
                $body = $body . '<tr><td class="l">' . $val[name] . '</td><td class="r">' . $para . '</td>' . $bt . '</tr>' . "\n";
            } else {
                if ($met_cv_image != $val[id]) {
                    $para = explode('../', $para);
                    $para = $para[1] != "" ? "<a href=" . $met_weburl . $para[1] . " trage='_blank' style='color:#f00;' >" . $lang_Download . "</a>" : $lang_Emptyno;
                    $body = $body . '<tr><td class="l">' . $val[name] . '</td><td class="r">' . $para . '</td>' . $bt . '</tr>' . "\n";
        $body .= '<tr><td class="footer" colspan="3">Powered by <a target="_blank" href="http://www.metinfo.cn">MetInfo ' . $metcms_v . '</a> &copy;2008-2011 &nbsp;<a target="_blank" href="http://www.metinfo.cn">MetInfo Inc.</a></td></tr>';
        $body .= '</table>';
        if ($met_cv_back == 1) {
            jmailsend($from, $fromname, $cvto, $met_cv_title, $met_cv_content, $usename, $usepassword, $smtp);
        jmailsend($from, $fromname, $to, $title, $body, $usename, $usepassword, $smtp);
    if ($met_nurse_job) {
        require_once ROOTPATH . 'include/export.func.php';
        if (maxnurse() < $met_nurse_max) {
            $domain = strdomain($met_weburl);
            $message = "您网站[{$domain}]收到了新的简历[{$job_list[position]}],请尽快登录网站后台查看";
            sendsms($met_nurse_job_tel, $message, 4);
    $backurl = $metinfo_member_name == "" ? '../index.php?lang=' . $lang : '../member/' . $member_index_url;
    okinfo($backurl, $lang_js21);
# This program is an open source system, commercial use, please consciously to purchase commercial license.
예제 #3
파일: index.php 프로젝트: nanfs/lt
            $para = strip_tags($para);
            if ($val[type] != 5) {
                $body = $body . "<b>" . $val[name] . "</b>:" . $para . "<br>";
            } else {
                $para = $para != "" ? "<a href=" . $met_weburl . "upload/file/" . $para . " >" . $met_weburl . "upload/file/" . $para . "</a>" : $para;
                $body = $body . "<b>" . $val[name] . "</b>:" . $para . "<br>";
        $body = $body . "<b>{$lang_FeedbackProduct}</b>:" . $fdtitle . "<br>";
        $body = $body . "<b>{$lang_IP}</b>:" . $ip . "<br>";
        $body = $body . "<b>{$lang_AddTime}</b>:" . $addtime . "<br>";
        $body = $body . "<b>{$lang_SourcePage}</b>:" . $fromurl;
        jmailsend($from, $fromname, $to, $title, $body, $usename, $usepassword, $smtp, $fdto);
    if ($met_fd_back == 1) {
        jmailsend($from, $fromname, $fdto, $met_fd_title, $met_fd_content, $usename, $usepassword, $smtp);
    okinfo($returnurl, "{$lang_Feedback4}");
} else {
    $query = "SELECT * FROM {$met_parameter} where lang='{$lang}' and  module=8 and class1='{$id}' order by no_order";
    if ($met_member_use) {
        $query = "select * from {$met_parameter} where (access in(select id from {$met_admin_array} where user_webpower<='{$metinfo_member_type}') or access=0) and lang='{$lang}' and module=8 and class1='{$id}' order by no_order;";
    $result = $db->query($query);
    while ($list = $db->fetch_array($result)) {
        if ($list[type] == 2 or $list[type] == 4 or $list[type] == 6) {
            $listinfo = $db->get_one("select * from {$met_list} where bigid='{$list['id']}' and no_order=99999");
            $listinfoid = intval(trim($listinfo[info]));
            if ($listinfo) {
                $listmarknow = 'metinfo';
                $classtype = $listinfo[info] == 'metinfoall' ? $listinfoid : ($met_class[$listinfoid][releclass] ? 'class1' : 'class' . $class_list[$listinfoid][classtype]);
예제 #4
    if (!get_extension_funcs('openssl') && $met_fd_way == 'ssl') {
        $metinfo = '<span style="color:#f00;">' . $lang_setbasicTip15 . '</span>';
        echo $metinfo;
    if (!function_exists('fsockopen') && !function_exists('pfsockopen') && !function_exists('stream_socket_client')) {
        $metinfo = '<span style="color:#f00;">' . $lang_basictips1 . '</span>';
        $metinfo .= '<span style="color:#090;">' . $lang_basictips2 . '</span>';
    } else {
        ini_set("max_execution_time", "30000");
        require_once ROOTPATH . 'include/jmail.php';
        if ($usename && $fromname && $password && $smtp) {
            $password = $password == 'passwordhidden' ? $met_fd_password : $password;
            $emailok = jmailsend($usename, $fromname, $usename, $lang_basictips3, $lang_basictips4, $usename, $password, $smtp);
        if (!$emailok) {
            $metinfo = '<span style="color:#f00;">' . $lang_basictips5 . '</span>';
            $metinfo .= '<span style="color:#090;">' . $lang_basictips6 . '</span>';
        } else {
            $metinfo = '<span style="color:#090">' . $lang_basictips7 . '</span>';
    echo $metinfo;
if ($met_fd_way == ssl) {
    $met_admin_smtp_ssl = "checked";
if ($met_fd_way == tls) {