예제 #1
function j_mail($subj, $msg = '')
    global $opt_jfb_email_to, $opt_jfb_email_logs, $jfb_log;
    global $jfb_debug_array;
    if (get_option($opt_jfb_email_logs) && get_option($opt_jfb_email_to)) {
        if ($msg) {
            $msg .= "\n\n";
        if (isset($jfb_log)) {
            $msg .= "---LOG:---\n" . $jfb_log;
        $count = count($jfb_debug_array);
        $keys = array_keys($jfb_debug_array);
        $msg .= "\n---TIME:---\n";
        for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) {
            if ($i == 0) {
                $msg .= sprintf("%-9s", $keys[$i]) . ") +0s\n";
            } else {
                $msg .= sprintf("%-9s", $keys[$i]) . ") +" . round($jfb_debug_array[$keys[$i]]['time'] - $jfb_debug_array[$keys[$i - 1]]['time'], 2) . "s\n";
        $msg .= "TOTAL    ) " . round($jfb_debug_array[$keys[$count - 1]]['time'] - $jfb_debug_array[$keys[0]]['time'], 2) . "s\n";
        $msg .= "\n---MEMORY:---\n";
        for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) {
            $value = $jfb_debug_array[$keys[$i]]['mem'];
            if ($i == 0) {
                $msg .= sprintf("%-9s", $keys[$i]) . ") " . round($value / (1024 * 1024), 2) . "M\n";
            } else {
                $msg .= sprintf("%-9s", $keys[$i]) . ") " . round($value / (1024 * 1024), 2) . "M (+" . round(($value - $jfb_debug_array[$keys[$i - 1]]['mem']) / (1024 * 1024), 2) . "M)\n";
        $msg .= "LIMIT    ) " . ini_get('memory_limit') . "\n";
        $msg .= "\n---REQUEST:---\n" . print_r($_REQUEST, true);
        mail(get_option($opt_jfb_email_to), $subj, $msg);
예제 #2
 * This file handles Facebook Connect login requests.  When a user logs in via the FB popup window,
 * the js_callbackfunc will redirect us here.  We then use information from FB to log them into nxt.
 * See the bottom of this file for notes on the Facebook API
//A very simple check to avoid people from accessing this script directly.
if (!isset($_POST['redirectTo'])) {
    die("Please do not access this script directly.");
//Make sure we're using PHP5
if (version_compare('5', PHP_VERSION, ">")) {
    die("Error: This plugin requires PHP5 or better.");
//Include our options and the nxtclass core
require_once "__inc_nxt.php";
require_once "__inc_opts.php";
//If present, include the Premium addon
@(include_once realpath(dirname(__FILE__)) . "/../nxt-FB-AutoConnect-Premium.php");
if (!defined('JFB_PREMIUM')) {
    @(include_once "Premium.php");
//Start logging
$browser = jfb_get_browser();
$jfb_log = "Starting login process (Client: " . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . ", Version: {$jfb_version}, Browser: " . $browser['shortname'] . " " . $browser['version'] . " for " . $browser['platform'] . ")\n";
//Run one hook before ANYTHING happens.
//Check the nonce to make sure this was a valid login attempt (unless the user has disabled nonce checking)
if (!get_option($opt_jfb_disablenonce)) {
    if (nxt_verify_nonce($_REQUEST[$jfb_nonce_name], $jfb_nonce_name) != 1) {
        //If there's already a user logged in, tell the user and give them a link back to where they were.
        $currUser = nxt_get_current_user();
예제 #3
function jfb_process_login()
    //If this pageload isn't supposed to be handing a login, just stop here.
    global $jfb_nonce_name;
    if (!isset($_POST[$jfb_nonce_name])) {
    //Start logging
    global $jfb_log, $jfb_version, $opt_jfb_app_id, $jfb_homepage;
    $browser = jfb_get_browser();
    $jfb_log = "Starting login process (IP: " . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . ", User: "******", App: " . get_option($opt_jfb_app_id) . ", Version: {$jfb_version}, Browser: " . $browser['shortname'] . " " . $browser['version'] . " for " . $browser['platform'] . ")\n";
    //Run one hook before ANYTHING happens.
    $jfb_log .= "WP: Running action wpfb_prelogin\n";
    //Check the nonce to make sure this was a valid login attempt (unless the user has disabled nonce checking)
    global $opt_jfb_disablenonce, $jfb_nonce_name;
    if (!get_option($opt_jfb_disablenonce)) {
        if (wp_verify_nonce($_REQUEST[$jfb_nonce_name], $jfb_nonce_name) != 1) {
            //If there's already a user logged in, tell the user and give them a link back to where they were.
            $currUser = wp_get_current_user();
            if ($currUser->ID) {
                $msg = "User \"{$currUser->user_login}\" has already logged in via another browser session.\n";
                $jfb_log .= $msg;
                j_mail("FB Double-Login: "******" -> " . get_bloginfo('name'));
                die($msg . "<br /><br /><a href=\"" . $_POST['redirectTo'] . "\">Continue</a>");
            j_die("Nonce check failed, login aborted.\nThis usually due to your browser's privacy settings or a server-side caching plugin.  If you get this error on multiple browsers, please contact the site administrator.\n");
        $jfb_log .= "WP: nonce check passed\n";
    } else {
        $jfb_log .= "WP: nonce check DISABLED\n";
    //Get the redirect URL
    global $redirectTo;
    if (!isset($_POST['redirectTo']) || !$_POST['redirectTo']) {
        j_die("Error: Missing POST Data (redirect)");
    $redirectTo = $_POST['redirectTo'];
    $jfb_log .= "WP: Found redirect URL ({$redirectTo})\n";
    //Get the Facebook access token
    if (!isset($_POST['access_token']) || !$_POST['access_token']) {
        j_die("Error: Missing POST Data (access_token).\n\nIf you're receiving this notice via e-mail as a site administrator, it's nearly always safe to ignore (these errors are due to spambots automatically hitting your site).  If you're seeing this as a real person attempting to login, please report it to the plugin author at " . $jfb_homepage . ".");
    $access_token = $_POST['access_token'];
    $jfb_log .= "FB: Found access token (" . substr($access_token, 0, 30) . "...)\n";
    //Get the basic user info and make sure the access_token is valid
    $jfb_log .= "FB: Initiating Facebook connection...\n";
    $fbuser = jfb_api_get("https://graph.facebook.com/me?access_token={$access_token}");
    if (isset($fbuser['error'])) {
        j_die("Error: Failed to get the Facebook user session (" . $fbuser['error']['message'] . ")");
    $fb_uid = $fbuser['id'];
    do_action('wpfb_session_established', array('FB_ID' => $fb_uid, 'access_token' => $access_token));
    $jfb_log .= "FB: Connected to session (uid {$fb_uid})\n";
    //Get some extra stuff (TODO: I should combine these into one query with the above, for better efficiency)
    $fbuser['profile_url'] = $fbuser['link'];
    $pic = jfb_api_get("https://graph.facebook.com/fql?q=" . urlencode("SELECT pic_square,pic_big FROM user WHERE uid={$fb_uid}") . "&access_token={$access_token}");
    $fbuser['pic_square'] = $pic['data'][0]['pic_square'];
    $fbuser['pic_big'] = $pic['data'][0]['pic_big'];
    $jfb_log .= "FB: Got user info (" . $fbuser['name'] . ")\n";
    //See if we were given permission to access the user's email
    //This isn't required, and will only matter if it's a new user without an existing WP account
    //(since we'll auto-register an account for them, using the contact_email we get from Facebook - if we can...)
    $userRevealedEmail = false;
    if (strlen($fbuser['email']) != 0 && strpos($fbuser['email'], 'proxymail.facebook.com') === FALSE) {
        $jfb_log .= "FB: Email privilege granted (" . $fbuser['email'] . ")\n";
        $userRevealedEmail = true;
    } else {
        if (strlen($fbuser['email']) != 0) {
            $jfb_log .= "FB: Email privilege granted, but only for an anonymous proxy address (" . $fbuser['email'] . ")\n";
        } else {
            global $jfb_default_email;
            $jfb_log .= "FB: Email priviledge denied.\n";
            $fbuser['email'] = "FB_" . $fb_uid . $jfb_default_email;
    //Run a hook so users can`examine this Facebook user *before* letting them login.  You might use this
    //to limit logins based on friendship status - if someone isn't your friend, you could redirect them
    //to an error page (and terminate this script).
    $jfb_log .= "WP: Running action wpfb_connect\n";
    do_action('wpfb_connect', array('FB_ID' => $fb_uid, 'access_token' => $access_token));
    //Examine all existing WP users to see if any of them match this Facebook user.
    //The base query for getting the users comes from get_users_from_blog(), to which I add a subquery
    //that limits results only to users who also have the appropriate facebook usermeta.
    global $wp_users, $jfb_uid_meta_name;
    if (!isset($wp_users)) {
        global $wpdb, $blog_id;
        if (empty($id)) {
            $id = (int) $blog_id;
        $blog_prefix = $wpdb->get_blog_prefix($id);
        $sql = "SELECT user_id, user_id AS ID, user_login, display_name, user_email, meta_value " . "FROM {$wpdb->users}, {$wpdb->usermeta} " . "WHERE {$wpdb->users}.ID = {$wpdb->usermeta}.user_id AND meta_key = '{$blog_prefix}capabilities' " . "AND {$wpdb->users}.ID IN (SELECT user_id FROM {$wpdb->usermeta} WHERE meta_key = '{$jfb_uid_meta_name}' AND meta_value = '{$fb_uid}')";
        $wp_users = $wpdb->get_results($sql);
    //Although $wp_users should only contain the one matching user (or be empty), this "loop" method of searching
    //for matching usermeta is retained for backwards compatibility with old 3rd party hooks which may've relied on it.
    //Originally, $wp_users contained the full list of users (not just those with matching usermeta).
    $jfb_log .= "WP: Searching " . count($wp_users) . " existing candidates by meta...\n";
    $user_login_id = false;
    foreach ($wp_users as $wp_user) {
        $meta_uid = get_user_meta($wp_user->ID, $jfb_uid_meta_name, true);
        if ($meta_uid && $meta_uid == $fb_uid) {
            $user_data = get_userdata($wp_user->ID);
            $user_login_id = $wp_user->ID;
            $user_login_name = $user_data->user_login;
            $jfb_log .= "WP: Found existing user by meta (" . $user_login_name . ")\n";
    //Next, try to lookup their email directly (via Wordpress).  Obviously this will only work if they've revealed
    //their "real" address (vs denying access, or changing it to a "proxy" in the popup)
    if (!$user_login_id && $userRevealedEmail) {
        $jfb_log .= "WP: Searching for user by email address...\n";
        if ($wp_user = get_user_by('email', $fbuser['email'])) {
            $user_login_id = $wp_user->ID;
            $user_data = get_userdata($wp_user->ID);
            $user_login_name = $user_data->user_login;
            $jfb_log .= "WP: Found existing user (" . $user_login_name . ") by email (" . $fbuser['email'] . ")\n";
    //If we found an existing user, check if they'd previously denied access to their email but have now allowed it.
    //If so, we'll want to update their WP account with their *real* email.
    global $jfb_default_email;
    if ($user_login_id) {
        //Check 1: It was previously denied, but is now allowed
        $updateEmail = false;
        if (strpos($user_data->user_email, $jfb_default_email) !== FALSE && strpos($fbuser['email'], $jfb_default_email) === FALSE) {
            $jfb_log .= "WP: Previously DENIED email has now been allowed; updating to (" . $fbuser['email'] . ")\n";
            $updateEmail = true;
        //Check 2: It was previously allowed, but only as an anonymous proxy.  They've now revealed their "true" email.
        if (strpos($user_data->user_email, "@proxymail.facebook.com") !== FALSE && strpos($fbuser['email'], "@proxymail.facebook.com") === FALSE) {
            $jfb_log .= "WP: Previously PROXIED email has now been allowed; updating to (" . $fbuser['email'] . ")\n";
            $updateEmail = true;
        if ($updateEmail) {
            $user_upd = array();
            $user_upd['ID'] = $user_login_id;
            $user_upd['user_email'] = $fbuser['email'];
        //Run a hook when an existing user logs in
        $jfb_log .= "WP: Running action wpfb_existing_user\n";
        do_action('wpfb_existing_user', array('WP_ID' => $user_login_id, 'FB_ID' => $fb_uid, 'WP_UserData' => $user_data, 'access_token' => $access_token));
    //If we still don't have a user_login_id, the FB user who's logging in has never been to this blog.
    //We'll auto-register them a new account.  Note that if they haven't allowed email permissions, the
    //account we register will have a bogus email address (but that's OK, since we still know their Facebook ID)
    if (!$user_login_id) {
        $jfb_log .= "WP: No user found. Automatically registering (FB_" . $fb_uid . ")\n";
        $user_data = array();
        $user_data['user_login'] = "******" . $fb_uid;
        $user_data['user_pass'] = wp_generate_password();
        $user_data['user_nicename'] = sanitize_title($user_data['user_login']);
        $user_data['first_name'] = $fbuser['first_name'];
        $user_data['last_name'] = $fbuser['last_name'];
        $user_data['display_name'] = $fbuser['first_name'];
        $user_data['user_url'] = $fbuser["profile_url"];
        $user_data['user_email'] = $fbuser["email"];
        //Run a filter so the user can be modified to something different before registration
        //NOTE: If the user has selected "pretty names", this'll change FB_xxx to i.e. "John.Smith"
        $jfb_log .= "WP: Applying filters wpfb_insert_user/wpfb_inserting_user\n";
        $user_data = apply_filters('wpfb_insert_user', $user_data, $fbuser);
        $user_data = apply_filters('wpfb_inserting_user', $user_data, array('WP_ID' => $user_login_id, 'FB_ID' => $fb_uid, 'FB_UserData' => $fbuser, 'access_token' => $access_token));
        //Insert a new user to our database and make sure it worked
        $user_login_id = wp_insert_user($user_data);
        if (is_wp_error($user_login_id)) {
            j_die("Error: wp_insert_user failed!<br/><br/>" . "If you get this error while running a Wordpress MultiSite installation, it means you'll need to purchase the <a href=\"{$jfb_homepage}#premium\">premium version</a> of this plugin to enable full MultiSite support.<br/><br/>" . "If you're <u><i>not</i></u> using MultiSite, please report this bug to the plugin author on the support page <a href=\"{$jfb_homepage}#feedback\">here</a>.<br /><br />" . "Error message: " . (method_exists($user_login_id, 'get_error_message') ? $user_login_id->get_error_message() : "Undefined") . "<br />" . "WP_ALLOW_MULTISITE: " . (defined('WP_ALLOW_MULTISITE') ? constant('WP_ALLOW_MULTISITE') : "Undefined") . "<br />" . "is_multisite: " . (function_exists('is_multisite') ? is_multisite() : "Undefined"));
        //Success! Notify the site admin.
        $user_login_name = $user_data['user_login'];
        //Run an action so i.e. usermeta can be added to a user after registration
        $jfb_log .= "WP: Running action wpfb_inserted_user\n";
        do_action('wpfb_inserted_user', array('WP_ID' => $user_login_id, 'FB_ID' => $fb_uid, 'WP_UserData' => $user_data, 'access_token' => $access_token));
    //Tag the user with our meta so we can recognize them next time, without resorting to email hashes
    global $jfb_uid_meta_name;
    update_user_meta($user_login_id, $jfb_uid_meta_name, $fb_uid);
    $jfb_log .= "WP: Updated usermeta ({$jfb_uid_meta_name})\n";
    //Also store the user's facebook avatar(s), in case the user wants to use them later
    if ($fbuser['pic_square']) {
        if (isset($fbuser['pic_square']['data']['url'])) {
            $avatarThumb = $fbuser['pic_square']['data']['url'];
        } else {
            $avatarThumb = $fbuser['pic_square'];
        if (isset($fbuser['pic_big']['data']['url'])) {
            $avatarFull = $fbuser['pic_big']['data']['url'];
        } else {
            $avatarFull = $fbuser['pic_big'];
        update_user_meta($user_login_id, 'facebook_avatar_full', $avatarFull);
        update_user_meta($user_login_id, 'facebook_avatar_thumb', $avatarThumb);
        $jfb_log .= "WP: Updated small avatar ({$avatarThumb})\n";
        $jfb_log .= "WP: Updated large avatar ({$avatarFull})\n";
    } else {
        update_user_meta($user_login_id, 'facebook_avatar_thumb', '');
        update_user_meta($user_login_id, 'facebook_avatar_full', '');
        $jfb_log .= "FB: User does not have a profile picture; clearing cached avatar (if present).\n";
    //Log them in
    $rememberme = apply_filters('wpfb_rememberme', isset($_POST['rememberme']) && $_POST['rememberme']);
    wp_set_auth_cookie($user_login_id, $rememberme);
    //Run a custom action.  You can use this to modify a logging-in user however you like,
    //i.e. add them to a "Recent FB Visitors" log, assign a role if they're friends with you on Facebook, etc.
    $jfb_log .= "WP: Running action wpfb_login\n";
    do_action('wpfb_login', array('WP_ID' => $user_login_id, 'FB_ID' => $fb_uid, 'access_token' => $access_token));
    do_action('wp_login', $user_login_name, get_userdata($user_login_id));
    //Email logs if requested
    $jfb_log .= "Login complete (rememberme=" . ($rememberme ? "yes" : "no") . ")\n";
    $jfb_log .= "   WP User : {$user_login_name} (" . admin_url("user-edit.php?user_id={$user_login_id}") . ")\n";
    $jfb_log .= "   FB User : "******" (" . $fbuser["profile_url"] . ")\n";
    $jfb_log .= "   Redirect: " . $redirectTo . "\n";
    j_mail("FB Login: "******" -> " . get_bloginfo('name'));
    //Redirect the user back to where they were
    global $opt_jfb_delay_redir;
    $delay_redirect = get_option($opt_jfb_delay_redir);
    if (!isset($delay_redirect) || !$delay_redirect) {
        header("Location: " . $redirectTo);
    <!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en">
            <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
            <title>Logging In...</title>
    $jfb_log .= "\n---REQUEST:---\n" . print_r($_REQUEST, true);
    echo "<pre>" . $jfb_log . "</pre>";
    echo '<a href="' . $redirectTo . '">Continue</a>';