/** * test posting a valid message to the API */ public function testPostValidMessage() { //get the count of the numbers of rows in the database $numRows = $this->getConnection()->getRowCount("message"); //create a new message to send $newMessage = new Message(null, $this->VALID_MESSAGE_ID, $this->VALID_LISTING_Id, $this->VALID_ORG_ID, $this->VALID_MESSAGE_ID, $this->VALID_MESSAGE_TEXT); //run a get request to establish session tokens $this->guzzle->get('http://bootcamp-coders.cnm.edu/~bread-basket/public_html/php/api/message/'); //Grab the Data from guzzle and enforce the status match our expectations $response = $this->guzzle->post('http://bootcamp-coders.cnm.edu/~bread-basket/public_html/php/api/', ['headers' => ['X-XRF-TOKEN' => $this->getXsrfToken()], 'json' => $newMessage]); $this->assertSame($response->getStatusCode(), 200); $body = $response->getBody(); $alertLevel = jason_decode($body); $this->assertSame(200, $alertLevel->status); //ensure a new row was added to the database $this->assertSame($numRows + 1, $this->getConnection()->getRowCount("message")); }
// Scene commands // Scene commands case "add_scene": $apperr .= "Calling add_scene:: icsmsg: " . $icsmsg . ", json: " . json_decode($icsmsg) . "\n"; $tcnt = add_scene($icsmsg); $apperr .= "\nScene added "; $ret = $tcnt; break; case "upd_scene": $apperr .= "Calling upd_scene:: icsmsg: " . $icsmsg . ", json: " . json_decode($icsmsg) . "\n"; $tcnt = store_scene($icsmsg); $apperr .= "\nScene updated "; $ret = $tcnt; break; case "store_scene": $apperr .= "Calling store_scene:: jsonmsg: " . jason_decode($icsmsg) . "\n"; $tcnt = store_scene($icsmsg); $apperr .= "\nScene stored "; $ret = $tcnt; break; case "delete_scene": $apperr .= "Calling delete_scene:: json: " . json_decode($icsmsg) . "\n"; $tcnt = delete_scene($icsmsg); $apperr .= "\nScene deleted "; $ret = $tcnt; break; // Timer database functions // Timer database functions case "add_timer": $apperr .= "Calling add_timer:: icsmsg: " . $icsmsg . ", json: " . json_decode($icsmsg) . "\n"; $tcnt = add_timer($icsmsg);