/** * Outputs the content of the widget * * @param array $args * @param array $instance */ public function widget($args, $instance) { // See if we need to hide the button if (!apply_filters('show_ua_webtide_widget_button', true, $instance, $args)) { return; } // If for members only if (isset($instance['for_members_only']) && $instance['for_members_only'] && !IS_WEBTIDE_MEMBER) { return; } // If for non-members only if (isset($instance['for_non_members_only']) && $instance['for_non_members_only'] && IS_WEBTIDE_MEMBER) { return; } // If we have linkage... if ($button_linkage = ua_webtide_widgets_get_linkage_a($instance)) { // If we're supposed to hide the button on the page it's linked to if (isset($instance['hide_on_link']) && $instance['hide_on_link']) { // Get the linkage if ($linkage = ua_webtide_widgets_get_linkage($instance)) { // If the URLs match, get out of here if (is_viewing_ua_webtide_link($linkage)) { return; } } } echo $args['before_widget']; echo $button_linkage . $instance['text'] . '</a>'; echo $args['after_widget']; } }
function ua_webtide_add_calendar_menu($sidebar_id) { // Only for the calendar sidebar if ('calendar' != $sidebar_id) { return; } // Only if we have terms $events_categories = get_terms('tribe_events_cat', array('orderby' => 'name', 'order' => 'ASC', 'hide_empty' => true, 'fields' => 'all')); if (!$events_categories) { return; } // Are we viewing the main events page? $is_main_events_page = is_post_type_archive('tribe_events'); ?> <div class="widget widget_nav_menu view-events-menu"> <h3 class="widget-title">View Events<?php // Link to view all events if not on main events page if (!$is_main_events_page) { ?> <span class="widget-title-link"><a href="https://webtide.ua.edu/events/">View all</a></span><?php } ?> </h3> <div class="menu-calendar-container"> <ul id="menu-calendar" class="menu"><?php foreach ($events_categories as $event_cat) { // Get the term link if (!($event_cat_term_link = get_term_link($event_cat, 'tribe_events_cat'))) { continue; } // Is this the current page? $current_page = is_viewing_ua_webtide_link($event_cat_term_link, !$is_main_events_page); ?> <li<?php echo $current_page ? ' class="current-menu-item"' : NULL; ?> ><a href="<?php echo $event_cat_term_link; ?> list/"><?php echo $event_cat->name; ?> </a></li><?php } ?> </ul> </div> </div><?php }
function is_viewing_ua_webtide_link_menu_condition($item) { return isset($item->url) ? is_viewing_ua_webtide_link($item->url) : false; }