function render($data = NULL, $layout = NULL, $sharp = 'default', $pathinfo = false) { if ($layout == null) { if (is_ajax_request()) { $layout = 'ajax'; } elseif (is_mobile_request()) { $layout = 'mobile'; } else { $layout = 'web'; } } $GLOBALS['layout'] = $layout; $GLOBALS['sharp'] = $sharp; $layout_file = AROOT . 'view/layout/' . $layout . '/' . $sharp . '.tpl.html'; $data = apply_filter('CTRL_' . g('c') . '_' . g('a') . '_RENDER_FILTER', $data); $GLOBALS['LP_RENDER_DATA'] = $data; if (file_exists($layout_file)) { @extract($data); require $layout_file; } else { $layout_file = CROOT . 'view/layout/' . $layout . '/' . $sharp . '.tpl.html'; if (file_exists($layout_file)) { @extract($data); require $layout_file; } } }
function render($data = NULL, $layout = NULL, $sharp = 'default') { if ($layout == null) { if (is_ajax_request()) { $layout = 'ajax'; } elseif (is_mobile_request()) { $layout = 'mobile'; } else { $layout = 'web'; } } $GLOBALS['layout'] = $layout; $GLOBALS['sharp'] = $sharp; $layout_file = AROOT . 'view/layout/' . $layout . '/' . $sharp . '.tpl.html'; if (file_exists($layout_file)) { @extract($data); require $layout_file; } else { $layout_file = CROOT . 'view/layout/' . $layout . '/' . $sharp . '.tpl.html'; if (file_exists($layout_file)) { @extract($data); require $layout_file; } } }
public function __construct() { if (is_mobile_request()) { $params = $_GET; $this->redirect('Mobile/' . CONTROLLER_NAME . '/' . ACTION_NAME, $params); } parent::__construct(); $this->assign('controller', CONTROLLER_NAME); //读取配置信息 $web_stting = F('setting'); if ($web_stting === false) { $params = array(); $list = M('Setting')->getField('name,value'); foreach ($list as $key => $val) { $params[$key] = unserialize($val) ? unserialize($val) : $val; } F('setting', $params); $web_stting = F('setting'); } $this->assign('web_stting', $web_stting); //站点状态判断 if ($web_stting['site_status'] != 1) { echo '<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />'; echo $web_stting['closed_reason']; exit; } else { $link = M('Link')->where(array('status' => 1))->order('sort desc')->select(); $this->assign('seo', seo()); $this->assign('link', $link); } }
/** * 模板调用 * * @param $m 模块名称 * @param $template 模版名称 * @param $style 模版风格 * @return string */ function T($m = 'content', $template = 'index', $style = 'default') { $mb = false; if (SUPPORT_MOBILE && is_mobile_request()) { $tmp = $template; $template = 'mobile/' . $template; $mb = true; } $cache_file = CACHE_ROOT . 'templates/' . $style . '/' . $m . '/' . $template . '.php'; if (!file_exists($cache_file)) { $tpl_file = 'templates/' . $style . '/' . $m . '/' . $template . '.html'; if (file_exists(COREFRAME_ROOT . $tpl_file)) { exit('Please update template cache!'); } elseif ($mb) { $cache_file = CACHE_ROOT . 'templates/' . $style . '/' . $m . '/' . $tmp . '.php'; if (!file_exists($cache_file)) { $tpl_file = 'templates/' . $style . '/' . $m . '/' . $tmp . '.html'; if (file_exists(COREFRAME_ROOT . $tpl_file)) { exit('Please update template cache!'); } else { exit('Template does not exists:' . $tpl_file); } } elseif (AUTO_CACHE_TPL) { $c_template = load_class('template'); $c_template->cache_template($m, $tmp, $style); } } else { exit('Template does not exists:' . $tpl_file); } } elseif (AUTO_CACHE_TPL) { $c_template = load_class('template'); $c_template->cache_template($m, $template, $style); } return $cache_file; }
public function _initialize() { //判断是否是手机访问 $check_platforms = is_mobile_request(); if ($check_platforms) { $this->is_mobile = 1; C('DEFAULT_THEME', 'm'); } $this->assign('now_action', CONTROLLER_NAME . '/' . ACTION_NAME); }
function index() { if (is_mobile_request()) { return forward('client/'); } if (is_login()) { return forward('?c=dashboard'); } // do login $data['title'] = $data['top_title'] = __('LOGIN_PAGE_TITLE'); $data['css'][] = 'login_screen.css'; $data['langs'] = @glob(AROOT . 'local/*.lang.php'); return render($data, 'web', 'fullwidth'); }
function publish_feed($content, $uid, $type = 0, $tid = 0) { if (is_mobile_request()) { $device = 'mobile'; } else { $device = 'web'; } $tid = intval($tid); if ($type == 2 && $tid > 0) { $comment_count = get_var("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `todo_history` WHERE `tid` = '" . intval($tid) . "' AND `type` = 2 ", db()); } else { $comment_count = 0; } $sql = "INSERT INTO `feed` ( `content` , `tid` , `uid` , `type` ,`timeline` , `device` , `comment_count` ) VALUES ( '" . s($content) . "' , '" . intval($tid) . "', '" . intval($uid) . "' , '" . intval($type) . "' , NOW() , '" . s($device) . "' , '" . intval($comment_count) . "' )"; run_sql($sql); $lid = last_id(); if (db_errno() != 0) { return false; } else { if ($comment_count > 0 && $type == 2 && $tid > 0) { $sql = "UPDATE `feed` SET `comment_count` = '" . intval($comment_count) . "' WHERE `tid` = '" . intval($tid) . "' AND `comment_count` != '" . intval($comment_count) . "' "; run_sql($sql); } return $lid; } }
/** * 为Feed添加评论 * * * @param string token , 必填 * @param string fid - 必填 * @param string text - 必填 * @return feed array * @author EasyChen */ public function feed_add_comment($text = false, $fid = false) { if (!$text) { $content = $text = z(t(v('text'))); } if (!not_empty($content)) { return self::send_error(LR_API_ARGS_ERROR, __('INPUT_CHECK_BAD_ARGS', 'TEXT')); } if (!$fid) { $fid = intval(v('fid')); } if (intval($fid) < 1) { return self::send_error(LR_API_ARGS_ERROR, __('INPUT_CHECK_BAD_ARGS', 'FID')); } $finfo = get_line("SELECT * FROM `feed` WHERE `id` = '" . intval($fid) . "' LIMIT 1"); if (is_mobile_request()) { $device = 'mobile'; } else { $device = 'web'; } $sql = "INSERT INTO `comment` ( `fid` , `uid` , `content` , `timeline` , `device` ) \n\t\tVALUES ( '" . intval($fid) . "' , '" . intval($_SESSION['uid']) . "' , '" . s($content) . "' , NOW() , '" . s($device) . "' ) "; run_sql($sql); if (db_errno() != 0) { return self::send_error(LR_API_DB_ERROR, __('API_MESSAGE_DATABASE_ERROR') . mysql_error()); } else { $lid = last_id(); // feed表comment_count计数增加 $count = get_var("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `comment` WHERE `fid` = '" . intval($fid) . "' ", db()); $sql = "UPDATE `feed` SET `comment_count` = '" . intval($count) . "' WHERE `id` = '" . intval($fid) . "' LIMIT 1"; run_sql($sql); // 向Feed作者发通知 if ($finfo['uid'] != uid()) { send_notice($finfo['uid'], __('API_TEXT_COMMENT_FEED_OWNED', array(uname(), $finfo['content'], $content)), 2, array('fid' => intval($fid), 'count' => $count)); } // 向参与了该Feed讨论的同学发送通知 $sql = "SELECT `uid` FROM `comment` WHERE `fid`= '" . intval($fid) . "' "; if ($uitems = get_data($sql)) { foreach ($uitems as $uitem) { if ($uitem['uid'] != uid() && $uitem['uid'] != $finfo['uid']) { $myuids[] = $uitem['uid']; } } } if (isset($myuids)) { $myuids = array_unique($myuids); foreach ($myuids as $muid) { send_notice($muid, __('API_TEXT_COMMENT_FEED_IN', array(uname(), $finfo['content'], $content)), 2, array('fid' => intval($fid), 'count' => $count)); } } // 向被@的同学,发送通知 if ($ats = find_at($content)) { $sql = "SELECT `id` FROM `user` WHERE "; foreach ($ats as $at) { $at = z(t($at)); if ($gname = get_group_names()) { if (in_array(strtoupper($at), $gname)) { if ($ndata = get_group_unames($at)) { foreach ($ndata as $nname) { $names[] = $nname; } } } else { $names[] = $at; } } else { $names[] = $at; } } foreach ($names as $at) { $at = z(t($at)); if (mb_strlen($at, 'UTF-8') < 2) { continue; } $wsql[] = " `name` = '" . s(t($at)) . "' "; if (c('at_short_name')) { if (mb_strlen($at, 'UTF-8') == 2) { $wsql[] = " `name` LIKE '_" . s($at) . "' "; } } } if (isset($wsql) && is_array($wsql)) { $sql = $sql . join(' OR ', $wsql); if ($udata = get_data($sql)) { foreach ($udata as $uitem) { $myuids[] = $uitem['id']; } if (isset($myuids) && is_array($myuids)) { $myuids = array_unique($myuids); foreach ($myuids as $muid) { if ($muid != uid() && $muid != $finfo['uid']) { send_notice($muid, __('API_TEXT_AT_IN_CAST_COMMENT', array(uname(), $finfo['content'], $content)), 2, array('fid' => intval($fid), $count)); } } } } } } if ($comment = get_line("SELECT * FROM `comment` WHERE `id` = '" . intval($lid) . "' LIMIT 1", db())) { $comment['user'] = get_user_info_by_id($_SESSION['uid']); return self::send_result($comment); } else { if (db_errno() != 0) { return self::send_error(LR_API_DB_ERROR, __('API_MESSAGE_DATABASE_ERROR') . mysql_error()); } else { return self::send_error(LR_API_DB_EMPTY_RESULT, __('API_MESSAGE_EMPTY_RESULT_DATA')); } } } }
<?php $member = get_member_account(true, true); $openid = $member['openid']; $member = member_get($openid); $paymentconfig = ""; if (strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], 'MicroMessenger')) { $paymentconfig = " and code!='alipay'"; } else { if (is_mobile_request()) { $paymentconfig = " and code!='weixin'"; } } $paymentlist = mysqld_selectall("select * from " . table("payment") . " where `enabled`=1 and `code`!='gold' and `online`=1 {$paymentconfig} "); $paymentscount = mysqld_selectcolumn("select count(id) from " . table("payment") . " where `enabled`=1 and `code`!='gold' and `online`=1 {$paymentconfig} "); if (empty($paymentscount)) { message("未找到可用的在线支付方式,暂时不支持余额充值。"); } if (checksubmit("submit")) { if (empty($_GP['charge']) || round($_GP['charge'], 2) <= 0) { message("请输入要充值的金额"); } $paytypecode = $_GP['paymentcode']; if (empty($paytypecode)) { message("请选择充值方式。"); } $payment = mysqld_select("select * from " . table("payment") . " where `enabled`=1 and `code`=:code and `code`!='gold' and `online`=1", array('code' => $paytypecode)); if (empty($payment['id'])) { message("未找到付款方式,付款失败"); } $goodtitle = "余额充值" . $_GP['charge'] . "元";
function get_device() { if (is_mobile_request()) { return 'mobile'; } else { return 'web'; } }
// Pre-final check to reset everything if the user is on Windows if (strpos(strtolower($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']), 'windows') !== false) { $mobile_browser = 0; } // But WP7 is also Windows, with a slightly different characteristic if (strpos(strtolower($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']), 'windows phone') !== false) { $mobile_browser++; } if ($mobile_browser > 0) { return true; } else { return false; } } if (file_exists("config/install.lock")) { if (is_mobile_request() && ($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] == '/' || $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] == '/index.php')) { //手机访问的情况 header("location:index.php?r=wap/default"); } else { // change the following paths if necessary $yii = dirname(__FILE__) . '/framework/yii.php'; $config = dirname(__FILE__) . '/protected/config/main.php'; // remove the following lines when in production mode defined('YII_DEBUG') or define('YII_DEBUG', true); // specify how many levels of call stack should be shown in each log message defined('YII_TRACE_LEVEL') or define('YII_TRACE_LEVEL', 3); require_once $yii; Yii::createWebApplication($config)->run(); } } else { header('Location:install/index.php');
<?php header("content-type:text/html;charset=utf-8"); // 定义ThinkPHP框架路径(相对于入口文件) define('THINK_PATH', './ThinkPHP/'); //定义项目名称 define('APP_NAME', 'wap_renrenlie'); //定义项目路径 define('APP_PATH', './Home/'); define('BACK_URL', './index.php'); define('APP_DEBUG', true); if (is_mobile_request() === false) { //pc访问手机端职位详情 if (strpos($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], "/Job/job_detail_new/jobid/") !== false) { $requesString = explode("/jobid/", $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']); $requesString = explode("&share=", $requesString[1]); // var_dump($requesString);die; // header("Location:" . $requesString[0]); // die; } // to_pc(); // header('Location:'); } //加载框架入文件 require THINK_PATH . 'ThinkPHP.php'; function is_mobile_request() { $_SERVER['ALL_HTTP'] = isset($_SERVER['ALL_HTTP']) ? $_SERVER['ALL_HTTP'] : ''; $mobile_browser = '0'; if (preg_match('/(up.browser||mmp|symbian|smartphone|midp|wap|phone|iphone|ipad|ipod|android|xoom)/i', strtolower($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']))) { $mobile_browser++;
function from_to_weixin() { if (is_weixin() === false) { if (is_mobile_request() === false) { // header('Location:'); // die; } } }
public function run($setindex = '') { IUrl::beginUrl(); $controller = IUrl::getInfo('controller'); $action = IUrl::getInfo('action'); $Taction = empty($action) ? $this->defaultAction : $action; $info = isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_HOST']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_HOST'] : (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] : ''); $sitekey = isset($this->config['sitekey']) ? $this->config['sitekey'] : ''; //if ($this->getkey() != $sitekey) { // echo 'error! 关注好资源'; // exit(); //} /* $hostcheck = array('', '', ''); if (!in_array($info, $hostcheck)) { echo 'error! 关注好资源'; exit(); }*/ if ($controller === NULL) { $controller = $this->defaultController; } $this->controller = $controller; $this->Taction = $Taction; if ($controller == 'site' && $Taction == 'index') { if (is_mobile_request()) { $this->controller = 'html5'; } } spl_autoload_register('Mysite::autoload'); $filePath = hopedir . '/lib/Smarty/libs/Smarty.class.php'; if (!class_exists('smarty')) { include_once $filePath; } if ($controller == 'adminpage') { $smarty = new Smarty(); $smarty->assign('siteurl', Mysite::$app->config['siteurl']); $smarty->cache_lifetime = 0; $smarty->caching = false; $smarty->template_dir = hopedir . '/templates/'; $smarty->compile_dir = hopedir . '/templates_c/adminpage'; $smarty->cache_dir = hopedir . '/smarty_cache'; $smarty->left_delimiter = '<{'; $smarty->right_delimiter = '}>'; $module = IUrl::getInfo('module'); $module = empty($module) ? 'index' : $module; $doaction = Mysite::$app->getAction() == 'index' ? 'system' : Mysite::$app->getAction(); $this->Taction = $doaction; $this->siteset(); if (!file_exists(hopedir . '/module/' . Mysite::$app->getAction() . '/adminmethod.php')) { } else { include hopedir . '/module/' . Mysite::$app->getAction() . '/adminmethod.php'; $method = new method(); $method->init(); if (method_exists($method, $module)) { call_user_func(array($method, $module)); } } $datas = $this->getdata(); if (is_array($datas)) { foreach ($datas as $key => $value) { $smarty->assign($key, $value); } } $nowID = ICookie::get('myaddress'); $lng = ICookie::get('lng'); $lat = ICookie::get('lat'); $mapname = ICookie::get('mapname'); $adminshopid = ICookie::get('adminshopid'); $smarty->assign('myaddress', $nowID); $smarty->assign('mapname', $mapname); $smarty->assign('adminshopid', $adminshopid); $smarty->assign('lng', $lng); $smarty->assign('lat', $lat); $smarty->assign('controlname', Mysite::$app->getController()); $smarty->assign('Taction', Mysite::$app->getAction()); $smarty->assign('urlshort', Mysite::$app->getController() . '/' . Mysite::$app->getAction()); $templtepach = hopedir . '/templates/adminpage/' . Mysite::$app->getAction() . '/' . $module . '.html'; if (file_exists($templtepach)) { } else { if (file_exists(hopedir . '/module/' . Mysite::$app->getAction() . '/adminpage/' . $module . '.html')) { $smarty->compile_dir = hopedir . '/templates_c/adminpage/' . Mysite::$app->getAction(); $templtepach = hopedir . '/module/' . Mysite::$app->getAction() . '/adminpage/' . $module . '.html'; } else { logwrite('模板不存在 '); $smarty->assign('msg', '模板文件不存在'); $smarty->assign('sitetitle', '错误提示'); $errorlink = isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] : ''; $smarty->assign('errorlink', $errorlink); $templtepach = hopedir . '/templates/adminpage/public/error.html'; } } $smarty->assign('tmodule', $module); $smarty->assign('tempdir', 'adminpage'); $smarty->registerPlugin('function', 'ofunc', 'FUNC_function'); $smarty->registerPlugin('block', 'oblock', 'FUNC_block'); $smarty->display($templtepach); exit; } else { $smarty = new Smarty(); $smarty->assign('siteurl', Mysite::$app->config['siteurl']); $smarty->cache_lifetime = 0; $smarty->caching = false; $smarty->template_dir = hopedir . '/templates'; $smarty->compile_dir = hopedir . '/templates_c/' . Mysite::$app->config['sitetemp']; $smarty->cache_dir = hopedir . '/smarty_cache'; $smarty->left_delimiter = '<{'; $smarty->right_delimiter = '}>'; $this->siteset(); if (!file_exists(hopedir . 'module/' . Mysite::$app->getController() . '/method.php')) { $this->setController = 'site'; $this->setAction = 'error'; } else { include hopedir . 'module/' . Mysite::$app->getController() . '/method.php'; $method = new method(); $method->init(); if (method_exists($method, $Taction)) { call_user_func(array($method, $Taction)); } } $datas = $this->getdata(); if (is_array($datas)) { foreach ($datas as $key => $value) { $smarty->assign($key, $value); } } $nowID = ICookie::get('myaddress'); $lng = ICookie::get('lng'); $lat = ICookie::get('lat'); $mapname = ICookie::get('mapname'); $adminshopid = ICookie::get('adminshopid'); $smarty->assign('myaddress', $nowID); $smarty->assign('mapname', $mapname); $smarty->assign('adminshopid', $adminshopid); $smarty->assign('lng', $lng); $smarty->assign('lat', $lat); $smarty->assign('controlname', Mysite::$app->getController()); $smarty->assign('Taction', Mysite::$app->getAction()); $smarty->assign('urlshort', Mysite::$app->getController() . '/' . Mysite::$app->getAction()); $templtepach = hopedir . '/templates/' . Mysite::$app->config['sitetemp'] . '/' . Mysite::$app->getController() . '/' . Mysite::$app->getAction() . '.html'; if (file_exists($templtepach)) { } else { if (file_exists(hopedir . '/module/' . Mysite::$app->getController() . '/template/' . Mysite::$app->getAction() . '.html')) { $smarty->compile_dir = hopedir . '/templates_c/system'; $templtepach = hopedir . '/module/' . Mysite::$app->getController() . '/template/' . Mysite::$app->getAction() . '.html'; } else { logwrite('模板不存在 '); $smarty->assign('msg', '模板文件不存在'); $smarty->assign('sitetitle', '错误提示'); $errorlink = isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] : ''; $smarty->assign('errorlink', $errorlink); $templtepach = hopedir . '/templates/' . Mysite::$app->config['sitetemp'] . '/public/error.html'; } } $smarty->assign('tempdir', Mysite::$app->config['sitetemp']); $smarty->registerPlugin('function', 'ofunc', 'FUNC_function'); $smarty->registerPlugin('block', 'oblock', 'FUNC_block'); $smarty->display($templtepach); } }