예제 #1
     echo "Your verification question must be different than your email address.<br>\n";
     echo "<a href=\"javascript:history.go(-1);\">Go Back</a><br>\n";
     echo "</h2>\n";
     echo "</body>\n</html>\n\n";
 if (strlen($verifdata) < 4) {
     // verif must be 4 chars or more.
     echo "<h2>\n";
     echo "Your verification question needs to be at least 4 chars long.<br>\n";
     echo "<a href=\"javascript:history.go(-1);\">Go Back</a><br>\n";
     echo "</h2>\n";
     echo "</body>\n</html>\n\n";
 if (is_locked_va($verifdata)) {
     // verif must not match an entry in the VA locklist (noreg type 5 - stored in 'user_name')
     echo "<h2>\n";
     echo "The verification answer you have chosen is too common. Please pick an answer that is unique and that you will remember.<br>\n";
     echo "<a href=\"javascript:history.go(-1);\">Go Back</a><br>\n";
     echo "</h2>\n";
     echo "</body>\n</html>\n\n";
 $cookieval = md5(CRC_SALT_0015 . uniqid("", 1) . time() . $da_emailaddy . $verifdata);
 pg_safe_exec("INSERT INTO pending_pwreset (cookie,user_id,question_id,verificationdata,expiration) VALUES ('{$cookieval}',{$uid},'{$verifq}','{$verifdata}',now()::abstime::int4+21600)");
 $confirm_url = gen_server_url() . substr($REQUEST_URI, 0, strrpos($REQUEST_URI, "/")) . "/confirm_pwreset.php?ID={$cookieval}";
 $the_msg = "If you would like to confirm that the new verification question/answer for '{$da_username}' should be changed as requested,\n";
 $the_msg .= "then click on the link below within 6 hours :\n\n";
 $the_msg .= "\t{$confirm_url}\n\n\nThank you\n" . NETWORK_NAME . " Channel Service\n\n\nPS- Please do *NOT* reply to this mail.";
 mail($da_emailaddy, "Verification Question/Answer Reset", $the_msg, "From: " . NETWORK_NAME . " Verification answer reset <" . OBJECT_EMAIL . ">\nReply-To: no.reply@thank.you\nX-Mailer: " . NETWORK_NAME . " Channel Service");
예제 #2
    echo "</td></tr>\n";
if (!$edit) {
    if ($user->question_id == "" || $user->question_id == 0) {
        echo "<tr><td><b>Verification question</b></td><td>** NOT SET **</td></tr>";
    } else {
        echo "<tr><td><b>Verification question</b></td><td>" . $question_text[$user->question_id] . "</td></tr>";
    if ($canview == 1) {
        echo "<tr bgcolor=#" . $cTheme->table_tr_enlighten3 . "><td valign=top>";
        echo "<font color=#" . $cTheme->main_warnmsg . "><b>" . BOT_NAME . "@Team/600+ view only</b></font></td>";
        echo "<td valign=top>Secret answer is : ";
        if (trim($user->verificationdata) != "") {
            echo "<font color=#" . $cTheme->table_sepcolor . "><b>" . $user->verificationdata . "</b>";
            if ($admin >= $min_lvl) {
                if (is_locked_va($user->verificationdata)) {
                    echo "&nbsp;<i>(locked VA)</i>";
            echo "</font>";
            if (ereg(" ", $user->verificationdata)) {
                echo "<br><b>DISPLAY WARNING</b> secret answer contains litteral space(s) : <font color=#999999><big>";
                echo str_replace(" ", "<font color=#ff00ff>_</font>", $user->verificationdata);
                echo "</big></font>";
            if ($admin >= 750) {
                // same level as for searching on VA on Admin reports ...
                echo "<br><a href=\"admin/verifdatacheck.php?posted=1&vanswer=" . str_replace(" ", "%20", $user->verificationdata) . "&rid=" . $id . "\"><font color=#ffffff size=-1><b>&gt;&gt; List all users using this verification answer</b> (*750+)</font></a>.";
            echo "\n";
        } else {
예제 #3
     if (strlen($_POST["verificationdata"]) < 4) {
         $err .= "<li> Please choose an answer with at least 4 chars in it.\n";
     if (!preg_match("/^[A-Za-z0-9!\\ \\/\\.+_-]+\$/", $_POST["verificationdata"])) {
         $err .= "<li> The entered verification data contains invalid chars.\n";
     if (strtolower($_POST["email"]) == strtolower($_POST["verificationdata"])) {
         $err .= "<li> Your verification answer must be different than your email.\n";
     if (strtolower($_POST["username"]) == strtolower($_POST["verificationdata"])) {
         $err .= "<li> Your verification answer must be different than your username.\n";
     if (!preg_match("/^[A-Za-z0-9]+\$/", $_POST["username"])) {
         $err .= "<li> Your username must be made of letters (A-Z, a-z) and numbers (0-9).\n";
     if (is_locked_va($_POST["verificationdata"])) {
         $err .= "<li> The verification answer you have chosen is too common. Please pick an answer that is unique and that you will remember.\n";
 if ($err != "") {
 } else {
     echo "<input type=hidden name=is13 value=1>\n";
     echo "<input type=hidden name=username value=\"" . post2input($_POST["username"]) . "\">\n";
     echo "<input type=hidden name=username_crc value=\"" . post2input($_POST["username_crc"]) . "\">\n";
     echo "<input type=hidden name=email value=\"" . post2input($_POST["email"]) . "\">\n";
     echo "<input type=hidden name=email_crc value=\"" . post2input($_POST["email_crc"]) . "\">\n";
     echo "<input type=hidden name=language value=\"" . post2input($_POST["language"]) . "\">\n";
     echo "<input type=hidden name=question_id value=\"" . post2input($_POST["question_id"]) . "\">\n";
     echo "<input type=hidden name=verificationdata value=\"" . post2input($_POST["verificationdata"]) . "\">\n";