private function process() { $this->commonProcess(); $config = services::getService('config'); $lang = services::getService('lang'); $params = services::getService('pageParams'); $categories = services::getService('cats'); if ($params->getParam('res_id')) { $this->header = $lang->getMsg('resdata_header_change'); $this->is_change = true; } else { $this->header = $lang->getMsg('resdata_header_new'); $this->is_change = false; } $aItems = $categories->getThisAndBelow(1); $sJavaScriptArray = sprintf('new Array(%s)', implode(',', array_keys($aItems))); $this->sJavaScriptArray = $sJavaScriptArray; if ($_POST['resdata_isbn_submit'] && is_isbn($_POST['resdata_isbn'])) { foreach ($_POST as $key => $value) { if ($key != 'page' && $key != 'name' && $key != 'description' && $key != 'resdata_authors') { $get .= $key . '=' . $value . '&'; } } $this->switchPage('resdata&' . $get); } // Instantiate the HTML_QuickForm object $this->form = new formResData('ResDataForm', $params->getParam($res_id), $this->user); $this->new_res_link = false; // Try to validate a form if ($this->form->validate() && $this->form->exportValue('submit')) { $newres = new resources(); if ($params->getParam('res_id')) { $newres->get($params->getParam('res_id')); } $newres->name = $this->form->exportValue('name'); $newres->description = $this->form->exportValue('description'); $newres->cat = $this->form->exportValue('resdata_cat'); $newres->type = in_array($newres->cat, array_keys($aItems)) ? $this->form->exportValue('type') : 0; // insert/update in res-maintable if ($params->getParam('res_id')) { $newres->update(); } else { $newres->since = time(); $newres->user_id = $this->user->id; $newres->insert(); } $newres->find(true); // insert/update in attributes-tables $attr_string = new attributesString(); $attr_string->res_id = $newres->id; $attr_string->delete(); $attr_select = new attributesSelect(); $attr_select->res_id = $newres->id; $attr_select->delete(); if ($params->getParam('cat')) { $cat = $params->getParam('cat'); $attributes = new attributes(); $attributes->category_id = $cat; if ($attributes->find()) { while ($attributes->fetch()) { if ($attributes->type == "string") { $attr_string = new attributesString(); $attr_string->res_id = $newres->id; $attr_string->attribute_id = $attributes->id; // insert $value = $this->form->exportValue('resdata_' . $attributes->name); if ($value != "") { $attr_string->value = $value; $attr_string->insert(); } } if ($attributes->type == "select") { $values = $this->form->getElementValue('resdata_' . $attributes->name); if (!is_array($values)) { $values = array($values); } foreach ($values as $value) { if ($value[0] != 0) { $attr_string = new attributesSelect(); $attr_string->res_id = $newres->id; $attr_string->attribute_id = $attributes->id; // insert $attr_string->value = $value[0]; $attr_string->insert(); } } } } } } // add res to pools if given $respools = new poolsResources(); $respools->res_id = $newres->id; $respools->delete(); $res_pools = $this->form->exportValue('free_pools'); if (is_array($res_pools)) { foreach ($res_pools as $pool_id => $bool) { if ($bool) { $newres->addPool($pool_id); } } } if ($params->getParam('res_id')) { $params->addParam('msg', 'msg_data_change_success', 'page'); $this->switchPage('resmanager&function=all'); } else { $this->form->removeElement('resdata_isbn_submit'); $this->form->freezeForm(); $this->addMsg('msg_res_insert_success'); $this->new_res_link = true; } } if ($_POST['resdata_isbn_submit']) { $this->form->addRule('name', $lang->getMsg('resdata_form_namenecessary'), 'required'); $this->form->addRule('resdata_cat', $lang->getMsg('resdata_form_catnecessary'), 'required'); } }
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'_submit', $lang->getMsg('resdata_form_' . $attributes->name . 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": " . $title; } else { $name = $title; } $this->setDefaults(array('resdata_title' => $title, 'name' => $name, 'description' => $description, 'resdata_authors' => $authors_field, 'resdata_binding' => $binding, 'resdata_number_of_pages' => $numberofpages, 'resdata_publication_date' => $publicationdate, 'resdata_publisher' => $publisher, 'resdata_isbn' => $params->getParam('resdata_isbn'))); } if ($params->getParam('res_id')) { $free_pool = new poolsResources(); $free_pool->res_id = $params->getParam('res_id'); $free_pool->find(); $free_pools_presets = array(); while ($free_pool->fetch()) { $free_pools_presets[$free_pool->pool_id] = 1; } $changeform_res = new resources(); $changeform_res->get($params->getParam('res_id')); $this->setDefaults(array('name' => $changeform_res->name, 'type' => $changeform_res->type, 'description' => $changeform_res->description, 'resdata_cat' => $changeform_res->cat, 'free_pools' => $free_pools_presets, 'public' => $changeform_res->is_public)); // presets for additional fields if ($params->getParam('cat')) { $cat = $params->getParam('cat'); $this->setDefaults(array('resdata_cat' => $cat)); $attributes = new attributes(); $attributes->category_id = $cat; if ($attributes->find()) { while ($attributes->fetch()) { if ($attributes->type == "string") { $attr_string_presets = new attributesString(); $attr_string_presets->res_id = $params->getParam('res_id'); $attr_string_presets->attribute_id = $attributes->id; $attr_string_presets->find(true); $this->setDefaults(array('resdata_' . $attributes->name => $attr_string_presets->value)); } if ($attributes->type == "select") { $attr_select_presets = new attributesSelect(); $attr_select_presets->res_id = $params->getParam('res_id'); $attr_select_presets->attribute_id = $attributes->id; $attr_select_presets->find(); $i = 1; while ($attr_select_presets->fetch()) { $this->setDefaults(array("resdata_" . $attributes->name . "[" . $i . "]" => $attr_select_presets->value)); ++$i; } } } } } } else { if (isset($pool)) { $free_pools_presets[$pool->id] = 1; $this->setDefaults(array('type' => 2, 'public' => 0, 'free_pools' => $free_pools_presets)); } } if ($params->getParam('cat')) { $this->setDefaults(array('resdata_cat' => $params->getParam('cat'))); } }