function index() { // Try to get the user's id on Facebook $userId = $this->facebook->getUser(); // If user is not yet authenticated, the id will be zero if ($userId == 0) { // Generate a login url $data['url'] = $this->facebook->getLoginUrl(array('scope' => 'email')); redirect($data['url']); } else { // Get user's data and print it $user = $this->facebook->api('/me'); $this->load->model('auth_model'); $row = $this->auth_model->register_user_if_not_exists($user); if (is_banned($row['user_email'])) { $msg = '<div class="alert alert-danger"> <button data-dismiss="alert" class="close" type="button">×</button> <strong>User banned </div>'; $this->session->set_flashdata('msg', $msg); redirect(site_url('account/trylogin')); } else { $this->login($row); } } }
public function auth_callback() { $this->load->library('session'); $this->load->library('googleplus'); try { if (isset($_GET['code'])) { $this->googleplus->client->authenticate($_GET['code']); $this->googleplus->client->getAccessToken(); $user_data = $this->googleplus->plus->people->get('me'); /******** For debuggin purpose*********/ // echo 'email: '.$user_data['emails']['0']['value'].'<br>'; // echo 'first_name: '.$user_data['name']['givenName'].'<br>'; // echo 'last_name: '.$user_data['name']['familyName'].'<br>'; // echo 'gender: '.$user_data['gender'].'<br>'; // echo 'user_name: '.strstr($user_data['emails']['0']['value'], '@', true).'<br>'; /*************************************/ $user['first_name'] = $user_data['name']['givenName']; $user['last_name'] = $user_data['name']['familyName']; $user['gender'] = $user_data['gender']; $user['username'] = strstr($user_data['emails']['0']['value'], '@', true); $user['email'] = $user_data['emails']['0']['value']; $this->load->model('auth_model'); $row = $this->auth_model->register_user_if_not_exists($user, 'google'); if (is_banned($row['user_email'])) { $msg = '<div class="alert alert-danger"> <button data-dismiss="alert" class="close" type="button">×</button> <strong>User banned</strong> </div>'; $this->session->set_flashdata('msg', $msg); redirect(site_url('account/trylogin')); } else { $this->session->set_userdata('user_id', $row['id']); $this->session->set_userdata('user_name', $row['user_name']); $this->session->set_userdata('user_type', $row['user_type']); $this->session->set_userdata('user_email', $row['user_email']); if ($this->session->userdata('req_url') != '') { $req_url = $this->session->userdata('req_url'); $this->session->set_userdata('req_url', ''); redirect($req_url); } else { redirect(base_url()); } } } } catch (Exception $e) { $msg = '<div class="alert alert-danger"> <button data-dismiss="alert" class="close" type="button">×</button> <strong>Permission denied</strong> </div>'; $this->session->set_flashdata('msg', $msg); redirect(site_url('account/trylogin')); } }
require_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/classes/professions.php'; require_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/classes/commune.php'; require_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/classes/links.php'; require_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/classes/lenta.php'; require_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/classes/users.php'; require_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/classes/blogs.php'; $header = '../header.php'; //$additional_header = "<link rel=\"alternate\" type=\"application/rss+xml\" title=\"Блоги на (".$gr_name.")\" href=\"/rss/blogs.php?gr=".$gr."&t=".$t."\" />"; $css_file = array('lenta.css', 'commune.css', '/css/nav.css'); $content = 'content.php'; $js_file = array('polls.js', 'commune.js'); $footer = '../footer.html'; $user_mod = commune::MOD_ADMIN * hasPermissions('communes'); $user_mod |= commune::MOD_PRO * (users::IsPro($uid, $e) ? 1 : 0); $user_mod |= commune::MOD_EMPLOYER * (int) is_emp(); $user_mod |= commune::MOD_BANNED * is_banned($uid); $page = __paramInit('int', 'page', 'page', 1); $action = __paramInit('string', NULL, 'action'); switch ($action) { case 'Save': $has_lenta = __paramInit('bool', NULL, 'has_lenta', NULL); $my_team = __paramInit('bool', NULL, 'my_team'); $all_profs = __paramInit('bool', NULL, 'all_profs'); $communes = __paramInit('array', NULL, 'commune_id'); $prof_groups = __paramInit('array', NULL, 'prof_group_id'); if (!lenta::SaveUserSettings($has_lenta, $uid, $my_team, $all_profs, $communes, $prof_groups)) { } // ошибка. header('Location: /lenta/'); exit; break;
function VoteTopic($topic_id, $user_id, $mod, $vote) { global $session; session_start(); $objResponse = new xajaxResponse(); if (!get_uid(false)) { return $objResponse; } if (get_uid(false) != $user_id) { return $objResponse; } if (!commune_carma::isAllowedVote()) { return $objResponse; } // !!! Вообще, везде бы, где ajax, проверку такую делать. $topic = commune::GetTopMessageByAnyOther($topic_id, $user_id, $mod); $uStatus = commune::GetUserCommuneRel($topic['commune_id'], $user_id); if ((!$uStatus || !$uStatus['is_accepted']) && (!$uStatus['is_author'] && $topic['user_id'] != $user_id) || $uStatus['is_deleted'] || $uStatus['is_banned'] || is_banned($user_id)) { $objResponse->script("lockRating{$topic_id}=0;"); return $objResponse; } else { if ($topic && !$topic['is_blocked']) { $v = commune::TopicVote($topic_id, $user_id, intval($vote)); // $rating = intval($prev_rating) + $v; //$rating = commune::GetTopicRating($topic_id); $html = __commPrntTopicRating(commune::GetTopMessageByAnyOther($topic_id, $user_id, commune::MOD_COMM_MODERATOR), $mod, $user_id); $objResponse->assign('topicRate_' . $topic_id, 'innerHTML', $html); $objResponse->script("if(window.lockRating{$topic_id}) lockRating{$topic_id}=0;"); } } return $objResponse; }
function useremail_user_ban_check($str) { if (is_banned($str)) { $this->form_validation->set_message('useremail_user_ban_check', 'User banned'); return FALSE; } else { return TRUE; } }
/** * Возвращает UID авторизованного юзера. Если юзер неавторизован и у него стоит * "автологин", то авторизует его. Может запоминать текущий URI страницы в сессии, * чтобы после залогинивания отправить юзера на эту страницу. * ВНИМАНИЕ! возвращает UID юзера, если находит его. Либо возвращает * 0 - не найден * -1 - аккаунт забанен * -2 - аккаунт неактивирован * Отрицательные значения возвращает только для юзеров с "автологином" * * @param boolean $set_uri сохранять ли текущуй URI страницы в сессии * @return integer UID юзера */ function get_uid($set_uri = true) { if (defined('NEO')) { return xFront::creaker()->triggerFunction(__FUNCTION__, func_get_args()); } $fid = 0; $fid = isset($_SESSION['uid']) ? $_SESSION['uid'] : ''; $ip = getRemoteIP(); if ($fid) { is_banned(intval($fid)); } else { // случайное число, используемое в get/post запросах для защиты. if (!$_SESSION['rand']) { $_SESSION['rand'] = csrf_token(); } } /*if ($fid) { if(!isset($_SESSION['user_ip']) || $_SESSION['user_ip']!=$ip) { $GLOBALS['session']->logout($_SESSION['login']); session_unset(); $fid = 0; } }*/ require_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/classes/users.php"; if ($fid) { if (!isset($_SESSION['user_ip']) || $_SESSION['user_ip'] != $ip) { users::SaveLoginIPLog($fid, $ip); if (!users::CheckUserAllowIP($ip, $fid)) { // IP запрещен $GLOBALS['session']->logout($_SESSION['login']); session_unset(); $fid = 0; header('Location: /denyip.php?login='******'login']); exit; } } } if (!$fid && (int) $_COOKIE['id'] && !headers_sent()) { if ($_COOKIE['pwd'] && $_COOKIE['pwd'] == users::cookieHashPasswd($_COOKIE['id'], $pwd_data)) { $fid = login($_COOKIE['name'], $pwd_data['pwd'], 1, false); } else { uncookie(); // например, пароль сменили а в куки старый остался. } is_banned(intval($fid)); } else { if ($set_uri) { $_SESSION['ref_uri'] = urlencode(isset($_SERVER['HTTP_ORIGINAL_URI']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_ORIGINAL_URI'] : $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']); } } return intval($fid); }
define("IN_STORYBOT", 1); require_once "src/snapchat.php"; require_once "config/config.php"; $snapchat = new Snapchat($config['username'], $config['password']); //create new instance of class Snapchat $snaps = $snapchat->getSnaps(); //get feed $snaps = json_decode(json_encode($snaps), true); //turn into php array $i = 0; foreach ($snaps as $item) { if ($item['status'] == 1) { //if unopened if ($item['sender'] != $config['username']) { //if not sent from yourself if (!is_banned($item['sender'])) { $snapchat->addFriend($item['sender']); //add sender as friend if not already if ($item['media_type'] == 0) { //if still image if ($config['picturesallowed']) { $data = $snapchat->getMedia($item['id']); //get received snap if ($data != "") { $filename = time() . '__' . $item['sender'] . '.jpg'; file_put_contents('media/temp/' . $filename, $data); //create temp file with the received snap if ($config['moderation'] == false) { postImageStory($filename, mod_id(), $config['username'], $config['password']); } }
function show_guestbook_add_form($formTitle = NULL, $buttonName = NULL) { global $MAX_NAME_LENGTH; global $MAX_EMAIL_LENGTH; global $MAX_URL_LENGTH; global $NAME_FIELD_NAME; global $EMAIL_FIELD_NAME; global $URL_FIELD_NAME; global $COMMENTS_FIELD_NAME; global $ADD_FORM_LEGEND; global $ADD_FORM_BUTTON_TEXT; global $CHALLENGE_STRING_LENGTH; global $CHALLENGE_FIELD_NAME; global $CHALLENGE_FIELD_PARAM_NAME; global $ENABLE_EMAIL_FIELD; global $ENABLE_URL_FIELD; global $ENABLE_COMMENT_FIELD; global $GUESTBOOK_URL_PATH; global $NEW_REPLY_TEXT; if (!isset($formTitle)) { $formTitle = $ADD_FORM_LEGEND; } if (!isset($buttonName)) { $buttonName = $ADD_FORM_BUTTON_TEXT; } $ipaddress = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; if (is_banned($ipaddress)) { return FALSE; } $nameValue = ""; if (isset($_POST['name'])) { $nameValue = "value=\"" . htmlspecialchars_default($_POST['name']) . "\" "; } $emailValue = ""; if (isset($_POST['email'])) { $emailValue = "value=\"" . htmlspecialchars_default($_POST['email']) . "\" "; } $urlValue = ""; if (isset($_POST['url'])) { $urlValue = "value=\"" . htmlspecialchars_default($_POST['url']) . "\" "; } $commentsValue = ""; if (isset($_POST['comments'])) { $commentsValue = htmlspecialchars_default($_POST['comments']); } ?> <br> <div style="width: 200px; margin: auto;"> <a id="post_new_link" href="#"><b> <?php echo htmlspecialchars_default($NEW_REPLY_TEXT); ?> </b></a> </div> <div id="error"><?php show_errors(); ?> </div> <form id="post_new" method="post" action="<?php echo urlencode($GUESTBOOK_URL_PATH); ?> "> <fieldset> <?php //<legend><?_php echo htmlspecialchars_default($formTitle); ?_></legend> ?> <p> <label for="name"><?php echo htmlspecialchars_default($NAME_FIELD_NAME); ?> :</label> <input type="text" name="name" id="name" maxlength="<?php echo htmlspecialchars_default($MAX_NAME_LENGTH); ?> " class="inputText" <?php echo $nameValue; ?> /> <br /> <?php if ($ENABLE_EMAIL_FIELD === TRUE) { ?> <label for="email"><?php echo htmlspecialchars_default($EMAIL_FIELD_NAME); ?> :</label> <input type="text" name="email" id="email" maxlength="<?php echo htmlspecialchars_default($MAX_EMAIL_LENGTH); ?> " class="inputText" <?php echo $emailValue; ?> /> <br /> <?php } ?> <?php if ($ENABLE_URL_FIELD === TRUE) { ?> <label for="url"><?php echo htmlspecialchars_default($URL_FIELD_NAME); ?> :</label> <input type="text" name="url" id="url" maxlength="<?php echo htmlspecialchars_default($MAX_URL_LENGTH); ?> " class="inputText" <?php echo $urlValue; ?> /> <br /> <?php } ?> <?php if ($ENABLE_COMMENT_FIELD === TRUE) { ?> <label for="comments"><?php echo htmlspecialchars_default($COMMENTS_FIELD_NAME); ?> :</label> <textarea name="comments" id="comments" cols="40" rows="4" class="inputTextArea"> <?php echo $commentsValue; ?> </textarea> <br /> <?php } ?> <?php global $CHALLENGE_ENABLED; if ($CHALLENGE_ENABLED === TRUE) { // Create the challenge string and store in the session createChallengeString(); ?> <label for="<?php echo htmlspecialchars_default($CHALLENGE_FIELD_PARAM_NAME); ?> "><?php echo htmlspecialchars_default($CHALLENGE_FIELD_NAME); ?> :</label> <input type="text" name="<?php echo htmlspecialchars_default($CHALLENGE_FIELD_PARAM_NAME); ?> " id="<?php echo htmlspecialchars_default($CHALLENGE_FIELD_PARAM_NAME); ?> " maxlength="<?php echo htmlspecialchars_default($CHALLENGE_STRING_LENGTH); ?> " size="<?php echo htmlspecialchars_default($CHALLENGE_STRING_LENGTH); ?> " class="inputText" /> <img src="<?php echo urlencode($GUESTBOOK_URL_PATH); ?> ?action=challengeimage" alt="Challenge Image" class="challengeImage" /> <br /> <?php } ?> </p> <input type="hidden" name="action" value="add" /> <input type="submit" value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars_default($buttonName); ?> " class="submit" /> </fieldset> </form> <?php }
function index() { // Try to get the user's id on Facebook $userId = $this->facebook->getUser(); // If user is not yet authenticated, the id will be zero if ($userId == 0) { // Generate a login url $data['url'] = $this->facebook->getLoginUrl(array('scope' => 'email')); redirect($data['url']); } else { // Get user's data and print it $user = $this->facebook->api('/me'); $this->load->model('auth_model'); $row = $this->auth_model->register_user_if_not_exists($user); $enable_pricing = get_settings('realestate_settings', 'enable_pricing', 'Yes'); $current_package = get_user_meta($row['id'], 'current_package', '0'); if ($enable_pricing == 'Yes' && $this->session->userdata('from') == 'signup') { $user_id = $row['id']; $this->load->model('user/user_model'); $this->load->helper('date'); $datestring = "%Y-%m-%d"; $time = time(); $request_date = mdate($datestring, $time); $this->load->model('admin/package_model'); if ($this->session->userdata('package_id') == '') { $this->session->set_userdata('from', 'facebook'); redirect(site_url('account/signup')); } $package = $this->package_model->get_package_by_id($this->session->userdata('package_id')); $payment_data = array(); $payment_data['unique_id'] = uniqid(); $payment_data['user_id'] = $user_id; $payment_data['package_id'] = $package->id; $payment_data['amount'] = $package->price; $payment_data['request_date'] = $request_date; $payment_data['is_active'] = 2; #pending $payment_data['status'] = 1; #active $payment_data['payment_medium'] = 'paypal'; $unique_id = $this->user_model->insert_payment_data($payment_data); if ($payment_data['amount'] <= 0) { $uniqid = $unique_id; #$this->send_notification_mail('within update'); $this->load->model('user/user_model'); $package = $this->package_model->get_package_by_id($package->id); $datestring = "%Y-%m-%d"; $time = time(); $activation_date = mdate($datestring, $time); $expirtion_date = strtotime('+' . $package->expiration_time . ' days', $time); $expirtion_date = mdate($datestring, $expirtion_date); $data = array(); $data['is_active'] = 1; $data['activation_date'] = $activation_date; $data['expirtion_date'] = $expirtion_date; $data['response_log'] = ''; $this->user_model->update_user_payment_data_by_unique_id($data, $uniqid); add_user_meta($user_id, 'current_package', $package->id); add_user_meta($user_id, 'expirtion_date', $expirtion_date); add_user_meta($user_id, 'active_order_id', $uniqid); add_user_meta($user_id, 'post_count', 0); $this->login($row); } else { $this->session->set_userdata('unique_id', $unique_id); $this->session->set_userdata('amount', $package->price); $this->send_signup_notification_email($row, $unique_id); redirect(site_url('account/confirmation')); } } if ($enable_pricing == 'Yes' && $current_package == 0) { $this->session->set_userdata('from', 'facebook'); redirect(site_url('account/signup')); } if (is_banned($row['user_email'])) { $msg = '<div class="alert alert-danger"><button data-dismiss="alert" class="close" type="button">×</button><strong>User banned</div>'; $this->session->set_flashdata('msg', $msg); redirect(site_url('account/trylogin')); } else { $this->login($row); } } }
function guestbook_entries_action($idArray, $banip = FALSE, $action) { global $dbs_error; global $guestbook_fp; // Get raw data from file if (guestbook_open_for_read() === FALSE) { // Acquires shared lock on guestbook file die("Unable to open guestbook file for reading."); } $raw_entries = @file(guestbook_file_path()); guestbook_close(); // Releases shared lock if ($raw_entries === FALSE) { die("Unable to get entries from guestbook."); } // Split entries into components $entries = array_map('entry_explode', $raw_entries); // Get mapping between indices and ids $id_to_idx = getIdToIdxMap($entries); // Remove entries by id foreach ($idArray as $id) { // Validate ID if (!isset($id_to_idx[$id])) { die("Invalid entry ID."); } // Get array index of entry from id $idx = $id_to_idx[$id]; if ($idx === 0 || !empty($idx)) { $entry_components = $entries[$idx]; $entry_components = array_map('rawurldecode', $entry_components); // Handle IP ban if ($banip) { // Get IP address if (isset($entry_components[6])) { $ipAddress = $entry_components[6]; // If not empty and not already banned, add to ban list if (!empty($ipAddress) && !is_banned($ipAddress)) { ban_add($ipAddress); } } } if ($action === 'delete') { // Delete entry from raw entries list unset($raw_entries[$idx]); } else { if ($action === 'approve' && isset($entry_components[7]) && $entry_components[7] === 'false') { // Set to approved $entry_components[7] = 'true'; // Reencode and set update entries array $entry_components = array_map('rawurlencode', $entry_components); $raw_entries[$idx] = implode('|', $entry_components) . "\n"; } } } } // Create flat data for file $raw_entries_flat = implode("", $raw_entries); unset($raw_entries); // Free memory if (guestbook_open_for_writing() === FALSE) { die("Unable to open guestbook file for writing."); } // Rewrite data to file fputs($guestbook_fp, $raw_entries_flat); unset($raw_entries_flat); // Free memory guestbook_close(); // Update entry count set_guestbook_entries_count(); }
switch ($action) { case "challengeimage": outputChallengeImage(); break; default: die("Invalid request."); break; } } else { if (isset($_POST["action"])) { $action = $_POST["action"]; switch ($action) { case "add": // Undo magic_quotes if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) { $_POST = stripslashes_recursive($_POST); } if (!is_banned($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']) && guestbook_add($_POST)) { include_from_template('added.php'); } else { show_entries_page(); } break; default: show_entries_page(); break; } } else { show_entries_page(); } }
function del_mod($uname, $s, $comment = null) { if (!($u = get_user($uname))) { apologize("Invalid username."); } if (is_banned($u)) { apologize("User is banned from the site."); } $ustatus = soc_rel($s, $u["user_id"]); if (!$ustatus["mod"]) { apologize("User is not a moderator of " . $s["soc_name"] . "."); } if (!am_mod($s) || $ustatus["creator"] && $u["user_id"] == $_SESSION["user_id"]) { apologize("Access Denied."); } return tquery("\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\tdelete from soc_mods\n\t\t\t\t\t\twhere user_id = ?\n\t\t\t\t\t\tand soc_id = ?;\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\tinsert into user_control_mod_log(user_id, mod_id, soc_id, action, comment)\n\t\t\t\t\t\tvalues(?, ?, ?, ?, ?);", [$u["user_id"], $s["soc_id"]], [$u["user_id"], $_SESSION["user"]["user_id"], $s["soc_id"], "DEMOD", $comment]); }
/** * Проверяет туда ли попал пользователь и есть ли у него на это право. * Возвращает адрес переброски пользователя, если он не туда попал, * и если не NULL, то надо будет вызвать header(). * Если NULL, но $error не пуст, то надо будет выдать страницу ошибок __COMMUNES__ERROR и * прекратить операцию. * Заодно заполняет необходимые переменные. * * @global $uid Ид пользователя * @global $id Ид сообщения * @global $top_id Ид вкладки ТОП * @global $site Сайт * @global $action Действие для данной функции при отсылке данных (submit) * * @param string $error Возвращает сообщение об ошибке * @param array $comm Возвращает данные по комментариям * @param array $top Возвращает популярные сообщения * @param integer $restrict_type Возвращает тип пользования * @param integer $user_mod Возвращает битовую маску прав пользователя * @return string если не null, название страницы куда перенести пользователя */ function __commShaolin(&$error, &$comm, &$top, &$restrict_type, &$user_mod) { global $uid, $id, $top_id, $site, $action, $draft_id; $comm = NULL; $user_mod = 0; if ($uid) { $user_mod = commune::MOD_ADMIN * hasPermissions('communes'); $user_mod |= commune::MOD_MODER * ($user_mod & commune::MOD_ADMIN || hasPermissions('communes')); $user_mod |= commune::MOD_PRO * (payed::CheckPro(get_login($uid)) ? 1 : 0); $user_mod |= commune::MOD_EMPLOYER * (int) is_emp(); $user_mod |= commune::MOD_BANNED * is_banned($uid); } if (!$id) { if (!$site) { return NULL; } if ($site == 'Create') { if (!$uid) { return '/fbd.php'; } if (!($user_mod & (commune::MOD_PRO | commune::MOD_ADMIN))) { /*if ($user_mod & commune::MOD_EMPLOYER) return '/payed-emp/';*/ return '/proonly.php'; } if (($limit = commune::GetUserCommunesLimits($uid)) && $limit['user_communes_count']) { if ($limit['user_communes_count'] >= commune::MAX_COUNT) { $error['name'] = 'Создание вашего сообщества'; $error['message'] = 'Вы уже создали максимальное количество сообществ.'; return NULL; } $seconds = $limit['seconds_passed_since_user_created_his_last_commune']; if ($seconds < commune::CREATION_INTERVAL) { $error['name'] = 'Создание вашего сообщества'; $wait = commune::CREATION_INTERVAL - $seconds; $error['message'] = "Подождите {$wait} " . getSymbolicName($wait, 'second') . '.'; return NULL; } } } else { return '/404.php'; } return NULL; } if (!($comm = commune::GetCommune($id, !$uid ? NULL : $uid, $user_mod))) { return '/commune/'; } if (!$uid) { if ($action) { return "/commune/?id={$id}"; } if ($site == 'Topic') { } else { if ($site == 'Join') { return '/fbd.php'; } else { if ($site == 'Members') { return '/fbd.php'; } else { if ($site) { return "/commune/?id={$id}"; } } } } } else { if ($uStatus = commune::GetUserCommuneRel($id, $uid)) { $user_mod |= commune::MOD_COMM_MODERATOR * $uStatus['is_moderator']; $user_mod |= commune::MOD_COMM_MANAGER * $uStatus['is_manager']; $user_mod |= commune::MOD_COMM_ADMIN * ($uStatus['is_admin'] || $uStatus['is_moderator'] || $uStatus['is_manager']); $user_mod |= commune::MOD_COMM_AUTHOR * $uStatus['is_author']; $user_mod |= commune::MOD_COMM_ASKED * $uStatus['is_asked']; $user_mod |= commune::MOD_COMM_ACCEPTED * ($uStatus['is_accepted'] || $user_mod & commune::MOD_COMM_ADMIN); $user_mod |= commune::MOD_COMM_BANNED * $uStatus['is_banned']; } } if ($comm['is_blocked'] && !($user_mod & commune::MOD_MODER)) { if ($comm['author_id'] != $uid || $comm['author_id'] == $uid && ($site && $site != 'Members' || $action)) { return '/commune/'; } } if ($user_mod & commune::MOD_COMM_BANNED && !hasPermissions('communes') && $comm['restrict_type'] != '00') { $error['name'] = 'Нет доступа в сообщество'; $error['message'] = 'Вы находитесь в бан-листе этой группы. Вы можете обратиться к создателю группы:<br/><br/>' . '<div style="float:left">' . __commPrntUsrAvtr($comm, 'author_') . '</div>' . '<div style="padding-left:10px;float:left">' . __commPrntUsrInfo($comm, 'author_') . '</div>'; return NULL; } $restrict_type = bitStr2Int($comm['restrict_type']); if ($restrict_type & commune::RESTRICT_READ_MASK) { if ($site != 'Join' && $action != 'Join' && !($user_mod & (commune::MOD_COMM_AUTHOR | commune::MOD_COMM_ACCEPTED | commune::MOD_ADMIN | commune::MOD_MODER))) { $error['name'] = 'Нет доступа в сообщество'; if ($user_mod & commune::MOD_COMM_ASKED) { $error['message'] = " Администратор сообщества <b>«{$comm['name']}»</b> еще не рассмотрел вашу заявку. Просмотр этого сообщества вам не доступен.<br/><br/>" . __commPrntJoinButton($comm, $uid); } else { $error['message'] = " Вы не являетесь членом сообщества <b>«{$comm['name']}»</b>. Просмотр этого сообщества вам не доступен.<br/><br/>" . __commPrntJoinButton($comm, $uid); } return NULL; } } switch ($site) { case 'Join': // if ( $user_mod & commune::MOD_COMM_AUTHOR ) // return "/commune/?id={$id}"; // if ( $user_mod & commune::MOD_COMM_ASKED ) // return "/commune/?id={$id}"; break; case 'Create': if ($id) { return "/commune/?id={$id}"; } break; case 'Edit': if (!($user_mod & (commune::MOD_ADMIN | commune::MOD_COMM_AUTHOR))) { return "/commune/?id={$id}"; } break; case 'Admin': if (!($user_mod & (commune::MOD_ADMIN | commune::MOD_COMM_AUTHOR))) { if ($user_mod & commune::MOD_COMM_MANAGER) { return "/commune/?id={$id}&site=Admin.members"; } return "/commune/?id={$id}"; } break; case 'Admin.members': if (!($user_mod & (commune::MOD_ADMIN | commune::MOD_COMM_AUTHOR | commune::MOD_COMM_MANAGER) || hasPermissions('communes'))) { return "/commune/?id={$id}"; } break; case 'Topic': if ($action && $action != '' && $action != '' && $action != 'add_comment' && $action != 'edit_comment' && $action != 'wysiwygUploadImage') { //if ($action && $action != '') return "/404.php"; } if (!$top_id || !($top = commune::GetTopMessageByAnyOther($top_id, $uid, $user_mod, TRUE)) || $top['member_is_banned'] && $comm['restrict_type'] != '00' && ($action != '' && $action != '') && !($user_mod & (commune::MOD_ADMIN | commune::MOD_COMM_AUTHOR | commune::MOD_COMM_MANAGER)) || $top['is_private'] == 't' && $top['user_id'] != $uid && !($user_mod & (commune::MOD_ADMIN | commune::MOD_COMM_AUTHOR | commune::MOD_COMM_MANAGER)) || $top['deleted_id'] && !hasPermissions('communes')) { return "/404.php"; } break; case 'Members': break; case 'Newtopic': if (commune::isBannedCommune($user_mod)) { $error['name'] = 'Нет доступа'; $error['message'] = 'Вы находитесь в бан-листе этой группы. Вы можете обратиться к создателю группы:<br/><br/>' . '<div style="float:left">' . __commPrntUsrAvtr($comm, 'author_') . '</div>' . '<div style="padding-left:10px;float:left">' . __commPrntUsrInfo($comm, 'author_') . '</div>'; return NULL; } if (!($user_mod & commune::MOD_COMM_AUTHOR && !$comm['is_blocked']) && !($user_mod & (commune::MOD_ADMIN | commune::MOD_MODER | commune::MOD_COMM_ACCEPTED | commune::MOD_COMM_ADMIN | commune::MOD_COMM_MODERATOR | commune::MOD_COMM_ADMIN))) { return getFriendlyURL('commune_commune', $comm['id']); } break; case 'Editdraft': require_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/classes/drafts.php"; $draftData = drafts::getDraft($draft_id, get_uid(false), 4); if (!$draftData) { return getFriendlyURL('commune_commune', $comm['id']); } break; case 'Edittopic': break; default: if ($site) { return "/404.php"; } break; } if ($action) { if ($action == 'Delete' && !($user_mod & commune::MOD_ADMIN)) { return "/commune/?id={$id}"; } if (!$site) { if (($action == '' || $action == '') && $user_mod & (commune::MOD_ADMIN | commune::MOD_COMM_AUTHOR | commune::MOD_COMM_ACCEPTED)) { return NULL; } if ($action == 'Join') { return NULL; } return "/commune/?id={$id}"; } } return NULL; }