public static function register() { foreach (func_get_args() as $options) { if (!is_array($options)) { throw new Exception("AeriaUserMeta: Options parameter isn't an array.", 1); } if (is_array_associative($options)) { static::setMeta($options); } else { foreach ($options as $option) { static::setMeta($option); } } } }
public static function setFormType($typeArray) { if (!is_array_associative($typeArray)) { throw new Exception("AeriaForm: {$typeArray} parameter isn't an associative array.", 1); } foreach ($typeArray as $name => $type) { if (!is_array_associative($type)) { throw new Exception("AeriaForm: {$type} parameter isn't an associative array.", 1); } if (self::validateArrayKey($type, 'before', false) && is_array($type['before']) && is_array_associative($type['before']) || self::validateArrayKey($type, 'after', false) && is_array($type['after']) && is_array_associative($type['after'])) { static::$customType[$name] = $type; } else { throw new Exception("AeriaForm: {$type} doesn't have an array associative with key before or after.", 1); } } }