function BxOSiSearchUnit(&$oConfig, $_oTemplate = null) { $this->_oConfig = $oConfig; $this->sHomePath = $this->_oConfig->getHomePath(); $this->sHomeUrl = $this->_oConfig->getHomeUrl(); $this->aPermalinks = array('param' => 'permalinks_osi', 'enabled' => array('file' => ''), 'disabled' => array('file' => '')); $this->bShowCheckboxes = false; if (isAdmin() || isModerator()) { $this->aCurrent['restriction']['status'] = ''; $this->bShowCheckboxes = true; } parent::BxBaseSearchResultText(); $this->oOsiTemplate = $_oTemplate; }
function BxAdsSearchUnit() { $oMain = $this->getAdsMain(); $this->sHomePath = $oMain->_oConfig->getHomePath(); $this->sHomeUrl = $oMain->_oConfig->getHomeUrl(); $this->aPermalinks = array('param' => 'permalinks_module_ads', 'enabled' => array('file' => 'ads/entry/{uri}', 'category' => 'ads/cat/{uri}', 'subcategory' => 'ads/subcat/{uri}', 'tag' => 'ads/tag/{uri}', 'browseAll' => 'ads/', 'admin_file' => 'ads/entry/{uri}', 'admin_category' => 'ads/cat/{uri}', 'admin_subcategory' => 'ads/subcat/{uri}', 'admin_tag' => 'ads/tag/{uri}', 'admin_browseAll' => 'ads/'), 'disabled' => array('file' => 'classifieds.php?ShowAdvertisementID={id}', 'category' => 'classifieds.php?bClassifiedID={id}', 'subcategory' => 'classifieds.php?bSubClassifiedID={id}', 'tag' => 'classifieds_tags.php?tag={uri}', 'browseAll' => 'classifieds.php', 'admin_file' => 'classifieds.php?ShowAdvertisementID={id}', 'admin_category' => 'classifieds.php?bClassifiedID={id}', 'admin_subcategory' => 'classifieds.php?bSubClassifiedID={id}', 'admin_tag' => 'classifieds_tags.php?tag={uri}', 'admin_browseAll' => 'classifieds.php')); $this->bShowCheckboxes = false; if (isAdmin() || isModerator()) { //$this->aCurrent['restriction']['activeStatus'] = ''; //$this->bShowCheckboxes = true; } parent::BxBaseSearchResultText(); //$this->sTemplUnit = file_get_contents( $this->sHomeUrl . 'templates/base/'.$this->sTU.'.html' ); $this->sSelectedUnit = 'unit_ads'; $this->iPostViewType = $iPostViewType; }
/** * Saves the user edit tab postdata into the tab's permanent storage * @param object tab reflecting the tab database entry * @param object mosUser reflecting the user being displayed * @param int 1 for front-end, 2 for back-end * @param array _POST data for saving edited tab content as generated with getEditTab * @returns mixed : either string HTML for tab content, or false if ErrorMSG generated */ function saveEditTab($tab, &$user, $ui, $postdata) { global $_CB_framework; // Get all relevant tab parameters - these settings are global and set by the admin $tabparams = $this->_pgGetTabParameters($user); $isModerator=isModerator($_CB_framework->myId()); // Short Greeting: $cb_pgshortgreeting = cbGetParam($_POST, "cb_pgshortgreeting", ""); $user->cb_pgshortgreeting = cbUnEscapeSQL($cb_pgshortgreeting); // Enable Gallery: if ($tabparams["pgallowuserenable"]=="1" || $ui==2 || $isModerator) { $cb_pgenable = cbGetParam($_POST, "cb_pgenable", null); if ($cb_pgenable) { $user->cb_pgenable = $cb_pgenable; } } // Enable Autopublish Items: if ($tabparams["pgallowautopublishoverride"] || $ui==2 || $isModerator) { if ($tabparams["pgautopublish"]) { $cb_pgautopublish = cbGetParam($_POST, "cb_pgautopublish", null); if ($cb_pgautopublish) { $user->cb_pgautopublish = $cb_pgautopublish; } } } // Auto-approve Items setting in backend or frontend for moderators: if ( ($ui == 2 && $tabparams["pgallowautoapproveoverride"]) || ($isModerator && $tabparams["pgallowautoapproveoverride"]) ) { $cb_pgautoapprove = cbGetParam($_POST, "cb_pgautoapprove", null); if ($cb_pgautoapprove) { $user->cb_pgautoapprove = $cb_pgautoapprove; } } /* Not needed, done by CB fields: */ if ($ui == 2 || $isModerator) { // Item Quota (setting only in backend and frontend for moderators): $cb_pgtotalquotaitems = cbGetParam($_POST, "cb_pgtotalquotaitems", null); if (is_numeric($cb_pgtotalquotaitems)) { $user->cb_pgtotalquotaitems = $cb_pgtotalquotaitems; } } if ($ui == 2 || $isModerator) { // Storage Quota (setting only in backend and frontend for moderators): $cb_pgtotalquotasize = cbGetParam($_POST, "cb_pgtotalquotasize", null); if (is_numeric($cb_pgtotalquotasize)) { $user->cb_pgtotalquotasize = $cb_pgtotalquotasize; } } if ($ui == 2 || $isModerator) { // Maximum Single Upload Size (setting only in backend and frontend for moderators): $cb_pguploadsize = cbGetParam($_POST, "cb_pguploadsize", null); if (is_numeric($cb_pguploadsize)) { $user->cb_pguploadsize = $cb_pguploadsize; } } if ($ui == 2 || $isModerator) { // Current Item Count Usage (information field only): $cb_pgtotalitems = cbGetParam($_POST, "cb_pgtotalitems", null); if (is_numeric($cb_pgtotalitems)) { $user->cb_pgtotalitems = $cb_pgtotalitems; } } if ($ui == 2 || $isModerator) { // Current Item Size Usage (information field only): $cb_pgtotalsize = cbGetParam($_POST, "cb_pgtotalsize", null); if (is_numeric($cb_pgtotalsize)) { $user->cb_pgtotalsize = $cb_pgtotalsize; } } if ($ui == 2 || $isModerator) { // Last Update Date (information field only): $cb_pglastupdate = cbGetParam($_POST, "cb_pglastupdate", null); if ($cb_pglastupdate !== null) { $user->cb_pglastupdate = $cb_pglastupdate; } } // Access Mode: if ($tabparams["pgallowaccessmodeoverride"] || $ui ==2 || $isModerator) { $cb_pgaccessmode = cbGetParam($_POST, "cb_pgaccessmode", null); if ($cb_pgaccessmode) { $user->cb_pgaccessmode = $cb_pgaccessmode; } } // Display Format: if ($tabparams["pgallowdisplayformatoverride"] || $ui ==2 || $isModerator) { $cb_pgdisplayformat = cbGetParam($_POST, "cb_pgdisplayformat", null); if ($cb_pgdisplayformat) { $user->cb_pgdisplayformat = $cb_pgdisplayformat; } } }
$servername = ""; $username = "******"; $password = "******"; $dbname = "dev"; $conn = new mysqli($servername, $username, $password, $dbname); if ($conn->connect_error) { die("Connection failed: " . $conn->connect_error); } $error = false; $error_message = ""; $data = json_decode(file_get_contents('php://input'), true); $user = $data["username"]; $viewer = $data["viewer"]; $channelname = $data["channelname"]; $channelowner = $data["channelowner"]; if (isAdmin($conn, $user) || isOwner($conn, $user, $channelname, $channelowner) || isModerator($conn, $user, $channelname, $channelowner)) { removeViewer($conn, $viewer, $channelname, $channelowner); } else { $error = true; $error_message = "You do not have permission to remove a viewer from this channel"; } $conn->close(); $response = array('error' => $error, 'error_message' => $error_message, 'viewer' => $viewer); echo json_encode($response); function removeViewer($conn, $viewer, $channelname, $channelowner) { $sql = "DELETE FROM private_view_channels WHERE\n prv_username = \"" . $viewer . "\" AND prv_chname = \"" . $channelname . "\" AND prv_chowner = \"" . $channelowner . "\";"; $conn->query($sql); } ?>
function getProfileViewActions($iProfileId, $bDynamic = false) { global $oTemplConfig; $iProfileId = (int) $iProfileId; if (!$iProfileId) { return ''; } $aProfileInfo = getProfileInfo($iProfileId); if (empty($aProfileInfo)) { return ''; } $iViewerId = getLoggedId(); // prepare all needed keys $aConfig = array('url' => BX_DOL_URL_ROOT, 'anonym_mode' => '', 'member_id' => $iViewerId, 'member_pass' => getPassword($iViewerId)); $aMainKeys = array('cpt_edit', 'cpt_send_letter', 'cpt_fave', 'cpt_befriend', 'cpt_remove_friend', 'cpt_get_mail', 'cpt_share', 'cpt_report', 'cpt_block', 'cpt_unblock', 'cpt_activate', 'cpt_ban', 'cpt_delete', 'cpt_delete_spam', 'cpt_feature', 'act_activate', 'act_ban', 'act_feature'); $aMain = array_fill_keys($aMainKeys, ''); if (isMember($iViewerId)) { $aMain['cpt_edit'] = _t('_EditProfile'); $aMain['cpt_send_letter'] = _t('_SendLetter'); $aMain['cpt_fave'] = _t('_Fave'); $aMain['cpt_remove_fave'] = _t('_Remove Fave'); $aMain['cpt_befriend'] = _t('_Befriend'); $aMain['cpt_remove_friend'] = _t('_Remove friend'); $aMain['cpt_get_mail'] = _t('_Get E-mail'); $aMain['cpt_share'] = $this->isAllowedShare($this->_aProfile) ? _t('_Share') : ''; $aMain['cpt_report'] = _t('_Report Spam'); $aMain['cpt_block'] = _t('_Block'); $aMain['cpt_unblock'] = _t('_Unblock'); } if (isAdmin($iViewerId) || isModerator($iViewerId) and $iViewerId != $iProfileId) { $sMsgKeyStart = '_adm_btn_mp_'; // delete $aMain['cpt_delete'] = _t($sMsgKeyStart . 'delete'); // delete spam $aMain['cpt_delete_spam'] = _t($sMsgKeyStart . 'delete_spammer'); // activate / deactivate $sTypeActiv = 'activate'; if ($aProfileInfo['Status'] == 'Active') { $sTypeActiv = 'de' . $sTypeActiv; } $aMain['cpt_activate'] = _t($sMsgKeyStart . $sTypeActiv); $aMain['act_activate'] = $sTypeActiv; // ban / unban $sTypeBan = 'ban'; if (isLoggedBanned($aProfileInfo['ID'])) { $sTypeBan = 'un' . $sTypeBan; } $aMain['cpt_ban'] = _t($sMsgKeyStart . $sTypeBan); $aMain['act_ban'] = $sTypeBan; // feature / unfeature $sTypeFeat = 'featured'; $aMain['cpt_feature'] = _t('_Feature it'); if ((int) $aProfileInfo['Featured']) { $sTypeFeat = 'un' . $sTypeFeat; $aMain['cpt_feature'] = _t('_De-Feature it'); } $aMain['act_feature'] = $sTypeFeat; } //--- Subscription integration ---// $oSubscription = BxDolSubscription::getInstance(); $sAddon = $oSubscription->getData($bDynamic); $aButton = $oSubscription->getButton($iViewerId, 'profile', '', $iProfileId); $aMain['sbs_profile_title'] = $aButton['title']; $aMain['sbs_profile_script'] = $aButton['script']; //--- Subscription integration ---// $aCheckGreet = checkAction(getLoggedId(), ACTION_ID_SEND_VKISS); $aMain['cpt_greet'] = $aCheckGreet[CHECK_ACTION_RESULT] == CHECK_ACTION_RESULT_ALLOWED ? _t('_Greet') : ''; $aMain = array_merge($aProfileInfo, $aConfig, $aMain); return $sAddon . $this->genObjectsActions($aMain, 'Profile'); }
function canReview($id, $meta, $parid) { return isModerator($id) && $meta[$parid]['user'] != $_SERVER['REMOTE_USER'] && $meta[$parid]['ip'] != clientIP(true); }
private function getAuto( $user, $rawPassword, $extras, $trigger ) { $cbUser = new CBuser(); $cbUser->load( (int) $user->id ); if ( ( ! isset( $user->gids ) ) || ( isset( $user->gids ) && ( ! is_array( $user->gids ) ) ) ) { $gids = array( $user->gid ); } else { $gids = $user->gids; } if ( $user->id ) { array_unshift( $gids, -3 ); if ( isModerator( $user->id ) ) { array_unshift( $gids, -5 ); } else { array_unshift( $gids, -4 ); } } else { array_unshift( $gids, -2 ); } array_unshift( $gids, -1 ); $access = explode( '|*|', $trigger->get( 'access' ) ); if ( ! array_intersect( $access, $gids ) ) { return; } $conditionals = count( explode( "\n", $trigger->get( 'field' ) ) ); for ( $i = 0, $n = $conditionals; $i < $n; $i++ ) { if ( ! cbgjautoClass::getFieldMatch( $user, $cbUser, $extras, cbgjClass::getHTMLCleanParam( true, "field$i", null, null, $trigger->get( 'field' ) ), cbgjClass::getCleanParam( true, "operator$i", null, null, $trigger->get( 'operator' ) ), cbgjClass::getHTMLCleanParam( true, "value$i", null, null, $trigger->get( 'value' ) ) ) ) { return; } } $plugin = cbgjClass::getPlugin(); $exclude = $trigger->get( 'exclude' ); if ( $exclude ) { cbArrayToInts( explode( ',', $exclude ) ); $exclude = array_unique( $exclude ); if ( in_array( $user->id, $exclude ) ) { return; } } $params = $trigger->getParams(); if ( ( $params->get( 'auto', null ) == 3 ) && $params->get( 'cat_name', null ) ) { $owner = (int) $cbUser->replaceUserVars( $params->get( 'cat_owner', $user->id ), true, true, $extras ); if ( ! $owner ) { $owner = (int) $user->id; } $parent = (int) $params->get( 'cat_parent', 0 ); $name = trim( strip_tags( $cbUser->replaceUserVars( $params->get( 'cat_name', null ), true, true, $extras ) ) ); $description = $cbUser->replaceUserVars( $params->get( 'cat_description', null ), true, true, $extras ); if ( $params->get( 'cat_unique', 1 ) ) { $where = array( array( 'user_id', '=', $owner ), array( 'name', '=', $name ), array( 'parent', '=', (int) $parent ) ); } else { $where = array( array( 'name', '=', $name ), array( 'parent', '=', (int) $parent ) ); } $row = cbgjData::getCategories( null, $where, null, null, false ); if ( ! $row->get( 'id' ) ) { $row->set( 'published', 1 ); $row->set( 'parent', (int) $parent ); $row->set( 'user_id', $owner ); $row->set( 'name', $name ); if ( $plugin->params->get( 'category_editor', 1 ) >= 2 ) { $row->set( 'description', cbgjClass::getFilteredText( $description ) ); } else { $row->set( 'description', trim( strip_tags( $description ) ) ); } $row->set( 'access', (int) $plugin->params->get( 'category_access_default', -2 ) ); $row->set( 'types', $params->get( 'types', $plugin->params->get( 'category_types_default', '1|*|2|*|3' ) ) ); $row->set( 'create', (int) $plugin->params->get( 'category_create_default', 1 ) ); $row->set( 'create_access', (int) $plugin->params->get( 'category_createaccess_default', -1 ) ); $row->set( 'nested', (int) $plugin->params->get( 'category_nested_default', 1 ) ); $row->set( 'nested_access', (int) $plugin->params->get( 'category_nestedaccess_default', -1 ) ); $row->set( 'date', cbgjClass::getUTCDate() ); $row->set( 'ordering', 99999 ); $row->store(); } } elseif ( ( $params->get( 'auto', null ) == 2 ) && $params->get( 'category', null ) && $params->get( 'grp_name', null ) ) { if ( ( $params->get( 'category', null ) == -1 ) && $params->get( 'cat_name', null ) ) { $owner = (int) $cbUser->replaceUserVars( $params->get( 'cat_owner', $user->id ), true, true, $extras ); if ( ! $owner ) { $owner = (int) $user->id; } $parent = (int) $params->get( 'cat_parent', 0 ); $name = trim( strip_tags( $cbUser->replaceUserVars( $params->get( 'cat_name', null ), true, true, $extras ) ) ); $description = $cbUser->replaceUserVars( $params->get( 'cat_description', null ), true, true, $extras ); if ( $params->get( 'cat_unique', 1 ) ) { $where = array( array( 'user_id', '=', $owner ), array( 'name', '=', $name ), array( 'parent', '=', (int) $parent ) ); } else { $where = array( array( 'name', '=', $name ), array( 'parent', '=', (int) $parent ) ); } $category = cbgjData::getCategories( null, $where, null, null, false ); if ( ! $category->get( 'id' ) ) { $category->set( 'published', 1 ); $category->set( 'parent', (int) $parent ); $category->set( 'user_id', $owner ); $category->set( 'name', $name ); if ( $plugin->params->get( 'category_editor', 1 ) >= 2 ) { $category->set( 'description', cbgjClass::getFilteredText( $description ) ); } else { $category->set( 'description', trim( strip_tags( $description ) ) ); } $category->set( 'access', (int) $plugin->params->get( 'category_access_default', -2 ) ); $category->set( 'types', $params->get( 'types', $plugin->params->get( 'category_types_default', '1|*|2|*|3' ) ) ); $category->set( 'create', (int) $plugin->params->get( 'category_create_default', 1 ) ); $category->set( 'create_access', (int) $plugin->params->get( 'category_createaccess_default', -1 ) ); $category->set( 'nested', (int) $plugin->params->get( 'category_nested_default', 1 ) ); $category->set( 'nested_access', (int) $plugin->params->get( 'category_nestedaccess_default', -1 ) ); $category->set( 'date', cbgjClass::getUTCDate() ); $category->set( 'ordering', 99999 ); $category->store(); } } else { $category = cbgjData::getCategories( null, array( 'id', '=', (int) $params->get( 'category', null ) ), null, null, false ); } if ( $category->get( 'id' ) ) { $owner = (int) $cbUser->replaceUserVars( $params->get( 'grp_owner', $user->id ), true, true, $extras ); if ( ! $owner ) { $owner = (int) $user->id; } $parent = (int) $params->get( 'grp_parent', 0 ); $name = trim( strip_tags( $cbUser->replaceUserVars( $params->get( 'grp_name', null ), true, true, $extras ) ) ); $description = $cbUser->replaceUserVars( $params->get( 'grp_description', null ), true, true, $extras ); $join = false; if ( $params->get( 'grp_unique', 1 ) ) { $where = array( array( 'category', '=', (int) $category->get( 'id' ) ), array( 'user_id', '=', $owner ), array( 'name', '=', $name ), array( 'parent', '=', (int) $parent ) ); } else { $where = array( array( 'category', '=', (int) $category->get( 'id' ) ), array( 'name', '=', $name ), array( 'parent', '=', (int) $parent ) ); if ( $params->get( 'grp_autojoin', 1 ) ) { $join = true; } } $row = cbgjData::getGroups( null, $where, null, null, false ); if ( ! $row->get( 'id' ) ) { $row->set( 'published', 1 ); $row->set( 'category', (int) $category->get( 'id' ) ); $row->set( 'parent', (int) $parent ); $row->set( 'user_id', $owner ); $row->set( 'name', $name ); if ( $plugin->params->get( 'group_editor', 1 ) >= 2 ) { $row->set( 'description', cbgjClass::getFilteredText( $description ) ); } else { $row->set( 'description', trim( strip_tags( $description ) ) ); } $row->set( 'access', (int) $plugin->params->get( 'group_access_default', -2 ) ); $row->set( 'type', (int) $params->get( 'type', $plugin->params->get( 'group_type_default', 1 ) ) ); $row->set( 'nested', (int) $plugin->params->get( 'group_nested_default', 1 ) ); $row->set( 'nested_access', (int) $plugin->params->get( 'group_nestedaccess_default', -1 ) ); $row->set( 'date', cbgjClass::getUTCDate() ); $row->set( 'ordering', 1 ); if ( $row->store() ) { $row->storeOwner( $row->get( 'user_id' ) ); if ( $row->get( 'user_id' ) != $user->id ) { $usr = cbgjData::getUsers( null, array( array( 'group', '=', (int) $row->get( 'id' ) ), array( 'user_id', '=', (int) $user->id ) ), null, null, false ); if ( ! $usr->get( 'id' ) ) { $usr->set( 'user_id', (int) $user->id ); $usr->set( 'group', (int) $row->get( 'id' ) ); $usr->set( 'date', cbgjClass::getUTCDate() ); $usr->set( 'status', 1 ); $usr->store(); } } } } elseif ( $join ) { $usr = cbgjData::getUsers( null, array( array( 'group', '=', (int) $row->get( 'id' ) ), array( 'user_id', '=', (int) $user->id ) ), null, null, false ); if ( ! $usr->get( 'id' ) ) { $usr->set( 'user_id', (int) $user->id ); $usr->set( 'group', (int) $row->get( 'id' ) ); $usr->set( 'date', cbgjClass::getUTCDate() ); $usr->set( 'status', (int) $params->get( 'status', 1 ) ); if ( $usr->store() ) { if ( $usr->get( 'status' ) == 4 ) { $row->storeOwner( $usr->get( 'user_id' ) ); } } } } } } elseif ( ( $params->get( 'auto', null ) == 1 ) && $params->get( 'groups', null ) ) { $groups = $params->get( 'groups', null ); if ( $groups ) { $groups = explode( '|*|', $groups ); cbArrayToInts( $groups ); } if ( $groups ) foreach ( $groups as $groupId ) { $group = cbgjData::getGroups( null, array( 'id', '=', (int) $groupId ), null, null, false ); if ( $group->get( 'id' ) ) { $row = cbgjData::getUsers( null, array( array( 'group', '=', (int) $group->get( 'id' ) ), array( 'user_id', '=', (int) $user->id ) ), null, null, false ); if ( ! $row->get( 'id' ) ) { $row->set( 'user_id', (int) $user->id ); $row->set( 'group', (int) $group->get( 'id' ) ); $row->set( 'date', cbgjClass::getUTCDate() ); $row->set( 'status', (int) $params->get( 'status', 1 ) ); if ( $row->store() ) { if ( $row->get( 'status' ) == 4 ) { $group->storeOwner( $row->get( 'user_id' ) ); } } } } } } elseif ( ( $params->get( 'auto', null ) == 4 ) && $params->get( 'groups', null ) ) { $groups = $params->get( 'groups', null ); if ( $groups ) { $groups = explode( '|*|', $groups ); cbArrayToInts( $groups ); } if ( $groups ) foreach ( $groups as $groupId ) { $group = cbgjData::getGroups( null, array( 'id', '=', (int) $groupId ), null, null, false ); if ( $group->get( 'id' ) ) { $row = cbgjData::getUsers( null, array( array( 'group', '=', (int) $group->get( 'id' ) ), array( 'user_id', '=', (int) $user->id ) ), null, null, false ); if ( $row->get( 'id' ) && ( $row->get( 'status' ) != 4 ) ) { $row->deleteAll(); } } } } }
/** * Function will generate block with actions; */ function getBlockCode_ActionsBlock() { $sCode = ''; if (!$this->aPollInfo) { return MsgBox(_t('_Empty')); } // prepare all needed keys $aUnitInfo = array('ViewerID' => (int) $this->iMemberId, 'ID' => (int) $this->aPollInfo['id_poll'], 'BaseUri' => $this->oModule->_oConfig->getBaseUri()); $aUnitInfo['base_url'] = BX_DOL_URL_ROOT . $aUnitInfo['BaseUri']; $aUnitInfo['approved_cpt'] = ''; $aUnitInfo['approved_act'] = ''; $aUnitInfo['del_poll_title'] = $aUnitInfo['del_poll_url'] = $aUnitInfo['del_poll_script']; if (isLogged() && ($this->aPollInfo['id_profile'] == $this->iMemberId || isAdmin())) { $sDeleteLink = $this->oModule->getModulePath() . '&action=delete_poll&id=' . $aUnitInfo['ID']; $aUnitInfo['del_poll_title'] = _t('_bx_poll_delete'); $aUnitInfo['del_poll_url'] = $sDeleteLink; $aUnitInfo['del_poll_script'] = "if(confirm('" . bx_js_string(_t('_Are_you_sure')) . "')) ('" . $sDeleteLink . "','_self'); return false;"; } $sMainPrefix = 'bx_poll'; if (isAdmin($this->iMemberId) || isModerator($this->iMemberId) && $this->aPollInfo['id_profile'] != $this->iMemberId) { $sMsg = '_'; $iAppr = 1; if ($this->aPollInfo['poll_approval'] == 1) { $sMsg .= 'dis'; $iAppr = 0; } $aUnitInfo['approved_cpt'] = _t('_' . $sMainPrefix . $sMsg . 'approve'); $aUnitInfo['approved_act'] = $iAppr; } $oSubscription = BxDolSubscription::getInstance(); $aButton = $oSubscription->getButton($this->iMemberId, $sMainPrefix, '', $this->aPollInfo['id_poll']); $sCode .= $oSubscription->getData(); $aUnitInfo['sbs_poll_title'] = $aButton['title']; $aUnitInfo['sbs_poll_script'] = $aButton['script']; $aUnitInfo['TitleShare'] = $this->oModule->isAllowedShare($this->aPollInfo) ? _t('_Share') : ''; if (BxDolRequest::serviceExists('wall', 'get_repost_js_click')) { $sCode .= BxDolService::call('wall', 'get_repost_js_script'); $aUnitInfo['repostCpt'] = _t('_Repost'); $aUnitInfo['repostScript'] = BxDolService::call('wall', 'get_repost_js_click', array($this->iMemberId, $sMainPrefix, 'add', $this->aPollInfo['id_poll'])); } $sActions = $GLOBALS['oFunctions']->genObjectsActions($aUnitInfo, $sMainPrefix); if (empty($sActions)) { return ''; } return $sCode . $sActions; }
function PageCompAds($oAds) { $sRetHtml = ''; $sRetHtml .= $oAds->PrintCommandForms(); if ($_REQUEST) { if (false !== bx_get('action')) { switch (bx_get('action')) { case '3': echo $oAds->actionSearch(); exit; break; case '2': $iClassifiedSubID = (int) bx_get('FilterSubCat'); $sRetHtml .= $oAds->PrintSubRecords($iClassifiedSubID); break; case '1': $iClassifiedID = (int) bx_get('FilterCat'); $sRetHtml .= $oAds->PrintAllSubRecords($iClassifiedID); break; case 'report': $iCommentID = (int) bx_get('commentID'); print $oAds->GenReportSubmitForm($iCommentID); exit; case 'post_report': print $oAds->ActionReportSubmit(); exit; case 'show_calendar': $sRetHtml .= $oAds->GenAdsCalendar(); break; case 'show_calendar_ads': $sRetHtml .= $oAds->GenAdsByDate(); break; case 'show_featured': $sRetHtml .= $oAds->GenAllAds('featured'); break; case 'show_categories': $sRetHtml .= $oAds->genCategoriesBlock(); break; case 'show_all_ads': $sRetHtml .= $oAds->GenAllAds(); break; case 'show_popular': $sRetHtml .= $oAds->GenAllAds('popular'); break; case 'show_top_rated': $sRetHtml .= $oAds->GenAllAds('top'); break; case 'my_page': $sRetHtml .= $oAds->GenMyPageAdmin(); break; case 'tags': $sRetHtml .= $oAds->GenTagsPage(); break; } } elseif (false !== bx_get('bClassifiedID') && (int) bx_get('bClassifiedID') > 0 || false !== bx_get('catUri') && bx_get('catUri') != '') { $iClassifiedID = (int) bx_get('bClassifiedID') > 0 ? (int) bx_get('bClassifiedID') : (int) db_value("SELECT `ID` FROM `{$oAds->_oConfig->sSQLCatTable}` WHERE `CEntryUri`='" . process_db_input(bx_get('catUri'), BX_TAGS_STRIP) . "' LIMIT 1"); if ($iClassifiedID > 0) { $sRetHtml .= $oAds->PrintAllSubRecords($iClassifiedID); } } elseif (false !== bx_get('bSubClassifiedID') && (int) bx_get('bSubClassifiedID') > 0 || false !== bx_get('scatUri') && bx_get('scatUri') != '') { $iSubClassifiedID = (int) bx_get('bSubClassifiedID') > 0 ? (int) bx_get('bSubClassifiedID') : (int) db_value("SELECT `ID` FROM `{$oAds->_oConfig->sSQLSubcatTable}` WHERE `SEntryUri`='" . process_db_input(bx_get('scatUri'), BX_TAGS_STRIP) . "' LIMIT 1"); if ($iSubClassifiedID > 0) { $sRetHtml .= $oAds->PrintSubRecords($iSubClassifiedID); } } elseif (false !== bx_get('ShowAdvertisementID') && (int) bx_get('ShowAdvertisementID') > 0 || false !== bx_get('entryUri') && bx_get('entryUri') != '') { $iID = (int) bx_get('ShowAdvertisementID') > 0 ? (int) bx_get('ShowAdvertisementID') : (int) db_value("SELECT `ID` FROM `{$oAds->_oConfig->sSQLPostsTable}` WHERE `EntryUri`='" . process_db_input(bx_get('entryUri'), BX_TAGS_STRIP) . "' LIMIT 1"); $oAds->ActionPrintAdvertisement($iID); bx_import('PageView', $oAds->_aModule); $oAPV = new BxAdsPageView($oAds, $iID); $sRetHtml .= $oAPV->getCode(); } elseif (false !== bx_get('UsersOtherListing')) { $iProfileID = (int) bx_get('IDProfile'); if ($iProfileID > -1) { $sRetHtml .= $oAds->getMemberAds($iProfileID); } } elseif (false !== bx_get('DeleteAdvertisementID')) { $id = (int) bx_get('DeleteAdvertisementID'); if ($id > 0) { $sRetHtml .= $oAds->ActionDeleteAdvertisement($id); $sRetHtml .= $oAds->GenMyPageAdmin('manage'); } } elseif (false !== bx_get('ActivateAdvertisementID')) { $iAdID = (int) bx_get('ActivateAdvertisementID'); if ($iAdID > 0 && ($oAds->bAdminMode || isModerator($oAds->_iVisitorID))) { $sStatus = bx_get('ActType') == 'active' ? 'active' : 'inactive'; $oAds->_oDb->setPostStatus($iAdID, $sStatus); $oAds->ActionPrintAdvertisement($iAdID); bx_import('PageView', $oAds->_aModule); $oAPV = new BxAdsPageView($oAds, $iAdID); $sRetHtml .= $oAPV->getCode(); } } elseif (false !== bx_get('BuyNow')) { $advId = (int) bx_get('IDAdv'); if ($advId > 0) { $sRetHtml .= $oAds->ActionBuyAdvertisement($advId); } } elseif (false !== bx_get('BuySendNow')) { $advId = (int) bx_get('IDAdv'); if ($advId > 0) { $sRetHtml .= $oAds->ActionBuySendMailAdvertisement($advId); } } else { $sRetHtml .= $oAds->getAdsMainPage(); } } else { $sRetHtml .= $oAds->getAdsMainPage(); } return $sRetHtml; }
/** * * * @param moscomprofilerFields $field * @param moscomprofilerUser $user * @param string $reason 'profile' for user profile view, 'edit' for profile edit, 'register' for registration, 'list' for user-lists * @param boolean $displayFieldIcons * @return string HTML: <tag type="$type" value="$value" xxxx="xxx" yy="y" /> */ function _htmlEditForm(&$field, &$user, $reason, $displayFieldIcons = true) { global $_CB_framework, $_CB_database, $ueConfig; if ($field->name == 'avatar' && !($ueConfig['allowAvatarUpload'] || $ueConfig['allowAvatarGallery'])) { return null; } $name = $field->name; $nameapproved = $field->name . 'approved'; $required = $this->_isRequired($field, $user, $reason); $existingAvatar = false; if ($user && $user->id) { // we can not trust the following, as if another field did error out, it's wrong: // $existingAvatar = ( $user->$name != null ); // so load from database: $realDatabaseUser = new moscomprofilerUser($_CB_database); if ($realDatabaseUser->load((int) $user->id)) { $existingAvatar = $realDatabaseUser->{$name} != null; } } $html = '<div>'; $choices = array(); if ($reason == 'register' || $reason == 'edit' && $user->id == 0) { if ($required == 0) { $choices[] = moscomprofilerHTML::makeOption('', _UE_AVATAR_NONE); } } else { if ($existingAvatar || $required == 0) { $choices[] = moscomprofilerHTML::makeOption('', _UE_AVATAR_NO_CHANGE); } } if ($name != 'avatar' || $ueConfig['allowAvatarUpload']) { $choices[] = moscomprofilerHTML::makeOption('upload', $existingAvatar ? _UE_AVATAR_UPLOAD_NEW : _UE_AVATAR_UPLOAD); } if ($name == 'avatar' && $ueConfig['allowAvatarGallery']) { $choices[] = moscomprofilerHTML::makeOption('gallery', _UE_AVATAR_SELECT); } if ($_CB_framework->getUi() == 2 && $existingAvatar && $user->{$nameapproved} == 0) { $choices[] = moscomprofilerHTML::makeOption('approve', _UE_APPROVE_IMAGE); } if ($existingAvatar && $required == 0) { $choices[] = moscomprofilerHTML::makeOption('delete', _UE_DELETE_AVATAR); } $html .= '<div>'; if ($reason != 'register' && $user->id != 0 && $existingAvatar) { $html .= $this->_avatarHtml($field, $user, $reason) . ' '; } if ($reason == 'edit' && $existingAvatar && $user->{$nameapproved} == 0 && isModerator($_CB_framework->myId())) { $html .= $this->_avatarHtml($field, $user, $reason, false, 10) . ' '; } if (count($choices) > 1) { $additional = ' class="inputbox"'; if ($_CB_framework->getUi() == 1 && $reason == 'edit' && $field->readonly) { $additional .= ' disabled="disabled"'; } $html .= moscomprofilerHTML::selectList($choices, $name . '__choice', $additional, 'value', 'text', '', $required, true, false); /* $js = " $('#cbimg_upload_" . $name . ",#cbimg_gallery_" . $name . "').hide();" . "\n $('#" . $name . "__choice').click( function() {" . "\n var choice = $(this).val();" . "\n if ( choice == '' ) {" . "\n $('#cbimg_upload_" . $name . "').slideUp('slow');" . "\n $('#cbimg_gallery_" . $name . "').slideUp('slow');" . "\n } else if ( choice == 'upload' ) {" . "\n $('#cbimg_upload_" . $name . "').slideDown('slow');" . "\n $('#cbimg_gallery_" . $name . "').slideUp('slow');" . "\n } else if ( choice == 'gallery' ) {" . "\n $('#cbimg_upload_" . $name . "').slideUp('slow');" . "\n $('#cbimg_gallery_" . $name . "').slideDown('slow');" . "\n }" . "\n } ).click();" ; */ static $functOut = false; if (!$functOut) { $js = "function cbslideImage(choice,uplodid,galleryid) {" . "\n\tif ( ( choice == '' ) || ( choice == 'approve' ) || ( choice == 'delete' ) ) {" . "\n\t\t\$(uplodid).slideUp('slow');" . "\n\t\t\$(galleryid).slideUp('slow');" . "\n\t} else if ( choice == 'upload' ) {" . "\n\t\t\$(uplodid).slideDown('slow');" . "\n\t\t\$(galleryid).slideUp('slow');" . "\n\t} else if ( choice == 'gallery' ) {" . "\n\t\t\$(uplodid).slideUp('slow');" . "\n\t\t\$(galleryid).slideDown('slow');" . "\n\t}" . "\n}"; $_CB_framework->outputCbJQuery($js); $functOut = true; } $js = "\$('#cbimg_upload_" . $name . ",#cbimg_gallery_" . $name . "').hide();" . "\n\t{" . "\n\t \$('#" . $name . "__choice').click( function() {" . "\n\t\tcbslideImage( \$(this).val(), '#cbimg_upload_" . $name . "', '#cbimg_gallery_" . $name . "' );" . "\n\t } ).click();" . "\n\t \$('#" . $name . "__choice').change( function() {" . "\n\t\tcbslideImage( \$(this).val(), '#cbimg_upload_" . $name . "', '#cbimg_gallery_" . $name . "' );" . "\n\t } );" . "\n\t}"; $_CB_framework->outputCbJQuery($js); } else { $html .= '<input type="hidden" name="' . $name . '__choice" value="' . $choices[0]->value . '" />'; } $html .= $this->_fieldIconsHtml($field, $user, 'htmledit', $reason, 'select', '', null, '', array(), $displayFieldIcons, $required); $html .= '</div>'; if ($name != 'avatar' || $ueConfig['allowAvatarUpload']) { $button = $reason == 'register' ? _UE_REGISTER : ($_CB_framework->getUi() == 2 ? _UE_SAVE : _UE_UPDATE); $saveFieldName = $field->name; $saveFieldRequired = $field->required; $field->name .= '__file'; if ($field->required && $user && isset($user->{$saveFieldName}) && $user->{$saveFieldName}) { $field->required = 0; } $html .= '<div id="cbimg_upload_' . $name . '">' . '<p>' . sprintf(_UE_UPLOAD_DIMENSIONS_AVATAR, $this->_getImageFieldParam($field, 'avatarWidth'), $this->_getImageFieldParam($field, 'avatarHeight'), $this->_getImageFieldParam($field, 'avatarSize')) . '</p>' . '<div>' . _UE_UPLOAD_SELECT_FILE . ' ' . '<input type="file" name="' . $name . '__file" value="" class="inputbox" />' . '</div>' . '<p>' . ($ueConfig['reg_enable_toc'] ? sprintf(_UE_AVATAR_DISCLAIMER_TERMS, $button, "<a href='" . cbSef(htmlspecialchars($ueConfig['reg_toc_url'])) . "' target='_BLANK'> " . _UE_AVATAR_TOC_LINK . "</a>") : sprintf(_UE_AVATAR_DISCLAIMER, $button)) . '</p>' . '</div>'; $field->name = $saveFieldName; $field->required = $saveFieldRequired; } if ($name == 'avatar' && $ueConfig['allowAvatarGallery']) { $live_site = $_CB_framework->getCfg('live_site'); $avatar_gallery_path = $_CB_framework->getCfg('absolute_path') . '/images/comprofiler/gallery'; $avatar_images = array(); $avatar_images = display_avatar_gallery($avatar_gallery_path); $html .= '<div id="cbimg_gallery_' . $name . '">' . "\n\t<table width='100%' border='0' cellpadding='4' cellspacing='2'>" . "\n\t\t<tr align='center' valign='middle'>"; for ($i = 0; $i < count($avatar_images); $i++) { $j = $i + 1; $avatar_name = ucfirst(str_replace('_', ' ', preg_replace('/^(.*)\\..*$/', '\\1', $avatar_images[$i]))); $html .= "\n\t\t\t<td>" . '<input type="radio" name="' . $name . '__gallery" id="' . $name . '__gallery_' . $i . '" value="' . $avatar_images[$i] . '" />' . '<label for="' . $name . '__gallery_' . $i . '">' . '<img src="' . $live_site . '/images/comprofiler/gallery/' . $avatar_images[$i] . '" alt="' . $avatar_name . '" title="' . $avatar_name . '" />' . '</label>' . '</td>'; if (function_exists('fmod')) { if (!fmod($j, 5)) { $html .= "</tr>\n\t\t<tr align=\"center\" valign=\"middle\">"; } } else { if (!fmodReplace($j, 5)) { // PHP < 4.2.0... $html .= "</tr>\n\t\t<tr align=\"center\" valign=\"middle\">"; } } } $html .= "\n\t\t</tr>\n\t\t" . "\n\t</table>" . '</div>'; } $html .= '</div>'; return $html; }
/** * Method for ajax approval / disaproval from action button ; * * @return : (text) - Html response ; */ function actionApprove($iPollId, $iApprove = 1) { $iPollId = (int) $iPollId; if ($iPollId) { $iActionerId = getLoggedId(); $iApprove = (int) $iApprove; $sJQueryJS = genAjaxyPopupJS($iPollId); if (isAdmin($iActionerId) || isModerator($iActionerId)) { if (!$this->_oDb->setStatus($iPollId, $iApprove)) { $sMsg = '_Error'; } else { $sMsg = '_Saved'; } } else { $sMsg = '_Access denied'; } header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8'); echo MsgBox(_t($sMsg)) . $sJQueryJS; exit; } }
/** * Perform admin or moderator actions * * @param $sAction string * @param $iViewerId integer * @param $iTargetId integer * @return mixed - HTML code or FALSE */ function PageListControl($sAction, $iViewerId, $iTargetId) { $sAction = clear_xss($sAction); $iViewerId = (int) $iViewerId; $iTargetId = (int) $iTargetId; $mixedRes = FALSE; $sMsg = '_Error'; if (isAdmin($iViewerId) or isModerator($iViewerId) and $iViewerId != $iTargetId) { switch ($sAction) { case 'activate': case 'deactivate': $mixedRes = _setStatus($iTargetId, $sAction); break; case 'ban': if (bx_admin_profile_ban_control($iTargetId)) { $sMsg = '_Success'; } $mixedRes = MsgBox(_t($sMsg)); break; case 'unban': if (bx_admin_profile_ban_control($iTargetId, FALSE)) { $sMsg = '_Success'; } $mixedRes = MsgBox(_t($sMsg)); break; case 'featured': case 'unfeatured': $mixedRes = _setFeature($iTargetId, $sAction); break; case 'delete': profile_delete($iTargetId); $mixedRes = MsgBox(_t('_Success')) . genAjaxyPopupJS($iTargetId, 'ajaxy_popup_result_div', BX_DOL_URL_ROOT . 'browse.php'); break; case 'delete_spam': profile_delete($iTargetId, TRUE); $mixedRes = MsgBox(_t('_Success')) . genAjaxyPopupJS($iTargetId, 'ajaxy_popup_result_div', BX_DOL_URL_ROOT . 'browse.php'); break; default: } } return $mixedRes; }
static function userProfile($user, $option, $submitvalue) { global $_CB_framework, $ueConfig, $_POST, $_PLUGINS; $_PLUGINS->loadPluginGroup('user'); $results = $_PLUGINS->trigger('onBeforeUserProfileRequest', array(&$user, 1)); if ($_PLUGINS->is_errors()) { echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\">alert(\"" . $_PLUGINS->getErrorMSG() . "\"); window.history.go(-1); </script>\n"; exit; } $cbTemplate = HTML_comprofiler::_cbTemplateLoad(); $cbMyIsModerator = isModerator($_CB_framework->myId()); $cbUserIsModerator = isModerator($user->id); $showProfile = 1; if ($user->banned != 0 || $user->block == 1 && $user->confirmed && $user->approved) { echo "<font color='red'>"; if ($user->banned != 0) { if ($_CB_framework->myId() != $user->id) { echo _UE_USERPROFILEBANNED; } else { echo _UE_BANNED_CHANGE_PROFILE; } } if ($user->block == 1 && $user->confirmed && $user->approved) { echo _UE_USERPROFILEBLOCKED; } if ($_CB_framework->myId() != $user->id && $cbMyIsModerator != 1) { $showProfile = 0; } else { if ($user->block == 1) { echo ": " . _UE_LOGIN_BLOCKED; } if ($user->banned != 0) { echo "<br />" . nl2br($user->bannedreason); } } echo "<br /></font>"; } if (!$user->confirmed) { echo "<font color='red'>" . _UE_USER_NOT_CONFIRMED . "</font><br />"; } if (!$user->approved) { echo "<font color='red'>" . _UE_USER_NOT_APPROVED . "</font><br />"; } if ((!$user->confirmed || !$user->approved) && $cbMyIsModerator != 1) { $showProfile = 0; } if ($showProfile == 1) { $results = $_PLUGINS->trigger('onBeforeUserProfileDisplay', array(&$user, 1, $cbUserIsModerator, $cbMyIsModerator)); if ($_PLUGINS->is_errors()) { echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\">alert(\"" . $_PLUGINS->getErrorMSG() . "\"); window.history.go(-1); </script>\n"; exit; } $output = 'html'; $cbUser =& CBuser::getInstance($user->id); $_CB_framework->displayedUser((int) $user->id); $userViewTabs = $cbUser->getProfileView(); /* $tabs = new cbTabs( 0, 1 ); $userViewTabs = $tabs->getViewTabs($user); // this loads, registers menu and user status and renders the tabs */ $_CB_framework->setPageTitle(cbUnHtmlspecialchars(getNameFormat($user->name, $user->username, $ueConfig['name_format']))); $_CB_framework->appendPathWay(getNameFormat($user->name, $user->username, $ueConfig['name_format'])); outputCbTemplate(1); initToolTip(1); $_CB_framework->document->addHeadScriptDeclaration(' function cbConnSubmReq() { cClick(); document.connOverForm.submit(); } function confirmSubmit() { if (confirm("' . _UE_CONFIRMREMOVECONNECTION . '")) return true ; else return false ; } '); if (is_array($results)) { echo implode('', $results); } echo "\n\t<div class=\"cbProfile\"><div id=\"cbProfileInner\">"; echo HTML_comprofiler::_cbTemplateRender($cbTemplate, $user, 'Profile', 'drawProfile', array(&$user, &$userViewTabs), $output); echo "</div><div class=\"cbClr\"></div></div>\n" . "<div class=\"cbClr\"></div>"; // end of cbProfile floating div $tab = null; if (isset($_GET['tab'])) { $tab = urldecode(stripslashes(cbGetParam($_GET, 'tab', ''))); } elseif (isset($_POST['tab'])) { $tab = stripslashes(cbGetParam($_POST, 'tab', '')); } if ($tab) { $_CB_framework->outputCbJQuery("showCBTab('" . addslashes($tab) . "');"); } if ($_CB_framework->myId() != $user->id) { recordViewHit($_CB_framework->myId(), $user->id, getenv('REMOTE_ADDR')); } $_PLUGINS->trigger('onAfterUserProfileDisplay', array($user, true)); } }
$objid = $objData["objid"]; // Fetch artist's data. $result = sql_query("SELECT `useid`, `useUsername` FROM `users` " . "WHERE `useid` = '" . $objData["objCreator"] . "' LIMIT 1"); $useData = mysql_fetch_assoc($result); // This does not work until abuCreator is added. The addition of abuCreator will probably also result in other code modification. $useData["abuseCases"] = intval(mysql_result(sql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `abuses` WHERE `abuCreator` = '" . $objData["objCreator"] . "'"), 0)); $useData["abusePercent"] = round(intval(mysql_result(sql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `abuses` WHERE `abuCreator` = '" . $objData["objCreator"] . "' AND ((`abuMod` = '-' AND `abusMod` = '-') OR (`aburMod` = '-'))"), 0)) / $useData["abuseCases"] * 100); // Fetch reporter's data. $result = sql_query("SELECT `useid`, `useUsername` FROM `users` " . "WHERE `useid` = '" . $objData["abuSubmitter"] . "' LIMIT 1"); $repData = mysql_fetch_assoc($result); $repData["abuseCases"] = intval(mysql_result(sql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `abuses` WHERE `abuSubmitter` = '" . $objData["abuSubmitter"] . "'"), 0)); $repData["abusePercent"] = round(intval(mysql_result(sql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `abuses` WHERE `abuSubmitter` = '" . $objData["abuSubmitter"] . "' AND ((`abuMod` = '-' AND `abusMod` = '-') OR (`aburMod` = '-'))"), 0)) / $repData["abuseCases"] * 100); // Determine the current user's access level. $accessLevel = 0; // No access. if ($objData["abuMod"] == "?" && isModerator()) { $accessLevel = 1; // Moderator. } elseif ($objData["abuMod"] != "?" && $objData["abusMod"] == "?" && isSModerator()) { $accessLevel = 2; // Supermoderator. } elseif ($objData["abuMod"] != "?" && $objData["abusMod"] != "?" && $objData["abuMod"] != $objData["abusMod"] && isAdmin()) { $accessLevel = 3; // Administrator. } if ($objData["abuResolved"]) { $accessLevel = 0; } // This abuse case is resolved. if ($accessLevel > 0 && isset($_POST["submit"])) { // Check if we got a correct decision: "+" or "-"
$GLOBALS['oTopMenu']->setCurrentProfileID($iProfileId); $_page_cont[$iIndex]['page_main_code'] = $oPoll->searchMy(); } else { member_auth(0); } break; case 'show_poll_info': case 'poll_home': // draw polls question on menu's panel; $aPollInfo = current($oPoll->_oDb->getPollInfo($iPollId)); $sCode = ''; $sInitPart = $oPoll->getInitPollPage(); if ($aPollSettings['action'] == 'show_poll_info') { $isAllowView = FALSE; if (!empty($aPollInfo)) { if ((int) $aPollInfo['poll_approval'] == 1 || isAdmin($iProfileId) || isModerator($iProfileId)) { $isAllowView = TRUE; } } if ($isAllowView) { $oViewPoll = bx_instance($aModule['class_prefix'] . 'View', array($aPollSettings['action'], $aModule, $oPoll, $iPollId), $aModule); $sPageTitle = $aPollInfo['poll_question']; $sPageCaption = _t('_bx_poll_view', $aPollInfo['poll_question']); $_page['header'] = $sPageCaption; $_page['header_text'] = $sPageCaption; $oPoll->_oTemplate->addJsTranslation(array('_Are_you_sure')); $oPoll->_oTemplate->setPageDescription($aPollInfo['poll_question']); $oPoll->_oTemplate->addPageKeywords($aPollInfo['poll_answers'], BX_POLL_ANS_DIVIDER); if (mb_strlen($sPageTitle) > $oPoll->sPollHomeTitleLenght) { $sPageTitle = mb_substr($sPageTitle, 0, $oPoll->sPollHomeTitleLenght) . '...'; }
function deleteComment($commentId) { $cData = getComment($commentId); if ($cData[0]['user'] == getActiveUserID() || isAdmin() || isModerator()) { $link = getDBConnection(); if (mysqli_select_db($link, getDBName())) { $commentId = intval($commentId); mysqli_query($link, "DELETE FROM newsComments WHERE id = {$commentId}"); } } }
/** * Generate users details * * @param moscomprofilerUser $user * @param object $forum * @return object */ function getUserDetails( $user, $forum ) { global $_CB_database, $_CB_framework; static $usersdetailsCache = array(); if ( ! isset( $usersdetailsCache[$user->id] ) ) { if ( ( isset ( $forum->config['showuserstats'] ) ? $forum->config['showuserstats'] : $forum->config['showstats'] ) || ( ! $forum->config['showranking'] && ! $forum->config['showkarma'] && ! ( isset ( $forum->config['poststats'] ) ? $forum->config['poststats'] : $forum->config['postStats'] ) ) ) { if ( ( ( $forum->component == 'com_fireboard' ) && ( $forum->version >= '1.0.3' ) ) || ( $forum->component == 'com_kunena' ) ) { $supportsDbRanks = ', ' . $_CB_database->NameQuote( 'rank' ); } else { $supportsDbRanks = null; } $userDetails = $this->getUserSettings( $user, $forum, $supportsDbRanks ); if ( ( isset( $userDetails->posts ) ) && $userDetails->posts != 0 ) { if ( $forum->config['showranking'] ) { $uIsAdm = isModerator( $user->id ); $uIsMod = $userDetails->moderator; $pathImage = $_CB_framework->getCfg( 'live_site' ) . '/components/' . $forum->component; if ( $supportsDbRanks ) { if ( $userDetails->rank != 0 ) { $where = $_CB_database->NameQuote( 'rank_id' ) . ' = ' . (int) $userDetails->rank; } else { $where = $_CB_database->NameQuote( 'rank_min' ) . ' <= ' . (int) $userDetails->posts . "\n ORDER BY " . $_CB_database->NameQuote( 'rank_min' ) . ' DESC'; } $query = 'SELECT ' . $_CB_database->NameQuote( 'rank_title' ) . ', ' . $_CB_database->NameQuote( 'rank_image' ) . "\n FROM " . $_CB_database->NameQuote( '#__' . $forum->prefix . '_ranks' ) . "\n WHERE " . $where; $_CB_database->setQuery( $query, 0, 1 ); $userRank = null; $_CB_database->loadObject( $userRank ); $pathImage = $pathImage . $this->params->get( 'TemplateRank', '/template/default/images' ); $rText = $userRank->rank_title; $rImg = $pathImage . '/ranks/' . $userRank->rank_image; } else { $userDetails->rank = 1; for ( $i = 1; $i <= 5; $i++ ) { $rankPrev = $forum->config['rank' . ( ( ( $i > 1 ) ? ( $i - 1 ) : $i ) )]; $rank = $forum->config['rank' . $i]; if ( $userDetails->posts <= $rank && ( $userDetails->posts > $rankPrev ) ) { $userDetails->rank = $i; } elseif ( ( $i == 5 ) && ( $userDetails->posts > $rank ) ) { $userDetails->rank = 6; } } $rText = $forum->config['rank' . $userDetails->rank . 'txt']; $rImg = $pathImage . '/ranks/rank' . $userDetails->rank . '.gif'; } if ( ( $userDetails->rank == 0 ) && $uIsMod ) { $rText = CBTxt::T( 'Moderator' ); $rImg = $pathImage . '/ranks/rankmod.gif'; } if ( ( $userDetails->rank == 0 ) && $uIsAdm ) { $rText = CBTxt::T( 'Administrator' ); $rImg = $pathImage . '/ranks/rankadmin.gif'; } if ( $forum->config['rankimages'] ) { $userDetails->msg_userrankimg = '<img src="' . htmlspecialchars( $rImg ) . '" alt="' . htmlspecialchars( $rText ) . '" border="0" />'; } $userDetails->msg_userrank = $rText; } } else { $userDetails = false; } } else { $userDetails = false; } $usersdetailsCache[$user->id] = $userDetails; } return $usersdetailsCache[$user->id]; }
function drawUsersList( $uid, $listid, $searchFormValuesRAW ) { global $_CB_database, $_CB_framework, $ueConfig, $Itemid, $_PLUGINS; $search = null; $searchGET = cbGetParam( $searchFormValuesRAW, 'search' ); $limitstart = (int) cbGetParam( $searchFormValuesRAW, 'limitstart', 0 ); $searchmode = (int) cbGetParam( $searchFormValuesRAW, 'searchmode', 0 ); $randomParam = (int) cbGetParam( $searchFormValuesRAW, 'rand', 0 ); // old search on formated name: /* if ( $searchPOST || count( $_POST ) ) { // simple spoof check security cbSpoofCheck( 'usersList' ); if ( cbGetParam( $searchFormValuesRAW, "action" ) == "search" ) { $search = $searchPOST; } } else if ( isset( $searchFormValuesRAW['limitstart'] ) ) { $search = stripslashes( $searchGET ); } */ // get my user and gets the list of user lists he is allowed to see (ACL): $myCbUser =& CBuser::getInstance( $uid ); if ( $myCbUser === null ) { $myCbUser =& CBuser::getInstance( null ); } $myUser =& $myCbUser->getUserData(); /* $myUser = new moscomprofilerUser( $_CB_database ); if ( $uid ) { $myUser->load( (int) $uid ); } */ $useraccessgroupSQL = " AND useraccessgroupid IN (".implode(',',getChildGIDS(userGID($uid))).")"; $_CB_database->setQuery( "SELECT listid, title FROM #__comprofiler_lists WHERE published=1" . $useraccessgroupSQL . " ORDER BY ordering" ); $plists = $_CB_database->loadObjectList(); $lists = array(); $publishedlists = array(); for ( $i=0, $n=count( $plists ); $i < $n; $i++ ) { $plist =& $plists[$i]; $listTitleNoHtml = strip_tags( cbReplaceVars( getLangDefinition( $plist->title ), $myUser, false, false ) ); $publishedlists[] = moscomprofilerHTML::makeOption( $plist->listid, $listTitleNoHtml ); } // select either list selected or default list to which he has access (ACL): if ( $listid == 0 ) { $_CB_database->setQuery( "SELECT listid FROM #__comprofiler_lists " . "\n WHERE `default`=1 AND published=1" . $useraccessgroupSQL ); $listid = (int) $_CB_database->loadresult(); if ( $listid == 0 && ( count( $plists ) > 0 ) ) { $listid = (int) $plists[0]->listid; } } if ( ! ( $listid > 0 ) ) { echo _UE_NOLISTFOUND; return; } // generates the drop-down list of lists: if ( count( $plists ) > 1 ) { $lists['plists'] = moscomprofilerHTML::selectList( $publishedlists, 'listid', 'class="inputbox" size="1" onchange="this.form.submit();"', 'value', 'text', $listid, 1 ); } // loads the list record: $row = new moscomprofilerLists( $_CB_database ); if ( ( ! $row->load( (int) $listid ) ) || ( $row->published != 1 ) ) { echo _UE_LIST_DOES_NOT_EXIST; return; } if ( ! allowAccess( $row->useraccessgroupid,'RECURSE', userGID($uid) ) ) { echo _UE_NOT_AUTHORIZED; return; } $params = new cbParamsBase( $row->params ); $hotlink_protection = $params->get( 'hotlink_protection', 0 ); if ( $hotlink_protection == 1 ) { if ( ( $searchGET !== null ) || $limitstart ) { cbSpoofCheck( 'usersList', 'GET' ); } } $limit = (int) $params->get( 'list_limit' ); if ( $limit == 0 ) { $limit = (int) $ueConfig['num_per_page']; } $showPaging = $params->get( 'list_paging', 1 ); if ( $showPaging != 1 ) { $limitstart = 0; } $isModerator = isModerator( $_CB_framework->myId() ); $_PLUGINS->loadPluginGroup( 'user' ); // $plugSearchFieldsArray = $_PLUGINS->trigger( 'onStartUsersList', array( &$listid, &$row, &$search, &$limitstart, &$limit ) ); $_PLUGINS->trigger( 'onStartUsersList', array( &$listid, &$row, &$search, &$limitstart, &$limit ) ); // handles the users allowed to be listed in the list by ACL: $allusergids = array(); $usergids = explode( ',', $row->usergroupids ); /* This was a bug tending to list admins when "public backend" was checked, and all frontend users when "public backend was checked. Now just ignore them: foreach( $usergids AS $usergid ) { $allusergids[] = $usergid; if ($usergid==29 || $usergid==30) { $groupchildren = array(); $groupchildren = $_CB_framework->acl->get_group_children( $usergid, 'ARO','RECURSE' ); $allusergids = array_merge($allusergids,$groupchildren); } } */ $allusergids = array_diff( $usergids, array( 29, 30 ) ); $usergids = implode( ",", $allusergids ); // build SQL Select query: $random = 0; if( $row->sortfields != '' ) { $matches = null; if ( preg_match( '/^RAND\(\)\s(ASC|DESC)$/', $row->sortfields, $matches ) ) { // random sorting needs to have same seed on pages > 1 to not have probability to show same users: if ( $limitstart ) { $random = (int) $randomParam; } if ( ! $random ) { $random = rand( 0, 32767 ); } $row->sortfields = 'RAND(' . (int) $random . ') ' . $matches[1]; } $orderby = "\n ORDER BY " . $row->sortfields; } $filterby = ''; if ( $row->filterfields != '' ) { $filterRules = utf8RawUrlDecode( substr( $row->filterfields, 1 ) ); if ( $_CB_framework->myId() ) { $user = new moscomprofilerUser( $_CB_database ); if ( $user->load( (int) $_CB_framework->myId() ) ) { $filterRules = cbReplaceVars( $filterRules, $user, array( $_CB_database, 'getEscaped' ), false, array() ); } } $filterby = " AND ". $filterRules; } // Prepare part after SELECT .... " and before "FROM" : $tableReferences = array( '#__comprofiler' => 'ue', '#__users' => 'u' ); // Fetch all fields: $tabs = $myCbUser->_getCbTabs(); // new cbTabs( 0, 1 ); //TBD: later: this private method should not be called here, but the whole users-list should go into there and be called here. $allFields = $tabs->_getTabFieldsDb( null, $myUser, 'list' ); // $_CB_database->setQuery( "SELECT * FROM #__comprofiler_fields WHERE published = 1" ); // $allFields = $_CB_database->loadObjectList( 'fieldid', 'moscomprofilerFields', array( &$_CB_database ) ); //Make columns array. This array will later be constructed from the tabs table: $columns = array(); for ( $i = 1; $i < 50; ++$i ) { $enabledVar = "col".$i."enabled"; if ( ! isset( $row->$enabledVar ) ) { break; } $titleVar = "col".$i."title"; $fieldsVar = "col".$i."fields"; $captionsVar = "col".$i."captions"; if ( $row->$enabledVar == 1 ) { $col = new stdClass(); $col->fields = ( $row->$fieldsVar ? explode( '|*|', $row->$fieldsVar ) : array() ); $col->title = $row->$titleVar; $col->titleRendered = $myCbUser->replaceUserVars( $col->title ); $col->captions = $row->$captionsVar; // $col->sort = 1; //All columns can be sorted $columns[$i] = $col; } } // build fields and tables accesses, also check for searchable fields: $searchableFields = array(); $fieldsSQL = cbUsersList::getFieldsSQL( $columns, $allFields, $tableReferences, $searchableFields, $params ); $_PLUGINS->trigger( 'onAfterUsersListFieldsSql', array( &$columns, &$allFields, &$tableReferences ) ); $tablesSQL = array(); $joinsSQL = array(); $tablesWhereSQL = array( 'block' => 'u.block = 0', 'approved' => 'ue.approved = 1', 'confirmed' => 'ue.confirmed = 1' ); if ( checkJversion() == 2 ) { $joinsSQL[] = 'JOIN #__user_usergroup_map g ON g.`user_id` = u.`id`'; } if ( ! $isModerator ) { $tablesWhereSQL['banned'] = 'ue.banned = 0'; } if ( $usergids ) { if ( checkJversion() == 2 ) { $tablesWhereSQL['gid'] = 'g.group_id IN (' . $usergids . ')'; } else { $tablesWhereSQL['gid'] = 'u.gid IN (' . $usergids . ')'; } } foreach ( $tableReferences as $table => $name ) { $tablesSQL[] = $table . ' ' . $name; if ( $name != 'u' ) { $tablesWhereSQL[] = "u.`id` = " . $name . ".`id`"; } } // handles search criterias: $list_compare_types = $params->get( 'list_compare_types', 0 ); $searchVals = new stdClass(); $searchesFromFields = $tabs->applySearchableContents( $searchableFields, $searchVals, $searchFormValuesRAW, $list_compare_types ); $whereFields = $searchesFromFields->reduceSqlFormula( $tableReferences, $joinsSQL, TRUE ); if ( $whereFields ) { $tablesWhereSQL[] = '(' . $whereFields . ')'; /* if ( $search === null ) { $search = ''; } */ } $_PLUGINS->trigger( 'onBeforeUsersListBuildQuery', array( &$tablesSQL, &$joinsSQL, &$tablesWhereSQL ) ); $queryFrom = "FROM " . implode( ', ', $tablesSQL ) . ( count( $joinsSQL ) ? "\n " . implode( "\n ", $joinsSQL ) : '' ) . "\n WHERE " . implode( "\n AND ", $tablesWhereSQL ); // handles old formatted names search: /* if ( $search != '' ) { $searchSQL = cbEscapeSQLsearch( strtolower( $_CB_database->getEscaped( $search ) ) ); $queryFrom .= " AND ("; $searchFields = array(); if ( $ueConfig['name_format']!='3' ) { $searchFields[] = " LIKE '%%s%'"; } if ( $ueConfig['name_format']!='1' ) { $searchFields[] = "u.username LIKE '%%s%'"; } if ( is_array( $plugSearchFieldsArray ) ) { foreach ( $plugSearchFieldsArray as $v ) { if ( is_array( $v ) ) { $searchFields = array_merge( $searchFields, $v ); } } } $queryFrom .= str_replace( '%s', $searchSQL, implode( " OR ", $searchFields ) ); $queryFrom .= ")"; } */ $queryFrom .= " " . $filterby; $_PLUGINS->trigger( 'onBeforeUsersListQuery', array( &$queryFrom, 1, $listid ) ); // $uid = 1 $errorMsg = null; // counts number of users and loads the listed fields of the users if not in search-form-only mode: if ( $searchmode == 0 ) { if ( checkJversion() == 2 ) { $_CB_database->setQuery( "SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT " . $queryFrom ); } else { $_CB_database->setQuery( "SELECT COUNT(*) " . $queryFrom ); } $total = $_CB_database->loadResult(); if ( ( $limit > $total ) || ( $limitstart >= $total ) ) { $limitstart = 0; } // $query = "SELECT, ue.banned, '' AS 'NA' " . ( $fieldsSQL ? ", " . $fieldsSQL . " " : '' ) . $queryFrom . " " . $orderby if ( checkJversion() == 2 ) { $query = "SELECT DISTINCT ue.*, u.*, '' AS 'NA' " . ( $fieldsSQL ? ", " . $fieldsSQL . " " : '' ) . $queryFrom . " " . $orderby; } else { $query = "SELECT ue.*, u.*, '' AS 'NA' " . ( $fieldsSQL ? ", " . $fieldsSQL . " " : '' ) . $queryFrom . " " . $orderby; } $_CB_database->setQuery( $query, (int) $limitstart, (int) $limit ); $users = $_CB_database->loadObjectList( null, 'moscomprofilerUser', array( &$_CB_database ) ); if ( ! $_CB_database->getErrorNum() ) { // creates the CBUsers in cache corresponding to the $users: foreach ( array_keys( $users ) as $k) { CBuser::setUserGetCBUserInstance( $users[$k] ); } } else { $users = array(); $errorMsg = _UE_ERROR_IN_QUERY_TURN_SITE_DEBUG_ON_TO_VIEW; } if ( count( get_object_vars( $searchVals ) ) > 0 ) { $search = ''; } else { $search = null; } } else { $total = null; $users = array(); if ( $search === null ) { $search = ''; } } // Compute itemId of users in users-list: if ( $Itemid ) { $option_itemid = (int) $Itemid; } else { $option_itemid = getCBprofileItemid( 0 ); } HTML_comprofiler::usersList( $row, $users, $columns, $allFields, $lists, $listid, $search, $searchmode, $option_itemid, $limitstart, $limit, $total, $myUser, $searchableFields, $searchVals, $tabs, $list_compare_types, $showPaging, $hotlink_protection, $errorMsg, $random ); }
} ?> ">Редактировать</button> <?php } ?> <?php if (isAdmin() || isModerator()) { ?> <button type = "submit" name = "delete" onclick = "deleteComment(<?php echo $newsId . "," . $comment['id']; ?> ); return false;" class = "btn btn-danger">Удалить</button> <?php } if (isAdmin() || isModerator() || getActiveUser() === $comment['user']) { ?> </div> <?php } ?> </div> <?php } ?> <?php if (getActiveUserID() != -1) { $commentText = "Отправить"; if ($commentId != -1) {
<?php session_start(); include_once 'student.php'; include_once 'enterprise.php'; include_once 'recovery.php'; $body = file_get_contents('php://input'); if (isset($body)) { $json = json_decode($body); if (isset($json) && isModerator($_SESSION['id']) && $_SESSION['type'] == "student") { if (unfeatureCasestudy($json->casestudyID)) { $message = array('success' => 'Case was successfully unfeatured'); } else { $message = array('error' => 'Case was not successfully unfeatured. DatabaseError'); } } else { $message = array('error' => 'Case was not successfully unfeatured. Userunauthorized'); } } $JSONresponse = json_encode($message); echo $JSONresponse;
/** * Checks if a given action is allowed for a given member and updates action information if the * action is performed. * * @param int $iMemberId - ID of a member that is going to perform an action * @param int $actionID - ID of the action itself * @param boolean $performAction - if true, then action information is updated, i.e. action * is 'performed' * * @return array( CHECK_ACTION_RESULT => CHECK_ACTION_RESULT_ constant, * CHECK_ACTION_MESSAGE => CHECK_ACTION_MESSAGE_ constant, * CHECK_ACTION_PARAMETER => additional action parameter (string) ) * * * NOTES: * * $result[CHECK_ACTION_MESSAGE] contains a message with detailed information about the result, * already processed by the language file * * if $result[CHECK_ACTION_RESULT] == CHECK_ACTION_RESULT_ALLOWED then this node contains * an empty string * * The error messages themselves are stored in the language file. Additional variables are * passed to the function _t_ext() as an array and can be used there in the form of * {0}, {1}, {2} ... * * Additional variables passed to the lang. file on errors (can be used in error messages): * * For all errors: * * $arg0[CHECK_ACTION_LANG_FILE_ACTION] = name of the action * $arg0[CHECK_ACTION_LANG_FILE_MEMBERSHIP]= name of the current membership * * CHECK_ACTION_RESULT_LIMIT_REACHED: * * $arg0[CHECK_ACTION_LANG_FILE_LIMIT] = limit on number of actions allowed for the member * $arg0[CHECK_ACTION_LANG_FILE_PERIOD] = period that the limit is set for (in hours, 0 if unlimited) * * CHECK_ACTION_RESULT_NOT_ALLOWED_BEFORE: * * $arg0[CHECK_ACTION_LANG_FILE_BEFORE] = date/time since when the action is allowed * * CHECK_ACTION_RESULT_NOT_ALLOWED_AFTER: * * $arg0[CHECK_ACTION_LANG_FILE_AFTER] = date/time since when the action is not allowed * * $result[CHECK_ACTION_PARAMETER] contains an additional parameter that can be considered * when performing the action (like the number of profiles to show in search result) */ function checkAction($iMemberId, $actionID, $performAction = false, $iForcedProfID = 0, $isCheckMemberStatus = true) { global $logged; global $site; //output array initialization $result = array(); $arrLangFileParams = array(); $dateFormat = "F j, Y, g:i a"; //used when displaying error messages //input validation $iMemberId = (int) $iMemberId; $actionID = (int) $actionID; $performAction = $performAction ? true : false; //get current member's membership information $arrMembership = getMemberMembershipInfo($iMemberId); $arrLangFileParams[CHECK_ACTION_LANG_FILE_MEMBERSHIP] = $arrMembership['Name']; $arrLangFileParams[CHECK_ACTION_LANG_FILE_SITE_EMAIL] = $site['email']; //profile active check if ($arrMembership['ID'] != MEMBERSHIP_ID_NON_MEMBER || $logged['admin'] || $logged['moderator']) { $iDestID = $iMemberId; if ((isAdmin() || isModerator()) && $iForcedProfID > 0) { $iDestID = $iForcedProfID; $performAction = false; } if ($isCheckMemberStatus) { $active = getProfileInfo($iDestID); if ($active['Status'] != 'Active') { $result[CHECK_ACTION_RESULT] = CHECK_ACTION_RESULT_NOT_ACTIVE; $result[CHECK_ACTION_MESSAGE] = _t_ext(CHECK_ACTION_MESSAGE_NOT_ACTIVE, $arrLangFileParams); return $result; } } } //get permissions for the current action $resMembershipAction = db_res("\n SELECT\tName,\n IDAction,\n AllowedCount,\n AllowedPeriodLen,\n UNIX_TIMESTAMP(AllowedPeriodStart) as AllowedPeriodStart,\n UNIX_TIMESTAMP(AllowedPeriodEnd) as AllowedPeriodEnd,\n AdditionalParamValue\n FROM\t`sys_acl_actions`\n LEFT JOIN `sys_acl_matrix`\n ON\t`sys_acl_matrix`.IDAction = `sys_acl_actions`.ID\n AND `sys_acl_matrix`.IDLevel = {$arrMembership['ID']}\n WHERE\t`sys_acl_actions`.ID = {$actionID}"); //no such action if ($resMembershipAction->rowCount() < 1) { echo "<br /><b>checkAction()</b> fatal error. Unknown action ID: {$actionID}<br />"; exit; } $arrAction = $resMembershipAction->fetch(); $result[CHECK_ACTION_PARAMETER] = $arrAction['AdditionalParamValue']; $arrLangFileParams[CHECK_ACTION_LANG_FILE_ACTION] = _t('_mma_' . str_replace(' ', '_', $arrAction['Name'])); //action is not allowed for the current membership if (is_null($arrAction['IDAction'])) { $result[CHECK_ACTION_RESULT] = CHECK_ACTION_RESULT_NOT_ALLOWED; $result[CHECK_ACTION_MESSAGE] = _t_ext(CHECK_ACTION_MESSAGE_NOT_ALLOWED, $arrLangFileParams); return $result; } //Check fixed period limitations if present (also for non-members) if ($arrAction['AllowedPeriodStart'] && time() < $arrAction['AllowedPeriodStart']) { $arrLangFileParams[CHECK_ACTION_LANG_FILE_BEFORE] = date($dateFormat, $arrAction['AllowedPeriodStart']); $result[CHECK_ACTION_RESULT] = CHECK_ACTION_RESULT_NOT_ALLOWED_BEFORE; $result[CHECK_ACTION_MESSAGE] = _t_ext(CHECK_ACTION_MESSAGE_NOT_ALLOWED_BEFORE, $arrLangFileParams); return $result; } if ($arrAction['AllowedPeriodEnd'] && time() > $arrAction['AllowedPeriodEnd']) { $arrLangFileParams[CHECK_ACTION_LANG_FILE_AFTER] = date($dateFormat, $arrAction['AllowedPeriodEnd']); $result[CHECK_ACTION_RESULT] = CHECK_ACTION_RESULT_NOT_ALLOWED_AFTER; $result[CHECK_ACTION_MESSAGE] = _t_ext(CHECK_ACTION_MESSAGE_NOT_ALLOWED_AFTER, $arrLangFileParams); return $result; } //if non-member, allow action without performing further checks if ($arrMembership['ID'] == MEMBERSHIP_ID_NON_MEMBER) { $result[CHECK_ACTION_RESULT] = CHECK_ACTION_RESULT_ALLOWED; return $result; } //check other limitations (for members only) $allowedCnt = (int) $arrAction['AllowedCount']; //number of allowed actions //if not specified or 0, number of //actions is unlimited $periodLen = (int) $arrAction['AllowedPeriodLen']; //period for AllowedCount in hours //if not specified, AllowedCount is //treated as total number of actions //permitted //number of actions is limited if ($allowedCnt > 0) { //get current action info for the member $actionTrack = db_res("SELECT ActionsLeft,\n UNIX_TIMESTAMP(ValidSince) as ValidSince\n FROM `sys_acl_actions_track`\n WHERE IDAction = {$actionID} AND IDMember = {$iMemberId}"); $actionsLeft = $performAction ? $allowedCnt - 1 : $allowedCnt; $validSince = time(); //member is requesting/performing this action for the first time, //and there is no corresponding record in sys_acl_actions_track table if ($actionTrack->rowCount() <= 0) { //add action to sys_acl_actions_track table db_res("\n INSERT INTO `sys_acl_actions_track` (IDAction, IDMember, ActionsLeft, ValidSince)\n VALUES ({$actionID}, {$iMemberId}, {$actionsLeft}, FROM_UNIXTIME({$validSince}))"); $result[CHECK_ACTION_RESULT] = CHECK_ACTION_RESULT_ALLOWED; return $result; } //action has been requested/performed at least once at this point //and there is a corresponding record in sys_acl_actions_track table $actionTrack = $actionTrack->fetch(); //action record in sys_acl_actions_track table is out of date $periodEnd = (int) $actionTrack['ValidSince'] + $periodLen * 3600; //ValidSince is in seconds, PeriodLen is in hours if ($periodLen > 0 && $periodEnd < time()) { db_res("\n UPDATE\t`sys_acl_actions_track`\n SET\t\tActionsLeft = {$actionsLeft}, ValidSince = FROM_UNIXTIME({$validSince})\n WHERE\tIDAction = {$actionID} AND IDMember = {$iMemberId}"); $result[CHECK_ACTION_RESULT] = CHECK_ACTION_RESULT_ALLOWED; return $result; } //action record is up to date $actionsLeft = (int) $actionTrack['ActionsLeft']; //action limit reached for now if ($actionsLeft <= 0) { $arrLangFileParams[CHECK_ACTION_LANG_FILE_LIMIT] = $allowedCnt; $arrLangFileParams[CHECK_ACTION_LANG_FILE_PERIOD] = $periodLen; $result[CHECK_ACTION_RESULT] = CHECK_ACTION_RESULT_LIMIT_REACHED; $result[CHECK_ACTION_MESSAGE] = '<div style="width: 80%">' . _t_ext(CHECK_ACTION_MESSAGE_LIMIT_REACHED, $arrLangFileParams) . ($periodLen > 0 ? _t_ext(CHECK_ACTION_MESSAGE_MESSAGE_EVERY_PERIOD, $arrLangFileParams) : '') . '.</div>'; return $result; } if ($performAction) { $actionsLeft--; db_res("\n UPDATE `sys_acl_actions_track`\n SET ActionsLeft = {$actionsLeft}\n WHERE IDAction = {$actionID} AND IDMember = {$iMemberId}"); } } $result[CHECK_ACTION_RESULT] = CHECK_ACTION_RESULT_ALLOWED; return $result; }
//found difference break; } } } else { $aDiff[$sName] = $mNew; } } else { if ($mNew != $mOld) { $aDiff[$sName] = $mNew; } } } return $aDiff; } } $_page['name_index'] = 25; $_page['css_name'] = 'pedit.css'; $_page['extra_js'] .= '<script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript" src="' . $site['plugins'] . 'jquery/jquery.form.min.js"></script>'; $_page['extra_js'] .= '<script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript" src="inc/js/pedit.js"></script>'; check_logged(); if (!(isAdmin() || isModerator() || isLogged() && getLoggedId() == bx_get('ID'))) { $GLOBALS['oSysTemplate']->displayAccessDenied(); exit; } $_page['header'] = _t('_Edit Profile'); $_page['header_text'] = _t('_Edit Profile'); $_ni = $_page['name_index']; $oEditProc = new BxDolPEditProcessor(); $_page_cont[$_ni]['page_main_code'] = $oEditProc->getCode(); PageCode();
public function handle_parser_cache_use(Doku_Event &$event, $param) { global $ACT; $cache =& $event->data; if (empty($cache->page) || empty($cache->mode) || $cache->mode != 'xhtml' || !@file_exists(metaFN($cache->page, '.translate'))) { return; } # Ensure refresh on plugin update $cache->depends['files'][] = dirname(__FILE__) . '/'; if (substr($ACT, 0, 7) == 'export_') { # Don't write XHTML page and XHTML export data into # the same cache file. # Props to Michitux for suggesting this $cache->cache .= '_export'; } else { # Separate cache file for each moderator if (isModerator($cache->page)) { $cache->cache .= '.' . urlencode($_SERVER['REMOTE_USER']); } # Ensure refresh with every new review $cache->depends['files'][] = metaFN($cache->page, '.translate'); } }
} else { $class_sfx = ''; $pretext = ''; $posttext = ''; } $results = null; $query = "SELECT banned FROM #__comprofiler WHERE id = " . $_CB_framework->myId(); $_CB_database->setQuery($query); $banStatus = $_CB_database->loadResult(); if ($banStatus === null) { trigger_error($_CB_database->getErrorMsg(), E_USER_WARNING); } if ($banStatus > 0) { $results .= "<div><a href='" . $_CB_framework->userProfileUrl() . "' class='mod_login" . $class_sfx . "'>" . ($banStatus == 1 ? _UE_PLEAE_CHECK_PROFILE : _UE_BANSTATUS_UNBAN_REQUEST_PENDING) . "</a></div>"; } if (isModerator($_CB_framework->myId())) { $query = "SELECT count(*) FROM #__comprofiler WHERE avatarapproved=0 AND approved=1 AND confirmed=1 AND banned=0"; $_CB_database->setQuery($query); $totalimages = $_CB_database->loadResult(); if ($totalimages === null) { trigger_error($_CB_database->getErrorMsg(), E_USER_WARNING); } $query = "SELECT count(*) FROM #__comprofiler_userreports WHERE reportedstatus=0"; $_CB_database->setQuery($query); $totaluserreports = $_CB_database->loadResult(); if ($totaluserreports === null) { trigger_error($_CB_database->getErrorMsg(), E_USER_WARNING); } $query = "SELECT count(*) FROM #__comprofiler WHERE banned=2 AND approved=1 AND confirmed=1"; $_CB_database->setQuery($query); $totalunban = $_CB_database->loadResult();
function BxBaseProfileGenerator($ID) { global $site; $this->aMutualFriends = array(); BxDolProfile::BxDolProfile($ID, 0); $this->oVotingView = new BxTemplVotingView('profile', (int) $ID); $this->oCmtsView = new BxDolCmtsProfile('profile', (int) $ID); //$this->ID = $this->_iProfileID; $this->oTemplConfig = new BxTemplConfig($site); //$this->sColumnsOrder = getParam( 'profile_view_cols' ); //INSERT INTO `sys_options` VALUES('profile_view_cols', 'thin,thick', 0, 'Profile view columns order', 'digit', '', '', NULL, ''); if ($this->_iProfileID) { $this->getProfileData(); if ($this->_aProfile) { if (isMember()) { $iMemberId = getLoggedId(); if ($iMemberId == $this->_iProfileID) { $this->owner = true; if ($_REQUEST['editable']) { $this->bPFEditable = true; $iPFArea = 2; // Edit Owner } else { $iPFArea = isAdmin() ? 5 : 6; } // View Owner } else { $iPFArea = isAdmin() ? 5 : 6; } } elseif (isModerator()) { $iPFArea = 7; } else { $iPFArea = 8; } $this->oPF = new BxDolProfileFields($iPFArea); if (!$this->oPF->aBlocks) { return false; } $this->aPFBlocks = $this->oPF->aBlocks; if ($this->bCouple) { $this->aCoupleMutualItems = $this->oPF->getCoupleMutualFields(); } $this->iFriendsPerPage = (int) getParam('friends_per_page'); $this->FindMutualFriends($iMemberId, $_GET['page'], $_GET['per_page']); } else { return false; } } else { return false; } }
function pendingApprovalUsers($option) { global $_CB_framework, $_CB_database, $ueConfig; $isModerator = isModerator( $_CB_framework->myId() ); if($ueConfig['allowModUserApproval']==0) { echo _UE_FUNCTIONALITY_DISABLED; exit(); } if (!$isModerator){ cbNotAuth(); return; } $_CB_database->setQuery( "SELECT,, u.username,, u.registerDate " ."\n FROM #__users u, #__comprofiler c " ."\n WHERE AND c.approved=0 AND c.confirmed=1" ); $rows = $_CB_database->loadObjectList(); HTML_comprofiler::pendingApprovalUsers($option, $rows); }
function isAdmin($iId = 0) { if (isAdmin($iId)) { return true; } else { return isModerator($iId); } }
/** * Generates the HTML to display the user profile tab * @param moscomprofilerTab $tab the tab database entry * @param moscomprofilerUser $user the user being displayed * @param int $ui 1 for front-end, 2 for back-end * @return mixed either string HTML for tab content, or false if ErrorMSG generated */ function getDisplayTab($tab,$user,$ui) { global $_CB_framework, $_PLUGINS, $_CB_OneTwoRowsStyleToggle; $params=$this->params; if ( ! $this->menuList ) { // in case status is called before onBeforeUserProfileDisplay $this->prepareStatus( $user, $ui, isModerator( $user->id ), isModerator( $_CB_framework->myId() ) ); } // add plugins' status: $pm = $_PLUGINS->getMenus(); for ($i=0, $pmc=count($pm); $i<$pmc; $i++) { if($pm[$i]['position'] == "menuList") { $this->menuList->addObjectItem( $pm[$i]['arrayPos'], $pm[$i]['caption'], isset($pm[$i]['url']) ?$pm[$i]['url'] :"", isset($pm[$i]['target'])?$pm[$i]['target'] :"", isset($pm[$i]['img']) ?$pm[$i]['img'] :null, isset($pm[$i]['alt']) ?$pm[$i]['alt'] :null, isset($pm[$i]['tooltip'])?$pm[$i]['tooltip']:null, isset($pm[$i]['keystroke'])?$pm[$i]['keystroke']:null ); } } // display User Status window: // display Menu: switch ($params->get('statusFormat', 'menuList')) { case "no": $return = ""; $return .= $this->_writeTabDescription( $tab, $user, 'cbUserStatusDescription' ); break; case "menuBar": $idCounter = 1; $return = $this->menuList->displayMenu($idCounter); $return .= $this->_writeTabDescription( $tab, $user, 'cbUserStatusDescription' ); break; case "menuUL": $return = ""; $return .= $this->_writeTabDescription( $tab, $user, 'cbUserStatusDescription' ); $idCounter = $_CB_OneTwoRowsStyleToggle; $tableContent = $this->menuList->displayMenu($idCounter); if ( $tableContent != '' ) { $_CB_OneTwoRowsStyleToggle = ($idCounter&1 ? 2 : 1); $return .= '<div class="cbStatusList">' . $tableContent . '</div>'; } break; case "menuList": case "menuDivs": default: $return = ""; $return .= $this->_writeTabDescription( $tab, $user, 'cbUserStatusDescription' ); $idCounter = $_CB_OneTwoRowsStyleToggle; $tableContent = $this->menuList->displayMenu($idCounter); if ( $tableContent != '' ) { $_CB_OneTwoRowsStyleToggle = ($idCounter&1 ? 2 : 1); $return .= '<table class="cbStatusList">' . $tableContent . '</table>'; } break; } return $return; }
function isAdmin() { return isAdmin($this->_iVisitorID) || isModerator($this->_iVisitorID); }
$showConnectionRequests = (int) $params->get('show_connections', 1); if ($params->get('pretext')) { $preText = $cbUser->replaceUserVars($params->get('pretext')); } else { $preText = null; } if ($params->get('posttext')) { $postText = $cbUser->replaceUserVars($params->get('posttext')); } else { $postText = null; } $bannedStatus = (int) $user->get('banned'); if ($showBanned && !$bannedStatus) { $showBanned = 0; } if (isModerator((int) $user->get('id'))) { if ($showImageApproval) { $query = 'SELECT ' . $_CB_database->NameQuote('name') . "\n FROM " . $_CB_database->NameQuote('#__comprofiler_fields') . "\n WHERE " . $_CB_database->NameQuote('type') . " = " . $_CB_database->Quote('image'); $_CB_database->setQuery($query); $imageFields = $_CB_database->loadResultArray(); $imgApprovSelect = array(); $imgApprovWhere = array(); if ($imageFields) { foreach ($imageFields as $imageField) { $imgApprovSelect[] = $_CB_database->NameQuote($imageField . 'approved'); $imgApprovWhere[] = "( " . $_CB_database->NameQuote($imageField) . " != '' AND " . $_CB_database->NameQuote($imageField) . " IS NOT NULL AND " . $_CB_database->NameQuote($imageField . 'approved') . " = 0 )"; } } $query = 'SELECT ' . implode(', ', $imgApprovSelect) . "\n FROM " . $_CB_database->NameQuote('#__comprofiler') . "\n WHERE ( " . implode(' OR ', $imgApprovWhere) . " )" . "\n AND " . $_CB_database->NameQuote('approved') . " = 1" . "\n AND " . $_CB_database->NameQuote('confirmed') . " = 1" . "\n AND " . $_CB_database->NameQuote('banned') . " = 0"; $_CB_database->setQuery($query); $imageApprovalResults = $_CB_database->loadAssocList();