function getAllFilesUnderAsArray($relPath, $recurse, $mode)
    $files = getFilesAsArray($relPath);
    $result = array();
    foreach ($files as $i => $value) {
        if (isIgnored($value)) {
        if ($relPath == '') {
            $filePath = $value;
        } else {
            $filePath = $relPath . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $value;
        if (is_dir(getAbsolutePath($filePath))) {
            if ($mode == 'folders') {
                $result = array_merge($result, (array) $filePath);
            if ($recurse) {
                $result = array_merge($result, getAllFilesUnderAsArray($filePath, $recurse, $mode));
        } else {
            if ($mode == 'files') {
                $result = array_merge($result, (array) $filePath);
    return $result;
예제 #2
function parseTemplate($subject, $template, $language = NULL)
    // If template/subTemplate is listed as ignored, return false
    if (isIgnored($template, $tplName)) {
        return false;
    // Find subtemplates and remove Subtemplates, which are listed as ignored!
    preg_match_all('~\\{((?>[^{}]+)|(?R))*\\}~x', $template, $subTemplates);
    foreach ($subTemplates[0] as $key => $subTemplate) {
        $subTemplate = preg_replace("/(^\\{\\{)|(\\}\\}\$)/", "", $subTemplate);
        // Cut Brackets / {}
        if (isIgnored($subTemplate, $tplName)) {
            $template = str_replace('{{' . $subTemplate . '}}', '', $template);
    // Replace "|" inside subtemplates with "\\" to avoid splitting them like triples
    $template = preg_replace_callback("/(\\{{2})([^\\}\\|]+)(\\|)([^\\}]+)(\\}{2})/", 'replaceBarInSubtemplate', $template);
    $equal = preg_match('~=~', $template);
    // Gruppe=[[Gruppe-3-Element|3]]  ersetzt durch Gruppe=[[Gruppe-3-Element***3]]
    do {
        $template = preg_replace('/\\[\\[([^\\]]+)\\|([^\\]]*)\\]\\]/', '[[\\1***\\2]]', $template, -1, $count);
    } while ($count);
    $triples = explode('|', $template);
    if (count($triples) <= $GLOBALS['W2RCFG']['minAttributeCount']) {
        return false;
    $templateName = strtolower(trim(array_shift($triples)));
    //	if(!isBlanknote($subject) && !$GLOBALS['onefile'])
    //		$GLOBALS['filename']=urlencode($templateName).'.'.$GLOBALS['outputFormat'];
    // Array containing URIs to subtemplates. If the same URI is in use already, add a number to it
    $knownSubTemplateURI = array();
    // subject
    $s = $subject;
    $z = 0;
    foreach ($triples as $triple) {
        if ($equal) {
            $split = explode('=', $triple, 2);
            if (count($split) < 2) {
            list($p, $o) = $split;
            $p = trim($p);
        } else {
            $p = "property" . ++$z;
            $o = $triple;
        $o = trim($o);
        //if property date and object an timespan we extract it with following special case
        if ($p == "date") {
            $o = str_replace("[", "", str_replace("]", "", $o));
            $o = str_replace("&ndash;", "-", $o);
        // Do not allow empty Properties
        if (strlen($p) < 1) {
        if (in_array($p, $GLOBALS['W2RCFG']['ignoreProperties'])) {
        if ($o !== '' & $o !== NULL) {
            $pred = $p;
            // if(!$GLOBALS['templateStatistics'] && $GLOBALS['propertyStat'][$p]['count']<10)
            // predicate
            // Write properties CamelCase, no underscores, no hyphens. If first char is digit, add _ at the beginning
            $p = propertyToCamelCase($p);
            // Add prefixProperties if set true in
            if ($GLOBALS['prefixPropertiesWithTemplateName']) {
                $p = propertyToCamelCase($templateName) . '_' . $p;
            } else {
                if (!$equal) {
                    $p = propertyToCamelCase($templateName . "_" . $p);
            // object
            $o = str_replace('***', '|', $o);
            // Remove HTML Markup for whitespaces
            $o = str_replace('&nbsp;', ' ', $o);
            //remove <ref> Content</ref>
            //$o = preg_replace('/(<ref>.+?<\/ref>)/s','',$o);
            // Parse Subtemplates (only parse Subtemplates with values!)
            if (preg_match_all("/(\\{{2})([^\\}]+)(\\}{2})/", $o, $subTemplates, PREG_SET_ORDER)) {
                foreach ($subTemplates as $subTemplate) {
                    // Replace #### back to |, in order to parse subtemplate properly
                    $tpl = str_replace("####", "|", $subTemplate[2]);
                    // If subtemplate contains values, the subject is only the first word
                    if (preg_match("/(^[^\\|]+)(\\|)/", $tpl, $match)) {
                        $subTemplateSubject = $subject . '/' . $p . '/' . $match[1];
                    } else {
                        $subTemplateSubject = $subject . '/' . $p . '/' . $tpl;
                    // Look up URI in Array containing known URIs, if found add counter to URI.
                    // e.g.
                    // ==> ...
                    if (!isset($knownSubTemplateURI[$subTemplateSubject])) {
                        // array_push( $knownSubTemplateURI, $subTemplateSubject );
                        $knownSubTemplateURI[$subTemplateSubject] = 0;
                    } else {
                        $subTemplateSubject .= $knownSubTemplateURI[$subTemplateSubject];
                    // If subtemplate contained real values, write the corresponding triple
                    if (parseTemplate($subTemplateSubject, $tpl)) {
                        writeTripel($s, $GLOBALS['W2RCFG']['propertyBase'] . $p, $subTemplateSubject, 'main', 'r', null, null);
            // Remove subTemplates from Strings
            $o = str_replace("####", "|", $o);
            $o = preg_replace("/\\{{2}[^\\}]+\\}{2}/", "", $o);
            // Sometimes only whitespace remain, then continue with next triple
            if (preg_match("/^[\\s]*\$/", $o)) {
            //replace predicate if necessary to make them unambiguous
            $p = replacePredicate($p);
            // Add URI prefixes to property names
            $p = $GLOBALS['W2RCFG']['propertyBase'] . $p;
            if (isBlanknoteList($o)) {
                printList($s, $p, $o);
            } else {
                list($o, $o_is, $dtype, $lang) = parseAttributeValue($o, $s, $p, $language);
                // special newline handling
                $br = array('<br>', '<br/>', '<br />');
                if ($o_is == 'l') {
                    $o = str_replace($br, "\n", $o);
                } else {
                    if ($o_is == 'r') {
                        $o = str_replace($br, '', $o);
                if ($o !== NULL) {
                    writeTripel($s, $p, $o, 'main', $o_is, $dtype, $lang);
            //if($GLOBALS['templateStatistics'] && $o!=NULL && $equal) {
            //	$GLOBALS['propertyStat'][$pred]['count']++;
            //	$GLOBALS['propertyStat'][$pred]['maxCountPerTemplate']=max($GLOBALS['propertyStat'][$pred]['maxCountPerTemplate'],++$pc[$pred]);
            //	if(!$GLOBALS['propertyStat'][$pred]['inTemplates'] || !in_array($templateName,$GLOBALS['propertyStat'][$pred]['inTemplates']))
            //		$GLOBALS['propertyStat'][$pred]['inTemplates'][]=$templateName;
            $extracted = true;
    if (isset($extracted) && $extracted) {
        writeTripel($s, $GLOBALS['W2RCFG']['templateProperty'], $GLOBALS['W2RCFG']['wikipediaBase'] . $GLOBALS['templateLabel'] . ':' . $templateName);
        //if ($GLOBALS['addExplicitTypeTriples'])
        //	printexplicitTyping($templateName,$GLOBALS['filename'],'t');
    if (isset($extracted)) {
        return $extracted;
    } else {
        return false;
예제 #3
// Array containing parsed Templates
if (!isset($parsedTemplates)) {
    $parsedTemplates = array();
$text = preg_replace('~{\\|.*\\|}~s', '', $text);
//Prettytables entfernen
preg_match_all('/\\{{2}((?>[^\\{\\}]+)|(?R))*\\}{2}/x', $text, $templates);
//  {{....}} suchen
// Loop through every template on the page
foreach ($templates[0] as $tpl) {
    if ($tpl[0] != '{') {
    $tpl = substr($tpl, 2, -2);
    $tpl = preg_replace('/<\\!--[^>]*->/mU', '', $tpl);
    if (isIgnored($tpl, $tplName)) {
    // If template occurs more than once on a page generate separate URI:
    // Count occurences
    $templateCount = preg_match_all('/(\\{\\{\\s*)(' . preg_quote($tplName, '/') . ')/', $text, $tmp);
    // Current templatename
    $tmpTemplateName = $tplName;
    $tpl = preg_replace('~</sup[^>]~', '</sup>', $tpl);
    //fehlendes </sup   >   reparieren
    //<ref></ref> samt Inhalt entfernen
    $tpl = preg_replace('/(<ref>.+?<\\/ref>)/s', '', $tpl);
    // Do not use this function, as it can merge words, e.g. separated by <br /> tags  "word1<br />word2" => "word1word2"
    // all tags should be stript, but not the <ref>-tags. : these and the content between these tags should be filtered out
    //$GLOBALS['W2RCFG']['allowedtags'] = $GLOBALS['W2RCFG']['allowedtags']."<ref> </ref>";
예제 #4

// If template/subTemplate is listed as ignored, return false
if (isIgnored($template, $tplName)) {
    return false;
// Find subtemplates and remove Subtemplates, which are listed as ignored!
preg_match_all('~\\{((?>[^{}]+)|(?R))*\\}~x', $template, $subTemplates);
foreach ($subTemplates[0] as $key => $subTemplate) {
    $subTemplate = preg_replace("/(^\\{\\{)|(\\}\\}\$)/", "", $subTemplate);
    // Cut Brackets / {}
    if (isIgnored($subTemplate, $tplName)) {
        $template = str_replace('{{' . $subTemplate . '}}', '', $template);
// Replace "|" inside subtemplates with "\\" to avoid splitting them like triples
$template = preg_replace_callback("/(\\{{2})([^\\}\\|]+)(\\|)([^\\}]+)(\\}{2})/", 'replaceBarInSubtemplate', $template);
$equal = preg_match('~=~', $template);
// Gruppe=[[Gruppe-3-Element|3]]  ersetzt durch Gruppe=[[Gruppe-3-Element***3]]
do {
    $template = preg_replace('/\\[\\[([^\\]]+)\\|([^\\]]*)\\]\\]/', '[[\\1***\\2]]', $template, -1, $count);
} while ($count);
$triples = explode('|', $template);
if (count($triples) <= $GLOBALS['W2RCFG']['minAttributeCount']) {
    return false;
$templateName = strtolower(trim(array_shift($triples)));
//  if(!isBlanknote($subject) && !$GLOBALS['onefile'])
//      $GLOBALS['filename']=urlencode($templateName).'.'.$GLOBALS['outputFormat'];
// Array containing URIs to subtemplates. If the same URI is in use already, add a number to it
$knownSubTemplateURI = array();