예제 #1
function security_warnOnInputWithNoReferer()
    if (!@$GLOBALS['SETTINGS']['advanced']['checkReferer']) {
    if (@$_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) {
    if (isFlashUploader()) {
    // skip for flash uploader (flash doesn't always send referer)
    // allowed link combinations
    if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'GET') {
        if (!array_diff(array_keys($_REQUEST), array('menu', 'userNum', 'resetCode'))) {
        // skip if nothing but password-reset form keys
    $error = '';
    $userInput = @$_REQUEST || @$_POST || @$_GET || @$_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] || @$_SERVER['PATH_INFO'];
    if ($userInput) {
        $format = "Security Warning: A manually entered link with user input was detected.\n";
        $format .= "If you didn't type this url in yourself, please close this browser window.\n";
        $error = nl2br(t($format));
        if (isAjaxRequest()) {
            $error = strip_tags(html_entity_decode($error));
    return $error;
function loginCookie_get()
    // get login data
    $loginData = array();
    $cookieLoginDataEncoded = getPrefixedCookie(loginCookie_name());
    // Flash Cookie Bug Fix - Flash sometimes sends no cookies (or cookies from IE when you're using Firefox).
    // ... So we fake it by passing the loginCookie via a POST request. Security: Use POST instead of GET so
    // ... sessions can't be force-created or hijacked with GET urls (and so login data won't get stored in server logs)
    $loginDataEncoded = isFlashUploader() ? @$_POST['_FLASH_COOKIE_BUG_FIX_'] : $cookieLoginDataEncoded;
    if ($loginDataEncoded) {
        $loginData = json_decode(base64_decode(strrev($loginDataEncoded)), true);
    // check if session has expired
    $sessionExpired = false;
    if ($loginData) {
        // get session expiry in seconds
        $maxSeconds = loginExpirySeconds();
        // clear login username and passwordHash if login_expiry_limit exceeded, and set $hasExpired
        $secondsAgo = time() - $loginData['lastAccess'];
        if ($loginData['lastAccess'] && $secondsAgo > $maxSeconds) {
            $loginData['username'] = '';
            $loginData['passwordHash'] = '';
            $sessionExpired = true;
    $username = $sessionExpired ? '' : (isset($loginData['username']) ? $loginData['username'] : '');
    $passwordHash = $sessionExpired ? '' : (isset($loginData['passwordHash']) ? $loginData['passwordHash'] : '');
    return array($sessionExpired, $username, $passwordHash);
list($uploadDir, $uploadUrl) = getUploadDirAndUrl($schema[$fieldname]);
if (!file_exists($uploadDir)) {
    mkdir_recursive($uploadDir, 0755);
// create upload dir (if not possible, dir not exists error will show below)
if (!file_exists($uploadDir)) {
    die("Upload directory '" . htmlencode($uploadDir) . "' doesn't exist!");
} elseif (!is_writable($uploadDir)) {
    die("Upload directory '" . htmlencode($uploadDir) . "' isn't writable!");
// submit uploads
if (@$_REQUEST['submitUploads']) {
    // if this is the flash uploader, report the errors instead of generating a non-flash upload html form
    if (isFlashUploader()) {
        print $GLOBALS['errors'];
function submitUploadForm()
    global $errors, $menu;
    $isWysiwyg = @$_REQUEST['wysiwygForm'];
    if ($isWysiwyg) {
        disableInDemoMode('', 'default/wysiwygUploads.php', false);
    } else {
        disableInDemoMode('', 'default/uploadForm.php', false);