function smarty_block_nobr($params, $content, Smarty_Internal_Template &$smarty) { if (isEmpty($content)) { return; } echo '<span class="nowrap">' . $content . '</span>'; }
public static final function finalize(PsLoggerInterface $LOGGER, $CONTENT) { //Проверим на пустоту if (isEmpty($CONTENT)) { return $CONTENT; } $call = ++self::$call; //Создадим экземпляр финализатора и вызовем его $class = get_called_class(); $PROFILER = PsProfiler::inst($class); $inst = new $class($LOGGER, $PROFILER); $PROFILER->start(__FUNCTION__); $SECUNDOMER = Secundomer::startedInst(); $LOGGER->infoBox(">>> CALLED {$call}. {$class}"); try { $CONTENT = $inst->doFinalize($CONTENT); $PROFILER->stop(); $SECUNDOMER->stop(); } catch (Exception $ex) { $PROFILER->stop(false); $LOGGER->infoBox("Exception occured while calling {$class}::finalize. Message: " . $ex->getMessage()); throw $ex; } $LOGGER->infoBox("<<< CALL {$call}. {$class} FINISHED IN " . $SECUNDOMER->getAverage() . ' seconds'); return $CONTENT; }
function smarty_block_h5($params, $content, Smarty_Internal_Template &$smarty) { if (isEmpty($content)) { return; } echo "<h5 class=\"colored\">{$content}</h5>"; }
/** * Efetua uma busca complexa a partir dos parâmetros passados * @param array $Paranmetros * @param int $CurrentPage * @param int $PorPagina * @param string $OrderBy * @return Pagination */ function Busca(array $Paranmetros = null, $CurrentPage = 1, $PorPagina = 10, $OrderBy = 'rand()') { $Termos = 'WHERE a.status != 99'; $Places = []; if ($Paranmetros) { foreach ($Paranmetros as $key => $value) { if (!isEmpty($value) and !empty($key)) { switch ($key) { case 'data': $Termos .= " AND ((a.inicio = a.fim AND a.inicio = '0000-00-00') OR (:data BETWEEN a.inicio AND a.fim))"; $Places['data'] = Date::data($value); break; case 'dia': $Termos .= ' AND (a.dias LIKE "%[*]%" OR a.dias LIKE CONCAT("%[",:dia,"]%"))'; $Places['dia'] = $value; break; case 'status': case 'ref': $Termos .= " AND a.{$key} = :{$key}"; $Places[$key] = $value; break; case 'title': $Termos .= ' AND (a.title CONCAT("%",:title,"%"))'; $Places['title'] = $value; break; } } } } return $this->ListaPagination("{$Termos} ORDER BY {$OrderBy}", $Places, $CurrentPage, $PorPagina); }
function smarty_block_strike($params, $content, Smarty_Internal_Template &$smarty) { if (isEmpty($content)) { return; } echo "<span class=\"strike\">{$content}</span>"; }
function validateSession() { //$result = isset($_SESSION['user:id']) && strlen($_SESSION['user:id']) > 0 // && isset($_SESSION['user:loggedin']) && $_SESSION['user:loggedin'] > (date('YmdHi') - 30); $result = !isEmpty($_SESSION, 'user:id') && !isEmpty($_SESSION, 'user:loggedin') && $_SESSION['user:loggedin'] > date('YmdHi') - 30; return $result; }
protected function getResource($info) { $ret = array(); $resources = DB::table("hot_resources")->skip((int) $info['base'])->take((int) $info['count'])->get(); if (!$resources || isEmpty($resources)) { return $ret; } foreach ($resources as $resource) { if (Cache::has($resource->name)) { $ret[] = Cache::get($resource->name); } else { $info = array(); $info['name'] = $resource->name; $info['type'] = $resource->type; $info['bt_url_720p'] = $resource->bt_url_720p; $info['bt_url_1080p'] = $resource->bt_url_1080p; $info['bt_url_720p_tc'] = $resource->bt_url_720p_tc; $info['bt_url_1080p_tc'] = $resource->bt_url_1080p_tc; $info['bt_url_other'] = $resource->bt_url_other; $info['netdisk_url'] = $resource->netdisk_url; $info['http_url'] = $resource->http_url; $info['cover'] = $resource->cover; //$this->getResourceinfo($info); TBD $ret[] = $info; } } return $ret; }
function smarty_block_nl2br($params, $content, Smarty_Internal_Template &$smarty) { if (isEmpty($content)) { return; } echo nl2br(trim($content)); }
/** * Метод безопасно получает контент. * В случае возникновения ошибки возвращает её стек. */ public static function getContent($objOrTpl, $method = 'buildContent') { $isCallable = is_callable($objOrTpl); $isTpl = $objOrTpl instanceof Smarty_Internal_Template; if (!$isCallable && !$isTpl) { check_condition(is_object($objOrTpl), 'Not object passed to ' . __FUNCTION__); PsUtil::assertMethodExists($objOrTpl, $method); } $returned = null; $flushed = null; ob_start(); ob_implicit_flush(false); try { if ($isCallable) { $returned = call_user_func($objOrTpl); } else { if ($isTpl) { $returned = $objOrTpl->fetch(); } else { $returned = $objOrTpl->{$method}(); } } } catch (Exception $ex) { ob_end_clean(); return ExceptionHandler::getHtml($ex); } $flushed = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); return isEmpty($returned) ? isEmpty($flushed) ? null : $flushed : $returned; }
/** * Function to handle HTTP-POST-requests. * @param Array, $requestData are the requested data */ function post(array $requestData) { $logger = Logger::getLogger(basename(__FILE__)); if (!isEmpty($requestData, 'username') && !isEmpty($requestData, 'password')) { sessionDestroy(); if (__checkPassword('ADMINS', $requestData)) { $_SESSION['user:isAdmin'] = true; } elseif (__checkPassword('PASSWORDS', $requestData)) { $_SESSION['user:isAdmin'] = false; } else { header(HTTP_VERSION . ' ' . HTTP_401); return; } $_SESSION['user:id'] = $requestData['username']; $_SESSION['user:loggedin'] = date('YmdHi'); session_write_close(); $responseData = array('session_name' => session_name(), 'session_id' => session_id(), 'username' => $requestData['username']); if ($_SESSION['user:isAdmin']) { $responseData['isAdmin'] = true; } $logger->info("Login was successful for " . $_SESSION['user:id'] . ". Current session: " . session_id()); header(HTTP_VERSION . ' ' . HTTP_200); return $responseData; } header(HTTP_VERSION . ' ' . HTTP_401); }
function smarty_block_tooldescr($params, $content, Smarty_Internal_Template &$template) { if (isEmpty($content)) { return; } $content = trim($content); $content = nl2br($content); echo "<div class=\"tool_descr\">{$content}</div>"; }
function isFieldsEmpty($loginDetails, $errorMsg) { if (isEmpty($loginDetails)) { userExists($loginDetails, $errorMsg); } else { $errorMsg = "Username and/or password fields cannot be left blank"; errorMessage($errorMsg); } }
public static function validateOldPass($oldPass) { if (isEmpty($oldPass)) { return 'required'; } if (!PsUser::inst()->checkPassword($oldPass)) { return 'remote'; } return false; }
function min($collection) { if (isEmpty($collection)) { return null; } $min = reduce($collection, function ($min, $value) { return \min($min, $value); }, +INF); return $min; }
function max($collection) { if (isEmpty($collection)) { return null; } $max = reduce($collection, function ($max, $value) { return \max($max, $value); }, -INF); return $max; }
/** * Store a newly created resource in storage. * * @param \Illuminate\Http\Request $request * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response */ public function store(Request $request) { $input = $request->all(); if (!isEmpty($input['filepath'])) { $imgPath = $this->imageUpload($input['filepath']); $input['filepath'] = $imgPath; } else { $input['filepath'] = "modules/image.jpeg"; } Modules::create($input); return redirect('BARD_modules')->with('status', 'Create successfully'); }
function any($collection, $predicate) { if (isEmpty($collection)) { return false; } foreach ($collection as $key => $value) { if (call_user_func($predicate, $value, $key)) { return true; } } return false; }
public function test() { $key = getenv('CUSTOMER_KEY'); if (strlen($key) === 0) { $this->markTestSkipped("must set CUSTOMER_KEY env"); } $oauth = new OAuth($key, ""); $requestToken = $oauth->fetchRequestToken(); assertThat($requestToken, logicalNot(isEmpty())); $authorizeUrl = $oauth->generateAuthorizeUrl($requestToken); assertThat($authorizeUrl, logicalNot(isEmpty())); }
/** * Метод декодирования шаблонных сообщений * * @return TemplateMessageContent */ public function decodeTemplateMsg(DiscussionMsg $msg) { try { check_condition($msg->isTemplated(), "Сообщение {$msg} не шаблонизировано"); $result = $this->getFoldedEntityByDbCode($msg->getTemplateId())->getClassInst()->decodeMsg($msg); if ($result instanceof TemplateMessageContent) { return $result; } raise_error(is_string($result) && !isEmpty($result) ? $result : 'Шаблонное сообщение обработано некорректно'); } catch (Exception $ex) { return new TemplateMessageError($ex); } }
public function testEmpty() { isEmpty(0); isEmpty(''); isEmpty(null); isEmpty('0'); isEmpty(0.0); isEmpty(array()); isNotEmpty(array(0)); isNotEmpty(true); isNotEmpty('1'); isNotEmpty(1); }
function checkIsbn($isbn) { global $lang; if (isEmpty($isbn)) { return $lang['please_specify_ISBN']; } if (!isIsbn($isbn)) { return $isbn . ' ' . $lang['not_EAN_not_ISBN']; } if (isIsbn($isbn) and detectIsbnError($isbn)) { return $isbn . ' ' . $lang['ISBN_with_error']; } return NULL; }
function htmlHead($title, $lang, $charset) { $realTitle = !isEmpty($title) ? $title : "Default title"; $realLang = !isEmpty($lang) ? $lang : "en"; $realCharset = !isEmpty($charset) ? $charset : "UTF-8"; echo ' <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head lang="' . $realLang . '"> <meta charset="' . $realCharset . '"> <title>' . $realTitle . '</title> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/bootstrap.min.css"> </head> <body> '; }
function smarty_block_ol($params, $content, Smarty_Internal_Template &$smarty) { if (isEmpty($content)) { return; //--- } $params['class'] = to_array(array_get_value('class', $params)); $params['class'][] = 'block_ol'; $strings = explode("\n", trim($content)); $lis = array(); foreach ($strings as $string) { if (!isEmpty($string)) { $lis[] = '<li>' . trim($string) . '</li>'; } } $content = join('', $lis); return PsHtml::html2('ol', $params, $content); }
/** * Busca complexa * @param array $Parans * @param int $Pagina * @param int $PorPagina * @return Pagination */ function busca(array $Parans = null, $Pagina = 1, $PorPagina = 10) { $Termos = 'WHERE a.status != 99'; $Places = []; if ($Parans) { foreach ($Parans as $key => $value) { if (!isEmpty($value) and !empty($key)) { switch ($key) { case 'uf': $Termos .= " AND (estado.{$key} = :{$key} OR = :{$key})"; $Places[$key] = $value; break; } } } } return $this->ListaPagination("{$Termos} ORDER BY estado.title ASC, a.title ASC", $Places, $Pagina, $PorPagina); }
function smarty_block_exercise($params, $content, Smarty_Internal_Template &$template) { if (isEmpty($content)) { return; } $id = value_Array('id', $params); /* @var $ex GymEx */ $ex = GymManager::getInstance()->getExercise($id); $content = trim($content); $name = value_Array('name', $params); $name = $name ? $name : ($ex ? $ex->getName() : ''); $class = $ex ? GymManager::getInstance()->getClass($ex) : ''; $exTemplate = $template->smarty->createTemplate('gym/exercise.tpl'); $exTemplate->assign('c_id', IdHelper::gymExId($id)); $exTemplate->assign('c_name', $name); $exTemplate->assign('c_class', $class); $exTemplate->assign('c_body', $content); $exTemplate->display(); }
function smarty_block_sortable($params, $content, Smarty_Internal_Template &$smarty) { if (!$content) { return; //--- } $params = ArrayAdapter::inst($params); $sep = $params->str('sep'); $strings = explode("\n", trim($content)); $res = array(); foreach ($strings as $str) { if (isEmpty($str)) { continue; } $items = explode('||', $str); $res[] = array('l' => trim($items[0]), 'r' => trim($items[1]), 's' => $sep); } PSSmarty::template('common/sortable.tpl', array('strings' => $res))->display(); }
private function addReplaces($PAGE_CONTENT) { //Прежде, чем вызвать нормализацию страницы, нужно вырезать все textareas $pattern = "/<textarea[^>]*>(.*?)<\\/textarea>/si"; $matches = array(); preg_match_all($pattern, $PAGE_CONTENT, $matches); if (!empty($matches)) { $textareas = $matches[0]; //<textarea name="tpl">content</textarea> $contents = $matches[1]; //content for ($i = 0; $i < count($contents); $i++) { $content = $contents[$i]; $textarea = $textareas[$i]; if (isEmpty($content)) { continue; } $this->addReplace($textarea); } } }
/** * Основной метод, выполняющий выполнение Ajax действия. * * @return AjaxSuccess */ public final function execute() { $id = get_called_class(); check_condition(!$this->processed, "Действие [{$id}] уже выполнено."); $this->processed = true; //Не будем портить глобальный массив $_REQUEST, создав копию адаптера $params = RequestArrayAdapter::inst()->copy(); check_condition($params->str(AJAX_ACTION_PARAM) == $id, "Действие [{$id}] не может быть выполнено."); $params->remove(AJAX_ACTION_PARAM); $params->remove(AJAX_ACTION_GROUP_PARAM); //Проверка доступа AuthManager::checkAccess($this->getAuthType()); //Если пользователь зарегистрирован, как администратор - подключим ресурсы админа //ps_admin_on(); //Проверка обязательных параметров foreach (to_array($this->getRequiredParamKeys()) as $key) { if (!$params->has($key)) { return "Не передан обязательный параметр [{$key}]."; } } //Проверка активности if ($this->isCheckActivity() && !ActivityWatcher::isCanMakeAction()) { return 'Таймаут не закончился.'; } //Вызываем обработку данных PsProfiler::inst('AjaxProfiler')->start($id); $result = $this->executeImpl($params); PsProfiler::inst('AjaxProfiler')->stop(); if (isEmpty($result)) { return "Действие [{$id}] выполнено некорректно - возвращён пустой результат."; } if (is_object($result) && $result instanceof AjaxSuccess) { //SUCCESS //Зарегистрируем активноcть пользователя (только в случае успеха, так как пользователь мог просто ошибиться в воде данных) if ($this->isCheckActivity()) { ActivityWatcher::registerActivity(); } } return $result; }
function smarty_block_post_href($params, $content, Smarty_Internal_Template &$smarty) { if (isEmpty($content)) { return; } /* * text - текст ссылки * Также может быть вставлен произвольный текст */ $text = trim($content); $text = $text == '.' ? null : $text; /* @var $post Post */ $post = value_Array('post', $params); $post = $post instanceof PostContentProvider ? $post->getPost() : $post; $sub = value_Array('sub', $params); $blank = !isEmptyInArray('blank', $params); $handler = null; if ($post) { $handler = Handlers::getInstance()->getPostsProcessorByPostType($post->getPostType()); } else { $id = value_Array(array('id', 'post_id'), $params); $ident = value_Array(array('ident', 'post_ident'), $params); check_condition($id || $ident, 'Не переданы уникальный код или идентификатор поста.'); $handler = Handlers::getInstance()->getPostsProcessorByPostType($params['type']); $post = $id ? $handler->getPost($id, true) : $handler->getPostByIdent($ident, true); } /* * Выкидываем служебные ключи, а остальное - возвращаем */ unset($params['sub']); unset($params['blank']); unset($params['post']); unset($params['type']); unset($params['id']); unset($params['post_id']); unset($params['ident']); unset($params['post_ident']); echo $handler->postHref($post, $text, $sub, $params, $blank); }
function smarty_block_page_href($params, $content, Smarty_Internal_Template &$smarty) { if (isEmpty($content)) { return; } $code = value_Array('code', $params); $code = $code ? $code : BASE_PAGE_INDEX; $sub = value_Array('sub', $params); $title = value_Array('title', $params); $classes = value_Array('class', $params); $blank = !isEmptyInArray('blank', $params); $http = !isEmptyInArray('http', $params); $urlParams = array(); foreach ($params as $key => $val) { if (starts_with($key, 'p_')) { $urlParams[substr($key, 2)] = $val; } } $content = trim($content); $content = $content == '.' ? null : $content; return WebPage::inst($code)->getHref($content, $blank, $classes, $http, $urlParams, $sub, $title); }