$dq = '"'; print "<html>\n"; print "<head>\n"; print "<meta http-equiv='Content-Type' content='text/html;'/>\n"; print "<title></title>\n"; print "<script type='text/javascript' src='common.js' language='javascript'></script>\n"; print "<!-- Form Functions -->\n"; print "<script type='text/javascript'>\n"; print "/* <![CDATA[ */\n\n"; print "function checkDuplicate(){\n"; while ($r = db_fetch_array($t)) { if ($r['sob_' . $r['sob_all_type'] . '_no_duplicates'] == '1') { // eg 'sob_dropdown_no_duplicates' $field = $r['sob_all_name']; $value = getFormValue($sessionID, $r['sob_all_name']); if (isDuplicate($sessionID, $form, $recordID, $field, $value[0])) { $T = nuRunQuery("SELECT sob_all_title FROM zzsys_object WHERE zzsys_object_id = '" . $r['zzsys_object_id'] . "'"); $R = db_fetch_object($T); $S = "'there is already a record with a {$R->sob_all_title} of {$dq}" . str_replace('"', '', $value[0]) . "{$dq}'"; print " alert({$S});\n"; print " return;\n"; } } } print " parent.frames['main'].document.forms[0]['beenedited'].value = '0';\n"; print " parent.frames['main'].document.forms[0].action = 'formupdate.php?x=1&r={$recordID}&f={$formID}';\n"; print " parent.frames['main'].document.forms[0].submit();\n"; print "}\n"; print "/* ]]> */ "; print "</script>"; print "<!-- End Of Form Functions -->";
include '../../../includes/connect.php'; $db = mysql_connection(); $logs = $db->query("SELECT * FROM mentor_logs ORDER BY timestamp DESC")->fetchAll(); $mentors = array(); $mentees = array(); $output = ''; foreach ($logs as $log) { if ($output != '') { $output .= ','; } $mentor_name = $db->query("SELECT CONCAT_WS(' ',fname,lname) AS name FROM profiles WHERE user = '******'mentor']}'")->fetchColumn(); $mentee_name = $db->query("SELECT CONCAT_WS(' ',fname,lname) AS name FROM profiles WHERE user = '******'mentee']}'")->fetchColumn(); if (!isDuplicate($log['mentor'], $mentors)) { $mentors[] = array('user' => $log['mentor'], 'name' => ucwords(strtolower($mentor_name))); } if (!isDuplicate($log['mentee'], $mentees)) { $mentees[] = array('user' => $log['mentee'], 'name' => ucwords(strtolower($mentee_name))); } $timestamp = date('m/d/Y h:ia', strtotime($log['timestamp'])); $output .= '{"timestamp":"' . $timestamp . '",'; $output .= '"mentor_username":"******",'; $output .= '"mentor":"' . ucwords(strtolower($mentor_name)) . '",'; $output .= '"mentee_username":"******",'; $output .= '"mentee":"' . ucwords(strtolower($mentee_name)) . '",'; $output .= '"meeting_week":"' . $log['meeting_week'] . '",'; $output .= '"speak":"' . $log['speak'] . '",'; $output .= '"meet":"' . $log['meet'] . '",'; $output .= '"why":"' . (empty($log['why']) ? "N/A" : preg_replace('/\\R+/', '', $log['why'])) . '",'; $output .= '"meeting_length":"' . (empty($log['meeting_length']) ? "N/A" : $log['meeting_length']) . '",'; $output .= '"activity":"' . (empty($log['activity']) ? "N/A" : preg_replace('/\\R+/', '', $log['activity'])) . '",'; $output .= '"concerns":"' . (empty($log['concerns']) ? "N/A" : preg_replace('/\\R+/', '', $log['concerns'])) . '"}';
print "<script type='text/javascript' src='common.js' language='javascript'></script>\n"; print "<!-- Form Functions -->\n"; print "<script type='text/javascript'>\n"; print "/* <![CDATA[ */\n\n"; print "function checkDuplicate(){\n"; while ($r = db_fetch_array($t)) { if ($r['sob_' . $r['sob_all_type'] . '_no_duplicates'] == '1') { // eg 'sob_dropdown_no_duplicates' $field = $r['sob_all_name']; // $value = getFormValue($sessionID, $r['sob_all_name']); $value = getFormValue($form_ses, $r['sob_all_name']); $newvalue = $value[0]; if ($r['sob_' . $r['sob_all_type'] . '_format'] != '') { $newvalue = reformatField($value[0], $r['sob_' . $r['sob_all_type'] . '_format'], false); } if (isDuplicate($sessionID, $form, $recordID, $field, $newvalue)) { $T = nuRunQuery("SELECT sob_all_title FROM zzsys_object WHERE zzsys_object_id = '" . $r['zzsys_object_id'] . "'"); $R = db_fetch_object($T); $S = "'there is already a record with a {$R->sob_all_title} of {$dq}" . str_replace('"', '', $value[0]) . "{$dq}'"; print " alert({$S});\n"; print " return;\n"; } } } print " parent.frames['main'].document.forms[0]['beenedited'].value = '0';\n"; print " parent.frames['main'].document.forms[0].action = 'formupdate.php?x=1&r={$recordID}&dir={$dir}&ses={$ses}&f={$formID}&debug={$debug}';\n"; print " parent.frames['main'].document.forms[0].submit();\n"; print "}\n"; print "/* ]]> */ "; print "</script>"; print "<!-- End Of Form Functions -->";
<?php //Generate the numbers for the CA lotto games $superLotto = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < 5; $i++) { $randNum = 0; do { $randNum = rand(1, 47); } while (isDuplicate($randNum, $superLotto)); array_push($superLotto, $randNum); } function isDuplicate($currNum, $lottoArray) { foreach ($lottoArray as $num) { if ($currNum == $num) { return TRUE; } } return FALSE; }
function display_pb_forms($atts) { global $wpdb; if (isset($_POST['action']) && $_POST['action'] == "update_request") { //UPDATE REQUEST $req_id = $_POST['req_id']; $anon = isset($_POST['anon']) && $_POST['anon'] == 'on' ? 1 : 0; $notify = isset($_POST['notify']) && $_POST['notify'] == 'on' ? 1 : 0; if (isset($_POST['closed']) && $_POST['closed'] == 'on') { $closed = time(); $active = 2; $wpdb->update($wpdb->prefix . 'pb_requests', array('anon' => $anon, 'closed' => $closed, 'notify' => $notify, 'active' => $active), array('id' => $req_id)); } else { $wpdb->update($wpdb->prefix . 'pb_requests', array('anon' => $anon, 'notify' => $notify), array('id' => $req_id)); } $updated_title = isset($closed) ? PB_REQ_CLOSED_TITLE : PB_REQ_UPDATED_TITLE; $updated_msg = isset($closed) ? PB_REQ_CLOSED_MSG : PB_REQ_UPDATED_MSG; $updated_request_output = "<div id='praybox_wrapper'>"; $updated_request_output .= "<h2 class='pbx-title'>{$updated_title}</h2>"; $updated_request_output .= "<p class='pbx-text'>{$updated_msg}</p>"; $updated_request_output .= "</div>"; return $updated_request_output; } elseif (isset($_POST['action']) && $_POST['action'] == "submit_request") { //Submit Request to DB, Email Mgmt Link, and Display a Message $first_name = isset($_POST['first_name']) && $_POST['first_name'] != "" ? clean($_POST['first_name']) : "anon"; $last_name = isset($_POST['last_name']) && $_POST['last_name'] != "" ? clean($_POST['last_name']) : "anon"; $anon = isset($_POST['anon']) && $_POST['anon'] == 'on' ? 1 : 0; $email = $_POST['email']; $authcode = rand_chars(); $title = clean($_POST['title']); $body = clean($_POST['body']); $notify = isset($_POST['notify']) && $_POST['notify'] == 'on' ? 1 : 0; $ip_address = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; $time_now = time(); if (get_option('pb_admin_moderation') == 1) { $active = 0; } else { $active = 1; } //THROW FLAGS IF ANY OF THESE CONDITIONS ARE MET if (isIPBanned($ip_address) == "fail" || isDuplicate($first_name, $last_name, $email, $title, $ip_address) == "fail") { $flaggit = 1; } else { $flaggit = 0; } //IF NO FLAGS, RUN IT if ($flaggit == 0) { $site_name = get_bloginfo('name'); $wpdb->insert($wpdb->prefix . 'pb_requests', array('first_name' => $first_name, 'last_name' => $last_name, 'anon' => $anon, 'email' => $email, 'authcode' => $authcode, 'submitted' => $time_now, 'title' => $title, 'body' => $body, 'notify' => $notify, 'ip_address' => $ip_address, 'active' => $active)); $management_url = getManagementUrl($authcode); $email_from = get_option('pb_reply_to_email'); $email_message = get_option('pb_email_prefix'); $email_message .= "\n\n" . PB_REQ_EMAIL_MSG1 . " {$management_url}\n\n" . PB_REQ_EMAIL_MSG2 . "\n\n"; $email_message .= get_option('pb_email_suffix'); $headers = 'Reply-To:' . $site_name . ' <' . $email_from . '>' . "\r\n"; $headers .= 'From:' . $site_name . ' <' . $email_from . '>' . "\r\n"; wp_mail($email, PB_REQ_EMAIL_SUBJECT, $email_message, $headers); $submitted_output = "<div id='praybox_wrapper'>"; $submitted_output .= "<h2 class='pbx-title'>" . PB_REQ_SUBMITTED_TITLE . "</h2>"; $submitted_output .= "<p class='pbx-text'>" . PB_REQ_SUBMITTED_MSG . "</p>"; $submitted_output .= "</div>"; } else { $submitted_output = "<div id='praybox_wrapper'>"; $submitted_output .= "<h2 class='pbx-title'>" . PB_REQ_FAIL_TITLE . "</h2>"; $submitted_output .= "<p class='pbx-text'>" . PB_REQ_FAIL_MSG . "</p><ul>"; if (isDuplicate($first_name, $last_name, $email, $title, $ip_address) == "fail") { $submitted_output .= "<li>" . PB_REQ_FAIL_DUPLICATE . "</li>"; } if ($_POST['required'] != "") { $submitted_output .= "<li>" . PB_REQ_FAIL_SPAM . "</li>"; } if (isIPBanned($ip_address) == "fail") { $submitted_output .= "<li>" . PB_REQ_FAIL_BANNED . "</li>"; } $submitted_output .= "</ul></div>"; } return $submitted_output; } else { if (!isset($_GET['pbid']) || $_GET['pbid'] == "") { $stat = 0; //new request $anon = ""; $notify = ""; $sub_form_title = PB_FORM_TITLE; $sub_form_msg = get_option('PB_REQ_form_intro'); $sub_form_action = "submit_request"; $sub_form_req_id_input = ""; $sub_form_submit = PB_FORM_SUBMIT; } else { $authcode = $_GET['pbid']; if (isRequestActive($authcode) == "yes") { $prayer_request = $wpdb->get_row("SELECT id,first_name,last_name,anon,email,title,body,notify FROM " . $wpdb->prefix . "pb_requests WHERE authcode='{$authcode}'"); $stat = 1; //open request $anon = $prayer_request->anon == 1 ? "checked" : ""; $notify = $prayer_request->notify == 1 ? "checked" : ""; $sub_form_title = PB_FORM_EDIT_TITLE; $sub_form_msg = PB_FORM_EDIT_MSG; $sub_form_action = "update_request"; $sub_form_req_id_input = "<input type='hidden' name='req_id' value='" . $prayer_request->id . "' />"; $sub_form_submit = PB_FORM_EDIT_SUBMIT; } else { $stat = 2; //request is closed } } $sub_form_output = "<div id='praybox_wrapper'>"; if ($stat == 2) { //CLOSED REQUEST OUTPUT $sub_form_output .= "<h2 class='pbx-title'>" . PB_FORM_CLOSED_TITLE . "</h2>"; $sub_form_output .= "<p class='pbx-text'>" . PB_FORM_CLOSED_MSG . "</p>"; } else { //INITIAL SUBMISSION FORM OUTPUT $sub_form_output .= "<h2 class='pbx-title'>{$sub_form_title}</h2>"; $sub_form_output .= "<p class='pbx-text'>{$sub_form_msg}</p>"; $sub_form_output .= "<form class='pbx-form' method='post'><input type='hidden' name='action' value='{$sub_form_action}' />{$sub_form_req_id_input}"; $sub_form_output .= $stat == 0 ? "<div class='pbx-formfield'><label>" . PB_FORM_FIRST_NAME . ":</label><input type='text' name='first_name' /></div>" : ""; $sub_form_output .= $stat == 0 ? "<div class='pbx-formfield'><label>" . PB_FORM_LAST_NAME . ":</label><input type='text' name='last_name' /></div>" : ""; $sub_form_output .= "<div class='pbx-formfield'><label><input type='checkbox' name='anon' {$anon} /> " . PB_FORM_ANONYMOUS . "</label></div>"; $sub_form_output .= $stat == 0 ? "<div class='pbx-formfield'><label>" . PB_FORM_EMAIL . ":</label><input type='text' name='email' /></div>" : ""; $sub_form_output .= $stat == 0 ? "<div class='pbx-formfield'><label>" . PB_FORM_REQTITLE . ":</label><input type='text' name='title' /></div>" : ""; $sub_form_output .= $stat == 0 ? "<div class='pbx-formfield'><label>" . PB_FORM_REQ . ":</label><textarea name='body'></textarea></div>" : ""; $sub_form_output .= "<div class='pbx-formfield'><label><input type='checkbox' name='notify' {$notify} /> " . PB_FORM_NOTIFY . "</label></div>"; $sub_form_output .= $stat == 1 ? "<div class='pbx-formfield'><label><input type='checkbox' name='closed' /> " . PB_FORM_EDIT_CLOSE . "</label></div>" : ""; $sub_form_output .= "<div class='pbx-formfield'><input type='submit' value='{$sub_form_submit}' /></div>"; $sub_form_output .= "</form>"; } $sub_form_output .= "</div>"; return $sub_form_output; /* }else{ $authcode=$_GET['pbid']; if (isRequestActive($authcode)=="yes"){ //IF REQUEST IS OPEN $prayer_request=$wpdb->get_row("SELECT id,first_name,last_name,anon,email,title,body,notify FROM ".$wpdb->prefix."pb_requests WHERE authcode='$authcode'"); $req_id=$prayer_request->id; if($prayer_request->anon==1){$anon="checked";}else{$anon="";} if($prayer_request->notify==1){$notify="checked";}else{$notify="";} $mgmt_form_output="<div id='praybox'>"; $mgmt_form_output.="<div class='title'>Make Changes to Your Prayer Request<div style='clear:both;'></div></div>"; $mgmt_form_output.="<div class='intro'>Use the form below to make changes to your prayer request listing.<div style='clear:both;'></div></div>"; $mgmt_form_output.="<form method='post'><input type='hidden' name='action' value='update_request' /><input type='hidden' name='req_id' value='$req_id' />"; $mgmt_form_output.="<table class='subform'>"; $mgmt_form_output.="<tr><td class='checkbox'><input type='checkbox' name='anon' $anon /> I would like to remain anonymous. Please do not post my name.</td></tr>"; $mgmt_form_output.="<tr><td class='checkbox'><input type='checkbox' name='notify' $notify /> I would like to be notified (once per day) when I have been prayed for.</td></tr>"; $mgmt_form_output.="<tr><td><hr /></td></tr>"; $mgmt_form_output.="<tr><td class='checkbox'><input type='checkbox' name='closed' /> I would like to close this prayer request.</td></tr>"; $mgmt_form_output.="<tr><td class='submit'><input type='submit' value='Update My Prayer Request' /></td></tr>"; $mgmt_form_output.="</table>"; $mgmt_form_output.="</form>"; $mgmt_form_output.="<div style='clear:both;'></div></div>"; }else{ //IF REQUEST IS CLOSED $mgmt_form_output="<div id='praybox'>"; $mgmt_form_output.="<div class='title'>This Request Has Been Closed<div style='clear:both;'></div></div>"; $mgmt_form_output.="<div class='intro'>Sorry, this Prayer Request has been closed and can no longer be edited.<div style='clear:both;'></div></div>"; $mgmt_form_output.="<div style='clear:both;'></div></div>"; } return $mgmt_form_output; } */ } }
<?php if ($_SESSION['facebook_id']) { try { $ret_obj = $facebook->api('/' . $_SESSION['facebook_id'], 'GET'); $user_name = $ret_obj['name']; $user_email = $ret_obj['email']; } catch (FacebookApiException $e) { print_r($e); } //echo $user_name; //echo $user_email; $f1 = isDuplicate($user_id, 'facebook', 'user', ''); $qry = "SELECT level FROM user WHERE facebook=" . $user_id; $result = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query($qry)); $level = $result['level']; if (!$f1) { executeQuery("insert into user (`name`,`email`,`facebook`) values ('{$user_name}','{$user_email}','{$user_id}')"); } } else { } ?> <div class="header"> <div class="col-1"> <p class="wow fadeInLeftBig"> <span>Welcome <?php echo $user_name; ?> </span>! The movement you enjoy your the quality of life.