예제 #1
 * Allows the user to report a personal message to an administrator.
 * - In the first instance requires that the ID of the message to report is passed through $_GET.
 * - It allows the user to report to either a particular administrator - or the whole admin team.
 * - It will forward on a copy of the original message without allowing the reporter to make changes.
 * @uses report_message sub-template.
function ReportMessage()
    global $txt, $context, $scripturl, $sourcedir;
    global $user_info, $language, $modSettings, $smcFunc;
    // Check that this feature is even enabled!
    if (empty($modSettings['enableReportPM']) || empty($_REQUEST['pmsg'])) {
        fatal_lang_error('no_access', false);
    $pmsg = (int) $_REQUEST['pmsg'];
    if (!isAccessiblePM($pmsg, 'inbox')) {
        fatal_lang_error('no_access', false);
    $context['pm_id'] = $pmsg;
    $context['page_title'] = $txt['pm_report_title'];
    // If we're here, just send the user to the template, with a few useful context bits.
    if (!isset($_POST['report'])) {
        $context['sub_template'] = 'report_message';
        // @todo I don't like being able to pick who to send it to.  Favoritism, etc. sucks.
        // Now, get all the administrators.
        $request = $smcFunc['db_query']('', '
			SELECT id_member, real_name
			FROM {db_prefix}members
			WHERE id_group = {int:admin_group} OR FIND_IN_SET({int:admin_group}, additional_groups) != 0
			ORDER BY real_name', array('admin_group' => 1));
        $context['admins'] = array();
        while ($row = $smcFunc['db_fetch_assoc']($request)) {
            $context['admins'][$row['id_member']] = $row['real_name'];
        // How many admins in total?
        $context['admin_count'] = count($context['admins']);
    } else {
        // Check the session before proceeding any further!
        // First, pull out the message contents, and verify it actually went to them!
        $request = $smcFunc['db_query']('', '
			SELECT pm.subject, pm.body, pm.msgtime, pm.id_member_from, IFNULL(m.real_name, pm.from_name) AS sender_name
			FROM {db_prefix}personal_messages AS pm
				INNER JOIN {db_prefix}pm_recipients AS pmr ON (pmr.id_pm = pm.id_pm)
				LEFT JOIN {db_prefix}members AS m ON (m.id_member = pm.id_member_from)
			WHERE pm.id_pm = {int:id_pm}
				AND pmr.id_member = {int:current_member}
				AND pmr.deleted = {int:not_deleted}
			LIMIT 1', array('current_member' => $user_info['id'], 'id_pm' => $context['pm_id'], 'not_deleted' => 0));
        // Can only be a hacker here!
        if ($smcFunc['db_num_rows']($request) == 0) {
            fatal_lang_error('no_access', false);
        list($subject, $body, $time, $memberFromID, $memberFromName) = $smcFunc['db_fetch_row']($request);
        // Remove the line breaks...
        $body = preg_replace('~<br ?/?' . '>~i', "\n", $body);
        // Get any other recipients of the email.
        $request = $smcFunc['db_query']('', '
			SELECT mem_to.id_member AS id_member_to, mem_to.real_name AS to_name, pmr.bcc
			FROM {db_prefix}pm_recipients AS pmr
				LEFT JOIN {db_prefix}members AS mem_to ON (mem_to.id_member = pmr.id_member)
			WHERE pmr.id_pm = {int:id_pm}
				AND pmr.id_member != {int:current_member}', array('current_member' => $user_info['id'], 'id_pm' => $context['pm_id']));
        $recipients = array();
        $hidden_recipients = 0;
        while ($row = $smcFunc['db_fetch_assoc']($request)) {
            // If it's hidden still don't reveal their names - privacy after all ;)
            if ($row['bcc']) {
            } else {
                $recipients[] = '[url=' . $scripturl . '?action=profile;u=' . $row['id_member_to'] . ']' . $row['to_name'] . '[/url]';
        if ($hidden_recipients) {
            $recipients[] = sprintf($txt['pm_report_pm_hidden'], $hidden_recipients);
        // Now let's get out and loop through the admins.
        $request = $smcFunc['db_query']('', '
			SELECT id_member, real_name, lngfile
			FROM {db_prefix}members
			WHERE (id_group = {int:admin_id} OR FIND_IN_SET({int:admin_id}, additional_groups) != 0)
				' . (empty($_POST['id_admin']) ? '' : 'AND id_member = {int:specific_admin}') . '
			ORDER BY lngfile', array('admin_id' => 1, 'specific_admin' => isset($_POST['id_admin']) ? (int) $_POST['id_admin'] : 0));
        // Maybe we shouldn't advertise this?
        if ($smcFunc['db_num_rows']($request) == 0) {
            fatal_lang_error('no_access', false);
        $memberFromName = un_htmlspecialchars($memberFromName);
        // Prepare the message storage array.
        $messagesToSend = array();
        // Loop through each admin, and add them to the right language pile...
        while ($row = $smcFunc['db_fetch_assoc']($request)) {
            // Need to send in the correct language!
            $cur_language = empty($row['lngfile']) || empty($modSettings['userLanguage']) ? $language : $row['lngfile'];
            if (!isset($messagesToSend[$cur_language])) {
                loadLanguage('PersonalMessage', $cur_language, false);
                // Make the body.
                $report_body = str_replace(array('{REPORTER}', '{SENDER}'), array(un_htmlspecialchars($user_info['name']), $memberFromName), $txt['pm_report_pm_user_sent']);
                $report_body .= "\n" . '[b]' . $_POST['reason'] . '[/b]' . "\n\n";
                if (!empty($recipients)) {
                    $report_body .= $txt['pm_report_pm_other_recipients'] . ' ' . implode(', ', $recipients) . "\n\n";
                $report_body .= $txt['pm_report_pm_unedited_below'] . "\n" . '[quote author=' . (empty($memberFromID) ? '&quot;' . $memberFromName . '&quot;' : $memberFromName . ' link=action=profile;u=' . $memberFromID . ' date=' . $time) . ']' . "\n" . un_htmlspecialchars($body) . '[/quote]';
                // Plonk it in the array ;)
                $messagesToSend[$cur_language] = array('subject' => ($smcFunc['strpos']($subject, $txt['pm_report_pm_subject']) === false ? $txt['pm_report_pm_subject'] : '') . un_htmlspecialchars($subject), 'body' => $report_body, 'recipients' => array('to' => array(), 'bcc' => array()));
            // Add them to the list.
            $messagesToSend[$cur_language]['recipients']['to'][$row['id_member']] = $row['id_member'];
        // Send a different email for each language.
        foreach ($messagesToSend as $lang => $message) {
            sendpm($message['recipients'], $message['subject'], $message['body']);
        // Give the user their own language back!
        if (!empty($modSettings['userLanguage'])) {
            loadLanguage('PersonalMessage', '', false);
        // Leave them with a template.
        $context['sub_template'] = 'report_message_complete';
예제 #2
  * Allows the user to mark a personal message as unread so they remember to come back to it
 public function action_markunread()
     global $context;
     $pmsg = !empty($_REQUEST['pmsg']) ? (int) $_REQUEST['pmsg'] : null;
     // Marking a message as unread, we need a message that was sent to them
     // Can't mark your own reply as unread, that would be weird
     if (!is_null($pmsg) && checkPMReceived($pmsg)) {
         // Make sure this is accessible, should be of course
         if (!isAccessiblePM($pmsg, 'inbox')) {
             fatal_lang_error('no_access', false);
         // Well then, you get to hear about it all over again
     // Back to the folder.