예제 #1
 * 过滤数组中无效的键值(多维数据)
 * @param   array   $params 要过滤的参数
 * @param   array   $allow  要过滤的值
 * @return  void
function invalidDataFilterRecursive(array &$params, array $allow = array(null))
    if (!empty($params) && is_array($params) && !empty($allow) && is_array($allow)) {
        foreach ($params as $key => $val) {
            if (is_array($val)) {
                invalidDataFilterRecursive($params[$key], $allow);
            } else {
                foreach ($allow as $v) {
                    if ($val === $v) {
예제 #2
     * 搜索
     * @param  string $table    表名
     * @param  array  $params   条件参数
     * @param  bool   $isRow    是否只显示一条记录(主要给 getRow 函数用)
     * @return array
    public function get($table, array $params = array(), $isRow = false)
        $total = 0;
        $debug = array();

        // 过滤掉 值为 null 的 key
        invalidDataFilterRecursive($params, array(null));

        $fields     = !isset($params['fields'])        ? '*'  : $params['fields'];              // 需要获得的字段
        $keyName    = !isset($params['keyName'])       ? null : $params['keyName'];             // 使用某个字段做为数组中的 KEY(注意要保持唯一,否则会丢数据)
        $isPage     = !isset($params['isPage'])        ? null : $params['isPage'];              // 是否需要分页,默认不分页
        $pageNo     = !isset($_GET['page'])            ? 0    : intval($_GET['page']);          // 当前页码(默认第1页)
        $pageSize   = !isset($params['pageSize'])      ? null : intval($params['pageSize']);    // 每页显示数据条数(有分页的情况下,默认 10 条)
        $orderBy    = !isset($params['orderBy'])       ? null : $params['orderBy'];             // 排序
        $groupBy    = !isset($params['groupBy'])       ? null : $params['groupBy'];             // 分组
        $join       = !isset($params['join'])          ? null : (!is_array($params['join'])       ? null : $params['join'] );        // inner join 查询
        $like       = !isset($params['like'])          ? null : (!is_array($params['like'])       ? null : $params['like'] );        // 模糊查询
        $where      = !isset($params['where'])         ? null : (!is_array($params['where'])      ? null : $params['where'] );       // where 条件
        $whereOr    = !isset($params['whereOr'])       ? null : (!is_array($params['whereOr'])    ? null : $params['whereOr'] );     // OR 条件
        $whereIn    = !isset($params['whereIn'])       ? null : (!is_array($params['whereIn'])    ? null : $params['whereIn'] );     // In 条件
        $whereNotIn = !isset($params['whereNotIn'])    ? null : (!is_array($params['whereNotIn']) ? null : $params['whereNotIn'] );  // Not In 条件

        $likeSql = "";

        // join
        $joinSql = "";
        if ($join && is_array($join)) {
            foreach ($join as $key => $val) {
                if ($val['on']) {
                    $as      = empty($val['as']) ? ' AS ' . $key : 'AS ' . $val['as'];  // 别名
                    $type    = empty($val['type']) ? 'INNER' : $val['type'];    // join 类型 (left、 inner、 right)
                    $joinSql .= ' ' . $type . " JOIN `" . $key . "` " . $as . " ON ". $val['on'];
        if ($like && is_array($like)) {
            foreach ($like as $key => $val) {
                $likeSql .= " AND `" . $key . "` like '%{$val}%'";

        $whereSql = "";
        if ($where && is_array($where)) {

            foreach ($where as $key => $val) {

                // 联表查询时可能会写 “表名.字段”
                $tempArr      = explode('.', $key);
                $tempTableAs  = empty($tempArr[1]) ? '' : '`' . $tempArr[0] . '`.';
                $tempTableKey = empty($tempArr[1]) ? trim($key) : trim($tempArr[1]);

                // preg_match_all('/(\W+))/', $tempTableKey, $data, PREG_SET_ORDER);    // 这种写法不支持在字段上使用函数
                preg_match_all('/[!=|<=|>=|<|>|<>]+/', $tempTableKey, $data, PREG_SET_ORDER);

                if (!empty($data)) {
                    $tempWhere   = $data[0][0]; // 过滤后的字段名
                    $tempKey    = trim(str_replace($tempWhere, '', $tempTableKey));

                    $whereSql .= " AND " . $tempTableAs . '`' . trim($tempKey) . '` ' . $tempWhere . " '{$val}'";

                // 正常的 “=” 模式
                } else {

                    // 检查字段中是否使用了函数,即使用 “(.*)” 做为标准
                    preg_match_all('/(\(.*\))+/', $tempTableKey, $keyData, PREG_SET_ORDER);

                    // 带函数的写法
                    if (!empty($keyData)) {
                        $whereSql .= " AND " . $tempTableAs . trim($tempTableKey) . " = '{$val}'";
                    } else {
                        $whereSql .= " AND " . $tempTableAs . '`' . trim($tempTableKey) . "` = '{$val}'";

        $whereOrSql = "";
        if ($whereOr && is_array($whereOr)) {
            $whereOrSql .= " AND (";
            foreach ($whereOr as $key => $val) {
                $whereOrSql .= " `" . $key . "`='{$val}' OR";

            $whereOrSql = substr($whereOrSql, 0, -3);
            $whereOrSql .= " ) ";

        $whereInSql = "";
        if ($whereIn && is_array($whereIn)) {
            foreach ($whereIn as $key => $val) {
                $whereInSql .= " AND `" . $key . "` IN('" . implode("', '", $val) . "')";

        $whereNotInSql = "";
        if ($whereNotIn && is_array($whereNotIn)) {
            foreach ($whereNotIn as $key => $val) {
                $whereNotInSql .= " AND `" . $key . "` NOT IN('" . implode("', '", $val) . "')";

        $orderBySql = "";
        if ($orderBy && !empty($orderBy)) {
            $orderBySql = " ORDER BY " . $orderBy;

        $groupBySql = "";
        if ($groupBy && !empty($groupBy)) {
            $groupBySql = " Group BY " . $groupBy;

        $dataCount = 0;
        if ($isPage && !$isRow) {
            $sql = "SELECT count(*) FROM `{$table}` {$joinSql} WHERE 1 {$likeSql}{$whereSql}{$whereOrSql}{$whereInSql}{$whereNotInSql}{$groupBySql}";

            $dataCount = $this->getOne($sql);
            $dataCount = intval($dataCount);
            $debug[] = $sql;

        $limit = "";
        if ($isPage && !$isRow) {

            $pageSize = !intval($pageSize)  ? 10 : $pageSize;

            if ($pageNo == 0 || $dataCount == 0) {
                $pageNo = "0, ";
            } else {

                $no     = intval(($pageNo - 1) * $pageSize);
                $maxNo  = (ceil($dataCount / $pageSize) - 1 ) * $pageSize;
                $no     = $no > $maxNo ? $maxNo : $no;
                $pageNo = $no . ", ";

            $limit = " LIMIT {$pageNo}{$pageSize}";

        // 不分页的情况,但指定了获取数据的条数
        if ($pageSize && !$isPage) {
            $limit = " LIMIT {$pageSize}";

        // 如果只需要显示一条数据到此结束运行
        if ($isRow) {
            $sql = "SELECT {$fields} FROM `{$table}` {$joinSql} WHERE 1 {$likeSql}{$whereSql}{$whereOrSql}{$whereInSql}{$whereNotInSql}{$groupBySql}{$orderBySql} LIMIT 1";
            $info = $this->getRow($sql);

            return empty($info) ? array() : $info;

        $sql = "SELECT {$fields} FROM `{$table}` {$joinSql} WHERE 1 {$likeSql}{$whereSql}{$whereOrSql}{$whereInSql}{$whereNotInSql}{$groupBySql}{$orderBySql}{$limit}";

        $list = $this->getAll($sql);

        // 使用字段值做为 KEY
        if ($keyName) {

            $tempResult = array();
            foreach ($list as $key => $val) {
                $tempKey = isset($val[$keyName]) ? $val[$keyName] : $key ;
                $tempResult[$tempKey] = $val;

            $list = $tempResult;

        $debug[] = $sql;

        unset($fields, $keyName, $isPage, $pageNo, $pageSize, $like, $where, $whereOr, $whereIn, $whereNotIn, $orderBy, $groupBy, $sql);

        return array(
            'list'  => empty($list) ? array() : $list,
            'total' => intval($dataCount),
            'debug' => $debug,