/** * updates a SCL in the database by deleting it and re-inserting it. */ function update_dbSCL($scl) { if (!$scl instanceof SCL) { die("Invalid argument for dbSCL->update_dbSCL(\$) function call"); } delete_dbSCL($scl); // try to delete if (insert_dbSCL($scl)) { return true; } else { return false; } }
function testdbSCLModule() { $p = array(); $p[] = array("max123", "max", "palmer", "123", "456", "1/1/08", "LM", "true"); $p[] = array("oliver345", "oliver", "radwan", "123", "456", "1/1/08", "LM", "false"); $s = new SCL("01-01-08-9-12", $p, "open", 1, "11223344"); // print_r($s); $this->assertTrue(insert_dbSCL($s)); $s2 = select_dbSCL("01-01-08-9-12"); $this->assertTrue($s2 !== null); $p2 = $s2->get_persons(); $p2[] = array("max123", "max", "palmer", "123", "456", "1/1/08", "LM", "true"); $s2->set_persons($p2); $this->assertTrue(update_dbSCL($s2)); // print_r(select_dbSCL("01-01-08-9-12")); $this->assertTrue(delete_dbSCL($s)); echo "testdbSCL complete"; }
function generate_scl($id) { // echo "<br>we are here"; $shift = select_dbShifts($id); $vacancies = $shift->num_vacancies(); $day = $shift->get_day(); $time = $shift->get_time_of_day(); $time = substr($time, 0, strlen($time) - 3); $venue = $shift->get_venue(); $shift_persons = $shift->get_persons(); if (!$shift_persons[0]) { array_shift($shift_persons); } connect(); $query = "SELECT * FROM dbPersons WHERE (status = 'active' AND type LIKE '%sub%' AND availability LIKE '%" . $day . ":" . $time . "%') ORDER BY last_name,first_name"; $persons_result = mysql_query($query); mysql_close(); for ($i = 0; $i < mysql_num_rows($persons_result); ++$i) { $row = mysql_fetch_row($persons_result); $id_and_name = $row[0] . "+" . $row[1] . "+" . $row[2]; $match = false; // for($j=0;$j<count($shift_persons);++$j) { // if($id_and_name==$shift_persons[$j] || in_array($id_and_name, )) { // $match=true; // } // } if (!in_array($id_and_name, $shift_persons) && !in_array($id_and_name, $shift->get_removed_persons())) { $persons[] = [$row[0], $row[1], $row[2], $row[9], $row[10], "", "", "?"]; } } $new_scl = new SCL($id, $persons, "open", $vacancies, get_sub_call_list_timestamp($id)); if (select_dbSCL($id)) { delete_dbSCL($new_scl); } insert_dbSCL($new_scl); $shift->open_sub_call_list(); update_dbShifts($shift); add_log_entry('<a href=\\"personEdit.php?id=' . $_SESSION['_id'] . '\\">' . $_SESSION['f_name'] . ' ' . $_SESSION['l_name'] . '</a> generated a <a href=\\"subCallList.php?shift=' . $shift->get_id() . '\\">sub call list</a> for the shift: <a href=\\"editShift.php?shift=' . $shift->get_id() . '&venue=' . $venue . '\\">' . get_shift_name_from_id($shift->get_id()) . '</a>.'); //$_POST['_shiftid']=$id; //echo "<p>SCL ".$id." added successfully.</p>"; }
function generate_scl($id) { // echo "<br>we are here"; $shift = select_dbShifts($id); $vacancies = $shift->num_vacancies(); $day = $shift->get_day(); $time = $shift->get_time_of_day(); $venue = $shift->get_venue(); $shift_persons = $shift->get_persons(); if (!$shift_persons[0]) { array_shift($shift_persons); } connect(); $query = "SELECT * FROM dbPersons WHERE (status = 'active' AND type LIKE '%sub%' AND availability LIKE '%" . $day . ":" . $time . ":" . $venue . "%') ORDER BY last_name,first_name"; $persons_result = mysql_query($query); mysql_close(); for ($i = 0; $i < mysql_num_rows($persons_result); ++$i) { $row = mysql_fetch_row($persons_result); $id_and_name = $row[0] . "+" . $row[3] . "+" . $row[4]; if (!in_array($id_and_name, $shift_persons) && !in_array($id_and_name, $shift->get_removed_persons())) { $persons[] = array($row[0], $row[3], $row[4], $row[9] . " " . $row[10], $row[11] . " " . $row[12], "", "", "?"); } } $new_scl = new SCL($id, $persons, "open", $vacancies, get_sub_call_list_timestamp($id)); if (!select_dbSCL($id)) { insert_dbSCL($new_scl); $shift->open_sub_call_list(); update_dbShifts($shift); } else { $new_scl = select_dbSCL($id); } add_log_entry('<a href=\\"personEdit.php?id=' . $_SESSION['_id'] . '\\">' . $_SESSION['f_name'] . ' ' . $_SESSION['l_name'] . '</a> generated a <a href=\\"subCallList.php?shift=' . $shift->get_id() . '\\">sub call list</a> for the shift: <a href=\\"editShift.php?shift=' . $shift->get_id() . '&venue=' . $venue . '\\">' . get_shift_name_from_id($shift->get_id()) . '</a>.'); }