function notifyDraftOrder($leagueID) { debug("notifydraftorder.. hello"); $order = getDraftOrder($leagueID); $season = getSeason(); $sql = "\r\r\n\tSELECT\r\r\n\t\tFROM fch_users u, fch_league_membership m\r\r\n\t\tWHERE = m.userID\r\r\n\t\tAND season = \"{$season}\"\r\r\n\t\tAND m.leagueID = {$leagueID}\r\r\n\t"; debug("notifyDraftOrder: {$sql}"); $draftTime = getSingleton("fch_leagues", "draftTime", " WHERE id = {$leagueID} and season = \"{$season}\""); $leagueName = getSingleton("fch_leagues", "display_name", " WHERE id = {$leagueID} and season = \"{$season}\""); $body = <<<BODY \tHello, \tThis is an automated notification from Fantasy College Hockey. \tYou've joined a league - {$leagueName}. The registration deadline has passed, and we've generated a draft order. Here it is: \t{$order} \t \tNote: The draft will occur in order for the first round, then in reverse order for the 2nd round, and vice versa. For example if there are 3 people in your draft, it'll go pick 1-2-3-3-2-1-1-2-3 and so on. \t \tYour draft is scheduled for {$draftTime} EST \t \tHave a great season and feel free to contact us at BODY; $con = initializeDB(); debug("notifyDraftOrder: {$sql}"); $result = $con->query($sql); if ($result->num_rows > 0) { // output data of each row $order = 1; while ($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) { sendEmail($row[email], "Your FCH Draft is Coming! Here's Your Draft Order", $body); debug("EMAIL: " . $row[email] . " Body: " . $body); } } else { return ""; } }
debug("In only one league"); if (intval(selectCount("fch_league_membership", " WHERE userID = $userID and season = \"$season\"")) == 1) { debug("In only one league. Setting default membership."); $thisLeague = getSingleton("fch_league_membership","leagueID"," WHERE season = \"$season\" and userID = $userID"); debug("Setting default league for user $userID to $thisLeague"); $sql = " UPDATE fch_user_preferences SET displayLeague = $thisLeague WHERE userID = $userID"; executeGenericSql($sql); } } */ debug("dbLeague " . $dbLeague . " - userID: " . $userID); if ($leagueCount > 1) { $con = initializeDB(); $sql = "SELECT m.leagueID AS leagueID, m.teamDisplayName AS teamDisplayName, l.display_name AS leagueDisplayName FROM fch_league_membership m, fch_leagues l WHERE = m.leagueID and m.userID = {$userID} and m.season = \"{$season}\""; debug($sql); $result = $con->query($sql); //echo "debug ". isDebug(); $leagueSelector .= "<form name = \"leagueSelector\" method = \"POST\"><SELECT name = \"league\">"; if ($result->num_rows > 0) { // output data of each row while ($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) { $selectLeague = ""; debug("<B>Checking {$dbLeague}</B> = " . $row["leagueID"]); if ($row["leagueID"] == $dbLeague) { $usingAs = ""; //Now viewing your team in " . $row['leagueDisplayName']; $selectedLeagueID = $row["leagueID"]; $selectLeague = "SELECTED";
<?php $action = ""; if (isset($_GET['action'])) { $action = $_GET['action']; } if (isset($_POST['action'])) { $action = $_POST['action']; } try { if (initializeDB() == true) { doAction($action); } } catch (Exception $e) { if (strcmp($e->getMessage(), "table.initialization.error") == 0) { $forwardaction = ""; include 'installscript.php'; doAction($forwardaction); } else { addError($e->getMessage()); doAction("install"); } }
<?php include 'util.php'; header("Pragma: public"); header("Expires: 0"); $filename = 'db.php'; $templine = ''; initializeDB(); if (!file_exists($filename)) { addError("install.file.missing"); outputJSON($errormsg); } else { $lines = file($filename); foreach ($lines as $line_num => $line) { if (substr($line, 0, 2) != '--' && $line != '') { $templine .= $line; if (substr(trim($line), -1, 1) == ';') { try { queryDB($templine); } catch (Exception $e) { addError("error", $e->getMessage(), false); debug_display($e); } $templine = ''; } } } if (getErrorCount() > 1) { addError("error", "install.sql.error"); outputJSON("error"); }
function sqlRefresh() { $season = getSeason(); /// ///////////////////////////////////////////////// /// TRUNCATE SCHEDULE $sql = <<<SQL \t\ttruncate table fanta66_joomla.fch_schedule; SQL; $scheduleTruncateResults = executeGenericSQL($sql); /// ///////////////////////////////////////////////// /// REBUILD SCHEDULE $sql = <<<SQL \t\tinsert into fanta66_joomla.fch_schedule \t\t(dateStamp,visitor,home) \t\tselect date_stamp,visitor,home from fanta66_zudnicfchmaster.schedule_master; SQL; $scheduleResults = executeGenericSQL($sql); /// ///////////////////////////////////////////////// /// TRUNCATE SCHEDULE $sql = <<<SQL \t\ttruncate table fanta66_joomla.fch_schedule_lastseason; SQL; $scheduleTruncateResultsLY = executeGenericSQL($sql); /// ///////////////////////////////////////////////// /// REBUILD SCHEDULE $sql = <<<SQL \t\tinsert into fanta66_joomla.fch_schedule_lastseason \t\t(dateStamp,visitor,home) \t\tselect date_stamp,visitor,home from fanta66_zudnicfchmaster.schedule_lastseason; SQL; $scheduleResultsLY = executeGenericSQL($sql); /// ///////////////////////////////////////////////// /// TRUNCATE RESULTS $sql = <<<SQL \t\tDELETE FROM fanta66_joomla.fch_consolidated_results where season = "{$season}"; SQL; $out .= "<HR><B>Truncate Results SQL: </B><br/>{$sql}<p/>\n"; $truncateResultsResults = executeGenericSQL($sql); /// ///////////////////////////////////////////////// /// REBUILD RESULTS - SKATERS $sql = <<<SQL insert into fanta66_joomla.fch_consolidated_results (dateStamp ,totalPoints ,season ,playerID ,schoolID ,opponent ,opponentDisplayName ,playerDisplayName ,position ,schoolDisplayName ,statLine ,dateLine ,atVs) SELECT DISTINCT \t`fanta66_zudnicfchmaster`.`results_skaters`.`date_stamp` AS `date_stamp` \t,`fanta66_zudnicfchmaster`.`results_skaters`.`total_points` AS `totalPoints` \t,convert(CONCAT ( \t\t\tsubstr(`fanta66_zudnicfchmaster`.`results_skaters`.`season`, 1, 4) \t\t\t,"-" \t\t\t,substr(`fanta66_zudnicfchmaster`.`results_skaters`.`season`, 5, 4) \t\t\t) using utf8) AS `season` \t,replace(replace(replace(replace(replace(`fanta66_zudnicfchmaster`.`results_skaters`.`player`, "'", ""), "-", ""), ".", ""), " ", ""), "~", "") AS `playerID` \t,`fanta66_zudnicfchmaster`.`player_master`.`school_id` AS `schoolID` \t, IF ( \t\t(`fanta66_zudnicfchmaster`.`player_master`.`school_id` = `fanta66_zudnicfchmaster`.`results_skaters`.`visitor`) \t\t,`fanta66_zudnicfchmaster`.`results_skaters`.`home` \t\t,`fanta66_zudnicfchmaster`.`results_skaters`.`visitor` \t\t) AS `opponent` \t,`fanta66_zudnicfchmaster`.`school_master`.`school_shortname` AS `opponentDisplayName` \t,CONCAT ( \t\t`fanta66_zudnicfchmaster`.`player_master`.`first_name` \t\t," " \t\t,`fanta66_zudnicfchmaster`.`player_master`.`last_name` \t\t,", " \t\t,`fanta66_zudnicfchmaster`.`player_master`.`school_name` \t\t) AS `playerDisplayName` \t,`fanta66_zudnicfchmaster`.`player_master`.`position` as position \t,`fanta66_zudnicfchmaster`.`player_master`.`school_name` as schoolDisplayName \t,CONCAT ( \t\tconvert(IF ( \t\t\t\t(1 > `fanta66_zudnicfchmaster`.`results_skaters`.`goals`) \t\t\t\t,"0" \t\t\t\t,`fanta66_zudnicfchmaster`.`results_skaters`.`goals` \t\t\t\t) using latin1 ) \t\t\t," G, " \t\t\t,convert(IF ( \t\t\t\t\t(1 > `fanta66_zudnicfchmaster`.`results_skaters`.`assists`) \t\t\t\t\t,"0" \t\t\t\t\t,`fanta66_zudnicfchmaster`.`results_skaters`.`assists` \t\t\t\t\t) using latin1 ) \t\t\t\t," A " \t\t\t\t,`fanta66_zudnicfchmaster`.`results_skaters`.`info` ) AS `statLine` \t\t\t\t,CONCAT (convert(date_format(`fanta66_zudnicfchmaster`.`results_skaters`.`date_stamp`, "%c/%e") using latin1)) AS `dateLine` \t\t\t\t,convert(IF ( \t\t\t\t\t\t(`fanta66_zudnicfchmaster`.`player_master`.`school_id` = `fanta66_zudnicfchmaster`.`results_skaters`.`visitor`) \t\t\t\t\t\t," at " \t\t\t\t\t\t," vs " \t\t\t\t\t\t) using latin1 ) AS `atVs` FROM ( \t\t\t\t\t( \t\t\t\t\t\t`fanta66_zudnicfchmaster`.`results_skaters` JOIN `fanta66_zudnicfchmaster`.`player_master` \t\t\t\t\t\t) JOIN `fanta66_zudnicfchmaster`.`school_master` \t\t\t\t\t) WHERE ( \t\t\t\t\t\t(`fanta66_zudnicfchmaster`.`player_master`.`text_id` = `fanta66_zudnicfchmaster`.`results_skaters`.`player`) \t\t\t\t\t\tAND ( \t\t\t\t\t\t\t`fanta66_zudnicfchmaster`.`school_master`.`school_id` = IF ( \t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t(`fanta66_zudnicfchmaster`.`player_master`.`school_id` = `fanta66_zudnicfchmaster`.`results_skaters`.`visitor`) \t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t,`fanta66_zudnicfchmaster`.`results_skaters`.`home` \t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t,`fanta66_zudnicfchmaster`.`results_skaters`.`visitor` \t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t) ) ) ORDER BY `fanta66_zudnicfchmaster`.`results_skaters`.`date_stamp` DESC; SQL; $skaterInsertResults = executeGenericSQL($sql); $out .= "<HR><B>Skater Results SQL: </B><br/>{$sql}<p/>\n"; ///////////////////////////////////////// // GOALIE RESULTS $sql = <<<SQL \tinsert into fanta66_joomla.fch_consolidated_results (dateStamp ,totalPoints ,season ,playerID ,schoolID ,opponent ,opponentDisplayName ,playerDisplayName ,position ,schoolDisplayName ,statLine ,dateLine ,atVs) \tSELECT DISTINCT `fanta66_zudnicfchmaster`.`results_goalies`.`date_stamp` AS `date_stamp` \t,`fanta66_zudnicfchmaster`.`results_goalies`.`points` AS `total_points` \t,convert(CONCAT ( \t\t\tsubstr(`fanta66_zudnicfchmaster`.`results_goalies`.`season`, 1, 4) \t\t\t,"-" \t\t\t,substr(`fanta66_zudnicfchmaster`.`results_goalies`.`season`, 5, 4) \t\t\t) using utf8) AS `season` \t,replace(replace(replace(replace(replace(`fanta66_zudnicfchmaster`.`results_goalies`.`player`, "'", ""), "-", ""), ".", ""), " ", ""), "~", "") AS `playerID` \t,`fanta66_zudnicfchmaster`.`player_master`.`school_id` AS `schoolID` \t ,IF ( \t\t(`fanta66_zudnicfchmaster`.`player_master`.`school_id` = `fanta66_zudnicfchmaster`.`results_goalies`.`visitor`) \t\t,`fanta66_zudnicfchmaster`.`results_goalies`.`home` \t\t,`fanta66_zudnicfchmaster`.`results_goalies`.`visitor` \t\t) AS `opponent` \t,`fanta66_zudnicfchmaster`.`school_master`.`school_shortname` AS `opponentDisplayName` \t,CONCAT ( \t\t`fanta66_zudnicfchmaster`.`player_master`.`first_name` \t\t," " \t\t,`fanta66_zudnicfchmaster`.`player_master`.`last_name` \t\t, ", " \t\t,`fanta66_zudnicfchmaster`.`player_master`.`school_name` \t\t) AS `playerDisplayName` \t,`fanta66_zudnicfchmaster`.`player_master`.`position` AS position \t,`fanta66_zudnicfchmaster`.`player_master`.`school_name` as schoolDisplayName \t,CONCAT ( \t\t`fanta66_zudnicfchmaster`.`results_goalies`.`goals_allowed` \t\t," GA, " \t\t,`fanta66_zudnicfchmaster`.`results_goalies`.`saves` \t\t," saves, " \t\t,round(`fanta66_zudnicfchmaster`.`results_goalies`.`gaa`, 3) \t\t," GAA, " \t\t,`fanta66_zudnicfchmaster`.`results_goalies`.`decision` \t\t) AS `statLine` \t,CONCAT (convert(date_format(`fanta66_zudnicfchmaster`.`results_goalies`.`date_stamp`, "%c/%e") using latin1)) AS `dateLine` \t,convert(IF ( \t\t\t(`fanta66_zudnicfchmaster`.`player_master`.`school_id` = `fanta66_zudnicfchmaster`.`results_goalies`.`visitor`) \t\t\t," at " \t\t\t," vs " \t\t\t) using latin1 ) AS `atVs` FROM ( \t\t( \t\t\t`fanta66_zudnicfchmaster`.`results_goalies` JOIN `fanta66_zudnicfchmaster`.`player_master` \t\t\t) JOIN `fanta66_zudnicfchmaster`.`school_master` \t\t) WHERE ( \t\t\t(`fanta66_zudnicfchmaster`.`player_master`.`text_id` = `fanta66_zudnicfchmaster`.`results_goalies`.`player`) \t\t\tAND ( \t\t\t\t`fanta66_zudnicfchmaster`.`school_master`.`school_id` = IF ( \t\t\t\t\t(`fanta66_zudnicfchmaster`.`player_master`.`school_id` = `fanta66_zudnicfchmaster`.`results_goalies`.`visitor`) \t\t\t\t\t,`fanta66_zudnicfchmaster`.`results_goalies`.`home` \t\t\t\t\t,`fanta66_zudnicfchmaster`.`results_goalies`.`visitor` \t\t\t\t\t) ) ) ORDER BY `fanta66_zudnicfchmaster`.`results_goalies`.`date_stamp` DESC; SQL; $goalieInsertResults = executeGenericSQL($sql); $out .= "<HR><B>Goalie Results SQL: </B><br/>{$sql}<p/>\n"; $out .= "Skater Results Insert: " . $skaterInsertResults["msg"] . "\n<br/>"; $out .= "Goalie Results Insert: " . $goalieInsertResults["msg"] . "\n<br/>"; $playerTruncateResults = executeGenericSQL("truncate table fanta66_joomla.fch_players"); $out .= "Player Truncate: " . $playerTruncateResults["msg"] . "\n"; $sql = <<<SQL \tinsert into fanta66_joomla.fch_players (playerID, lastName, firstName, schoolDisplayName, schoolID, playerYear, position, season) select distinct \treplace(replace(replace(replace(replace(`fanta66_zudnicfchmaster`.`player_master`.`text_id`, "'", ""), "-", ""), ".", ""), " ", ""), "~", "") AS `playerID` \t,`fanta66_zudnicfchmaster`.`player_master`.`last_name` as lastName \t,`fanta66_zudnicfchmaster`.`player_master`.`first_name` as firstName \t,`fanta66_zudnicfchmaster`.`player_master`.`school_name` as schoolDisplayName \t, `fanta66_zudnicfchmaster`.`player_master`.`school_id` as schoolID \t, `fanta66_zudnicfchmaster`.`player_master`.`year_in_school` as playerYear \t, `fanta66_zudnicfchmaster`.`player_master`.`position` as position \t, convert(CONCAT ( \t\t\tsubstr(`fanta66_zudnicfchmaster`.`player_master`.`season`, 1, 4) \t\t\t,"-" \t\t\t,substr(`fanta66_zudnicfchmaster`.`player_master`.`season`, 5, 4) \t\t\t) using utf8) AS `season` \tfrom `fanta66_zudnicfchmaster`.`player_master` \twhere `fanta66_zudnicfchmaster`.`player_master`.`test` = "prod" SQL; $sql .= " and season = \"" . preg_replace("/[^A-Za-z0-9 ]/", '', getSeason()) . "\";"; $playerInsertResults = executeGenericSQL($sql); $out .= "Player refresh insert: " . $playerInsertResults["msg"] . "\n"; echo "Full Insert playerInsertResults: {$sql}<p>\n\n"; $lastSeason = preg_replace("/[^A-Za-z0-9 ]/", '', getLastSeason()); $season = getSeason(); $sql = <<<SQL \tinsert into fanta66_joomla.fch_players (playerID, lastName, firstName, schoolDisplayName, schoolID, playerYear, position, season) select distinct \treplace(replace(replace(replace(replace(`fanta66_zudnicfchmaster`.`player_master`.`text_id`, "'", ""), "-", ""), ".", ""), " ", ""), "~", "") AS `playerID` \t,`fanta66_zudnicfchmaster`.`player_master`.`last_name` as lastName \t,`fanta66_zudnicfchmaster`.`player_master`.`first_name` as firstName \t,`fanta66_zudnicfchmaster`.`player_master`.`school_name` as schoolDisplayName \t, `fanta66_zudnicfchmaster`.`player_master`.`school_id` as schoolID \t, "?" as playerYear \t, `fanta66_zudnicfchmaster`.`player_master`.`position` as position \t, {$season} AS `season` \tfrom `fanta66_zudnicfchmaster`.`player_master` \twhere `fanta66_zudnicfchmaster`.`player_master`.`year_in_school` != "Sr" SQL; $sql .= " and `fanta66_zudnicfchmaster`.`player_master`.`season` = \"{$lastSeason}\" "; $sql .= " and `fanta66_zudnicfchmaster`.`player_master`.`school_id` not in (select distinct schoolID from fanta66_joomla.fch_players where season = \"" . getSeason() . "\");"; SQL; echo "Delta Insert: {$sql}<BR>\n\n"; $deltaInsertResults = executeGenericSQL($sql); $out .= "Player delta insert: " . $deltaInsertResults["msg"] . "\n"; $deltaUpdateResults = executeGenericSQL("UPDATE fch_players SET season = \"" . getSeason() . "\", playerYear = NULL where playerYear = \"?\""); $out .= "Player delta update: " . $deltaInsertResults["msg"] . "\n"; // Draft times are in eastern time. No offset. $sql = "SELECT as email, DATE_FORMAT(l.draftTime ,'%W, %b %d %h:%i %p, Eastern time') as draftTime, as id\r\r\n\tFROM fch_users u, fch_leagues l, fch_league_membership lm\r\r\n\tWHERE l.draftTime > DATE_ADD( NOW( ) , INTERVAL +24 HOUR ) \r\r\n\tAND l.draftTime < DATE_ADD( NOW( ) , INTERVAL +48 HOUR ) \r\r\n\tAND lm.leagueID =\r\r\n\tAND l.draftReminderSent != TRUE\r\r\n\tAND lm.userID ="; /* $sql = " SELECT AS email, DATE_FORMAT( l.draftTime, '%W, %b %d %h:%i %p, Eastern time' ), AS draftTime FROM fch_users u, fch_leagues l, fch_league_membership lm WHERE lm.leagueID = AND lm.userID = AND =35"; */ $con = initializeDB(); $result = $con->query($sql); if ($result->num_rows > 0) { // output data of each row while ($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) { $body = "Hi,\n"; $body .= "This is a reminder that your Fantasy College Hockey draft is tomorrow, " . $row[draftTime] . ".\n\n"; $body .= "The draft is live on The draft is available in the League menu and includes a live chat.\n\n"; $body .= "One hour prior to draft time, the system will close new registrations to the league and generate the draft order. The order will be e-mailed to you.\n\n"; $body .= "Your league administrator will need to open the draft. When the draft is over, the administrator will close the draft and your drafted players will be moved onto your roster.\n\n"; $body .= "** DO NOT REPLY ** to this email. Please contact us at if you have questions.\n\n"; $body .= "Have fun!\n"; $updateDraftReminder = "UPDATE fch_leagues SET draftReminderSent = TRUE WHERE id = " . $row[id]; $out .= "<HR>Draft Reminder, SQL: {$updateDraftReminder}"; executeGenericSQL($updateDraftReminder); sendEmail($row[email], "Reminder: Your Draft Is Tomorrow", $body); $emailSentTo .= $row[email] . ", "; } } $truncateByTeamResult = executeGenericSql("DELETE FROM fanta66_joomla.fch_schedule_byteam"); $out .= "<hr/>Delete all from fch_scheduleByTeam: " . $truncateByTeamResult["msg"]; $sql = "\r\r\n\t\tinsert into fch_schedule_byteam (id,dateStamp,schoolID,atVs,opponent) \r\r\n\t\t(select NULL, dateStamp, home, \"vs\" , visitor from fch_schedule)\r\r\n\t\tunion all\r\r\n\t\t(select NULL, dateStamp, visitor as schoolID, \"at\" as atVs, home as opponent from fch_schedule)"; $rebuildByTeamResult = executeGenericSql($sql); $out .= "<hr>Rebuild fch_scheduleByTeam: <p/>\n{$sql}<p/>\nResult:" . $rebuildByTeamResult["msg"]; closeDB($con); $out .= "<p/>\n\tEmail sent to: {$emailSentTo}"; sendEmail("*****@*****.**", "FCH Cron Results", $out); echo $out; }
if ($transactionResult === true) { echo "Successful insert"; } else { echo "Failed insert"; } } if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] === 'GET') { //If the client is asking for marks made by a user, find what they're looking for and return it try { $username = $_GET['username']; $externalID = getExternalDocId($_GET['documentID']); //DB connection $db = new PDO('sqlite:../annotations.db'); // Set the PDO adapter to throw exceptions if something goes wrong $db->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION); initializeDB($db); //For demo purposes, insert at least one annotation into the database $count = $db->exec("Select count(*) from annotation"); // In this sample, each may only have a single set of annotations per unique document ID $getAnnotationStmt = "select annotations from annotation as a join document as d on a.documentID = where a.username = ? and d.docID = ?"; $getAnnotation = $db->prepare($getAnnotationStmt); $getAnnotation->execute(array($username, $externalID)); $results = $getAnnotation->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); //die(var_dump($results[0]["annotations"])); if (count($results) > 0) { //Prep the result $annotationList = '['; $annotationList = $results[0]["annotations"]; //Terminate the JSON //$annotationList .= ']'; //Return the result to the client
function getRawGMList($leagueID) { $season = getSeason(); $sql = "select teamDisplayName from fch_league_membership where leagueID = {$leagueID} and status = \"active\" and season = \"{$season}\" ORDER BY teamDisplayName ASC"; $con = initializeDB(); $result = $con->query($sql); if ($result->num_rows > 0) { // output data of each row while ($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) { $out .= $row["teamDisplayName"] . "<br/>"; } } closeDB($con); return $out; }