예제 #1
 protected static function circle($params)
     $borderColor = isset($params['borderColor']) ? $params['borderColor'] : null;
     $bgColor = isset($params['bgColor']) ? $params['bgColor'] : null;
     $bgColorFigure = isset($params['bgColorFigure']) ? $params['bgColorFigure'] : null;
     $indent = $params['diametr'] / 2 + 1;
     // Размер картинки с отступами
     $im = imagecreatetruecolor($params['diametr'], $params['diametr']);
     // Устанавливаем цвет границ
     if ($borderColor) {
         $border = imagecolorallocate($im, $borderColor[0], $borderColor[1], $borderColor[2]);
     // Устанавливаем заливку поля
     if (empty($params['transparent'])) {
         $bg = imagecolorallocate($im, $bgColor[0], $bgColor[1], $bgColor[2]);
     } else {
         $bg = imagecolorallocatealpha($im, 0, 0, 0, 127);
     // Устанавливаем заливку круга
     $bgCircle = imagecolorallocate($im, $bgColorFigure[0], $bgColorFigure[1], $bgColorFigure[2]);
     imagefill($im, 1, 1, $bg);
     imagesavealpha($im, TRUE);
     // Рисуем круг
     imagefilledellipse($im, $indent - 1, $indent - 1, $params['diametr'] - 1, $params['diametr'] - 1, $bgCircle);
     if ($borderColor) {
         imageellipse($im, $indent - 1, $indent - 1, $params['diametr'] - 1, $params['diametr'] - 1, $border);
     // Выводим изображение
예제 #2
파일: captcha.php 프로젝트: JozefAB/neoacu
function smart_spam($code)
    @putenv('GDFONTPATH=' . realpath('.'));
    $font = 'FONT.TTF';
    // antispam image height
    $height = 40;
    // antispam image width
    $width = 110;
    $font_size = $height * 0.6;
    $image = @imagecreate($width, $height);
    $background_color = @imagecolorallocate($image, 255, 255, 255);
    $noise_color = @imagecolorallocate($image, 20, 40, 100);
    /* add image noise */
    for ($i = 0; $i < $width * $height / 4; $i++) {
        @imageellipse($image, mt_rand(0, $width), mt_rand(0, $height), 1, 1, $noise_color);
    /* render text */
    $text_color = @imagecolorallocate($image, 20, 40, 100);
    @imagettftext($image, $font_size, 0, 7, 29, $text_color, $font, $code) or die('Cannot render TTF text.');
    //output image to the browser *//*
    header('Content-Type: image/png');
    @imagepng($image) or die('imagepng error!');
예제 #3
파일: Images.php 프로젝트: rendix2/QW_MVS
 public function ellipse(Point $center, $width, $height, $filled = FALSE, Color $color = NULL)
     if (!$center->isInImage($this)) {
         throw new IllegalArgumentException();
     $filled == TRUE ? imagefilledellipse($this->imageResource, $center->getX(), $center->getY(), $width, $height, $this->prepareColor($color)) : imageellipse($this->imageResource, $center->getX(), $center->getY(), $width, $height, $this->prepareColor($color));
예제 #4
 public function draw($dimension = 100)
     $dimension = $this->reDim($dimension);
     $Center = $dimension / 2;
     $ScaleFactor = $dimension / max($this->Sizes);
     $image = imagecreatetruecolor($dimension, $dimension);
     imagefill($image, 0, 0, imagecolorallocate($image, 255, 255, 244));
     for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->Sizes); $i++) {
         $ArrowDiameter = ceil($dimension / 20);
     foreach ($this->Sizes as $key => $value) {
         $diameter = $value * $ScaleFactor;
         $color = imagecolorallocate($image, $this->Colors[$key][0], $this->Colors[$key][1], $this->Colors[$key][2]);
         $bordercolor = imagecolorallocate($image, $this->BorderColors[$key][0], $this->BorderColors[$key][1], $this->BorderColors[$key][2]);
         imagefilledellipse($image, $Center, $Center, $diameter, $diameter, $color);
         imageellipse($image, $Center, $Center, $diameter, $diameter, $bordercolor);
     //$ArrowDiameter=max($dimension/25, $ArrowDiameter/2);
     $color = imagecolorallocate($image, 64, 255, 64);
     foreach ($this->ArrowPos as $pos) {
         if (preg_match("/^[\\-0-9]*,[\\-0-9]*\$/", $pos)) {
             list($x, $y) = explode(',', $pos);
             $x = $dimension / 2 + $x * $dimension / 2000;
             $y = $dimension / 2 + $y * $dimension / 2000;
             imagefilledellipse($image, $x, $y, $ArrowDiameter, $ArrowDiameter, $color);
             imageellipse($image, $x, $y, $ArrowDiameter, $ArrowDiameter, $bordercolor);
     header("Content-type: image/png");
예제 #5
 private function _drawLine($image, $x1, $y1, $x2, $y2)
     $thick = $this->_thickness->getThickness();
     $color = $this->_getDrawColor($image);
     if ($thick == 1) {
         return imageline($image, $x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $color);
     if ($this->hasTransparency() && $this->_transparency->getTransparency() != ParamTransparency::$minAlpha) {
         $t = $thick / 2 - 0.5;
         if ($x1 == $x2 || $y1 == $y2) {
             return imagefilledrectangle($image, round(min($x1, $x2) - $t), round(min($y1, $y2) - $t), round(max($x1, $x2) + $t), round(max($y1, $y2) + $t), $color);
         $k = ($y2 - $y1) / ($x2 - $x1);
         //y = kx + q
         $a = $t / sqrt(1 + pow($k, 2));
         $points = array(round($x1 - (1 + $k) * $a), round($y1 + (1 - $k) * $a), round($x1 - (1 - $k) * $a), round($y1 - (1 + $k) * $a), round($x2 + (1 + $k) * $a), round($y2 - (1 - $k) * $a), round($x2 + (1 - $k) * $a), round($y2 + (1 + $k) * $a));
         imagefilledpolygon($image, $points, 4, $color);
         imagepolygon($image, $points, 4, $color);
     } else {
         imagesetthickness($image, $thick);
         imageline($image, $x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $color);
         imagesetthickness($image, 1);
         imagefilledellipse($image, $x1, $y1, $thick, $thick, $color);
         imagefilledellipse($image, $x2, $y2, $thick, $thick, $color);
         imageellipse($image, $x1, $y1, $thick, $thick, $color);
         imageellipse($image, $x2, $y2, $thick, $thick, $color);
예제 #6
 function printImage()
     // Définition du content-type
     header("Content-type: image/png");
     $grey = imagecolorallocate($this->image, 200, 196, 196);
     $white = imagecolorallocate($this->image, 255, 255, 255);
     $black = imagecolorallocate($this->image, 0, 0, 0);
     imagefilledrectangle($this->image, 0, 0, $this->size, 50, $white);
     $font = 'agenda__.ttf';
     // dessinons quelques eclipses ;)
     for ($t = 0; $t <= 20; $t++) {
         imageellipse($this->image, rand(0, $this->size), rand(0, 50), rand(0, 200), rand(0, 200), $grey);
     // centrage du texte
     $maxWord = ($this->size - 30) / 27;
     $cur_left = strlen($this->text) == $maxWord ? 15 : 15 + ($maxWord - strlen($this->text)) * 27 / 2;
     for ($t = 0; isset($this->text[$t]); $t++) {
         $cur_incli = rand(-20, 20);
         // ombre
         imagettftext($this->image, 32, $cur_incli, $cur_left, 40, $black, $font, $this->text[$t]);
         // texte
         imagettftext($this->image, 32, $cur_incli, $cur_left - 1, 39, $this->colours[array_rand($this->colours)], $font, $this->text[$t]);
         $cur_left += 27;
예제 #7
 function CaptchaSecurityImages($width = '120', $height = '40', $characters = '6')
     $code = $this->generateCode($characters);
     /* font size will be 75% of the image height */
     $font_size = $height * 0.75;
     $image = @imagecreate($width, $height) or die('Cannot initialize new GD image stream');
     /* set the colours */
     $background_color = imagecolorallocate($image, 255, 255, 255);
     $text_color = imagecolorallocate($image, 0, 0, 0);
     $noise_color = imagecolorallocate($image, 226, 82, 207);
     $noise_color1 = imagecolorallocate($image, 64, 179, 255);
     $noise_color2 = imagecolorallocate($image, 255, 204, 190);
     /* generate random dots in background */
     for ($i = 0; $i < $width * $height / 250; $i++) {
         imageellipse($image, mt_rand(0, $width), mt_rand(0, $height), mt_rand(0, $width), mt_rand(0, $height), $noise_color2);
     /* generate random dots in background */
     for ($i = 0; $i < $width * $height / 150; $i++) {
         imagedashedline($image, mt_rand(0, $width), mt_rand(0, $height), mt_rand(0, $width), mt_rand(0, $height), $noise_color1);
     /* generate random lines in background */
     for ($i = 0; $i < $width * $height / 150; $i++) {
         imagedashedline($image, mt_rand(0, $width), mt_rand(0, $height), mt_rand(0, $width), mt_rand(0, $height), $noise_color);
     /* create textbox and add text */
     $textbox = imagettfbbox($font_size, 0, $this->font, $code) or die('Error in imagettfbbox function');
     $x = ($width - $textbox[4]) / 2;
     $y = ($height - $textbox[5]) / 2;
     imagettftext($image, $font_size, 0, $x, $y, $text_color, $this->font, $code) or die('Error in imagettftext function');
     /* output captcha image to browser */
     $_SESSION['security_code'] = $code;
예제 #8
     * Draws an ellipse on the handle
     * @param GD-object $handle The handle on which the ellipse is drawn
     * @param Zend_Image_Action_DrawEllipse $ellipseObject The object that with all info
    public function perform($handle, Zend_Image_Action_DrawEllipse $ellipseObject) { // As of ZF2.0 / PHP5.3, this can be made static.

            $color = $ellipseObject->getFillColor()->getRgb();
            $alpha = $ellipseObject->getFillAlpha();
            $color = $ellipseObject->getStrokeColor()->getRgb();
            $alpha = $ellipseObject->getStrokeAlpha();

		$colorAlphaAlloc = 	imagecolorallocatealpha($handle->getHandle(),
							   						127 - $alpha * 1.27);

        if($ellipseObject->filled()) {
        } else {
예제 #9
function drawdot($coords, $tipo, $valor)
    global $im, $mapHTML, $inner_text, $linecolor;
    imageline($im, $coords[0], $coords[1], $coords[2], $coords[3], $linecolor[$tipo]);
    imageellipse($im, $coords[0], $coords[1], 3, 3, $linecolor);
    imagestring($im, 1, $coords[0] + 2, $coords[1] + 3, $valor, $inner_text);
예제 #10
 function gerImage()
     # Calcular tamanho para caber texto
     $this->w = $this->numChars * $this->charx + 40;
     #5px de cada lado, 4px por char
     # Criar img
     $this->im = imagecreatetruecolor($this->w, $this->h);
     #desenhar borda e fundo
     imagefill($this->im, 0, 0, $this->getColor($this->colBorder));
     imagefilledrectangle($this->im, 1, 1, $this->w - 2, $this->h - 2, $this->getColor($this->colBG));
     #desenhar circulos
     for ($i = 1; $i <= $this->numCirculos; $i++) {
         $randomcolor = imagecolorallocate($this->im, rand(120, 255), rand(120, 255), rand(120, 255));
         imageellipse($this->im, rand(0, $this->w - 10), rand(0, $this->h - 3), rand(20, 60), rand(20, 60), $randomcolor);
     #escrever texto
     $ident = 20;
     for ($i = 0; $i < $this->numChars; $i++) {
         $char = substr($this->texto, $i, 1);
         $font = rand(5, 5);
         $y = round(($this->h - 15) / 4);
         $col = $this->getColor($this->colTxt);
         if ($i % 4 == 0) {
             imagechar($this->im, $font, $ident, $y, $char, $col);
         } else {
             imagechar($this->im, $font, $ident, $y + rand(3, 18), $char, $col);
         $ident = $ident + $this->charx;
예제 #11
  * Private function for creating a random image.
  * This function only works with the GD toolkit. ImageMagick is not supported.
 protected function generateImage($extension = 'png', $min_resolution, $max_resolution)
     if ($tmp_file = drupal_tempnam('temporary://', 'imagefield_')) {
         $destination = $tmp_file . '.' . $extension;
         file_unmanaged_move($tmp_file, $destination, FILE_CREATE_DIRECTORY);
         $min = explode('x', $min_resolution);
         $max = explode('x', $max_resolution);
         $width = rand((int) $min[0], (int) $max[0]);
         $height = rand((int) $min[1], (int) $max[1]);
         // Make an image split into 4 sections with random colors.
         $im = imagecreate($width, $height);
         for ($n = 0; $n < 4; $n++) {
             $color = imagecolorallocate($im, rand(0, 255), rand(0, 255), rand(0, 255));
             $x = $width / 2 * ($n % 2);
             $y = $height / 2 * (int) ($n >= 2);
             imagefilledrectangle($im, $x, $y, $x + $width / 2, $y + $height / 2, $color);
         // Make a perfect circle in the image middle.
         $color = imagecolorallocate($im, rand(0, 255), rand(0, 255), rand(0, 255));
         $smaller_dimension = min($width, $height);
         $smaller_dimension = $smaller_dimension % 2 ? $smaller_dimension : $smaller_dimension;
         imageellipse($im, $width / 2, $height / 2, $smaller_dimension, $smaller_dimension, $color);
         $save_function = 'image' . ($extension == 'jpg' ? 'jpeg' : $extension);
         $save_function($im, drupal_realpath($destination));
         return $destination;
예제 #12
 public function generate()
     foreach ($this->__shapes as $shape) {
         $type = array_shift($shape);
         $color = array_shift($shape);
         $color = $this->_owner->imagecolorallocate(!isset($color) || is_null($color) ? $this->__base_color : $color, $this->__base_alpha);
         switch ($type) {
             case self::LINE:
                 imageline($this->_owner->image, $shape[0], $shape[1], $shape[2], $shape[3], $color);
             case self::RECTANGLE:
                 imagerectangle($this->_owner->image, $shape[0], $shape[1], $shape[2], $shape[3], $color);
             case self::FILLED_RECTANGLE:
                 imagefilledrectangle($this->_owner->image, $shape[0], $shape[1], $shape[2], $shape[3], $color);
             case self::ELLIPSE:
                 imageellipse($this->_owner->image, $shape[0], $shape[1], $shape[2], $shape[3], $color);
             case self::FILLED_ELLIPSE:
                 imagefilledellipse($this->_owner->image, $shape[0], $shape[1], $shape[2], $shape[3], $color);
             case self::SPIRAL:
                 $angle = $r = 0;
                 while ($r <= $shape[2]) {
                     imagearc($this->_owner->image, $shape[0], $shape[1], $r, $r, $angle - $shape[3], $angle, $color);
                     $angle += $shape[3];
     return true;
예제 #13
function store_map($im, $data, $shape, $row, $col, $x, $y)
    static $color = NULL;
    if (!isset($color)) {
        $color = imagecolorallocate($im, 255, 0, 0);
    imageellipse($im, $x, $y, 12, 12, $color);
예제 #14
function store_map($im, $passthru, $shape, $row, $col, $xc, $yc, $diam)
    static $color = NULL;
    if (!isset($color)) {
        $color = imagecolorallocate($im, 255, 0, 0);
    imageellipse($im, $xc, $yc, $diam, $diam, $color);
  * Draw ellipse instance on given image
  * @param  Image   $image
  * @param  integer $x
  * @param  integer $y
  * @return boolean
 public function applyToImage(Image $image, $x = 0, $y = 0)
     $background = new Color($this->background);
     imagefilledellipse($image->getCore(), $x, $y, $this->width, $this->height, $background->getInt());
     if ($this->hasBorder()) {
         $border_color = new Color($this->border_color);
         imagesetthickness($image->getCore(), $this->border_width);
         imageellipse($image->getCore(), $x, $y, $this->width, $this->height, $border_color->getInt());
     return true;
예제 #16
function drawdot($coords, $tipo, $valor, $im, $linecolor)
    $inner_text = $linecolor[$tipo];
    // imagecolorallocate ( $im, 255, 255, 255 );
    imageline($im, $coords[0], $coords[1], $coords[2], $coords[3], $linecolor[$tipo]);
    imageellipse($im, $coords[0], $coords[1], 3, 3, $linecolor);
    if ($valor == 0) {
        $valor = "";
    imagestring($im, 3, $coords[0] + 8, $coords[1] - 10, $valor, $inner_text);
예제 #17
파일: Plot.php 프로젝트: geldarr/hack-space
 public function drawDots($vImage, $vColor, $iPosX = 0, $iPosY = false, $iDotSize = 1)
     if ($iPosY === false) {
         $iPosY = imagesy($vImage);
     $vBorderColor = imagecolorallocate($vImage, 0, 0, 0);
     foreach ($this->aCoords as $x => $y) {
         imagefilledellipse($vImage, $iPosX + round($x), $iPosY - round($y), $iDotSize, $iDotSize, $vColor);
         imageellipse($vImage, $iPosX + round($x), $iPosY - round($y), $iDotSize, $iDotSize, $vBorderColor);
예제 #18
 public function generateImage()
     $this->securityCode = $this->simpleRandString($this->codeLength);
     $img_path = dirname(__FILE__) . "/../../web/uploads/";
     if (!is_writable($img_path) && !is_dir($img_path)) {
         $error = "The image path {$img_path} does not appear to be writable or the folder does not exist. Please verify your settings";
         throw new Exception($error);
     $this->img = imagecreatefromjpeg($img_path . $this->imageFile);
     $img_size = getimagesize($img_path . $this->imageFile);
     foreach ($this->fontColor as $fcolor) {
         $color[] = imagecolorallocate($this->img, hexdec(substr($fcolor, 1, 2)), hexdec(substr($fcolor, 3, 2)), hexdec(substr($fcolor, 5, 2)));
     $line = imagecolorallocate($this->img, 255, 255, 255);
     $line2 = imagecolorallocate($this->img, 200, 200, 200);
     $fw = imagefontwidth($this->fontSize) + 3;
     $fh = imagefontheight($this->fontSize);
     // create a new string with a blank space between each letter so it looks better
     $newstr = "";
     for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($this->securityCode); $i++) {
         $newstr .= $this->securityCode[$i] . " ";
     // remove the trailing blank
     $newstr = trim($newstr);
     // center the string
     $x = ($img_size[0] - strlen($newstr) * $fw) / 2;
     $font[0] = '/usr/share/fonts/truetype/msttcorefonts/arial.ttf';
     $font[1] = '/usr/share/fonts/truetype/msttcorefonts/arial.ttf';
     $font[2] = '/usr/share/fonts/truetype/msttcorefonts/arial.ttf';
     // create random lines over text
     for ($i = 0; $i < 3; $i++) {
         $s_x = rand(40, 180);
         $s_y = rand(5, 35);
         $e_x = rand($s_x - 50, $s_x + 50);
         $e_y = rand(5, 35);
         $c = rand(0, count($color) - 1);
         imageline($this->img, $s_x, $s_y, $e_x, $e_y, $color[$c]);
     // random bg ellipses
     imageellipse($this->img, $s_x, $s_y, $e_x, $e_y, $line);
     imageellipse($this->img, $e_x, $e_y, $s_x, $s_y, $line2);
     // output each character at a random height and standard horizontal spacing
     for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($newstr); $i++) {
         $hz = mt_rand(10, $img_size[1] - $fh - 5);
         // randomize rotation
         $rotate = rand(-35, 35);
         // randomize font size
         $this->fontSize = rand(14, 18);
         // radomize color
         $c = rand(0, count($color) - 1);
         // imagechar( $this->img, $this->fontSize, $x + ($fw*$i), $hz, $newstr[$i], $color);
         imagettftext($this->img, $this->fontSize, $rotate, $x + $fw * $i, $hz + 12, $color[0], $font[$c], $newstr[$i]);
 function view_image($id = null)
     if (is_numeric($id)) {
         $question = $this->Question->findById($id);
         $line_count = 0;
         // array of lines
         $question_text = array();
         // Other kinds of newlines causing problems.
         $question['Question']['question'] = str_replace(array("\r", "\r\n", "\n"), '\\n', $question['Question']['question']);
         $question_wrapped = wordwrap(strip_tags(QH_urldecode($question['Question']['question'])), $this->number_of_characters, '\\n', true);
         $question_text = array_merge($question_text, explode('\\n', $question_wrapped));
         $line_count += count($question_text);
         $answers = Set::combine($question['Answer'], '{n}.order', '{n}.answer');
         $answer_text = array();
         foreach ($answers as $answer) {
             $answer_wrapped = wordwrap(strip_tags($answer), $this->number_of_characters - 4, '\\n', true);
             $line_array = explode('\\n', $answer_wrapped);
             $answer_text[] = $line_array;
             $line_count += count($line_array);
         $box_height = $this->padding * 2 + $this->line_height * $line_count;
         $box_width = $this->padding * 2 + $this->number_of_characters * $this->character_width;
         $image = imagecreatetruecolor($box_width, $box_height);
         $background = imagecolorallocate($image, 255, 255, 255);
         imagefill($image, 0, 0, $background);
         $black = imagecolorallocate($image, 0, 0, 0);
         imagerectangle($image, 0, 0, $box_width - 1, $box_height - 1, $black);
         $y = $this->padding + $this->character_height;
         foreach ($question_text as $line) {
             imagettftext($image, $this->font_size, 0, $this->padding, $y, $black, APP . 'Lib/unifont_5.1.20080907.ttf', html_entity_decode($line));
             // h_e_d for preventing &nbsp; in the image... sometimes. Not clear on that, but
             //   this fixed #206.
             $y += $this->line_height;
         foreach ($answer_text as $order => $answer) {
             if ($order == $question['Question']['correct_answer']) {
                 imagefilledellipse($image, $this->character_width * 3, $y - $this->character_height / 2, 8, 8, $black);
             } else {
                 imageellipse($image, $this->character_width * 3, $y - $this->character_height / 2, 8, 8, $black);
             foreach ($answer as $answer_line) {
                 $answer_line = '    ' . $answer_line;
                 imagettftext($image, $this->font_size, 0, $this->padding, $y, $black, APP . 'Lib/unifont_5.1.20080907.ttf', $answer_line);
                 $y += $this->line_height;
         $this->layout = 'image';
         header("Content-type: image/png");
         $this->autoRender = false;
예제 #20
function write_number($x, $y, $n)
    global $im, $fg_color, $font_size, $font;
    if (!($box = imagettftext($im, $font_size, 0, $x, $y, $fg_color, $font, $n))) {
        die("Error drawing text");
    $el_w = $box[2] - $box[0] + $font_size;
    $el_h = $box[1] - $box[7] + $font_size / 2;
    $el_x = ($box[0] + $box[2]) / 2;
    $el_y = ($box[1] + $box[7]) / 2;
    imageellipse($im, $el_x, $el_y, $el_w, $el_h, $fg_color);
    return array($el_x, $el_y, $el_w, $el_h);
예제 #21
파일: Dots.php 프로젝트: krisldz/Gekosale2
  * Generowanie tła
  * @access public
  * @param  Image_Captcha $image obiekt obrazu
  * @return void
 public function render(Image_Captcha $image)
     $pts = array();
     for ($i = 0; $i < round($image->imageWidth() / 1.5); $i++) {
         $x = rand(0, $image->imageWidth());
         $y = rand(0, $image->imageHeight());
         if (!in_array($x . '_' . $y, $pts)) {
             imageellipse($image->imageResource(), $x, $y, rand(2, 7), rand(3, 6), $this->_color(is_array($this->color) ? $this->color[array_rand($this->color)] : $this->color, $image->imageResource()));
             $pts[] = $x . '_' . $y;
         } else {
예제 #22
 function Draw($text)
     $font = dirname(__FILE__) . "/captcha/font.ttf";
     $fontSize = 20;
     $width = ($fontSize - 5) * strlen($text) + 40;
     $height = $fontSize + 30;
     $img = imagecreatetruecolor($width, $height);
     imagealphablending($img, true);
     imagesavealpha($img, true);
     $r = mt_rand(20, 235);
     $b = mt_rand(20, 235);
     $g = mt_rand(20, 235);
     $bgcolor = imagecolorallocatealpha($img, $r, $g, $b, 0);
     imagefill($img, 1, 1, $bgcolor);
     $ex = mt_rand(15, 20);
     if (mt_rand(0, 1)) {
         $ex = -$ex;
     $b += $ex;
     $r += $ex;
     $g += $ex;
     $color = imagecolorallocate($img, $r, $b, $g);
     $text = explode(" ", $text);
     $sumWidth = 0;
     $r -= 2 * ex;
     $b -= 2 * ex;
     $g -= 2 * ex;
     $elcolor = imagecolorallocatealpha($img, $r, $g, $b, 20);
     $ellipseWidth = mt_rand(30, $width - 50);
     $ellipsePosX = mt_rand($ellipseWidth, $width - $ellipseWidth);
     $ellipseHeight = mt_rand(10, 40);
     $ellipsePosY = mt_rand($ellipseHeight, $height - $ellipseHeight);
     imageellipse($img, $ellipsePosX, $ellipsePosY, $ellipseWidth, $ellipseHeight, $elcolor);
     imagefill($img, 20, 30, $elcolor);
     for ($i = 0; $i < count($text); ++$i) {
         imagettftext($img, $fontSize, mt_rand(-5, 5), 10 + ($fontSize - 8) * $sumWidth + 20 * $i, $fontSize + mt_rand(-10, 10) + 10, $color, $font, $text[$i]);
         $sumWidth += strlen($text[$i]);
     if (imageistruecolor($img)) {
         header("content-type: image/png");
         echo imagepng($img);
예제 #23
파일: Ellipse.php 프로젝트: kosinix/grafika
  * TODO: Anti-aliased curves
  * @param ImageInterface $image
  * @return ImageInterface
 public function draw($image)
     list($x, $y) = $this->pos;
     $left = $x + $this->width / 2;
     $top = $y + $this->height / 2;
     if (null !== $this->fillColor) {
         list($r, $g, $b, $alpha) = $this->fillColor->getRgba();
         $fillColorResource = imagecolorallocatealpha($image->getCore(), $r, $g, $b, Editor::gdAlpha($alpha));
         imagefilledellipse($image->getCore(), $left, $top, $this->width, $this->height, $fillColorResource);
     // Create borders. It will be placed on top of the filled ellipse (if present)
     if (0 < $this->getBorderSize() and null !== $this->borderColor) {
         // With border > 0 AND borderColor !== null
         list($r, $g, $b, $alpha) = $this->borderColor->getRgba();
         $borderColorResource = imagecolorallocatealpha($image->getCore(), $r, $g, $b, Editor::gdAlpha($alpha));
         imageellipse($image->getCore(), $left, $top, $this->width, $this->height, $borderColorResource);
     return $image;
예제 #24
 static function createImageFleche($windRosaceImg, $spot)
     $cercleColor = imagecolorallocate($windRosaceImg, 103, 113, 121);
     // Cercle
     imageellipse($windRosaceImg, LargeurImg / 2, HauteurImg / 2, 2 * RayonCercle, 2 * RayonCercle, $cercleColor);
     //on créé un cercle
     $listOrientation = $spot->getWindOrientation();
     $moveArray = RosaceWindManage::getMoveArray();
     $colorArray = RosaceWindManage::getColorArray($windRosaceImg);
     foreach ($listOrientation as $orientation) {
         try {
             $points = $moveArray[$orientation->getOrientation()]['points'];
             $angle = $orientation->getOrientationDeg();
             $couleur = $colorArray[$orientation->getState()];
             imagefilledpolygon($windRosaceImg, RosaceWindManage::translate_poly($points, $angle, LargeurImg / 2, HauteurImg / 2, 0, 0), 8, $couleur);
         } catch (\Exception $e) {
예제 #25
  * Ellipse <ellipse>
  * cx, cy - center point
  * rx - horizontal radius
  * ry - vertical radius
  * @param SimpleXMLElement $element
  * @param Resource $image Image identifier
 public function ellipse(SimpleXMLElement $element, $image)
     $attributes = $this->attributesToArray($element);
     if (isset($attributes['r'])) {
         $attributes['rx'] = $attributes['ry'] = $attributes['r'];
     if (!empty($attributes['fill'])) {
         imagefilledellipse($image, $attributes['cx'], $attributes['cy'], $attributes['rx'] * 2, $attributes['ry'] * 2, $this->color->allocate($attributes['fill'], $image, $this->getOpacity($attributes)));
     if (!empty($attributes['stroke'])) {
         if (empty($attributes['stroke-width'])) {
             $attributes['stroke-width'] = 1;
         //bug in PHP doesn't allow use imagesetthickness
         for ($i = 0; $i <= ceil($attributes['stroke-width']); $i++) {
             imageellipse($image, $attributes['cx'], $attributes['cy'], $attributes['rx'] * 2 - $i, $attributes['ry'] * 2 - $i, $this->color->allocate($attributes['stroke'], $image, $this->getOpacity($attributes, 'stroke')));
예제 #26
 function draw()
     header("Content-type: image/" . $this->format);
     $this->image = imageCreate($this->x, $this->y);
     $transparrent = ImageColorAllocate($this->image, 254, 254, 254);
     imagecolortransparent($this->image, $transparrent);
     $black = ImageColorAllocate($this->image, 0, 0, 0);
     $white = ImageColorAllocate($this->image, 255, 255, 255);
     ImageFill($this->image, 0, 0, $transparrent);
     imagefilledellipse($this->image, $this->x / 2 + 5, $this->y / 2 + 5, $this->x - 20, $this->y - 20, $black);
     //Main Circle
     imagefilledellipse($this->image, $this->x / 2, $this->y / 2, $this->x - 20, $this->y - 20, $white);
     //Inner Ring
     imageellipse($this->image, $this->x / 2, $this->y / 2, $this->x - 20, $this->y - 20, $black);
     imagefilledrectangle($this->image, $this->x / 2 - 2, 30, $this->x / 2 + 2, $this->y / 2, $black);
     //Center Pin
     imagefilledellipse($this->image, $this->x / 2, $this->y / 2, 10, 10, $black);
예제 #27
  * Captcha constructor.
 function __construct()
     for ($i = 0; $i < $this->CAPTCHA_NUMCHARS; $i++) {
         $this->pass_phrase .= chr(mt_rand(97, 122));
     $img = imagecreatetruecolor($this->CAPTCHA_WIDTH, $this->CAPTCHA_HEIGHT);
     //	$text_color = imagecolorallocate($img, 0, 0, 0);
     $graphic_color = imagecolorallocate($img, 210, 210, 230);
     $pixel_color = imagecolorallocate($img, 183, 51, 122);
     $elipse_color = imagecolorallocate($img, 110, 210, 230);
     $bg_color = imagecolorallocate($img, 51, 122, 183);
     imagefilledrectangle($img, 0, 0, $this->CAPTCHA_WIDTH, $this->CAPTCHA_HEIGHT, $bg_color);
     for ($i = 0; $i < 20; $i++) {
         imagesetpixel($img, mt_rand() % $this->CAPTCHA_WIDTH, mt_rand() % $this->CAPTCHA_HEIGHT, $pixel_color);
     for ($i = 0; $i < 3; $i++) {
         imageline($img, 0, mt_rand() % $this->CAPTCHA_HEIGHT, $this->CAPTCHA_WIDTH, mt_rand() % $this->CAPTCHA_HEIGHT, $graphic_color);
     imageellipse($img, $this->CAPTCHA_WIDTH / 2, $this->CAPTCHA_HEIGHT / 2, $this->CAPTCHA_WIDTH, $this->CAPTCHA_HEIGHT, $elipse_color);
     imagettftext($img, 24, 0, 5, $this->CAPTCHA_HEIGHT - 7, $pixel_color, 'font/NovaMono.ttf', $this->pass_phrase);
     $this->img = $img;
예제 #28
파일: annotate.php 프로젝트: myfarms/PHPlot
function annotate_plot($img, $plot)
    global $best_index, $best_sales, $worst_index, $worst_sales;
    # Allocate our own colors, rather than poking into the PHPlot object:
    $red = imagecolorresolve($img, 255, 0, 0);
    $green = imagecolorresolve($img, 0, 216, 0);
    # Get the pixel coordinates of the data points for the best and worst:
    list($best_x, $best_y) = $plot->GetDeviceXY($best_index, $best_sales);
    list($worst_x, $worst_y) = $plot->GetDeviceXY($worst_index, $worst_sales);
    # Draw ellipses centered on those two points:
    imageellipse($img, $best_x, $best_y, 50, 20, $green);
    imageellipse($img, $worst_x, $worst_y, 50, 20, $red);
    # Place some text above the points:
    $font = '3';
    $fh = imagefontheight($font);
    $fw = imagefontwidth($font);
    imagestring($img, $font, $best_x - $fw * 4, $best_y - $fh - 10, 'Good Job!', $green);
    # We can also use the PHPlot internal function for text.
    # It does the center/bottom alignment calculations for us.
    # Specify the font argument as NULL or '' to use the generic one.
    $plot->DrawText('', 0, $worst_x, $worst_y - 10, $red, 'Bad News!', 'center', 'bottom');
예제 #29
 protected function drawLegend()
     $leftXShift = 20;
     $units = array('left' => 0, 'right' => 0);
     $legend = new CImageTextTable($this->im, $leftXShift + 10, $this->sizeY + $this->shiftY + $this->legendOffsetY);
     $legend->color = $this->getColor($this->graphtheme['textcolor'], 0);
     $legend->rowheight = 14;
     $legend->fontsize = 9;
     $row = array(array('text' => ''), array('text' => ''), array('text' => S_LST_SMALL, 'align' => 1, 'fontsize' => 9), array('text' => S_MIN_SMALL, 'align' => 1, 'fontsize' => 9), array('text' => S_AVG_SMALL, 'align' => 1, 'fontsize' => 9), array('text' => S_MAX_SMALL, 'align' => 1, 'fontsize' => 9));
     $colNum = $legend->getNumRows();
     $i = $this->type == GRAPH_TYPE_STACKED ? $this->num - 1 : 0;
     while ($i >= 0 && $i < $this->num) {
         if ($this->items[$i]['calc_type'] == GRAPH_ITEM_AGGREGATED) {
             $fnc_name = 'agr(' . $this->items[$i]['periods_cnt'] . ')';
             $color = $this->getColor('HistoryMinMax');
         } else {
             $color = $this->getColor($this->items[$i]['color'], GRAPH_STACKED_ALFA);
             switch ($this->items[$i]['calc_fnc']) {
                 case CALC_FNC_MIN:
                     $fnc_name = S_MIN_SMALL;
                 case CALC_FNC_MAX:
                     $fnc_name = S_MAX_SMALL;
                 case CALC_FNC_ALL:
                     $fnc_name = S_ALL_SMALL;
                 case CALC_FNC_AVG:
                     $fnc_name = S_AVG_SMALL;
         $data =& $this->data[$this->items[$i]['itemid']][$this->items[$i]['calc_type']];
         if ($this->itemsHost) {
             $item_caption = $this->items[$i]['description'];
         } else {
             $item_caption = $this->items[$i]['host'] . ': ' . $this->items[$i]['description'];
         if (isset($data) && isset($data['min'])) {
             if ($this->items[$i]['axisside'] == GRAPH_YAXIS_SIDE_LEFT) {
                 $units['left'] = $this->items[$i]['units'];
             } else {
                 $units['right'] = $this->items[$i]['units'];
             $legend->addCell($colNum, array('text' => $item_caption));
             $legend->addCell($colNum, array('text' => '[' . $fnc_name . ']'));
             $legend->addCell($colNum, array('text' => convert_units($this->getLastValue($i), $this->items[$i]['units'], ITEM_CONVERT_NO_UNITS), 'align' => 2));
             $legend->addCell($colNum, array('text' => convert_units(min($data['min']), $this->items[$i]['units'], ITEM_CONVERT_NO_UNITS), 'align' => 2));
             $legend->addCell($colNum, array('text' => convert_units($data['avg_orig'], $this->items[$i]['units'], ITEM_CONVERT_NO_UNITS), 'align' => 2));
             $legend->addCell($colNum, array('text' => convert_units(max($data['max']), $this->items[$i]['units'], ITEM_CONVERT_NO_UNITS), 'align' => 2));
         } else {
             $legend->addCell($colNum, array('text' => $item_caption));
             $legend->addCell($colNum, array('text' => '[ ' . S_NO_DATA_SMALL . ' ]'));
         imagefilledrectangle($this->im, $leftXShift - 5, $this->sizeY + $this->shiftY + 14 * $colNum + $this->legendOffsetY - 10, $leftXShift + 5, $this->sizeY + $this->shiftY + 14 * $colNum + $this->legendOffsetY, $color);
         imagerectangle($this->im, $leftXShift - 5, $this->sizeY + $this->shiftY + 14 * $colNum + $this->legendOffsetY - 10, $leftXShift + 5, $this->sizeY + $this->shiftY + 14 * $colNum + $this->legendOffsetY, $this->getColor('Black'));
         if ($this->type == GRAPH_TYPE_STACKED) {
         } else {
     // if graph is small, we are not drawing percent line and trigger legends
     if ($this->sizeY < ZBX_GRAPH_LEGEND_HEIGHT) {
         return true;
     $legend = new CImageTextTable($this->im, $leftXShift + 10, $this->sizeY + $this->shiftY + 14 * $colNum + $this->legendOffsetY);
     $legend->color = $this->getColor($this->graphtheme['textcolor'], 0);
     $legend->rowheight = 14;
     $legend->fontsize = 9;
     // Draw percentile
     if ($this->type == GRAPH_TYPE_NORMAL) {
         foreach ($this->percentile as $side => $percentile) {
             if ($percentile['percent'] > 0 && $percentile['value']) {
                 $percentile['percent'] = (double) $percentile['percent'];
                 $legend->addCell($colNum, array('text' => $percentile['percent'] . 'th percentile: ' . convert_units($percentile['value'], $units[$side]) . '  (' . $side . ')', ITEM_CONVERT_NO_UNITS));
                 if ($side == 'left') {
                     $color = $this->graphtheme['leftpercentilecolor'];
                 } else {
                     $color = $this->graphtheme['rightpercentilecolor'];
                 imagefilledpolygon($this->im, array($leftXShift + 5, $this->sizeY + $this->shiftY + 14 * $colNum + $this->legendOffsetY, $leftXShift - 5, $this->sizeY + $this->shiftY + 14 * $colNum + $this->legendOffsetY, $leftXShift, $this->sizeY + $this->shiftY + 14 * $colNum + $this->legendOffsetY - 10), 3, $this->getColor($color));
                 imagepolygon($this->im, array($leftXShift + 5, $this->sizeY + $this->shiftY + 14 * $colNum + $this->legendOffsetY, $leftXShift - 5, $this->sizeY + $this->shiftY + 14 * $colNum + $this->legendOffsetY, $leftXShift, $this->sizeY + $this->shiftY + 14 * $colNum + $this->legendOffsetY - 10), 3, $this->getColor('Black No Alpha'));
     $legend = new CImageTextTable($this->im, $leftXShift + 10, $this->sizeY + $this->shiftY + 14 * $colNum + $this->legendOffsetY + 5);
     $legend->color = $this->getColor($this->graphtheme['textcolor'], 0);
     $legend->rowheight = 14;
     $legend->fontsize = 9;
     // Draw triggers
     foreach ($this->triggers as $trigger) {
         imagefilledellipse($this->im, $leftXShift, $this->sizeY + $this->shiftY + 14 * $colNum + $this->legendOffsetY, 10, 10, $this->getColor($trigger['color']));
         imageellipse($this->im, $leftXShift, $this->sizeY + $this->shiftY + 14 * $colNum + $this->legendOffsetY, 10, 10, $this->getColor('Black No Alpha'));
         $legend->addRow(array(array('text' => $trigger['description']), array('text' => $trigger['constant'])));
예제 #30
function drawMapHighligts(&$im, $map, $mapInfo)
    $selements = $map['selements'];
    foreach ($selements as $selementId => $selement) {
        if (isset($selement['elementsubtype']) && $selement['elementsubtype'] == SYSMAP_ELEMENT_SUBTYPE_HOST_GROUP_ELEMENTS) {
        $elementInfo = $mapInfo[$selementId];
        $img = get_png_by_selement($elementInfo);
        $iconX = imagesx($img);
        $iconY = imagesy($img);
        if ($map['highlight'] % 2 == SYSMAP_HIGHLIGHT_ON) {
            $hl_color = null;
            $st_color = null;
            if ($elementInfo['icon_type'] == SYSMAP_ELEMENT_ICON_ON) {
                $hl_color = hex2rgb(getSeverityColor($elementInfo['priority']));
            if ($elementInfo['icon_type'] == SYSMAP_ELEMENT_ICON_MAINTENANCE) {
                $st_color = hex2rgb('FF9933');
            if ($elementInfo['icon_type'] == SYSMAP_ELEMENT_ICON_DISABLED) {
                $st_color = hex2rgb('EEEEEE');
            $mainProblems = array(SYSMAP_ELEMENT_TYPE_HOST_GROUP => 1, SYSMAP_ELEMENT_TYPE_MAP => 1);
            if (isset($mainProblems[$selement['elementtype']])) {
                if (!is_null($hl_color)) {
                    $st_color = null;
            } elseif (!is_null($st_color)) {
                $hl_color = null;
            if (!is_null($st_color)) {
                $r = $st_color[0];
                $g = $st_color[1];
                $b = $st_color[2];
                imagefilledrectangle($im, $selement['x'] - 2, $selement['y'] - 2, $selement['x'] + $iconX + 2, $selement['y'] + $iconY + 2, imagecolorallocatealpha($im, $r, $g, $b, 0));
                // shadow
                imagerectangle($im, $selement['x'] - 2 - 1, $selement['y'] - 2 - 1, $selement['x'] + $iconX + 2 + 1, $selement['y'] + $iconY + 2 + 1, imagecolorallocate($im, 120, 120, 120));
                imagerectangle($im, $selement['x'] - 2 - 2, $selement['y'] - 2 - 2, $selement['x'] + $iconX + 2 + 2, $selement['y'] + $iconY + 2 + 2, imagecolorallocate($im, 220, 220, 220));
            if (!is_null($hl_color)) {
                $r = $hl_color[0];
                $g = $hl_color[1];
                $b = $hl_color[2];
                imagefilledellipse($im, $selement['x'] + $iconX / 2, $selement['y'] + $iconY / 2, $iconX + 20, $iconX + 20, imagecolorallocatealpha($im, $r, $g, $b, 0));
                imageellipse($im, $selement['x'] + $iconX / 2, $selement['y'] + $iconY / 2, $iconX + 20 + 1, $iconX + 20 + 1, imagecolorallocate($im, 120, 120, 120));
                $config = select_config();
                if (isset($elementInfo['ack']) && $elementInfo['ack'] && $config['event_ack_enable']) {
                    imagesetthickness($im, 5);
                    imagearc($im, $selement['x'] + $iconX / 2, $selement['y'] + $iconY / 2, $iconX + 20 - 3, $iconX + 20 - 3, 0, 359, imagecolorallocate($im, 50, 150, 50));
                    imagesetthickness($im, 1);