public function getSlotValue($slot) { sfLoader::loadHelpers(array('Asset', 'Url', 'Tag')); $params = sfYaml::load($slot->getValue()); $res = ''; if (isset($params['legend'])) { $res .= content_tag('p', $params['legend'], array('class' => 'image_legend')); $params['alt'] = $params['legend']; unset($params['legend']); } if (isset($params['url'])) { $url = $params['url']; unset($params['url']); } if (!isset($params['src'])) { return sprintf('<strong>Error</strong>: The value of slot %s in incorrect. The image has no source', $slot->getName()); } $src = $params['src']; unset($params['src']); $res = image_tag($src, $params) . $res; if (isset($url)) { return link_to($res, $url); } else { return $res; } }
/** * Returns a image tag for sfImageHandler. * * @param string $filename * @param array $options * * @return string An image tag. */ function image_tag_sf_image($filename, $options = array()) { if (empty($options['alt'])) { $options['alt'] = ''; } if (!$filename) { if (isset($options['no_image'])) { $filename = $options['no_image']; unset($options['no_image']); } else { $filename = 'no_image.gif'; } return image_tag($filename, $options); } $filepath = sf_image_path($filename, $options); if (isset($options['size'])) { unset($options['size']); } if (isset($options['no_image'])) { unset($options['no_image']); } if (isset($options['f'])) { unset($options['f']); } if (isset($options['format'])) { unset($options['format']); } return image_tag($filepath, $options); }
function link_to_star($object, $options = array()) { $user = sfContext::getInstance()->getUser(); if ($user->isAuthenticated()) { $response = sfContext::getInstance()->getResponse(); $has_jquery = sfConfig::get('app_sfPropelActAsStarredBehaviorPlugin_has_jquery'); if (!$has_jquery) { $response->addJavascript('/sfPropelActAsStarredBehaviorPlugin/js/jquery-1.2.2.pack'); } $response->addJavascript('/sfPropelActAsStarredBehaviorPlugin/js/sf_star'); $is_starred = $object->isStarred() ? 'sf_star_on' : 'sf_star_off'; $options = _parse_attributes($options); if (isset($options['class'])) { $options['class'] .= ' sf_star ' . $is_starred; } else { $options['class'] = 'sf_star ' . $is_starred; } $type = sfConfig::get('app_sfPropelActAsStarredBehaviorPlugin_content_type', null); if (!$type || $type == 'image') { $content = $object->isStarred() ? image_tag(sfConfig::get('app_sfPropelActAsStarredBehaviorPlugin_image_on', '/sfPropelActAsStarredBehaviorPlugin/images/star_on.gif')) : image_tag(sfConfig::get('app_sfPropelActAsStarredBehaviorPlugin_image_off', '/sfPropelActAsStarredBehaviorPlugin/images/star_off.gif')); } elseif (isset($options['txt_on']) && isset($options['txt_off'])) { $content = $object->isStarred() ? $options['txt_off'] : $options['txt_on']; } else { $content = $object->isStarred() ? sfConfig::get('app_sfPropelActAsStarredBehaviorPlugin_content_on') : sfConfig::get('app_sfPropelActAsStarredBehaviorPlugin_content_off'); } $model = get_class($object); $id = $object->getPrimaryKey(); return link_to($content, 'sfStar/starit?model=' . $model . '&id=' . $id, $options); // return content_tag('span',link_to($image,'sfStar/starit?model='.$model.'&id='.$id,'class=sf_star')); } else { return content_tag('span', ''); } }
/** * Get the navigation links for given sfDoctrinePager instance * * @param sfDoctrinePager $pager * @param string $uri The uri to prefix to the links * @return string $html */ function get_sympal_pager_navigation($pager, $uri, $requestKey = 'page') { sympal_use_stylesheet('/sfSympalPlugin/css/pager.css'); $navigation = '<div class="sympal_pager_navigation">'; if ($pager->haveToPaginate()) { $uri .= (preg_match('/\\?/', $uri) ? '&' : '?') . $requestKey . '='; // First and previous page if ($pager->getPage() != 1) { $navigation .= link_to(image_tag('/sf/sf_admin/images/first.png', 'align=absmiddle'), $uri . '1'); $navigation .= link_to(image_tag('/sf/sf_admin/images/previous.png', 'align=absmiddle'), $uri . $pager->getPreviousPage()) . ' '; } // Pages one by one $links = array(); foreach ($pager->getLinks() as $page) { $links[] = '<span>' . link_to_unless($page == $pager->getPage(), $page, $uri . $page) . '</span>'; } $navigation .= join(' ', $links); // Next and last page if ($pager->getPage() != $pager->getLastPage()) { $navigation .= ' ' . link_to(image_tag('/sf/sf_admin/images/next.png', 'align=absmiddle'), $uri . $pager->getNextPage()); $navigation .= link_to(image_tag('/sf/sf_admin/images/last.png', 'align=absmiddle'), $uri . $pager->getLastPage()); } } $navigation .= '</div>'; return $navigation; }
/** * Returns an image link to use the lightbox function for 1 image. * * @param thumb_url thumbnail url * @param image_url full image url * @param image_link_options additional html attributes to add to image link (e.g.: array ('title' => 'My image')) * @param thumb_options additional html attributes to add to thumb image tag (e.g.: array ('border' => 5)) * * @author Artur Rozek */ function light_image($thumb_url, $image_url, $image_link_options = array(), $thumb_options = array()) { //make lightbox effect $thumb_tag = image_tag($thumb_url, $thumb_options); $image_link_options['class'] = isset($image_link_options['class']) ? $image_link_options['class'] . " lightbox" : 'lightbox'; echo link_to($thumb_tag, $image_url, $image_link_options); }
public function sortIcon($sort_dir, $popup) { if ($sort_dir != 'desc') { $sort_dir = 'asc'; } return link_to(image_tag("/lyMediaManagerPlugin/images/sort-{$sort_dir}", "alt={$sort_dir}"), '@ly_media_asset_icons?&dir=' . ($sort_dir == 'desc' ? 'asc' : 'desc') . ($popup ? '&popup=1' : ''), array('title' => 'Switch sort direction')); }
function image_cache_tag($route, $format, $path, $image, $alt = null) { $_formats = sfConfig::get('imagecache_formats'); $_format = $_formats[$format]; if (!isset($_format)) { throw new RuntimeException('Format not found'); } $real_file_path = sfConfig::get('sf_upload_dir') . '/' . $path . '/' . $image; if (file_exists($real_file_path)) { $cache_file_path = sfConfig::get('sf_upload_dir') . '/cache/' . $format . '/' . $path . '/' . $image; $is_cached_file = file_exists($cache_file_path); $options = array('path' => $format . '/' . $path . '/' . $image); $url = urldecode(url_for($route, $options)); if ($is_cached_file) { $cached_image = new sfImage($cache_file_path); $width = $cached_image->getWidth(); $height = $cached_image->getHeight(); return image_tag($url, array('size' => $width . 'x' . $height, 'alt' => $alt)); } else { return image_tag($url, array('alt' => $alt)); } } else { return ''; } }
function print_celula_tabela_consolidado($mes, $ano, $statusConta, $listaContas) { ?> <?php $loteContas = Conta::getLoteFromListaContas($statusConta, $ano, $mes, $listaContas); ?> <div class="overlay"> <div><?php print_valor(Conta::getTotalFromLote($loteContas)); ?> </div> <a rel="#overlay" href="<?php echo url_for('financeiro/addConta?ano=' . $ano->getAno() . '&mes=' . $mes . '&statusConta=' . $statusConta->getSlug()); ?> "><?php echo image_tag("add-conta.png"); ?> </a> <?php if (count($loteContas) > 0) { ?> <a rel="#overlay" href="<?php echo url_for('financeiro/listaContas?ano=' . $ano->getAno() . '&mes=' . $mes . '&statusConta=' . $statusConta->getSlug()); ?> "><?php echo image_tag("list-conta.png", array('width' => 32, 'heigth' => 32)); ?> </a> <?php } ?> </div> <?php }
function cryptographp_reload() { $reload_img = sfConfig::get('app_cryptographp_reloadimg', '/sfCryptographpPlugin/images/reload'); //$ret = "<a style=\"cursor:pointer\" onclick=\"javascript:document.getElementById('cryptogram').src='".url_for('cryptographp/index?id=')."/'+Math.round(Math.random(0)*1000)+1\">".image_tag('/sfCryptographpPlugin/images/reload')."</a>"; $ret = "<a style=\"cursor:pointer\" onclick=\"javascript:document.getElementById('cryptogram').src='" . url_for('cryptographp/index?id=') . "/'+Math.round(Math.random(0)*1000)+1\">" . image_tag($reload_img) . "</a>"; return $ret; }
function a_remote_dialog_toggle($options) { if (!isset($options['id'])) { throw new sfException("Required id option not passed to a_dialog_toggle"); } if (!isset($options['label'])) { throw new sfException("Required label option not passed to a_dialog_toggle"); } if (!isset($options['action'])) { throw new sfException("Required action option not passed to a_dialog_toggle"); } $id = $options['id']; $action = $options['action']; $label = $options['label']; if (isset($options['chadFrom'])) { $chadFrom = $options['chadFrom']; } if (isset($options['loading'])) { $loading = $options['loading']; } if (isset($options['hideToggle']) && $options['hideToggle'] == true) { $before = " \$('.{$id}-loading').show();"; } else { $before = "\$('.{$id}').hide(); \$('.{$id}-loading').show();"; } $s = ''; $s .= jq_link_to_remote(__($label, null, 'apostrophe'), array("url" => $action, "update" => $id, "script" => true, "before" => $before, "complete" => "\$('#{$id}').fadeIn();\n \t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t \$('.{$id}-loading').hide();\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t \t\$('.{$id}').hide();\n \t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t \$('#{$id}-button-close').show();" . (isset($chadFrom) ? "var arrowPosition = parseInt(\$('{$chadFrom}').offset().left);\n \t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t \$('#{$id} .a-chad').css('left',arrowPosition+'px'); " : "") . "\n \t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t aUI('#{$id}');\n \t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\$('.a-page-overlay').show();"), array('class' => "{$id}-button open", 'id' => "{$id}-button-open")); $s .= jq_link_to_function(__($label, null, 'apostrophe'), "\$('#{$id}-button-close').hide(); \n\t\t \$('#{$id}-button-open').show(); \n\t\t \$('#{$id}').hide();\n\t\t \$('.a-page-overlay').hide();", array('class' => "{$id}-button close", 'id' => "{$id}-button-close", 'style' => 'display:none;')); if (isset($loading)) { $s .= image_tag($loading, array('class' => "{$id}-loading", 'style' => 'display:none;')); } return $s; }
function test_image_tag() { $this->assertEqual('<img src="mocked_stylesheet_directory/assets/images/source.png" alt="Source"/>', image_tag("source.png")); $this->assertEqual('<img src="/source.png" alt="Source"/>', image_tag("/source.png")); $this->assertEqual('<img src="" alt="Source"/>', image_tag("")); $this->assertEqual('<img src="" alt="test" class="image"/>', image_tag("", array("alt" => "test", "class" => "image"))); }
public function render() { $result = ''; $page = DbFinder::from('W3sPage')->with('W3sTemplate', 'W3sProject')->leftJoin('W3sGroup')->leftJoin('W3sTemplate')->leftJoin('W3sProject')->findPK($this->idPage); $slots = W3sSlotPeer::getTemplateSlots($page->getW3sGroup()->getTemplateId()); $i = 0; foreach ($slots as $slot) { $idSlot = $slot->getId(); $class = $i / 2 == intval($i / 2) ? "w3s_white_row" : "w3s_blue_row"; switch ($slot->getRepeatedContents()) { case 0: $repeatedColor = 'green'; $repeatedAlt = __('This contents is not repeated through pages'); break; case 1: $repeatedColor = 'orange'; $repeatedAlt = __('This contents is repeated at group level'); break; case 2: $repeatedColor = 'blue'; $repeatedAlt = __('This contents is repeated at site level'); break; } $result .= sprintf($this->rowSkeleton, $this->idLanguage . $idSlot, $class, $idSlot, link_to_function($slot->getSlotName(), 'W3sControlPanel.showRepeatedContentsForm(' . $idSlot . ');', 'onmouseover="W3sControlPanel.highlightSlot(\'' . $slot->getSlotName() . '\', ' . $slot->getRepeatedContents() . ')"'), image_tag(sfConfig::get('app_w3s_web_skin_images_dir') . '/control_panel/button_slot_' . $repeatedColor . '.jpg', 'title=' . $repeatedAlt . ' size=14x14')); $i++; } return sprintf('<div id="w3s_slot_list">%s</div>', $result); }
public function testImageTag() { $this->assertDomEqual(image_tag('stato.png'), '<img alt="Stato" src="/images/stato.png" />'); $this->assertDomEqual(image_tag('stato.png', array('size' => '80x30')), '<img alt="Stato" src="/images/stato.png" width="80" height="30" />'); $this->assertDomEqual(image_tag('stato.png', array('alt' => 'Stato framework')), '<img alt="Stato framework" src="/images/stato.png" />'); $this->assertDomEqual(image_tag(''), '<img alt="Stato" src="" />'); }
function input_asset_tag($name, $value, $options = array()) { use_helper('Javascript', 'I18N'); $type = 'all'; if (isset($options['images_only'])) { $type = 'image'; unset($options['images_only']); } $form_name = ''; if (isset($options['form_name'])) { $form_name = '\'' . $options['form_name'] . '\''; unset($options['form_name']); } $html = ''; if (is_file(sfConfig::get('sf_web_dir') . $value)) { $ext = substr($value, strpos($value, '.') - strlen($value) + 1); if (in_array($ext, array('png', 'jpg', 'gif'))) { $image_path = $value; } else { if (!is_file(sfConfig::get('sf_plugins_dir') . '/sfMediaLibraryPlugin/web/images/' . $ext . '.png')) { $ext = 'unknown'; } $image_path = '/sfMediaLibraryPlugin/images/' . $ext; } $html .= link_to_function(image_tag($image_path, array('alt' => 'File', 'height' => '64')), "'{$value}')"); $html .= '<br />'; } $html .= input_tag($name, $value, $options); $html .= ' ' . image_tag('/sfMediaLibraryPlugin/images/folder_open', array('alt' => __('Insert Image'), 'style' => 'cursor: pointer; vertical-align: middle', 'onclick' => 'sfMediaLibrary.openWindow({ form_name: ' . $form_name . ', field_name: \'' . $name . '\', type: \'' . $type . '\', scrollbars: \'yes\' })')); $html .= init_media_library(); return $html; }
/** * UI function to build an image icon with hover tooltip text. * Used in the config module initially. * * @param $tooltipText * @param string $image * @return string */ function config_explanation($tooltipText, $image = 'icon_info.png') { return sprintf('<span class="config_explanation" style="position: relative;"> %s <span class="tooltip from-above leftie">%s</span> </span>', image_tag($image, array('style' => 'margin: 0 5px; vertical-align: middle; cursor: pointer;')), $tooltipText); }
public function render($name, $value = null, $attributes = array(), $errors = array()) { sfContext::getInstance()->getConfiguration()->loadHelpers(array('Url', 'Tag', 'Asset')); $attrs = array_merge($this->attributes, $attributes); $loader_html = image_tag($this->getOption('ajax_loader_url'), array('alt' => "ajax_loader", 'style' => $this->getOption('ajax_loader_css'), 'id' => $this->generateAjaxLoaderId($name, $value))); return str_replace(array("%widget%", "%add_button%", "%refresh_button%", "%ajax_loader%"), array($this->getOption('widget')->render($name, $value, $attrs, $errors), $this->renderAddButton($name, $value), $this->renderRefreshButton($name, $value), $loader_html), $this->getDecoratorFormat()); }
function gravatar_for($email, $s = 80, $d = 'mm', $r = 'g', $atts = array()) { $url = ''; $url .= md5(strtolower(trim($email))); $url .= "?s={$s}&d={$d}&r={$r}"; return image_tag($url, array('height' => $s, 'width' => $s, 'class' => 'rt-avatar')); }
function show_georef_map($lon, $lat, $layer) { $lang = sfContext::getInstance()->getUser()->getCulture(); if (empty($layer)) { $layer = sfContext::getInstance()->getModuleName(); } $html = '<div class="section" id="georef_container" style="display:none;">'; $html .= '<div id="map" style="height:400px;width:100%">'; $html .= '<div id="mapLoading">' . image_tag(sfConfig::get('app_static_url') . '/static/images/indicator.gif'); $html .= __('Map is loading...') . '</div>'; $html .= '</div>'; $html .= '</div>'; $async_map = sfConfig::get('app_async_map', false) && !sfContext::getInstance()->getRequest()->getParameter('debug', false); $js = "\n C2C.map_init = function() {\n Ext.get('georef_container').show();\n var lon = Ext.getDom('lon') && Ext.getDom('lon').value || 0;\n var lat = Ext.getDom('lat') && Ext.getDom('lat').value || 0;\n c2corg.Map({\n div: 'map',\n lang: '{$lang}',\n loading: 'mapLoading',\n layers: ['{$layer}'],\n connected: true,\n georef: {\n initialState: {\n lon: lon,\n lat: lat,\n zoom: 15\n },\n callback: function(lonlat) {\n if (lonlat) {\n Ext.getDom('lon').value = Math.round(lonlat.lon*1E6)/1E6;\n Ext.getDom('lat').value = Math.round(*1E6)/1E6;\n } else {\n Ext.getDom('lon').value = '';\n Ext.getDom('lat').value = '';\n }\n c2corg.coords.update_degminsec('lon');\n c2corg.coords.update_degminsec('lat');\n }\n }\n });\n };"; // asynchronous map loading if ($async_map) { use_helper('MyMinify'); $c2c_script_url = minify_get_combined_files_url(array('/static/js/carto/build/carto.min.js', "/static/js/carto/build/lang-{$lang}.min.js", '/static/js/popup.js', '/static/js/carto/embedded.js'), (bool) sfConfig::get('app_minify_debug')); $js .= "C2C.async_map_init = function() {\n \$.ajax({\n url: '{$c2c_script_url}',\n dataType: 'script',\n cache: true\n }).done(function() {\n C2C.map_init();\n Ext.EventManager.fireDocReady();\n });\n };"; } // if coordinates not set, open automatically open the map if (!$lon && !$lat && !in_array($layer, array('sites', 'users', 'images', 'portals'))) { if ($async_map) { $js .= "C2C.async_map_init()"; } else { $js .= "\$(window).load(C2C.map_init)"; } } $html .= javascript_queue($js); return $html; }
public function render($name, $value = null, $attributes = array(), $errors = array()) { $html = parent::render($name, $value, $attributes, $errors); $html .= " <span class='round_color'> </span> "; $html .= image_tag('ColorPickerUIBtnWheel.png', array('class' => 'color_pckr')); $html .= "\n <script type=\"text/javascript\">\n \$(document).ready(function () { \n \$('.round_color').css('backgroundColor','" . $value . "'); \n \$('.color_pckr').qtip({\n show: { delay: 0, event: 'click'},\n hide: { event: 'click' },\n style: { \n name: 'light',\n title: { padding: '3px'},\n width: { min: '215px', max: '215px'}\n }, \n content: {\n title: { button: true, text: ' ' },\n text: '<div id=\"colorpicker\"></div>',\n },\n events: {\n show: function () {\n \$('#colorpicker').farbtastic(function(color){\n \$('#" . $this->generateId($name) . "').val(color);\n \$('.round_color').css('backgroundColor', color); \n });\n }\n } \n }); \n \$('#" . $this->generateId($name) . "').keyup(function(){\n \$.farbtastic('#colorpicker').setColor(\$(this).val());\n \$('.round_color').css('backgroundColor', color); \n });\n \$('#" . $this->generateId($name) . "').attr('value', '" . ($value ? $value : '#ededee') . "');\n });\n </script>\n "; return $html; }
function display_picture($filename, $size = 'big', $target_size = null, $title = 'Click to display original image') { $image_url = image_url($filename, $size); $target_image_url = image_url($filename, $target_size, true); $absolute_url = absolute_link($target_image_url, true); $image_options = empty($title) ? null : array('title' => $title, 'alt' => $title); return '<figure class="picture"><a title="' . __($title) . '" href="' . $absolute_url . '" itemprop="contentUrl">' . image_tag($image_url, $image_options) . '</a></figure><div class="picture_right"></div>'; }
function renderUserPhoto($img) { if (strlen($img) > 0) { return image_tag('/uploads/users/' . $img, array('style' => 'width: 50px;', 'absolute' => true)); } else { return image_tag('no_photo.png', array('absolute' => true)); } }
function op_bbs_image_icon($bbs) { $html = ''; if ($bbs->has_images) { $html = ' ' . image_tag('icon_camera.gif', array('alt' => 'photo')); } return $html; }
/** * 絵文字IDを画像表示用タグにして返す * * @param string $emoji_code_id 絵文字ID * @return string 画像表示用タグ */ function get_emoji4emoji_code_id($emoji_code_id) { $carrier_id = $emoji_code_id[0]; $emoji_code_id = str_replace(':', '', $emoji_code_id); $emoji_id = substr($emoji_code_id, 1); $emoji_name = $this->value_list[$carrier_id][$emoji_id]; sfContext::getInstance()->getConfiguration()->loadHelpers('Asset'); return image_tag('emoji/' . $carrier_id . '/' . $emoji_code_id . $this->emoji_image_extension, array('alt' => $emoji_name)); }
function op_mtviewer_diary_link($diary, $width = 36) { $title = _op_mtviewer_entry_str($diary, $width); $html = link_to($title, '@mtviewer_diary?id=' . $diary->id); if ($diary->has_images) { $html .= ' ' . image_tag('icon_camera.gif', array('alt' => 'photo')); } return $html; }
function captcha_reload_button() { //$reload_img = sfConfig::get('sf_web_dir'.'/sfCryptoCaptchaPlugin/images/reload.png', '/sfCryptoCaptchaPlugin/images/reload.png'); $reload_img = '/images/reload.png'; $refresh_url = url_for('sfCryptoCaptcha/captcha'); $onclick = 'javascript:document.getElementById(\'captcha_img\').src=\'' . $refresh_url . '/\'+Math.round(Math.random(0)*1000)+1'; $ret = '<a style="cursor:pointer" onclick="' . $onclick . '">' . image_tag($reload_img) . '</a>'; return $ret; }
public function delete_button($id, $projects_id = 0, $confirm = false) { if ($this->access['delete']) { if (!$confirm) { $confirm = __('Are you sure?'); } return link_to(image_tag(public_path('images/icons/delete.png', true), array('title' => __('Delete'), 'class' => 'iconDelete')), $this->module . '/delete?id=' . $id . $this->add_projects_id($projects_id) . $this->add_url_params('&'), array('method' => 'delete', 'class' => 'actionIcon', 'confirm' => $confirm)); } }
function photo_thumbnail_tag($entity, $entity_id, $options = array()) { if (!is_array($options)) { $options = array(); } if (photo_has_gallery($entity, $entity_id)) { return image_tag('/' . sfConfig::get('sf_upload_dir_name') . '/thumbnails/' . sfPhotoGalleryPeer::getFirst($entity, $entity_id), $options); } return image_tag('nopicture.jpg', $options); }
function file_download_tag($entity, $entity_id, $options = array()) { if (!is_array($options)) { $options = array(); } if (photo_has_gallery($entity, $entity_id)) { return image_tag('/' . sfConfig::get('sf_upload_dir_name') . '/files/' . sfFileGalleryPeer::getFirst($entity, $entity_id), $options); } //return "no files"; }
public function getBlogCode() { sfApplicationConfiguration::getActive()->loadHelpers(array('Tag', 'I18N')); if (!$this->getText() && $this->Attributes->count()) { $pic = $this->Attributes[0]; return "<a href='" . url_for('post/show?id=' . $this->getId(), 'absolute=true') . "'>" . image_tag($pic->getValue(), array('absolute' => true)) . "</a>"; } else { return "<a href='" . url_for('post/show?id=' . $this->getId(), 'absolute=true') . "'>" . __('ссылка на пост') . "</a>"; } }
protected function configure($options = array(), $attributes = array()) { sfContext::getInstance()->getConfiguration()->loadHelpers(array('Asset', 'Tag', 'I18N')); parent::configure($options, $attributes); $this->addOption('class_select', 'ancho'); $this->addOption('label_unassociated', __('Unassociated')); $this->addOption('label_associated', __('Associated')); $this->addOption('associate', image_tag('/sfFormExtraPlugin/images/next.png')); $this->addOption('unassociate', image_tag('/sfFormExtraPlugin/images/previous.png')); }