public function saveImg($path) { // Resize if ($this->resize) { $this->output = ImageCreateTrueColor($this->xOutput, $this->yOutput); ImageCopyResampled($this->output, $this->input, 0, 0, 0, 0, $this->xOutput, $this->yOutput, $this->xInput, $this->yInput); } // Save JPEG if ($this->format == "JPG" or $this->format == "JPEG") { if ($this->resize) { imageJPEG($this->output, $path, $this->quality); } else { copy($this->src, $path); } } elseif ($this->format == "PNG") { if ($this->resize) { imagePNG($this->output, $path); } else { copy($this->src, $path); } } elseif ($this->format == "GIF") { if ($this->resize) { imageGIF($this->output, $path); } else { copy($this->src, $path); } } }
function thumbnail($PicPathIn, $PicPathOut, $PicFilenameIn, $PicFilenameOut, $neueHoehe, $Quality) { // Bilddaten ermitteln $size = getimagesize("{$PicPathIn}" . "{$PicFilenameIn}"); $breite = $size[0]; $hoehe = $size[1]; $neueBreite = intval($breite * $neueHoehe / $hoehe); if ($size[2] == 1) { // GIF $altesBild = ImageCreateFromGIF("{$PicPathIn}" . "{$PicFilenameIn}"); $neuesBild = imageCreateTrueColor($neueBreite, $neueHoehe); imageCopyResized($neuesBild, $altesBild, 0, 0, 0, 0, $neueBreite, $neueHoehe, $breite, $hoehe); imageJPEG($neuesBild, "{$PicPathOut}" . "{$PicFilenameOut}", $Quality); } if ($size[2] == 2) { // JPG $altesBild = ImageCreateFromJPEG("{$PicPathIn}" . "{$PicFilenameIn}"); $neuesBild = imageCreateTrueColor($neueBreite, $neueHoehe); imageCopyResized($neuesBild, $altesBild, 0, 0, 0, 0, $neueBreite, $neueHoehe, $breite, $hoehe); ImageJPEG($neuesBild, "{$PicPathOut}" . "{$PicFilenameOut}", $Quality); } if ($size[2] == 3) { // PNG $altesBild = ImageCreateFromPNG("{$PicPathIn}" . "{$PicFilenameIn}"); $neuesBild = imageCreateTrueColor($neueBreite, $neueHoehe); imageCopyResized($neuesBild, $altesBild, 0, 0, 0, 0, $neueBreite, $neueHoehe, $breite, $hoehe); ImageJPEG($neuesBild, "{$PicPathOut}" . "{$PicFilenameOut}", $Quality); } }
public function write($path, $quality, $format = 'jpg') { if (!$this->image) { return false; } if ($format === 'png') { imagePNG($this->image, $path); } else { imageJPEG($this->image, $path, $quality); } return true; }
public function createThumbs($thumb_size) { $thumb = imageCreateTrueColor($thumb_size['width'], $thumb_size['height']); if ($thumb === false) { throw new Exception('cannot create img_thumb file'); } $resX = floor(imagesx($this->_orig_img) * ($thumb_size['height'] / imagesy($this->_orig_img))); $resY = $thumb_size['height']; imageAntiAlias($thumb, true); imagecopyresized($thumb, $this->_orig_img, 0, 0, 0, 0, $resX, $resY, imagesx($this->_orig_img), imagesy($this->_orig_img)); if (!imageJPEG($thumb, $this->_save_path . 'thumbs_' . $this->_new_img_name, 100)) { imagedestroy($thumb); throw new Exception('cannot save img_thumbs file'); } imagedestroy($thumb); return $this; }
/** * 输出验证码并把验证码的值保存的session中 */ public static function entry() { // 图片宽(px) self::$imageL || (self::$imageL = self::$length * self::$fontSize * 1.5 + self::$fontSize * 1.5); // 图片高(px) self::$imageH || (self::$imageH = self::$fontSize * 2); // 建立一幅 self::$imageL x self::$imageH 的图像 self::$_image = imagecreate(self::$imageL, self::$imageH); // 设置背景 imagecolorallocate(self::$_image, self::$bg[0], self::$bg[1], self::$bg[2]); // 验证码字体随机颜色 self::$_color = imagecolorallocate(self::$_image, mt_rand(1, 120), mt_rand(1, 120), mt_rand(1, 120)); // 验证码使用随机字体,保证目录下有这些字体集 $ttf = dirname(__FILE__) . '/ttfs/t' . mt_rand(1, 10) . '.ttf'; if (self::$useNoise) { // 绘杂点 self::_writeNoise(); } if (self::$useCurve) { // 绘干扰线 self::_writeCurve(); } // 绘验证码 $code = array(); // 验证码 $codeNX = 0; // 验证码第N个字符的左边距 for ($i = 0; $i < self::$length; $i++) { $code[$i] = self::$codeSet[mt_rand(0, 28)]; $codeNX += mt_rand(self::$fontSize * 1.2, self::$fontSize * 1.6); // 写一个验证码字符 imagettftext(self::$_image, self::$fontSize, mt_rand(-40, 70), $codeNX, self::$fontSize * 1.5, self::$_color, $ttf, $code[$i]); } // 保存验证码 isset($_SESSION) || session_start(); $_SESSION[self::$seKey]['code'] = join('', $code); // 把验证码保存到session, 验证时注意是大写 $_SESSION[self::$seKey]['time'] = time(); // 验证码创建时间 header('Pragma: no-cache'); header("content-type: image/JPEG"); // 输出图像 imageJPEG(self::$_image); imagedestroy(self::$_image); }
function save($save) { /* change ImageCreateTrueColor to ImageCreate if your GD not supported ImageCreateTrueColor function*/ $this->img["des"] = ImageCreateTrueColor($this->img["lebar_thumb"], $this->img["tinggi_thumb"]); @imagecopyresized($this->img["des"], $this->img["src"], 0, 0, 0, 0, $this->img["lebar_thumb"], $this->img["tinggi_thumb"], $this->img["lebar"], $this->img["tinggi"]); if ($this->img["format"] == "JPG" || $this->img["format"] == "JPEG") { //JPEG imageJPEG($this->img["des"], "{$save}", $this->img["quality"]); } elseif ($this->img["format"] == "PNG") { //PNG imagePNG($this->img["des"], "{$save}"); } elseif ($this->img["format"] == "GIF") { //GIF imageGIF($this->img["des"], "{$save}"); } elseif ($this->img["format"] == "WBMP") { //WBMP imageWBMP($this->img["des"], "{$save}"); } }
private function createNewImage($newImg, $newName, $imgInfo) { switch ($imgInfo["type"]) { case 1: //gif $result = imageGif($newImg, $this->path . $newName); break; case 2: //jpg $result = imageJPEG($newImg, $this->path . $newName); break; case 3: //png $return = imagepng($newImg, $this->path . $newName); break; } imagedestroy($newImg); return $newName; }
function save($save = "", $gd_version) { if ($gd_version == 2) { $this->img["des"] = imagecreatetruecolor($this->img["lebar_thumb"], $this->img["tinggi_thumb"]); @imagecopyresampled($this->img["des"], $this->img["src"], 0, 0, 0, 0, $this->img["lebar_thumb"], $this->img["tinggi_thumb"], $this->img["lebar"], $this->img["tinggi"]); } if ($gd_version == 1) { $this->img["des"] = imagecreate($this->img["lebar_thumb"], $this->img["tinggi_thumb"]); @imagecopyresized($this->img["des"], $this->img["src"], 0, 0, 0, 0, $this->img["lebar_thumb"], $this->img["tinggi_thumb"], $this->img["lebar"], $this->img["tinggi"]); } if ($this->img["format"] == "JPG" || $this->img["format"] == "JPEG") { //JPEG imageJPEG($this->img["des"], "{$save}", $this->img["quality"]); } elseif ($this->img["format"] == "PNG") { //PNG imagePNG($this->img["des"], "{$save}"); } // Memory cleanup @imageDestroy($this->img["des"]); }
public static function resize_bg($image, $model, $id, $width, $height) { $startImage = $image; $test_name = 'test-' . $width . '-' . $height . '-' . time() . '.jpg'; if (!$image) { return '/images/blank.png'; } $directory = self::checkAndCreateDirectory($model, $id, self::RESIZE_BG_PATH, $width, $height); $imageParts = explode('/', $image); $imageName = end($imageParts); try { $image_factory = Image::factory(PUBLIC_ROOT . 'files/' . $model . '/' . $id . '/' . $imageName); } catch (Exception $e) { return $startImage; } try { if (!file_exists($directory . $imageName)) { $img = imagecreate($width, $height); $white = ImageColorAllocate($img, 255, 255, 255); ImageFill($img, 0, 0, $white); header('Content-Type: image/jpg;'); $test_file = APPPATH . 'cache/' . $test_name; imageJPEG($img, $test_file); $image = Image::factory($test_file); $image->watermark($image_factory->resize(intval($width), intval($height), Kohana_Image::AUTO))->save($directory . $imageName, 99); imageDestroy($img); @unlink($test_file); } } catch (Exception $e) { return $startImage; } $path = '/files/' . self::RESIZE_BG_PATH . '/' . $width; if ($height) { $path .= 'x' . $height; } if (file_exists($directory . $imageName)) { return $path . '/' . $model . '/' . $id . '/' . $imageName; } return $startImage; }
/** * 输出验证码并把验证码的值保存的session中 */ public static function entry() { // 图片宽(px) self::$imageL || (self::$imageL = self::$length * self::$fontSize * 1.5 + self::$fontSize * 1.5); // 图片高(px) self::$imageH || (self::$imageH = self::$fontSize * 2); // 建立一幅 self::$imageL x self::$imageH 的图像 self::$_image = imagecreate(self::$imageL, self::$imageH); // 设置背景 imagecolorallocate(self::$_image, self::$bg[0], self::$bg[1], self::$bg[2]); // 验证码字体随机颜色 self::$_color = imagecolorallocate(self::$_image, mt_rand(1, 120), mt_rand(1, 120), mt_rand(1, 120)); // 验证码使用随机字体,保证目录下有这些字体集 $ttf = dirname(__FILE__) . '/ttfs/t' . mt_rand(1, 3) . '.ttf'; if (self::$useNoise) { // 绘杂点 self::_writeNoise(); } if (self::$useCurve) { // 绘干扰线 self::_writeCurve(); } // 绘验证码 $code = array(); // 验证码 $codeNX = 0; // 验证码第N个字符的左边距 for ($i = 0; $i < self::$length; $i++) { $code[$i] = self::$codeSet[mt_rand(0, 28)]; $codeNX += mt_rand(self::$fontSize * 1.2, self::$fontSize * 1.6); imagettftext(self::$_image, self::$fontSize, mt_rand(-40, 40), $codeNX, self::$fontSize * 1.5, self::$_color, $ttf, $code[$i]); } self::$code = join('', $code); // 输出图像 imageJPEG(self::$_image); imagedestroy(self::$_image); }
/** * generates a constrained image and returns the data stream * Good for making thumbnails or just constraining all uploaded images. * * @param path str: path to temp image (eg. '/home/user/web/temp') * @param tmp_file str: the original filename( eg. foo.jpg ) * @param constrain str: x or y constrain (eg. 'x') * @param size int: constrained dimension size (eg. '200') * @param value arr: array containing the artist and album name for each loop * @return str: the JPEG filename from GD */ function generate_thumbnail($path, $tmp_file, $constrain, $size, $value) { $rights = 0755; //get the source image size if ($imagesize = getimagesize($path . '/' . $tmp_file)) { //figure out the scaling ratio switch ($constrain) { case 'x': $ratio = $size / $imagesize[0]; break; case 'y': $ratio = $size / $imagesize[1]; break; } //read source format switch (substr($tmp_file, -3)) { case 'jpg': $source = imagecreatefromjpeg($path . '/' . $tmp_file); break; case 'gif': $source = imagecreatefromgif($path . '/' . $tmp_file); break; case 'png': $source = imagecreatefrompng($path . '/' . $tmp_file); break; } //open new resource file if ($source) { //resample the image using the ratio $th_xdim = (int) floor($ratio * $imagesize[0]); $th_ydim = (int) floor($ratio * $imagesize[1]); $tempdest = imagecreatetruecolor($th_xdim, $th_ydim); //make a copy of the thumbnail image in server memory imagecopyresampled($tempdest, $source, 0, 0, 0, 0, $th_xdim, $th_ydim, imagesx($source), imagesy($source)); //we're done with the source, so we'll purge it imagedestroy($source); //copy the proper JPEG source to the server and chmod it to 644 imageJPEG($tempdest, $path . '/' . $size . '-' . $tmp_file); chmod($path . '/' . $size . '-' . $tmp_file, $rights); //finally, clean up the rest of image memory imagedestroy($tempdest); //return the new filename for moving return $size . '-' . $tmp_file; } else { echo 'could not load source image into GD for:' . $value['artist_name'] . '/' . $value['album_name']; } } else { echo 'GD could not get the image dimensions for the media: ' . $value['artist_name'] . '/' . $value['album_name']; } }
/** * Appends information about the source image to the thumbnail. * * @param string $thumbnail * @return string */ protected function appendSourceInfo($thumbnail) { if (!function_exists('imageCreateFromString') || !function_exists('imageCreateTrueColor')) { return $thumbnail; } $imageSrc = imageCreateFromString($thumbnail); // get image size $width = imageSX($imageSrc); $height = imageSY($imageSrc); // increase height $heightDst = $height + self::$sourceInfoLineHeight * 2; // create new image $imageDst = imageCreateTrueColor($width, $heightDst); imageAlphaBlending($imageDst, false); // set background color $background = imageColorAllocate($imageDst, 102, 102, 102); imageFill($imageDst, 0, 0, $background); // copy image imageCopy($imageDst, $imageSrc, 0, 0, 0, 0, $width, $height); imageSaveAlpha($imageDst, true); // get font size $font = 2; $fontWidth = imageFontWidth($font); $fontHeight = imageFontHeight($font); $fontColor = imageColorAllocate($imageDst, 255, 255, 255); // write source info $line1 = $this->sourceName; // imageString supports only ISO-8859-1 encoded strings if (CHARSET != 'ISO-8859-1') { $line1 = StringUtil::convertEncoding(CHARSET, 'ISO-8859-1', $line1); } // truncate text if necessary $maxChars = floor($width / $fontWidth); if (strlen($line1) > $maxChars) { $line1 = $this->truncateSourceName($line1, $maxChars); } $line2 = $this->sourceWidth . 'x' . $this->sourceHeight . ' ' . FileUtil::formatFilesize($this->sourceSize); // write line 1 // calculate text position $textX = 0; $textY = 0; if ($fontHeight < self::$sourceInfoLineHeight) { $textY = intval(round((self::$sourceInfoLineHeight - $fontHeight) / 2)); } if (strlen($line1) * $fontWidth < $width) { $textX = intval(round(($width - strlen($line1) * $fontWidth) / 2)); } imageString($imageDst, $font, $textX, $height + $textY, $line1, $fontColor); // write line 2 // calculate text position $textX = 0; $textY = 0; if ($fontHeight < self::$sourceInfoLineHeight) { $textY = self::$sourceInfoLineHeight + intval(round((self::$sourceInfoLineHeight - $fontHeight) / 2)); } if (strlen($line2) * $fontWidth < $width) { $textX = intval(round(($width - strlen($line2) * $fontWidth) / 2)); } imageString($imageDst, $font, $textX, $height + $textY, $line2, $fontColor); // output image ob_start(); if ($this->imageType == 1 && function_exists('imageGIF')) { @imageGIF($imageDst); $this->mimeType = 'image/gif'; } else { if (($this->imageType == 1 || $this->imageType == 3) && function_exists('imagePNG')) { @imagePNG($imageDst); $this->mimeType = 'image/png'; } else { if (function_exists('imageJPEG')) { @imageJPEG($imageDst, null, 90); $this->mimeType = 'image/jpeg'; } else { return false; } } } @imageDestroy($imageDst); $thumbnail = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); return $thumbnail; }
/** * Write the image after being processed * * @param Asido_TMP &$tmp * @return boolean * @access protected */ function __write(&$tmp) { // try to guess format from extension // if (!$tmp->save) { $p = pathinfo($tmp->target_filename); ($tmp->save = $this->__mime_metaphone[metaphone($p['extension'])]) || ($tmp->save = $this->__mime_soundex[soundex($p['extension'])]); } $result = false; switch ($tmp->save) { case 'image/gif': imageTrueColorToPalette($tmp->target, true, 256); $result = @imageGIF($tmp->target, $tmp->target_filename); break; case 'image/jpeg': $result = @imageJPEG($tmp->target, $tmp->target_filename, ASIDO_GD_JPEG_QUALITY); break; case 'image/wbmp': $result = @imageWBMP($tmp->target, $tmp->target_filename); break; default: case 'image/png': imageSaveAlpha($tmp->target, true); imageAlphaBlending($tmp->target, false); $result = @imagePNG($tmp->target, $tmp->target_filename); break; } @$this->__destroy_source($tmp); @$this->__destroy_target($tmp); return $result; }
function create_watermark($file) { //文件不存在则返回 if (!file_exists($this->watermark_file) || !file_exists($file)) { return; } if (!function_exists('getImageSize')) { return; } //检查GD支持的文件类型 $gd_allow_types = array(); if (function_exists('ImageCreateFromGIF')) { $gd_allow_types['image/gif'] = 'ImageCreateFromGIF'; } if (function_exists('ImageCreateFromPNG')) { $gd_allow_types['image/png'] = 'ImageCreateFromPNG'; } if (function_exists('ImageCreateFromJPEG')) { $gd_allow_types['image/jpeg'] = 'ImageCreateFromJPEG'; } //获取文件信息 $fileinfo = getImageSize($file); $wminfo = getImageSize($this->watermark_file); if ($fileinfo[0] < $wminfo[0] || $fileinfo[1] < $wminfo[1]) { return; } if (array_key_exists($fileinfo['mime'], $gd_allow_types)) { if (array_key_exists($wminfo['mime'], $gd_allow_types)) { // 从文件创建图像 $temp = $gd_allow_types[$fileinfo['mime']]($file); $temp_wm = $gd_allow_types[$wminfo['mime']]($this->watermark_file); // 水印位置 switch ($this->watermark_pos) { case 1: //顶部居左 $dst_x = 0; $dst_y = 0; break; case 2: //顶部居中 $dst_x = ($fileinfo[0] - $wminfo[0]) / 2; $dst_y = 0; break; case 3: //顶部居右 $dst_x = $fileinfo[0]; $dst_y = 0; break; case 4: //底部居左 $dst_x = 0; $dst_y = $fileinfo[1]; break; case 5: //底部居中 $dst_x = ($fileinfo[0] - $wminfo[0]) / 2; $dst_y = $fileinfo[1]; break; case 6: //底部居右 $dst_x = $fileinfo[0] - $wminfo[0]; $dst_y = $fileinfo[1] - $wminfo[1]; break; default: //随机 $dst_x = mt_rand(0, $fileinfo[0] - $wminfo[0]); $dst_y = mt_rand(0, $fileinfo[1] - $wminfo[1]); } if (function_exists('ImageAlphaBlending')) { ImageAlphaBlending($temp_wm, True); } // 设定图像的混色模式 if (function_exists('ImageSaveAlpha')) { ImageSaveAlpha($temp_wm, True); } // 保存完整的 alpha 通道信息 //为图像添加水印 if (function_exists('imageCopyMerge')) { ImageCopyMerge($temp, $temp_wm, $dst_x, $dst_y, 0, 0, $wminfo[0], $wminfo[1], $this->watermark_trans); } else { ImageCopyMerge($temp, $temp_wm, $dst_x, $dst_y, 0, 0, $wminfo[0], $wminfo[1]); } // 保存图片 switch ($fileinfo['mime']) { case 'image/jpeg': @imageJPEG($temp, $file); break; case 'image/png': @imagePNG($temp, $file); break; case 'image/gif': @imageGIF($temp, $file); break; } // 销毁零时图像 @imageDestroy($temp); @imageDestroy($temp_wm); } } }
function makewatermark($srcfile) { global $_SCONFIG; if ($_SCONFIG['watermark'] && function_exists('imageCreateFromJPEG') && function_exists('imageCreateFromPNG') && function_exists('imageCopyMerge')) { $srcfile = A_DIR . '/' . $srcfile; $watermark_file = $_SCONFIG['watermarkfile']; $watermarkstatus = $_SCONFIG['watermarkstatus']; $fileext = fileext($watermark_file); $ispng = $fileext == 'png' ? true : false; $attachinfo = @getimagesize($srcfile); if (!empty($attachinfo) && is_array($attachinfo) && $attachinfo[2] != 1 && $attachinfo['mime'] != 'image/gif') { } else { return ''; } $watermark_logo = $ispng ? @imageCreateFromPNG($watermark_file) : @imageCreateFromGIF($watermark_file); if (!$watermark_logo) { return ''; } $logo_w = imageSX($watermark_logo); $logo_h = imageSY($watermark_logo); $img_w = $attachinfo[0]; $img_h = $attachinfo[1]; $wmwidth = $img_w - $logo_w; $wmheight = $img_h - $logo_h; if (is_readable($watermark_file) && $wmwidth > 100 && $wmheight > 100) { switch ($attachinfo['mime']) { case 'image/jpeg': $dst_photo = imageCreateFromJPEG($srcfile); break; case 'image/gif': $dst_photo = imageCreateFromGIF($srcfile); break; case 'image/png': $dst_photo = imageCreateFromPNG($srcfile); break; default: break; } switch ($watermarkstatus) { case 1: $x = +5; $y = +5; break; case 2: $x = ($img_w - $logo_w) / 2; $y = +5; break; case 3: $x = $img_w - $logo_w - 5; $y = +5; break; case 4: $x = +5; $y = ($img_h - $logo_h) / 2; break; case 5: $x = ($img_w - $logo_w) / 2; $y = ($img_h - $logo_h) / 2; break; case 6: $x = $img_w - $logo_w - 5; $y = ($img_h - $logo_h) / 2; break; case 7: $x = +5; $y = $img_h - $logo_h - 5; break; case 8: $x = ($img_w - $logo_w) / 2; $y = $img_h - $logo_h - 5; break; case 9: $x = $img_w - $logo_w - 5; $y = $img_h - $logo_h - 5; break; } if ($ispng) { $watermark_photo = imagecreatetruecolor($img_w, $img_h); imageCopy($watermark_photo, $dst_photo, 0, 0, 0, 0, $img_w, $img_h); imageCopy($watermark_photo, $watermark_logo, $x, $y, 0, 0, $logo_w, $logo_h); $dst_photo = $watermark_photo; } else { imageAlphaBlending($watermark_logo, true); imageCopyMerge($dst_photo, $watermark_logo, $x, $y, 0, 0, $logo_w, $logo_h, $_SCONFIG['watermarktrans']); } switch ($attachinfo['mime']) { case 'image/jpeg': imageJPEG($dst_photo, $srcfile, $_SCONFIG['watermarkjpgquality']); break; case 'image/gif': imageGIF($dst_photo, $srcfile); break; case 'image/png': imagePNG($dst_photo, $srcfile); break; } } } }
function convertImage($type) { /* check the converted image type availability, if it is not available, it will be casted to jpeg :) */ $validtype = $this->validateType($type); if ($this->output) { /* show the image */ switch ($validtype) { case 'jpeg': case 'jpg': header("Content-type: image/jpeg"); if ($this->imtype == 'gif' or $this->imtype == 'png') { $image = $this->replaceTransparentWhite($this->im); imageJPEG($image); } else { imageJPEG($this->im); } break; case 'gif': header("Content-type: image/gif"); imageGIF($this->im); break; case 'png': header("Content-type: image/png"); imagePNG($this->im); break; case 'wbmp': header("Content-type: image/vnd.wap.wbmp"); imageWBMP($this->im); break; case 'swf': header("Content-type: application/x-shockwave-flash"); $this->imageSWF($this->im); break; } // Memory cleanup @imagedestroy($this->im); } else { /* save the image */ switch ($validtype) { case 'jpeg': case 'jpg': if ($this->imtype == 'gif' or $this->imtype == 'png') { /* replace transparent with white */ $image = $this->replaceTransparentWhite($this->im); imageJPEG($image, $this->finalFilePath . $this->imname . ".jpg"); } else { imageJPEG($this->im, $this->finalFilePath . $this->imname . ".jpg"); } break; case 'gif': imageGIF($this->im, $this->finalFilePath . $this->imname . ".gif"); break; case 'png': imagePNG($this->im, $this->finalFilePath . $this->imname . ".png"); break; case 'wbmp': imageWBMP($this->im, $this->finalFilePath . $this->imname . ".wbmp"); break; case 'swf': $this->imageSWF($this->im, $this->finalFilePath . $this->imname . ".swf"); break; } // Memory cleanup @imagedestroy($this->im); } }
function watermark($target, $watermark_file, $ext, $watermarkstatus = 9, $watermarktrans = 50) { $gdsurporttype = array(); if (function_exists('imageAlphaBlending') && function_exists('getimagesize')) { if (function_exists('imageGIF')) { $gdsurporttype[] = 'gif'; } if (function_exists('imagePNG')) { $gdsurporttype[] = 'png'; } if (function_exists('imageJPEG')) { $gdsurporttype[] = 'jpg'; $gdsurporttype[] = 'jpeg'; } } if ($gdsurporttype && in_array($ext, $gdsurporttype)) { $attachinfo = getimagesize($target); $watermark_logo = imageCreateFromGIF($watermark_file); $logo_w = imageSX($watermark_logo); $logo_h = imageSY($watermark_logo); $img_w = $attachinfo[0]; $img_h = $attachinfo[1]; $wmwidth = $img_w - $logo_w; $wmheight = $img_h - $logo_h; $animatedgif = 0; if ($attachinfo['mime'] == 'image/gif') { $fp = fopen($target, 'rb'); $targetcontent = fread($fp, 9999999); fclose($fp); $animatedgif = strpos($targetcontent, 'NETSCAPE2.0') === FALSE ? 0 : 1; } if ($watermark_logo && $wmwidth > 10 && $wmheight > 10 && !$animatedgif) { switch ($attachinfo['mime']) { case 'image/jpeg': $dst_photo = imageCreateFromJPEG($target); break; case 'image/gif': $dst_photo = imageCreateFromGIF($target); break; case 'image/png': $dst_photo = imageCreateFromPNG($target); break; } switch ($watermarkstatus) { case 1: $x = +5; $y = +5; break; case 2: $x = ($logo_w + $img_w) / 2; $y = +5; break; case 3: $x = $img_w - $logo_w - 5; $y = +5; break; case 4: $x = +5; $y = ($logo_h + $img_h) / 2; break; case 5: $x = ($logo_w + $img_w) / 2; $y = ($logo_h + $img_h) / 2; break; case 6: $x = $img_w - $logo_w; $y = ($logo_h + $img_h) / 2; break; case 7: $x = +5; $y = $img_h - $logo_h - 5; break; case 8: $x = ($logo_w + $img_w) / 2; $y = $img_h - $logo_h; break; case 9: $x = $img_w - $logo_w - 5; $y = $img_h - $logo_h - 5; break; } imageAlphaBlending($watermark_logo, FALSE); imagesavealpha($watermark_logo, TRUE); imageCopyMerge($dst_photo, $watermark_logo, $x, $y, 0, 0, $logo_w, $logo_h, $watermarktrans); switch ($attachinfo['mime']) { case 'image/jpeg': imageJPEG($dst_photo, $target); break; case 'image/gif': imageGIF($dst_photo, $target); break; case 'image/png': imagePNG($dst_photo, $target); break; } } } }
function convertImage($type) { /* check the converted image type availability, if it is not available, it will be casted to jpeg :) */ $validtype = $this->validateType($type); if ($this->output) { /* show the image */ switch ($validtype) { case 'jpeg': // Added jpe // Added jpe case 'jpe': case 'jpg': header("Content-type: image/jpeg"); if ($this->imtype == 'gif' or $this->imtype == 'png') { $image = $this->replaceTransparentWhite($this->im); @imageJPEG($image); } else { @imageJPEG($this->im); } break; case 'gif': header("Content-type: image/gif"); @imageGIF($this->im); break; case 'png': header("Content-type: image/png"); @imagePNG($this->im); break; case 'wbmp': header("Content-type: image/vnd.wap.wbmp"); @imageWBMP($this->im); break; case 'swf': header("Content-type: application/x-shockwave-flash"); $this->imageSWF($this->im); break; } } else { // Added Support vor different directory if (DEFINED('V_TEMP_DIR')) { $this->newimname = V_TEMP_DIR . $this->imname . '.' . $validtype; } else { $this->newimname = $this->imname . '.' . $validtype; } /* save the image */ switch ($validtype) { case 'jpeg': // Added jpe // Added jpe case 'jpe': case 'jpg': if ($this->imtype == 'gif' or $this->imtype == 'png') { /* replace transparent with white */ $image = $this->replaceTransparentWhite($this->im); @imageJPEG($image, $this->newimname); } else { @imageJPEG($this->im, $this->newimname); } break; case 'gif': @imageGIF($this->im, $this->newimname); break; case 'png': @imagePNG($this->im, $this->newimname); break; case 'wbmp': @imageWBMP($this->im, $this->newimname); break; case 'swf': $this->imageSWF($this->im, $this->newimname); break; } } }
/** * this function uses the gdimage library to resize an image and save it to a path * or replace the existing file. * * @param string $cInput [file path for the source image] * @param string $cOutput [the output path] * @param integer $nH [the image height] * @param integer $nW [the image width] * @param string $xType [alternate ways to crop image] * @param integer $nQuality [image quality] * */ public function resizeImage($cInput, $cOutput, $nH = 1600, $nW = 2560, $xType = 'normal', $nQuality = 100) { if (function_exists('imagecreatefromgif')) { $src_img = ''; $nH == $nW ? $xType = 'square' : false; $cOutput == null ? $cOutput = $cInput : false; $cType = strtolower(substr(stripslashes($cInput), strrpos(stripslashes($cInput), '.'))); if ($cType == '.gif' || $cType == 'image/gif') { $src_img = imagecreatefromgif($cInput); /* Attempt to open */ $cType = 'image/gif'; } elseif ($cType == '.png' || $cType == 'image/png' || $cType == 'image/x-png') { $src_img = imagecreatefrompng($cInput); /* Attempt to open */ $cType = 'image/x-png'; } elseif ($cType == '.bmp' || $cType == 'image/bmp') { $src_img = imagecreatefrombmp($cInput); /* Attempt to open */ $cType = 'image/bmp'; } elseif ($cType == '.jpg' || $cType == '.jpeg' || $cType == 'image/jpg' || $cType == 'image/jpeg' || $cType == 'image/pjpeg') { $src_img = imagecreatefromjpeg($cInput); /* Attempt to open */ $cType = 'image/jpeg'; } else { } if (!$src_img) { $src_img = imagecreatefromgif(FOONSTER_PATH . '/images/widget.gif'); /* Attempt to open */ $cType = 'image/gif'; } else { $tmp_img; list($width, $height) = getimagesize($cInput); if ($xType == 'square' && $width != $height) { $biggestSide = ''; $cropPercent = 0.5; $cropWidth = 0; $cropHeight = 0; $c1 = array(); if ($width > $height) { $biggestSide = $width; $cropWidth = round($biggestSide * $cropPercent); $cropHeight = round($biggestSide * $cropPercent); $c1 = array("x" => ($width - $cropWidth) / 2, "y" => ($height - $cropHeight) / 2); } else { $biggestSide = $height; $cropWidth = round($biggestSide * $cropPercent); $cropHeight = round($biggestSide * $cropPercent); $c1 = array("x" => ($width - $cropWidth) / 2, "y" => ($height - $cropHeight) / 7); } $thumbSize = $nH; if ($cType == 'image/gif') { $tmp_img = imagecreate($thumbSize, $thumbSize); imagecolortransparent($tmp_img, imagecolorallocate($tmp_img, 0, 0, 0)); imagecopyresized($tmp_img, $src_img, 0, 0, $c1['x'], $c1['y'], $thumbSize, $thumbSize, $cropWidth, $cropHeight); } elseif ($cType == 'image/x-png') { $tmp_img = imagecreatetruecolor($thumbSize, $thumbSize); imagecopyresampled($tmp_img, $src_img, 0, 0, $c1['x'], $c1['y'], $thumbSize, $thumbSize, $cropWidth, $cropHeight); } elseif ($cType == 'image/bmp') { $tmp_img = imagecreatetruecolor($thumbSize, $thumbSize); imagecopyresampled($tmp_img, $src_img, 0, 0, $c1['x'], $c1['y'], $thumbSize, $thumbSize, $cropWidth, $cropHeight); } elseif ($cType == 'image/jpeg') { $tmp_img = imagecreatetruecolor($thumbSize, $thumbSize); imagecopyresampled($tmp_img, $src_img, 0, 0, $c1['x'], $c1['y'], $thumbSize, $thumbSize, $cropWidth, $cropHeight); } else { $tmp_img = imagecreatetruecolor($thumbSize, $thumbSize); imagecopyresampled($tmp_img, $src_img, 0, 0, $c1['x'], $c1['y'], $thumbSize, $thumbSize, $cropWidth, $cropHeight); } imagedestroy($src_img); $src_img = $tmp_img; } else { $ow = imagesx($src_img); $oh = imagesy($src_img); if ($nH == 0 && $nW == 0) { $nH = $oh; $nW = $ow; } if ($nH == 0) { $nH = $nW; } if ($nW == 0) { $nW = $nH; } if ($nH > $oh && $nW > $ow) { $width = $ow; $height = $oh; } else { if ($nW && $ow < $oh) { $nW = $nH / $oh * $ow; } else { $nH = $nW / $ow * $oh; } $width = $nW; $height = $nH; } if ($cType == 'image/gif') { $tmp_img = imagecreate($width, $height); imagecolortransparent($tmp_img, imagecolorallocate($tmp_img, 0, 0, 0)); imagecopyresized($tmp_img, $src_img, 0, 0, $off_w, $off_h, $width, $height, $ow, $oh); } elseif ($cType == 'image/x-png') { $tmp_img = imagecreatetruecolor($width, $height); imagecopyresampled($tmp_img, $src_img, 0, 0, $off_w, $off_h, $width, $height, $ow, $oh); } elseif ($cType == 'image/bmp') { $tmp_img = imagecreatetruecolor($width, $height); imagecopyresampled($tmp_img, $src_img, 0, 0, $off_w, $off_h, $width, $height, $ow, $oh); } elseif ($cType == 'image/jpeg') { $tmp_img = imagecreatetruecolor($width, $height); imagecopyresampled($tmp_img, $src_img, 0, 0, $off_w, $off_h, $width, $height, $ow, $oh); } else { $tmp_img = imagecreatetruecolor($width, $height); imagecopyresampled($tmp_img, $src_img, 0, 0, $off_w, $off_h, $width, $height, $ow, $oh); } imagedestroy($src_img); $src_img = $tmp_img; } } // set the output if ($cType == 'image/gif') { imageGIF($src_img, $cOutput); } elseif ($cType == 'image/x-png') { imagePNG($src_img, $cOutput); } elseif ($cType == 'image/bmp') { imageJPEG($src_img, $cOutput, $nQuality); } elseif ($cType == 'image/jpeg') { imageJPEG($src_img, $cOutput, $nQuality); } else { imageJPEG($src_img, $cOutput, $nQuality); } } }
/** * Prints out and cache the thumbnail. Returns verbose errors. * * @access public * @param string $image The Relative Path to the image * @param integer $width The Width of the new thumbnail * @param integer $height The Height of the thumbnail * @param boolean $return_img Set to true to return the string instead of outputting it. Default to false * @param boolean $display_inline If set to true, heaers sent to browser will instruct it to display the image inline instead of asking the user to download. Defaults to true. * @return string * */ function print_thumbnail($image, $width, $height, $return_img = false, $display_inline = true, $target_file = false) { //Check parameters if (empty($image) || empty($width) || empty($height)) { return $this->set_error("Method print_thumbnail: Missing Parameters"); } if (isset($this->currentRealFile) && is_file($this->currentRealFile)) { $image = $this->currentRealFile; } //Check whether $image is a remote address if ($this->is_remote($image) == 1) { $is_remote = true; //Check that file exists (Check only enabled in PHP 5 because only PHP 5 supports for checking remote files if (phpversion() >= 5) { if (!file_exists($image)) { return $this->set_error("Method print_thumbnail: Error. The file '{$image}' you specified does not exists or cannot be accessed."); } } $image_data = $this->retrieve_remote_file($image, true, false, 1); } elseif ($this->is_remote($image) == 0) { $is_remote = false; if (!file_exists($image)) { return $this->set_error("Method print_thumbnail: Error. The file '{$image}' you specified does not exists or cannot be accessed."); } $image_data = implode("", file($image)); } if (!is_string($image_data)) { return $this->set_error("Method print_thumbnail: Error, could not read image file '{$image}'."); } $array = $this->retrieve_image_data($image); if (!$array) { return $this->set_error("Method print_thumbnail: Unable to determine Image '{$image}' type and/or dimensions."); } list($ori_width, $ori_height, $format) = $array; //Check whether format is supported if (!array_key_exists($format, $this->file_ext)) { return $this->set_error("Method print_thumbnail: Image '{$image}' format is not supported."); } //Check that cache is enabled, cache DIR is writable, cache DIR exists if ($this->is_cacheable()) { //Passed eh? Generate the root dir of request file if ($is_remote != true) { $transformed = realpath($image); $hash = sha1_file($image); } else { $transformed = $image; $hash = sha1($image_data); } //Check if a version exists if ($this->exif_rotation) { $cache_file = $this->cache_dir . sha1($transformed) . "." . $width . "." . $height . ".rotated." . $hash . "." . $this->file_ext[$format]; } else { $cache_file = $this->cache_dir . sha1($transformed) . "." . $width . "." . $height . "." . $hash . "." . $this->file_ext[$format]; } if (file_exists($cache_file)) { if ($return_img == false) { //AJXP_Logger::debug("Using Cache"); //die($cache_file); header("Expires: " . gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s") . " GMT"); header("Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate"); header("Pragma: no-cache"); header("Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary"); header("Content-type: " . image_type_to_mime_type($format)); if ($display_inline == true) { header("Content-Disposition: inline; filename=\"" . time() . "." . $this->file_ext[$format] . "\""); } else { header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"" . time() . "." . $this->file_ext[$format] . "\""); } print implode("", file($cache_file)); die; //Prepare redirectional URL $redir_url = $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"] . dirname($_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]) . "/" . $cache_file; //Remove instances of double slashes "//" $redir_url = str_replace("//", "/", $redir_url); header("Location: http://{$redir_url}"); die; } else { return implode("", file($cache_file)); } } else { $handle = @opendir($this->cache_dir); if ($handle !== FALSE) { while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) { if ($this->exif_rotation) { $rotated = "\\.rotated"; } else { $rotated = ""; } if (preg_match("/^" . preg_quote(sha1($transformed)) . "\\.[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+" . $rotated . "\\.([0-9a-z]{40})\\.(.+?)\$/i", $file, $matches)) { //Hash is in [1] //Check to see if the file data is the same. If it is, then don't delete it. if ($matches[1] != $hash) { $matched[] = $file; } } } closedir($handle); if (!empty($matched)) { for ($i = 0; $i <= count($matched) - 1; $i++) { @unlink($this->cache_dir . $matched[$i]); } } } } } $gd_info = gd_info(); //Special GIF handling if ($format == 1 && $gd_info["GIF Create Support"] != true) { //return $this -> set_error("Method print_thumbnail: Error, GIF support is unavaliable for PHP Version ".phpversion()); //Image Outputted will be in PNG Format $format = 3; } $handle = @imagecreatefromstring($image_data); if ($handle == false) { return $this->set_error("Method print_thumbnail: Unsupported Image '{$image}' type"); } //Exif Orientation patch $orientation = $this->exiforientation($image, true); if ($this->rotationsupported($orientation) and $orientation > 4) { $width2 = $width; $width = $height; $height = $width2; } //Now lets resize it //First lets create a new image handler which will be the thumbnailed image $thumbnail = imagecreatetruecolor($width, $height); if (!$thumbnail) { return $this->set_error("Method print_thumbnail: A thumbnail image '{$image}' could not be created"); } /* Image Format Special Handlinng */ //GIF truecolour to palette - preserve transparency if ($format == 1) { imagetruecolortopalette($handle, true, 256); } //PNG Alpha Channel saving if ($format == 3) { //Set to save alpha channel info in source and destination imagealphablending($handle, false); imagesavealpha($handle, true); imagealphablending($thumbnail, false); imagesavealpha($thumbnail, true); } //Resize it if (!$this->fastimagecopyresampled($thumbnail, $handle, 0, 0, 0, 0, $width, $height, ImageSX($handle), ImageSY($handle), $this->thumb_quality)) { return $this->set_error("Method print_thumbnail: Failed resizing image '{$image}'."); } // Rotate if JPEG and Exif Information is available $orientation = $this->exiforientation($image, true); if ($this->rotationsupported($orientation)) { switch ($orientation) { case 2: // mirror horizontal @imageflip($thumbnail, IMG_FLIP_HORIZONTAL); break; case 3: // rotate 180 $thumbnail = @imagerotate($thumbnail, 180, imagecolorallocate($thumbnail, 255, 255, 255)); break; case 4: // mirror vertical @imageflip($thumbnail, IMG_FLIP_VERTICAL); break; case 5: // mirror horizontal, 90 rotate left @imageflip($thumbnail, IMG_FLIP_HORIZONTAL); $thumbnail = @imagerotate($thumbnail, 90, imagecolorallocate($thumbnail, 255, 255, 255)); break; case 6: // 90 rotate right $thumbnail = @imagerotate($thumbnail, -90, imagecolorallocate($thumbnail, 255, 255, 255)); break; case 7: // mirror horizontal, 90 rotate right @imageflip($thumbnail, IMG_FLIP_HORIZONTAL); $thumbnail = @imagerotate($thumbnail, -90, imagecolorallocate($thumbnail, 255, 255, 255)); break; case 8: // 90 rotate left $thumbnail = @imagerotate($thumbnail, 90, imagecolorallocate($thumbnail, 255, 255, 255)); break; } } //Cache it if ($this->is_cacheable()) { switch ($format) { case 1: $cached = @imagegif($thumbnail, $cache_file); break; case 2: $cached = @imageJPEG($thumbnail, $cache_file, 100); break; case 3: $cached = @imagepng($thumbnail, $cache_file); break; case 15: $cached = @imagewbmp($thumbnail, $cache_file); break; case 16: $cached = @imagexbm($thumbnail, $cache_file); break; default: $cached = false; } if (!$cached) { return $this->set_error("Method print_thumbnail 1: Error in cache generation of image '{$image}'."); } } if ($target_file != false) { $wrappers = stream_get_wrappers(); $wrappers_re = '(' . implode('|', $wrappers) . ')'; $isStream = preg_match("!^{$wrappers_re}://!", $target_file) === 1; if ($isStream) { $backToStreamTarget = $target_file; $target_file = tempnam(AJXP_Utils::getAjxpTmpDir(), "pthumb_"); } switch ($format) { case 1: $cached = @imagegif($thumbnail, $target_file); break; case 2: $cached = @imageJPEG($thumbnail, $target_file, 100); break; case 3: $cached = @imagepng($thumbnail, $target_file); break; case 15: $cached = @imagewbmp($thumbnail, $target_file); break; case 16: $cached = @imagexbm($thumbnail, $target_file); break; default: $cached = false; } if ($cached && $isStream) { $cached = @copy($target_file, $backToStreamTarget); @unlink($target_file); } if (!$cached) { return $this->set_error("Method print_thumbnail: Error in cache generation of image '{$image}'."); } return true; } if ($return_img == false) { header("Expires: " . gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s") . " GMT"); header("Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate"); header("Pragma: no-cache"); header("Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary"); header("Content-type: " . image_type_to_mime_type($format)); if ($display_inline == true) { header("Content-Disposition: inline; filename=\"" . time() . "." . $this->file_ext[$format] . "\""); } else { header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"" . time() . "." . $this->file_ext[$format] . "\""); } if ($this->is_cacheable()) { echo implode("", file($cache_file)); } else { switch ($format) { case 1: $outputed = @imagegif($thumbnail); break; case 2: $outputed = @imageJPEG($thumbnail, null, 100); break; case 3: $outputed = @imagepng($thumbnail); break; case 15: $outpupted = @imagewbmp($thumbnail); break; case 16: $outputed = @imagexbm($thumbnail, NULL); break; default: $outputed = false; } if (!$outputed) { return $this->set_error("Method print_thumbnail: Error outputting Image '{$image}'"); } } } else { if ($this->is_cacheable()) { return implode("", file($cache_file)); } else { return $this->set_error("Method print_thumbnail: Cannot return image '{$image}'! Cache must be enabled!"); } } //Destroy the image imagedestroy($handle); imagedestroy($thumbnail); //Clear any cache; if needed $this->clear_cache(); }
/** * function imageCreate (resource $thumb) * * Create a new image from the $thumb resource * * return booelan */ function imageCreate($thumb) { if ($this->data[2] == 1) { $ok = imageGIF($thumb, $this->target, $this->quality); } elseif ($this->data[2] == 3) { $quality = 10 - round($this->quality / 10); $quality = $quality < 0 ? 0 : ($quality > 9 ? 9 : $quality); $ok = imagePNG($thumb, $this->target, $quality); } else { $ok = imageJPEG($thumb, $this->target, $this->quality); } if ($ok) { imageDestroy($thumb); return true; } else { return false; } }
public static function thumbComplete($o_file, $fileName, $t_ht = 100, $x, $y, $width, $height, $ow, $sizes = array()) { $image_info = getImageSize($o_file); // see EXIF for faster way switch ($image_info['mime']) { case 'image/gif': if (imagetypes() & IMG_GIF) { // not the same as IMAGETYPE $o_im = imageCreateFromGIF($o_file); } break; case 'image/jpeg': if (imagetypes() & IMG_JPG) { $o_im = imageCreateFromJPEG($o_file); } break; case 'image/png': if (imagetypes() & IMG_PNG) { $o_im = imageCreateFromPNG($o_file); } break; case 'image/wbmp': if (imagetypes() & IMG_WBMP) { $o_im = imageCreateFromWBMP($o_file); } break; default: break; } $o_wd = imagesx($o_im); $o_ht = imagesy($o_im); $size = $o_wd / $ow; echo $size . '<br>'; echo $x * $size . '<br>'; echo $y * $size . '<br>'; echo $sizes['width'] . '<br>'; echo $sizes['height'] . '<br>'; echo $width * $size . '<br>'; echo $height * $size . '<br>'; // die; $new_im = imageCreateTrueColor($width, $height); if (empty($sizes)) { imagecopyresampled($new_im, $o_im, 0, 0, $x * $size, $y * $size, $width * $size, $height * $size, $width * $size, $height * $size); } else { imagecopyresampled($new_im, $o_im, 0, 0, $x * $size, $y * $size, $sizes['width'], $sizes['height'], $width * $size, $height * $size); } imageJPEG($new_im, $fileName, 100); chmod($fileName, 0777); imageDestroy($o_im); imageDestroy($new_im); return true; }
header("Content-type: image/jpeg"); header("Cache-control: no-cache"); $image = ImageCreateFromJPEG($orgimg); $orgX = ImageSX($image); $orgY = ImageSY($image); if ($orgX < $ImageResizeX) { $newX = $orgX; $newY = $orgY; } else { $newX = $ImageResizeX; $newY = $orgY / $orgX * $ImageResizeX; } $newimage = ImageCreateTrueColor($newX, $newY); ImageCopyResized($newimage, $image, 0, 0, 0, 0, $newX, $newY, $orgX, $orgY); imagedestroy($image); imageJPEG($newimage); imagedestroy($newimage); } else { if (eregi('.gif', $orgimg) || $imginfo[2] == IMAGETYPE_GIF) { //GIFファイルは無理やりjpegに変換して表示します。 header("Content-type: image/jpeg"); header("Cache-control: no-cache"); $image = ImageCreateFromGIF($orgimg); $orgX = ImageSX($image); $orgY = ImageSY($image); if ($orgX < $ImageResizeX) { $newX = $orgX; $newY = $orgY; } else { $newX = $ImageResizeX; $newY = $orgY / $orgX * $ImageResizeX;
/** * Prints out and cache the thumbnail. Returns verbose errors. * * @access public * @param string $image The Relative Path to the image * @param integer $width The Width of the new thumbnail * @param integer $height The Height of the thumbnail * @param boolean $return_img Set to true to return the string instead of outputting it. Default to false * @param boolean $display_inline If set to true, heaers sent to browser will instruct it to display the image inline instead of asking the user to download. Defaults to true. * @return string * */ function print_thumbnail($image, $width, $height, $return_img = false, $display_inline = true) { //Check parameters if (empty($image) || empty($width) || empty($height)) { return $this->set_error("Method print_thumbnail: Missing Parameters"); } //Check whether $image is a remote address if ($this->is_remote($image) == 1) { $is_remote = true; //Check that file exists (Check only enabled in PHP 5 because only PHP 5 supports for checking remote files if (phpversion() >= 5) { if (!file_exists($image)) { return $this->set_error("Method print_thumbnail: Error. The file '{$image}' you specified does not exists or cannot be accessed."); } } $image_data = $this->retrieve_remote_file($image, true, false, 1); } elseif ($this->is_remote($image) == 0) { $is_remote = false; if (!file_exists($image)) { return $this->set_error("Method print_thumbnail: Error. The file '{$image}' you specified does not exists or cannot be accessed."); } $image_data = @join(file($image)); } if (!is_string($image_data)) { return $this->set_error("Method print_thumbnail: Error, could not read image file '{$image}'."); } $array = $this->retrieve_image_data($image); if (!$array) { return $this->set_error("Method print_thumbnail: Unable to determine Image '{$image}' type and/or dimensions."); } list($ori_width, $ori_height, $format) = $array; //Check whether format is supported if (!array_key_exists($format, $this->file_ext)) { return $this->set_error("Method print_thumbnail: Image '{$image}' format is not supported."); } //Check that cache is enabled, cache DIR is writable, cache DIR exists if ($this->is_cacheable()) { //Passed eh? Generate the root dir of request file if ($is_remote != true) { $transformed = realpath($image); $hash = sha1_file($image); } else { $transformed = $image; $hash = sha1($image_data); } //Check if a version exists $cache_file = $this->cache_dir . sha1($transformed) . "." . $width . "." . $height . "." . $hash . "." . $this->file_ext[$format]; if (file_exists($cache_file)) { if ($return_img == false) { //die($cache_file); header("Expires: " . gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s") . " GMT"); header("Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate"); header("Pragma: no-cache"); header("Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary"); header("Content-type: " . image_type_to_mime_type($format)); if ($display_inline == true) { header("Content-Disposition: inline; filename=\"" . time() . "." . $this->file_ext[$format] . "\""); } else { header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"" . time() . "." . $this->file_ext[$format] . "\""); } print join(file($cache_file)); die; //Prepare redirectional URL $redir_url = $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"] . dirname($_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]) . "/" . $cache_file; //Remove instances of double slashes "//" $redir_url = str_replace("//", "/", $redir_url); header("Location: http://{$redir_url}"); die; } else { return join(file($cache_file)); } } else { if ($handle = @opendir($this->cache_dir)) { while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) { if (preg_match("/^" . preg_quote(sha1($transformed)) . "\\.[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+\\.([0-9a-z]{40})\\.(.+?)\$/i", $file, $matches)) { //Hash is in [1] //Check to see if the file data is the same. If it is, then don't delete it. if ($matches[1] != $hash) { $matched[] = $file; } } } closedir($handle); if (!empty($matched)) { for ($i = 0; $i <= count($matched) - 1; $i++) { @unlink($this->cache_dir . $matched[$i]); } } } } } $gd_info = gd_info(); //Special GIF handling if ($format == 1 && $gd_info["GIF Create Support"] != true) { //return $this -> set_error("Method print_thumbnail: Error, GIF support is unavaliable for PHP Version ".phpversion()); //Image Outputted will be in PNG Format $format = 3; } $handle = @imagecreatefromstring($image_data); if ($handle == false) { return $this->set_error("Method print_thumbnail: Unsupported Image '{$image}' type"); } //Now lets resize it //First lets create a new image handler which will be the thumbnailed image $thumbnail = imagecreatetruecolor($width, $height); if (!$thumbnail) { return $this->set_error("Method print_thumbnail: A thumbnail image '{$image}' could not be created"); } /* Image Format Special Handlinng */ //GIF truecolour to palette - preserve transparency if ($format == 1) { imagetruecolortopalette($handle, true, 256); } //PNG Alpha Channel saving if ($format == 3) { //Set to save alpha channel info in source and destination imagealphablending($handle, false); imagesavealpha($handle, true); imagealphablending($thumbnail, false); imagesavealpha($thumbnail, true); } //Resize it if (!$this->fastimagecopyresampled($thumbnail, $handle, 0, 0, 0, 0, $width, $height, ImageSX($handle), ImageSY($handle), $this->thumb_quality)) { return $this->set_error("Method print_thumbnail: Failed resizing image '{$image}'."); } //Cache it if ($this->is_cacheable()) { switch ($format) { case 1: $cached = @imagegif($thumbnail, $cache_file); break; case 2: $cached = @imageJPEG($thumbnail, $cache_file, 100); break; case 3: $cached = @imagepng($thumbnail, $cache_file); break; case 15: $cached = @imagewbmp($thumbnail, $cache_file); break; case 16: $cached = @imagexbm($thumbnail, $cache_file); break; default: $cached = false; } if (!$cached) { return $this->set_error("Method print_thumbnail: Error in cache generation of image '{$image}'."); } } if ($return_img == false) { header("Expires: " . gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s") . " GMT"); header("Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate"); header("Pragma: no-cache"); header("Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary"); header("Content-type: " . image_type_to_mime_type($format)); if ($display_inline == true) { header("Content-Disposition: inline; filename=\"" . time() . "." . $this->file_ext[$format] . "\""); } else { header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"" . time() . "." . $this->file_ext[$format] . "\""); } if ($this->is_cacheable()) { echo join(file($cache_file)); } else { switch ($format) { case 1: $outputed = @imagegif($thumbnail); break; case 2: $outputed = @imageJPEG($thumbnail, '', 100); break; case 3: $outputed = @imagepng($thumbnail); break; case 15: $outpupted = @imagewbmp($thumbnail); break; case 16: $outputed = @imagexbm($thumbnail); break; default: $outputed = false; } if (!$outputed) { return $this->set_error("Method print_thumbnail: Error outputting Image '{$image}'"); } } } else { if ($this->is_cacheable()) { return join(file($cache_file)); } else { return $this->set_error("Method print_thumbnail: Cannot return image '{$image}'! Cache must be enabled!"); } } //Destroy the image imagedestroy($handle); imagedestroy($thumbnail); //Clear any cache; if needed $this->clear_cache(); }
/** * Saves the image to a given filename, if no filename is given then a default is created. * * @param string $save The new image filename. */ public function save($save = "") { //save thumb if (empty($save)) { $save = strtolower("./thumb." . $this->image["outputformat"]); } else { $this->image["outputformat"] = preg_replace("/.*\\.(.*)\$/", "\\1", $save); //$this->image["outputformat"] = preg_replace(".*\.(.*)$", "\\1", $save); $this->image["outputformat"] = strtoupper($this->image["outputformat"]); } $this->createResampledImage(); if ($this->image["outputformat"] == "JPG" || $this->image["outputformat"] == "JPEG") { //JPEG imageJPEG($this->image["des"], $save, $this->image["quality"]); } elseif ($this->image["outputformat"] == "PNG") { //PNG imagePNG($this->image["des"], $save, 0); } elseif ($this->image["outputformat"] == "GIF") { //GIF imageGIF($this->image["des"], $save); } elseif ($this->image["outputformat"] == "WBMP") { //WBMP imageWBMP($this->image["des"], $save); } }
function generateImage($save = '', $show = true) { if ($this->img["format"] == "GIF" && !$this->gifsupport) { // --- kein caching -> gif ausgeben Header("Content-Type: image/" . $this->img["format"]); readfile($this->imgfile); exit; } $this->resampleImage(); if ($this->img["format"] == "JPG" || $this->img["format"] == "JPEG") { imageJPEG($this->img["des"], $save, $this->img["quality"]); } elseif ($this->img["format"] == "PNG") { imagePNG($this->img["des"], $save); } elseif ($this->img["format"] == "GIF") { imageGIF($this->img["des"], $save); } elseif ($this->img["format"] == "WBMP") { imageWBMP($this->img["des"], $save); } if ($show) { Header("Content-Type: image/" . $this->img["format"]); readfile($save); } }
/** * Creates a new image given an original path, a new path, a target width and height. * Optionally crops image to exactly match given width and height. * @params string $originalPath, string $newpath, int $width, int $height, bool $crop * @return void */ public function create($originalPath, $newPath, $width, $height, $crop = false) { // first, we grab the original image. We shouldn't ever get to this function unless the image is valid $imageSize = @getimagesize($originalPath); $oWidth = $imageSize[0]; $oHeight = $imageSize[1]; $finalWidth = 0; //For cropping, this is really "scale to width before chopping extra height" $finalHeight = 0; //For cropping, this is really "scale to height before chopping extra width" $do_crop_x = false; $do_crop_y = false; $crop_src_x = 0; $crop_src_y = 0; // first, if what we're uploading is actually smaller than width and height, we do nothing if ($oWidth < $width && $oHeight < $height) { $finalWidth = $oWidth; $finalHeight = $oHeight; $width = $oWidth; $height = $oHeight; } else { if ($crop && ($height >= $oHeight && $width <= $oWidth)) { //crop to width only -- don't scale anything $finalWidth = $oWidth; $finalHeight = $oHeight; $height = $oHeight; $do_crop_x = true; } else { if ($crop && ($width >= $oWidth && $height <= $oHeight)) { //crop to height only -- don't scale anything $finalHeight = $oHeight; $finalWidth = $oWidth; $width = $oWidth; $do_crop_y = true; } else { // otherwise, we do some complicated stuff // first, we divide original width and height by new width and height, and find which difference is greater $wDiff = $oWidth / $width; $hDiff = $oHeight / $height; if (!$crop && $wDiff > $hDiff) { //no cropping, just resize down based on target width $finalWidth = $width; $finalHeight = $oHeight / $wDiff; } else { if (!$crop) { //no cropping, just resize down based on target height $finalWidth = $oWidth / $hDiff; $finalHeight = $height; } else { if ($crop && $wDiff > $hDiff) { //resize down to target height, THEN crop off extra width $finalWidth = $oWidth / $hDiff; $finalHeight = $height; $do_crop_x = true; } else { if ($crop) { //resize down to target width, THEN crop off extra height $finalWidth = $width; $finalHeight = $oHeight / $wDiff; $do_crop_y = true; } } } } } } } //Calculate cropping to center image if ($do_crop_x) { /* //Get half the difference between scaled width and target width, // and crop by starting the copy that many pixels over from the left side of the source (scaled) image. $nudge = ($width / 10); //I have *no* idea why the width isn't centering exactly -- this seems to fix it though. $crop_src_x = ($finalWidth / 2.00) - ($width / 2.00) + $nudge; */ $crop_src_x = round(($oWidth - $width * $oHeight / $height) * 0.5); } if ($do_crop_y) { /* //Calculate cropping... //Get half the difference between scaled height and target height, // and crop by starting the copy that many pixels down from the top of the source (scaled) image. $crop_src_y = ($finalHeight / 2.00) - ($height / 2.00); */ $crop_src_y = round(($oHeight - $height * $oWidth / $width) * 0.5); } //create "canvas" to put new resized and/or cropped image into if ($crop) { $image = @imageCreateTrueColor($width, $height); } else { $image = @imageCreateTrueColor($finalWidth, $finalHeight); } switch ($imageSize[2]) { case IMAGETYPE_GIF: $im = @imageCreateFromGIF($originalPath); break; case IMAGETYPE_JPEG: $im = @imageCreateFromJPEG($originalPath); break; case IMAGETYPE_PNG: $im = @imageCreateFromPNG($originalPath); break; } if ($im) { // Better transparency - thanks for the ideas and some code from if ($imageSize[2] == IMAGETYPE_GIF || $imageSize[2] == IMAGETYPE_PNG) { $trnprt_indx = imagecolortransparent($im); // If we have a specific transparent color if ($trnprt_indx >= 0) { // Get the original image's transparent color's RGB values $trnprt_color = imagecolorsforindex($im, $trnprt_indx); // Allocate the same color in the new image resource $trnprt_indx = imagecolorallocate($image, $trnprt_color['red'], $trnprt_color['green'], $trnprt_color['blue']); // Completely fill the background of the new image with allocated color. imagefill($image, 0, 0, $trnprt_indx); // Set the background color for new image to transparent imagecolortransparent($image, $trnprt_indx); } else { if ($imageSize[2] == IMAGETYPE_PNG) { // Turn off transparency blending (temporarily) imagealphablending($image, false); // Create a new transparent color for image $color = imagecolorallocatealpha($image, 0, 0, 0, 127); // Completely fill the background of the new image with allocated color. imagefill($image, 0, 0, $color); // Restore transparency blending imagesavealpha($image, true); } } } $res = @imageCopyResampled($image, $im, 0, 0, $crop_src_x, $crop_src_y, $finalWidth, $finalHeight, $oWidth, $oHeight); if ($res) { switch ($imageSize[2]) { case IMAGETYPE_GIF: $res2 = imageGIF($image, $newPath); break; case IMAGETYPE_JPEG: $compression = defined('AL_THUMBNAIL_JPEG_COMPRESSION') ? AL_THUMBNAIL_JPEG_COMPRESSION : 80; $res2 = imageJPEG($image, $newPath, $compression); break; case IMAGETYPE_PNG: $res2 = imagePNG($image, $newPath); break; } } } }
function ImageResize_Ex($o_file, $newPath, $img_width, $img_height, $ext) { $image_info = getImageSize($o_file); // see EXIF for faster way $srcWidth = $image_info[0]; $srcHeight = $image_info[1]; $destWidth = $srcWidth; $destHeight = $srcHeight; $crop_x = 0; $crop_y = 0; $percent = 0.0; if ($srcWidth > $img_width) { $destWidth = $img_width; $percent = $destWidth / $srcWidth; $destHeight = $srcHeight * $percent; } $o_im = @ImageCreateFromJPEG($o_file); //$this->LoadImage($o_file, $ext) ; if ($o_im == false) { echo "=---error image----"; } $t_im = imageCreateTrueColor($destWidth, $destHeight); imagecopyresampled($t_im, $o_im, 0, 0, 0, 0, $destWidth, $destHeight, $srcWidth, $srcHeight); if ($ext == ".jpg" or $ext == ".jpeg") { imageJPEG($t_im, $newPath, 100); } else { if ($ext == ".png") { imagepng($t_im, $newPath); /* Attempt to open */ } else { if ($ext == ".gif") { imagegif($t_im, $newPath); } } } imageDestroy($o_im); imageDestroy($t_im); }
/** * Write the image after being processed * * @param Asido_TMP &$tmp * @return boolean * @access protected */ function __write(&$tmp) { // try to guess format from extension // if (!$tmp->save) { $p = pathinfo($tmp->target_filename); ($tmp->save = $this->__mime_metaphone[metaphone($p['extension'])]) || ($tmp->save = $this->__mime_soundex[soundex($p['extension'])]); } $result = false; $imgContent = null; switch ($tmp->save) { case 'image/gif': imageTrueColorToPalette($tmp->target, true, 256); ob_start(); $result = @imageGIF($tmp->target); $imgContent = ob_get_clean(); break; case 'image/jpeg': ob_start(); $result = @imageJPEG($tmp->target, null, ASIDO_GD_JPEG_QUALITY); $imgContent = ob_get_clean(); break; case 'image/wbmp': ob_start(); $result = @imageWBMP($tmp->target); $imgContent = ob_get_clean(); break; default: case 'image/png': imageSaveAlpha($tmp->target, true); imageAlphaBlending($tmp->target, false); ob_start(); $result = @imagePNG($tmp->target, null, ASIDO_GD_PNG_QUALITY); $imgContent = ob_get_clean(); break; } if ($result) { jimport('joomla.filesystem.file'); JFile::write($tmp->target_filename, $imgContent); } @$this->__destroy_source($tmp); @$this->__destroy_target($tmp); return $result; }
public function edit($path, $crop_x, $crop_y, $crop_w, $crop_h, $target_w, $target_h) { $imageSize = @getimagesize($path); $img_type = $imageSize[2]; //create "canvas" to put new resized and/or cropped image into $image = @imageCreateTrueColor($target_w, $target_h); switch($img_type) { case IMAGETYPE_GIF: $im = @imageCreateFromGIF($path); break; case IMAGETYPE_JPEG: $im = @imageCreateFromJPEG($path); break; case IMAGETYPE_PNG: $im = @imageCreateFromPNG($path); break; } if ($im) { // Better transparency - thanks for the ideas and some code from if (($img_type == IMAGETYPE_GIF) || ($img_type == IMAGETYPE_PNG)) { $trnprt_indx = imagecolortransparent($im); // If we have a specific transparent color if ($trnprt_indx >= 0) { // Get the original image's transparent color's RGB values $trnprt_color = imagecolorsforindex($im, $trnprt_indx); // Allocate the same color in the new image resource $trnprt_indx = imagecolorallocate($image, $trnprt_color['red'], $trnprt_color['green'], $trnprt_color['blue']); // Completely fill the background of the new image with allocated color. imagefill($image, 0, 0, $trnprt_indx); // Set the background color for new image to transparent imagecolortransparent($image, $trnprt_indx); } else if ($img_type == IMAGETYPE_PNG) { // Turn off transparency blending (temporarily) imagealphablending($image, false); // Create a new transparent color for image $color = imagecolorallocatealpha($image, 0, 0, 0, 127); // Completely fill the background of the new image with allocated color. imagefill($image, 0, 0, $color); // Restore transparency blending imagesavealpha($image, true); } } $res = @imageCopyResampled($image, $im, 0, 0, $crop_x, $crop_y, $target_w, $target_h, $crop_w, $crop_h); if ($res) { switch($img_type) { case IMAGETYPE_GIF: $res2 = imageGIF($image, $path); break; case IMAGETYPE_JPEG: $compression = defined('AL_THUMBNAIL_JPEG_COMPRESSION') ? AL_THUMBNAIL_JPEG_COMPRESSION : 80; $res2 = imageJPEG($image, $path, $compression); break; case IMAGETYPE_PNG: $res2 = imagePNG($image, $path); break; } } } }